#anywayyyyy enjoy. for the like. maybe 3 people who will want to read this. lmao
vivitalks · 4 months
“My soul?” Allison wishes she had a weapon, but she somehow doubts physical threats will work against this guy. “Seriously, where am I? What's going on?” Charon gives Allison a look that could almost be mistaken for sympathy. “Well, this is the Underworld, of course. You're dead. And it's time to learn your eternal fate.” (Or, two fallen heroes meet in the Greco-Roman afterlife. One of them is highly confused.)
the "allison argent meets jason grace in elysium" crossover fic nobody asked for
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
I usually anticipate the drama, but people’s reaction to the RS article really caught me off guard this time. I read in full before excerpts were being posted and when I finished I thought “Wow this is a really nice article!” Harry said a lot of interesting stuff, like the public relationships bit, his commentary on my policeman and gay sex, etc. So when I came online and saw how angry some people were I wondered if we’d read different articles lmao Honestly, I still don’t know for certain what is it that they’re so mad about. Also it’s so funny how these people like to say this is all promo for “Olivia’s movie” like….y’all do know that Harry is the male lead of said movie right? So this promo is for him also right? And even when she doesn’t mention the sex scenes (which y’all claimed was the big problem) she’s still wrong? On that note, I’m even more excited for DWD now after hearing what she said about the Harry x Chris Pine scene. Can’t wait to see Babygirlrry go insane on camera! Anyways, sending you love Megan x
I wanted to answer this yesterday but knew I needed to type the response and wasn't able to get my computer out, so I'm a day late! I rambled a bit so I put some behind a cut. Likely some unpopular opinions here, so cw for that.
Anywayyyyy, YES! To all of it!!
My initial takeaway was that the article was pretty good (I enjoyed it)-- relatively interesting, but also the same sort of thing that we always get bc that's the nature of the celeb profile in a magazine. The goal is 1) sell magazines, 2) get the magazine and celeb trending, 3) up the general public's exposure to the artist and their projects (get those trending if at all possible). It did all those things very well-- maybe not in the way I would've wanted as a fan, but as an already devoted fan (who is not a Rolling Stone reader) I'm not exactly the target audience.
If things like this were truly done in service of fans like me (I don't wanna say us bc idk how many people agree here), we would've gotten an interview where Harry talked about architecture and art and the last three books he's read. But what would be the point? Sure, the cover/s would sell magazines, but the gp wouldn't be talking about the profile. There's so much that's going on that isn't fan focused, and I think it really adds to the frustration-- mine too, in a way! I hate seeing people who know nothing about Harry talking shit on him bc they saw an out of context quote. BUT, I think I get the general *why* of doing it.
ALSO! I fully agree with you re: Olivia, that there's nothing she could say (or perhaps not say) that wouldn't be immediately vilified when it comes to DWD or Harry. The truth is that there actually is buzz about this movie-- not the same type of buzz that's circulating with MP, because it's a very different sort of movie --and having it brought up in the article will likely contribute to that buzz and get more people talking about it. It's just. How it goes?
That said, I'm almost certainly not going to be able to watch DWD because it looks too scary for me! BUT I might? And you're right, that scene makes me !! because I think one thing that Harry excels at is committing to going full tilt, and that kind of moment is deeply compelling to me as an amateur actor/performer (the description makes me hope for a moment like Meryl Streep screaming at the dinner table in Big Little Lies, even the thought of which gives me chills).
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