phoenix-downer · 1 year
The Way You See Me
~2360 words. Roxas/Naminé. Royalty AU. Meet Cute, Romance, Fluff. Includes Portrait Sitting and Fancy Balls. POV Roxas. Written for @rokunamizine. Leftover sales are now open: https://rokunamizine.bigcartel.com/
Summary: Prince Roxas is due to sit for another royal portrait to add to the collection lining the castle walls, but the pretty, charming young lady named Naminé is not at all who he expected to be the artist.
The banner art is by the wonderful @ao-kagi! Please check out her other pieces as well and give her your support ❤️
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Knowing from birth that you’re gonna be king someday really puts pressure on a guy. 
Ruling is a great responsibility, his father always said. He would know, being king himself. Which meant Roxas had to prepare to be king from the time he could walk. And he got the importance of being ready to rule, but there was just so much he had to learn. It made the extra court stuff seem really unnecessary. Like what his mother the queen was pushing him to do now.
“Do I really need another royal portrait?” he said, eyeing the nineteen other ones lining the walls of the room. Surely he didn’t look that different from last year, right? Same spiky blond hair, same serious face, same bored haughty look. No smiling allowed because it didn’t give off a regal enough air, apparently. 
“Yes,” his mother responded matter-of-factly. She lifted up two different types of flowers, white lilies and blue roses, and he pointed to the roses. “It’s been a year, Roxas, and you still aren't married. We can use this year’s portrait to advertise the masquerade ball.” 
“Getting married just isn’t that big of a priority right now,” he muttered. “I have to focus on my training to be king.” 
“Yes, but you will need a wife eventually. It’s not something you can put off forever.” She held up a yellow ribbon and a pink one, and he pointed to the yellow ribbon and sighed deeply. This was a conversation that popped up more and more often, but he really didn’t want to think about it. 
“When am I supposed to sit for my portrait?” he finally asked, because he knew fighting his mother on this was pointless. Especially when she was on a roll with the ball preparations. Planning events like this really put her in her element, especially ones that involved her beloved son. 
“This afternoon,” she replied. “Don’t worry, I’ve already had the servants clear your schedule.” She turned to one of them, a tall, lanky woman with impeccably-styled hair. “Thank you, Alexandra, for arranging that.” 
He sighed deeply. His mother was nothing if not efficient, and the staff adored her for treating them like family. He really could take a page out of her book.
The rest of the morning passed without incident, then lunch, and then it was back to the portrait room to meet the artist. Roxas was expecting an older guy with white hair and glasses perched on his nose, someone who had been painting longer than Roxas had been alive. There’d been a few men and women like that who’d painted him over the years, masters at their craft who were impossibly old. Who would it be this time? Sir Hokusai? Lady Cassatt? Sir Jacques-Louis David?
His eyes flickered to the portrait from last year, still hanging proudly on the wall. He was seated on his stallion Hengroen, about to ride into battle. Something he’d never actually done but what he’d been training all his life for. Sir David had painted that one. Maybe it would be Sir Hokusai this year.
There was a hesitant knock. “Come in,” he called, and a moment later, the door creaked open. 
He wasn’t prepared for the beauty that floated into the room. Her golden hair cascaded down her shoulder, her blue and yellow dress was simple but elegant, and in her hands she held a sketchpad, pencils, and paints.
Wait, she was the artist? She wasn’t who Roxas had been expecting at all!
“Are you gonna be painting me?” he said, then winced at how stupid the question was. What else would she be doing here?
She just smiled shyly and nodded. “I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Prince Roxas,” she said with a bow. “My name is Naminé. I may be young, but I do have the necessary credentials.” She shuffled through her things. “Here.”
She handed Roxas her certificate of training. Apprentice artists always worked with master artists for seven years before they had a shot at becoming full artists. Then it was another seven years before they could apply for master status themselves. Her certificate indicated she’d just become a full artist this year.
She was around his age, then. A lot of apprentices went into their trades at thirteen or fourteen. 
“My master couldn’t be here today,” she said, “so he asked me to come in his stead to make the initial sketches and paintings. Rest assured, I will do my very best on your portrait.”
“I have no doubt about your abilities,” Roxas said as he handed the certificate back. “You have top scores from one of the best painters in the kingdom.” 
She ducked her head. “Your Highness knows the reputation of my master and even knows how to read my certification in detail?” 
“It’s important I know what the lives of my future subjects are like. I want to rule them fairly when I’m king.”
She looked up, and he found himself getting lost in her eyes. He’d never seen anything like them before. Soft violet with an intensity that took his breath away.
“Yes, of course,” she said. “My apologies, Your Highness, I’ve never been around royalty before, and I’m a little flustered. But it’s an honor to be here, and—”
“Trust me, the honor is all mine.”
Her face flushed and she looked away. “Your Highness isn’t just well-educated; he’s very charming, too.”
“I don’t know about that. And you can drop the ‘Your Highness.’ Just…Call me Roxas, okay?” 
Her eyes went wide. “But—”
“Please, Naminé. I promise you won’t get in trouble.”
She relaxed. “Okay.”
Roxas smiled and decided to lighten the mood further. “But enough about me, my mother wants her royal portrait, and she’s gonna get it.” He chuckled darkly. “If you think I’m charming, multiply it by ten and you’ve got an idea of how good she is at getting her way.” He thought for a moment, then added, “She always uses her powers for good though. Always to help other people, never herself.” 
Naminé smiled as she set out her art supplies on a nearby table. “It sounds like you really admire her.” She selected a pencil from her repertoire like a conductor preparing to direct an orchestra. “Any requests for your portrait?”
“Please, just don’t ask me to make a stoic face like this,” he demonstrated with an exaggerated frown and stiff upper lip, making her giggle, “or make me sit in an awkward pose for hours on end like this,” he gestured, positioning himself like was sitting on horseback.
“I promise I won’t. Sounds like you’ve had to do a lot of poses other people wanted. Tell me, Roxas, what would you like?”
He thought for a moment. No one had ever really asked him that before. “Paint me the way you see me,” he finally said.
“The way I see you?” she asked, tilting her head.
“The way you see me. Not as a future king or a prince or anything like that. No, paint me like I’m a person you’d feel comfortable talking to.” He hesitated, then added, “Paint me through your eyes.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
Usually, when Roxas had to sit for his portraits for hours on end, he got bored. But watching Naminé draw was mesmerizing. The initial part of the portrait process involved a lot of sketches, and she worked like a magician wielding her wand. She asked him questions about his life, his interests, his hobbies, what made him laugh and smile. And he asked her about herself too, about what it was like to be an apprentice and grow up in the castle town. 
Really, he was glad for the excuse to get to know her better, even if it was just for this portrait. 
By the time she was done for the day’s session, she’d completed several sketches. As she packed up her tools, he asked, “You’ll be here again tomorrow, right?”
She smiled. “Yes, Roxas. I’ll see you then.”
The next few weeks went by like this, and seeing her was the highlight of his day. He couldn’t wait to talk to her, laugh with her, smile at her. When at last they reached the sessions where she started painting him, she kept the canvas hidden from him. 
“I want you to be surprised,” she explained, a twinkle in her eye. 
He just sighed and gazed happily at her. He would’ve done anything she asked of him.
A few more weeks of this passed until one morning, Roxas strode into the portrait room expecting to find Naminé, but instead he found the finished portrait. A light blanket was draped over it, and on the blanket was a note. 
Here’s your portrait, Roxas. I hope you like it! I’m sorry I couldn’t be here in person to show you, but I’ve been called away on another assignment. Please send word to my master if there are any changes you’d like.
As he removed the blanket with shaking fingers, his mouth dropped open. This was the best portrait anyone had ever painted of him. Naminé had a masterful sense of light and color, and her brushstrokes were bold and fluid. But that wasn’t what caught his attention or made his heart race. It was how she’d painted him that took his breath away. The delight in his eyes, the smile on his face, the faint blush dusting his cheeks…Was this how she saw him?
Was this how he looked at her?
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been staring at the painting when his mother entered the room. 
“I knew I made the right choice in requesting a young lady,” she said, beaming. She wrapped an arm around him and squeezed his shoulder. “This portrait is fantastic. It’ll be perfect for the invitations to the ball.”
He searched her eyes. “Wait, you requested Naminé?”
“Not Naminé in particular, but a young lady, yes. I figured it was about time we got a different perspective.” She looked at the portrait again and grinned. “I’d say you’re quite taken with her, and she with you.”
Roxas gulped. Was it possible Naminé liked him too? Well, only one way to find out. 
“I want to invite her to the ball.” 
His mother’s eyebrows shot up. “She’s an artisan, not of noble blood.” 
“I don’t care. I want to see her again.”
His mother studied him for a few moments, then laughed and ruffled his hair. “You’re as stubborn as your father,” she said, her voice full of affection. “I can see you have your heart set on this girl. Alright, we’ll invite all the eligible young maidens in the kingdom so she can come too.”
The night of the ball, Roxas couldn’t calm the fluttery feeling in his stomach. Would Naminé come? He wanted to see her again, more than anything. 
As he paced the halls waiting for the guests to arrive, his mother laughed and put a hand on his shoulder. “Roxas, calm down. She’ll be here.” 
“And in the meantime,” his father added, “remember you are a host and must entertain all your guests.”
“Right,” Roxas said, fiddling with his eagle mask. As much as he wanted to focus on Naminé completely, he had his duties to attend to. As the guests trickled in, he did his best to compliment everyone’s costumes. But he couldn’t help but search for the person he most wanted to see. Even when he was dancing with the other young ladies, he couldn’t help but dream of dancing with Naminé.
But as the hours went by, he began to lose hope. Maybe he’d just imagined the way she smiled at him. Maybe she was just doing her job and he’d read too much into things. Maybe it was foolish to wish she’d come just to see him.  
Just as he was about to give up, however, there was a great stirring at the top of the balcony. Everyone turned to look at what the commotion was about, and Roxas’s heart pounded and his mouth went dry. 
Naminé was there, wearing a dress so shimmering and beautiful she looked like an angel. Her golden hair drifted down her shoulders in gentle waves, glitter adorned her face in the shape of a mask, and gossamer wings extended from her back. He removed his mask so he could more easily see her…and so she could see him. Their eyes met, and when she smiled, he knew he would be happy to look at her and her alone for the rest of his life. As he strode to her and she glided to him, all his carefully-planned words fled his mind.
When at last they’d reached each other, she smiled shyly. “We meet again. Sorry I’m late. My costume took a bit longer to finish than I was expecting.”
He cleared his throat, the heat creeping up his cheeks as he tried to get his brain to form coherent thoughts. “Um, you look…you look…really beautiful.” Her smile got bigger, and now he really couldn’t think clearly anymore. “Your costume is amazing,” he heard himself say, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. “I could never make something like it, er, I mean, I can only imagine how much time and effort it took you to make it.” He cringed over how much he was fumbling, but at least he remembered his manners well enough to add, “Thank you for coming.” 
She blushed and ducked her head. “Thank you for asking, I’m honored to be here. Though I must admit, I was a little surprised when I got the invitation.” 
“Why? The moment I saw the finished portrait, I knew I had to ask.”
“I just painted you the way I see you, that’s all.”
"You’re too modest.” Roxas smiled and offered his hand. “You’ve shown them the way you see me. Now I want to show them the way I see you. Please, may I have this dance?” 
Her lips parted and her eyes went wide, then she smiled and took his hand. 
A/N: A big, big thank you to everyone who made RokuNami zine possible! I really enjoyed modding the project and working with you all, it was wonderful seeing all the love and passion for RokuNami ❤️ And thank you to everyone who bought the zine and supported the charity RedRover ❤️ 
Also, thank you to @scoobysnack1107 and @angel-with-a-pipette for reading over the story for me and offering feedback and suggestions ❤️ 
And a big thank you to @ao-kagi​ for collaborating with me and drawing the beautiful banner art 🥺 ❤️ It captures Roxas and Naminé’s playful joy and instant chemistry so well, and I really enjoyed working with you ❤️ I love the costume designs you chose as well and then the brushes you used for the textures, it all looks fantastic!
Last but not least, thank you all for reading! I had a lot of fun with this one, especially with the references to famous artists (all I want now is to see a ridiculous portrait of Roxas riding a horse a la Napoleon Crossing The Alps lol). And then the ballroom scene at the end was inspired by Cinderella 2015 and Ever After, those entrance scenes are so magical, and I hope to have captured a little of that magic. 
Thank you again everyone!
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twosidesfanzine · 2 years
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Please welcome @ao-kagi​!
"Thank you for having me! Hello, I'm Kagi and I'm happy to be part of this fun project. I'm an artist that is hoping to continue drawing and improving myself for as long as I can." 
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nightwalker6200 · 12 days
Snippet from Ine the End, I'm Just a Loser...
Tiny snippet as i work on the Kagiura/ Hirano sickfic :)
... flashback thing...
“…anyway, I’m still waiting for Yuki to get back from Sendai. Her family comes back next weekend, so we’ll probably head back to University, maybe, like two days later,” His brother took a slow sip from his drink, holding up two fingers as their mother sat down at the table. Their father nodded, running a hand through his hair as he placed an arm around their mom, “We’re just really happy you and Yuki were able to come home for a few weeks.”
“Yeah, and I finally have a cool sister-in-law instead of these dorks,” His older sister pointed towards his younger sisters as both stuck their tongues out. He smirked, grabbing his chopsticks, thanking his mother for the food before passing the Agadashi towards his youngest sister. The 7-year-old grabbed a piece of tofu, beaming towards him as she continued swinging her legs under the table. Despite being across from him, Kagiura could feel her small feet kicking towards his shins each time… his knee jerking every time her cold toes touched his skin. He glared in her direction as she smirked, trying to reach her leg further so her foot could land on his thigh.
“Akkia-kun, have any plans during the break?”
            The 16-year-old glanced towards his mother, shaking his head, “Hm. Not really. Probably practice some.”
            “Ugh, Akira,” His older sister groaned, “I swear you’re more into basketball than you are girls. Go out! Live your life! I mean, at this rate, you’ll end up-”
            “Like you, Akari?” His brother cut her off as Akari directed her attention towards him, “Please, Akio, the only reason you met Yuki was because you were the dumbass who fell down a flight of stairs, and she had to help you to the nurse.”
            “A match made in Heaven,” Akio pretended to swoon, his hand over his heart.
            “For the love of everything, don’t get him started on Yuki again!” His 11-year-old sister groaned, putting her head on the table as their father laughed. Kagiura nodded towards his father as he gestured towards the curry. His sister continued, “Oh, Asami, Yuki’s so beautiful. Oh, Asami, Yuki’s the greatest. Oh, Asami, she’s the love of my life… we get it, Akio! You’re in love.”
            “Well, sorry for having a heart, Asami.”
            Under the table, Aya’s foot connected with the 16-year-old’s shin causing the teenager to slam his knee against the table. He grit his teeth, glaring towards her as she reached for another piece of Agadashi, smirking.
            “Dude, if you get any taller, we’re gunna have to stand to eat,” Akio mumbled, glancing towards Kagiura as he straightened his cup. The teenager rolled his eyes before taking a sip from his tea. He sat up straighter, pulling his legs as close as he could, hoping it’d keep them out of the danger zone. He let out a sigh, picking his chopsticks up again as Aya started taking more interest in her food versus his legs. It was his fault really; he’d been the last one to sit down, and everyone knows, loser sits across from the 7-year-old. What a nightmare.
            “Have you met anyone as freakishly huge as you?” Akari asked, pulling some green peppers from the curry, moving them towards the side of her plate. She reached for some dumplings as their father cleared his throat, “Come on, he’s not that tall.”
            “You’re kidding, right? He’s a tree.”
            The 16-year-old snorted, taking a few bites as his father tried recalling how tall his father and grandfather had been. No one in his family was particularly short, but no one quite reached Kagiura’s height either…
            “Okay, fine, Dad. Akira,” Akari cleared her throat, “How tall is your roommate?”
            The teenager thought for a second before smirking, “He’s like 175cm, I think… it’s kind of cute.”
Kagiura nodded in response, pulling his own peppers from the curry, grimacing as he did so. If Hirano was here, he’d eat them… wait, did Hirano even like peppers? He always took them from the younger’s plate because he knew Kagiura didn’t like them, but…
“Hey, Dad, do you like snow peas?”
His father glanced towards him, an amused look on his face, “Why? Did you bring some?”
Akari and Akio both broke out laughing as Kagiura shook his head, “No. I-I mean, I know Mom doesn’t like them, and you always take hers… so, I just didn’t know if you liked them too, or if you only ate them because she didn’t like them.”
His mother laughed softly, gripping his father’s shoulder as his father smirked, “Uh… I don’t particularly care for them, I guess… but, I eat them so she doesn’t have to.”
His mother poked her husband’s cheek, “I’ll start eating them then, dork.”
“As long as I’m around, my love, you’ll never have to.”
His mother huffed softly before kissing him, “My hero.”
The 16-year-old grinned as his father rolled his eyes, making a face towards his wife before reaching for the gyoza. Kagiura hummed softly to himself as he took a few more bites, and Akio stopped laughing long enough to blurt, “What kind of question was that? I mean, really, Akira?”
The teenager pouted, earning a head shake from his brother before he continued eating.
“I dunno,” Kagiura shoved Akari playfully as his older sister mocked him, “I was just thinking how my roommate eats my green peppers because he knows I don’t like them… and he uses his time to help me study and comes to my games. Sometimes, he even brings me drinks or snacks for after...”
He smirked as he took another bite. His middle sister glanced in his direction, an eyebrow raised as she rested her chin in her hand, “Really?”
“Yeah, and he… makes time to eat with me when I’m sick and wakes me up when I sleep through my alarm,” Kagiura put his chopsticks down as Aya kicked towards him. He reached under the table, grabbing her foot, holding it as the younger struggled.
“I mean, he does all these things… when he doesn’t have to. Even when I’m being a brat. He’s always encouraging me… and when I’ve had a bad day, he just makes everything… better… I guess- I guess I was just wondering if Dad ate snow peas for the same reason, you know? If he ate them because he liked doing those things for Mom...”                      
Aya yanked her foot from Kagiura’s grasp, and the teenager straightened, wiping his hand on his leg as Akari clicked her tongue. He glanced towards her as she reached for her drink, and their father shifted before grabbing a piece of Agadashi. Across from him, his brother snorted, “Pft, what are you, gay?”
Gay? No. Right? He liked Hirano; hell, he wanted to be more than friends, more than roommates with him! Every time he saw him, he wanted more. He wanted to kiss him, to touch him for longer than 10 seconds, to sleep next to him – every time, more. It was selfish. He was. And now he had a year to try to get that point across to his oblivious crush? But liking Hirano – that didn’t make him… gay, right? He’s never felt that way about any other guy, but then again, he's never felt this way about any girl either…
“Uh… I-I think so. Yeah,” The 16-year-old mumbled; his eyes cast downward as he clenched his hands in his lap. Chopsticks fell against glass as his older sister choked on her tea, quiet filling the air. A shiver ran down the teenager’s spine with each awkward tick from the clock on the wall. Kagiura shifted slightly, glancing up, letting out a slow breath as he realized everyone was staring at him. Beside him, his sister coughed several times before putting the tea down, and the 16-year-old stole a quick glance at his parents.
His father had his eyes narrowed slightly, a look Kagiura knew that meant he was thinking while his mother’s hand still hovered over the gyoza in the middle of the table, frozen. Everyone seemed… frozen, and the teenager swallowed as every second ticked by, every second making him feel more and more uneasy, sick. This was a lot easier in his head. Simpler… fuck.
“You… you’re gay?” His mother asked quietly, her hand slowly dropping down until her chopsticks met the dish’s edge. Kagiura glanced back down at his hands, still clasped in his lap. He felt sick. Like he was going to puke. Wrong. He felt messed up, and he swallowed hard as his breathing picked up. Shit, if this was a bad idea… then. Shit… he felt like crying. The 16-year-old shifted his gaze upward again, meeting his mother’s green eyes. He nodded, “Uh… yeah, maybe…”
Whether or not it was totally true, Kagiura wasn’t really sure. All he knew was he was in love with Hirano… and if that made him gay, if that labelled him… then sure. Not everything needs a label, you know – a sentiment Niibashi had made after Kagiura tried to figure out where he stood as far as romance. Love is love – if you like someone, then you like them. Not everything needs a label… If saying he was gay made it easier, then that was fine. He liked Hirano. No. He loved Hirano, and he wanted to be able to talk about him with his family the same way his brother talked about his wife. It just made sense. So, if this was his way of making that happen, then he’d take it… at least for now.
“Well,” His father cleared his throat after a few minutes, “whoever you date, you better hope he likes basketball, because it’s not like you have anything else going on in that head of yours.”
Kagiura let out a breath as laughter met his ears. He huffed, rolling his eyes as the quiet evaded; the sound of food being passed around and chopsticks against porcelain crushing any lingering panic. He relaxed his hands, taking another breath as his older sister passed him some rice, his mother pointing towards the gyoza again as her eyes wandered around the table. A silent question of who wanted some.
Conversation filled the eating area, his father and mother exchanging soft looks towards each other. To his left, his 11-year-old sister tried to steal a dumpling from his plate, shoving him when he crammed it in his mouth quickly. He made a face towards her, and she shoved him harder. He smirked before glancing down at his plate, a slow frown filling his face as he realized someone had piled peppers on it. The 16-year-old grimaced as he picked one up, glancing towards his right as his older sister avoided his gaze. Across the table his youngest sister and mother started laughing.
Kagiura put the pepper down, looking towards his brother before Akio rolled his eyes and gestured towards his plate. Out of all his family, his father, Akio, and Aya were the only ones who liked peppers… a fact that left the teenager both disturbed and grateful.
His brother pulled a majority of the peppers from the 16-year-old’s plate before glancing towards Kagiura’s right, “Hey, Akari, maybe Akira will get a boyfriend before you.”
Kagiura felt his face blush. He fixed his gaze on the plate in front of him, shoving some rice in his mouth as heat met his cheeks. His sister groaned loudly, punching him in the arm, “I swear to God, Akira – if that happens, I will destroy every single jersey you own!”
 The teenager winced, jabbing her with his chopsticks as he jerked his head towards her, “Yeah, well, maybe, if you weren’t so mean...”
A murderous look painted across his sister’s face as Kagiura trailed off. Although Akari was most likely joking, there was always an underlying threat. Unlike his little sisters, his older would follow through… but destroying jerseys… seemed a little unnecessary. After a few moments, she scoffed dramatically before smiling, grabbing several gyoza and dropping them on his plate. Somehow, the smile was more off-putting than the threat.
Asami stabbed him with her elbow, “Akira already has a boyfriend!!”
The teenager coughed harshly, choking on a dumpling as he reached for his drink. He cleared his throat before putting his hands up quickly as his brother laughed.
“What! No, I don’t!”
Akari groaned again, slumping in her chair dramatically as Kagiura shook his head, “I don’t!”
His father raised an eyebrow, his mother smirking towards him as Akari straightened her posture, flipping Akio off as he threw some rice at her. Across the table, Aya started singing loudly, “Aa-kun likes Hirano-san! Aa-kun likes Hirano-san!”
            The teenager’s face turned bright red as he tried to scowl towards his sister, throwing an abandoned pepper in her direction, “Shut up!”
            The 7-year-old pulled her eyelid down, sticking out her tongue as she continued to sing to the same melody, swinging her legs again. His mother hummed softly as Akio and Akari started arguing, “Hirano… is that the boy you brought to your grandfather’s over the summer? He seemed nice.”
            “Yeah, a lot nicer than Akira… and he definitely looked better too!”
            Kagiura groaned, covering his face with his hands, “Oh my God, Asami, shut up!”
            “Make me, snow pea!”
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dirtbra1n · 1 year
yeah so about ichinose.
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if there’s one thing harusono is gonna do it’s give characters identifying marks
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like I really don’t think there’s anything profound to say here it’s just like. ahhhh I’m sending you psychic beams you’ll understand. basically I’m wondering though The hell happened in the year since this happened
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Namco Valkyrie Series - A franquia que a Namco esqueceu
Em 1980, a Namco se consolidou com Pac-Man, que se tornou um fenômeno, e ajudou a empresa a se estabelecer como grande produtora de games, especialmente no que diz respeito a Tekken, que veio como resposta ao SEGA’s Virtual Fighter. No entanto, tem uma franquia em particular que foi jogada ao esquecimento. Esta franquia se chama Valkyrie, e é protagonizada por uma garotinha de longas tranças douradas, trajando uniforme viking. 
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O primeiro título da série, Valkyrie no Bōken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu (ワルキューレの冒険 時の鍵伝説) foi lançado para o Famicom em 1986, e tinha elementos muito similares a The Legend of Zelda, obra de Shigeru Miyamoto, que estava fazendo muito sucesso naquela época, daí veio a inspiração da equipe da Namco em criar o game; A premissa básica de Valkyrie no Bōken requer exploração, com a protagonista, Valkyrie, derrotando monstros e procurando por arsenais que podem estender os poderes dela.  
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Em 1989, a Namco lançou Valkyrie no Densetsu(ワルキューレの伝説) para os arcades, o primeiro jogador controla a dama de combate nórdica, enquanto que o segundo jogador controla um ogro verde chamado Kurino Xandra, que mais tarde tornou-se protagonista de um game do SNES chamado Whirlo. Jogadores obtêm ouro através de inimigos derrotados, que pode ser usado para comprar equipamentos e feitiços. Um port para PC Engine foi lançado em 1990, e assim como o lançamento de arcade, ficou apenas no Japão, no entanto, o game teve tradução em inglês feita por fãs. Na versão do PC Engine, Whirlo(Kurino Xandra) faz apenas uma aparição especial, uma vez que o modo para dois jogadores foi removido.
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Fora da série Valkyrie, a garota de tranças douradas apareceu em Namco x Capcom(PlayStation 2), ao lado de personagens influentes como Ryu(Capcom), e Project X Zone(Nintendo 3DS). Valkyrie também aparece na série Tales of. Em alguns games da série, ela faz aparição especial; Em Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 e 3, Valkyrie atua como chefe em dungeons específicas. 
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jalopeura · 6 years
me, trying to get mom to decide what we should watch: do you want to watch a series where *explains black sails* or a series where *explains a series of unfortunate events* my mother:  my mother: my mother: do you have your external hard drive? i liked those japanese movies you showed me me: 👀👀👀 me: do you............wanna watch something japanese?
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rokunamizine · 2 years
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Thank you for your patience everyone! Our merch has started arriving, and first up are our bookmarks by @ao-kagi​!
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yukkurisince1997 · 3 years
YOASOBI 『ハルジオン 』 Halzion Lyrics
「ハルジオン」 /harujion/: Philadelphia fleabane
sugite yuku toki no naka anata wo omoidasu (In the passage of time, I think of you)
monouge ni nagameru gamen ni utsutta futari waratte ita (The two of us who are reflected on the screen, looking wearily, were laughing)
shiritakunai hodo shiri sugite ku koto (The more I don’t want to know, the more I do)
tada sugiru hibi ni nomikomareta no (Was this just being swallowed by the days that had passed?)
soredemo tada mōichido dake aitakute (Nevertheless, I still want to meet you one more time)
anata no kotoba ni unazuki shinjita watashi wo hitori okizari ni toki wa sugiru (The time in which I, who believed your words with a nod, was left alone, has passes)
miete ita hazu no mirai mo yubi no sukima wo surinuketa (The future that I should have seen also slipped through the spaces between my fingers)
modorenai hibi no kakera to anata no kehai wo ima demo sagashite shimau yo (Even now, I would end up searching for the fragments of the days to which I cannot go back and the signs of you)
mada ano hi no futari ni te o nobashiteru (I’m still stretching my hands to the two of us of that day)
kyōkaisen wa jibun de hiita (The boundary that I drew myself)
“genjitsu wa”tte minai furi wo shite ita (I was pretending that I didn’t see what “the reality is”)
sonna watashi ja mienai mienai (That me cannot see it, cannot see it)
kyōkaisen no mukō ni saita senretsuna hanatachi mo hontō wa mieteta no ni (Although the truth is that I could see the flowers that bloomed vividly on the other side of the boundary)
shirazu shirazu no uchi ni suriherashita kokoro no tobira ni kagi wo kaketa no (On the inside of “I don’t know, I don’t know”, is the worn out door of the heart locked?)
soko ni wa tada utsukushisa no nai watashi dake ga nokosarete ita (Only me, who was being left there with no beauty)
ao sugiru sora ni me no oku ga shimita (The overly blue sky permeated into the depths of my eyes)
あの日の景色に取りに帰るの あなたが好きだと言ってくれた私を
ano hi no keshiki ni tori ni kaeru no anata ga sukida to itte kureta watashi wo (Are you going back to the scenery of that day to take me, the one who you said you liked?)
darenimo misezu ni kono te de kakushita omoi ga ima mo watashi no naka de ikite iru (The feelings that I hid with my hands, not showing to anyone, are still living within me now)
me wo tojite mireba ima mo azayaka ni yomigaeru keshiki to modorenai hibi no kakera ga utsushidashita no wa tsubomi no mama tojikometa mirai
(If I try closing my eyes, the vividly revived scenery and the fragments of the days to which I cannot go back that projected even now, is the future that was trapped while it was still a bud)
mōichido egakidasu (I will start drawing again)
ano hi no anata no kotoba to utsukushī toki to futari de sugoshita ano keshiki ga wasureteta omoi to nakushita hazu no mirai o tsunaide iku
(Your words of that day, the beautiful time and the scenery in which the two of us spent are the forgotten feelings connecting with the future that should have been lost)
modorenai hibi no tsudzuki wo aruite ikunda (We will continue to walk on the days to which we cannot go back)
korekara mo, anata ga inakute mo (From now on too, even when you are not here)
ano hi no futari ni te wo fureba tashika ni ugokidashita mirai he (if I swing my hand to that day of the two of us, I will probably head towards the future that started to move)
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sofia-gothicquirks · 4 years
Hey folks! So I noticed I haven't been giving updates on my writing for like months so here is a small drabble I wrote for namivivi :D If you guys are curious I also posted a ASL multichaptered fic for which my dearest friend Ao drew a comic on insta and I am posting a Wano Kuni Tsuru/Kinemon/Oden/Denjiro fic soon enough as I handed it over my lovely beta reader Kagi !
Thank you to all my readers you are all so cool AND YOUR SUPPORT LITERALLY MEANS THE WORLD TO ME !
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
RokuNami Zine Preview
A preview of my story for @rokunamizine​ illustrated by the amazing @ao-kagi​! Thank you again for working with me ❤️
And a big, big thank you to all the talented artists and writers who made this project possible! Working on this zine with you all has been an honor and a privilege and I can’t wait to see everything come together ❤️
Here are a few hints about the story's plot: 👑🎨👩‍🎨🖼️🎉🎶🦋
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You can buy the zine until March 5 at rokunamizine.bigcartel.com to see if your guesses are correct 👀✨  
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twosidesfanzine · 1 year
Merch Preview #8: Sticker Sheet
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🍽️ Merch Preview #8: Sticker Sheet 🍽️
Designed by @ao-kagi​, this adorable sticker sheet features Sora, Kairi, Roxas, and Naminé running a cafe together.
Preorders open July 22, 2023!
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FURAGU-MENTO  kakiatsumete sa
Atsuku narisugi  FURIIZU shite sa
MAZAA-GUUZU arawarete sa
Nemuru furi o shite  yari sugoshite sa
Tsumazuku no ga  osoroshikute sa
Yubi yubisaki de jigen  matai de sa
Soto no sekai  kurai kara sa
Akarui RIZUMU de  gomakashite sa
Amari ni mo  igokochi ga  yokatta no de
Itsumademo "Koko" ni itai to omotta-
Ichibanboshi ni se o mukete  rara
Nishuume no magarikado  no soba
Sankai "No-" to kurikaesu
Shitteru no kai? Gokai o toku  KOMANDO
Maru batsu sankaku shikaku  rara
Yajirushi wa hidari migi ni
Mahou no BOTAN ni  yoroshiku ne
Bibibibiito  KONTINYUUZU!
Garasu no kikyuu  miushinatte sa
Tsuki no fune wa  nemuri ni tsuku sa
Hoshi no kakera wa  sutete kita sa
Kokoro no tobira ni  kagi kaketa
Jikan no PAZURU  nukedasenaku natte
Omoide wa  yoru no saki no saki-
Roku de nashi TORAPPU hatsudou  rara
Nanatsu no oto wa  shiranpuri
Yattsukete  kurenai ka
Juudenchi ga naku natte  shimau yo
Aka ao midori ni PINKU  rara
Mazacchatte  yoku wakaranai!
Mahou no BOTAN ni  yoroshiku ne
Bibibibiito  KONTINYUUZU!
Ichibanboshi ni se o mukete  rara
Nishuume no magarikado  no soba
Sankai "No-" to kurikaesu
Shitteru no kai? Gokai o toku  KOMANDO
Roku de nashi TORAPPU hatsudou  rara
Nanatsu no oto wa  shiranpuri
Yattsukete  kurenai ka
Juudenchi ga naku natte  shimau yo
Konna ni sekai o aishiteta no ni  ita no ni
Uchuu wa shinjitsu wa doko ni aru no ka wakaranai! Aa
Kao mo  namae mo  migi mo  hidari mo  omoidasenai'nda
Hitorikiri  NEGAPOJII
Yoru no saki no  saki no  saki no  saki no  saki no  saki
Bibibibiito  KONTINYUUZU!
Bibibibiito  KONTINYUUZU!
Bibibibiito  KONTINYUUZU!
Bibibibiito  KONTINYUUZU!
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supergenial · 5 years
[Translation and Lyrics] 久遠の星空 by Ariabl’eyeS
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Yet another one of those emotional Rena tracks that I have a weak spot for, which it hits for massive damage. Instead of the usual praise I’ll shift into saying that I always wondered whether the vocalists get along well and I gotta say given that Luna wrote the lyrics for this whole album, and likely knew this would be a Rena solo, they probably get along pretty well because it’s pretty good, no throwing the other under the bus or anything like that, which is nice. On the topic of Luna writing lyrics: what is her problem? She’s way more likely than Lyse to use unusual readings, outdated kanjis, made up readings or just going off script entirely. This is the kind of stuff where if I was more knowledgeable I’d think it’s pretty cool but otherwise just puts me through the coals. Anyway, lyrics down there, see you next time.
04 kuon no hoshizora (Starry sky of eternity)
lyrics: luna compose: lyse vocal: rena
matataku hoshi ni negai himeta junpaku na koigokoro michite wa kakeru tsuki no you de kanaderu kodou ao ni somete setsuna no toki wo utsusu kagami wo yubi de nazotte
secretly wishing under the twinkling stars with a pure heart in love, to be fulfilled like this full moon this melodious heartbeat is painted in blue after those sad times, tracing my finger through this mirror
saki midareru bara komorebi no naka de hohoemu anata wo zutto miteita no
the roses are blooming under the shade of the trees because you always cared for them
namonaki itami ga futo mebuite ibara no umi wa fukaku demo anata wo omou to keshiki ga irotsuki hajimeru
when a nameless pain sprung up and I found myself in a sea of thorns as I thought of you the scenery started to turn red
matataku hoshi ni negai himeta junpaku na koigokoro michite wa kakeru tsuki no you de kanaderu kodou ao ni somete setsuna no toki wo utsusu kagami wo yubi de nazotte kuchizusamu uta wa sotto kaze ni sarawarete kieta
secretly wishing under the twinkling stars with a pure heart in love, to be fulfilled like this full moon this melodious heartbeat is painted in blue after those sad times, tracing my finger through this mirror that humming melody was softly blown away by the wind  
sora mo ki mo hana mo anata to no hibi ga chiri bamerarete kirameite mieru
those days with the sky, the flowers and you spending them together was what truly made them shine
tokiori anata ga hanasu yume no aoi hoshi no monogatari ureshisou na yokogao ga itoshiku hoshizora terasu no
sometimes you'd tell to me stories of the blue planet you dream of  and I'd loved that happy face brightened by the starry sky
hakanai omoi mune ni taguri dakishimeta joukei ni kuchizukete inori wo sasageru natsukashiki hi no yume ni sugaru ichiru no hikari hitori egakeba kaki tesareteku  tsuioku no yami kizamareta kotae no nai shirube
those fleeting feelings reeling me in as you bring me to your chest and hold me in a kiss as we're swallowed by the scenery praying for those nostalgic ideal days to come back, but that ray of light has faded away and the darkness that has settled over those memories is the proof that our prayers won't be answered
hakanai omoi mune ni taguri dakishimeta joukei ni kuchizukete inori wo sasageru natsukashiki hi no yume ni sugaru ichiru no hikari hitori egakeba kaki tesareteku 
those fleeting feelings reeling me in as you bring me to your chest and hold me in a kiss as we're swallowed by the scenery praying for those nostalgic ideal days to come back, but that ray of light has faded away
matataku hoshi ni negai himeta ichijou na koigokoro michite wa kakeru tsuki no you de kakushita kimochi kagi wo kakete seinaru izumi tataete odoru kuon no sora ni kogareru omoi katayoku no tori no you ni
secretly wishing under the twinkling stars with a pure heart in love, to be fulfilled like this full moon those hidden feelings (of love) were the key to open the sacred spring where we'd dance under the endless sky but those yearning feelings were like a bird with only one wing
as usual, my askbox is open to all suggestions, corrections, complaints, insults, etc
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kimonobeat · 6 years
Maison book girl Lyrics: bed
English translation and romanization below the cut.
The stuffed animals on my bed. I grab their dirty little hands. We got on our bicycles but crouched halfway down the familiar hilly path.
A summer day no one knows about, sunshine melting away our dreams. It’s chilling how quiet the hallway is. Still have that memory?
No one believes in us but we chase after it anyway, even though it won’t ever happen. It’s exhausting. Why am I being so nice? I keep hurting you because I haven’t forgotten.
The color blue, my sheets are ruined. From her filth and vomit. How many times do I need to lose something to realize that? I watched the blood flow.
The cups and knives have a secret: how lonely it is on the other side of the hotel curtains It doesn’t mean anything that there are two keys, white days, I’ve destroyed everything, over that voice I heard on the phone.
Your kindness, your raincoat. There was no rain in my room, just an overwhelming sadness. Goodbye to the bed in it.
beddo no ue no nuigurumi. yogoreta chiisana tenohira nigitte. jitensha ni notte bokura wa, natsukashii sakamichi no tochuu uzukumatta mama.
daremo shiranai natsu no hi, hizashi ga yume wo tokashite’ku. rouka no shizukesa tsumetai. mada ima, sono omoide?
daremo shinjirenai mama de, kanawanai noni oikakeru no. tsukarete. naze yasashiku shite shimau no? ano koto wasurenaide mata kizutsukete yuku.
ao-iro, shi-tsu kuzureta. shoujo no yogore to hakike to. nando ushinaeba kidzuku no? nagareta chi wo mite ita.
koppu to naifu no himitsu wa, hoteru no ka-ten no ura no sabishisa. futatsu no kagi no imi wa naku, shiroi hi, subete wo kowashita, denwa no koe ni.
yasashisa ya reinko-to. ame mo nai heya no naka de kanashimi dake afuredashita. hitotsu no beddo sayonara.
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lovegintoke · 3 years
Pray- Rezo
Let's go out! Open my mind Let's go! Sweet dream other side Ima toki hanatsu kago no soto he
Vamos sair! Abrir minha mente Vamos lá! Há um doce sonho do outro lado Vou te libertar da gaiola que lhe aprisionou
 Sabi tsuita kagi nari yamanu kodou Kiduiteta, "Mou modore nai"
Se há uma chave enferrujada dentro do coração   então digo a mim mesmo "Eu não posso voltar atrás".
 Ushinawareta hibi ga (Hey, baby, why?) Aoku tsunagatteku (I want to cry) Kowagaru jibun ni maketaku nai yo Unmei kara nige nai "Hitori ja nai"
Aqueles dias perdidos, pálidos e quebrados
(Hey, querido, por quê?)
conectam as memorias celestes
(eu quero chorar ...)
Não seremos derrotados pelo medo
não vamos fugir do destino
"Eu não estou sozinho"
 Soba ni iru tatoe donna ni Kanashii yume da toshite mo kamawa nai Kimi no namida ni furetai yo, baby I pray, "Shinjite" Tsumetai kioku no yami kiri saite
Estarei ao seu lado sempre
Não importa o quão tristes os sonhos sejam
eu vou enxugar as lagrimas... querido
Eu oro ... "acredite"
e vamos rasgar a escuridão das memorias frias em pedaços.
 Kizutsuita hane yasumaseru izumi Tobikomu sube ga wakara nakute
Você deixou suas asas feridas descansarem na primavera E não compreendeu a maneira de aprofundar-se.
 Taikutsu na basho iradachi ya fuan Bokura wa kyou mo nayamu kedo
Mesmo hoje somos incomodados pelo Tédio, irritação e ansiedade
Kurai sora wo miage (Baby, for you) Susumu kao wo agete (I'm here for you)
Olhe para o céu negro (Querido, por você) Siga em frente, de cabeça erguida (Eu estou aqui por você)
 Aku naki omoi wo kaban ni tsumete Fumi dasu Kokoro no yami wo furi harai
Eu coloquei meu amor infinito em uma mala Dê um passo à frente E sacuda a escuridão que há no coração
 Semeru ame no oto Kanashiku naru nara Yasashii kimi no tate ni naru Shinjiru koto wo yame nai de always I pray sono me ni Chiisa na kiseki wo utsushite misete
Se o som da chuva Te faz triste Eu me transformarei em sua delicada protetora Não pare de acreditar Eu oro para que um pequeno milagre Reflita em seus olhos
 Ah, ah, ah, ah
(Hey, baby, why? I want to cry, hey, baby, why? Hey, baby, why? I want to cry I'm here for you, yeah Believe yourself)
Hey, querido por quê? Eu quero chorar, hey, querido, por quê? Hey, querido, por quê? Eu quero chorar Eu estou aqui por você, sim Acredite em você)
 Soba ni iru soko ga donna ni Kanashii yume no naka demo kamawa nai Onaji toki wo ikite itai with u I pray, "Kotaete" Moshi yurusareru nara Kimi no namida ni furetai yo, baby I pray, "Shinjite" Tsumetai kioku no yami kiri saite
Estarei ao seu lado sempre
Não importa o quão tristes os sonhos sejam
Eu quero viver os mesmos momentos com você Eu oro, "Me responda" Se me permitir Eu quero enxugar suas lágrimas, querido Eu oro, "Acredite" e vamos rasgar a escuridão das memorias frias em pedaços.
  Composição: Tommy Heavenly6 /
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rokunamizine · 2 years
🌹 Merch Spotlight #4: Die Cut Bookmark 🌹
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Designed by @ao-kagi​, this beautiful 2 x 6 inch bookmark depicts Roxas and Naminé making a promise in a style reminiscent of a stained glass window.
Get yours today!
BigCartel: https://rokunamizine.bigcartel.com/
UK Buyers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/rokunamizine/
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