#[thinks about the s&m chart again] [falls to the ground gripping head in hands]
dirtbra1n · 2 years
yeah so about ichinose.
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if there’s one thing harusono is gonna do it’s give characters identifying marks
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like I really don’t think there’s anything profound to say here it’s just like. ahhhh I’m sending you psychic beams you’ll understand. basically I’m wondering though The hell happened in the year since this happened
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28 notes · View notes
meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter fourteen: it’s a date
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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Bakugou groaned as he walked upstairs to his room and sat his bag by the end of the bed. He plopped down on the mattress and sighed. His mission went well and he was more than grateful to be home and get a day off the next day. It wasn’t like he’d be able to be lazy tough, tomorrow was the big date that you were looking forward to and the night that him and Kirishima would sit you down and ask you to be part of a relationship with them. The blonde smirked, he wasn’t nervous about the big talk, he was more nervous about the date. He actually put some thought into it with Kiri, something he’s never done for any other girl because he didn’t date. If it didn’t benefit his career, he didn’t bother. But then you came along and threw him all out of rotation, he didn’t lose sight of his dream but he wanted you to be a part of it, he wanted you to see him succeed and he wanted to see you succeed as well.
It was almost two in the morning, he knew you and Kirishima were probably asleep but it wasn’t going to stop him from bringing your ass to his bed. Eijirou had you to himself for two whole days and slept great with you next to him, Bakugou was having withdrawals. He missed your scent, your voice, your dumb perfect smile and laugh, your kisses and affection, even if he’d growl at them, but most of all your body next to his when you’d sleep together. He’d let his guard down when you shared a bed together, mostly because it was dark and just the two of you and you’d be too tired to register the out of character sweet coos he’d whisper to you.
It’s like he was a child who couldn’t sleep without their special stuffed animal, he suffered from PTSD here and there, having nightmares about being kidnapped as a teenager and choking on black sludge; but when you slept next to him and he could hold on to you, his serotonin levels were off the charts and he could sleep peacefully.
Katsuki sat up and decided to take a shower, where he’d soak under the heavy stream of warm water soothing his tired body. Once he was out, he pulled on a pair of briefs and made his way to Kirishima’s room to retrieve you. Bakugou quietly opened the door and shined his phone light to look for you. He saw a tuft of (h/c) hair peeking out of the covers as you were burrowed under them like a little fox. He sat the phone on the bed next to you and slowly pulled the covers down from your body as he placed a hand on your back. You sighed and groaned as you could feel the cool air hitting your thighs and legs. Katsuki smirked and scooped you up into his arms, cradling you to his chest before grabbing the phone and walked out.
Your face nuzzled into his bare and warm chest as you sleepily mumbled his name making his heart skip a beat.
“Stupid girl,” he thought to himself and kissed your head while he entered his room.
Bakugou pulled back the blanket on his bed and gently laid you down before joining in beside you, your legs instantly wrapped with his and you burrowed into the blankets and his chest once more, grunting as you did so and placing sleepy kisses on his skin. His arms wrapped around you as you cradled into him, he inhaled your scent and could feel his body relax and his mind ease, everything was right in the world at this moment.
“Mmm. Was good trip? Kick ass?” You mumbled deliriously.
The blonde chuckled and played with your hair, trying to lull you back to sleep, “Shut up and go back to bed princess. We’ll talk later, you’re gonna need a lot of rest for tomorrow!”
He smirked, thinking of where the next night might lead to.
You gave a small yawn before nudging under his chin with your nose, “Kiss me please?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes as if he weren’t dying to kiss you and lowered his face to yours, one of his hands lifted your chin to him and he placed a deep and sweet kiss on your soft lips. The both of you hummed as your lips melded together and moved, your bodies pressing closer. You missed him and he missed you just as much, once the kiss broke Bakugou traced from your cheek to your forehead with soft pecks as you nestled back into him.
“Goodnight Suki, I love you.”
Red eyes widened and he looked down on you, quickly falling back into a deep slumber, your hair still flowed through his fingers and now his skin seemed to tingle and his cheeks grew warm. Katsuki Bakugou has never loved a girl, and has never experienced a girl loving him, this feeling was foreign and it made him want to smile like an idiot for some reason but he contained himself. His arms wrapped tighter around you and he let out a sigh that made him feel like he was floating on air, “Tch, I-I love you too brat.”
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“I swear to christ shitty girl, if you aren’t down here in ten seconds, this is off and we’re never taking you on another fucking date ever again!”
Bakugou yelled from downstairs leaning against the front door. Kiri chuckled as he slipped on his shoes and they both heard your feet running across the floor and down the stairs.
“You’re already setting me up for failure with just ten seconds Baka-gou!” You replied, walking down the stairs as you put on your shoes, nearly tripping and taking a tumble down them until both the men caught you.
“For fucks sake (Y/N) be careful,” the blonde growled gripping your elbow.
You apologized and fluttered your lashes as you looked at the ground, instantly he felt like shit for scolding you but he hated how careless you could be sometimes.
“‘S fucking fine, I just don’t feel like cleaning your brains out of the carpet. Are you ready?”
Katsuki asked as him and Kiri still held an elbow in each hand and walked you down the rest of the stairs. Your mood perked up again and you did a happy bounce.
“I don’t know, are you two ready to get your asses kicked?” You gleamed and kissed their cheeks before skipping towards the door.
They both examined you wearing a plain black oversized t-shirt that hit you just above the knee and red sneakers, a green slouchy beanie resting on your head. Like usual, you wore the slightest amount of makeup, maybe some mascara to make your lashes more dramatic and a red tint on your plump lips.
Kiri sighed as he gushed over how damn adorable you were, “Why are you so fucking cute mama?”
Katsuki chuckled as he thought the same thing but wouldn’t admit it. You grinned and took a quick look at your roommates, Bakugou wore a simple fitted v-neck shirt and dark fitted jeans, while Kiri wore a black button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and jeans as well. Like always they looked damn good, it made you wonder how you got so lucky to be courted by two of Japans most handsome heroes. You complimented them back, making them smirk pridefully. Both men stood at your left and right side, each placing a kiss to your cheek before taking your hands in theirs and leading you out the door.
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The three of you entered the bowling alley, you were riding piggyback on Katsuki and Kirishima was right behind you, holding the end of your shirt down to make sure your ass wasn’t showing the whole time. You all got your bowling shoes and went to your assigned lane to drop them off and were quickly off again to look for a ball. You were so excited that the guys decided to take you bowling, it wasn’t something extravagant but it was something fun and cheesy, which you adored; you were determined to get the men fired up with a little friendly competition. Kirishima went and got some snacks and drinks for the three of you and Katsuki helped you pick out a bowling ball. You wanted a really glittery and shiny green one that was way too heavy for you and you tried to walk off with it, grunting, but Bakugou quickly took it from you with ease and shook his head.
“You can’t possibly play with this idiot, you’re gonna end up hurting yourself. Here, try this one!”
The blonde handed you a lighter one that was pink and you smiled as you mindlessly swung it towards him, almost nailing him right between the legs. He was somewhat prepared for it so he was quick to react and guard himself.
“I can tell I’m gonna end up regretting this idea later,” he growled and took your ball along with his and lead you back to the lane.
You looked around to see where Kiri was, finding that he was standing at the snack bar waiting on an order and saw you looking at him. He flashed you a goofy grin and waved, making you wave back with a smile. Sitting down next to Katsuki, you put on your shoes and he typed in the names for your game. You could hear him snickering which made you look up at the game screen to see what names he conjured up. In bold letters where Gremlin, Hard On and King Xplodo .
“I don’t fucking think so, move over asshole, I have the perfect name for you!”
The two of you fought, pushing each other’s faces and spewing curse words making a scene for the other bowling alley inhabitants to watch. Suddenly, you felt a hand on the top of your head pushing you away from the blonde, whose shoulder you had in your mouth as you tried to bite your way to victory. Kirishima was holding the both of you back, a hand on each of your heads as you both tried to still attack each other and push on the keyboard.
“You two are hopeless, I can’t leave you alone for five fucking minutes!” Kiri groaned.
“He’s trying to give us shitty names while he gets a cool one!” You pouted and kicked at Bakugou's shin.
The blonde chuckled and roughly squeezed your inner thigh, both tickling and hurting you.
“They’re not shitty, they’re just facts!”
Kirishima looked up at the screen with the names and laughed.
“Fam, this isn’t something that a little game of RPS can’t settle!”
You and Katsuki instantly stopped fighting and the three of you smiled.
After a heated RPS battle, Kirishima ended up winning. Kiri took the spot in front of the game panel and typed in his name which was obviously ‘Red’, he liked when you called him that and Katsuki seemed to call him that a lot too, short and straight to the point. For you he kept ‘Gremlin’, you scoffed and Bakugou chuckled after sticking his tongue out.
“Let me explain mama, it suits you honestly. You’re an endless pit when it comes to food, you get mad if we don’t feed you. But - you’re also short and extremely cute like Gizmo, I’m sure Bakugou thinks the same thing right?”
The red-head hinted at his friend, giving him a chance to give you a compliment. The blonde crossed his arms and looked at you, “Tch, whatever.”
You smirked and kissed Bakugou’s cheek, accepting the small victory. Kirishima smiled, all he had left was the name for his bro, he looked over at you and asked what it should be. Before you could suggest a name the blonde placed a hand over your mouth stopping you.
“I don’t think so, she didn’t win so she doesn’t get a say!”
You narrowed your eyes and licked his palm to make him remove it, but he only seemed to smirk and grip your face as he continued to rant to Kiri like nothing was wrong.
Two can play this game! 
You continued to lick his palm, but this time it was slow kitten licks, keeping your eyes on Bakugou you used your quirk and spoke to Kirishima’s mind.
“Don’t look at me, act normal. I think Suki forgets about my telepathy.”
The red-head did as instructed and threw up his hands, forfeiting the fight with his friend as he turned back to the keypad and put a finger to his chin, acting like he was thinking. Bakugou turned his head to the side to stare at you, you softened your eyes to look more seductive as you hummed against his palm and nipped at the flesh, all while telling Kirishima what to type telepathically. Bakugou removed his hand and wiped it on your thigh, giving you a soft squeeze. You had to admit, you were just a tad bit turned on by the crimson eyed jerk and couldn’t hide your suddenly flustered look.
“Alright, done!”
Kirishima clapped as he hit the button to start the first game, solidifying the results. You and Bakugou looked up at the screen at the same time, a smile crossed your face before you and Kirishima were both laughing obnoxiously. Katsuki’s eye seemed to twitch and his hands started to spark. On the screen in bold letters read out his deemed name, ‘Kacchan’.
“You fucking assholes, I’ll kill you!!!”
It took awhile but Bakugou eventually got over the whole name situation for the duration of your bowling game. He had asked you in a rage where you even heard that because he’s never mentioned it around you.
“Uh – I did have All Might as a mentor smart one, so that means I spent a good amount of time with Izuku.”
Bakugou growled at the mere thought of you smiling and laughing with Deku, now more than ever he wanted the nerd dead.
The three of you paid for at least two full games, the first one wasn’t your best, you lost miserably. Bowling wasn’t where you shined really, but you still enjoyed it. Multiple times you’d cross the red line of the lane and slip on the waxed floor falling flat on your ass, Bakugou would laugh and Kiri would try to at least hide his laughter, each time going to help you back up.
“I won’t be shocked if I have a bruise on my ass later,” you whined and sulked back to your seat.
Before the next game started you offered to go get some more drinks and another snack, Bakugou complained how you would be going out for food after but you reminded him of how much food you could put away. They both settled for another beer each and whatever you were having to snack on, you kissed both their cheeks and skipped off towards the snack bar, leaving them to take their first turns for the next game.
“You’re Red Riot and Ground Zero aren’t you?”
A female’s voice was heard from behind the men, making them both turn around to see who was addressing them. Bakugou wasn’t one for fans, especially overly horny fan-girls. Kirishima on the other hand didn’t mind fans, he loved them, especially kids who seemed to admire him; he also got his fair share of drooling fan-girls as well. Before you he’d be a blushing mess but now he rather they just leave him alone.
The two men turned to see two girls about their own age, gushing over them. Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and waved giving them a friendly greeting. Bakugou clicked his tongue and sat down in one of the seats, spreading his arms across the back of them. The girls made a face at his attitude and continued to talk to Kirishima.
“We’re big fans of you guys. I gotta admit, I’ve been crushing on you ever since you were a sidekick,” one of the girls cooed and bit her lip as she looked at Kiri, the other girl was drooling over how Bakugou ignored them, even if he was a prick he still had an affect on women. Kirishima nervously chuckled at the girls confession, his blonde-haired friend however was getting annoyed.
“Don’t you extras have somewhere else to be? We’re kind of busy right now,” Bakugou growled.
One of the girls smirked and walked to him, “You don’t look too busy to me handsome, how bout you two let us buy you a drink?”
Katsuki grit his teeth and glared at the stranger about to blow up on her until a familiar sound snapped him out of his rage.
“Hey guys, a little help please?” Your cheery voice made everyone turn back to see you walking up with drinks and snacks in hand.
“Oh, here mama let me help you,” Kirishima eagerly said and rushed to your side, quietly thanking you for finally showing back up.
Bakugou smirked and got up as well to brush past the girl in front of him and grabbed the other items out of your arms, leaving you empty handed except for a blue raspberry ICEE.
“I told you we’re going to eat after this but you still bought the whole fucking snack bar,” the blonde scolded.
“They had cheese fries Suki, fucking cheese fries!”
The two girls looked at the trio, bewildered, and Kirishima looked at them apologetically.
“I’m sorry ladies, but we’re both kind of on a date right now.”
One of the girls shrugged her shoulders, but the other made a face.
“Are you two gay together?”
Suddenly, cold blue ICEE was flying from your mouth and out of your nose as the girls assumption made you choke on the drink, making a mess. Bakugou looked at the two strangers disgusted and Kirishima cracked up as well. You held up your hand and apologized grabbing some napkins to clean yourself up.
Kirishima shook his head, “Uh – I’m sorry you’re misunderstanding me. We are on a date, the three of us,” he said as he motioned with his hand from him to you and Bakugou who was cleaning you up like a parent and a child.
You looked at the two girls who seemed to seethe with jealousy now making you chuckle.
“I know, I’m a lucky girl right?”
Bakugou smirked, knowing what you were trying to do, he wanted to play along as well so he licked off some ICEE that was still hanging from your lip, making your eyes widen as you playfully pushed him.
“Sorry, this is my favorite flavor. Want some Red, there’s still another spot right here,” the blonde asked as he dipped his finger into the treat and wiped it on your cheek, making you flinch from the freezing temperature of the substance.
“You bastard! This is my drink, stop wasting it!”
As the two of you fought, Kirishima kindly explained to the pair of girls their situation and they just nodded in disbelief and walked off. Kiri let out a relieved breath as they walked away and made his way over to you, possessively pulling you from Bakugou and licking the ICEE that was still on your cheek and dripping down your neck. Your body stiffened and you almost dropped the drink but you came back to your senses once his hot tongue left your skin.
“Sorry, I couldn’t let Baku-bro have all the fun,” his raspy and warm voice cooed in your ear after he kissed your cheek.
The two men grabbed their drinks and went back to their seats happily as if nothing happened and plopped down.
“It’s your turn princess!” Katsuki yelled over his shoulder.
You were frozen in shock or maybe a weird type of arousal? Whatever it was, it made you shudder and grip your drink even tighter as you looked at the two heroes and shook your head.
The game continued on without any further distractions or unwanted guests.
“You really suck at bowling, don’t you princess?”
Katsuki teased as you sat on his lap and he handed you your cheese fries after you failed to even knock one pin down. You went to get off of him with a pout but he grabbed your hips and pulled you back down.
“We can’t all be good at everything, well I can but you know what I mean.”
You scoffed and elbowed him in the chest, “I still have three more turns Kacchan!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes as you called him by that name all night, he was only used to Deku and sometimes Denki calling him by that name, he didn’t despise it or anything, he just wasn’t used to you saying it.
“You’re lucky I love you, or else I’d murder you for calling me that,” he lied with a growl and wrapped his arms around your waist.
You were taken back for a bit, he was actually being affectionate in public, like cheesy as your cheese fries and lovey dovey affectionate, not ‘I want to fuck you’ affectionate. When you told him you loved him the night before, once again Bakugou’s rough and prideful exterior was chipped away just a bit more. You were changing him in so many ways and he accepted it - very willingly too.
“I love you too Suki,” you softly said and offered him a fry which he gladly took.
Now that name, he could get used to. Bakugou cleared his throat and held you a little tighter, resting his chin on your shoulder as he spoke low. “I like you when you call me that. It’s better than that other stupid name.”
Your head turned to look down at a rare bashful Bakugou and smiled before placing a kiss to his soft blonde hair. “Well I like calling you that.”
Together the two of you watched Kiri take his turn, the bastard scored two strikes in a row. Once he was done, Katsuki patted your legs notifying you to get up so he could take his turn.
“Next time, I pick the date!” You stated as you got up letting Bakugou move and letting Kiri take his spot. He took a fry as well and kissed your arm.
“I would say let’s use our quirks but you would easily win, you can just make the pins fall down without even using the ball.”
Your head shook in agreement with him and explained how that wouldn’t even be fun for you because it would take no effort, in the middle of talking though, something popped into your head and made you zone you shut up and zone out. Kiri leaned forward so he could get a better look at your face and it made him jump back. 
You wore a mischievous grin as you bit down on your tongue and giggled. Kiri knew that look, it’s the look you’d make when you were thinking of something dangerous or idiotic. Most of the time you did it on the job when you’d come up with these “awesome combos” for the three of you to try with your quirks that only ended up in disaster.
“Oh no mama, whatever you’re thinking stop it!” Kiri said nervously as he shook you.
“Come on Kiri, just hear me out, please! I have this genius idea, but it may result in us getting kicked out!”
He shook his head ‘no’, refusing to listen.
“Fine then, Bakugou will want to do it! Hey Su –“, Kiri’s hand cut you off quickly and you giggled. He agreed to listen to your idea before going to let Bakugou in on it knowing he probably would want to test it, no matter how crazy.
“Okay, so I’m thinking you activate your quirk and let Suki use his quirk to propel you down the lane. Basically, making you like a human bowling ball, it’s 100% harmless!”
The man under you was slack jawed and squinted his red eyes before turning his head towards his friend, “Hey Bakugou wanna try something?”
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You looked around to make sure none of the bowling alley workers were watching the three of you and gave the two men a signal. They both walked up to the lane and Kirishima laid on the floor in a balled up position.
“Make sure you film this,” he called out to you.
You nodded with a thumbs up, pulling out your phone and getting it ready to record.
Bakugou stood beside his friend and grabbed him by his shirt and pants with both hands, “I’m not going to use my full power because I don’t feel like paying for damages!”
He told the red-head and let you know to start filming and to countdown from three. By now people in the lanes beside you started to watch exactly what it was the two pro heroes were about to do, taking their phones out as well. You started recorded and counted down loudly.
“Three,” Bakugou lifted Kiri from the ground and started to swing him back and forth.
“Two,” sparks started to escape his palms and Kirishima hardened his body as he laughed.
“One,” the blonde swung his friends body backwards one last time as he bared his teeth and aimed.
“Ahhhhh,” Bakugou yelled as he propelled Kirishima down the bowling lane with just enough force.
The red-headed human bowling ball flew down the waxy stretch of flooring and collided with the pins at the end of the lane and further into the pit where they were designated to be swooped into. The people watching cheered as Bakugou made an obvious strike and the two of you fell to your knees laughing uncontrollably. Tears were falling down your face until you heard a loud ‘hey’ and looked up to see some of the employees storming towards you.
“Oh shit guys we gotta run!”
You looked over to see Katsuki already to his feet and propelling himself down the lane to help get his friend out. To buy more time you used your quirk and piled up chairs to hold off the employees coming for you, still laughing. Turning around to see if Katsuki had Kirishima made you laugh even more as they both struggled to run back down the lane, slipping and sliding from the waxed surface.
“Grab our fucking shoes and lets go now!” Bakugou yelled as they finally made it past the red line of the lane.
You did as instructed and the three of you headed for the doors until Kirishima screamed for you to stop.
“What the fuck are we stopping for shitty hair?”
Eijirou shook his head in disbelief and pointed down to his feet, red eyes looking at you and Bakugou with a serious face, “We can’t steal their bowling shoes!”
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
Ding! Dong! Ding!
"Alright, ya filthy worms-- it's trial time! Quit yer teen drama and blubberin' and head down to the first floor in the foyer! Oink, I'll go from there, ya hear!? Oink!"
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[Trial chart done by Mod War]
[3:18 PM] Monoboar!: As you all crowd into the elevator and the doors shut behind you, the noise of the elevator slowly descending down rings in your ears, the low, ominous hum of everything moving around you.
The more you descend, the more it dawns on you-- someone had truly died... someone who was a beacon of light, a light that someone had taken upon them to snuff out.
While you're scared, you can guess what could happen now... in this deadly class trial...!
The elevator finally stops to it's destination, revealing a large trial room, with stands all in a circle. One stand in particular only dons a portrait of the late Akihiko Oshiro, a grim reminder of what you're all here for. [3:19 PM] Monoboar!: @Alive (You may have walk to their stands.) [3:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: ...Lake reluctantly let go of Hazel and Wilma's hands, looking at them both with a slightly tense expression. [3:21 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "This is all mighty theatrical," Wilma says, with barely hidden disgust in her voice. She squeezes Lake's hand and lets go, walking to her own stand and examining it as if it was going to come to life and eat her. [3:21 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn takes a shuddering breath as her eyes land on Akihiko's portrait. This was horrible. She walks around and finds a stand with her name on it, and silently and falls to a crouch at it, curled up in a ball. [3:21 PM] Willy | DDR King: Willy steps out and looks around the place whilst going to his stand. [3:21 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku exited the elevator then quickly made his way to his stand. [3:21 PM] Eri [around]: Eri looks around the trial room before walking over to her stand. [3:21 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis cringes at the portrait, Akihko deserved much better than this. She scowled, a foul mood setting in anew as she took her stand. [3:21 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel walked in, arms wrapped carefully around himself. He stepped up to his stand and took a deep breath. [3:21 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...What the fuck are we doing here again?"
@Monoboar (Mars) [3:21 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace steps up to his stand like it's the most natural thing in the world. He surveys everyone around him as if it's actually a throne. [3:21 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana stomps over to her stand and grips it tightly. "Okay," she begins, voice shaking ever so slightly. "whoever did this needs to tell me NOW so I can banish you from my kingdom forever and ever and EVER!" she yells. [3:22 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Except he's next to Artemis. Which he isn't all that happy about. [3:22 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne walks to their stand. Hello [3:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Woah, woah!" Monoboar cuts in, appearing on a tall throne. "Lemme introduce the trial, you impatient worms!" [3:22 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "SHUT UP! YOU SMELL LIKE A BARN! I HATE YOU!" [3:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Eh? Like that's an insult?" [3:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Anyways!" [3:22 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: She heads to her stand. "What's all this?" [3:23 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Lake groaned. [3:23 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie heads to his stand and avoids looking at Akihiro's portrait. I would too. [3:23 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue at her stand. [3:23 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Yeah! It is! You look dumb and stupid! I hate you!" [3:23 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis gives Wallace a death glare. This is awful. [3:23 PM] Monoboar!: "All this is th' trial room! You gotta have a class trial to find out who did the dirty deed! Usin' the clues you found after th' crime, you gotta discuss it all here! 'Course, there's some certain limits-- jus' make sure you ain't talkin' over each other!" [3:24 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Oh hi she's right across from Wallace. She gives him a look. :( [3:25 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Why do we have to figure it out? You started this, you figure it out!" [3:25 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: At least he was next to the One person he's really talked to. That's something. [3:25 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Also, retcon. Lake's still holding Hazel's hand. [3:25 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's quiet for a minute, just frowning at the ground. [3:25 PM] Monoboar!: "Enough gab! Let's get this show on th' road!"
Slamming a gavel onto the arm of his chair, he officially declares the trial open for business.
"Let the trial for Akihiko Oshiro, Ultimate Lucky Student start!"
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[Sketch done by Mod Death, Finalization done by Mod War]
[3:26 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...That didn't answer my question!" [3:27 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana hated what he just said. She hated hearing Aki's name come out of his mouth. She hated that THEY had to solve all this, and she hated that SHE had to witness it! "Just be quiet, stupid hog! Smelly pig! Just be quiet!" [3:27 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "S-So..." Hazel started, looking around at everyone. "...where should we start...?" [3:28 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: 'Ugh, not listening to it probably won't help, as much as I don't want to play detective when it should be left to professionals...' [3:29 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Um..." Lake coughed, "Don't they usually, um... talk about the... the body first in crime shows? Or what?" [3:29 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "That sounds smart, Lady of the Lake." Hazel nods. [3:30 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looks at Hazel sadly. [3:30 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: :cluebullet: "The victim received one stab wound to his lower back, and four to the chest," Wallace recited. "As far as I can tell, those were the only wounds." [3:31 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "God..." Lake covered her mouth as she attempted to fight against the rock in her throat. [3:31 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn winces. "T-Too much," she mumbles. "... One was enough..." She glares at the stand in front of her, feeling sick just hearing about it. [3:31 PM] Willy | DDR King: { "Like a slasher movie more than a detective show if you ask me..." } [3:31 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel sniffles, trembling. [3:31 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "D-Don't even get me fucking started...!" } [3:31 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma frowns.
"I assume the one to the back was received while th' victim was...trying to escape." She says slowly. "Then the others to. Finish the job." [3:32 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: { "You all make me wanna tear out my hair!" } [3:32 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet: "His eyes were also red and puffy, as if he had been crying.  There was also a distinct bloody handprint over his mouth." [3:32 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Heavy breathing! [3:32 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma's frown morphs into a glare.
"Someone tried to stop 'im from calling for help." [3:32 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana whined, covering her mouth. She didn't have anything to say. [3:32 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel covers her mouth. [3:32 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace nods. :consentbullet: "I agree with Wilma. He received the stab to the back before the other wounds." [3:33 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Shut uuup...please..." [3:33 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "H-How did you figure that out?" [3:33 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie shakes his head, somehow surprised at how they could stomach that.
:cluebullet: "He wrote somethin' out from his blood, a dying message, most likely. But I can't remember what it said.." [3:34 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looked like she was in mortal anguish. [3:34 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: :consentbullet: "Yeah, I-I think it, um... kind of looked like a letter?" [3:34 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I remember." Wilma concurs. ":consentbullet: It was a V-shape, but it was kind of messed up. I don't know if that was the letter he was tryin' for." [3:35 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn furrows her brows. "Like, maybe... M-Maybe a W, or... Or a Y? Or.. S-Something?" [3:35 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "M-Maybe it was supposed to be someone's name?" [3:36 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "No one here has a name starting with V, right...? Wait, was Oshiro-kun even familiar with the English alphabet?" [3:36 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel feels like people are going a little off the rails a bit.. [3:36 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Fuck. [3:37 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Wh- what else.. Is there?" Aderyn asks carefully. "Wha-- um, the," she takes a breath. "D-Do we have... um.. a mm-- murder. A murder weapon...?" [3:37 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis winced, crossing her arms. "I think I found it- [3:37 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel really wished he had actually investigated. [3:38 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel looks at Artemis. "Hm...?" [3:38 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: :cluebullet: "There’s a knife that's a little fucky in the knife block in the kitchen. It was also a little wet." [3:38 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana gripped the stand, frowning. [3:39 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn looks at her. "A... l-little, little fuh-fucky...?" [3:39 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Someone probably washed it before quickly putting it back?" [3:39 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: {"Uuuu..."} [3:39 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :consentbullet: "It wasn't positioned correctly." [3:39 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "What Pickle said." [3:40 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: {"Haha, don't call me that."} [3:40 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Oh, uh, by the way, before it's, like, too late to bring it up, I had a thought about the 'V' Oshiro-kun wrote..." [3:40 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "We're all fine... Lake..." [3:40 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...but continue!" [3:41 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: {"I wanna go home already! I hate this stupid place!} [3:42 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "I feel you there, Minami-sama... Really do." } [3:42 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Just thought that maybe, instead of it actually being the English letter V, maybe it was meant to be like an arrow pointing at something?" [3:43 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Like, what?" [3:43 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Lake-chan! You're so smart!" [3:43 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel squints. [3:44 PM] Willy | DDR King: "Was there something else on the balcony even?" [3:44 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: The crime scene clue has not been brought up! [3:44 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "It also might have been a different letter. One that he started to write, but didn't finish-- or failed to write, because he was dying. Like an A, a W, or a Y." Wallace crosses his arms. "Was this 'v' actually pointing towards anything in particular?" [3:45 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet: "The balcony still looks relevantly the same from the last time I seen it despite the body," [3:46 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Maybe it was pointing at something  that wasn't on the balcony...? Might be a stretch, though..." [3:46 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Is that all, Sir Riku?" Hazel asks. [3:47 PM] Riku Yasui...: :cluebullet: "Well the blood surrounding Aki himself is smudged, as if he had been squirming, but on his left side it seems like the blood had been pooling around something, or someone," Riku added. [3:47 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: {"Urgggh...I feel sick..."} [3:47 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "A-Ah...?" Hazel nearly bites at her nails nervously. "It had to be the killer.. of course..." [3:47 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: {"Aderyn winces. Squirming. "He... must've... s-suffered," she mumbles."} [3:48 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: { Sob. } [3:48 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {"There's no point in thinking about those things now. He is at peace.} [3:48 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: :consentbullet: "Shit! I remember seeing something that could be related to that!" [3:49 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: What Keiko said only made Hana's heart ache more. She just wanted to get out of this stupid trial already! Dumb place! Stupid people! Arggghhh! [3:51 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :cluebullet: "There were some footprints from the stairs, it disappears at the foyer but it looks like it was going toward the kitchen." [3:51 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: :consentbullet: "Yeah, Hayai-kun. They looked like they were from bare feet, right?" [3:51 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :consentbullet: "Yes, there was also a trail of blood drops leading to the kitchen as well. [3:52 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: :consentbullet: "Yeah. That's fucking gross also, why barefoot, but anyways." [3:52 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Wait, why would someone be walking around with bare feet?!" [3:52 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "B-Barefoot?" Hazel asks. "Ew..." [3:52 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn crosses her arms. "Smart enough to-- to take their stupid, stupid shoes off, to be, silent, I guess," she says. "Dumb, too d-dumb to fuh-fucking clean up," [3:53 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Wait, maybe to, uh... Not really have identifiable footprints, too. Since, like, shoe soles." [3:53 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "Perhaps the killer wanted to hide their footprints by going barefoot. If their shoes were to have a distinctive tread, it would be a clear giveaway." [3:53 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn nods to Lake. That too.. That's smart... [3:53 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...okay that's fair..." Hazel taps at her chin... [3:53 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :cluebullet: "Bishop-san is right. The sink where the knife was found had vague red stains on it, as if someone had failed to fully wash them away." [3:54 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: {"Stupid-- Stupid, stu-- stupid culprit,"} [3:54 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: 'Heh, I said it first, prep Johnny Test!' [3:56 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "This wasn't much well planned, was it?" Wilma comments. "How'd the killer get Akihiko up to the balcony anyways? Just ask 'im?" [3:56 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: :consentbullet: "P-Perhaps..." She agreed with Wilma. "H-He's kind, and trusting..." [3:56 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: :consentbullet: "P-Probably," Aderyn mumbles. "He was.. really, friendly," [3:57 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "Good thing I didn't wash the berries..." } [3:57 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "We have to take the motive into consideration as well. Why would whoever did it want to kill Oshiro-san? Did they...did they have the gift given to them by Monoboar-san? Or perhaps they were trying to protect whoever has it..." she says nervously.
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[3:57 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma pulls the brim of her hat down to hide the growing anger in her eyes. To take advantage of someone that kindly... [3:57 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "So someone fucking led him there to kill him?" [3:57 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is shaking, covering her mouth to prevent herself from breaking down. [3:57 PM] Eri [around]: "Actually... I have a theory about the motive" [3:57 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "What is it, Eri-san?" [3:58 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Wait." [3:58 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Eri. Fore you say anything." [3:58 PM] Eri [around]: Eri waits. [3:58 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma looks up at Monoboar. "You said whoever got the gift'd die if they revealed they had it. Someone's dead, now. Does that mean that rule is done for?" @Monoboar (Mars) [3:59 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar lifts his head.
"Eh? Oh, oink, yea yea, whoever got the ticket can reveal 'emselves!"
@Wilma Ortega (Auz) [4:00 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma takes a small red ticket out of her pocket. [4:00 PM] Eri [around]: "Right, does that mean I can-" Eri deadpans. [4:00 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku takes out a red ticket [4:00 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Then I must come forward...I had the tick--" she cuts herself off as Wilma takes out her ticket. [4:00 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: "....Me got one...?" They slowly pull a red ticket out of their pocket. [4:00 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "...I've suspected that everyone got one from the start." [4:00 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel slowly took out his ticket. [4:00 PM] Eri [around]: "Yeah, I thought everyone got one" [4:00 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel also takes out a ticket, looking troubled. [4:00 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn watches as people start taking out tickets. "... What?" She whispers. She sounds... horrified. [4:00 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Ugh, that's a weight off my--" Lake was taking out her ticket before she noticed everyone else. [4:00 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie takes out a red ticket, feeling sick at the realization. [4:01 PM] Eri [around]: Eri takes out her ticket. [4:01 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "W-what..."
"All of us...had tickets."
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[4:01 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis took out a ticket. [4:01 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...You fucking BITCH!!" Lake threw her ticket at the ground before grinding it under her heal. [4:01 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "W...What...!?" Hazel hisses, horrified at this reveal. "Then...!" [4:01 PM] Riku Yasui...: "The pig tricks us," [4:01 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "We were fucking baited." [4:02 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "Obviously. Why place a motive that will only affect one person? The rule about not telling anyone was clearly established to prevent us from figuring it out." Wallace looks smug. [4:02 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn leans over, gripping her stand. "It-- It, ww, it, it wa, it," she takes several deep breaths. [4:02 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "YOU'RE FUCKING SICK!! SICK!!!" Lake shouted at Monoboar. [4:02 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Wow, like it's something to be happy about, you dumb prick..." Hazel hisses bitterly at Wallace. [4:02 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko regains her composure. "Calm down, everyone. Yes, we were tricked by Monoboar-san, but losing our heads won't help Oshiro-san. We still have to figure out who did this." [4:02 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue takes out her ticket. [4:02 PM] Monoboar!: "Oink! Tha's how th' cookie crumbles, ain't it!?"
@Lake Kawaguchi (Florence) [4:03 PM] Eri [around]: "You aren't the only one who figured it out" Eri crumples up the ticket and tosses it at Wallace. [4:03 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I had a feelin' bout this." Wilma says, sighing. "Thought it was suspicious that we couldn't say we had the 'gift.' It'd make it easier to murder if one of us was singled out. But none of us telling it...each of us thinking we'd be the only one to die..."
She looks at Monoboar, and if looks could kill, that pig would be roast.
"The perfect me vs. them situation." [4:03 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel looked down at the floor, close to tears. He let his ticket fall out of his hand. [4:03 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Gh...!!" Lake listened to Keiko and shook her head, trying to shake off the anger. [4:03 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: "Yes. It's gratifying to know that the one behind this isn't able to outsmart every last one of us. Maybe some of us will actually pass this test." [4:03 PM] Riku Yasui...: "People will start to take your motives less serious is you pull things like this pig," [4:03 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...kay." [4:03 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Shut up Walleye." Wilma says automatically. She's referencing the fish. [4:04 PM] Eri [around]: {"What test you jackass"} [4:04 PM] Monoboar!: "Gwahahaha, this is only the beginning, anyways!"
@Riku Yasui (Alondra) [4:04 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Shut the fuck up, Asshat! This isn't the time to be making insensitive jokes like that!" [4:04 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Shut the fuck up!" [4:04 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {"Callaghan-san, I think all of us are a little shaken right now. I'll be happy to discuss this at length with you if you wish later, but such comments may prove to be inflamatory in our current situation--" she interrupts herself as everyone else tells him to shut up, "Ah, my point is proven."} [4:05 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I thought, I thought--" She's shaking. "But-- Even-- Even, even, if, if, it had been, just, just one-- It still, affected- everyone. Everyone, because, because--" She gasps. "Even, even if you don't have it-- you don't, know who, so, that's, you don't, know who will snap, you don't, but-- But-- we all-- we--" She's hyperventilating. "What-- What about the pu-punishment?! Was that-- Was that a fuh-fucking lie too? Were you-- Were you, really-- really gonna k-kill, kill us, if, if we didn't--" @Monoboar (Mars) [4:05 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I think he was." [4:05 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace drags a hand down his face. "Am I the only one actually capable of focusing here? What happened to the presentation of evidence? Surely someone else here has something to contribute?" [4:06 PM] Monoboar!: "Heheh, I dunno! Was I? Sure is a mystery now that'cha know ya had a ticket like everyone else!" Monoboar snorts. "But it would'a been more fun if I did kill alla ya!"
@Aderyn Bishop (Beq) [4:06 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "UGH!!!!!!!!!" [4:06 PM] Eri [around]: Eri stops herself from saying something. [4:06 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel kicks her trial stand angrily. [4:07 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Fie! cometh ov'r hither and englut mine own coxcomb, thee distemperate fooleth, thee hog!!!!" [4:07 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Hazel-san, you're my friend, but could you say that in a way I can understand, please? [4:07 PM] Eri [around]: "Please fight him" [4:08 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "I've never learned how to hear." [4:08 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Eri-san, don't encourage it right now!!" [4:08 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Questioneth not mine own speech patterns, i'm very fell even but now!!!!" She angrily crumples the ticket and throws it at Wallace. [4:08 PM] Eri [around]: "Please fight him later" [4:09 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Walleye, yer not helping the situation any. Please refrain from treatin' the rest of us like idjits." [4:09 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...ANYWAY! If we all had a ticket, how can we narrow down our list of suspects?" [4:09 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel huffs and turns around, crossing her arms. She's giving herself time to relax. [4:10 PM] Eri [around]: "That makes it super difficult, who would likely to cave in out of fear?" [4:10 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn has her hands at her head, pulling on her hair as she takes deep breathes. [4:10 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {"Callaghan-san...should I repeat myself? Please refrain from purposefuly instigating our classmates.} [4:10 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana had a ticket. She crumpled it and threw it at the ground as hard as she could, and as it was paper, it floated down softly. That only made her more pissed off, so she started stomping on it. [4:10 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma looks around the room, observing everyone.
"Whoever killed 'im...now knows they were tricked. They can't be too happy right now." [4:10 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "I mean, whoever did it probably washed their feet and changed their clothes by now, right?" [4:11 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: {"I merely asked who else had evidence. If that qualifies as instigating, then I believe I am not the one with the problem."} [4:11 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Did- d-did he-- If-- the b-boar was, was lying-- did..." Aderyn swallows, looking up with teary eyes. "Did... did he die for nothing..?" [4:11 PM] Eri [around]: "I would hope so, who just shows up wearing bloody clothes" [4:11 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Whoever did it must've thought that it would've been okay to trade lives for one, or all of us." [4:11 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I must say I am quite relieved to know all of us had tickets. I thought someone had murdered Oshiro-san for my sake, for a second..." [4:12 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue exhales, taking this all in. "... Hmph..." [4:12 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel turns around and slams her fists on her podium. "E-Either way, Akihiko would've been k-killed for nothing!!! The murderer is a villain, cruel and horrible! There's no use in killing, never!" [4:13 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "I'm not about to forgive whoever took Oshiro-kun away from us, either, Hazel-san, but don't forget the one here we should be the most pissed at..."
She gave a look to the swine in the throne. [4:14 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :consentbullet: "I agree wholeheartedly with you, Hazeldine-san. Whoever committed such a horrid crime should step forward and admit to their guilt." [4:14 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn whimpers. "Can't-- You can't-- c-can't fuh-fuh-forgive them, you can't-- you can't," she's crying. "Killer is a stupid-- stupid, fuh-fuh-fucking, lowlife-- fucking FREAK, c-can't, fucking forgive, forgive--" [4:14 PM] Eri [around]: "Yeah, no one would outright admit to a murder" Eri looked over at Keiko. [4:14 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar only leans back in his throne, entertained. [4:14 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis makes a bit of a face. [4:14 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel frowns, looking at Aderyn. [4:15 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Can't the kuh-" she didn't want to say it. "killer...just reveal themselves already? Everyone already hates you, so just, like, ugh! I hate both you and the smelly pig! Tell me who you are now so I can stomp your face in like I just crushed this stupid, dumb, idiot...ticket..." she was only repeating herself at this point. [4:15 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: {Keiko gives Artemis a Look ™ . :unamused: } [4:15 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Much as I agree with y'all, this ain't helping none." Wilma speaks up. "This ain't gonna encourage no one to step forward and admit it. I don't think nothing could convince someone to admit to this."
"Let's review the evidence one more time. There ain't nothing we forgot to look at, is there?" [4:15 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "We- we can't, c-can't f-figure it out, we, we looked over all the- the clues, there's, nn, there's nothing else..!" Aderyn pulls at her hair. [4:16 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: {"Don't look at me."} [4:16 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Maybe we could look at the V shape again?" [4:16 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana draped herself over her stand, rocking restlessly. [4:16 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...w-well..." Hazel wrings her hands. "Recall the file info... it says he died at 2am last night, did he not?" She says. "Who'd be up so late...?" [4:17 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: She ignores Artemis' words.
:consentbullet:  "I believe we have looked over all of the evidence...but yes, as Kawaguchi-san has stated, I was about to suggest we go over the 'V' shape once more." [4:17 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel goes silent. [4:17 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Um, well...uh..." she thought. "like, I don't wanna accuse anyone. But, like, who here stays up late?" [4:18 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "I've made sleeping early a habit, but that's probably not gonna help anything." [4:18 PM] Eri [around]: Eri raises her hand slowly. "Insomnia" [4:18 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: "I go to bed at a decent time!" Qiuyue states. "I never deviate from it, no matter what!" [4:18 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I'm s-s-ure, sure, many, many of us, do," Aderyn says quickly. [4:18 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel shifted. "I haven't gotten a lot of sleep since i've been here" [4:18 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looks at Eri. "Then, well...it must be you or something! You look like you'd commit a murder!" [4:18 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "Se--See!" Aderyn points at Eri quickly after her admission of insomnia. Addy that's rude. [4:19 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "If we think he was tryin' to write out his killer's name...well the V was smudged near the middle. I'm thinking it was either a W or an M."
Wilma spent too long thinking about this and ignored the staying up late convo. [4:19 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I can provide a copy of my written out schedule if you wish. I don't stay up that late, and even if I did, some areas are forbidden that late at night, and I would not break such a rule." [4:19 PM] Eri [around]: Eri looks over at Hana. [4:19 PM] Eri [around]: Glares. [4:19 PM] Eri [around]: "No" [4:19 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's just staring at Eri with wide, angry eyes. "Gimmie proof!" [4:19 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I-- I also! I also, think, think it was a W, I mean, it w-wouldn't be, wouldn't be r-right side up, if, it were, an M," Aderyn says. [4:20 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: :consentbullet: "Smudged near the middle, Lady Wilma... if it's smudged, could it maybe be the letter A instead of a W or an M?" [4:20 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: :consentbullet: "I agree with Hazeldine-san...it seems more likely that the letter was an A." [4:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Ugh! This talk of when we go to sleep isn't gonna help us, guys!" [4:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Let's get back to the V shape thing!" [4:20 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "A? Okay, well, um...Aeri? Ari? Close enough!" [4:20 PM] Eri [around]: Eri just sighs and ignores Hana. [4:20 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "...Huh." Wilma didn't think of that. "Yeah, could be an A, too. Didn't consider that, Miss Basil." [4:20 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "A... An, A," Aderyn repeats, looking pale. After a few moments, she side-eyes Artemis very slowly. [4:21 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana drapes herself over her stand again. [4:21 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko side-eyes Artemis as well. This looks is more of a "please tell everyone how it couldn't have been you" kind of look, though.
"Black-san?" [4:21 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: { Wallace is absolutely fuming right now. } [4:22 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "It wasn't fucking me. If I'd crack under a death threat I wouldn't even have my talent." [4:22 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Or Miss Add-er-in, though I hate to put you in the spotlight." Wilma adds. [4:22 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel looks at Artemis and Aderyn. [4:22 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie quickly glances over at Aderyn. [4:22 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana looks at Aderyn, too. "It better not be you, Aderyn-chan, cause I trusted you I think!" [4:22 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...Lady Artemis... has a point... she's more strong willed when it comes to... death..." [4:22 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn squeaks. "W-W-- Well, Well, m-m-maybe, maybe, maybe it wasn't a fuh-fucking A at all!" She snaps. [4:23 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel jumps. [4:23 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Aderyn-san, you're not helping your case!" [4:23 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Addy, calm down." [4:23 PM] Riku Yasui...: "Profanity," [4:23 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Aderyn-chan, impolite..." she mumbles. [4:23 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: { "We've been swearing this whole trial, Yasui-kun." } [4:24 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I'm j-just-- just fucking, fucking saying!" She says. "You c-can't, c-can't accuse, accuse, me, when, when it still c-coulda been, been a W, or, or something!" She defends. "I mean, it-- It wasn't even right-side up!" [4:24 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace sighs. "It likely was, when you take into account the perspective of someone lying down and trying to write on a surface behind them. It would be right-side up from his perspective." [4:24 PM] Eri [around]: "From the victims view it was" [4:24 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "..."
[4:24 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel bites her lip, staring worriedly at Aderyn. [4:25 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma stares at Aderyn, her whole demeanor shifting. She looks like a predator that's just spotted it's prey.
"Miss Aderyn. You didn't show up to the body 'nouncement, not at first. Was it cause you didn't wanna see the body, or 'cause you didn't wanna be reminded...?" [4:25 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Ohh my fucking God, Aderyn-san. Don't you say it. Don't you fucking say it." [4:25 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana hides her face in her arms, groaning, half out of anger, half out of fear. [4:25 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "W-Well..!" Aderyn glances around. "Maybe, Maybe-- Maybe it was a fucking-- fucking M!" She tries instead. "Stop! Stop, I didn't I didn't fuh-fucking do it, I didn't-- I'm not--!" Tears are welling up in her eyes again as her eyes flicker about nervously. She takes a step back, looking terrified out of her mind. [4:26 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Gimmie more proof! I-I'll give you another chance if you do...! You're acting weird! Really weird!" [4:26 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "Aderyn-san, for your sake and ours, please just take some deep fucking breaths." [4:26 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: He tilts his head a bit. "Breathe for a sec. Calm down, get your words out. Be careful with what you say." [4:27 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "You called the killer a, um, I believe the exact word was, 'a fuckin' freak.' Do you..." Wilma is staring real hard at Aderyn. "Do you hate yourself that much?" [4:28 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I'm fucking-- Fuh-fucking scared!" She shouts back. "Y-You-- You would be too if p-people were, were fucking ac-accusing, accusing, yyy-- you!" She points a shaking finger at Hana. "I don't-- I don't wanna fucking die!"
She flickers over to Wilma. "I don't-- I don't, b-because, I didn't-- I--" She's openly crying now. "I didn't-- He-- I..."
Aderyn looks down. [4:28 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "He..?" [4:28 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "..." [4:28 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is trembling, biting into her lip hard enough to bleed. [4:28 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Addy...." [4:28 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Tell us the truth, Aderyn. You can still make this better. Not right, but better." [4:29 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's hands are sweating, so she just zoned out as hard as possible, a dazed and angry expression stuck on her face. [4:29 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Bishop-san? Please listen to Ortega-san..." Keiko looks...solemn. This sucks. I hate it. [4:30 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn's shoulders are shaking, and you can hear her sniffling and hiccupping, and she reaches up to wipe away her tears. "I didn't-- I d-didn't--" She hiccups.
"I just--- I didn't, ww-wanna die," she admits. "I thought-- I thought, I was-- I didn't--... I'm, sorry," Aderyn hiccups again, collapsing at her stand. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-- I-- I'm," she trails off into wet mumbles. [4:30 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is gripping her stand, glaring at Aderyn hard enough to blow her onto her back.
"Y-You... y-you admit it...? You truly admit it, then...?!" [4:31 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace's gaze is fixed on Anderyn. He jumps on her hesitation like a predator on prey. "Is that a confession?" [4:31 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "..."
Lake gave Aderyn one of her hardest glares since she first woke up here before she stepped down from her stand and walked over to the other's [4:31 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "......."
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[4:32 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: In contrast, Wilma relaxes a bit, but it's more out of exhaustion than any form of relief. It's as good as a confession.
"None of us wanna die, Miss Aderyn. Akihiko didn't." [4:32 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: She pulled her head up. "I hate you!" she shouted. "If you're...you're seriously admitting to this, then, I hate you!" she said, but her lip was quivering. [4:32 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel wasn't glaring. He just looked.. sad. He didn't want anyone else to die. [4:32 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel feels the tears well up again, and she sniffles, shoulder shaking as hides her eyes again, silently weeping. [4:32 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Once she was close enough to her Lake took a step forward towards Aderyn before she-- [4:33 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: "I know," Aderyn chokes. "I know, I know, I know-- He kept-- He-- He said-- Don't leave me alone-- I was just, I was-- I couldn't-- I couldn't leave-- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Akihiko, I'm sorry," [4:33 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: ...wrapped her shaking arms around her. [4:33 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Bishop-san...you are lying. Did someone threaten you so you'd say this? You can tell us." [4:33 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "I don't even care how long I knew Aki-chan, he was like, like..." she slammed her hands onto the thing. "AAAAGH! DON'T TELL ME THAT! SHUT UP! SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!" [4:33 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "SHUT UP!!! I-I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT...! I DON'T... I DON'T WANT TO IMAGINE IT..." [4:34 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "Miss Pond, yer mighty kind, but she could still be dangerous." Wilma says, hand on her holster. [4:34 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn just sobs harder, reluctantly leaning into Lake's embrace. "Stop-- stop, I don't I don't-- you can't-- c-can't, can't fuh-fucking," she sobs. "I'm j-just a hor-horrible, fuh-fucking, mmm, murder-- I killed-- I k-k-- I-- He didn't-- I'm sorry--" [4:34 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie didn't seem to be listening, staring off into the distance. He idly plays with the bands on his fingers, thinking about something else. [4:34 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Shut up, Woody. She's not gonna do shit again." [4:35 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...I know, and I'm not doing this out of kindness."
'...Maybe I am. I can't tell right now.' [4:35 PM] Monoboar!: "...Gyeheheh, so we've reached our climax, huh?" Monoboar snorts in amusement. [4:35 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Aderyn-san," Lake spoke sternly. [4:35 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Fuck you too, pig!" [4:35 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "All he wanted was friends...! I was too mean to him! So...I'm going to be mean to you instead 'cause you ruined that for him! He j-just...! Ugh!" she flicked her head towards Monoboar. "SHUT UP, STUPID HOG! SHUT UUUP!" [4:35 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn tries to curl in on herself further. [4:36 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko keep her frown for a moment longer before...she just starts crying. "Bishop-san..." and to think she'd let that happen. If only she had done more, she could've stopped Aderyn from killing, and Akhiko would be alive...
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[4:36 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "A-All he... uuu.. If only... I-If only I told him how good of a friend he w-was..." [4:36 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "It's a bit too late for 'sorry,' Miss Aderyn." Wilma says gently. "Don't curl up on yerself now. Stand up and own it, and maybe then you can 'pologize." [4:37 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: She shakes her head. "Do- Don't, d-deserve, don't deserve, to," she says. "Can this, please-- p-please, just... end," she begs, her voice cracking. [4:38 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Aderyn!" she dropped the -chan. It's too cute and sweet. "Yeah, stand up and own it! You killed him! You...he's gone! HE'S GONE!" she yelled, tears spilling from her eyes. She wiped them away as fast as she could, face pink. [4:38 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Fuck. Artemis scowled, looking to the pig. "You're fucking sick! I swear to god, first chance I get I'm gonna make you fucking pay from the shit you put us all through! I'm gonna fucking kill you and your fucking puppeT master!" [4:40 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyahahaha, so I guess it's time, dont'cha think?" Monoboar says without a care in the world, and slams his... hoof? Boars are weird. On the arm of his throne, and a screen flickers onto everyone's trial stands.
A selection of all the students' faces blink on your screen with the words VOTE! in red lettering taunt you.
"I know I'm sick, so what? Get t' votin' you filthy maggots!"
@Alive [4:41 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "I think we're way past what you do and don't deserve, Miss Aderyn." Wilma is looking at her, expression carefully blank.
"Stand up and look us in the eyes. You owe it to Akihiko. To all of us." [4:41 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma votes for Aderyn. [4:41 PM] Eri [around]: Eri looks over at the screen and votes for Aderyn. [4:41 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie snaps out of it. Hi. He votes for Aderyn. [4:41 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel looked down at his stand, voting for Aderyn with shaky hands. [4:41 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne votes for Aderyn. Im sorry. [4:41 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana stared at it for a while. She stared at Aki's face on the screen, a red x-mark crudely placed over it. She glances up at Aderyn, votes quietly, and then she puts her hand back at her side. [4:41 PM] Riku Yasui...: With a slight hesitation, Riku voted for Aderyn. [4:42 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel glares at the screen through her blurry, tearful vision, and taps to vote for Aderyn shakily. [4:42 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn pulls herself to her feet at Wilmas words, but she doesn't look at anyone. She can't.
She votes for herself. [4:42 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "What.. exactly will the voting do." [4:42 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace votes for Aderyn. [4:42 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "I dunno, probably, like, gets her out of here or something. Hopefully in jail." [4:42 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko can barely see their faces. She's crying dawg :(
"We can't....executing someone isn't right! Even if they murdered someone else!" [4:43 PM] Monoboar!: "Yer votin' to send Aderyn off, obviously." [4:43 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Yep! To jail!" [4:43 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn tenses up. What? [4:43 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis scowled, hands shaking. She punched in a vote for herself, it was hard to vote for Aderyn, she knew the rules, she couldn't do that do her. [4:43 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "Did you all forget the fucking rules?" [4:44 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace's face twists into a disgusted frown. Was he the only one who paid any attention around here? [4:44 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko composes herself as best as she can. "It's...stated in the rules. That we must vote for the execution of the blackened." [4:44 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "...Execution?" Hana squeaked. [4:44 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyahaha, thanks fer doin' my job, blabber mouth!" [4:44 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: "The ones that say we all die if we don't choose correctly? Nah, I think we all remember 'em pretty well." Wilma stares back at Artemis, challenging her to continue this bullshit. "You think any of us wanna do this?" [4:45 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: "Does that mean she's actually gonna...die? Did I just vote for someone to die?" [4:45 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel whimpers. [4:45 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Lake gave Monoboar a glare before she turned her focus back on Aderyn.
"...I can't forgive you for what you did," Lake tried to keep her voice as level as she could, "But... But..."
'But... What? It's not your fault? It kind of is, but it's also Monoboar's fault. It's gonna be okay? I don't really want to say that to someone who killed Oshiro-kun, but...
Lake kept her offer for an embrace open as she gave Hazel a look. Vote for Aderyn for her?
@Aderyn Bishop (Beq) @Hazel Hazeldine (Mars) [4:45 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel won't do that. [4:46 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn looks pale, shaking at her stand, she's hardly listening. "N-no, I-- I don't-- I don't wanna die, please--" She whispers, wrapping her arms around herself. [4:46 PM] Monoboar!: "You say that, but'cha still kill someone anyways? Eh, kids are always selfish these days, Oink!" [4:46 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana didn't say anything, she just looked at the ground, stuffing a hand in her heart-shaped apron pocket. [4:46 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn hunches over, guilty. [4:47 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko leaves her stand too after sorrowfully voting for Aderyn. Sorry GMs she's leaving that stand.
She approaches Aderyn, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Bishop-san..." [4:47 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma closes her eyes, sighing.
"I'm sorry, Miss Aderyn. But you knew the rules, and so do we. There ain't nothing we can do to stop that now without getting us all axed." [4:47 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: She was slow to wrap her arms around this time in case Aderyn didn't want it. @Aderyn Bishop (Beq) [4:48 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn doesn't react to either touch. She just... stands there, head down. Tears, still dripping from her face. She's... given up.
It's over. [4:48 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana didn't want to look at any of this! She hid behind her stand and put her head in her shirt. [4:48 PM] Monoboar!: "Wrap it up, fellas, we got a verdict to get to!" [4:49 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I'm so sorry....Aderyn. I'm...please apologize to Oshiro-san, wherever you go. Maybe someday...you'll be forgiven for what you did." she doesn't know what to say, but she can't send Aderyn to her death without saying anything. Why do they have to kill at all? [4:50 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue votes Aderyn. [4:52 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...I..." 'What do I say? Should I just make it quick?' "I hope it goes by fast, Aderyn-san."
'...Dark, but okay.'
With that and a lingering touch on the shoulder, Lake ran over to her stand, and reluctantly voted for Aderyn. [4:53 PM] Monoboar!: "Yeesh, finally. Let's get on with it!"
The voting screens flicker black for a moment before a light begins to flicker down each name.
"Well, who's it gonna be, ya grubs? Let's find out who killed 'im!"
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[4:54 PM] Monoboar!: ...
A victory tune chimes out as the light lands on Aderyn Bishop.
"Looks like it's the truth, gwahaha! Aderyn Bishop killed Akihiko Oshiro!"
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[4:54 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn squeezes her eyes shut. [4:54 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's still in her shirt. [4:55 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel covers her mouth, hand shaking. [4:55 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie shakes his head. [4:55 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko walks back to her stand. "Goodbye, Aderyn." [4:56 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: They lower their head and looks down and to the side, folding their hands over their chest. [4:57 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I hope you're able to find peace." [4:57 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis broke into another scowl, jaw going tense. "This isn't fucking fair. None of this is fair." [4:57 PM] Eri [around]: "Bye Aderyn" That's all Eri says. [4:57 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "N-None of it... none of it is fair...! The motive drove Lady Aderyn to kill Akihiko, and now... it kills her for it...!?" [4:58 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: "...I hope you become an angel one day" [4:58 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana didn't say anything more. What else could she say? [4:59 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn shakes her head. "No p-pearly, wh-white gates for me," she mutters in response to Cerviel. [4:59 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: "...Addy. I..I'm sorry. I hope you get a lotta cute shit wherever you go." [4:59 PM] Wallace Callaghan || Foyer: Wallace had way too many questions and tbh if I was writing the full Wallace he would have been interrogating her but im just gonna [5:00 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: He looked away. He didn't have any further response. [5:01 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "Do you have something you wish to tell those outside? I can...I can tell them, your friends..." [5:03 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn winces, visibly. "Don't... tell them." She begs. "Please," her eyes well up again. This is... very selfish of her, and she knows. But.. still. "Just.. Don't-- Don't even.. talk to them. Just.. Leave it be. They'll ww-wonder, where, where I went, and... mm-move on. It's... fine." [5:04 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: "I think... they'll look for you. They won't forget you, Aderyn. But, as you wish." [5:07 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Lake shook a bit as she snapped out of her slight daze when she processed Hazel putting the thoughts she had into the words she was looking for a minute before.
'God, I'm embarrassing! NOW I know what I want to say!'
"...Yeah, none it is fair!" Lake grabbed her stand and began to shout, "Fuck, I take back wishing it was quick as my last words to you, Aderyn-san! That's weak, coming from me! None of this bullshit is fair, and you shouldn't have to fucking die when you're not even twenty! What the fuck! Whoever's behind that disgusting swine will pay for the bullshit they put you, Oshiro-kun and the rest of us through!!! Neither you or him will have died in vain, I swear it!!"
"And if they're real friends, Aderyn-san, they'll miss the fuck out of you and remember you!! If not, I'll remember you! And Oshiro-kun, too!!!" [5:09 PM] classical bishop sacrifice: Aderyn sniffles and... nods. There's nothing else she can say. [5:09 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyahaha, touching! But this is the end, whether it matters to ya losers or not!"
Monoboar slams a gavel onto a big red button, and Aderyn is promptly whisked away by a metal clamp attached to a chain snapping around her neck, and she's off...
Aderyn Bishop has been found guilty. Time for the punishment.
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[Done by @spiiderboiii]
[Done by @pitoumugis]
[5:10 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: She closes her eyes. She can't look. [5:11 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue watches, but... She regrets doing that. [5:12 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel nearly shrieks, and covers her eyes, and then her ears, and crouches down. [5:12 PM] Riku Yasui...: Riku turned around and put his hood up. [5:12 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana slowly emerges from her shirt, looking at the aftermath of the execution. She wished she hadn't. [5:12 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko flinches as she hears the train, letting out a sob as she presses her hand tighter against her face as if that'd protect her from the sight. [5:12 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Cerviel flinched, finally allowing himself to cry. It didn't matter that he hadn't known her. His tears fell down onto the ground anyways. [5:12 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne wants to scream but they just gag, having to turn themself around and cover their mouth. Why. WHY? [5:13 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie taps impatiently on his stand, still staring at the train. [5:13 PM] Monoboar!: "That's all for now, maggots. Save th' sobbin' and head back into the elevator! Scram!"
Monoboar slams his gavel, closing the case on this trial, and vanishes from his throne. [5:14 PM] 🔫Artemis Black🔫| Sadness: Artemis, for the first time in everyone's presence, whimpers. She whined from the back of her throat, turning away. Fuck. Fuck! She leaned on the pedastal to keep herself steady, trying to blink away the wet heat from her eyes. After a moment she steadied herself, walking off to the elevator with a stagger to her step. [5:14 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana fucking books it to the elevator. [5:14 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel shakily steps into the elevator. [5:14 PM] Cerviel Winter | Room: Numb, he walked back onto the elevator. [5:14 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie fucking yeets it. [5:15 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Wilma tips her hat downwards, listening to but not watching the execution. She won't revel in Aderyn's death.
She lingers in the trial room, not because she wants to, but in case anyone won't go back. She can escort them. [5:15 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana can't wait to go to her room and scream. [5:16 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Investigation: Rayne bolts to the elevator as fast as their legs can take them. The situation's magnitude hitting them hard finally. Once they get into the elevator they just hunker down into a ball. [5:16 PM] Qiuyue Xu ♣ Foyer: Qiuyue rubs her arms nervously. [5:17 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: Out of respect for Aderyn (And just not willing to see a live death), Lake looked away from the screen.
...She heard the train and put two, two and two together. The first two being, 'Oh, a train.' Second, 'At... At least is was quick.' And third, '...Why a train?'
'...Oh, god,' A sick thought seeped into her mind before she dashed to the elevator, wanting to keep the train of thought from going on. [5:17 PM] Keiko Taisei | Death time: Keiko solemnly makes her way inside the elevator, crying quietly once more. None of this is fair. They don't deserve this.
'Akihiko, Aderyn...I'm sorry.' she thinks to herself, wishing she could've done something, anything to prevent this from happening. [5:18 PM] Wilma Ortega || foy air: Alright, I think everyone's in. Wilma follows. [5:18 PM] Hana Minami! | I can';t: Hana's still acting all princess-like in the elevator, hands on her hips, giving everyone a stare-down. Her eyes are puffy, though, and her cheeks are red. [5:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Trial: "...Do you need a hug, Minami-sama?" [5:20 PM] Monoboar!: The elevator closes behind everyone and rises back to the foyer, now two less people but a heavy atmosphere weighing down on all of you...
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Distractions: Chapter 6 of When Two Hearts Collide
Pairing: Copdoc
Rating: It has changed from T to M
Ao3 // FFN
Summary:  Lauren is adamant about helping Trick, but what she finds is all too weird. When she tries to share it with Tamsin, the latter is all about distracting her.
The folder Trick had given Lauren was tucked tight against her shirt as she walked along campus. She didn't know why she felt the urge to hide it, but after feeling the sun on her cheeks her hand darted underneath the brown leather jacket instantly. Her backpack secured the folder to her chest, its excessive weight effectively causing a constant pressure on her upper body to hold it in place, and she briefly thought of how Tamsin had seemed surprised by the weight when she picked it up to throw it a couple days prior. Surprisingly it didn't hurt Lauren or seem very hefty, and even with the small smile that appeared on her features from thinking of the taller blonde, something else was weighing her down.
Why would someone she had just met entrust anything with her? The freshman had encountered Trick yesterday, and only for a brief moment. Had Tamsin truly been talking her up to the man? Well, she countered as she usually did, he had said himself Tamsin did not speak much to him. If she did not speak then Lauren's name would not come up; if Lauren's name did not come up, then there was no way a trust could be built. If no trust could be built- oh, you get the idea, she thought, rolling her eyes at herself for her overthinking. It bugged Lauren all the way back to her dorm room, and she quickly shrugged off her backpack and grabbed the file before it could slide down her shirt to the floor.
Lauren's fingers brushed against the blue manila cover, her body rocking into the bed as her back pressed softly against the headboard. She didn't take off her shoes, choosing instead to lay them softly onto her side of the bed, before taking a deep breath and opening the folder slowly. Her brown orbs darted through the pages, flipping through the sheets fervently before starting all over again. At first she couldn't comprehend what she was reading, and by the third read through she could only slightly understand it. What the readings were showing, blood platelet levels, vital signs, even usual ranges like blood pressure were all over the place. She was reading it through and now taking notes on a small pad she had retrieved from her side table when Tamsin sauntered through the door.
A beat of silence passed before the mattress compressed beside Lauren and she felt a hot presence next to her. “Hello, doc,” Tamsin whispered into the freshman's ear.
Lauren flicked her head upward, running her eyes over the woman before nervously chuckling and leaning back. She stuttered out, “S-sorry, Tamsin. I was lost in the chart.” Her hand waved toward the blue folder before resting her cheek onto her palm. “How was your day?”
Tamsin scooted further into Lauren's space as she played with strands of the latter's hair. Her eyes flicked down for a moment before they found chocolate brown orbs. “It was fine. So what's this chart for?” Fingers began to rake through honey blonde waves, tangling themselves gently before skimming Lauren's shirt. It was a long, drawn out motion, one that Tamsin continued languidly.
“Trick gave it to me,” Lauren replied, clearing her throat and swallowing hard. She did not know if it was because of how she felt with Tamsin being so close to her, or if it was because she was willingly telling this woman the truth. At the furrowed brow that the taller woman sported, Lauren continued, “I was looking for a quiet place to read my.. Star Trek book.. and I remembered the Dal. Did you know he has this very creepy lair down the old stairs in the bar?” Lauren's face scrunched slightly before she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Waving her hand in front of her face she fervently said, “Anyways Trick asked me to help and take a peek at his friend's chart. He said she was extremely sick, and I did stumble in and just start reading this big book and-”
Tamsin's back straightened slightly, something that would have gone unnoticed if not for their close proximity, and she cut Lauren off, “A big book?”
“Yeah, he called it the Book of the Fae. Don't worry the first question I asked was if it was a cult.” Lauren smirked and let a small chuckle leave her throat. “Rest assured: it's not.”
“Good looking out,” Tamsin remarked, her eyes downcast and her hand moving even slower than it was before in Lauren's hair. “So I doubt doctor-patient confidentiality really applies here so tell me about the chart.”
Slight laughter filled the eerily quiet dorm room, and Lauren wondered if the sound proofing always made it sound like this. The sound she had emitted fell harsher than she remembered it doing when they had watched The Stuff or when she was generally laughing at Tamsin do something foolish for the sake of getting a reaction out of her. There was something wrong, something that wasn't being said, and she could literally feel it creeping up her spine. The tingling sensation did not stop when she slowly began, “Well for one I've never seen numbers like this in blood palettes before. I've read about some reaching into the millions but this is a bit extreme. How this patient is still alive and hasn't developed a blood clot at the base of the spine, or anywhere for that matter, is beyond me. A-and look at this,” a delicate finger pointed toward the numbers marking blood pressure, “it far exceeds anything I've ever seen before in a patient that was still alive. Even the previous charts indicate the numbers have rarely fluctuated!” Lauren ruffled through the pages, pulling out the first medical paperwork from three years prior. “Now Trick said this woman was extremely ill, but with these numbers she should already be dead. She must be a really heavy drinker,” she muttered.
“Out of everything you just said, why must she be a heavy drinker?”
Lauren hummed before pulling her gaze from the paperwork. There was a lilt in her voice when she said, “Oh I just meant with this acute hypertension it's usually caused by something. Drinking is a common factor in young and older adults, while the condition itself is more so found in older women. I bet she had a wild life. That or she's a vampire with the factor of healing she could accomplish with these levels of platelets.”
Tamsin didn't seem to care for Lauren's snicker or poor joke, and suddenly raised fully. She stopped playing in Lauren's hair and her hand shot out and closed the folder. With the freshman began to state her opposition to it, the taller woman instead changed her position and moved in front of her. She scooted the blue folder backward, using her body to shield the sight of it, as she slowly put her hands onto Lauren's folded legs. She balanced there for a moment, taking Lauren in, before she whispered, “Ah, but if only vampires were real. I have a feeling you'd be even more turned on right now.”
A crimson blush spread furiously over Lauren's features but she did not move away. The weight on her knees was not harsh, and instead she welcomed the physical attention. It had only been a day after their date at the clearing and it was like Tamsin was ready to take whatever this was to the next level. What was college if not sex filled parties with roommates! Okay there was much more to college than just that. There were pretty girls, and blondes, and really green eyes and- oh shut up, you're just describing her!
Lauren's hand caressed Tamsin's cheek before she pulled the woman in to her. The taller woman's lips were much softer than they looked as they brushed against Lauren's. Tamsin's scent was familiar yet different, striking her with citrus and honey, vanilla and lavender. It filled her up as her chest heaved, a soft moan escaping her lips before Tamsin deepened the kiss. A hand moved from Lauren's knee to her shoulder, pushing her back onto the bed, before a perfect body laid gently on top of her. Tamsin's once tight bun slowly unraveled, strands of hair raining down around Lauren as she played in the waves. Somewhere at the foot of the bed the blue folder could be heard hitting the floor, but it was barely noticed as a hand went to Lauren's throat and her breath hitched.
Tamsin disengaged from the kiss, a large smile on her features. “So that's your kink, huh?”
“What are you going to do about it,” Lauren breathed. She found it extremely difficult to suck in air being so close to the Icelandic blonde. It felt as if she weren't breathing at all, her chest falling and rising shallowly, but her heart throbbed almost painfully. Her word choice was obviously intentional, and she smirked up to the woman as if daring her to take the bait.
Lowly chuckling, Tamsin leaned in slowly while she kept her eyes on Lauren's. Her tongue flicked across Lauren's upper lip, never breaking eye contact as she simultaneously ground her body into her. The darker blonde moaned lightly, following the movement of their bodies, before grabbing the back of Tamsin's head and tangling her fingers into hair. She pressed their foreheads together as Tamsin continued to grind, breathing heavily in sync, before she aggressively sucked the woman's bottom lip. Teeth bit into flesh as Lauren bit down before sucking softly to alleviate any pain Tamsin would feel, moving into a passionate kiss.
Tamsin's hands gripped roughly underneath Lauren's thigh, her other still on the side of the woman's neck as she balanced on her knees. Her heart felt like it was going to explode, among other things, and she disengaged from the kiss suddenly. Green orbs peered into brown as Tamsin let go of the darker blonde's neck and placed her hand on the bed. She slowly let go of Lauren's thigh to instead caress her cheek, glancing at every detail on the woman's face, moving strands of disheveled hair. This woman was truly beautiful...
Lauren said her name softly, her own hand going up to brush a stray hair behind the taller woman's ear. It sounded so soft, so caring and loving, that it seemed to finally break Tamsin out of whatever she had been feeling in that moment. She smiled as she descended into a soft kiss, it becoming passionate and slow as their teeth nipped and their tongues tasted. This was different than either women had before, something new as they explored each other. They took their time, Tamsin beginning to grind softly into Lauren before the latter began to undress. With each article of clothing came kisses to flesh, soft biting as well which earned both women moans.
The last piece of clothing to go on Lauren was floral designed panties, Tamsin stopping as her fingers brushed lower stomach. Both hands were playing with the hem, Lauren now slightly off the bed and holding herself up as Tamsin's knees dug into either side of her. “Are you sure this is okay?” Tamsin breathed, trying to come up for air from their many kisses.
A chuckled escaped the darker blonde, her teeth catching before sucking Tamsin's bottom lip. “You sound so unsure, Miss. Badass.”
“Consent is important,” Tamsin replied before her hand went to Lauren's throat. She gently squeezed as she made the premed look at her. Her core throbbed when a languid moan hitched out of the woman she was about to fuck. Tamsin's other hand moved further down over the panties, pressing her fingers softly against the outline of Lauren's sex. It was time for her to grin and chuckle, pleased with the pleasured face the woman made, before she breathed, “You're dripping for me.” A pitiful whimper came from Lauren before Tamsin squeezed her throat tighter and continued, “I won't take that as an answer.”
A furious nod was not enough, and Lauren quickly half yelled, “Yes, I'm okay with it!”
“You're lucky these rooms are soundproofed,” Tamsin breathed, instantly and skillfully thrusting her fingers inside of the fabric before into Lauren.
The dark blonde's mouth opened as a wave of pleasure cascaded from her cunt throughout her entire body. She lay still for a moment as Tamsin breathed a curse before beginning to move inside of her. It was slow and deep, the woman's fingers curling in just the right spots and Lauren's back hit the bed and her legs wrapped around Tamsin's. The tall woman continued to squeeze her neck as she began to move faster, marveling at the sight in front of her. Lauren's bare breasts, her throat, her cunt: Tamsin almost lost it at the sight of such beauty. Women were gorgeous but Lauren? She was on a whole new level.
Lauren's short nails dug into the flesh of Tamsin's shoulder, her breath hitching and the pitch in her moans becoming higher. “T-Tamsin,” she stammered out before a stream of curses followed.
Tamsin could feel the darker blonde's walls tightening around her, and before she could reach climax the woman stopped moving, a smirk on her features. Before Lauren could voice her annoyance, Tamsin's body moved swiftly down and her hot mouth was around the woman's clit.
“Oh fuck,” Lauren breathed, one hand pushing Tamsin's mouth ever harder down, while the other balled into sheets.
Reverberation from Tamsin humming out her own satisfaction made Lauren almost come right there. It felt so fucking good, Tamsin's tongue felt so damn good! It flicked against her clit hard then languidly soft, her fingers moving at odds with whichever she would do. Soft and hard, or hard and slow. It was maddening. It was so fucking good!
It didn't take long for Lauren to come after that, her hips rolling into Tamsin's mouth as her body arched slightly. A long, loud, satisfied moan came from her lips as the spasms that wracked her body lessened. Tamsin smiled up at Lauren, kissing the woman's clit once more before trying to go in again. Lauren laughed, catching Tamsin quickly before her oversensitive sex could cause another bout, and she was happy to taste herself on the woman's lips. Her arms wrapped around Tamsin's torso, her fingers brushing against the woman's sports bra, as she giggled with ecstasy.
“I needed that,” Lauren whispered.
Tamsin chuckled, placing her fingers that had just been inside the other in her mouth. Her eyes never left Lauren's as she swirled her tongue around them, lapping off every drop of the woman, before licking her lips. “You taste so fucking good.” She chuckled as Lauren made a uncouth sound, kissing the woman again. She swirled her still wet digits around her nipples, pinching them between her index and middle fingers. “So,” she said, propping herself up with a hand, “what ridiculous horror movie do we get to watch tonight?”
“Who knew you were so domestic,” Lauren chortled.
Tamsin shrugged. “There's a lot you don't know about me, doc.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I secretly think you're really hot.”
An incredulous laugh filled the room before Lauren covered her mouth, still giggling. She let her hand rest on Tamsin's cheek, her thumb stroking softly. “Well you're sweet and salty enough to be classified as a sap, I think.”
Tamsin groaned, letting her head fall onto Lauren's chest before shaking her head. “Why are you such a dork.”
“That's why you love me,” Lauren burst out before chuckling. Realizing what she had just said she quickly followed up, “I mean... that's why I have to be silly and out of touch. Because you, um...”
“It's okay, doc. Don't give yourself an aneurysm. Sex can do all sorts of things to your head. I get it.”
Lauren nodded up at Tamsin. “Yeah, exactly.”
Tamsin smirked before giving Lauren a quick peck. “I'm going to freshen up. I'll be back.”
The tall woman shimmied off the bed, rifling by the side of the bed for her fallen top. Something else slid across the ground, but Lauren didn't pay much attention to it and instead was reliving the last few sentences. Her eyes were on the ceiling as she also replayed the extracurricular activities that had also just happened, and did not see Tamsin holding something close to her chest, just out of eyesight. Lauren could feel herself getting wet again as Tamsin left the room with a wink, her clothes draped over her arm but not fully laying down as if something was underneath them.
No, Lauren didn't see any of it as Tamsin left the room. She was just too happy.
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Kwon Ji Yong, Boss Pt 15; Finale
Hello hello! I am finally posting the last part of my Boss Series... I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far, and I am really thankful to those who have told met that they enjoy it! I’m actually sad that I’m done with this series, and I am hoping to have lots more one shots and group reactions in the very near future.
Please enjoy this last part my lovelies! XOXO~
Waking up with Ji Yong’s arms wrapped around you, his sweet scent filling your nose you force your sleepy eyes open. He was already awake watching you with a smile on his face. “Sleep babygirl. You need it.” He started to slide off the bed. “I’ll make breakfast and make sure work knows I’m not coming in today.”
“Noo… Stay.” You sluggishly grab his arm, grumbling and tugging on him. “I almost didn’t get to come home. I want to cuddle with you.” Giving in to your adorable sleepiness, Ji Yong climbed back into the bed. “Okay okaaay.” Pulling yourself closer to him, you nuzzled your face against his neck. “Oppa. I’m so sleepy…” You manage to say, before slipping back into a blissful sleep. He watched as your eyes moved, lips smiling a tiny bit. “She smiles in her sleep.” He noted, with a chuckle. The urge to pee suddenly shot through his body, so he slipped into the bathroom.
“No! No! Don’t do this!” Your screams suddenly echoed in the room, and he rushed out to see you still asleep, thrashing and crying. “Baby! Sweetheart!” Ji Yong wrapped his arms around you, stroking your soaking hair. The shaking subsided and you began to whimper; but realizing that he was holding you, your arms grabbed ahold of him tightly. “What happened?! You’ve never had such bad night terrors.” The concern in his voice was a little shaky. “I was dreaming. A good dream, you and I… In the backyard, playing with our kids, when HE showed up. Took my babies and suddenly you were gone, and everyone was gone. I was alone with him, back in that tiny house. Trying to force me…” Ji Yong shushed you.
“Don’t worry. He isn’t here. He is going to be gone for a long long time. I won’t leave your side. Sleep until you feel better okay?” He laid down, next to you, holding your still shaking body in his arms. No matter what it took, no matter the cost, he would make sure you never felt this way again.
               6 months later
Everything had slowly gotten better. Over the months, you had some therapy just to get the bad memories into a place of acceptance. As you are getting a meal ready in time for your boyfriend and 4-year-old son to be home, the smell of garlic suddenly hits you, sending a nauseous shiver down your spine. Rushing into the bathroom you bent over the toilet for what had been the 30th time that week. Groaning, you flushed the vomit and leaned against the counter pondering your mind. Picking up your phone with an idea you texted Ji Yong to stop by the pharmacy and grab some pregnancy tests.
When he got home, he rushed into the bathroom, waving the box around carrying about 3 more in the bag. “Are you sure?! Is it true?!” He gasped all out of breath. “Babe, I don’t know yet, give me that box.” He handed the box over, closing the door and sitting on the edge of the tub. “If this is really happening, oh! I can’t wait!” His excitement was contagious, and a part of you dreaded the test being negative. Ji Yong had been wanting a baby for so long, and having him get the tests probably wasn’t the best idea.
After peeing on the stick, you set the timer. With 3 minutes to go, Ji Yong bit his lip, “Baby, even if we aren’t pregnant I’ll still be happy. That just means we have another chance to try again, until we have a second child here.” The timer went off and you took a deep breath. “Its...” You flipped it over and you both looked at it, realization sinking in. “Positive?” He questioned. Nodding you stopped him mid-celebration. “We need to make a doctor’s appointment to actually confirm it and, we also need to know how long its been…” As you listed off everything important that needed to be done, he stopped you, and looked down into your eyes. “We’re most likely having a baby. Let’s just enjoy the moment, the fact that we have created yet another perfect being.”
Chuckling, you kissed him gasping as he lifted you up. Wrapping your legs around him as he walked to the bed. “Oppa! What are you doing?” You laughed, biting your lip as he laid you down. “Just in case, just to make sure that we are having a baby.” He winked, as he took off his shirt and started kissing your neck, his hard-on still growing as his fingers began teasing your already heated core. Ji Yong hummed as you tried to hide your moans. “Don’t be quiet.” He whispered in your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. “Your friends are all like 4 rooms down, eating in the dining room. You know the same ones you call your security team?”
A sly grin crossed his lips. “Princess, what makes you think that that’ll stop me?” He went back to teasing you with his fingers.
“Scream for me.” His voice lowered, sending shivers down your back.
He began to kiss down your body, but you stopped him. “As much as I need you, in all kinds of ways… It’s time I pay you back for all those times you made me feel good.” Having him sit, you knelt in front of him, a shy smile on your lips. You could tell how much he was anticipating this, just by the look that had pooled in his eyes. Taking him in your hand, you looked up at him, “If I do something wrong, or it doesn’t feel good tell me okay?” A nod came in response, and you hesitantly brought your lips to his throbbing member. Taking him in your mouth, just a little bit you heard him groan slightly and began to go further down his length, little by little. “Little faster.” His voice moaned out, as he tried hard to not buck into your mouth. As you sped up, his hands found your hair, and he gently started guiding you a bit further down. Avoiding choking, you hummed, which was something you had stumbled upon when reading random Cosmo magazines online. Moans, and “fuck” and “yes…” were falling out of Ji Yong’s mouth as you helped him get closer to finishing. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth.” He said, pulling away from you. Biting your bottom lip, you stood and pulled off your panties. “Okay.” You watched him as he kept himself going with his hand, and then stopped him as you had him move back further on the bed and straddled his lap. “Well?” You tilted your head smirking at him.
Ji Yong pushed himself into your slick core, and then laid back as you lowered your body all the way. “Oh shit…” He gasped at the sudden movement. His body tried to slam upwards, but you held him down with your hands. “You’re in control baby girl.” He managed to say between his moans. You slowly began moving up and down, teasing him to see just how much he could take. He was gripping the sheets in an attempt to keep himself from taking control. “Go ahead.” You whispered and instantly he had you on your back, moving in and out of you. Gasping out his name you both hit your high at the same time, riding them out as long as possible. Ji Yong collapsed next to you, chest heaving his eyes looking into yours. “Well…” He laughed as you blushed. “No matter how many times we do this, you always blush, and you always look like an angel.”
Humming, you giggled and cuddled up against him. “I love you so much.” Kissing you gently he whispered against your lips, “I love you too.”
The Next Day
Ji Yong’s knee was going crazy, as you both waited in the chairs outside the doctor’s office. “Sweetheart, calm down.” You giggled as he groaned impatiently for the hundredth time. “They’ll call us when its our turn.” Almost as if by magic, the nurse stepped out and called your names. Standing and walking over to her, she led you to a room. “You’re here to see if you are pregnant, correct?” Upon hearing the chorused yes, she wrote some stuff down, and left saying the doctor would be with you shortly.
After tests and tons of questions, you were told to wait once again in the waiting room. They were conducting a few tests to make sure that you were pregnant, and it was agony. Finally, the time came where they called your names once again. The doctor looked down at the chart, and then back up at you. “Congratulations. You are indeed having a baby.”  Excitedly, Ji Yong swept you up into a hug, lifting you up off the ground. “Yes! I’m gonna be daddy!” He cheered, jumping up and down. After having gone to fill out some paperwork, you both agreed on inviting his dad and mom over for dinner to tell them.
When dinner time rolled around, you could barely contain your excitement. Ji Yong stood and told everyone sitting that we had an announcement to make. His dad and mom looked up curiously, while our friends all gave me a look. “Today,” He began taking your hand and having you stand beside him, “We found out that we are having a baby.” Cheers and laughter filled the room as everyone congratulated you both. “And,” He said once everyone had quieted down. “Baby, I love you. I was going to wait until next week, but I just can’t. I’ve put this off too many times already.”
Kneeling, Ji Yong pulled out a ring box and smiled as you slapped your hands over your mouth. “The first time I saw you, was your interview. I saw you from where I was observing above the waiting area. You were so nervous pacing back and forth, mumbling to yourself. I had never met you and yet, I wanted to go down and pull you into my arms. Tell you not to worry.” Tears had begun to form as he opened the box and set it down on the table taking both of your hands in his. “Ever since that day, I knew you were someone special. That you were going to change my life somehow. I got even more than I thought when you agreed to date me, and let me into you and Y/S’s life. I love you so much more than I can even express. Please, marry m-.” Before he could even finish his sentence, you had gasped yes, a hundred times and then kissed him. Ji Yong stood, sliding the ring onto your finger and smiled down at you. His family and your friends congratulated you guys once again, and Y/S was dancing around chanting “We’re gonna have a baby! We’re gonna have a wedding!”
Once everyone had gone home, and you and Ji Yong had both settled down in front of the TV, you sighed and looked at him a smile on your lips. “You know I have no idea how I survived before meeting you. I never thought someone would be able to love me, the way you love me. Or that I would ever be treated the way you treat me.” A kiss on your forehead, followed by, “Well you better believe it.” Brought a chuckle from both of you.
You had finally found the one for you. Your soulmate.
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I'm not sure if you are stil doing this, or if you combine the prompts, but I was thinking 49 + 18 plus maybe a little 5 on the mix? ;)
Thank you so much anon! (and sorry this took so long, it ended up much longer than expected) This was a really cool challenge!
For fun, I also decided to work in Reydar for @reylofanfictionanthology‘s Reydar Month, so we’re hitting a diagonal on the bingo board with hacked, midnight, free space, med bay, and employee of the month, and then also ‘real talk with real folks’ and glasses just for fun.
Send me a number and I’ll write a short Reylo au fic (4, 8, 28, and 40 answered)
49. boss/intern au18. waking up with amnesia au and a little bit of 5. one night stand and falling pregnant au(and Reydar)
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
Words: 3634/7563Rating: on that M/E line
(first part is below, entire thing is on ao3 so the people on mobile don’t hate me too much)
Kylo peeled his eyes open, feeling like they had been glued shut. A tiny crack revealed blinding white light, and he quickly closed them again. His head pounded and his ears seemed to be stuffed with cotton and ringing at the same time. He tried opening his eyes again, the pounding in his head getting loud enough to hear as he did. Still blinding. He stubbornly persisted, until the white resolved itself into a ceiling and walls. He flexed his hand. Something was stuck to it, but it seemed to move okay. Just his head then.
“Kylo?” A familiar voice came from his right. He instinctively turned towards it and winced. Neck too.
Gritting his teeth, he peered at the dark shape next to him. He was confused at first; her hair was down instead of up in her typical buns, and it looked like she had been wearing makeup, but he finally knew who it was.
“Rey,” he croaked, or tried to. His throat was too dry for him to even swallow.
(cont under cut)
Rey grabbed something from next to the bed. It clattered, and then she pushed something cold against his lips. He opened them in surprise. Rey’s fingers on his lips… She withdrew them too quickly for his fuzzy brain to fully appreciate the situation. He realized she’d given him an ice cube and wondered if he finished this one if she’d do it again.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, leaning over him anxiously.
He blinked in surprise, then thought about the question. Everything was vaguely achey, as far as he could tell around the drumbeat in his head. “Terrible,” he muttered around the ice cube.
She rolled her eyes. “I bet.” She sat back in the chair next to the bed. “You’re an idiot,” she told him.
He snorted, then winced again. “That sounds familiar.”
“It should. I’ve mentioned it a couple times tonight.” She was trying to look annoyed with him, but her hand still rested on the bed.
“What happened?”
For some reason, she turned slightly pink at that. She pushed another ice cube at him. Her fingers were warm against his lips, and he flushed as well. “What do you remember?” she asked, not meeting his eyes.
He closed his eyes and tried to think back. Everything hurt. Flashes of blurred scenes passed through his mind, but disappeared before he understood any of them. “I don’t know,” he finally said, frustrated. She was looking at him now, with a combination of exasperation and dismay. “What?” he asked with trepidation.
She huffed. “You fell down the stairs. Do you remember that?”
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to concentrate around all the noise. Something - walking down the hallway, in his apartment? Just wearing his slacks, he was at the top of the stairs. Something fell down from the leg of his pants; it had been wedged against his knee - how had it gotten there? It was yellow and fluffy - his foot snagged on it, the stairs rushed forward, and his head gave a particularly painful throb. He raised the hand not attached to anything to press against his forehead. His eyes flew open when Rey’s hand covered his, both soft and callused.
“Do you want me to call the nurse?” she asked worriedly. “I can get her to come back if you need.”
“It’s fine,” he gritted out. His head throbbed again. “…maybe you should call her.”
Rey walked to the door and leaned out into the hallway. He rubbed his fingers against his eyes in an attempt to get the pounding to quiet. He jumped when he felt someone touch the lines attached to his hand. His eyes opened and saw an older, very tired looking woman in scrubs bending over him.
“You’re back with us then?” the nurse said as she checked him over.
“I guess,” he said uncomfortably, following her finger with his eyes.
She sighed. “Pity. I guess we’ll never know which of your daughters is going to grow up to be president.”
Kylo choked. “What?”
The nurse continued blithely with her tasks. “Oh, you must not remember. Once we finally got you to cooperate-” she cast him a look that gave him idea of just how difficult he’d been “-you were quite talkative about your future children.” She nodded at Rey. Kylo glanced over and saw she was flushing furiously red. He felt his own face heat.
“If I remember,” the nurse went on, either ignoring, or more likely enjoying his embarrassment, “you were insistent on two daughters, and one or two more, either girls or boys. You were very adamant that they would be smart and beautiful; that was repeated a few times. Let me think -” she paused while making notes on his charts “- I think you decided that they would have her features and your hair. You were just getting into their future careers when you finally fell asleep.” She smiled at them both. “Well, I think that’s all for me! Looks like you’re in good shape, though you’ll need monitoring for at least the next twenty-four hours. I’ll go talk to the doctor to get your discharge put through.” She left with a spring in her step.
Kylo chanced a look at Rey, who was looking determinedly at the wall, face still brightly flushed. “I - were you here for all of that?” he asked, feeling he knew the answer.
She nodded, still not looking at him. “Yeah, it was - it was fine though, you weren’t really yourself -”
He wondered if he could convincingly fall back to sleep and forget this as well. “Still - I’m sorry.”
“No, really, it’s fine.” She glanced at him quickly, giving him a brief smile. “It’s really the nurses you should be apologizing to, you were a right ass when they got you in. I think it ended up taking four of them to keep you from running off at one point. You’re lucky you have such good insurance.”
“If you stick around First Order, you could get the same deal,” he offered, with a tentative smile.
She shook her head, smiling back. “Nice try. I’ll get by on university health services for now; with any luck I’ll have something actually in my field by the summer. Poe knows a guy he’s going to introduce me to.”
He looked down at the sheets, then back up. “You’ll do great,” he told her sincerely.
“Yeah, I will.” She grinned at him.
His head pounded again, and he had another flash of - something, almost like deja vu.
The nurse came back, carrying a stack of forms. “Just a couple things for you to sign, then we’ll get you out of here,” she said brightly, seeming pleased by the idea.
Kylo took the sheets from her, signing on the lines she pointed out to him, not bothering to read the swimming words. He knew better than to sign things blindly, but he would have offered her quite a lot to escape from this confusing situation and get back to his apartment to pass out again on his own bed.
“Perfect,” the nurse said, once he had finished the final page, whisking the forms away. “I’ll leave this here for you.” She pulled a couple pages off and set them on the bedside table “You can get him ready to go, right?” she asked Rey, clearly not expecting an answer.
“Actually -” Rey started, but the nurse was already at the door.
Rey turned to him. “Um, your pants are here,” she said, gesturing to next to the bed. “I can help you -”
“I can get dressed on my own,” Kylo grumbled. The impact of her words suddenly hit him, and his brain finally registered a fact that had been lost in the mind-numbing pain: he was only wearing a flimsy hospital gown. He didn’t have so much as a pair of underwear on and was now uncomfortably aware of the sheets on his skin through the gap in the gown. His face burned.
Rey bobbed her head. “Just - let me know if you need anything. It’s not like I haven’t - “ she cut herself off, turning red again, matching him.
“Thanks,” he muttered. Then, embarrassed: “Could you-?”
“What?” Rey looked at him in confusion, then understanding dawned. “Oh, yeah, sure.” She turned towards the window. “Um, yell if you need help. Don’t hurt yourself again, please.”
Slowly, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. His head spun wildly, and he gripped the edge of the bed tightly to prevent himself from falling in either direction. He breathed slowly, trying to tamp down the rising nausea. He closed his eyes, letting the metal of the bed frame ground him. He thought about opening them, to check if there was a trash can by the bed, but it seemed like a bad idea.
“Kylo?” Rey’s voice was soft and came from next to him. Her hand settled lightly on his shoulder. “Come on, let me help you.”
Eyes still squeezed shut, he nodded. Her hand left, but she returned a moment later. His eyes flew open when he felt her hands on his feet. She was kneeling on the floor, his slacks in her hand, pulling them onto his legs.
“You don’t have to-” he protested.
“I think the nurse probably wants us out of here sometime today.”
Reluctantly, he conceded the point and let her continue. Not that there was a whole lot he could have done to stop her. She was mildly embarrassed, cheeks still pink, but efficient. He tried to draw from that and act as if it was a normal thing to have his intern help to dress him. It didn’t work. Rey reached the edge of edge of the bed, sliding his pants over the gown. “Here, stand up,” she prodded.
“I can do it,” he insisted again. He tried to stand, but barely got a few inches up before landing back on the bed. Rey pursed her lips.
“Lean on me,” she instructed.
Kylo tentatively placed his hands on her shoulders. They were narrow, but he could feel the muscles under his fingers as she helped him up. She pulled the pants up past his hips, slightly uncomfortable with the hospital gown still stuffed into them. He stared across the room, face blazing, as Rey’s hands fumbled at his stomach with the fastenings. Her head was just in front of his, bent down under his nose, and he told himself repeatedly how terrible of an idea it would be to lean closer. He was incredibly lucky she hadn’t walked out on him already.
She finished and took a step back. His hands fell from his shoulders and he started to sway, but she caught them. “They left a wheelchair; let’s get you to that,” she suggested. She led him across the room with his arm around her shoulder and hers around his back. He sat heavily down in the wheelchair and Rey fetched his paperwork. “You good?” she asked, positioning herself behind him.
“Besides the humiliation?” he muttered.
She snorted. “You’ll live.”
She rolled him into the hallway, stopping briefly at the nurse’s station. He did his best not to make eye contact with anyone. He attempted to busy himself by reading the papers he’d been handed, but trying to focus on the dancing words was not making him feel any better. He settled for glaring into the distance.
Rey came back and they continued through the waiting area and out the automatic doors. The brisk air bit into his skin under the thin gown, startling him into being slightly more alert. He folded his arms in front of him and tried not to shiver. Within minutes, a yellow cab pulled up. Rey opened the door and helped him into the backseat, then took her seat next to him. The driver looked back at them expectantly.
“Shit,” Rey muttered. She turned to him. “Do you remember your address?”
He ignored the instinctual annoyance and gave the driver directions. It was a perfectly reasonable question given the circumstances. He furrowed his brow.
“How did I get here?” he asked Rey.
“Ambulance. I wasn’t sure whether or not to move you; you hit your head pretty hard and I didn’t want to make anything worse.”
He nodded slowly. “You were - at my apartment?”
She turned pink again. “Yeah, you invited me.” She looked at him hopefully. “Do you remember?” He shook his head and her expression dropped. “It’s okay. The doctor said things might come back to you, but even if they don’t - it’s okay.” She sounded as if she was reassuring herself as much as him.
He nodded again and leaned his head back against the seat. He closed his eyes, thinking about the little bit he had remembered. Something about yellow…
Kylo nervously patted the blonde wig covering his dark hair, looking out over the crowd of people. Various colleagues filled the room, some he recognized, plenty he didn’t, in various states of inebriation despite the early hour. He was searching for one person in particular, and he found her in the shadow of a pillar, holding a drink and scanning the room. He adjusted his glasses and walked over.
Rey barely glanced at him as he approached, shooting him a look out of the corner of her eye, then returning to her search. He cleared his throat.
“Hi,” he said, the single word coming out somewhat strangled as he tried to alter his voice halfway through.
She glanced at him again, then looked away. “Hi.”
Kylo reminded himself that this was the point, she wasn’t supposed to recognize him like this. “I’m…Matt. From IT.”
This time her look was derisive. “So you’re responsible for the email system getting hacked last week?”
“No! Well, I guess, I mean…” She wasn’t looking at him anymore. “What do you do?” he asked desperately.
“I work under Kylo Ren, I mostly do data analysis.” Her focus was far from him. She leaned onto her tiptoes to try to see better, then settled back down again in disappointment.
“That must be pretty great,” he stammered.
She finally really looked at him, with raised brows. “Really?”
“Y-yeah, why not? He’s a great guy - or that’s what I’ve heard?”
Her eyebrows shot higher. “Who have you been talking to?”
“You know - people? Just some real talk…with some real folk?”
She gave a shocked laugh. “Well, you must have been talking to someone different than everyone else. Usually people’s first response is ‘you poor thing’ followed by ‘pay must be really good for that job’.”
He scowled. “I can’t imagine why people think working for m-him would be so terrible. It’s not like you’re working for Hux.”
She laughed again. “True. I’m not sure they could pay me enough for that.”
She went back to looking across the room. Hux stood on the small stage at the end of the room announcing the employees of the month for the year, like he was giving out awards for perfect attendance at an elementary school graduation. Kylo clenched his teeth as Hux gave another condescending smile to another winner from his own department. He turned back to Rey determinedly. “So…how is working for - Kylo Ren?”
She shrugged. “Not as bad as people assume.” She shot a glance at him. “Though maybe not as exciting as your…folk apparently think.” She half smiled. “He’s an ass, but I’ve figured out how to deal with him. They pay me enough to stay on for now.” She raised herself onto her toes again. “He was supposed to be here tonight,” she muttered.
“I’m sure he’s just busy,” he offered, feeling guilty. He had told her he would be there. This plan was a stupid last minute decision, inspired by passing a storefront on the way home. He’d seen the wig and been struck with the sudden inspiration for a way to get to know Rey outside of being her boss. He hadn’t even been sure he’d go through with it until he was standing with a mouth full of bobby pins in front of the mirror five minutes before leaving.
She snorted. “He probably forgot.”
“It’s New Year’s Eve, how could he forget that?” he asked, feeling mildly insulted.
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, probably got a last minute email and dropped everything to answer. Or the Wall Street Journal just published a really interesting article on the financial outlook for tin.”
He definitely felt insulted now. “I’m sure he has a good reason.” He hesitated. “Family emergency, maybe?” he offered, cursing himself as soon as he said it.
It seemed to work though. “Maybe,” she said, looking thoughtful. She turned towards him. “So how about you? Don’t you have more exciting things to do on New Year’s Eve than talk to work strangers at a company party?”
“…no.” That would have been true even if he hadn’t decided to come as ‘Matt’. “Don’t you?”
“Eh,” she said, shrugging. “I’ll meet up with friends later. Free food though, can’t pass that up.”
“Yeah.” He nodded, feeling more stupid with every passing minute. At least as Kylo Ren, Rey wanted to talk to him. Usually. He cleared his throat. “You’re still in college then?”
“Yup. Mechanical engineering, junior.”
“Yeah? How’s that?”
“Not bad. Work’s hard, but it’ll be worth it.”
He floundered. “So how’d you end up with First Order?”
Her shoulders bobbed in her sleeveless dress. “Needed a job to pay for school, and for all his quirks, Kylo lets me work around classes.” She hesitated, and Kylo could feel her reluctance to continue the conversation. “You?”
“I - I work in IT.”
Her eyebrows were back in the air. “Yeah, you said.”
“Well…I was looking for a job in IT. And they had one.”
“Yeah.” He coughed and clenched his hand in the stupid khakis he’d worn to stop himself from pulling on his hair. “So…working for Kylo Ren…not so bad?” Forget tugging the idiotic wig off, he was going to bang his head against the nearest wall until he could forget this whole exchange.
“…no, not so bad.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You know, one of the things about working for him that I wouldn’t have expected to enjoy is watching him tear into people.” His eyes widened behind his glasses. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are some of them I feel bad for,” she continued, blithely ignoring his reaction aside from a quirk at the corner of her lips. “But there are some people who deserve it. Speaking of which, I think I remember your boss coming by the other day about the hacking thing.” She smiled pleasantly at him.
“Um…I guess he did.” She continued smiling at him and he cast around desperately for a way to continue the conversation that didn’t involve him giving up on the whole charade. “He sounds like my mother,” he said,
“You’d like her,” he said, babbling in a panic. “I mean - she’s very outspoken.” He could feel his cheeks turning bright red and knew his ears were burning. He was Kylo Ren, dammit, successful and intelligent, and he couldn’t even hold a five minute conversation with his assistant as a normal human being. He wondered how successful sprinting from the room would be. Rey also seemed to be looking for exit strategies. “She once strangled a man with his own tie.”
That got her attention, though she was still looking at him askance. “Really?”
He nodded, bobbing his head like an idiot. “Yeah. He ended up in the hospital, which was better than he deserved. The tie ripped though, or she might have finished the job.”
Her eyes were wide. “What happened?”
His mind raced. Had he told Rey about his mother? He didn’t think so, but he wasn’t sure. “She’s a - “ not a politician, something else “- lawyer, and this man was suspected of a string of crimes, including human trafficking. She’d helped gather evidence against him, and he came into her office to threaten her. She grabbed him by his tie and choked him until it broke. It was enough to knock him out until the police got there.”
Rey grinned. “She sounds amazing.”
He smiled. “She is. She led protests for years until she started working from inside the system.” He smiled humorlessly. “Then they kicked her out, so she’s back to banging on doors again.”
“What’d she get kicked out for? Threatening to do a judge in with his wig?”
He laughed, then grimaced. There was no way to tell her that without revealing himself. “Not quite. It’s a long story,” he hedged. “There was that time she had to go rescue Dad from the man she ended up strangling though.”
“Yeah?” Rey grinned up at him, and he was pretty sure he’d tell her anything.
The evening continued like that, with him telling her stories from his past, bringing up memories he hadn’t thought about in years. She talked to him a bit about herself as well, though she had little reason to open up to a stranger, something else he had neglected to think about. (Which assumed he had thought through this at all, which was a stretch.) They at least managed a normal conversation without him completely embarrassing himself again, that he could remember. No more than he normally did around Rey anyway.
He leaned his head further into the sticky pleather of the cab seat, trying to remember more. Like exactly how much he had told her about his family, a subject he’d avoided completely until she showed interest in it. His thoughts were too slippery though, and Rey’s voice broke through his reverie.
(Continued on ao3!)
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