#apparently he's so sad they couldn't offer me teacher training and is so greatful for how i tutored a student and got them to take their
petalsandpurity · 1 year
school's out !!:D
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snowydaffodils · 4 years
Hogwarts!AU: Kim Seokjin - Hufflepuff!
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Kim Seokjin, a Hufflepuff
Kim Seokjin was born and raised by a Gryffindor family, one that screams justice and righteousness wherever they went.
His family was on the better side of money, and his older brother inherited each and every trait his parents had, including their enthusiasm to fight for justice and their moral values.
They were always on about fixing people's mindset about muggles, and fought against social discrimination.
Hardworking cheers and active campaigns are always visible in his family's daily lives.
Basically, hyperactiveness runs in the family. Seokjin wasn't excluded.
But he was hyper very differently.
Seokjin came to Hogwarts for the first time, following his older brother everywhere he went. He joined him in the train and met his friends, where they all looked up to his brother and respected him like a leader.
His brothers friends looked at him very differently, though. The girls kept pinching his cheeks telling him how cute he was and the guys didn't even bother with him.
Seokjin entered the Great Hall that night, determined to be placed in Gryffindor so he could be just like his brother.
But apparently the Sorting Hat saw something else in him and he was placed to Hufflepuff without hesitation from the old talking artefact.
At first, he was disappointed in himself, and cursed the hat for weeks to come.
But then he discovered the entrance to the kitchen is literally right outside his common room and he couldn't be happier.
He bragged about his cooking skills to the uncaring elves despite the lack of response.
They did responded when he tried to cook to prove himself, trying to pry him off the kitchen tools.
But with how convincing Seokjin was, he managed to cook them his dishes and if you force it out of them, they'd admit his dishes were good enough to be served in Yule Balls.
So they let him do as he please (or maybe they're just tired of arguing with him. This kid needs to go to the debate team or something).
Seokjin still tried to become a righteous leader like his brother was, though. He decided that being with his brother will not give him an opportunity to become a leader on his own, so he decided to find his own friends.
He found some people his age at first, but none of them really looked up to him like how his brother's friends did to his brother. He decided that if he had juniors then they would definitely look up to him like a leader, because he was older than them.
So Seokjin patiently waited to become a second year.
On his second year, he deliberately searched for an empty compartment, determined to be just like his brother, waited for new first years to enter and was ready to befriend them immediately. Eventually only one other person entered and joined him because he overslept and that was the last seat on the train.
That was how he met Min Yoongi, who nodded to everything he said just so he would let him sleep more.
Seokjin took that as a sign that he was agreeing with his values, though, and independently decided that Min Yoongi was his follower from that day onwards.
He pouted when the latter was placed in Slytherin.
But regardless of house! Kim Seokjin didn't fail in finding Min Yoongi outside of classes to preach about his values.
At first Yoongi was annoyed, but then he realized this Kim Seokjin is not so bad, and sometimes he makes valid sense.
Also he eventually warmed up to him because he constantly made him food.
Seokjin is not particularly bad at his studies, but he did get a 4 out of 100 in Defense Against the Dark Arts.
He wasn't bad at Potions, it felt just like cooking to him.
Flying was meh, and so was charms, but his ultimate favorite is Herbology.
He collected more people to join his leadership pursuing goals in third year, and in came Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok.
At first he claimed himself as leader, but as time progresses, he couldn't help himself to look up to the younger Kim Namjoon. He adored the younger guy. His pride and Joy.
He was also disappointed when Namjoon was sorted to Gryffindor, and Hoseok to Ravenclaw.
Then Jimin got into Slytherin, Taehyung to Ravenclaw, and Jungkook to Gryffindor and Seokjin just gave up.
Both he and Namjoon dragged Yoongi with them to cheer for Hoseok's first Quidditch game.
Seokjin brings laughter wherever he goes, and the entire Hogwarts love him. Especially the teachers (except if he was going nonstop in class, but outside of that). He's just this bright kid that fits in wherever he goes.
While he may not have the charismatic leadership Namjoon has, everyone agrees to follow him just because they look up to him differently. He's just this ball of fun that everyone wants to befriend with.
Within his time in Hogwarts he realized he didn't need to become like his brother. He was absolutely content with six other boys from different houses that he befriended with. They didn't need to follow him like how his brother's friends did to his brother, but being with them was definitely enough.
Seokjin understood the value of standing side-by-side instead of being higher than the rest.
He was the charmer of the school. Nobody dares to oppose him on the most handsome in Hogwarts.
He got asked to Yule Ball (or any balls Hogwarts presented for that matter) a lot. He answered them with a, "If you don't mind me stepping on your foot during dance, then okay." Which apparently pushed a lot of people away.
Is always the clown during choir practice, makes dad jokes all the time to disrupt said practice, but Flitwick can't kick him out because let's face it, a third of the choir's volume comes from him.
Likes to take part in the Cypher going on in the Room of Requirement, but everyone just laughed and told him he did good. He didn't understand. So did he win or not?
This guy was sad and sulky when he had to go to Hogsmeade on his own because all the rest of the group were younger than him. It was not that he didn't have other friends, but none understood him like his special circle does, and the enjoyment wouldn't be the same.
But once he stepped in to Honeydukes, he forgot all about his sadness, and he spent the entire day examining each item he could from the shop.
He became a Honeydukes' tour guide to Yoongi, then Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.
By the year he dragged Jimin and Taehyung in and gave them the infamous tour, Ambrosius Flame's wife offered him a job for summer breaks if he wanted to.
Least to say, he was delighted.
Honeydukes is usually the most crowded before Christmas, but since Seokjin had been part-timing in the shop, Honeydukes profits even more in summer.
He even made his own mini Honeydukes franchise within Hogwarts. Its an up and running business between the students.
Somehow the bright faces of these people who bought from him bring joy to him as well. He enjoyed doing it.
Seokjin came home one summer and told his parents nervously he wanted to open his own shop. He had expected his parents to shake their heads and push him as a justice advocate and take part in the ministry, like what his brother was thriving for, but to his relief and happiness, his parents hugged him and presented the warmest smile ever.
He went back to Hogwarts after that with the most excitement he had ever had. Also, by that time, he was appointed Prefect, and it was proof that his potential in leadership was no less than his brother's.
Seokjin was starting to understand Namjoon's preachings about loving yourself.
It was one of the reasons why he became so attached to the younger boy.
Seokjin passed by Hogwarts with the best smile he's ever gotten, and the best of friends to stick with for the rest of his life.
He may not have the best grades, or a career with the Ministry or some giant wizarding company like how Yoongi was, but he was happy and content, and he regretted nothing.
Kim Seokjin came to Hogwarts, disappointed that he was sorted to Hufflepuff.
He graduated thinking that Hufflepuff made him who he was. He took great pride in all the traits a Hufflepuff is glorified upon.
Kim Seokjin opened his first shop in Godric's Hollow, but a few years later was a regular sponsor of Hoseok and Jungkook's Quidditch team, the Puddlemere United.
He built a shop in London, and divided his shop to Muggle's division and Magical's.
His shop was famous in both worlds.
He was the best of both worlds, too. Major CEO in the muggle world (with the help of Hoseok and Namjoon, he was quick to adapt, especially with his looks), and a conglomerate in the magical world.
Seokjin was featured ever so frequently in the Daily Prophet for his good looks, successful career even with a few bad grades story, his inspirational magical words of puns, and his achievements in building a bridge between the muggle world and the magical world.
His parents couldn't have been prouder.
His brother was super proud, too. He used this as motivation to further advocate for the values of justice and equity.
He enjoyed the happy looks of his customers, and behind the magical division, there was a small garden, just for him and the other six, to argue and banter, and forget once in a while, that they were adults and working.
Kim Seokjin enjoyed those times.
He was content.
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