#anywayssss how are you guys. i hope you're having a nice week
loserboyfriendrjl ยท 1 year
dorcas realising they like marlene while watching her making out with another person
"are you okay, cas?" evan asked, looking at dorcas with a huge grin. "what happened, love? too stunned to speak? cat got your tongue?"
dorcas wondered what exactly made her decide that going to the gryffindor tower, to mckinnon's birthday party, was a good idea. now, their drink was spilled all over the floor (had she crushed it in her fist?), and their eyes were fixed on her, sitting in the lap of a hufflepuff girl they had only seen in passing.
mckinnon, sitting on the lap of a hufflepuff girl.
making out with her.
"fuck off, evan," they said through gritted teeth.
maybe she should have stayed in the common room with regulus. they could have read together, done some homework (which included regulus helping her with arithmancy), smoked some cigarettes (regulus had the habit of serving himself from dorcas' whenever he felt like it).
in other words, they could have done anything but attend the party.
and it wasn't like dorcas liked mckinnon. they hated her, loathed her, despised her to every atom. they hated her blonde mullet, her hazel, black-rimmed eyes, her stupid face and plump lips.
yet what was the ache in her chest when she saw mckinnon with that girl? what was hurt that she felt? why did she want to be in the hufflepuff girl's place?โ€”
oh shit.
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loserboyfriendrjl ยท 1 year
Dear Remus,
I hope you're enjoying your time at Hogwarts! I know the schedule for the first years is not as busy as it will be, but I am hoping you're managing well.
Everything is new to you, but I assure you that things will be fine. Be careful to the stairs, they move a lot around the day. Be nice around the teachers, but do not snitch on your classmates for the sake of looking like a nice student. Trust me, having student friends is better than having teachers friends.
Don't get panicked if you struggle with Potions. It's one of the harder subjects, and I didn't exactly have a knack in it either. Do very well in the subjects you like, and be good in the ones you don't. Be respectful, though; that will help you.
I hope you are enjoying Hogwarts, and spending your time wisely. Do study, but donnot neglect having fun. Do make friends, but do not let them get too close. I know I have told you this before, and I am probably being annoying about it, but I want you anything but hurt, Remus. You are a smart boy, I am sure you understand.
Things at home are fine. Mam is trying to keep herself busy, she's missing you. I've been very caught up in work, yet still, I find myself thinking about you very often. Obviously, both of us feel your lack of presence; it's the first time you have been away from home, and we're still trying to work our way around it.
Mam sent you some brownies. You know how good they are, you'd better hide them under your bed if you don't want them to be eaten by your dormmates.
Enjoy your time at Hogwarts. Mam and I love you so much, Remus.
Take care, cariad,
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