#aph ny oc
buttmano · 2 years
NY x China HCs? Maybe? Please?
this has been in my ask box forever but mainly bc its been marinating in my brain for that long
NY (oc) x China HCs
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tag(s): fluff, relationship talk
I mightve mentioned this before but I see them having a general sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship
And I say general because they don't have a name to what they are, nor do they care enough
They don't fall in love perse, but they have times where they crave the others presence and other times where the feelings go dormant
It's very much an adult relationship and they both communicate fairly healthy
Yao tends to ignore her if he's not in the mood to communicate with her, but you can only ignore Miss New York for so long
They both have their toxic traits 🤷‍♀️
Yao does love to give her little trinkets and toys all the time, showing off what he's made
She gives him a pretty little thing to show off at events (jk they're both hot together)
The [legal] age difference and just different world views is a part of their relationship that has helped it last so long
They both listen to the other and try to understand where they're coming from
When Yao starts to write her off as some young air headed new state, he reminds himself that her more recent upbringing is culminated in her world view
And when she starts to write him off as some old geezer country, she reminds herself just how much history he's seen and how that might change his opinions from her own
When they go out together they're absolutely That Power Couple
NY keeps Yao fashionable and sleek~
The exchange of different cultures is just *chefs kiss*
if you were expecting their historical relationship....you have come to the wrong place.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 3 months
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Jennigje “Jennie” Van Slyke (NY state, in blue) Henry/Massachusetts (in the red) could never make me hate you ❤️ . (Elise/New Jersey in the yellow).
I made this comic back in November lol - a bit outdated for a couple things, but I think it clearly illustrates some important relationships within my nor’easter lore so 🥸 jump below the cut
Alfred is NOT raised by Arthur in this universe. The British colonies operated under salutary neglect and part of this is cause England was either A) fighting itself or B) fighting someone else. So I doubt Arthur really had much time to actually raise Alfred himself.
When working on Alfred, I think a lot about how / when we “begin” US history so we almost always begin with Plymouth colony. Hence how I ended up with puritan Alfred. Alfred began life as Plymouth colony.
Now Alfred is NOT a brother to Matt— it just doesn’t make sense for the vision I have (tl;dr- I begin with the most significant early English settlement in Canada being in Nova Scotia so I can also tie into the French presence. Basically Matt is half Acadian / half English). They are cousins and they become like brothers much later on. But they’re NOT biological brothers.
Alfred is born to human parents, but as the story goes, one day he just stopped aging and it was obvious he was something else. Similar situation for his maternal cousins, but it was always clear that Henry was Massachusetts, Rosalie was Rhode Island , & Josh was Connecticut. Alfred they always assumed was Plymouth colony, but it was always felt that role was too small for him.
Anyways Alfred was primarily raised by his older cousin Henry. Henry did his best with Alfred given that Henry was a child himself. He tried to raise him to be a good puritan. But Alfred always had his mind elsewhere and while he was well-educated, he never paid too much attention. Henry took this as he had to be harsh with Alfred so Alfred would grow up to be a functioning adult. Henry is very critical and short tempered and that’s also his parenting style- heavy on the punishment.
Henry was also a bit of a paranoid kid. I mean how could one not be in that environment ? It led to a lot these anger issues and fiery temper while he attempted to hide it behind this more educated cool facade.
Alfred trying to be a good puritan boy would heavily respect his elders as Henry was physically older than him and raising him- Henry was his elder. And Alfred was very beholden to his opinion of him and tbh Henry had the most influence on Alfred until the American revolution (Alfred’s personality is shaped by his experiences with his states).
Henry also especially did not like his then-Dutch neighbor, Jennie / New Netherlands & her siblings Elise (later New Jersey) & Will (then Beverwijck now Albany). He had to work with her, but he never liked her and was always suspicious of her especially cause she was not a puritan and also not English. Plus he didn’t like how indifferent she was to other religions and cultures in her own colony.
Jennie always enjoyed trolling Henry lol. She’s usually quite direct and a more serious businesswoman, but with Henry she quickly picked up on the fact his temper was really hiding the fact he’s scared.
Henry does deceive her into trusting him as an ally, which eventually leads her to becoming a British colony. Jennie didn’t really think Henry was going to be an actual threat to her cause she perceived him as stupid cause he was so angry all the time and also they had common enemies- Charles/ New France & his sister Denise/ eventually Quebec. Alas she learned quickly he wasn’t all that stupid.
Now I’ll keep this short for this post. Arthur wanted easier administration of his colonies so he decided to make the Dominion of New England by combining the New England colonies and New York and New Jersey. Personally, I’ve interpreted that Jennie & Henry were married. Albeit in name only ( this is akin to how royal families would “marry” kids but they weren’t expected to do anything cause like lol that’s ew). I do however think these two were expected to at least talk to each other. This went as well as you could imagine given they both highly dislike each other and that Henry has a short temper and Jennie likes to troll him (hence this comic). It’s annulled.
Anyways I’m mentioning all of this is cause while Henry is Alfred’s earliest influence, Jennie eventually becomes one of his most trusted advisors and most significant influences. However as Alfred basically followed Henry on everything as a kid, he was a bit nervous around Jennie and believed whatever Henry said about her.
I’ll get more into this when I get into my revolutionary war arc, but Jennie does eventually gain Alfred’s trust given she put herself on the line so he could become a nation and eventually he learns she does have good financial and trade advice. She knows what she’s doing. And she isn’t afraid to tell him off. Although most of his early states are a bit older than him so tbh none of them are afraid to speak their mind to him. But Jennie is a bit different cause she also remains a close family friend of Alfred’s. In many ways, she becomes like this weird older sister to him. Jennie also later introduces Alfred to Lynn/ Manhattan who also has similarly good advice regarding trade and is more naturally charismatic than Jennie or Alfred (Alfred is naturally like an awkward grumpy New Englander lolll), which has proven to be extremely useful.
Now I mention Henry here as well, and a bit with his relationship especially his dislike of Jennie cause Jennie and Henry are like genuinely two people Alfred trusts fully even if Henry and Jennie are usually fighting and contradicting each other lol. Cause he knows those two have his best interests, and they don’t bullshit him. Even if he doesn’t always like their advice. Also Henry and Jennie do have a couple of romantic relationships when they’re adults - however tbh that’s more like comp het and confusing friendship with romance but they’re messy and I’ll discuss them another time.
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rosethreeart · 2 months
Can we see some cute ny x iceland doodles? 👉👈
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
My mind keeps going back to this story I made with ny first online friend awhile back.. I love the characters sm esp this silly little guy named Frostedleaf. Silly little deer ppl 🫶🫶 (btw if you're curious the oc blog is @benefactordreams.. I love the Tingyun theme sm tho I'm not completely done with it unfortunately..) but oh Aph if I don't post it on my oc blog expect me to come here :33
Also high school for me is exhausting too.. having to take a small break bc of it 😭😭 it's near the end of my freshman year and I get out in June.. I still have a whole month and more to go.... And while I could be better I'm pretty ok!
I'M SO SO SORRY NERVO I MEANT TO GET TO THIS SO MUCH SOONER????? definitely going to follow your oc blog rn ❗️❗️ and even if you DO post it on your on blog, you're still welcome to drop by my inbox <33
high school IS so exhausting honestly, but i'm glad you're doing at least somewhat okay! i hope you still are 🥺🫶
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I finally had the gumption to do this along with something I have to say. I’ll keep it a little short, but I love your interpretations of the states and you made me love a state that isn’t even my own. Thanks to you, I’m in this fandom and stuck once again. ;w; 💜
Jfdhkkhsrjkl thank you so much! We’re overjoyed and flattered that you enjoyed our content, and that we were successful in dragging you back in the hetalia hell! :’D
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ask-the-ny · 5 years
((am I...allowed to still post? Is hetalia still relevant))
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aph-ontario-askblog · 2 years
What is your relationship like with the states ^^
“Amicable I’d say.”
“By which I mean, most of them are fairly good, atleast I think so. There’s those I’m closer with, or more distant just naturally. No use holding onto grudges or squabbles.”
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askaphmaine · 7 years
“Hey, when do you plan on telling Augusta your feelings?”
Albany choked, slamming his coffee mug onto the small table sitting in their kitchen. “NYC, don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Don’t avoid the question, Albany. When do you plan on confessing?” The taller boy slid into the seat across from his now bright red brother.
“There is absolutely nothing to confess.”
“Then why are you blushing?”
“I’m not,” Albany grimaced, “I’m just annoyed by the thought of him. Do you realize how many important documents he’s either lost or forgotten? How little he pays attention during meetings-“
“You pay a lot of attention to someone who apparently annoys you.” NYC smirked, relishing in the glare his brother sent him.
“He literally plays videos and music, without headphones mind you. Not to mention he’ll face time with Portland. For someone so quiet, those stupid videos are extremely loud. The only thing I’ve ever hard that is louder is his stupidly cute laugh.” Albany ranted, missing the laugh NYC forced himself to swallow.
“His…what, Albany?”
“What? He’s disruptive with his stupid phone! Were you not listening?” With that, NYC felt something inside snap a bit.
“You literally just called his laugh ‘cute’!” A twitch found its way to his eye. “You sit here and rant and rant about Augusta and all these little details that no one, and I mean no one, else notice!Boston has explicitly stated that Augusta is basically silent during meetings, yet he’s a huge distraction to you! An you unintentionally compliment him every fucking time you rant about him! And you rant about him all the damn time! Can you please just admit you have feelings for him? New York already knows I have feelings for Boston! He won’t say anything about you feelings for Augusta!” NYC took a deep breath, turning to look out over the city, ignoring Albany’s upset look.
For an hour the two stayed quietly in the kitchen, NYC moving to make them breakfast. New York wasn’t going to be home for a couple more days at the very least but he’d know if they skipped any meals. Finally, a shaky breath broke the tense atmosphere.
“He hates me, you realize that, right? Augusta, I mean.” NYC glanced up from his omelette in surprise. This was the first time he had ever heard Albany willingly talk about Augusta without ranting. “I’ve seen him send glares my way during meetings for no reason. If I approach him, for any reason, he audibly groans and grumbles until I leave him be. Before you say that he does that to everyone, he normally just sits there with a blank expression until they go away. I’m the only one he treats like this.” Albany began to shake slightly, tears welling up as he stared at his coffee.
“You…you’ve never mentioned that before. I’m sorry for pushing, Albany. Here I was, thinking it was due to pressure from New York.”
“It…it’s fine, really. If…if I was more confident and he hated me less, then I’d take your advice and confess. Sadly, I just don’t see that happening. So for now, best to just pretend like what I feel simply isn’t real. It makes it less painful than facing the truth.”
“So, when do you plan if confessin’ to Albany?” Portland leaned on the doorway, staring into the dark abyss that was his brother’s room.
“Never.” Was the muffled reply.
“Augusta, listen closely.” Portland sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I know he’s from away but seriously? So’s New Hampshire, yet Maine acknowledges her feelings for him. Would you rather pretend to hate Albany forever? I’ve seen how he acts around you and how he acts when you avoid him. Just give things a chance.” With that, Portland pushed himself off the frame, walking back into the hallway.
“Yeah, yeah…” Augusta muttered, rolling over to face his star covered ceiling. To be perfectly honest, as much as he wanted to confess, he had no idea how. Flowers and chocolate? Nah, too cliche. A gift? What would Albany even like? Probably something expensive. For hour, at least, Augusta laid there, trying to come up with some sort of idea. Slowly, his eyelids began to droop shut once more, the warmth of his bed drawing him back to sleep. Thump.
A sudden weight lengthwise across his legs woke him right back up. Augusta sat up, sending his older brother the dirtiest look he could manage. Portland merely smiled in return, moving to sit up, both so that his wasn’t pinning Augusta down and so that there were no longer knees in his stomach. Neither one felt the need to break the silence between them.
“You could just walk up and tell him.”
“Or I could just throw myself off a building.”
The next capital meeting was absolute chaos. It seemed like anything and everything had gone wrong for the 51 capitals. The snowstorm had been the final straw, keeping all the capitals not used to it away and causing those who were used to it to complain. Finally, D.C. choose to abandon the effort and let everyone leave.
Albany had barely gotten his papers into his bag when he felt someone yank his arm. Glancing over, he was shocked to see Augusta, the normally reserve capital of Maine, holding onto him, motioning for him to follow. If it had ben anyone else, Albany would’ve told them to leave him be. Yet here he sat, across a small table from his longtime crush, sipping on a small cup of coffee. Augusta had not spoken a word beyond ordering, choosing to instead watch passerby out the window.
“Well, this has certainly been interesting but I should be-“
“Can you stay for a moment longer?” A pause. “I am really trying, I’m just not a huge talker. Sorry.” The more soft tone caused Albany to pause before sitting down. Not once had Augusta really spoken directly to him. And he never expected it to be in such a nice, calming voice.
“Is everything alright? I’ve never seen you act like this.” He really hoped Augusta would answer, if only so he could hear his voice just a little more.
“I’m fine. Hey, what’s your fantasy?”
“I would have to say to be kissed in the rain-.”
“Dude, do you fuckin’ wanna get sick? ‘Cause that’s how you get sick.” Augusta made a grossed-out face. Albany knew the other boy wasn’t trying to be insulting but he still found it hard to hold back his own fight worthy comment. He blamed New York and NYC.
“Alright, what’s your’s, asshole?:
“Easy,” Albany was surprised to hear an actual answer. “to throw an angry moose in Masshole’s face. Duh.” Or maybe not.
“…You mean Mass and not Boston, right?” If he meant Boston and NYC found out…
“You hesitated.” He really didn’t need his brother murdering his crush. Albany moved to run his hands down his face, keeping them folded in front of his mouth.
“No, ‘m just confused. Boston is masshole-ette, not masshole. Shocked you didn’t know that.” Albany couldn’t tell if that logic was good or bad. He decided on ‘goodish’.
“….Moving on…Are all your fantasies about hurting people?” He hoped not.
“No, just most. Curling up by a fireplace in winter with hot chocolate and snuggling is one too. And you won’t get sick there! It’s perfect.” It took both boys a minute to process what Augusta had just implied, both sets of eyes widening. “Wait, shit. Nope, not how that was supposed to come out. Welp, I’m out.” With that, Augusta gave the table a shove, sliding his chair out and almost running for the door. For a moment, Albany just watched the other capital flee before his mind caught up to the situation. Tossing some cash onto the table, he chased after Augusta, finally catching up to him right inside a park, gripping his arm tightly.
“You…run…too…fast.” He panted, glancing up to see the deer in headlights look Augusta was wearing. Even now he was looking for an escape route. It was surprising to see Augusta show so much emotion, Albany had to admit. Surprising and cute. Once he could breath again, Albany stood back to his full height, looking slightly down towards Augusta. “That was an interesting statement.” Pure horror crossed Augusta’s features. Alright, maybe Albany didn’t like the emotions so much. At the very least, he didn’t like the negative ones. With a frown, Albany shook his head. “Not a bad statement, just an interesting one.” With that, he leaned down.
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hidcote · 7 years
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Ah yes, the ripe age of 393.
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Drops my url
Send one in // ACCEPTING
Do I Follow Them?: Obviously, this person has been one of my oldest follows since I first joined this hell site and that ain’t gonna change!
Why Did I Follow Them?: I was primarily writing Victoria at the time and looking for more APH related/based muses to follow/interact with and this lovely lady came along with one of the England’s I followed at the time. It was rare to see Cities at the time, especially one so complex as East Germany. Add my facination with Cold War era activites and boom, follow button hit.
Do We Role Play?:Yes, we have a great thread going on rn and many more on the way ;)
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Until the day Internet fails us peeps
An AU Idea For Our Muses: I’d like to see an AU with Brendon (my Belfast OC) and Lily meeting in America during the mass immigration movement, perhaps they move into the same boarding house and have to navigate being an immigrant in early 20th centur NY... just a thought :3
A Song For Our Muses: Famous Last Words by MCR for Arthur and Lily
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Arthur and Lily have a wonderful thing going on.... I luuuuv it
What I Think About The Mun: Mun is one of my oldest partners on here like a said, and we’ve only just started to get to know each other better!!!
Overall Opinion: Fan-tab-u-lous
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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buttmano · 4 years
Does Yorkie call everyone for their human names or their country names? idk why I feel like she calls everyone by their human names, it feels more casual
It's a mix up tbh. Usually human names though. If she wants to be Formal™ or just straight up teasing she will hit em with a "Mr. Germany."
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 1 month
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hehe first couple pages of “The Ashes”.
More information about all of this can be found here.
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NYS OC’s Axel Jones.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 2 months
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😙 did some hairstyle studies w some of my main two girls (Jennie & Lynn/ NYC) + Mona / California. I’ll share the rest another time, just Jennie for now :)
Anyways some design notes:
Jennie isn’t particularly feminine to begin with, she prefers simplicity and just looking put together.
However, she does gravitate towards perhaps more “masculine” styles. I believe as a woman of her background she understands being perceived as just masculine will elicit respect from her male peers. Alas she lives in a male-dominated world and she needs to play by these rules where masculinity secures more power.
While Jennie & Lynn’s friendship is toxic (putting it lightly), I do like to think when they were girls they liked to do each others’ hair and have similar hairstyles to let everyone know they’re friends. I’ll post Lynn’s design notes another time- but her design notes do deal with heavier topics so I’m just figuring out how to phrase it atm.
Also she’s of a Sephardi/Dutch background btw, but Jennie is raised as a Lutheran & she was an Episcopalian for a number of years. She definitely engages with her Dutch background more (clarifying that this pertains to Dutch-Americans in the Hudson Valley). Her more meaningful interactions with her Jewish background don’t occur until the late 1800s (also clarifying as this pertains to Jewish-Americans in NY). She doesn’t really engage with Judaism itself (her sister Elise does), but she definitely engages with the Jewish culture that forms within New York. I’ll share Jennie’s parents another time.
Below the cut is just the same image w/o any text
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buttmano · 4 years
What are New York’s favorite flowers? Just asking for a friend haha
Roses, Swamp Milkweed, and Bluets !<3
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buttmano · 4 years
Hey! I LOVE your stuff. I was wondering... what do you think New York and Netherlands relationship would be like? I really like them both. Thanks!
Ooo! I hc my NY and Netherlands to be brother and sister! They're very close even though they don't interact much anymore. Netherlands is jealous of NY's rose garden<3
Thank you for this ask!!! :D I love talking about my oc!
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