apathycares · 2 months
It's the fact that the manga started with Midoryia saying, "That's mean, Kacchan," and ended with Bakugou saying, "Come on, Deku," for me
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apathycares · 2 months
Why I think the ending of MHA makes sense (manga spoilers)
So I came out of hiding specifically because MHA ended and this blog started off as a place for me to ignore my other works/fandoms and write stuff for MHA so it's a given that I talk about it. Just a little disclaimer – MHA is not my first fandom, and I've been watching anime for forever, so I'm not biased when it comes to shipping or how mangakas end their work. I'm purely speaking from a place of my own sense of objectivity.
Also, since I don't think I've shared my opinion on stuff too much here so it might be weird to my current followers (hi!!), I'm gonna do it headcanon style.
Midoriya being a teacher is not farfetched – some people have said it would've been better if Hori made him a strategist or something along those lines, but you all have to remember that his only goal has been to be a hero. If he wanted to become a strategist he would've (a) thought about/been suggested that when he was quirkless and (b) there's nothing TO strategize since the big bads are all gone. Hawks is running the Commission. Police exist in this verse. He wanted to be a hero fully, so if he wasn't able to do that, then the next logical step would be to TRAIN the next heroes.
Bakugou wouldn't have become number one straight out of high school. Bffr. I know it's anime and we don't have to use real life logic but it's been said over and over again that rankings are both based on feats achieved and popularity, and even though that man has accompanied A LOT, he's always going to be rough around the edges, and as a hero, people are just not going to rock with that. But, given Endeavour's example, I think he could become number one with his feats alone as the years go on in spite of his attitude.
Midoriya not keeping in touch with the rest of his classmates except Bakugou (or maybe not being able to, whichever way it was translated) is NORMAL. How many of you keep in touch with your high school classmates after the fact, regardless of how close you were? How many of you outgrow your very real and very deep friendships? Eight years is a long time. Bakugou being left makes sense because they've known each other forever.
No ships were confirmed. Please let us leave the ending of that as it is. BUT! Let's all ship who we want, create for the ships that we want regardless. That's the beauty of fandoms. We can toy around and find joy in it, but PLEASE don't push that a ship is canon when it's not. As an old head anime fan, there's a distinction between those two. We can all have fun and accept that the series ended with no ships.
Continuing off of the previous point, I LOVE that the manga ended with no ships. That just gives us full liberties to do whatever the hell we want in this fandom and have fun without people rearing their annoying heads and writing shit comments about their pairing being canon. No one gets any ammo.
Aizawa cutting his hair is a crime.
Did they give Touya an ending??? Why can't I remember??? Well, the fact that he didn't is another crime
Everyone else's endings were solid (and I don't see much discourse about this so let's leave it at that)
See now that I'm thinking about it again, Aizawa cutting his hair isn't a crime....but why did they do him like that???
Giving Midoriya a hero suit at the end of it and Bakugou holding his hand out was GOLDEN (I'm indifferent about the suit because Teacher!doriya would've been a solid ending, but the holding the hand out squeezed my heart that was a BEAUTIFUL ending to the entire Deku/Kacchan storyline)
Some people are mentioning that Bakugou calling him Deku destroyed it but y'all forgetting that THAT'S HIS HERO NAME. Stop being lame.
I wanna know the full rankings of everyone just to gauge where Bakugou and everyone else are. Maybe Hori might do a lil something, who knows, but I don't think we need a MHA Shippuden.
High key, if we do get a spin off or something, we need a Misadventures of InsertSomeoneHere to see what a DITL of them at 24(?) looks like
Now that I'm looking at this...the fact that I watched this at their age and it ended with them being 24 and I'm currently 24 is.......
Anyways! Those are my very rushed thoughts. As much as people like to play around MHA, it was a great manga, it had a solid ending for the lore that the story was going for, and it was a great ride. I'm excited to see when all of this gets animated and we can ride this ride again, but this fandom will always be special to me.
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apathycares · 1 year
could you write about Sukuna being bored after he conquered the world again and taking itadori’s girlfriend as his wife cause he always ,,noticed her’’. You know like he kind of liked her when she was with Yuuji and he wanted to experience the same love and warm she gave to Yuuji?
Hola anon, thank you for the request! I sort of explored this concept (sans Yuuji and a little bit more dark) in my multi-chaptered monster I created here, so feel free to tune in if you're interested! Here's a little something for your request though -
※ Warnings: suggestive violence against people and children, Sukuna in general
※ Characters: Sukuna x reader, implied Itadori x reader, Gojo Satoru
Sukuna lives for his pleasure and displeasure alone. Defeat would mean death for him, which is why he was able to conquer his adversaries and ascend to the highest position in the world. No matter how much those sorry excuse for sorcerers were willing to die fighting him, they were not ready to die, leading to their defeat.
Japan had not only reverted to the freedom of the Heian Era, but devolved to an anarchist society upon the curse's reign. The rest of the world dubbed Japan a dead country, and refused to partake in any of its affairs. Despite this, they were very much aware of Sukuna's power and wanted nothing to do with it.
They simply lived on his whims alone.
Sukuna had not only conquered and reigned supreme, but he had taken everything that he wanted - he had kept Gojo Satoru alive as a pet, his eyes gouged out and kept in a case among his war spoils. All other sorcerers were killed and returned as cursed spirits, some held in captivity for entertainment and others loose in the world. And his wife?
She was the cherry on top of his possessions.
Not that she was happy about it.
The door to Sukuna's chambers creaked open, allowing a stream of light into the dark yet lavish space. You barely moved from your sprawled form on the massive bed, eyes dull and faraway as the sound of the door closing punctured the quiet of his room and duly reminded you that you were still alive. The inaudible yet heavy footsteps of your captor echoed off of the high walls, in a beat that you could pick out from anyone else’s, as he undoubtedly made his way to you as he always does when he needed to –
“You seem lively.” Sukuna said sarcastically, staring down at your unmoving body before he poked your side. “I’ve been informed of your refusal to eat – are you going to make me go through this again?”
“I’m not hungry.”
Sukuna tilted his head as he watched the minute rise and fall of your back, counting your breaths for a minute before he was satisfied. You were steadily regaining your health back after your last 'emotional lashing'. He had to endure several attempts at you harming yourself in the beginning of your union, up until he could finally enjoy the fruits of his labor and keep you by his side at all times. Sukuna only kept you in his chambers when he needed to take care of some business alone, which was rare.
Taking a moment to run his eyes around the room, he noted the bath water needed to be replaced after your use, and the room needed to be aired out so you would flourish a bit more. He asked if you would like to get some Sun and fresh air with him, sighing a bit when you said no.
“I’m not going to kill myself, Sukuna.” You spoke up suddenly after he sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling his attention back to you when you finally lifted your face off the mattress and cast your gaze at him for the first time in weeks. “My goal is to be just shy of that so you’d get bored of me and let me go back to Yuuji.”
“Impossible.” He shot down, pushing your leg to make room for himself so he could lie down, placing his head on your back and smiling at the ceiling when you made a noise of protest. “Whatever happens, there’s one absolute truth that has remained so since I first saw you – I’ll never abandon you.” Sukuna rolled over on his side to face you, never really able to stop himself. “Moreover, where would you go? All your little friends are either dead or curses.” He laughed a little as he said, completely ignoring the brat's name. “You wouldn’t want me following you into the foreign lands, would you?”
No matter how broken you were, you would never tempt yourself to lead Sukuna into the curse-less, populous world outside of Japan after causing this whole mess in the first place. No matter how much you believed that he kept you as a trophy after you survived Kenjaku’s ritual, morphing into a vessel for his ‘lesser’ emotions when the thrill of killing and fighting wasn’t doing it for him anymore, you wouldn’t doubt that he’d take your escape as a challenge to hunt you down, endangering anybody in his path to get you back by his side, as prideful as you've come to recognize him to be.
He had truly won, and there wasn't anything left to conquer.
Sukuna would hold death tournaments when he returned from his travels around his kingdom, sometimes jumping in when he got too bored or too excited, eviscerating the competition.
On monotonous days, he'd have you around as a spectator, dragging your detached form to his death matches and travels around Japan, laughing in pure ecstasy when you'd betray a small reaction at the carnage he'd hosted.
That's when he realized once again that it was you - you would always quell his boredom and restlessly cultivate his fire for pleasure when he needed you to.
So he kept you closer. You barely ever had a moment to yourself. He'd put you in exquisite kimonos and kosodes and hair ornaments, dressing you up like a doll ready to be shown off at all times. If anyone visited him, they knew to bring along gifts exclusively for you, and if he wasn't pleased with your reaction, he would use the visitor to pull one out of you.
Eventually, you got used to his antics, causing Sukuna to quickly grow bored once again, and so he decided to pull out his best -
"You wound me, wife." Sukuna drawled, clawed fingers reaching down and tracing your spine beneath your kimono as you sat at the foot of his throne. Your empty stare ahead did little to deter him, as he'd gotten used to your acts of rebellion pretty quickly. His fingers trailed down until he turned you by the jaw, leaning down to smile lovingly at you. "What will it take for you to smile for me again?"
Roll over and let me stab you in the ass until you die, you thought, but kept your mouth shut. Time and time again he'd ask you how he could melt the ice from your stare, or show some affection towards him when he was in the mood, and you'd respond with something along those lines hoping to hurt his ego, but all it did was make him laugh and derive pleasure all the same. You've come to find out that what hurt Sukuna the most was your non-reaction, and although it was hard to steal your heart, that's what you would give him until the end of your days.
"Hm, seems like you need a little inspiration."
You perked up a little as he descended from his throne and disappeared from the room, curious to see what he'd come up with next. Was it another death match? Maybe a few more children to skewer and roast in front of you?
Despite teleporting out, he'd chosen to return through the door.
Your heart froze over and dropped straight to your stomach.
"Surprise!" Sukuna tugged the chains in his hands and pushed forward his captives to kneel in front of you, reveling in the hot tears that fell freely from your widened eyes.
A disheveled Gojo stared up at you with empty sockets for eyes, bruises littered on whatever bit of skin that was exposed, and a hefty collar around his neck. His cracked lips parted in a silent plea to free him, before he was shoved out of the way and landed on the ground, the crack of his bones echoing in the large throne room, by a cursed spirit. No matter how deformed and disgusting this cursed spirit looked, you instinctually knew who it used to be.
"Yuuji?" You sobbed, placing your hands on your mouth.
"Die." It said in a cracked voice, reaching out to claw you just as Sukuna reeled him back towards himself. "Die. Die. Die."
"You're correct!" Sukuna dropped to a knee in front of you, holding the cursed spirit of your dead boyfriend back without a sweat as he smirked at you, completely unbothered by Gojo who had obediently sat up again like a robot. "Now, do you want to see them fight to the death, or will you give me a little smile?" He cooed at you, rolling his wrist to better hold on to Yuuji.
With eyes drowning in tears and a chest heaving up and down with a building panic attack, you cracked the most devastatingly broken smile he had seen in his entire existence.
"Beautiful." He mused, his heart fluttering for a moment in nostalgia before he reigned it in again and shot you a wide grin.
Sukuna released them to fight anyways.
I just realized I completely went left from the request. I'm sorry anon LOL might do another part to depict why he chose her and do the fluff bit (as close to fluff as we can get from this man).
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apathycares · 1 year
The Governor's son is the least of your worries!
Summary: You and Choso are undercover cops on a sting operation to take down a drug lord Yakuza, while also looking for the governor's son who ended up on the wrong side of town. Unfortunately, you meet a man that distracts you with his fingers. Where the fuck is the governor's son, and how are you going to get rid of this persistent man?!
※ Warnings: suggestive, satirical, rushed. Part two?
※ Characters: hot Gojo x reader, implied Choso x reader
“I have eyes on the target. He’s making his way to the VIP lounge overhead with two civilian women. On standby at your nine o’clock.”
“Roger.” You grumbled on your high stool, chin on your hand in annoyance. Choso chuckled in your ear and asked if the random patron was still bothering you, to which you hissed an exaggerated, “Yes!” as quietly as you could.
The two of you were sent on a mission to secure a notable Yakuza member who had been running illegal poker games to cover up an even more illegal drug ring. It had taken a shitload of time just to get enough evidence to organize a sting operation, all for that to almost go down the drain when word got out that the governer’s son had waddled his way into the exclusive bar at the same time as their target. It didn’t take a genius to deduce that Takumi, the Yakuza in question, had received a tip and intended to use the whelp as a body shield. So, a half of an hour of meticulous planning later, you and Choso entered the bar at different times, each with an objective of securing the unknowing hostage and then subsequently arresting Takumi.
Unfortunately for you, you were stuck seated on a semi-secluded high table close to a winding stairwell, waiting for the guy who was hitting on you to get you two some drinks. You had thought of running off many times after he cornered you and insisted, eyes searching for Choso in the crowd of poker tables and bodies, but you couldn’t arose any suspicion. There were several rats amongst the people, vigilant, waiting for someone to fuck up and blow their brains out, and she was not going to get them in trouble over a random guy.
“Hey, you didn’t run away!” The man grinned cockily at you as he squeezed beside you, sitting so close that your knees were touching, before placing the two strangely fruity drinks on the table.
“I wanted a free drink.” You replied noncommittally, giving him a once over after deciding that you needed to blend in a bit more and play the part of an escort. White hair, ice blue eyes, and a killer face – the man was absolutely attractive, and didn’t he know it with the way he was staring unabashedly at you like he had already won you over, like you were already in his trap the moment you laid eyes on him.
“Well lucky for you, I grabbed us the expensive stuff.” He lifted his drink to you, patiently waiting for you to do the same, before smiling when you hurriedly grabbed yours and clinked it against his. “So, what do you do?”
Registering Choso’s confirmation of staying at ease for now, you finally gave him half of your attention. “I’m an undercover cop.” You replied, taking a cursory sip of your drink when he laughed at your claim.
“Yeah right, you’re either bad at making jokes or bad at your job – what kind of undercover cop says they’re an undercover cop?”
“You’re so easily amused. What brings you here?” You ‘deflected’ cleanly, although he’d never know that you were telling the truth.
“Had to get some air.”
You couldn’t help the natural giggle at his admission. “And you just happen to walk into a poker club to do so?”
Pretty boy shrugged. “It worked out well, got to meet you.”
“Oh wow, I’m almost blushing.” You casually survey the parameter. Had Choso found the governor's son yet? You couldn’t do anything right now being occupied by this persistent guy, and even if you tried, you hadn’t established any next moves with Choso beforehand, and that could lead to a fatal outcome if you both weren’t prepared.
Before you could fill in the silence again, the man tilted his head to block your view of the floor, frowning in disappointment when your attention wasn’t on him anymore. You grabbed his face in a completely innocent, reflexive reaction, startled out of your thoughts at the face that randomly appeared in your view, and then mimicking his wide-eyed stare at the sudden proximity.
“Wow…” he mumbled in surprise as he stared deeply into your eyes, your lashes tickling his, his cheeks flushing a brilliant pink at your sudden boldness. It was only for a moment though, as you released him and leaned back on your chair to regain some space, while his features perked up with a pleased smile at your actions. “Feeling me already?” He teased without skipping a beat, already recovered, his ridiculously blue eyes drinking you up with an insatiable desire to –
“Look.” You started, pushing back the roiling heat in your stomach at the unabashedly salacious look he was now supporting, biting your lip a bit when his hand dropped down on your knee and purposefully fanned the flames. “We can’t do this – I’m busy doing something right now, so let’s, uh, rain check on that?” You said, hinting at his hand that had now cupped your hip and pulled you closer. This was sort of on brand for the role you were playing for the rats, you realized as he leaned in, a loose thought of one kiss not hurting before you squashed it. Could you stop him when the time came for you to bounce though? Highly unlikely.
You mentally sighed, knowing you had to push him away and ‘storm off’, probably hide out in the bathroom for a bit and reconvene with Choso.
“Don’t wanna.”
What a fucking brat –
“Live a little.” He encouraged, licking his lips in a drunken stupor, almost hanging off of you despite not having an ounce of alcohol. “Tell me your name, wanna know what I’ll be praying for for the rest of my life.”
You looked away from him, although he registered the gesture as shyness and grinned at you fully pleased with himself. You were getting annoyed now. “[Name] – what’s yours.” You asked, getting ready to say, Nice to meet you but I gotta go, and leaving for good.
“Gojo Satoru.”
You shot your head back at him, eyes wide as you hissed, “The governor's son?!”
Now that you looked at him, he matched the photo Choso had passed to you during the ride to this location – the man in front of you had forgone his sunglasses and hoodie, but his lower face was undeniably a match. What kind of ironic luck was this? You almost cheered as you reached to your earpiece to alert Choso, just before Gojo ripped his hands from you coldly.
“You’re one of those, aren’t you?” The disappointed frown he shot you sunk your heart. “Thought this was different.”
“No, listen –“ In a rush of desperation, you grabbed his hand and dipped it under your dress. Gojo froze as his face flamed again, his undeniable attraction to you overpowering his better self, his thoughts clouding in desire once more and his lips parting in shock as he willingly let you guide his hand in between your legs under the table, before his fingers caressed something hard and metallic, causing his face to fall for a moment. “See? I’m really an undercover cop. My partner and I are here to get you out of here before a shootout happens.”
“What’s going to happen?” He whispered as you freed your hold on his hand, letting him touch the gun strapped to your thigh on his own.
“We’re right above a drug ring. There’s a Yakuza here. I’ll contact my partner really quickly and tell him the news and escort you to the car. Sorry, but you’re going to have to pretend like we’re still flirting so no one suspects anything.”
With that, you pinged Choso, informing him of your accidental discovery as Gojo curiously trailed his hand to your other thigh, noting the sheathed knife you had strapped there as well. Confirming the plan, you click off and open your mouth to tell Gojo what’s next, only for you to gasp in shock when his index finger pokes the wet spot on your panties.
“Hm, you’re actually wet. What kind of cop are you?” He drawled unable to hold back the excited grin, completely recovering from the whole situation, leaving you to stare at him, gobsmacked at his casualness. “Let’s see – pretend, right?” He affirmed as he hooked that finger to your panties and pulled it away a little to make room for his middle finger to slide in. Ever the gentleman, his long leg came up to rest over your own, covering up what he was doing from prying eyes.
“G-g-gojo –“
“Satoru.” He corrected in a childish tone, as his finger made a home within your slit, pushing in and out a few times in wonder at how greedily you sucked him in, before he circled your clit and was rewarded with a muffled moan from you. “So cute.” Gojo praised as he pulled his hand out from between your legs, his blue eyes never leaving your own, before making a show of placing his wet middle finger in his mouth and loudly sucking on it.
You felt your panties get drenched further.
“You taste so sweet.” Gojo sighed, pulling them from his lips and reaching out to slot it between yours as he pressed a hot kiss against your flushed neck, trailing down to your pulse point before sucking deeply, getting off on the strangled moan you released. He tugged you onto his lap, laughing deliriously as you instinctively rutted against his crotch. “Can’t fucking wait to –“
An explosion interrupted the thought, freezing you both against each other as a chorus of screams rang through the room and gun shots rattled the air. Your jaw clenched as you realized where you were before you pushed his head down and pulled out your own gun.
“Get Gojo out of there!” Choso’s voice rang on your left ear, hearing his heavy footsteps over the earpiece and deducing that he was running. “Keep him safe or we’re screwed!”
“What about Takumi?!” You screamed over the noise, pushing Gojo’s head lower when a few people ran past them in terror.
“I’ve got eyes on him – he’s running down the stairs on the left!”
The stairs on the left…. You shot your gaze to the staircase near you, spotting the man halfway down them and clocked your gun. You ignored Choso’s cry to state your location, as you shot two holes in each of Takumi’s shins.
“Hot.” Gojo mused appreciatively.
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apathycares · 1 year
someone send me a jjk request before i lose inspiration PLEASE
i wrote a 20k+ multi-chaptered multiship but mainly gojoxocxsukuna fic and i need to capitalize on my flow right now to revive this blog thank you
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apathycares · 2 years
Hola babesss guess who's back!!
Anyways, new era new writing new requests! I'm going to leave the **few** requests I had for when I get the inspo to write 'em, but for now, drop yours. I've watched a hell of a lot of anime since my unnanounced hiatus, so here's a refresher:
Naruto my first baby
AOT my main squeeze
BNHA my side piece
Jojo's my literal soul
FMAB the one that got old
Haikyuu my first tool
Jjk my second tool
One Piece my new baby
Can y'all tell my phone's dying and I'm wishing the above monstrosity to he forever lost when it does?? Anyways – those are the main anime I write for, but if you want to suggest any others, feel free to! (Let's see if I haven't seen them!)
Thank you for all the likes and follows and reblogs while I was away. Let's have fuuuun!
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apathycares · 3 years
Bnha headcanons I don't subscribe to (unrelated to ships)
Shinsou "not knowing why someone would want him" or anything that portrays him as ridiculously insecure.
Shinsou being an extension of Aizawa. Ex: the kitty thing.
Kirishima being the perfect guy.
Kaminari not being a typical guy. (Ofc guys are multidimensional but y'know what I mean)
Bakugou being extremely impulsive or bold.
Midoriya being cutesy af.
Uraraka not being a little bit of an air head.
Dabi banging all the time.
Dabi being this hard to please, lackadaisically sex-having, suave, or !!! guy. (you know what !!! means)
Todoroki being cool or clueless all the time.
Asui....I wanna say something but I haven't seen much fics over yonder.
Hawks being smooth at all.
I have way more um, seemingly dangerous ones that I won't say for the sake of keeping the erm, integrity of my blog. Yeah. So these I've mentioned I consider safe to say? Although I'm expecting backlash.
But meh, at least I can debate over these to a T. Why? BECAUSE I HATE THEM WITH A PASSION. Sorry not sorry.
What're headcanons YOU don't subscribe to? Keep it classy y'all. 🙆
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apathycares · 3 years
Y/n’s Harem (Hawks, Bakugou, Dabi X fem!Reader)
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Is this going to be a full on plot? I don't know. But what I do know is I got the three routes ready in case - them boys slide into your DMs to check-in with you.
Hawks route (fluffy)
Bakugou route (angsty/comedy)
Dabi route (mixed af)
Click here fam!!
But did we ask for these tho??
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apathycares · 3 years
Y/N's Harem: The Aftermath (Hawks, Dabi, Bakugou x fem!Reader)
Here we go y'all — a little something to see what happened after that whole group chat fiasco. Or something. (pssst!! enjoy!!)
Keigo's route:
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Bakugou's route:
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Touya's route:
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Some fun facts because what's wrong with my hidden messages:
You and Keigo have an established friendship and it shows.
You and Bakugou used to be each others worst critics before you became friends and it shows.
You and Touya have endless banter all the time that it's pretty much ridiculous how he developed feelings for you (or why you're suddenly apologizing and shit). Shows?
The DPs were ones you took — platonic date with Keigo, random candid of Bakugou, and Halloween with Touya (pls am I creative or what 🤡)
Kay this sucked. Bye.
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apathycares · 4 years
I'm sorry if this is a weird request, but can you do headcanons for dating Kenny Ackerman? Ive been obsessed with the piece of shit recently. Thank you ❤
Hello! This has been long overdue, so I assume you got over him. I guess it’s my mission now to get you back on him lol. Here’s your piece of shit, enjoy~
※ Warnings: none!
※ Pairings: Kenny x Reader
Kenny is a jerk.
He will try to smooth talk you, and it’ll seem to be working because his string of words are strung in a way that makes your heart jolt (and other things), but then he’ll drop a crude thought and kill the whole vibe
He can’t take a hint.
He’ll assume what’s going on and back it up with his fucked up logic. To you, he’s ‘pursuing’ you or he’s bored and just happened to catch sight of you. To him, y’all are in a courtship.
Does not take it lightly when a ‘pig’ hits on you. Will say so. In front of said pig, as he shoos him off. That’s when you get acquainted with the fact that you’re in a courtship with him.
He’s traditional when he wants to be, and his sarcasm is sharp and dripping with innuendos.
Kenny is relentless. If he sees you anywhere he doesn’t expect to see you, he’ll drop what he’s doing and see you, but question why you’re there in the back of his mind.
Keeps tabs on who you’re around, but won’t do anything to harm them even if he doesn’t like them.
Did I mention he’s traditional? He’s not looking for a quick bang. He is attracted to you, but he’d rather be secure and in a relationship before he gives you some.
He’s loyal to a fault, so don’t expect to get rid of him anytime soon.
Kenny loves power, and so will assume the dominant role in the relationship. He’ll bend a little and compromise what he believes is plenty, but he’d prefer if you trusted him and relied on him for things.
If not, he’ll definitely monitor you.
He’s not particularly affectionate, but he likes attention. It’s hard finding the right moment to give him some sugar, but when you get the hang of it, it becomes almost theatrical.
Suss his mood. Note if he seems to be staying a moment. Wait for him to relax. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.
Kenny loves kissing your temple, the crown of your head, and occasionally will kiss your nose to fluster you. 
If you’re mad at him, he won’t know it immediately. He won’t know it when you’re acting cold. Kenny is extremely perceptive, but he can’t for the life of him figure out that you’re mad. You gotta blow up.
Once you do, he won’t apologize. He hates apologies. He’d buy you stuff and leave it at your doorstep. 
Kenny is very private, so no one would know you exist if he can help it. No outside dates - he’ll just show up in your place frequently to wind down.
Wants to hear all the gossip. Pretends he doesn’t. 
Did I mention he was loyal af?
Kenny is always on his guard. Just because you’re dating, he’ll never fully relax. It’s just not in him.
Finally, he’ll be honest and let you know that his life doesn’t have much room for solid committing, as you know, but this is as close to commitment as he can be. 
Kenny lets you know all right. Only, that’s after you’ve fallen in love with him.
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apathycares · 4 years
How about Levi with a crush that is easily flustered? Like they seem fine unless he's around, they're very outgoing and very playful but as soon as he's nearby she stumbling on her words, blushing, and fiddling with her gear. But if she sees him coming she just books it in the other direction.(she's a captain as well but for the wall regiment)
※ Warnings: Levi trying to get your attention
※ Pairings: implied Levi x Reader
This was funny when I first saw it and it’s still funny now. But you know who doesn’t think it’s funny?
Levi will be extremely frustrated
He understands that actually pursuing you and starting something wouldn’t do well, and so his best bet was to stay as close to you as possible when given the chance, but you running away hurt his feelings.
You were a hoot and a half, the good kind, and he was already the type to need time to muster up the guts to talk to people
(no really, it’s canon - Levi lingers around before he swoops in and says what he needs to say. either he likes snooping. or he preps himself before speaking up)
He thinks you’re intimidated by him, so tries to make some shit jokes in your presence, but all it does is keep you rooted to your spot for a couple of moments before you laugh nervously and excuse yourself.
At some point, Levi thought the best course of action would be to leave you alone for a while
He lasts for a week or so, then gives up on that and tries to remain around you, but not approach you
Maybe you needed to warm up to his presence - is what he thinks.
Levi’s the type to leave people to decide stuff on their own, and fuck up on their own as long as it didn’t mess with the fate of humanity
But -
He really liked you, and he wasn’t content on fantasizing on what it could be if he were to confess
So, he catches you while you’re getting off for the day, while you’re alone in your office
(of course he memorized your schedule a long time ago so he knows you’d be done with paperwork by now)
You, being stuck within four walls, have nowhere to run off to now, and he really hated doing it this way, but he wanted to know what was up
Low key was scared if it would make it worse, but at this point, he’d reached the end of the rope with his frustration and really believed that it couldn’t get any worse
“Do you hate me?” Levi asks calmly, trying to mask his tenseness so you wouldn’t get the wrong idea - you were already kind of cowering behind your desk with wide eyes.
“N-n-no! I just....I just don’t have a clue!” You’re ready to be devoured by a titan when you burst out with that, and from Levi’s shocked expression, you knew this was it. You’ve ruined it all just like you thought you would.
Well, there’s no going back.
“Is there anything you needed?”
Levi exhales. “Do you want to go get some food with me?”
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apathycares · 4 years
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apathycares · 4 years
Characters + fictional kiss prompts: BNHA
I don’t make the rules - I implore them.
※ Warnings: kissing and feels
※ Characters: some students, some teachers, some villains, and some heroes (basically, a trick bag)
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward
midoriya, uraraka, iida, mirio
one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other
bakugou, hawks, mirko, fat gum, toga
pressing their foreheads together while kissing
kirishima, todoroki, all might, mirio
guys furrowing their brow when kissing passionately
bakugou, aizawa, midnight, amajiki
staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
hawks, dabi, overhaul, hado
running their thumb over the other’s lips
midoriya, present mic, amajiki 
when they lean forward a fraction as if to kiss the other person, then realize they shouldn’t and pull back to stop themselves
kirishima, iida, bakugou, aizawa, momo, shigaraki, toga
ripping the other away - “no we shouldn’t” - but when they kiss them again they moan and hold them close
kaminari, uraraka, twice, fat gum
one sliding their hand into the other’s hair slowly
aizawa, mina, amajiki, hado
their entire body freezing for a second when their love kisses them
everyone tbh, at least in the beginning (coughallmightcough)
accidently being forced inches apart from each other, staring at each other’s lips, and just before they kiss someone pulls them back apart
y’all tell me 
when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you -” and they answer by kissing them more
kirishima, iida, tokoyami, all might
a hoarse whisper “kiss me”, then licks their lips and says “please”
shigaraki, overhaul, hawks, amajiki
Heyyo! I made one for Haikyuu, and here we have bnha’s edition! Next up -
A surprise >:D
Also, not sure who the original source is, so just wanted to mention the prompts do not belong to me.
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apathycares · 4 years
※ Summary: You get mad at Akaashi and give him a proverbial time out, and after you refuse his apology, he takes matters into his own hands.
※ Warnings: implied nsfw, slight angst, and a dash of fluff. these get a bit longer as you go in the series.
※ Pairings: Akaashi x Reader
The thrum of the turning fan echoed in the otherwise quiet room, as you tapped absentmindedly on your phone. Although this game was a pleasant distraction, you thought as you switched positions on the made up bed, you couldn't help your mind wandering off to the time. 19:27. This was the third time you noted this in five minutes.
Despite your anxiousness of what's to come after the three minutes passed, you barely glanced at Akaashi entering quietly and closing the door.
Hm, he's a minute early.
Akaashi's hand lingered on the lock as he gazed at you from his spot — you were reclining on the headboard with your phone in your hand, a flowy white top puffing out at the arms and jeans that hugged your hips deliciously, not to mention your seemingly long legs as you threw one over the other when you shifted. He took a moment to look down in thought when you didn't acknowledge his presence, before marching over to the bed.
"[Name] —"
"I'm still mad at you."
"....I see."
You bit your tongue to prevent yourself from pouting at his calmness. Well, you knew better than to think he was calm at the moment, what with him standing over you and watching you with rapt attention for an opening, but you'd love it if he....
Akaashi sighs before jumping on top of you, acknowledging your surprised shriek with a small smile as he straddles you. His cheeks flushed a little when you pouted angrily, clearly not happy with his boldness, but he had no room to back off now.
"I didn't intend on making you upset," he started, his heart thundering when you reached out to play with the hem of his shirt. "But I'm sorry. I-I love you more than — way more than words can convey."
You hummed, gesturing for him to come closer. Akaashi eagerly leaned down, only for you to slide a hand up his cheek, smiling a little when he placed his hand on your own and nuzzled into it. "I'm not that mad, Keiji-sweets. Just," you pecked his jaw quickly. "Want you."
A noiseless staring competition ensued for a moment, before he grabbed your ankles and pulled you down until your head hit the pillow, shifting over and wrapping your legs across his waist. You shriveled up and turned your head when he leaned down towards you, and then a noise escaped your lips as he pressed his own under your ear. Your fingers left his shirt and took refuge in his hair as he moaned on your cheek.
"You smell so good." Akaashi slid his nose across your cheek before kissing you, his hands caressing your hips slowly. You whimpered into the hot kiss, your stomach firing up at how sensually he egged you on, and when you slid a hand down his chest and tugged his hair, the pretty little groan it elicited was enough to push him off the edge as well.
The thrum of the turning fan did nothing to muffle the pleased noises coming from that room.
This is part of a drabble series I wrote in a week that features Hinata, Kenma, Sakusa, Atsumu, Akaashi, and Ushijima with a similar theme - fluff and lime. Links below!
( Take me to: Ushijima | Akaashi | Atsumu | Sakusa | Kenma | Hinata )
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apathycares · 4 years
JoJos in Relationships
JoJo 1 and 2 Headcanons: how the JoJos act in relationships!
As the title says — we got some random relationship hcs over here. Little stuff I've noticed that's not said enough.
More JoJos to come~
Warnings: sfw and semi nsfw (a little limey)
Pairings: Jonathan x Reader, Joseph x Reader
Jonathan Joestar
His love life is a direct reflection of himself: honest, consistent, and strong.
Consistent being both in a good way and bad way — he'll consistently earn brownie points and screw ups. He's not set in his ways, but his flaws will never gain a development. Take him as he is.
All JoJos believe that a relationship is between two people, and therefore treat it as such. You won't catch them talking about their issues with their s/o with anyone.
Jonathan takes that belief and goes a step further — he will not tell you when something upsets him.
The only instance where he believes he should tell you about a problem is after it's fixed.
Has boyish tendencies.
Will urge you to eat another slice of cake, take another sip of wine, tease you when you screw up.
Jonathan is a tease. Why is this not headcanon-ned.
If you have a little "thing" you do or screw up in, he will tease you about it.
Not anything malicious. Just a small smirk. A squint of his eyes. And then he mentions it completely out of context, weeks after you'd moved on —
You'd be having dinner with him one night and he'd stare at his fork and say, "Love, remember when you dropped a fork into the bin instead of the sink?"
When Jonathan puts his mind on something, best believe it'll happen.
That translates into every aspect in life, including the steamy stuff.
He likes to get kissed anywhere, but if he had to pick a favourite spot, it'd be his jaw.
The spot that flusters him the most is his forehead.
Likes to kiss the junction between your chest or your ribs.
If he has access to it, Jonathan needs a daily dose of attention from you to feel satisfied.
If you give him the look out of nowhere, he'll get flustered and disoriented. “What?? Now?? Me??”
Joseph Joestar
Joseph is both a wild card and a calming presence.
He's rambunctious, but he's introverted. He'd rather chill and let the world burn as long as it didn't affect him.
If it affects him or the ones he cares about though...
The problem will catch Joseph's hands at a drop of a hat. Especially if it was coming after you.
Other than that, he's zen.
Joseph requires special attention from you. Everyday. At least twice. And I don't mean that type of attention — though that's welcomed too — just plain old affection.
Will not leave for work until he's seen off.
Seen off comprises of rocking hugs and incessant kisses until he's satisfied.
He's a mean type of tease. You fall on your face, he starts laughing at your face for a good minute before he starts the, "Come on! That was funny, wasn't it? I bet you'd laugh too! Look — look at that sexy face, you're totally trying not to smile!"
Joseph gets extremely flustered if you kiss his neck. 
Loves collar bones. 
He’s not particularly romantic, but can get carried away if you ask for some. 
Joseph likes to be hyped, so a few encouraging words instantly lift his spirits. Conversely, any little dig at him gets a dig back at the least if he’s on the same level/ higher, or hands thrown at worst.
If he feels like he’s below someone in the area of question, he’ll bite his tongue - but he’ll still be pissy about it. 
Joseph isn’t aggressive or violent. Believes that ‘talking about it’ solves more problems. Unless provoked of course - then he believes all bets are off.
Calls you all the pet names. 
If you give him the look out of nowhere, he’ll panic. “You wanna do it here or - ??” Cuz he’s down too.
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apathycares · 4 years
Warnings: high school AU, cursing, angry Sasuke
Pairings: implied Sasuke x Reader
Enraged, he slams his arm against the board, his long fingers itching to rip off the paper and burn it along with his crushed ambition. No one would see him do it as the halls were yet to be filled for another hour and the staff busy conversing in a closed-off area, but he was certain there were cameras everywhere and lifts his arm away.
The words glare at him and he glares back, willing it to burn as he wishes but he knew from past efforts that nothing could be done after this.
Konohagakure High School’s Top Twenty Honors Students 1.  [Last name], [Name] 2. Uchiha, Sasuke 
He never bothered to read the rest, as he was too preoccupied wondering how could this one person hold his deserved rank so unabashedly? He had spent too much time with his nose in his books and sleepless nights cramming, and he was yet again unable to outdo whoever this girl was. 
He hears footsteps behind him not long after he sees a girl he had grown accustomed to. She would always come a half an hour after him and before the students and glance at the very sheet he spends seamlessly staring at. They’ve never spoken a word to each other and he sometimes wonders why she never seems discouraged but he doesn’t ask because that isn’t his business.
As per usual, she takes her glance and isn’t bothered by his presence, before sighing slowly.
“Are you unimpressed?”
He is just as surprised as she is by his random initiative to speak, but she recovers quickly and mats her hair as if in thought.
“Not really,” she says slowly, looking up at him with slightly squinting [colour] eyes.
He turns back to the large pin-up board and narrows his eyes at the first slot, before mumbling under his breath.
“Did you say something?” She asks while adjusting the large books onto her right arm, a sign that he’s come to know indicates she’s about to leave. 
“I need more books.” He repeats a little louder, a frown marring his pale face when she laughs and waves him off.
“Studying isn’t everything Sasuke Uchiha.”
His frown becomes deeper and he stares as she turns away, and he doesn’t understand what comes over him when he asks, “What’s your name?”
Her eyes twinkle and she cringes a bit, a reaction which seems uncommon to him before she takes a deep breath and animatedly gestures flipping her hair off her shoulder.
The air is basically knocked out of him as his lungs constrict and all the choice words he’d been saving up if he ever met her could not escape his lips. He had unintentionally been entertaining the enemy for years now and he never knew it?
She struts away sickeningly confident after shooting him a half-smile, and his hand unknowingly ball into fists. How hadn’t he known?
He finds her in the girl’s bathroom on the second floor, leaning against the basins while formerly reading what seemed like some notes. Her eyes are wide and she looks around dumbly and he wonders how on Earth she had kept the first rank when clearly she had no –
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” She states cutting off his internal monologue, though she is calm and her eyes momentarily stay on him.
“How are you first?” He asks impatiently, his teeth clenched and his fists balled.
  “Well great magicians don’t tell their secrets, right?” She smiles as she jabs a finger to him, but he is not amused. [Name] drops her hand and purses her lips as she gazes at him in wonder. “You’re a hard worker, aren’t you?”
“Aren’t you?” He asked incredulously, before scoffing. “Are you really….” He choked slightly, before furrowing his eyebrows.
“Oh, dude,” she sighed, “you can’t even say my name? Do you hate me that much?”
He didn’t. He actually thought she was the most laid-back girl, whenever they stared at the board together every morning for the past five years in silence, and assumed she could be the only friend he’d accept.
Before he realized she and his ultimate nemesis were the same person. How could he have not realized it? More so –
“Did you know?” he asked quietly, looking at her with disappointment. She nodded slowly and confirmed it. “I can’t believe this…”
They are quiet for a moment, for very different reasons, before [Name] smiles and attracts his attention back to her.
“I have a proposition,” she says while glancing at her watch, fifteen minutes before the first few students appeared. Sasuke folded his arms, and she took it as a sign that he was listening. “I can help you improve your grade without more cramming or new books.”
He scoffed indignantly. “Why do you assume I need your help?”
“I have this thing where I assume, and my assumptions are right, so I always go with the flow, you know? Hey, that rhymed! I’m a total genius!” She sighed and stared off for a moment. “What was I going to say?”
Sasuke stared at her incredulously. Did she have some sort of mental illness? Was it contagious?
“I must admit, the many years you kept growling at the board kind of made me remorseful, especially since I catch you studying more than you breathe, so I promised myself the moment you break the trend and talk to me, I would tell you where you went wrong and help you, okay?”
She spoke in such a sincere way; he almost apologized for snapping at her before.
“Starting today, you will spend every free moment with me, and I promise you will see some improvement very soon.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And how do I know you’re not lying?”
[Name] checked her watch, seeing only ten minutes left, before facing him with a bright smile, one which he’d correlated to ambition-less people. 
“We have a pop quiz at the end of this week on Human Transport Systems, and I know for one your average score in Biology is 94 percent,” he narrowed his eyes suspiciously and she sighed loudly. “I keep track of you just as much as you keep track of me, okay? Anyways, you follow my methods this week and I can guarantee you’ll get at least a 98 on this quiz. Though I need one thing and one thing only in return.”
There is a pregnant pause as he re-evaluates her claim. He had nothing to lose, as the coming quiz would not affect their overall grade and therefore if he did score lower than his average, it would not harm him too much. She seemed really genuine throughout her little explanation and he was planning on cramming to no end anyways. Was there really an easier method? 
“Alright,” he decides, dropping the defensive stance and folding his arms across his chest nonchalantly. “What do you want?”
“It’s very simple really,” he has a clue on what she’d like just from her little smirk of triumph. “Your cooperation.”
“That’s it?”
“Well, yeah,” she shrugged, “It’s not like I proved anything yet so I’m in no place to ask for things.”
He recoiled abruptly. That made so much sense; why didn’t he think of it? Maybe she was really smart.
"Well then," [Name] awkwardly shifted her weight and looked away from his piercing gaze. "I guess I'll see you later."
Sasuke stayed rooted as she brushed past him in a blur and left him in the girls' bathroom. He was trying to recollect what had just happened, when he realized she hadn't mentioned a time he was supposed to meet her. He narrowed his eyes.
-break- His lips were pursed in infuriation as he sat picking at his food. He was suddenly hungry and started to genuinely dig in, when his father erupted into a hearty, yet uncommon laugh. His elder brother received a pat on the back and the usual gushes of pride from the otherwise stoic Uchiha patriarch. He slumped his shoulders and his eyes stayed fixated on his plate.
"How about you Sasuke?" 
The silence that followed his kind mother's question was suffocating. He hid behind his bangs when his father's smiling eyes turned stone cold when it landed on his youngest son, scrutinizing and unimpressed, just as they always were. He muttered a quick reply and got up abruptly. His mother stared sadly as he walked away.
Sasuke slammed his door shut, locked it, and lay back on his bed. Papers and books were sprawled all over the room, and he reminded himself grudgingly of the test at the end of the week he had to cram for. Consequently, a certain girl with a stupid grin popped in his thought. He couldn't understand how someone like her could ever achieve higher than himself, more so when she blatantly stated how she didn't study as much as him.
He sat up. Maybe she cheated some way or another?
Later, he was seated at his messy desk, highlighting important information in his biology text book and making notes on the side. The digital clock read 23:43, so he dropped his highlighter and pen and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He still had seven sections to go until he completed the unit.
Sasuke grabbed his phone and found a text message from an unknown number. He stared at the bright screen for a moment, before tapping on the notification.
Step one: No studying after dinner, assuming you eat by seven. And if you don't eat dinner then we have bigger issues. No skipping meals either dude. Please retire for the night.
He blinked comically. This was certainly her.
  Sasuke growled under his breath and glared at the message as if it was [Name]. Who did she think she was telling him to go to bed?!
His phone vibrated and another notification came from the same number.
Remember our deal; you agreed to cooperate. Gosh Sasuke, I felt your malice all the way where I live.
Fine. Stop texting me.
He slid under his sheets and stared at his phone. Maybe this was his ticket to freedom; his route to receive that pat on the back from his father. He wanted to see how this turns out.
This was actually the beginning of a sasuke x oc story I wrote way back and never posted. I’ve got about a thousand of these and thought I’d edit this one and throw over here. Let me know what you think!
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