#aph dutch provinces
arsonaetcuh · 3 years
Making some sort of teenage photo collection with the provinces for proper character designs! They were all made with picrew
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I will fix Flevoland's fringe and some other mistakes later
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Friesland and Gelderland are going through their angsty-teenager phase.
(yes I know the look 10 but these were made with picrew cuz I cannot draw so gimme a break)
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Also Utrecht looking almost as classy as Luxembourg!
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ask-thenetherlands · 5 years
Tim, can I have some snert 👀👀👀
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Netherlands: “It’s the perfect weather for some snert, anyway.”
((Snert is officially the name of a traditional Dutch pea soup, when it has been standing for a day in the cold. Fresh traditional Dutch pea soup is called erwtensoep, but the terms are used interchangeably. The pea soup is very thick, and Dutch people will tell you that the thickness must be at least of such a degree that a spoon will be able to stand upright in the pan. Other ingredients include carrots, leek, potato, swede, onions, diced bacon and smoked sausage.))
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todaysnetherlands · 7 years
Today, Netherlands called all the provinces to find out who had stolen his pipe. No one confessed but they all laughed at him.
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identity-mess · 6 years
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Mutz: Lutz x Maaike [APH Utrecht] - Part III
Maaike is the personification of the dutch province Utrecht and an OC of my good friend @ask-thenetherlands​, who’s also cosplaying her here. We ship her very hard with Lutz (and vice versa obviously), because they’re really cute together and thus we decided to make random pictures. I decided to wear vintage Lutz, because why not (besides, Maaike likes vintage stuff).
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ask-thenetherlands · 6 years
Dear Tim, how did you actually get that scar, if you don't mind me asking?
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Netherlands: “I broke the dikes in order to flood the city of Leiden, so me and the watergeuzen could sail into and liberate the city that Spain besieged… and apparently, if you purposefully damage your own land, it’ll give you a scar.”
((Watergeuzen, or sea beggars, were initially noblemen who turned against the Spanish king and tried to reclaim cities mostly through attacks by water. In 1574, the Spanish held the city of Leiden under siege, starving the population for four months in the attempt to force them to surrender and accept the Spanish king as their leader. It got so bad, that the mayor of the city, Pieter van der Werf, offered his arm as food to his people, so that they would not surrender. The Spanish army leader had not attacked the city yet, as his lover Magdalena Moons begged him not to for she had friends and family living there. In return, she promised to marry him, which they did.
A few weeks before the watergeuzen came to the rescue, on board also Willem van Oranje, one man was able to smuggle homing pigeons out of the city to ask for help about their dire situation. This proved to be fruitful, and under the leadership of Willem van Oranje, the dikes were broken. Thanks to the upcoming great storm in the night of 2 and 3 October, their ships were able to sail into the city, freaking the Spanish out so much that they fled as fast as they could, and Leiden was liberated. The watergeuzen knew about the starvation, and brought tons of herring and white bread for the hungry people.
According to legend, one boy found a kettle with parsnip, onions, carrots and chunks of meat in an abandoned Spanish camp, a mixture that were the early ingredients for the modern day traditional dish of hutspot. To this day, the liberation of 3 October is still celebrated in the city, and hutspot, herring and white bread is given for free to the inhabitants.))
Seven united provinces event: 6/?
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ask-thenetherlands · 6 years
Big brother, I don't mean to be a buzz kill but how do you plan on funding this war with Spain? (Schei-Lëtzebuerg)
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Netherlands: “You’re way too calculating for your age, Lux-..”
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Netherlands: “I’m gonna build my own empire, based on trades, and I’ll get enough money to beat the living daylight out of that Spanjool!”
((Spanjool is a swear word for a Spanish person. It was also used as a synonym for syphilis back in the days. Before the Dutch empire started, a few Dutch sailors had been to Brazil and the East Indies on Portuguese ships, as part of the crew.))
Seven united provinces event: 2/?
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ask-thenetherlands · 6 years
“Utrecht is 8000 years older than presumed up til now, the municipality declared Tuesday. Archaeologists have concluded this after excavations that were performed in the city.”
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ask-thenetherlands · 6 years
Have you fought the Spanish?
Provinces that have witnessed the 80 years war:
Holland (the original™)
Provinces that have not witnessed the 80 years war:
North Holland
South Holland
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ask-thenetherlands · 6 years
Ned’s takeout
((One thing from canon Ned is that he apparently takes a lot of takeout for he doesn't use his kitchen. I want to tell you why this is not applicable to my version of Ned:
Takeout is freaking expensive over here, so is a restaurant or a bite at a grand café. It is probably 10x cheaper to make your own food. Plus in general, Dutch people don't tend to get takeout that much anyway. Only recently when the economy got a bit better dare we step out of our kitchens and order takeout/go out to eat every once in a while. That's why I don't agree with the canon.))
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ask-thenetherlands · 7 years
Bothersome board game
Netherlands: “I want to invent a new board game...” Provinces: “Whatever you do, don’t make another annoying-..” Netherlands: “I’m gonna make a combination of Mens Erger Je Niet and Pesten, and call it Keezen.” Provinces: “OH MY GOD--”
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ask-thenetherlands · 7 years
6 for each province AND ned
6. Do you fit into any stereotypes?
Netherlands: “Of course I do, stereotypes exist for a reason. Just not all. I am tall, I am blond and I use hair gel most days. I also smoke, tobacco mind you, which is apparently a lot compared to other countries. I love cheese and other dairy products, as well as liquorice and fish. I am blunt straightforward and like to get to the point fast. I own clogs, I am good at agriculture and I grow tulips.”
North Holland: “Well… I use weed? And I love the food Pap has listed as well, I grow tulips too. I’ve gone to… ladies of pleasure, if you will~ I still do actually. I own a little house boat, is that a stereotype? I… used to have clogs? When I was little. Oh yeah, I play the accordion!”
South Holland: “Yeah, of course I use weed too. The fucking stuff is everywhere, why wouldn’t I? Calms me down… Yeah food and tulips, same here. I own a fuckton of Delfts Blauw items because I made them myself. Clogs when I was little, same. Uhm… This may be a little stereotypical of some of my places, but I use rough language and…  ehhh… vandalize and steal. Yeah. Next.”
Zeeland: “I am frugal and hard-working, I may not eat them but I do prepare shrimps and mussels. I own a whole array of traditional dresses, in fact I’m wearing one now. Yes, including the one with the large hat. I read the Bible, go to church on Sunday and give thanks to God before every meal.“
Noord-Brabant: “Uhmmm… I’m gezellig? And I LOVE carnaval and parties! I drink a lot of beer, and I have a soft G pronunciation. I have a carpe diem kinda lifestyle too! I eat a lot of sausage rolls and oh I also used to own clogs when I was little!”
Limburg: “I also love carnaval and have that pronunciation, but other than that– Actually, yes. Vlaai. That’s a stereotype, I eat vlaai at least once a week. When I’m angry, I get into my thick dialect and barely anyone understands what I’m saying… Yep, same about the clogs when I was little.”
Gelderland: “Yeah, there’s some stereotypes I fit. Fer example, I’m a farmer and I have a plat accent. I don’t eat it if it’s somethin’ unknown, I own clogs and do a lotta agriculture. I own overalls and I dislike ‘t Gooi. I’ve visited many castles and I’m proud of the Veluwe forest.”
Overijssel: “I also farm and own clogs, I’m friendly but know how to work hard. I also have a plat accent but I try to hide it. I don’t get why you’d grow tulips, they’re not suitable for meals. I own a tractor and some more electrical farming equipment.”
Drenthe: “I don’t like being a stereotype, but I also own a farm and clogs. As well as a sheep herd. I love my sheep, they’re my life… I’ve visited the Hunebedden dolmens plenty of times of course. And no, I do not grill on them! And I also have a plat accent… I’ve seen the entire series of Bartje too.”
Groningen: “First stereotype, I hate Friesland. Furthermore, I don’t use many words. I am stubborn, a hard worker and I farm. I own clogs, I have visited the Martini Tower. I eat a lot of dried sausages.”
Friesland: “What stereotypes, you mean prides surely? I ice skate, I own Frisian horses and cows, I farm and own clogs, I speak Frisian, I mock Groningers for a living hobby, I am tall and blond with blue eyes. I own traditional clothes and I also do traditional sports such as skûtsjesilen, fierljeppen and ringrijden as well as wadlopen. I eat a lot of Fryske sûkerbolle and rye bread and I am so proud of all of these! Maybe pride is a stereotype? But it’s for a reason!“
Utrecht: “I am pretty and fashionable, I’m direct and maybe a little mean with my words sometimes. Of course I’ve visited the Dom Tower, and I’m fashionably late. There’s also rats in my home. I’ve taken the canal tour before, obviously. Mhh, I used to wear clogs when I was little, just like my little brothers. But they’re so not done anymore, only farmers wear them.”
Flevoland: “I don’t know if I have ster… stewrer… I don’t like that word! They say I don’t have culture… But I have cloggies!”
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ask-thenetherlands · 7 years
26. all provinces. do not be afraid to name some people 😈
26. Do you like anyone?
North Holland: “Nah, love is for sad people. I have absolutely no one I like, in the romantic sense. Hence I’ll never have a girlfriend or boyfriend, and I’m okay with that. Just ends in heartbreak at some point.”
South Holland: “L-like? Fuck no! I don’t like anyone! I mean, I-.. I’m not some sappy shit! But Baden is hot stuff…”
Zeeland: “No, I’m too busy to think about any romance.”
Noord-Brabant: “Ehehehe~ Well uhm hehe… Guus Meeuwis is cute~ “
Limburg: “Hmm… no, not really? Besides, if I did they wouldn’t be able to understand me properly anyway.”
Gelderland: “Oh yeah, I hope that Isle of Mann’s gon’ come back and visit sometime. He’s cute. Other than that, I’m not missin’ out on anythin’, if ya know what I mean! Those haystacks are here fer a reason, haha!”
Overijssel: “Oh aha… I don’t know, I’ve been romanced a few times by an anonymous lover… But I’d love to see him or her for real~ “
Drenthe: “N-no… but I don’t think anyone would want to be with me anyway, there’s better provinces they could get with…”
Groningen: “No. Why should I?”
Friesland: “Oh uh… heh… o-only someone worthy enough to be with me, I would fall for of course. And there’s no one as great as I am.“ *glances at Bavaria*
Utrecht: “Mhhh, so many! God, I fall too easily! But right now, this big important city in the west is on the top of my list.”
Flevoland: “JA!! I like Pappa!”
Muses mentioned:@ask-baden@ask-manxman@ask-amsterdam
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identity-mess · 6 years
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Mutz: Lutz x Maaike [APH Utrecht] - Part IV
Maaike is the personification of the dutch province Utrecht and an OC of my good friend @ask-thenetherlands​, who’s also cosplaying her here. We ship her very hard with Lutz (and vice versa obviously), because they’re really cute together and thus we decided to make random pictures. I decided to wear vintage Lutz, because why not (besides, Maaike likes vintage stuff).
These are my favourites <3 
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identity-mess · 6 years
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Mutz: Lutz x Maaike [APH Utrecht] - Part II
Maaike is the personification of the dutch province Utrecht and an OC of my good friend @ask-thenetherlands​, who’s also cosplaying her here. We ship her very hard with Lutz (and vice versa obviously), because they’re really cute together and thus we decided to make random pictures. I decided to wear vintage Lutz, because why not (besides, Maaike likes vintage stuff).
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identity-mess · 6 years
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Mutz: Lutz x Maaike [APH Utrecht] - Part I 
Maaike is the personification of the dutch province Utrecht and an OC of my good friend @ask-thenetherlands, who’s also cosplaying her here. We ship her very hard with Lutz (and vice versa obviously), because they’re really cute together and thus we decided to make random pictures. I decided to wear vintage Lutz, because why not (besides, Maaike likes vintage stuff). 
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