#apoptoxin 4869
masterdetectivexx · 2 years
Hey Mtx! I read your latest theory on 1106-1109 about Rum's Identity
Gotta say man it was good, you did some pretty neat observations.
I actually read it quite a while back and had some questions about it but was too lazy to write them down
So here they are :
Rum wants to kill Asaka because she heard her voice.Then wasn't it Rum's fake voice (Wakita version) according to your theory so why would Rum want to kill someone who heard his fake voice?
And Muga already seems to be pretty young.Why would he need to take aptx to get his eyes back.He would turn into a teenager if he did.
Sorry, I forgot to ask one more thing. What do you think about Muga's age? It isn't fake then?
Thanks for the feedback ^^
Rum's fake voice is an impersonation of his father's voice, who is an already established prominent figure. The impersonated voice is something that he most likely carries in important business and VIP settings (since we know this identity acted as a spokesman for Karasuma Renya 47 years ago), so one could even argue that it's more dangerous for the "father" voice to get exposed than his true voice, especially if Rum has seperated his "Muga" identity from any public/sensitive affairs related to the BO/Karasuma.
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As for Rum considering "turning back the clock" on his right eye, if Rum is suspecting that de-aging is a possible side-effect of APTX4869 drug based on Sherry's research notes and the mysterious reappearance of Kudo Shinichi after getting drugged (as mentioned in my review), then he could be planning on finding Kudo Shinichi not only for eliminating loose ends, but also for research purposes. Rum is likely aiming to see how the drug affected Shinichi in order to progress APTX4869 research and perfect the drug, so that its effects are more precise and controlled. I don't think Rum is considering taking a risk by directly taking APTX4869, but rather hoping to develop it to a point were it isn't toxic and where they can target its effects to his right eye (through injections for example).
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As for Muga's age, I don't think his age can be real in my theory scenario, since he would be too young in age and physique to be capable of impersonating his father 17 years ago. I do still believe that he is 5-years older (35 years old like the first Rum suspect, Kansuke) than what he claims to be, meaning that he worked with Kuroda ~7 years ago when he was around Rei's current age (29).
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achampnator · 1 year
## Schon gewusst ? ##
Sicherlich kennt ihr das Gift Apoptoxin 4869, das die Schwarze Organisation Shin'ichi zu Beginn der Serie eingeflößt hat und ihn wieder zu einem Kind werden lässt. Doch wusstet ihr, dass die Zahl 4869 in der japanischen Sprache mit den Silben "Shi-Ya-Ro-Ku" ausgesprochen werden kann und diese zusammengenommen das japanische Wort für "Sherlock" ergeben?
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limequartz-blog · 7 years
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dcmk-scenery · 7 years
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presumenothing · 7 years
inspired by this amazing art from @pocketsizedsleuth, hope you don’t mind me writing this! (warning for implied violence)
>> database_open(pandora)
>> subject_retrieve(4869)
>> yes
Sterile white lab. One figure lies motionless on a long metal table, connected to an array of monitors.
A female voice from offscreen: Experiment 4869, codename SHERLOCK. Subject has been administered 1.25 grams of apoptoxin one minute prior to start of recording. Blood pressure and SpO2 levels noticeably elevated, but within predicted range. Subject is currently unresponsive, expected to regain consc–
The figure begins trashing violently. Alarms go off, one after another.
Another voice. Male. What the hell's going on? Is – is that smoke?
Running footsteps. Five people in lab coats enter the room at a run, obscuring the figure, who is screaming now.
The first voice, panicked: I don't know, it looks like he's shrinking, but– hey! You can't come in here, this lab is off-limits, what are you d–
Multiple gunshots, then black.
>> no
>> subject_crosscheck(1412,4869)
[ VIEW FILE? (213094814251.MP3) ]
>> yes
"Just call me KID, it's much easier. And you're – hm, 4869, I assume? You got a nickname?"
"Does it matter? I want information, that's all you need to care about."
"Huh. I did hear those rumours about something big going down at HQ, but..." A pause, police sirens passing in the background. "Looks like they weren't so far-fetched after all. How's the second childhood going for you?"
"Like shit. Don't play dumb with me, 1412, I don't have the time for your games."
"I've been seventeen longer than you've been alive, newbie, time is everything you have. And you haven't even said what you want from me. Or what you're gonna give me in return for it."
"Miyano Shiho's whereabouts. Or you'll find Division Two with anonymous tipoffs about larceny and impersonation cases stretching back decades."
A scoff. "The police won't buy it. You don't have evidence."
"Then the media will. You can't stay disguised forever."
"Oh, try me. And what makes you think that I even know anything about Miyano?"
"You recognised the name. And you were one of the first human test subjects. Isn't that so, 1412?"
"Yeah, I was in the first batch of experiments. You're in the fourth. So? Miyano took the prototype and went rogue more than a year before I got... recruited. Subject 0001, if they'd started numbering back then."
"I'm not asking you for her location. Just – anything you have, I can do my own detective work from there. I don't plan on being stuck as a child forever."
"And you think she's going to help you, when she invented this drug in the first place? No, don't answer tha– fuck. You – have you removed your chip?"
"I said, have you removed your tracking microchip? Damn it, they could be listening in to our conversation right this m–"
>> _
>> _
>> database_delete(pandora)
>> yes
...partly an exercise in seeing how much I could fit into 600 words, plus a different style. tell me what you think?
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tantei-sama · 7 years
Lass uns zurück in den Moment (Songfic: 3A “Parallel”)
Sand liegt auf der Straße Es war ein ungewöhnlicher Ort für einen Coup. Sonst hatte sich der Mondscheindieb immer ein Museum ausgesucht. Aber die Edelsteine die er gerade begehrte, waren in keinem Museum zu finden. Wind weht in dein Haar Besagte Edelsteine waren nämlich blaue Saphire, die ihn gerade verwirrt anstarrten. Sein Gegenüber war tatsächlich gekommen. Die Ankündigung, die er nur an ihn geschrieben hatte. Die nur ihm allein galt. In drei Sekunden sag ich 'Hallo' „Guten Abend, Tantei-kun“ schmunzelte der weiße Magier und machte eine kleine Verbeugung, dann sah er den Angesprochenen wieder an. „Es freut mich, dass du meiner Einladung gefolgt bist.“
Zum ersten Mal nimmst du mich wahr Der Detektiv zog nun eine Augenbraue in die Höhe. Er wusste wirklich nicht, wieso Kaitou KID ihn hierher bestellt hatte. Es war ein wirklich ominöser Ort und passte eigentlich gar nicht zu dem Mondscheindieb. Und hätte ich gewusst, dass wir am Ende nicht funktionieren „Warum bin ich hier, KID?“, fragte der Brünette und ging einen Schritt auf den anderen zu. Jener zuckte mit den Schultern. „Das kann ich dir nicht beantworten, Kudo-kun. Immerhin habe ich dich nur hergebeten, es war deine Entscheidung zu kommen.“ antwortete der Dieb ehrlich und ging ebenfalls einen Schritt auf ihn zu. Ich würd es wieder tun, nur um uns nochmal zu spüren Jetzt standen sie nah beiander, schauten sich in die Augen. KID hatte seinen Zylinder und sein Monokel abgelegt und stand nur noch in seinem Anzug und seinem Umhang vor seinem geschätzten Detektiv. Sein Pokerface behielt er. Dennoch hatte er gerade einen Teil von KID abgelegt und war ihm nun als Kaito Kuroba gegenüber getreten. Lass uns zurück in den Moment an dem wir dachten wir wär'n unsterblich Eine Hand stahl sich in Shinichis Nacken, zog ihn noch näher, sodass seine Stirn die des Magiers berührte. Die Augen ruhten immer noch aufeinander. KID lächelte, Shinichis Herz überschlug sich. Er kannte diese Gefühl und er kannte natürlich auch dieses Gesicht. Es überraschte ihn nicht, wer KID war. Reich mir die Hand ich nehm dich mit auch wenn das mit uns nichts mehr wert ist Wir waren parallelisiert, wir waren parallel, so parallel Kaito entfernte sich wieder von dem Detektiv, nahm aber dessen Hand und zog ihn den Strand entlang. Sie wirkten fast wie ein normales Pärchen. Dabei waren sie so verschieden. So gleich und doch so verschieden.Sie hatten das gleiche Ziel: Die Zerschlagung einer korrupten Organisation, die 'Männer in Schwarz' wie sie Shinichi nannte. Und sie waren so viel mehr füreinander als nur Verbündete. Für immer war ich ewig doch niemals ganz bei dir „Du weißt, dass wir das nicht tun können, Kaito“, sprach der Heisei Holmes ohne den anderen anzusehen. Natürlich wusste er es längst. Er wusste längst, dass Kaito und KID ein und dieselbe Person waren, schon bevor dieser seine Verkleidung abgelegt hatte. Aber erst jetzt war es ihm wirklich bewusst gewesen. Vielleicht war ich zu wenig sonst wär'n wir heut noch hier Kaito war wie aus dem Nichts bei ihm aufgetaucht, kurz nachdem er von Haibara das Gegenmittel für das Apoptoxin 4869 erhalten hatte und seinen alten Körper wiedererlangen konnte. Seitdem war Kaito ihm täglich auf den Nerv gegangen, außer KID hatte einen Coup, dann war er immer für kurze Zeit verschwunden. Und hätte ich gewusst, dass wir am Ende nicht funktionieren „Wir können alles tun, Shin-chan“ antwortete Kaito ihm endlich und blieb stehen, sah seinen Detektiv ernst an. „Wir können berufliches und privates trennen, dann wird alles okay.“ sagte er ernst und Shinichi schüttelte seufzend den Kopf. Ich würd es wieder tun, nur um uns nochmal zu spüren „Wie soll das funktionieren, Kaito? Du bist ein Dieb und ich habe mir geschworen, dich zu fangen.“ Kaito lächelte wieder. „Aber das hast du doch.“ Er legte seine freie Hand auf dessen Brust, spürte sein Herz schnell klopfen. „Du hast mich hier gefangen.“ Erneut seufzte Shinichi. Lass uns zurück in den Moment an dem wir dachten wir wär'n unsterblich „Das ist nicht das, was ich gemeint habe...“ murmelte der Detektiv. „Ich kann nicht länger mit dir zusammen sein.“ Er ließ seine Hand aus Kaitos Griff herausrutschen. Reich mir deine Hand ich nehm dich mit auch wenn das mit uns nichts mehr wert ist Kaitos Pokerface begann zu bröckeln. Er versuchte wirklich stark zu bleiben, denn diese Situation hatte er schon befürchtet. Wir waren parallelisiert wir waren parallel, so parallel „Es tut mir leid, Kaito. Aber ich kann es mit meinem Gewissen nicht mehr vereinbaren. Ich habe viel zu lange eine Lüge leben müssen.“ Dass er damit auf Edogawa Conan anspielte war dem Magier natürlich bewusst. Dennoch tat es ihm weh, dass sein Detektiv so dachte. Denn er wollte wirklich dass es zwischen ihnen funktionieren konnte. Ich will zurück Ich will zurück Ich will zurück (oho) Ich will zurück (oho) „Ein letzter Kuss zum Abschied?“, fragte Kaito dann nach langem Schweigen. Shinichi nickte und kam seinem Freund wieder einen Schritt näher. Lass uns zurück in den Moment an dem wir dachten wir wär'n unsterblich Ihre Lippen trafen sich, ganz zart und unschuldig, als wäre es ihr erster Kuss gewesen. Dabei war es einer von unzähligen Küssen, die sie miteinander ausgetauscht hatten. Aber dieses Mal war es ein Kuss, der mehr bedeutete. Er bedeutete „Goodbye!“ und Kaitos Herz stach, als es ihm bewusst wurde. Es war ernst was hier gerade passierte. Reich mir die Hand ich nehm dich mit auch wenn das mit uns nichts mehr wert ist Die Lippen lösten sich, die Augen trafen sich erneut. Blau traf auf Blau. Beide lächelten schwach. Ja, jetzt musste es Kaito einsehen. Es war vorbei. Er konnte Shinichi nicht bei sich halten. Wir waren parallelisiert wir waren parallel, so parallel „Dann sehen wir uns, Tantei-kun.“ sprach Kaito und setzte Monokel und Zylinder wieder auf, während Shinichi nur nicken konnte. „Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund.“ Dann verschwand Kaito mit einer Rauchwolke und ließ den Detektiv allein zurück. „Goodbye.“
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dcrewatch · 8 years
Detective Conan Rewatch: Episode 850
Episode 850: "The Marriage Registration's Password (Part 2)”
Before watching this episode, on a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to seeing it again?
Favorite screencap:
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Sato: “At this rate it looks like I’ll be married before Yumi after all!”
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Conan: “Oi, oi. That’s a low blow, don’t you think?”
Favorite moment:
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Yumi encouraging Shuukichi and telling him that if he has something important to say he should just say it right to her face.
Least favorite moment:
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Yeah, this bit about Kouji Haneda having been on the list of apoptoxin 4869 victims is the only bone Aoyama decides to throw our way plot development wise.
What's one thing you noticed/realized about this episode that you hadn't before?
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Flashback to episode 786.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this episode?
Celebrate it!
Since I don't have access to a tablet and am too lazy to scan a drawing, have a (not exactly) summary haiku.
Both codes are now solved
But Shuukichi lost his match
Yumi says she’ll wait
Next Episode: Episode 851
Previous Episode: Episode 849
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masterdetectivexx · 3 years
In the first meeting b/w Conan & Haibara she said that she didn't have any intention to make a poison in the first place !! What does that mean? Did Haibara mean that she made APTX bcz it was BO order and intention, and Haibara have known it would be used as a poison, but she had nothing to do against BO?? Or she meant that there is another purpose of APTX rather than killing people, but BO were using APTX on human beings as a poison despite being incomplete?? And if it's that true, why Gin said in the first episode of DC that APTX was developed as a powerful poison to kill people when he tried to kill Kudo Shinichi by this drug?? His words are contradicting what Haibara told to Conan completely that she didn't mean to make poison!!! Does that mean that Haibara was working on more than one drug?? For example, APTX for killing, and another secret drug with an unknown purpose even to Gin himself?? Or Gin misunderstood the true purpose of APTX, thinking that drug was made for killing??!!
Haibara indeed meant that the goal of the foolish research (BO research) wasn't to make a poison (or something dream-like like reviving the dead). Apoptoxin 4869 was merely a prototype drug, unfinished result of a drug with a differently intended effect.
When APTX4869 was created by her, it wasn't the first time it existed. It was actually a recreation of her parents' prototype, which was used by Rum 17 years ago during the Kohji case. Gin most likely already knew of its past existence due to that incident that became known as Rum's screw up, so when Gin was given access to Sherry's version of the same poison, he naturally is gonna believe that the BO's aim was to recreate this convenient murder weapon.
Gin most likely isn't aware of any age-manipulating effects and likely doesn't know who the real mastermind of the BO is (if Karasuma Renya is alive despite his age as the current boss). Otherwise, the scope of his deductions and suspicions wouldn't have been this limited after having faced Conan indirectly many times with hints of that his enemy is a kid (i.e File 383, where he had all hints to suspect that a kid planted Itakura's incomplete software and hid inside a locker).
Therefore, he is unlikely to be aware of the true purpose of the drug research (that is tied to Karasuma Renya).
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masterdetectivexx · 4 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well. I want to ask what’s your opinion on the difference between the drug that Shiho’s parents did and the one that Shiho was doing? I was wondering because in the chapter where Haibara was sneezing and playing games with DB at Agasa’s place (I forgot which chapter), she mentioned that the 2 drugs were different
Hello ^^ likewise!
The part about Haibara sneezing and playing games was in File 1025, where she was giving context to Atsushi’s work history. Haibara monologued that the organization wanted her to create a different drug earlier than that, in File 948.
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This was right after mentioning that she recreated her parents’ prototype drug with the remains that she could scrap by. In other words, Haibara was basically reiterating the same thing she said in File 179 and File 384, that she was not tasked to create a poison or a dream-like drug, but rather a “foolish” drug that most wouldn’t deem valuable.
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In File 821 however, we learn that the Miyano parents were trying to create what they described as “terrifying” and a “dream” drug, which is the opposite of what Haibara was tasked.
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My conclusion on all of these tidbits of information is that the Karasuma group funded Atsushi’s dream research of creating this wonder drug “Silver bullet”, that is most likely intended to prolong life and/or cure illnesses, since Atsushi and Elena are doctors. However, I think that the Karasuma group also requested that Atsushi, in return for the funding, also takes over the organization’s 50-year-old (File 189) “foolish” research, to create this not-so-wonderous foolish drug (as mentioned by Vermouth in File 434), which is the research that Haibara later took over.
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The Miyano parents didn’t successfully finish creating “Silver Bullet” (Atsushi’s drug) before dying, however, they did produce prototypes of the foolish drug (the organization’s drug) and it became the poison “Apoptoxin 4869″ (that has a rare side effect of shrinking/de-aging people). Haibara then took over the organization’s foolish research after her parents and recreated the same prototype, in her attempt to create the foolish drug.
As for what the organization’s foolish drug is, I suspect that since she said it’s something that most people wouldn’t deem valuable, but at the same time has something to do with aging (since Sherry researched longevity in mermaid island), she is supposed to create a drug that rather than prolonging life by manipulating aging (something that people would want to gain more time), it rather shortens life by speed growth / aging up fast (something that people wouldn’t want to not lose time). This would explain Haibara’s opposite descriptions of her drug goal (compared to Elena’s) and could also be tied to the black organization boss’ (Karasuma Renya’s) current state, like potentially being stuck in the form of a child without being able to age (like Vermouth), due to a past side-effect (”punishment”) after rushing against his fading life (”stream of time”) by taking a prototype drug (File 191/380).
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