#i guess most of it is pretty headcanon specific to the individual
sieglinde-freud · 10 months
I am also avoiding finals twinsiiieees 12 for Alcryst?
duuuuude best of luck on whatever you got goin on, i know damn well i just bombed mine today so lets hope yours goes a bit a better!! rootin for you
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
ooogguyghh… alcryst… well i think that guy is bi as fuck!! i dont really know much beyond that though. i do like alcryst a lot, but i never went tooooo in depth on him when i was going insane over engage, yk? i was definitely more all over the solm characters. you know what i think him and takumi are boyfriends in askr though. like did you see those forging bonds.
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like are u seeing what im seeing here… archer boyfriends with inferiority problems in part due to their own respective older brothers they place as superior to them but they handle it in two wildly different ways but i think they could bring out the best in eachother. DO YOU SEE MY VISION ANON. PLEASE SAY YES or just like. nod your head. youre on anon so…. yeah just nod and i’ll feel it. i gotchu. please nod.
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imaginariumwanderer · 17 days
So I finished the latest story...
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This is pretty horrifying from a cookie's perspective. One of cookiekind's main forms of happiness is their ability to express their various colorful flavors/personality. I suppose it's the same thing as tripping a living human of their sentient and individuality. Ego death. Leaving behind hollow flesh
We be committing unspeakable crimes against nature with this one✨
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We be crumbling our colleagues while slowly losing our mind with this one✨
On another note, "eyecing" make its glorious return. I have no memory of it being used before the Mystic Flour update. Can anyone point out the other times it was used, if there's any?
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????!!!!! OMG HIIII
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Don't do it, don't give me hope...
I know he's the last to be released u don't need to tease me like that
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So the other-space here clearly refer to the Dark side of the Moon, right? Is there any other-space I don't know about? Also, I guess this confirmed Shadow Milk is the only one able to do this astral projection thing. On one hand, it increases his chance of appearing a bit more before his own update, on the other hand, we most likely won't see the other Beasts having any talking-role any time soon
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The implications here...
So the Beasts may likely have their own voices of their Light just like the Ancients does. And "Soul Jam"... Without an (s), Shadow Milk is specifically referring to his Soul Jam here, I can't believe my headcanon of the Light of Deceit/Knowledge whispering things to him is becoming true
It's a thing unique to Shadow Milk and not the other Beasts too. Interesting how both the voices of the Light of Truth and Deceit operate differently from the other Lights' (referring to the theory that the Light of Truth have never make an actual appearance since all instances of it in-game were all Shadow Milk's disguise)
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... Clownage. Whelp! time to integrate that into my daily vocabulary!
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Alright, so we got confirmation Smilk is not only aware of Dark Enchantress' plans but he's actively helping her out. Whenever he's oblivious to her other, secret plans (stealing the Beasts' Soul Jams) or he's aware and already have a counter measures to it though, is still up in the air.
My money is on the latter. Shadow Milk have shown time and time again he's way more knowledgeable than he let on. The way Dark Enchantress was depicted in his previous "play" does show us a certain level of... Appreciation(?) but who's to say he actually trusts her? It really does feel like a "I rub your back if you rub mine and then we'll backstab each other" kind of deal. Now I'm curious about the other Beasts' opinions on Dark Enchantress as well.
Where's Dark Enchantress anyways? We haven't seen her make any on-screen appearance in a while. I, um, I missed her a lot actually. I missed the diabolical meema
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Laughing at Wind Archer cookie repeatedly telling Smilk to stfu from the moment they've met. He's saying what we've all been thinking
Also laughing at Shadow Milk basically only here to make cryptic riddles and mocks our Wind Archer. He really does have nothing better to do lol
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Yeah that's right, FRIENDSHIP will save the day!
For real tho, tons of intriguing implications about the Ultimate Cookie with this one. I gotta mulls over them for awhile...
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"In conclusion, this changed nothing!"
Kidding, kidding! I was getting real worried for Wind Archer there despite knowing full-well it's not crk's style to let something happen to a character unless they're a minor villain or an elderly *grinding my teeth trying not to bring up Elder Faerie again oops too late-*
The unexpected yet sweet moment of empathy Wind Archer have toward the Ultimate Cookie combined with the stunning animation toward the end were definitely my favorite part of this little adventure. Although I half-expected for him to have his magical girl transformation like White Lily and Dark Cacao right then and there-
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"Beast-Yeast EP 5 coming soon to theaters near you! Remember to stay tuned, mkay? Okie dokie? Pinkie promiseee?"
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desire-mona · 6 months
why i think richard cameron is Like That
the long awaited cam analysis post of sorts!!!
so to start off, let me acknowledge the obvious: CAMERON SUCKED FOR WHAT HE DID TO HIS FRIENDS. THAT WAS MEAN AND SHITTY OF HIM, HE DESERVED TO GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE AND HE DESERVED TO HAVE HIS FRIENDS STOP LIKING HIM. this post is just to paint a more nuanced picture of the motivations and reasoning behind his cam-ness. also i feel the need to address that my love for dylan kussman HEAVILY influences my opinion on cameron, so please keep that in find when u read this. if my bias shows at any point then feel free to offer your perspective, odds are i'll find a way to agree :3
lets start at the very beginning of the movie, his first appearance with the tradition banner. this obviously wasn't anything i rly thought of in depth on my first watch, but on my second watch i was like oh Hm.
tradition, of course, is a BIG aspect of welton that the movie repeatedly emphasises, drawing lots of attention to how nothing changes. i find cam holding the tradition banner especially interesting in relativity to neil holding the excellence banner specifically. cam very clearly tries his best to embody the rules of welton (more on this later) and very rarely deviates from those rules, although he does on occasion (again - more on this later.) but despite his attempts to be the manifestation of those values are never met with any praise, unlike neil. that's not to say that neil isn't deserving of that praise though, absolutely he is deserving, but in terms of academics specifically, cam's pretty up there too! this part doesnt exactly tie in directly with the rest of the post, but just thought id point it out first to add a layer to the rest of my thoughts.
how i view cam's character arc is something that's framed in a way thats not supposed to be viewed as an arc, i suppose (interesting considering the tradition thing hm). of course thats inaccurate as he does in fact have in arc, it just small in relation to the more forefront-ed poets. and it makes him ultimately less likeable, so.
during a majority of the movie (pre neil death) cam is known as the guy who doesnt like to break rules, that much is obvious, but in the end he still does with the dead poets society. now the reasoning behind that isnt actually touched on in a direct way, so there are a few different ways you can view that. i'll touch on a few different reasonings that me, @pencileraser1, and @good--merits-accumulated came up with.
my reasoning - i see cam's willingness to break the rules as cam holding his friends' idea of him on a high pedestal, constantly taking into consideration what they think. not wanting his friends to consider him a loser or boring in any way, he joins despite the anxiety surrounding being caught. not without fuss though, he does still outwardly talk about how this isnt something they should be doing. all this and yet he does in fact join, AND he doesnt rat anyone out for a majority of the movie (even after the call from god dealio!!!) fomo, basically.
nick's reasoning (found in this post) - he just wanted his friends to be safe!!! joining to (in my view) keep them in line in terms of safety as well as. i guess. provide the reminder of the consequences i suppose?? nick im opening up the floor to u if u wanna delve into this point more cuz ur definitely able to provide better reasoning n such. if asking nick to talk abt things was a full time job.
tristan's reasoning (discussed in dms) - cam's need for authority. tristan brought up a very good headcanon/ theory/ something or other that cam is the type to need constant direction or authority, and i totally agree! (reason for that will - again - come up later.) now this culminates in a couple different ways. 1) most obviously, adhereing (ehh) to the rules of welton, and 2) his relationship with the rest of the poets. due to the size of the welton student body, a lack of individual direction from teachers and staff is almost inevitable. so to fill that gap, he adheres to his friends' """"""rules"""""", and joins the poets. floor is open to you as well if you'd like to elaborate further, tristan :3
my thoughts of cam being super focused on his friends' idea of him actually started as a bit. i believe i made a hc post about smoking weed?? maybe?? and said something along the lines of "cam would smoke even if he doesnt want to, not cuz of peer pressure from his friends but more of a self imposed peer pressure. thinking its rude/ cringe/ uncool to turn down smthn like this bc all the rest of the guys r doing it." but after a rewatch of the scene in dps where theyre all walking outside, it started having some merit in my mind! in that scene, keating does a sort of imitation of cameron when he first starts to walk, something like "am i doing this right?", "am i walking weird?", etc. (paraphrasing ofc.) so i sort of took that aspect and applied it to other parts of his character and found out that oh, this actually kinda makes sense!
speaking of keating and his lessons, lets talk carpe diem.
now my interpretation of cam is that he doesn't exactly *want* to apply carpe diem in his life, seeing it as an antithesis of the welton values. only joining the poets for the reasons mentioned above. however, he does indeed apply it in my eyes, but more as a fucked up reversal and dickish version which eventually ends up in him deservedly getting punched. now is this how keating intended him to interpret carpe diem? ehhhhhhhhhhhhh,, it's complicated, let's talk about the context a bit.
this part is more theorising than anything, so take it with a few grains of salt if u wish.
cam quite obviously is a pretty big stickler for the rules, which i believe is a result of outside influence. id like to thank @lovech1ld for reminding me of this! cam's parents/ grandparents/ guardians are noticably older than the other poets, which, in my eyes, makes a heavy emphasis on following the rules make a lot more sense (respect your elders type shit.) so this, combined with the inherent fear of authority that most of the boys seem to have, makes him a chronic rule follower. but it goes further than that, after these ideas have been pushed for so long, i feel that cameron's started to mix up his own personal morals and values with the morals and values of welton, viewing those two things as one in the same. here's where that starts to muddy things up in terms of carpe diem.
i interpret cam's finking AS his application of carpe diem in his life, but as more of a subconscious choice. now you may be thinking "hey. mona. what?" and i UNDERSTAND! but here's my reasoning behind that. as i mentioned/ theorised before, cam has a very high opinion of his friends' idea of him, but this does eventually change after neil's passing. his subconscious carpe diem application, to put it into proper words, was a way to stick up for himself and his beliefs despite what all his friends think. again, being brought about by neils death, since he didn't choose to rat anyone out when the opportunity first presented itself during the call from god assembly. and i dont think cam sticking up for himself is inherently a bad thing!! but! since cam's idea of his morals are so clouded by welton's, this isn't actually sticking up for himself, this is just being a tattletale.
he did provide other reasoning for doing so to the poets of course, so lets talk a bit about that too. he says something along the lines of "i did it for neil" and "this is what he wouldve wanted" which is obviously bullshit, objectively. but i don't think he saw it that way, i think he genuinely believed thats what he thought neil would've wanted, as stupid of him as that was. obviously thats not what he wouldve wanted AT ALL, and why he actually thought that is FAR beyond me. but i really dont think he wouldve turned anyone in if he didnt genuinely believe it, especially considering the fact that he was PART of the dead poets. even if he was the one to confess, im sure he likely got punished as well. (which also couldve been what he wanted? tristan this is an opening to also discuss catholic cam on here bc ur reasonings for that were INCREDIBLE.)
on top of this, i really dont think that cam actually understood the weight of what turning in everyone would do. now i will say right away, hes not dumb, he knew that keating would be fired and charlie would be expelled, and that alone should've turned him away if he really wanted to honor neil. as i said before we started, he absolutely deserved to be punched and lose his friends, that was a dick move that ended up ruining two lives for a long long time, if not forever.
due to him grieving, his rules = morals shtick, and fear of authority, i think he turned in the poets without giving actual, proper thought into what the consequences of that would be. which manifests itself both in the film with the final scene.
in the last scene where all of the boys stand on the desk, we see multiple shots of cam looking around and looking at everyone standing. and we (or at least i) can definitely see some sort of consideration to join them!!! he of course doesnt, and ends up choosing to sit, looking QUITE ashamed. this too can he interpreted a couple ways, either as him being embarrassed that his peers are doing this, or as him wanting to join them but knowing that he was the reason keating was fired. knowing that it would be incredibly disingenuous, even if he stood as a way to sort of apologise to keating + the poets for what he did and show that he regrets his actions, he stayed seated. and was so. so. mad at himself for it.
now i don't remember where i heard this so im not sure how to go about fact checking, but i believe the choice to keep cam seated was ultimately dylan kussman's?????? but dont take my word as gospel in terms of that, i very well could be wrong.
BUT! this gives me an opportunity to talk abt how much i love dylan kussman!!!!! nick vocalised the thought before i was able to in one of his posts, but considering the fact that i agree wholeheartedly, i'll reiterate it. i see rsl and ethan hawke constantly be praised (deservedly!) for their understanding of the inner workings of their characters, especially reflected in the desk set scene. and while YES ABSOLUTELY, i think dylan needs this praise as well. dylan was the PERFECT casting choice for cameron and i will shout that from the rooftops until my voice goes hoarse. so so so many of his little mannerisms, facial expressions, ways of speaking, soooo many etceteras are just so. so. CAMERON! even the most comprehensive directorial choices cant top an actor's inherent understanding of a character and reflection of that in their performance. good god! i think my new dream in life is to ask dylan about how he came about properly embodying cameron and his process in doing so.
with my dylan fanfare over, that about wraps up my thoughts on cam in terms of the film itself. HOWEVER. i have lots and lots of thoughts after a long convo with tristan about certain headcanons and post-canon theories and whatever. will probably touch on those but i dont really have my thoughts properly collected enough, so that wont be until later.
as per usual with these types of posts, everyone else is welcome to add any input they may have. cam is one of my fav things to talk abt in terms of dps so i will eat up every single little thing. thank u for reading!!!!
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zarvasace · 7 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Ahhhh okay, thank you!! 💜🌻 I finally have a free moment (aka work is slow) so I'm going to work on drafting this out :) I have far too much art I'm proud of—I'm at a stage in my progress right now where I think my art looks pretty awesome. So this list will be stuff from my Greatest Hits collection on AO3. In order of oldest to newest, I think:
incandescently happy
An LU post-adventure work, one of the first longer fics I posted. I released one chapter a day over the summer of 2022, so a lot of the notes have something about my day in them. It's about 30k all told.
I absolutely adored expanding on what the boys might do after the whole LU adventure happens (though I did forget about the fact that I think Time and Malon have a kid during this time!) This work features some proto-Shatterproof stuff, like Wind having a prosthetic leg and Four starting to specialize in crafting prosthetics/disability aids. I gave Hyrule longer hair and a job making maps for the royal family. Legend got another adventure but also started a magic garden/orchard, which pulls in more business than Ravio's stuff. Four and his grandpa adopted a single mother and her two kids. Man I went off with some of these headcanons. I've always considered writing more in this world, but I think it stands very well on its own. Maybe someday I might revisit and rewrite it with some of my new skills. :)
Rise and Shine and Fall
Whumptober 2022, focused entirely on LU! Guys this thing is almost 78k. I realize now that most people pre-plan or pre-write for things like Whumptober, but I wrote these one by one every day, which was extra-hard because I had both college classes and a day job at the time. I came up with some fun AUs, learned a lot about writing (especially whump), and proved to myself that I can do hard things like this!! I've adored doing daily challenges since, though I haven't done it in a while. I look forward to this year's whumptober though!
I really like the table of contents in the first chapter—it makes things easy to find. I know individual works are probably more accessible, but I was still getting to know AO3, and those big numbers are fun. XD I have a hard time picking favorites, because I really went off on these, but I'd say a couple of them are:
Chp 3, "Right Here" about Sky
Chp 7, "Proof of Life" about Four and Shadow
Chp 18, "I'm onwy a babey :(" about Wind
Chp 21, "6:13" about Hyrule and Time
Chp 26, "Silence is Golden" about Wild
Chp 31-32, "The Worst Thing About Earth" about Legend, but kind of more specifically the rewrite/expansion I did last year... haha...
The Marvelous Misadventures of Wind and His Merry Band or Maybe-Human Heroes
It's been a while since I updated this story (56k, 6/8 chapters), but it's constantly on my mind. I've started chapter 7 twice, and I know what I want to happen, but I am easily distracted by the siren call of some other whump fics. XD
I freaking love this story, though. I really want to finish it. It's kind of an... experiment? I guess? I want to get published someday, and I picture myself writing middle-grade novels. This story is sort of my attempt to hit that tone. Also I just love Wind so so so much. Let him be cool!!
Blood-Sucker's Guide to High School
56k Four Swords completed story! I wrote this in a frenzy of like two or three weeks, then took another two to edit. It takes plot points from a vampire novel I enjoyed and twists and applies them to a story about Shadow and the Four Swords manga boys. I'm very proud of what I accomplished here, and that it's a complete story! I think it worked out really well. I learned a lot about plotting and handling larger stories, and it helped that I had the half-remembered structure of an existing novel to use as training wheels.
I love the worldbuilding in this story! The premise is that Shadow is an evil soulless vampire from a (rather abusive, not that he sees it) family of the same, but then he gets the ability to walk in the sunshine. He's assigned to go to high school for a while to get a feast for the vampire gala, but meanwhile he's developing a conscience and getting very attached to these human boys. I think I did a good job. I love rereading this, every scene is just so fun! :)
55k exactly of a stupid LU darks AU. This started life as a series of oneshots and then the plot progressively got more and more convoluted and I love these stupid boys so much. The plot is very much not tight, in contrast to Blood-Sucker's Guide, but I learned a lot about how I write and how I like to plan with this one, too.
The characters are stupid and the plot is just kinda silly and there is both a bathhouse scene AND a spa scene. Legend blows up multiple things, my lovely nasty little Dark Links need smacks and therapy, and Prince has a legitimately emotional moment at the end. I love how it turned out, it's like an ugly little stuffed animal I made and hug until the eyes pop out.
That's five but I would be extremely remiss if I did not also mention something from Shatterproof:
The Incredible Shrinking Chain
About 10k, this is entry 31/68 in my series Shatterproof, which is a close-canon AU in which each of the boys has a different physical disability. This series also plays into my publishing ambitions, because whatever I publish will very likely have some disability representation. I'm rather passionate about it, actually! Shatterproof is close to my heart, and I'm so honored that so many people seem to love it too. :) I need to work on the next entry again!!
This entry in particular is so much fun. In it, the whole Chain sans Four is stuck mouse-sized, and Four has to travel out to Twilight's castle with them to get Dusk to help break the curse. They all have to figure out how to navigate while tiny, and Four pulls some very silly stunts. I love them.
Anyway, there's my list!! I've written a lot over the last like two and a half years, and I'm so so glad that I get to be here and part of this community. The LU fandom as a whole (or at least the parts I've seen!) is so welcoming and positive and I try to give back where I can! I'm going to suggest looking through my bookmarks and ultimate rec list collection to find some new favorites from some very talented authors! :) (oof I need to update the collection soon!! I've been seeing some awesome stuff!)
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
I AM HEARING YOU OUT OOOHHH! Thank you, this is so interesting 👀 My brain kept getting tripped up with the worldbuilding, so I stuck with individual character headcanons -- I bet they'd have some really interesting dynamics with one another though... I wasn’t sure if this was based off a specific/preestablished au, so I kept the powers vague, but still had some pretty clear thoughts on how they’d use them! (I also added brief comments on the murders if those were included >:3)
Haruka: Sheltered most of his life. Maybe he wasn’t originally in line for the throne, so even his own family didn’t pay the proper attention to him. Then family situations changed, forcing him into the spotlight. He’s more scared of the damage his powers could do, so he doesn’t use them. This results in a Frozen-style bottling up and refusal to actually learn about them out of fear, and they come out in dangerous, emotional outbursts instead. (Under so much social pressure, those emotions often come out at people close to him.)
Yuno: Inherited power at a young age but is continuously treated like a child. At first she leans into her bubbly, girlish act, getting a lot of popularity with people and other politicians. Unfortunately, the reputation sticks too much and she’s rarely taken seriously when needed. Though she’s pressured to make tough calls, she’s simultaneously babied by her advisors/counsel. (And, her getting pregnant with anyone’s child outside of marriage would cause a massive scandal.) She handles her powers confidently – mostly for silly shows of magic, only rarely using it as a threat or show of force. 
Fuuta: With an older sister, he’s not heir to any real power, nor can he stand the feeling of the public’s eye looking to him, but he’s still involved with politics and official events. It’s interesting for him and Kotoko to have characters so centered on the corruption of higher-ups, now the higher-ups themselves… His brash attitude has forced a PR team to manage all his social media, so he keeps secret accounts/aliases where he posts what he wants without it coming back to bite his public image. (His murder would be from one of these accounts, since they’re a true reflection of him hiding behind anonymity). He’s all bark and no bite when it comes to his powers, always showing off and making threats, but never actually doing much damage with them. 
Muu: Well, I guess we already know she’s suited to being queen. As the only child to two well-loved rulers, she’s automatically adored by the public. This causes tension between her and any other politician children, resulting in cycles of bullying undetected by the public so no party’s reputation is affected. (Eventually, though, Rei threatens to go public with something, or maybe already has, and plunges Muu into worse social backlash than usual.) She’s the type to be extra careful about her powers – learning and practicing and testing nonstop, but hesitant to use them for real-world applications for fear of not being perfect.
Shidou: A confident and well-liked ruler. He's known for his calm presence at speeches, negotiations, and events. Unfortunately, he’s very dedicated to his mindset of the means justifying the ends, and has a few shady methods of keeping his people happy and his enemies out of the way. (His murder could range from very similar to the accident in canon, to amping up the drama with royal assassinations by someone who uncovered some of his lies…) He’s very skilled with his powers, using them for politics and entertaining his kids alike. He’s excited to teach them how to use their own, as they get older. 
Mahiru: A bit sheltered by the time she inherits power, but ready to take on her responsibilities with open arms. She’s well liked, if not always taken seriously because of her cheery attitude. She falls in love with an ordinary man, dragging him into her overwhelming world of royalty and politics. She’s just excited to have someone to share it with. (He knows he’d be harassed by the public for the rest of his life if he broke their ruler’s heart, so he seeks out another way to escape the crazy lifestyle.) She’s excited to use her powers, though she seems the type to be harmlessly clumsy with them sometimes. If powers are a common part of this world, she's studied up on all the helpful ways to use them.
Kazui: A quiet but successful ruler for many years. From the outside, his marriage wasn’t an arranged one, but internally he knew it was driven by politics and advantages. (He avoids telling Hinako until the truth comes out all at once.) He’s easygoing and prefers not to make too many public appearances, but is very good at it when he does – he comes off reassuring and powerful. Although everyone is very satisfied with his rule, he has a lot of insecurities that his age is making him out of touch with his people, and that they don’t have an heir to follow him. He rarely shows off his powers, choosing to use them expertly, only when necessary.
Amane: She feels the weight of responsibility as an only child to two very powerful rulers, trying to learn everything she can about keeping a nation in order. Her parents tell her how she is above everyone else and destined for perfection. Though Amane always retains a good heart towards others, this treatment does isolate her from her peers. She’s still getting a hang of her powers, sometimes overextending herself to make a good impression on her parents/the public. (No one would dare challenge the intimidating rulers about their strict treatment of their daughter, but that also means it’s possible for a fatal “accident” during training with her powers to be kept quiet by the public.) 
Mikoto: He takes his duties seriously, but to the point of overwork. Though he could pass some responsibilities on to his younger sister, he chooses to take on all lawmaking, meetings, correspondence, travel, negotiations, speeches, events, etc himself and let her live free from the royal pressures. Unfortunately, with modern standards, the discovery of his DID would probably be treated as a scandal and kept hidden from the public. Thinking Mikoto wouldn’t want to hide it, his advisors decide to keep the knowledge from him as well. (In his frustration with Mikoto’s overwork and everyone’s treatment of him, John needs to find an outlet for his anger.) Mikoto struggles a lot with his magic, but doesn’t find much need for them in his day-to-day affairs. The most telling sign that John is fronting is the shift in raw power that he displays, not having the training or desire to repress it.
Kotoko: Not originally an heir, but inherited power indirectly – there was no foul play, but she did play an active role in gaining her new title. The previous rulers were very corrupt, so she wastes no time taking over their policies and systems to improve things. For better and worse, she usually sticks with a hands-on approach to all of her nation’s problems. She’s very open about her powers, citing them as something stable and strong that her people can rely on for protection. (Despite her training, though, they can still get out of control when her emotions are running too high.)
Es: Takes their responsibilities extremely seriously. Despite their people's doubts about them due to their age, Es becomes well loved for their complete dedication to their duty and attention toward everyone under their care. They do worry sometimes that they've built up too big of a royal court, having too many voices/opinions in their ear all the time. They use their powers sparingly, though they aren't afraid to give a show of force when deemed necessary.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
■ for team dark ? :D
Link to ask game!
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
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Welcome to the Team Dark apartment! This is the layout I use in all of my fics. I've numbered some points of interest here:
1. Omega's spot. Pretty self-explanatory. While he can sit on The Couch(TM), sometimes he prefers to stand, so Rouge moved the end table so that he wouldn't block the view of the TV when he does. The coffee table is so far towards the TV for a similar reason- to give him room to move through or to sit on the floor in front of the couch if he so desires.
2. Shadow's spot. Also pretty self-explanatory. While Shadow does sit on The Couch(TM) sometimes, he prefers to lean against this wall in the kitchen. It's on the edge of the hallway next to his room, providing him an easy escape if he wants it. You'll see him here, leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching the television from afar while Rouge is splayed out across The Couch(TM)
(2.5: Why's it called The Couch(TM)? That's because it's Rouge's from a previous apartment. She found it in the dumpster of a condo complex and she swears it's the comfiest couch the world has to offer. Sonic disagrees; he insists Tails' is better. Rouge thinks that's personal bias.)
(2.7: most of the furniture is hand-me-downs, thrifted, or dumpster-dived by Rouge. Except the TV and related systems- it's relatively new, and that's because it's stolen!)
3. Omega's window. When they first moved in, Rouge originally had this room, as it faced the street and there's at least a decent view of a park not to far from the apartment. However, when Omega moved in, he quickly grew antsy (re: started breaking things) about being in a room with no view of the outside world. Shadow guessed the problem, and Rouge agreed to switch rooms. Now Omega almost constantly has this window open so that he can register the fresh breeze and the sounds of the bustling world below on his sensors. (Much to the ire of his organic teammates in the hot summer.)
4. The bathtub, also known as Rouge's zone. She's pretty much taken over the entire bathroom at this point, but the shower/bathtub is especially choked with all the different beauty products she uses. She takes looooooong bubble baths to unwind when she needs alone time. That's not to say that Shadow doesn't use the shower or any products- he absolutely does, but he just doesn't feel connected to the bathroom space in the same way Rouge is. (Unless Rouge specifically plans a spa night for him!)
And of course, the bedrooms are more personalized to each individual. You can send me asks for each individual member and I can elaborate more :)
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spiritshaydra · 2 years
Aw hell yeah it’s Spit’s Soundwave Headcanons time, NOW ITS TIME TO GET FUNKY
Currently suffering a very annoying cold on the one week of my college semester where I’m actually off, so I guess it’s time to unleash my Very Bad Goofy Aah And Kinda Angsty Headcanons For The Sweeb; because not only am I physically ill I’m also very ✨mentally ill✨🥰 a double whammy if you will. (Meant to post it earlier so I no longer have a nasty cold nor am I on break still. 😔)
Heres some of my other shitty headcanon posts! Here and here
Soundwave is the Nemesis’s resident shitty cryptid. He’s like having a black cat live in your house that’s also twenty three feet tall and made of metal. He has the whole shebang down to an art: he will stare at you judgmentally from across the room, has the horrible ability to practically materialize out of the shadows without warning despite being a giant space robot, is completely silent but is fully capable of making the Worst Noises Known To Man if he so desired, will be found where you least expect it, and he may or may not be the type to do a horrible skitter in the unholy hours of the night.
There’s also cases of him being petty in a sort of “nobody would ever believe you” sort of way, such as knocking things off of someone’s (Starscream’s) desk.
Belling him like a cat might solve the whole “sneaking up out of nowhere” problem, however good luck on actually SUCCEEDING in that. Plus, it would get in the way of him being y’know, a spymaster.
Dude likes stray cats. <3
Gonna also say that he’s a fan of Hatsune Miku because ???? Yes
He doesn’t like direct prolonged eye contact and will take it as a threat or challenge. This is even more evident in the extremely rare instances where he’s unmasked, as he will never look someone in the eyes in that circumstance. One thing he does do when unmasked is that he’ll tilt his head to his blindside to be able to see with his functional optic better. (He’s fully blind on the damaged side of his face.)
He never sits normally and will instead crouch or perch on things as a substitute. There’s no logic to it other than it’s what he finds comfortable apparently.
He is a massive shitlord. And a pretty passive aggressive one at that. He may be quiet and not the most social, but he is absolutely not a submissive or shy individual.
I bestow (one of) the highest honor I can give upon him: ✨aro/ace spectrum✨ or bust baby!!1!1! Or at least ace. This dude wouldn’t be able to tell if someone tried romancing HIM specifically unless they straight up said so. He also just,, doesn’t really think about those sorts of things either and has no interest whatsoever. If hit on, he’s just going to squint at the offender in question before going back to work (in most circumstances at least)
✨robot autism✨ (the other highest honor I can give)
Wavewave hostility. Yeeeeaaaah he’s indifferent towards Shockwave at the BEST. It’s Wave on Wave violence at worst. (TO BE FAIR, the scientist doesn’t give him much thought in return) He’s not going to be charitable towards the mech who experimented on his cassettes (when they were alive-) behind his back. Sooo,,, they are very much not “friends”. To say that he wasn’t ecstatic that Shart had survived the Spacebridge explosion would be one way to put it.
Besides really simple repairs and other quick fixes, he absolutely hates being in the medbay; to the point where out of any of the members of the Nemesis crew, he’s the one wearing the badge of “#1 worst patient ever “ (with what could be described as pride.) Anything involving removing the visor for repairs is like pulling teeth, and any major damage repairs goes straight to hell to the point where he’s actually had to be subdued at least once or twice. Usually it’s also a two person team sort of ordeal with Knockout doing the complicated medical procedures while Breakdown’s providing backup. Nobody involved enjoys it in the slightest. Hence the worst patient ever award.
He has the tendency to hide in hard to reach places like up in the rafters. Never to get out of doing his work, as he’s a workaholic, but more so to avoid meetings with those he despises, some medical things, and sometimes just to decompress. Normally this could just be attributed to some of his weird quirks, and it’s completely harmless, until it isn’t. The bad thing about this, is that he will try to hide when gravely injured instead of going to the medbay. Generally you could find him by following the energon splatters and looking for the dim purple glow among the shadows close to the ceiling of a storage room. Sometimes there’s energon dripping from the rafters. Usually if he does get badly hurt while on the field, he is to be escorted directly to the medbay so this doesn’t happen.
He had to be almost completely rebuilt some time during the war on Cybertron. We’re talking the almost complete destruction of his frame. There’s a reason why he doesn’t have the bulky heavier armored frame of his gladiator days, despite it likely being more useful in combat. I mean, who would willingly choose to get rid of their functional wrists? The ability to pronate one’s wrist is pretty useful I’d assume. (Look at his design in the show, the dude doesn’t have wrists :,D just really REALLY long forearms. He’s basically doing a more extreme case of raptor hands.) He was rebuilt with what supplies were on hand at the time, with modifications and adjustments being made until we get to what we see now. (Many modifications were made to up his fear factor, to unease targets in combat)
Before his face was destroyed in the Pits as a gladiator, he actually wore a half visor over his optics. Not out of necessity, but for the intimidation/fear factor it added to his gladiatorial matches. Oh the irony. In present day, it’s entirely out of necessity and out of security as well.
I see him as a stray cat sort of guy. I dunno, characters caring for stray cats in an alleyway gotta be one of my favorite genres.
Definitely would’ve been the kid that hisses at people in the hallway in high school. Definitely got the vibe imo
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mammonistheman · 2 years
Dating Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, and Barbatos would include headcanons?
AAAAAA I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SM!! thank you for requesting!! I hope this is good enough!! I didn't know if this would be for a poly relationship or independent, but I wrote it for individually if that's okay- I can always do one w a poly relationship!! Also this is a little short bc I have way more requests than expected 💀
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What it would be like to date...
This guy is a sneaky wizard, and although he is described as shady he has a good heart.. I guess-
Will probably make and request you his food, and if you pull through for him that would leave him giddy and you dead(most likely)
Probably to avoid this; you'll try to bake with him as much as you can. Teaching him properly on how to make good food, yk? He'll enjoy the company and won't catch onto you trying to save everyone's life-
A side from food, if you are an average human, he'd love to teach you so much about magic!! If theres one thing he's skilled at, it would be that.
Probably would teach you simple tricks for protection against demons in the Devildom, or even simple things to get you through the day.
He would also love to have movie nights whenever the two of you are free, Asmo may or may not tag along out of no where to give you two a complete set of face masks, skin care products, fluffy socks or even slippers, and snacks for you both to share.
The. Sweetest. Dating. Partner. On. Earth.
And in the Devildom or Celestial Realm..
Either way, he'd be the sweetest. He is that type of boyfriend to always check up on you, as well as your mental health, and will do anything you ask of him on way or another.
You two, when you're both free, would go on cliche dates. This could be going to the movies, a fancy restaurant, arcades, or simple days out the both of you can enjoy each others company.
Or if you two aren't feeling going classy, you both usually just look after Luke to feel like a complete family. Luke will notice the close loving nature of you both, and feels appreciated at the fact you're including him in some sort of way. He may even call you Mum/Dad accidentally at some point-
Simeon, as well, from time to time will gift you with expensive gifts. These would be rare, but be as pretty as a specifically enchanted ring with some sort of benefit, or if you have any particular interest in something he will do all the give it to you!
As Prince of literal Hell, he won't have a lot of free time to spend with you. He'll have a lot of paperwork 24/7, and events to attend or arrange.
But you know damn well he'll somehow escape the eye of Barbatos to sneak out and spend time with you, and would probably enjoy every moment on it.
Although, apart from that, his love language has some sort of take on gifts. He loves spending money on whatever you fancy on doing or what you want without a problem. He will buy you many outfits for any events you two will attend, even down to any powerful objects lost in time you're so desperate to get(as long as he knows its safe for you to have) or a trip you want to go on.
Although that. he will also treasure communication! He will send you little text between every sheet of paper work he does, a positive sticker to send everytime you reply too. Honestly, you're his main distraction in the way of doing daily chores.
Also one to take you out on cliche date, especially to some sort of arcade to go on rides with you and to win prizes for you to have. Or even something like a circus, something exciting for the both of you to have fun with.
You probably have matching plush toys with him, or make him start collecting them
Will try not to get distracted by you during his working hours, that being all the time, but he just can't help it! He could stand their for hours, just listening about yourself and your interests.
Tea dates between you and him, or if not, somewhere typically private for you guys to not be in public and to enjoy eachothers time without interruption.
Will help you with any tutoring you need, for any subject and is on a mission to make it easy to understand for you. He's patient and willing to provide anything you need.
Anytime you go to sit down at a table, he pulls out the chair for you to sit down.
Makes lunches and food for you whenever you can to make sure you're healthy and eating the right nutrients, and will go up to the human world for any snacks you're craving.
Will even give you baking lessons if you're really interested, it would make his day to instruct you on the many traditional Devildom delicacies you want to learn.
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frogzzai · 1 year
do you have any headcanons of things the upper moons like to do when they’re not doing demon things? (specific hobbies or secret talents they have?)
I love this ask-
Ofc I do 🤞🤞
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx)
Characters included: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, Sekido, Urogi, Karaku, Aizetsu, Gyokko, Gyutaro, Daki
Uppermoon 1- Kokushibo
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So we all know Kokushibo has a flute, right? This leads me to think he'd enjoy music in his spare time and also be quite talented at it.
He wouldn't be able to play any of his instruments inside the infinity castle because it has to be silent on Muzan's orders, so instead Kokushibo would ask Nakime to send him to the outskirts of a serene forest with pretty views and clearings where he can sit and recite different tunes on whatever instrument he wants.
I think he'd prefer the flute, pan pipes and the biwa, he took a liking to the biwa after hearing Nakime strum on it day in and day out.
Another hobby/ talent Kokushibo would have it hair styling and hair care. This man has some of the nicest hair in the demon slayer verse and he is well aware of that.
He dons his usual high ponytail when he's out but he's definitely tried different types of braids on his hair.
He enjoys trying new products on his hair to enhance its beauty.
He isn't a fan of curlers or straighteners, you won't find a single sign of heat damage on this mans head.
Uppermoon 2- Douma
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Douma is a fashion fan. Fight me.
He enjoys scouting new outfits of different styles and trying them on to see what he likes best.
Probably one of the few demons that actually changes and washes their clothes.
He likes to try and match his outfits to his fans.
Speaking of his fans, he enjoys polishing them and sharpening up their edges.
If the colour gets chipped he'll carefully repaint them.
He doesn't do it often, but, Douma is a very neat painter. He isn't very good at drawing but he's great with all sorts of tone and texture.
Uppermoon 3- Akaza
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Pretty self explanatory, he loves all sorts of combat sports. Judo, Kung-Fu, Thai, Taekwondo, Jiu Jitsu, Kendo.. you get the point.
He can't exactly go to a proper teaching place due to, well, he's a demon. However, there's definitely some sort of demon fight club that he attends, it's not exactly training for him because he's incredibly skillful, yet, he doesn't just do it to get better. He does it because it brings a strange sort of comfort to him.
When Akaza isn't training his combat skills he's reading up on different forms and types of fighting to see if there's anything he's missed despite reading the same content multiple times.
He's very selective on who he spars with. In the demon clubs that gather he only chooses those with the biggest and most noticeable fighting spirit, whether that's a good or bad thing is up to the demon he chooses I suppose.
Pretty much his whole personality revolves around forms of combat. He by far prefers hand on hand combat but occasionally takes a small amount of time to learn different weaponry and it's strengths and weaknesses.
Uppermoon 4- Hantengu
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He's scared of literally everything.
I'm not really sure what hobby he'd have, nothing really fits his character.
I've been running through different things in my head and nothing clicks, I can't see him reading, drawing, enjoying music or enjoying nature.
He's just sort of, him?
I guess the one thing I can see him enjoying is people watching and day-dreaming about being in another persons shoes. He probably just sits in the shadows observing people and imagining what their individual lives are like.
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Enjoys rage rooms.
They fit well with his personality, he probably has his own makeshift rage room with things that are harder to break for a normal human.
I can see this man just hurling tables across the room or splitting a tire in half.
He likes to take out his unrelenting anger on inanimate objects in his spare time. It doesn't satisfy that angry itch inside of him but it lessens it.
That's one of the only things he's able to do, any other hobbies he's attempted lead to frustration and annoyance.
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His wings and abilities bring him great joy, (obviously).
He enjoys flying around, not really caring if he's seen. He likes to find high places out of reach of any ordinary person or demon and just sit there for a while.
As uncharacteristic as it sounds, he's seemingly one for stargazing, he can't observe the clouds so they're the next best things.
He takes great pride in his wings, he spends multiple hours a day preening and fluffing them.
Definitely parades around different forests showing off his wings to any bird or creature with wings he finds as if to say, 'Hah, my wings are way better, read it and weep bitches'. Urogi, honey, I don't think they care.
Likes to annoy his brothers about the fact they don't have wings, Sekido throws the closest object at him, Karaku uses his leaf to give Urogi 'extra flying lessons' and Aizetsu cries.
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Karaku's a menace.
One of his favourite past times is to sneak up behind his brothers and give them one of his famous 'free flying lessons'. Most of the time they know he's there and are able to evade his attacks but sometimes they pull the short straw and he's able to successfully sneak up on them.
If they do manage to evade him, they all have very different reactions. Sekido will throw something at him and use a very 'colourful' choice of vocabulary, Urogi will flip it back on him and instead give Karaku flying lessons by dropping him from at least a height of 120 feet and Aizetsu will run off to Sekido, most likely crying, for protection. It's impossible to tell if Sekido is more pissed at Aizetsu for bothering him or at Karaku for being the reason Aizetsu is bothering him.
Aside from bothering his brothers I feel like Karaku would enjoy studying different types of leaves and their qualities, not only does he like them for the fact his blood demon art uses one, he loves how they can vary in colour even if they're of the same species.
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We all know he's very sensitive, it's not exactly a secret. That doesn't necessarily mean he's soft though, (he is a bit).
He's a massive pushover when it comes to animals, it doesn't matter what it is, he finds it adorable and wants to keep it. He knows he can't though, Sekido wouldn't be happy having wherever they're residing at that time to turn into a jungle.
Aizetsu's favourtie animals to interact with are either extremely fluffy ones or ones that are a bit shy by nature like himself. One of his favourites are deer, the forests he visits are practically untouched by human so deer are common.
Aizetsu finds animals with defensive abilities fascinating, he's a massive fan of armadillos however he's never actually seen one. They aren't your everyday animal you'd find in a random forest in Japan, he's only seen them in little animal books he's got one of his brothers to steal for him. He's made it a mission of his to see one, however, seeing as they're only found in zoos or South America that might pose as a bit of a challenge.
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Ironic huh?
Actually, it's kind of obvious if you think about it, he did it while human, he incorporates it into his demon activities so of course he does it in his free time.
He doesn't just make pots though.
Pots are his all-time favourite but he also enjoys making sculptures.
If he is fond of another demon he'll make a little sculpture of them as a gift. Along with a pot.
Douma has one, he gave Douma a pot with snowflake designs on it and put the little figurine inside as an extra gift.
He's made multiple of Muzan. Muzan doesn't really care for them but seeing as Gyokko's pots bring in such good money he'll take them and stick them on a shelf somewhere.
Another.. hobby? of Gyokko's is being carried around in his pots. He gets one of the other demons (not necessarily an uppermoon), to bring one of his pots with them on their travels so he can come and go from that pot when he pleases, sticking just his head out and enjoying the ride. It's a bit like having an annoying younger sibling really. Or a little dog that won't leave you alone.
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His main interest is looking after his sister and making sure she's content. That doesn't mean he stays inside of her body all the time though.
The times he's out, usually in her room as he'd stick out like a sore thumb anywhere else, he likes to paint his nails, Daki does it most of the time because she's neater than he is and it brings her joy. The only colours he'll do is black or grey.
Occasionally he does Daki's hair, contrary to popular belief he's actually quite skilled at it.
He doesn't go near her makeup though, he leaves that area for Daki to do herself.
If she needs a container holding he'll do that but he'll never help her apply it. He doesn't want to taint her beauty.
Another one of his hobbies is people watching. He'll sit at the window, occasionally accompanied by Daki, and will mutter to himself about the different people walking by and what he thinks of them. Most of the time it's about how they could never even dream of being as gifted in looks as his sister is. He sneers at them from under the cover of darkness where they'll never see him even if they're looking around at the feeling of being watched.
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Anything like that and she's into it.
Seeing as she can pass off as human, she's often seen buying an average persons yearly salary worth of high-quality makeup and hair accessories. Nail polish and designer clothes. Expensive lotions and perfumes. Hair products and stylers. You name it, she's bought it.
He favourite things things to buy are hairpins. Even if she'll never wear them, she'll buy them just for the pretty jewels and designs.
She's got a glass cabinet specially designed to hold up her hairpins so they're on full display to anybody who enters her room.
Her wardrobe has a glass door to put her best clothes on display but still protect them from moths and other bugs.
She has different vanity cabinets and desks in her room all for designated items, one for perfumes, another for lotions, multiple for nail polish and many more for different makeup bits and bobs.
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princessallura052 · 8 months
Black Paladin Keith Love
So, hi guys. This post is probably the most bare I will ever make myself so any jerks will be immediately blocked. I’ve been struggling with loneliness from the Voltron fandom specifically. While I have always been okay with having unpopular opinions, it gets really lonely and I feel like something is wrong with me at times.
This server is an attempt to create a small community of like-minded individuals who support the idea of Keith as the Black Paladin. That is not all this server will be about obviously. You can discuss Voltron theories you have, headcanons, ships you love, gushing about what you love in general as well as personal gripes, but Keith is a pretty popular character. And most fans love him as the Red Paladin and also prefer he remain the hot-head right hand. But if you are like me (I am honestly hoping I am not the only one but given my likes on my Black Paladin Keith posts, I’m guessing not) and support Keith as a character and his growth and being the leader of Voltron, this server is for you.
However, there are a few rules:
1. Be kind. Kindness is a big value for me. You can express your opinions in a nice way without being mean. Isn’t there enough meanness and unkindness in the world?
2. No Sheith or Shidge shippers please. I don’t want to be uncomfortable in a server that I want to build as a small community. Other Shaladin ships are considered and Klance shippers are welcome as long as they can follow the first rule and not give death threats or be mean.
3. No transgender people please for similar reason to Sheith and Shidge. We are LGB friendly though and I have nothing against lesbians, gay and bisexuals. So LGBs welcome!! :) 
I can’t think of anything else that needs to be said. As I am not looking for a too big community, this particular link will expire within 7 days from now but if I see people getting more interested, then I will do a short post with another link.
18+ are encouraged but minors are also welcome.
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containedconspiracy · 9 months
ough your bps designs are so neat!!! i would def like to hear more about your interpretations for adam and jonah!!
AAAH TYSM !! :D That I can do!
so, for starters, let's just go over the basic stuff of the duo.. I personally think that Adam and Jonah aren't really friends. Or it's really one-sided. Jonah likes Adam a bit, finds him weird and kind of interesting to watch, Adam finds Jonah to be one of the most annoying people on planet earth.
they sort of bounce off of eachother with Adam usually taking everything seriously while Jonah takes a solid nothing seriously, not until he gets involved, at least.. Adam personally hates that fact about Jonah more than anything, but finds him to be tolerable when they're having normal conversations. Or when Jonah's useful.
also, probably the most controversial hc i have ever, Jonah's taller. sorry, Adam.
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Jonah was accepted into BPS when Sarah made Adam get someone else to do the whole alternate-luring stuff with. Jonah solely exists as a replacement in Adam's mind, and maybe a crutch for when he's feeling lonely. Which is rare.
Anyways, onto individuals! Jonah's up first because I have a little less to say.
Jonah, design wise, was supposed to kind of give off the vibe of a wannabe scene or emo kid. His baggy clothes and accessories as well as dyed hair are just because he thinks it looks cool, he doesn't have many other reasons for it. His hair color and general style is sorta similar to his canon counterpart, keeping the same dark to silver gradient as well as the general spiky/side-swept look of it.
Personality wise, he thinks he's hot shit. He's confident and takes everything about as serious as you'd expect him to. He does find the ghost hunting and paranormal stuff a little interesting, but he's mostly just in it for the stories and the money. His parents are pretty rich, with his dad being a lawyer and all, and he has a good dozen of friends outside of BPS. Nothing's keeping him here besides his own interest in the organization.
That doesn't mean he doesn't care about it at all, though! He likes the people there, he likes getting to hang out and feeling cool because he gets to steal and sneak around empty places. It's the kind of rebellious that he always daydreamed about when he was living his completely ordinary, honestly kind of boring old life.
- he's 6'2".
- aroace, never had romantic interest in anyone, never will.
- Lots of scrapes on skin under clothes from just being generally stupid during investigations.
- adhd win
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If you can't tell by now, Adam's my favorite TMC character. A lot of these headcanons are from way back when vol 2 had just come out, and I'm still somewhat attached to them. Don't mind me being insane.
Design-wise, Adam looks a lot.. softer than Jonah does? He's supposed to have a sort of obviously-fake innocent look, mostly with the wide eyes and rounder shapes used for his hair and face. His hair's dyed in a split style as a reference to the fact that while he's seen as having brown/black hair in the series, he's actually blonde. Same goes for his eyes, which are darker in-series but most people draw him with blue eyes. This isn't the result of contacts or anything, he just naturally has heterochromia. Even before he got taken by Intruder..
Furthering the eye discussion, he may seem like the odd one out when compared to how I draw the other BPS members, and it's mostly to give him a more unsettling appearance in comparison. While the others have simple eyes with flatter eyelids and simpler pupils, his closer resemble how I draw the alternate's eyes, specifically taking inspiration from the eye shape I gave Intruder. Like father, like son, I guess..?
Personality wise, he's far from nice. Or extroverted. He's the opposite of Jonah in every way. He rarely cares for others but still takes everything seriously, even when nobody else around him will, and he's mean by default. He doesn't really process any of his negative emotions in any way besides anger and lashing out. (or isolation, god forbid..) When in a social situation where he's not trying to be a complete asshole, he's just socially awkward. He doesn't have many friends, mostly because he doesn't want any, and he doesn't care enough to try and figure out all of the intricacies of social interaction, often coming off as blunt or uncaring. (Which he usually is, anyways!)
The cross necklace he has isn't there for any religious reasons- In fact, it's just there because he noticed that Alternates tend to be drawn to people who actively practice religion. He wanted to bring them in without devoting any of his time to actually trying to find faith in a god. He's a complete atheist.
..or, is, until Mandela Catalyst..
But we don't need to worry about that!
- 5'10".
- Trans, but not FTM. No, he's just genderless horror to male. It counts to me.
- Also covered in bruises and scratches, mostly from fights or lashing out on inanimate objects.
- Supposedly has/Is Diagnosed with M.A.D.
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fincalinde · 1 year
nie huaisang and/or nie mingjue for the ask meme 🧋
Bold! Very bold. Standard disclaimer that I'm aware not everyone is aiming for canon consistency in their fan content, but I find it disheartening that there is so little content produced where the end result is canon consistent. When I express frustrations it is in relation to trends and not specific fics or individuals.
Nie Huaisang
a song that reminds me of them
I honestly don't have any songs that remind me of him, beyond the very weak connection of the results of the impact he has on other characters. He's not a character with much interiority, so nothing really clicked for me in that regard.
what they smell like
I imagine he smells pretty good since he likes to dress well and wear jewellery and that implies he's relatively fastidious. I am guessing he probably smells like clean human in the early part of his life, and then maybe once he's clan leader he has more scope to have whatever incenses he wants floating through the Unclean Realm so then he might smell of those. And obviously there's various hair oils—he's got his signature look with his rings and his fan so it's possible he has a signature hair oil. But maybe it would be declassé to wear so much hair oil that everyone else can smell it and you'd only be able to tell up close and personal oh my god why have I written this many words about how NHS smells
an otp
There's certainly no one in the cast he makes sense with. My personal feeling is that he's really not the type of person who's ever going to work effectively in any kind of partnership, so I don't see him ever being in a relationship that would be a healthy and successful one. I imagine he does marry postcanon though - now is the time to sire heirs and keep the Nie on top.
a notp
The idea of NHS with JGY is particularly distasteful to me.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
Personally, I think the collective dynamic of the Venerated Triad isn't complete without NHS as the unofficial fourth member. LWJ, as is typical, opts out and doesn't give LXC the courtesy of referring to his sworn brothers with fraternal address (not that LXC minds, ilhsm). NHS however is all in on this bonus brother scheme. Not only does he address LXC and JGY as er-ge and san-ge, but he actually treats them like big brothers. He's pleased to see LXC, he's even more pleased to see JGY (omg presents), and it's quite nice that JGY in particular is trying to make up for NMJ's weaknesses in this area. That's not to say that JGY is correct to not make any demands of NHS at all, but he's certainly attempting to be a moderating influence and it's just all really interesting to me.
Of course once NMJ is dead, there's presumably not much time before his corpse first escapes its tomb and NHS concludes there was foul play. So we can't read too much into the way NHS runs back and forth to JGY and LXC, in the sense that obviously a large part of this is an act. But it's still interesting, and I think a lot of people forget that the narration says NHS is bothering LXC at the Cloud Recesses just as often as he's flinging himself on san-ge for fuss and support. This could become its own very long post, so I'll stop here.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Obviously there are numerous 'headcanons' I disagree with, but to pick one of the most irritating ones, I really dislike this recurring theme I see of NHS showing his hand either postcanon or in divergences. This is a man who never broke character in all of canon—why on earth is he suddenly monologuing at length about his grievances in front of [insert characters here]? Canonically, all he does is obliquely confirm to WWX that he was behind setting the arm on the Mo family, manipulating MXY, killing the cats and luring the juniors, desecrating MS' body etc. But it's all implied and he does not ever relinquish plausible deniability.
It really makes no sense to me to think that NHS would drop his act postcanon, either in the canon scenario of dead JGY, or in a divergence scenario where JGY survives. As infuriating as it would be for him if JGY escaped, he's going to redouble his efforts rather than sabotage himself by confirming WWX's suspicions to literally anyone. He's held it together thus far even when it looked like his plan might go awry, and there's no reason to think he can't continue to hold it together through any further plans and/or confrontations.
NHS' greatest weapon is his ability to not break character, and we already know he doesn't break character in victory. So, a setback as basic as JGY surviving would just not be enough for him to relinquish his modus operandi. I really think he'd be privately furious and distressed, but would continue to disguise that and simply attempt to regroup. (Although, as I have also said before - in a divergence where JGY knows NHS is his enemy, NHS is toast. JGY outclasses NHS on every level and the only advantage NHS has is JGY's profound belief in his harmlessness. Once that is gone, it's game over.)
the position they sleep in
I've never really thought about this but I bet when he was little he would crawl into NMJ's bed and proceed to keep him awake all night by fidgeting.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
Maybe one day I'll confirm how he fits in to my ATLA AU and write that. I do know where he is and what he's doing.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
I can't say I've ever paid much attention, but I definitely find the wardrobe of CQL NHS to be disappointingly bland and unmemorable, so maybe just his default official artwork outfit? Seems like it fits the canonical brief of being sharp and fashionable with bonus fan.
Nie Mingjue
a song that reminds me of them
Definitely Running Deep by Delara.
Looking deep inside my thoughts And reflected shit I thought I could control But I'm paralysed and terrified And it's killing me but maybe that is fine
what they smell like
Human being + something a little bit metallic.
an otp
He's canonically ace as in no interest in relationships or sex, so none. As a side note I do think it's interesting that he doesn't marry and father children - I assume before the war he thinks he'll have more time, and afterwards he realises time is too short for him to raise and train his own children. But there's just a whisper in there of the classic NMJ 'do as I say not as I do' approach, because it's still a choice he's made that was influenced by his own preferences rather than solely his duty as clan leader.
a notp
I cannot think of any ship I dislike more than Nieyao. If I get into this it will become a dissertation, so we'll just leave it there. Suffice to say:
Physical abuse and mortal terror are not things that interest me when I'm shipping.
I am not in the habit of ignoring canonical character dynamics for my own convenience.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
Perhaps weirdly, I really enjoy NMJ and LXC because of the layers. I really like that the affection between them is genuine but that they just do not get each other and you can see throughout the flashbacks the way their relationship is eroding. And it's not drastic, dramatic erosion like NMJ and JGY, but instead the kind of sad recognisable drifting apart of two people who became friends in their youth because they're from similar backgrounds and have unique and heavy responsibilities—but those similarities are just not enough the older they get, and the more time passes the more apparent it becomes that they have fundamentally different outlooks on life.
I like that NMJ refuses to engage with LXC's basic point about context mattering, yet before he's fully in the grip of the sabre spirit maxing out his worst instincts, he's still capable of being moved by human sympathy when it's LXC making the argument. I like that LXC is the only person NMJ is ever visibly pleased to see. I really believe NMJ cares deeply about LXC, his only actual friend.
And, conversely, I also really like that NMJ is able to see that LXC has a closer bond and rapport with JGY and is frustrated by that. I don't know that I'd go all in on the theory that he's jealous of how close LXC and JGY are as a primary motivation as that's a bit too basic, but I do think that feeling of exclusion is one of the many factors swimming around in the murky depths of the dynamic of their sworn brotherhood.
Finally, I just love the contrast between LXC's relatively clear-eyed view of JGY, where he has a very good understanding of who JGY is and what he's all about even if he's not aware of all the lengths JGY ultimately has to go to, with his absolute obliviousness to who NMJ really is. NMJ is literally trying to stab JGY to death in public and only LXC's intervention prevents murder and yet another inter-clan war, and LXC is still like oh dear, Da-ge really is under a lot of stress. LXC is drifting further and further from NMJ (see the excellent meta from @xiyao-feels for a breakdown of this). Yet he still thinks of NMJ as being at heart the youthful clan leader he first befriended, rather than the current worst self incarnation whose negative qualities have been turned up to the max and who is a lethal ticking time bomb, a danger to everyone around him.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
As always, do not get me started. I am absolutely baffled as to where cuddly wuddly giant teddy gym bunny biker Etsy crafter in touch with his fee-fees all bark and no bite NMJ comes from, because he certainly does not feature in canon. I'll stand by this for both MDZS and CQL. I've probably spilt enough ink on MDZS NMJ and we are given very detailed insight into his state of mind so that's a lot easier to reference, but it's worth noting that CQL NMJ is just as profoundly hypocritical and violent and it's vital to incorporate that into his character. Writing only his superficial righteousness, his love for NHS and his affection for LXC is really not enough. It annoys me when aspects of characters are excised in order to sanitise them for what appears to be mainly shipping purposes.
the position they sleep in
I think maybe it varies but he doesn't move much in the night unless he has nightmares. Which no one knows about because he always sleeps alone.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
I also know what this guy is doing in my ATLA AU, and I'm super boring and not a huge fan of genuine crossovers—usually I prefer mashups where the characters of one canon are integrated into the setting of another without aping the original plot. I think it's really important to retain his arc of a) losing himself to all his worst qualities, and b) acknowledging that he's choosing to lose himself and handling it badly, but also it's not much of a choice when he can't opt out of the system he's in. I'm thinking maybe an X-Men AU where he has some kind of power that causes sabre-spirit-type degeneration and violence? It would need some kinks worked out of it but might be a decent shout.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
Obviously his best look is when WWX is flicking his naked disembodied torso. Iconic.
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varley-of-torment · 11 months
Favorite Merceleth headcanons?
Thank you for the ask!!!
Merceleth isn't really a ship I have headcanons for? it's more like I have reasons for liking them as a couple, but also those reasons are kind of grounded in hc?
I guess one headcanon is that they're very in tune, almost inherently. Shortly after getting to know each other, they know they can rely on the other as if they were their right hand. They balance each other out, yes, but they're also on the same page about a lot of things. Their backgrounds, personalities, behavior, they balance each other out, but like their nature is the same page. If that makes sense.
I love merceleth because of that mix of opposite (devil/angel, mercenary/nun, fighting/healing, deadpan/cheery, good with complex things* and bad with people/bad with complex things and good with people, etc) and of connection; It's what makes them such an entertaining pair to me. I love imagining everyone else in the monastery being baffled by their in tune-ness and how well they understand eachother.
My other headcanon is that part of why they connect is their childhoods; Byleth grew up in a mercenary band, and as well adjusted they may be, that's still a pretty disillusioning and violent upbringing. Mercedes grew up in an abusive family and lost her brother at a young age. This is hard to explain unless you've experienced it, but going through life having had a chaotic childhood can make you feel disconnected from your peers, like you can't be on their level because you've learned to navigate disfunction while they have known function, or the things that seem important to them seem irrelevant to you (or whatever! this is a nuanced thing). So when they meet, they find someone, like them, who "gets it", who they feel normal around.
(I have spent the better part of two years obsessing about Mercedes's psychology and childhood, which is where most of my headcanons lie. Probably my most important Mercedes hc is that she's a CSA survivor, and that definitely effects her relationship with Byleth, so that's a merceleth hc by association; it definitely ties into my point above about meeting someone who can understand your trauma.)
More traditional hcs because you got me going now: I think they'd try on each other's clothes and have a great time. I've said this before but I think prof au they mix up letters to each other and graded papers and accidentally hand back a letter to students. I think they stay up all night talking. I think they both admire the other's way of doing things, like Mercedes is very impressed with Byleth's sword skills and Byleth is so impressed by her sewing. I think they're both smart but when they together they become idiots (affectionate) I think individually they're good in a crisis but if they're together they will somehow make the situation worse. I think prof au they are always sneaking their relationship around seteth. I think they see the students as kids but the faculty sees THEM as kids. They are a sitcom duo to me <333 these characters are pure serotonin <333 theyre so silly <333
*I don't know how else to say this?? I mean Byleth is good at war strategy and teaching a lot of different subjects and is just super intelligent in specific ways that Mercedes is. not. she can't hold too many numbers in her head at once she is self diagnosed scatterbrained.
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biathediamond · 6 months
🙇(Luffy)👌🃏🆚⏰(and if you’d like to answer, how’d you find it?) 🍏🙏🏝️🔍💓
🙇 - A headcanon about Luffy
This ties into some of my larger worldbuilding HCs but I headcanon that Luffy is very solidly bilingual and it trips a lot of people up when they realize. More specifically he speaks the most common East Blue language (most common language in the world/what most papers are printed in, just the East Blue version with all the little nuances) and the native Goan language.
Most of the crew found out in Alabasta when Ace showed up and he and Luffy reverted to it on a few occasions, but everyone else just kinda. found out along the way. Because she didn't grow up anywhere near the East Blue Robin would love to sit Luffy down and learn it from him/teach him her native language, but so far that idea hasn't been very feasible.
👌 - Fave character design?
My goodness y'all gotta stop asking me this it's not fair there are so many good designs objectively AND subjectively.
Like i would say pretty much all of Oda's main characters are very recognizable on their own, which is already 40% of a good character design. Not to mention all the little quirks he's not afraid to do like Buggy's nose and whatever the hell Kid has going on.
And then subjectively speaking I've already talked about how Makino's aesthetic has literally become my aesthetic. And beyond that I genuinely don't care much?? like these blorbos are all so wonderful and there's really not a bad design. No not even post-ts Franky.
I love them all.
🃏 - Who has the Best Hat? (the true question)
Again not really a fair question.
That being said it's Koala's newsboy cap. sorry. i don't make the rules.
🆚 - Sub or dub?
Dub. ADHD clashes with sub and I can have the dub on in the background while I do other things (a blessing considering how long OP is). And it's not a bad dub either, they voice actors really care and there's a lot of genuine emotion and distinctiveness.
Again that's being said dub!Doffy haunts my nightmares. what did they DO TO HIM
⏰ - How long have you been into One Piece?
Almost 5 years, and man does that feel old to say. I started getting into it at 14 and it never really left. I always kinda *knew* it was there because it's So Darn Big, but it wasn't until i was bored one day that I finally watched the Return to Sabaody arc in a single sitting and immediately went and watched episode 1.
And the rest is history.
🍏 - Would you eat a Devil Fruit if you had the chance to?
Yep! I'm not big on swimming and honestly there are very few ways this could go wrong unless i get stuck with something dumb like the human-human fruit. But I'll take my chances.
🙏 - Favorite episode?
grace there are 1200 episodes i can hardly remember the general areas where arcs where how am i supposed to remember individual episodes
but how about the episode that convinced 14 y/o me that this whole journey was worth it, and for me that would be episode 25/26 (don't remember which one exactly lol)
🏝 - Fave country/island visited?
I will ALWAYS have a soft spot for Water 7 because that's when I really felt like an "official" fan, but in all honestly Sabaody is my favorite place. 11/10 would visit if the human trafficking rate would go down.
🔍 - What do you think the One Piece is?
k you about to get the absolutely STUPIDEST little Bia lore here but:
me and my older sister sat down in the barn one night and figured out that the One Piece is:
a corset.
💓 - Which character do you relate to the most?
Well i've already joked about how my life literally mirrors Law's (to an extent. as of yet the genocide has not happened). but personality wise absolutely nothing there.
So I guess i would have to say Rebecca. (although honestly i don't see myself super similar to any OP characters)
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burinazar · 1 year
(Note: this is a twitter crosspost with a little bit of editing and extra links, so if you saw this as a thread on my twt, then there isn’t really anything new in this post, unless you never saw my Freshly Tatted Baby Waz art since the main thing I added was a link to it.)
One of my drafts, “Scars and Ink”, is about Irumyuui comparing her marked skin to Vueko and Belaf’s scars. The parallel that all three of them bear physical evidence of violence/abuse has always struck me as incredibly poignant and folding well into the parallel we were already invited to draw between Vueko and Belaf’s scars and how the two might regard these reminders of what they’ve lived through. Anyway, I wondered if it would belabor the story to add a smol moment with Wazukyan; they aren’t close, of course, and the focus of the story will remain on Irumyuui’s relationship with her parents, but it feels like a great opportunity to incorporate that Waz has tattoos, which i headcanon as rooted in trauma like Iru’s own tattoos.
Corollary: I struggle to pin down a precise estimate on how upset or resentful Vueko, Belaf, and Irumyuui as individuals ever actually were with *him* and the agency he had in the situation, but to me, canon hints strongly B and V far more blamed themselves. As for Iru….hmmm. Well. I wonder.
The entirety of Irumyuui’s character/feelings and how it’s handled by the narrative is very interesting. Some folks have said they found Irumyuui undercharacterized; while I respect where they’re coming from I disagree. Instead a lot of her characterization is presented indirectly, blanks we must fill in reading between the lines, versus her actual scenes and dialogue.
Wishes and desires made manifest is, of course, of central importance of the Ganja/village arc. And it was irumyuui’s wishes and feelings and their manifestations that were the most important of all — yet there is explicit textual mystery to the shape and extent of those wishes.
Vueko, Belaf, and Faputa all have their own necessarily partial and biased guesses on how she really felt, what she really wanted, and how that shaped the events that came to pass. Besides input from these characters, we can also glean information from the village’s function. Why did Irumyuui give what she gave to Belaf and then all the other Ganja (except Vueko)? What does that say about how she felt towards them? We are invited to answer for ourselves.
imho a crucial element of Faputa’s growth during the climactic events is that she reassesses her self conception in light of receiving new information on Irumyuui, because she reevaluated what Iru “really wanted” as well as accepting the incompleteness of her prior knowledge. To me this part is also the text itself engaging with the viewer and inviting us to draw conclusions on how Irumyuui really felt, what she wanted, whether she ever really wanted revenge or simply the end of her own suffering, whether she ever assigned blame at all.
I think of this sort of thing as characterizing through the use of negative space. Afaik this is not a real storytelling term, I made it up lol, but I’m getting at something a bit more specific than just “the story leaves something ambiguous” (also something different from “this isn’t even in the story so we can decide it ourselves”, which I’ve also been known to describe using the concept of negative space as a metaphor for...oops sorry!) That is, although it seems at first that some element is not clear or specified, upon a second look we find that the outlines which are around that white patch of canvas contain the shapes and clues that give you a pretty good idea of what is in it.
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suugrbunz · 1 year
hi can you do easy company with an equestrian!reader?
thank you
so, i am not going to do everyone as that's a bit much. however, here's about four people instead. randomly selected.
Easy Company Dating an Equestrian— Headcanons
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Richard Winters
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He grew up on a farm and later on owned a farm... He's probably used to being around horses.
Especially if his family kept in contact with the Amish side of the family
They have such cute morgans and friesian for their buggies :)
anyway, he's probably somewhat experienced with riding. He definitely enjoys bareback riding, though who doesn't?? It's genuinely forms such a bond between yourself and the horse.
He definitely adopts horses rather than buying. I'm a bit advocate of adopting horses and forming a close bond. He probably has an English Thoroughbred or Morgan.
You two have found a few trails that are horse-friendly to ride on.
Lewis Nixon
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Doesn't ride. Will not ride.
However, he's rich so he enjoys watching the sport. You know how the rich are with riding. They're posh and push you around (personal experience i guess)
however, he will willingly fund your hobby/passion.
You want the magnetic stirrups and boots? Done they're now order and on the way. Need a specific saddle? It's yours. He's great really. It's sort of giving glucose father but y'know. It's, um, chill.
He's probably been on your horse once. Once and hated it.
He will attend any show you go to... He's a soccer mom bye. Except he's sat there in his chair, sunglasses on. Leaning back in his chair as watched the show.
George Luz
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He's definitely confused about the sport but has the spirit. I remember this guy I spoke to one time that asked in such a genuinely curious tone, “do you jump over the fences with your horse?” and that's luz energy
you have to teach him all the different terms for gaits, jumps, gear, etc.
he's so supportive though, cheers for you louder than he should. Bit embarrassing or just endearing depending on your view.
Shops with you for tack & clothes, confused but has the spirit y'know.
has ridden your horse at least twice, he doesn't hate it but he definitely made jokes while riding.
Will help you if you have any barn chores, assuming that you help around the barn. Personally, I enjoy helping around the barn/bringing horses in from the pasture.
Joe Liebgott
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Also confused... But supportive. Probably brags about you.
scratch that, definitely brags about you.
He might complain about the smell of horses but that'll lessen over some odd amount of time. He just enjoys kvetching like most Jewish people do.
He's ridden your horse at least once, pretty neutral about the experience.
He grew up in a city so he might have a slight fear of horses at first. I know my friend who isn't around horses has a fear of horses.
he isn't the most rich individual but he might give you some small gifts related to riding or horse themed. Maybe gets you a dressage book.
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