#apparently a german death metal man is being funny on you tube
thetarttfuldickhead · 9 months
thinking about your roy whisperer jamie post. the lads telling jamie to go find out what roy's problem is because they "have a rapport" and jamie goes into the manager's office and just straight up asking "hey, what's your problem?" and roys like excuse the fuck out of me? and jamie's like "yeah, we have a rapport. so tell me what your problem is." and the lads in the background like ah. we have made a tactical error.
Aaaah, yes, I can totally see this happening, because Jamie is… well… blunt more often than not. He might well barge in there and just ask, bold as brass, and there’s no way the team can imagine this going well.
Only. I think it would. I mean, yes, it would likely piss Roy off, particularly the assertion that they have a report because fuck off Tartt we do not, but Roy also have this occasional tendency to suddenly just spill, so yeah, maybe that happens. Jamie asks, Roy is pissed but actually answers and the lads are all like… oh, okay, did not think that would work. (There’s a reason Jamie’s the Roy whisperer, no matter how many times Roy denies them having a rapport.) (It’s unclear if Roy answers because it’s Jamie or if he would have answered anyone on the team who had the guts to ask point-blank, but only Jamie would.)
Or maybe Roy rudely and at length tells Jamie to fuck right off and the team sighs and and groans and shakes their heads because that was a fucking bust and Roy’s even angrier now… only Jamie does not look like he thinks the mission was a failure. “Give it time, lads,” he says, as unconcerned as he is confident.
Because Jamie knows – as few other do – that if you just give Roy a little nudge to get him to start thinking, if you let him stew for a bit, and let him feel maybe a bit bad about lashing out at someone he cares for, he’ll eventually come around. He’ll growl and scowl and be abso-fucking-lutely unhappy about it, but later that evening or the next morning, whenever he and Jamie get together for whatever weird shit they’ve got going on at the moment, Roy eventually and without looking at Jamie and sounding like he maybe wants to die grits out what’s got him so wound up and twisted this time around.
(That said, I’m also amused with the image of Jamie coming back out from the office, and off the others’ stare just shrugs blithely. “Yeah, I fucked it. Made it worse. Training’s going to be hell, sorry about that I guess.”)
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