#bts bulletpoints
strawberryjmilk · 11 months
repeat ♡ min yoongi [repeat, repeat, repeat]
a small compilation of moments between autistic!reader + yoongi happy disability pride month <3
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please do not use this as a way to self-diagnose. having one thing in common does not necessarily mean you are autistic. im not a therapist or doctor, if you think you’re on the spectrum, talk to them. <3
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
picky eating ♡
yoongi made a habit for himself. every time he heard of something new — a restaurant, cafe, bakery, whatever — he sent you the menu immediately. one too many times you’d arrived to a new place only to not eat ; or you would verbally shut down, too overwhelmed with the new area and different options.
he’d seen as a comfort food no longer tasted or felt the same ; saw the discomfort and confusion on your face as something so nice turned bitter.
“baby,” his voice calls through your phone's speaker. you smile at the sound, applying a sensory friendly lip balm as he speaks. “check out the link i jus’ sent you. or we could do your favorite for dinner. you choose.”
you hum, scrolling through the new menu you were sent. your eyes light up at the description of one of the choices. it sounded good ; sounded like something you’d actually eat. “the new place sounds good. are we eating there or…?”
“wanna take it home?” a crinkle hits his line as he adjusts the phone. “can pick it up on the way there.”
you bite your lip, “are you sure? i can— i’ll get ready if you want to go out.”
“nah,” he breathes out a laugh, “we’ll eat at home. see you soon, baby.”
parallel play ♡
yoongi did not like people being in his studio. it was his safe space ; his work area where he didn’t like to be interrupted.
you broke this rule sometimes.
he allowed it — liking how quiet and to yourself you’d be. other times, though, you’d let him be and wait until he got home to hang out.
a puzzle was on the floor as you sort through the pieces, mind blank and searching for the last pink colored piece. yoongi glanced at you from where he sat, headphones wrapped around his neck. he smiles softly, nudging your knee with the tip of his shoe. “alright?”
“m’good,” you respond. you don’t even blink ; don’t look up at him to smile as you move onto a different color. your fingers twitch, hesitating to pick up a puzzle piece. “want me to leave?”
“nah,” yoongi sags back into his chair comfortably. “you’re jus’ fine right here, angel.”
stimming ♡
you need to move. your emotions have built up — and built up and built up and built up — and now you were on the verge of wiggling until everything came loose. taking a deep breath, you pick at your nails once more.
it does nothing.
none of your usual, hidden stims are good enough anymore. you’ve bottled it up so much for so long that you need something harsh ; something destructive and big to help you release.
yoongi frowns as you scrunch your fingers together tightly, so hard it looks painful. “baby? everything okay?”
you let out another breath, eyes pinned to the wall in front of you. “need to… scream.”
it was a code word — i need to stim. yoongi frowns, adjusting his body so that his head and torso are facing you fully. “okay. go ahead. you know i don’t mind.”
“it’s—“ you let out a whine. your eyes scrunch closed — so hard you see stars and dots — before you snap them back open. your mouth curves into a frown, voice softening into a whisper. “it’s embarrassing.”
“embarrassing?” yoongi’s frown deepens as he laces his fingers with your own. you hesitate, but give his hand a small squeeze. “angel, this is something you need to do. something that helps you self-regulate and feel better.” he pauses, eyes dancing across your face as your agitated expression holds. “want me to look away?”
you squeeze his fingers once more before shaking your head. another breath — you close your eyes again. and then you’re slowly rocking back and forth in your seat, quickening the pace as you need to.
yoongi stays silent, only rubbing his thumb across your knuckles when you slow down. eventually, your eyes peel open and your shoulders are less tense ; a smile easier to hold. he kisses the back of your hand, “better?”
“much. thank you.
“nothin’ to thank,” another kiss to your hand. “jus’ glad you feel safe with me.”
disordered sleeping ♡
another yawn leaves your lips. you blink, shaking your head to wake yourself up a little more. yoongi glances at you, frowning in concern. he tilts his head, "sleepy, angel?"
"bad night," you answer instead. he leans up, getting in your view as his frown deepens. "bad dreams and woke up... a lot."
"m'sorry," he rubs your back, "anything i can do to help?"
you hum, moving your body with the motion of his hand. rubbing your eyes — yoongi pulls your hand away gently — you shrug. "feels like i've tried everything and nothing helps."
yoongi nods, a pout on his mouth. the room goes still, silent as he continues to rub your back. "we can try something new, if you want? look up remedies 'nd stuff and see what you think."
"okay," you sag against his body, "won't hurt to try, i guess."
"okay." yoongi grins and scrolls on his phone, looking for things to help you sleep. he says them outloud, pausing when you hum in interest. you've got a small list of things to try, home remedies and medical ones. yoongi kisses the side of your head, "nap if you want, angel. i'll wake you in a bit."
auditory processing disorder ♡
sometimes, words didn't sound right to you. the sentences didn't make sense ; the way things were phrased or pronounced were hard to understand. yoongi was patient with this — didn't get annoyed when you asked him to repeat things.
you're reading when yoongi calls out, "get your phone, please."
how would that make sense when you're on your phone? your eyebrows furrow as you pause running through his sentence and trying to make it make sense.
yoongi pops his head out from his room, "thanks for folding these."
your mouth falls into an oh expression. "you're welcome."
the side of his mouth tilts up, as he stills, watching you curiously. "what did you think i said?"
"something about my phone." you move the device, wiggling it in the air. "didn't get how that made sense."
yoongi lets out a laugh, nodding to himself. "no wonder you didn't answer me at first."
——♡—— slowly trying to write for kpop again <3 doing my best!! i wrote a detroit become human one here if you'd like to read it! <3 strawberryjmilk © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know.
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mazzystar24 · 1 month
Asking this under anon bc i don’t wanna get any backlash in my inbox lmao
but to start this off: i love oliver stark, and i am so appreciative of how important he views this storyline and the representation it provides
i am going to be very disappointed in him if we get through the next few episodes, and it becomes clear that they aren’t going to further develop buddie anymore. he has always been so careful and cautious when it comes to implying things in interviews/press stuff, but lately with this resurgence in his response to fandom interest with buddie (liking fanart, reposting it, talking openly about buddie in interviews, confirming things like buck thinking eddie was attractive, etc.) if they don’t go that route, it will honestly severely hurt me.
i have very mixed feelings about what is and isn’t “queerbaiting” (most of my friends would say i tend to not believe that it’s a thing, and to an extent i agree) but there are certain situations in which something does blatantly feel like baiting… to me this is one of those situations.
with both lou and edy still being around, as well as ryan’s sudden stint in pr jail, the fandom’s obsession w lou/tommy, and tim minear’s seeming interest in complying with fan-service… it’s hard to remain optimistic that they will actually give us buddie. the past two weeks have given me whiplash as a buddie fan and i am getting tired of the show using our desperation and love for this ship as a marketing tactic when they have no intention of going there (tim minear himself saying things like “i don’t like to plan endgame relationships” or “there are no plans for buddie at the moment”).
that is why the media’s sudden obsession with asking about buddie, as well as oliver’s willingness to interact with buddie content online combined with the constant flow from the set of things not going in the direction of buddie… it feels very intentional to drag us in. and if oliver is participating in that, then i am going to be very disappointed and hurt by that. he used to care so much about not getting our hopes up, but lately it feels like that isn’t the case anymore, and that getting our hopes up is their way if getting us to continue watching the show because they know that people will stop watching after having to watch years of buildup and (at times admittedly) roment subtext between them just for all of that to be completely retconned and them to say “no-homo, bro” in favor of a character/ship that came out of nowhere and has had no development.
obviously, i don’t blame os for the storyline- he’s not a writer, he doesn’t get to dictate what does or doesn’t happen. But he is the one getting all of the media attention, and using that to shine a spotlight on buddie when (if) he knows that buddie isn’t happening? it feels very icky to me and i really don’t want to have a reason to dislike him.
unfortunately it’s seeming more and more like a possibility each day as we get inundated with bts info that doesn’t bode well for us at all.
I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you anon sorry😭🫶
If buddie doesn’t go canon/ they don’t show they’re heading in that direction in the next few episodes, I still would not blame Oliver at ALL for his recent more openness about buddie
(Idk how familiar you are with me and if you are you’ll know this but if you’re not lemme clarify I use bulletpoints a lot but not to be curt or rude I just like breaking things into chunks🫡)
1. He has made sure to constantly clarify that he doesn’t know how things are gonna go and he has no control over things- i mean EVERY time he spoke about buddie
2. He’s also a fan of the show guys, yes yes he’s an actor and it has different implications I agree 100% but also if he’s choosing to ship his character or enjoy fan work that’s his prerogative and sure he can lurk privately like he has in the past but also he probably knows that implications aside fans who make that work will be ecstatic to see him actually liking the stuff
3. The man legit said he deleted social media at one point cos he didn’t wanna like or share stuff that’d accidentally give people false hope for buddie or bi Buck but he has silently agreed for years and he hated not being able to confirm bi buck till now
4. He’s been a HUGE advocate for us both on the buddie front and bi buck front and that deserves recognition
5. As you said there is a LOT of bucktommy love rn which is great and all but may draw focus away from buddie, if Oliver is intentionally trying to get buddie fans to keep going it could genuinely just to show that buddie fans are still aiming for buddie endgame and that they still make up a huge portion of the fandom
6. Writing is CONSTANTLY in progress on 911 so again buddie fans being more vocal and abc and writers seeing such positive responses to him so much as interacting with buddie posts or answering buddie questions give them a gauge of audience’s wants (granted Tim has stated it’s not a HUGE factor for him) and also keep in mind s8 is still in the books so even proposals of storylines may be in the talks rn
7. When he talks he is VERY careful about his words and is very well spoken on the topic like yes there have been more stuff we can read into and be optimistic about but you can tell that he in no way is saying specific things to bait people, when talking about existing buddie things he talks about HIS interpretation and uses lots of maybes and might’ve beens and I see how that could be and when he talks about future buddie he talks about being open to it talks about what he’d want from it and he talks about not having control or knowledge of it happening
So yeah he has done/said things that I absolutely think warrant optimism (I made a whole post about it) but if it doesn’t pan out that optimism should a- still be there b- not turn into blame for him
Okay now Oliver aside- the questions being asked about buddie and all the buddie promotions I would be side eyeing the higher ups for if it’s for nothing because yes all the articles and stuff are stuff being pre-approved by abc and the people higher up than cast members or the journalists but I would also keep in mind that s8 is still in the works so hope is not lost even if s7 isn’t what we hoped for because keep in mind we had only 10 eps to work with too
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gyunglitter · 9 months
welcome to sugar rush !
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❦ butters | she/her | ‘02 liner | enfp ❦
❧ my kpop blog from my main
❧ i write mainly for txt, but it’s not a set thing
❧ stan txt, bts, and lesserafim!!
❧ rules
personal library below
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read _x _ for _y_
-i'll always choose you ⚘ choi beomgyu
+for my mental illness babes~ COME GET YOUR JUICE
+when you need comfort after a hard day
+beomgyu makes your :( go :]
+might make you feel all fluffy,,, or cry your eyes out apparently?
+totally wasn’t the intention but the readers have spoken!!
-stupid cupid ➷ choi beomgyu
+if you're a hopeless romantic
+or dramatic af like me
+for the girls that spent years pining after one guy
+or maybe its not,,,
+can enable your delulu, so take that as you will
+if you're into guys that grovel after curb stomping your heart
-the losers club ⚤tomorrow x together
+for when you’re bored asf
+or drained from a long day and need to read/scroll but don’t wanna actually use your brain
+if you wanna be delusional, but in, like, a platonic way??
+or maybe for when you wanna read a funny smau/bulletpoint/drabble fic but bowlofsoob hasn’t updated yet
+then ☝️
-love in the afterglow ♥︎ choi beomgyu
+a drabble i concocted and wrote in an hour
+look at me go!!
+please be proud of me and give me validation, i usually overthink everything lmao
+really just to read if you want love and fluff and smush
+also if you’re into cuddling after car sex :D
more coming soon !
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tzuberry · 11 months
zerobaseone masterlist ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎⊹
OT9 our season – zb1
nothing yet...
HYUNG LINE savior – the boyz
nothing yet...
MAKNAE LINE round and around – jo yuri
as tropes / cliches fluff, slight angst, bulletpoint and written
cute things they do as your boyfriend fluff, established relationship, bulletpoint
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김지웅 KIM JIWOONG she lives in paris – gemini
nothing yet...
장하오 ZHANG HAO what 2 do – dean
nothing yet...
성한빈 SUNG HANBIN always – zhang hao
nothing yet...
석매튜 SEOK MATTHEW all i wanna do – jay park
nothing yet...
김태래 KIM TAERAE you were beautiful – day6
nothing yet...
리키 RICKY myo – colde
nothing yet...
김규빈 KIM GYUVIN blue orangeade – txt
nothing yet...
박건욱 PARK GUNWOOK coffee – bts
nothing yet...
한유진 HAN YUJIN wishlist – txt
nothing yet...
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Hey BPP! I hope you’re doing well 😊
I was wondering which artists’ work are you looking forward to in 2023? Aside from the remaining BTS’ members’ solos.
Ask 2: BPP I don’t consider myself a New Jeans fan as their music hasn’t grabbed my attention yet but you sparked my interest in them so I’ve been keeping my eye out as an outsider. Holy shit their numbers are amazing considering this is their 1st comeback?? They will definitely be dominating SK this year as the Korean GP seems to like them and are paying attention to what they’re putting out. Hype Boy did amazing in the US too even though it was hardly promoted over there. Maybe this is a little too early to predict but I feel like in a year or too they will start dominating the GG scene and maybe even give BP competition internationally if their still active by then???
Ask 3: Seeing Hybe’s trajectory is crazy. From a struggling company barely able to support their artist to now having not just the biggest band in the world BTS but also New Jeans who has been a sprinting since debut, getting the 2nd fastest song to debut in Melon 100 after BTS. I’m not a fan of NJ but damn Hybe is killing the game. In just a few years they’ve established a pretty great roster of artists in Korea not even counting BTS’ global dominance and now they’re also slowly building up their artists base in Japan too. Hybe’s name carries a lot of clout now (ofc thanks in a large part to BTS) to be able to sign Techi and snatch famous former Prod48 artists. They hav stumbled a lot especially last year with LSF and trainee a but it still hasn’t changed the fact that they’re growing at a fast rate. No wonder kpop stans hate the company. I know armys joke a lot about how BH planned BTS’ career hundreds of years ago by the way that they plan albums and concepts months even years in advance but seeing the company slowly reveal their plans and acquisitions is surprising, I remember how shocked everyone was when they acquired Ithaca. It will be exciting to look back in a few years to see what they turn into and how they influence the industry.
Ask 4: I'm a little in awe about your insight into kpop. You were the first Army blogger I saw talk about NewJeans, supporting them in spite of the controversy and everything you said is what has happened. Forgive me for asking but do you work in the industry?
Ask 5: Now I see why you said NewJeans reminds you of rookie BTS. They are monster rookieing like nobody else rn
Hi Anon(s),
Anon in Ask 1, aside from BTS members, the artists I'm most looking forward to in 2023, are NewJeans and Esperanza Spalding. Since NewJeans is likely more relevant for my readers in this space, I'll explain why I'm excited about more music from them this year, and I'll be using comments in all your asks as touchpoints.
"Now I see why you said NewJeans reminds you of rookie BTS."
They aren't directly comparable of course, but there are parallels. Three things made me notice BTS when they debuted in 2013:
Their music
The cohesiveness of their storyline/concept
The reaction of wider k-pop fandom/industry to the group
All three bulletpoints for BTS also hold true for me with NewJeans, and is the reason I've been into them since July 22, 2022, and why I'm excited for them in 2023. I'll work my way from bottom to top.
The Reaction of Wider K-pop Fandom / Industry to the Group
Some people think BTS weren't well known and loved in Korea until their breakout in 2016, but the reality is the reaction to BTS from nearly everyone was overwhelmingly positive. Comments from an old forum:
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(this particular user was still active on the forum until 2019)
"They will definitely be dominating SK this year as the Korean GP seems to like them and are paying attention to what they’re putting out. "
BTS were the definition of monster rookies, they won the rookie awards etc, and most everyone (peers, gp, and industry leaders), took notice of them and loved them. People talked about how they had a different sound, more engaging performances, and an interesting take on the school concept with songs that appealed to their age group and others. But if there's one thing to never forget about k-pop, it's how insanely hyper-competitive it is, and we all know what happened to BTS between 2013 and 2018 at the hands of k-pop stans who at BTS' debut had loved them. The stakes are higher for k-pop stans in 2023 than it was in 2013, so for anyone reading this who genuinely loves NewJeans, just be prepared. You've all already seen that NMIXX, IVE, Classy, Lapillus, etc all debuted in 2021/22 with members aged 13 - 15 under the management of a 'creepy/pedo' CEO (and ad infinitum for groups debuting in previous years), but no group has gotten more controversy for it than NewJeans, curiously only starting after their debut album pre-order numbers were released. K-pop stans are predictable because of the incentives that drive them, so for the girls' sake and your own peace of mind, try as much as possible to engage only positively in the fandom and with others.
Don't engage with the noise, which will only be amplified after YG debuts their new girl group this year. Just keep receipts. Believe me you'll have a lot of it before the year is over. And you'll need it.
The Cohesiveness and Execution of Their Storyline / Concept
(this section includes spoilers)
The biggest clue to whatever NewJeans is, is their icon: the white rabbit.
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It's everywhere - in their MVs, in their outfits, in their lore and concepts, their fandom name, and in their sound which is notably both dreamy and bouncy/groovy. The way NewJeans expresses this motif in every single thing they do is easily one of the most brilliant things I've seen in k-pop. And this is partly because of how both subtle and obvious it is, and how they've taken an old tale and modernized it so it feels familiar but also self-aware.
What is this concept I'm talking about?
It's Alice in Wonderland.
Doing a full analysis of their discography so far would make this post too long and analysis isn't my forte anyway, but if NewJeans' summer release introduced fans to their sound, gifting bunnies a 'Cookie', then in their winter release NewJeans are inviting people to follow the white rabbit into their maddening, dreamlike universe. The wonderland of NewJeans is one of eternal youth and good vibes, and not necessarily Y2K as is widely believed. In my opinion.
Every group from debut Itzy to Red Velvet to XG to Triple S has tried a Y2K aesthetic and not one of them feel as nostalgic or youthful as NewJeans. Why?
From the straight unadorned long black hair, to the inclusion of Black and queer characters into central storylines about young love, to using the bunny as a metaphor for playfulness and awareness, the expression of youth and fantasy in NewJeans is so subtle and yet pervasive to me, it's obvious it has come from the mind of someone obsessed with the idea, someone who has studied what makes someone youthful beyond the temporal sense.
Much has been said at this point about the end scene in OMG and how that is Min Heejin clapping back at her detractors (lol, k-pop stans make me laugh on a daily basis y'all), but for anyone who has actually watched the MV, it's clear that everyone (including the doctors) is said to be mad or a little insane or inside this 'dream-like reality'. Everyone, including the viewer. In Ditto and OMG, NewJeans' not only break the 4th wall, they demolish it completely. You're left wondering what is real and what is an illusion. And that's the point. With that final scene in OMG with Minji bringing the hater with her into the insane asylum, and the final scene in Ditto where an Inception-like flip happens when Ban Heeseo watches her old tapes (Heeso being a representation of their fans), the creative team at Ador has brilliantly conveyed the reality of para-social relationships fans develop with their idols, as well as enclosing their fans in their own universe and memories. Not even their haters are exempt.
It's genius.
And the really exciting thing about NewJeans is they're only getting started.
I've said before that HYBE is best at storytelling, and nowhere is this more evident than in NewJeans and BTS.
Their Music
One way I like to describe NewJeans' sound is: a return to basics.
Like BTS, NewJeans' debut style in music and choreography is primarily influenced by old school (or 90s) hiphop. The primary difference between the two groups in terms of music is that NewJeans also incorporates the mirror sound (R&B) more than BTS did at debut (BTS leaned more into R&B in 2014 and 2018), and without unnecessary rap verses typical of k-pop girl groups. In other words, NewJeans is more Aaliyah (lol) than they are Janet Jackson, but the effect of listening to their music is the same.
For example, I heard OMG and immediately thought of Paradise by BTS, a song considered by a lot of ARMYs to be the tannies' best song (it's not lol, that title belongs to UGH, or HOME if you hate the sound of gunshots). OMG has a UK Garage type beat, and Paradise is the trap + lofi expression of the same idea. For the nerds like me, Paradise's producer recently did a breakdown of how he made that song and it's worth watching.
Neither 250 nor Jinsu Park have done a similar breakdown of their process for NewJeans but I'll post it here soon as they do. :)
"I’m not a fan of NJ but damn Hybe is killing the game. In just a few years they’ve established a pretty great roster of artists in Korea not even counting BTS’ global dominance and now they’re also slowly building up their artists base in Japan too."
I don't think there's anybody who disagrees with you Anon. The company has had time to prepare for BTS' enlistment and it shows. What I've always enjoyed about how BigHit manages BTS and TXT, is how they seem to prioritize music production and go in the opposite direction of where their peers are heading in terms of music/styling/concepts, and even the few times there's directional overlap, it still feels 'different'. A lot of groups will be returning in 2023: the entire SM roster, Zico, Stray Kids, etc, and I'm curious to see how HYBE will differentiate themselves without BTS.
Anon in Ask 4, no I don't work in the industry.
Updated song ranking:
Hype Boy
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jungshookz · 1 year
I’m not really into bts anymore but I’m definitely still into you, mrs cee 😎👉👉
(no for real I was telling myself that I was missing your stories and your bulletpoints the day before you came back, I may be into some premonition shits)
i'm starting to believe all of you guys really did manifest me back
i thought we'd already discussed the 'no black magic on cee' rule
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fabrowrites · 1 year
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
i do! usually i just stick on all my liked songs and live wild lol. my top repeat recently is probably The Astronaut bts
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
i think im what nano people call a plantser XD i like to outline a fic before going in but a lot of times those outlines are just a set of bulletpoints of things i want to hit or vague "this needs to happen" plot points. not to mention the classic fic writer thing where there are suddenly four more scenes than you originally planned lmao
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kimmingyuisking · 1 month
A little more about me...
Hi, I completely forgot to even introduce myself a little more, so here were are. This is just a little more about me in bulletpoint form
I am 20 years old
I'm a Virgo
When I got into KPOP, it was when I was just chucked out of school
The first group I even stanned was unsurprisingly BTS, however they are now just a group I sometimes listen to since I feel like there are a lot of groups who are on the same level as Bangtan, please don't come for me
My favourite song from KPOP is Our dawn is hotter than day by Seventeen
Me and my mum adopted a cat for my dad on his 65th birthday and less then 10 months later we adopted another one because we saw an adoption post from her work friends and couldn't possibly leave this kitty alone.
I don't stand groups where over 3/4ths of the members are underage as just a strange principle I have, so for example UNIS has over majority underage members and I won't ever be supporting them since the 2007 liners will only just turn 18 when their contracts are over and the 2011 liner is 8 years younger then me
My whole account is themed around Mingyu from Seventeen, but I completely forgot about their comeback today (29th April)
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snowydaffodils · 3 years
Hogwarts!AU: Kim Seokjin - Hufflepuff!
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Kim Seokjin, a Hufflepuff
Kim Seokjin was born and raised by a Gryffindor family, one that screams justice and righteousness wherever they went.
His family was on the better side of money, and his older brother inherited each and every trait his parents had, including their enthusiasm to fight for justice and their moral values.
They were always on about fixing people's mindset about muggles, and fought against social discrimination.
Hardworking cheers and active campaigns are always visible in his family's daily lives.
Basically, hyperactiveness runs in the family. Seokjin wasn't excluded.
But he was hyper very differently.
Seokjin came to Hogwarts for the first time, following his older brother everywhere he went. He joined him in the train and met his friends, where they all looked up to his brother and respected him like a leader.
His brothers friends looked at him very differently, though. The girls kept pinching his cheeks telling him how cute he was and the guys didn't even bother with him.
Seokjin entered the Great Hall that night, determined to be placed in Gryffindor so he could be just like his brother.
But apparently the Sorting Hat saw something else in him and he was placed to Hufflepuff without hesitation from the old talking artefact.
At first, he was disappointed in himself, and cursed the hat for weeks to come.
But then he discovered the entrance to the kitchen is literally right outside his common room and he couldn't be happier.
He bragged about his cooking skills to the uncaring elves despite the lack of response.
They did responded when he tried to cook to prove himself, trying to pry him off the kitchen tools.
But with how convincing Seokjin was, he managed to cook them his dishes and if you force it out of them, they'd admit his dishes were good enough to be served in Yule Balls.
So they let him do as he please (or maybe they're just tired of arguing with him. This kid needs to go to the debate team or something).
Seokjin still tried to become a righteous leader like his brother was, though. He decided that being with his brother will not give him an opportunity to become a leader on his own, so he decided to find his own friends.
He found some people his age at first, but none of them really looked up to him like how his brother's friends did to his brother. He decided that if he had juniors then they would definitely look up to him like a leader, because he was older than them.
So Seokjin patiently waited to become a second year.
On his second year, he deliberately searched for an empty compartment, determined to be just like his brother, waited for new first years to enter and was ready to befriend them immediately. Eventually only one other person entered and joined him because he overslept and that was the last seat on the train.
That was how he met Min Yoongi, who nodded to everything he said just so he would let him sleep more.
Seokjin took that as a sign that he was agreeing with his values, though, and independently decided that Min Yoongi was his follower from that day onwards.
He pouted when the latter was placed in Slytherin.
But regardless of house! Kim Seokjin didn't fail in finding Min Yoongi outside of classes to preach about his values.
At first Yoongi was annoyed, but then he realized this Kim Seokjin is not so bad, and sometimes he makes valid sense.
Also he eventually warmed up to him because he constantly made him food.
Seokjin is not particularly bad at his studies, but he did get a 4 out of 100 in Defense Against the Dark Arts.
He wasn't bad at Potions, it felt just like cooking to him.
Flying was meh, and so was charms, but his ultimate favorite is Herbology.
He collected more people to join his leadership pursuing goals in third year, and in came Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok.
At first he claimed himself as leader, but as time progresses, he couldn't help himself to look up to the younger Kim Namjoon. He adored the younger guy. His pride and Joy.
He was also disappointed when Namjoon was sorted to Gryffindor, and Hoseok to Ravenclaw.
Then Jimin got into Slytherin, Taehyung to Ravenclaw, and Jungkook to Gryffindor and Seokjin just gave up.
Both he and Namjoon dragged Yoongi with them to cheer for Hoseok's first Quidditch game.
Seokjin brings laughter wherever he goes, and the entire Hogwarts love him. Especially the teachers (except if he was going nonstop in class, but outside of that). He's just this bright kid that fits in wherever he goes.
While he may not have the charismatic leadership Namjoon has, everyone agrees to follow him just because they look up to him differently. He's just this ball of fun that everyone wants to befriend with.
Within his time in Hogwarts he realized he didn't need to become like his brother. He was absolutely content with six other boys from different houses that he befriended with. They didn't need to follow him like how his brother's friends did to his brother, but being with them was definitely enough.
Seokjin understood the value of standing side-by-side instead of being higher than the rest.
He was the charmer of the school. Nobody dares to oppose him on the most handsome in Hogwarts.
He got asked to Yule Ball (or any balls Hogwarts presented for that matter) a lot. He answered them with a, "If you don't mind me stepping on your foot during dance, then okay." Which apparently pushed a lot of people away.
Is always the clown during choir practice, makes dad jokes all the time to disrupt said practice, but Flitwick can't kick him out because let's face it, a third of the choir's volume comes from him.
Likes to take part in the Cypher going on in the Room of Requirement, but everyone just laughed and told him he did good. He didn't understand. So did he win or not?
This guy was sad and sulky when he had to go to Hogsmeade on his own because all the rest of the group were younger than him. It was not that he didn't have other friends, but none understood him like his special circle does, and the enjoyment wouldn't be the same.
But once he stepped in to Honeydukes, he forgot all about his sadness, and he spent the entire day examining each item he could from the shop.
He became a Honeydukes' tour guide to Yoongi, then Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.
By the year he dragged Jimin and Taehyung in and gave them the infamous tour, Ambrosius Flame's wife offered him a job for summer breaks if he wanted to.
Least to say, he was delighted.
Honeydukes is usually the most crowded before Christmas, but since Seokjin had been part-timing in the shop, Honeydukes profits even more in summer.
He even made his own mini Honeydukes franchise within Hogwarts. Its an up and running business between the students.
Somehow the bright faces of these people who bought from him bring joy to him as well. He enjoyed doing it.
Seokjin came home one summer and told his parents nervously he wanted to open his own shop. He had expected his parents to shake their heads and push him as a justice advocate and take part in the ministry, like what his brother was thriving for, but to his relief and happiness, his parents hugged him and presented the warmest smile ever.
He went back to Hogwarts after that with the most excitement he had ever had. Also, by that time, he was appointed Prefect, and it was proof that his potential in leadership was no less than his brother's.
Seokjin was starting to understand Namjoon's preachings about loving yourself.
It was one of the reasons why he became so attached to the younger boy.
Seokjin passed by Hogwarts with the best smile he's ever gotten, and the best of friends to stick with for the rest of his life.
He may not have the best grades, or a career with the Ministry or some giant wizarding company like how Yoongi was, but he was happy and content, and he regretted nothing.
Kim Seokjin came to Hogwarts, disappointed that he was sorted to Hufflepuff.
He graduated thinking that Hufflepuff made him who he was. He took great pride in all the traits a Hufflepuff is glorified upon.
Kim Seokjin opened his first shop in Godric's Hollow, but a few years later was a regular sponsor of Hoseok and Jungkook's Quidditch team, the Puddlemere United.
He built a shop in London, and divided his shop to Muggle's division and Magical's.
His shop was famous in both worlds.
He was the best of both worlds, too. Major CEO in the muggle world (with the help of Hoseok and Namjoon, he was quick to adapt, especially with his looks), and a conglomerate in the magical world.
Seokjin was featured ever so frequently in the Daily Prophet for his good looks, successful career even with a few bad grades story, his inspirational magical words of puns, and his achievements in building a bridge between the muggle world and the magical world.
His parents couldn't have been prouder.
His brother was super proud, too. He used this as motivation to further advocate for the values of justice and equity.
He enjoyed the happy looks of his customers, and behind the magical division, there was a small garden, just for him and the other six, to argue and banter, and forget once in a while, that they were adults and working.
Kim Seokjin enjoyed those times.
He was content.
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cinanamon · 4 years
marching band!taehyung
saxophonist!taehyung x color guard!reader 
a/n: majority of this is from my own experience
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Taehyung had been into the saxophone since he was little
he wasn’t a prodigy; he took classes in school but he was far from the best
It took a while to even make a sound, but he didn’t let that bring him down
sure, Taehyung wished he could be first saxophone by his middle school performance, but he wasn’t there to be the best; Taehyung just loved playing saxophone
So when he was picking classes for high school, his eyes gravitated towards band
Marching band was necessary if you took the class, but Taehyung didn’t mind—maybe because he didn’t know what it was
So Summer rolled around and that meant one thing: band camp
It was odd; he woke up early for once in a long time, and his eyes widened in awe as the band field came into view, tens of teens with instruments mingling upon the field
Taehyung was excited; these were his people
You, on the other hand, did not meet him until your junior year
you had joined freshman year with him, but you had been more on the shyer side, and you mostly stuck to the other color guard girls
But now, you were a vet; you had felt like you had been doing this all your life when you came back for band camp the third year.
You hated the heat, you hated the long hours, you hated the attitude the newbies gave you, and you hated relearning how to march
The band directors only really cared for the band, leaving color guard to trail behind and follow along
It was tedious; waiting for the “ready, set , march!” before marching in step and resetting instantly if even one person was off
Thankfully, color guard could go inside to learn moves with a flag
But, alas, you’d always have to come back outside to try them out in your sets, which you’d have to help the newbies find
A week passes before you can begin going through the beginning of the show
And you’re annoyed; you’re tired and bored from working on the show for hours already and resetting hundreds of time after a 16 count
So you might have been a little lazy, a little reckless as you entered your set within a circle of saxophones to do your toss
It’s successful, and you raise your flag and turn, prepared to flee from the circle to reach your next set within an 8 count—
And your flag slams down on the shoulder’s of an unsuspecting saxophone. You’re instantly awake and you try to stammer an apology as you continue moving to your set, but the boy only gives you a tight smile past his wince. The show must go on
You cringe but continue. After the director calls for you to relax, you turn to go apologize directly, but the boy is talking in a large group so you sigh and decide to wait as you go on a water break
And it kills you when you redo the set because now the boy gives you a wide berth, and you can’t help but feel embarrassed rather than thankful
And as the sets progress, you find yourself at the back of the field, nearly alone
You sigh; this was going to be boring
That was, until the boy you smacked strongly with a large metal pole found his set on the yard-line beside you
your eyes trailed up to the sky, and you questioned what you did in a past life before you brought your gaze back down to find him smiling at you
And his smile was so bright and genuine that you found it even harder to look right at him as you flushed
God his smile was even brighter than the sun for Christ’s sake, so where could you look without going blind, really?
“Um, I’m sorry for hitting you with my flag, again.” you brought a hand up to scratch the back of your sweaty neck
He laughed, causing his wet and wild hair to shake from behind his headband. “It’s really no problem! There was no where for you to go between us. Did I give you enough room?”
“Uh, yeah! Yeah; thank you.” And he smiled again and it was contagious enough to raise the corners of your lips too
A friendship began to bloom between the both of you as you continued to find sets beside each other as the year progressed, from the beginner to the ballad to the closer; for nearly all 10 minutes of the show, you were never farther than three football yards. 
You spent much of your time (when not being forced to repeat sets for hours at a time) talking the day away and cloudwatching. You’d both lay down, heads beside each other but bodies opposing, and point out what you’d see, question the theme of life, and discuss trivial matters like how you were going to eat your whole fridge after practice ended
He’d always laugh at that and you couldn’t help but feel a warm and fuzzy explosion in your chest at his happiness, and a hint of pride that you caused it.
You and Taehyung also spent some of your freetime on the field showing each other how to use your crafts
He had let you try and play the saxophone once but you were so bad that he started to die laughing, causing the other band people to look at you funny
And you had tried to show him how to use the flag, but he instantly got caught up in its silk that you both decided with a smile that maybe you shouldn’t even let him attempt a toss
As the hot days of summer simmered into the early days of school, you went into competition season as good friends.
Times were good! You’d smile at each other in the hallway but once school ended and you both changed, you were inseparable as you marched to the band field. 
Things were starting to get serious as the week came down to your first competition: your band director called you all to the band tower and gave an encouraging yet warning speech about being serious and at the top of your game. You were not just playing now; you were competing
You had taken a deep breath as nerves began to set it; that was, before you felt Taehyung gently take your hand in his and squeeze
Your breath hitched as you glanced over to meet his gaze and reassuring smile, but now your nerves were kicking in for an entirely different reason
You shot a grin back but before anything else could be done, your band director dismissed you to go home
You didn’t get to ask any questions as Taehyung said goodbye to you, and you didn’t have the guts to say anything else the next day
Your first competition rolled around and you overall let yourself enjoy it; after all, you knew how it went down
Your band showed up early to the band field to practice, ate a quick pre-made lunch, and then you all filed onto the buses.
Bus-rides were long, so many of the guard girls took naps or played on their phones in lounge wear; you and your friends chose to play cards in your small junction of four seats to pass the time.
When you were within 30 minutes of the competition school, you all would pull out your bags and begin working on your hair and makeup, which was never easy; many girls would grow frustrated trying to do their eyeliner and it was common to see mirrors and bobby-pins being passed numerous times around the bus.
Once you arrived and you all received your arm bands, you had around two hours to get food and see other performances before you had to be back at the bus fully dressed and ready to practice. 
Instantly after you came down the bus steps, Taehyung bounced beside you with a grin and a skip in his step. “Ready to go?”
You smiled in amusement. “Go where?”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you along before replying, “To get food, of course!” You couldn’t help the laugh and blush that came forth from your lips and upon your cheeks
And it was fun; you both stayed in the long line to buy some nachos before sharing them as you sat in the bleachers to watch show after show, some better than others
It was always so exciting to see what other bands had come up with that year, but there was always a nervous energy that would twist itself in your stomach as you began to compare your band to theirs
Taehyung would always bump your shoulder to get you out of your thoughts though, because Taehyung knew; he would give you a radiant yet gentle smile and you were instantly fine
You both had pushed your time a little too much to watch one more show, so you only had five minutes to dress. He rushed you back to your bus and you hurried on to get your uniform as he trailed back to get on his hat and gloves.
The other girls teased and rushed you and you whipped your head around; you didn’t have time to go up to the school now to change, especially if there was a line...
“Do you think I can change here?”
Another vet eyed you for a second before shrugging, “I don’t see why not.”
And so you ducked behind the seat and began to strip
You had changed partially and gotten your uniform up your legs, but as you began to pull it up over your torso, you saw Taehyung’s head pop up over the rail for the stairs
He hadn’t looked up just yet, still adjusting his gloves as he said, “Hey, director said he’s ready for us now—(y/n), oh my God, I’m so sorry!” And Taehyung nearly tumbled down the stairs onto the asphalt with how quickly he rushed off the bus, his face a matching shade of red to yours
The girls around you stared in shock for a second before laughing loudly, beginning to tease you ferociously. You scowled and ignored your blush as you yanked the uniform up all the way
As you made your way off the bus and gathered up your flags, Taehyung fell into step with you quietly. “I thought you were inside changing.”
You didn’t meet his eye but shrugged; you didn’t want to make it awkward. “There wasn’t enough time; sorry for not warning you.”
“No! No, I’m sorry for not warning you that I was coming on the bus.”
You just laughed and shook your head. “You just said you didn’t know I was on the bus,” You looked over at him and bumped his shoulder. “It’s okay, really!” He still seemed to feel bad and embarrassed, but he managed a smile and it seemed to instantly fall behind you
You two separated as your band practiced for 30 minutes before your performance. You took a deep breath and met Taehyung’s encouraging bright smile as you stepped upon the field. 
Once the music started, your mind went blank. Performing became muscle memory and yet it was all you focused on. Keep your head up, smile, keep in time, move here, fully extend, and breathe and toss—!
And the show was over. Your breathing was irregular as you stayed still for a few moments before you rushed to pick up any flags on the field around you, eventually falling into line as you exited the field
Everyone changed and got a snack before you all went back to the other side of the field with the other bands for judging. You weren’t able to sit with Taehyung since you had to sit with your sections, but you shot him a bright smile when your band got third. Not bad for your first competition!
You gushed about it to him all the way to your bus, where you and the other guard girls cheered and celebrated all the ride home.
Band season went by like a whirlwind from that point on. It was fun, it was taxing, and it was busy. There was a systematic schedule you had stuck to, and you had to do a doubletake when you realized that it was nearly the end of October. 
And with that thought it sent a painful shock throughout your heart that you were nearly out of time with spending band with Taehyung. 
Well, it wasn’t like you were losing him—you were still friends and still had next year and winter guard season coming up—but the near-constant time spent with Taehyung had been the highlight of band.
You tried to ignore it as you made your way to your final competition. Practice started as normal; early, hot, and taxing. But the whole band didn’t dare complain, because you were all working hard; you all knew it was your final competitions, and you all wanted to give it your best. 
Taehyung hadn’t mentioned how little you’d see each other once band was over, but you could tell he was thinking about it by his constant glances on the field. 
You don’t get a chance to talk until you get off the bus at the state championship, and even then, Taehyung doesn’t act any different: you have fun, but you don’t talk seriously. But if you were honest, you don’t think you could handle that emotional turmoil on top of your nerves for the competition. 
You and the rest of the band try to focus on practicing and working hard, and the reality of the situation doesn’t hit you till you’re preparing to enter the field. 
The whole band is readying to enter their marching on set and mingling and while you’re trying to discuss flag placements with the girl beside you, Taehyung pops up beside you, breathless. 
He hesitates at your startled expression but he puts his hands up as he speaks in a rush. “Look, I’m just going to say it because I’m already so nervous, and I don’t think I can wait till after the show—”
You contort your brows but present a smile. “Taehyung? What—?”
“—And I know this is probably terrible timing for you and me because I don’t even know how you’re going to react and I really hope this doesn’t mess you up during the show but—”
“—I really like you!”
And you freeze. You blink and stare up into Taehyung’s bright and fearful eyes with your own shocked and amazed ones, unable to speak.
Before you can accept and return his feelings, the band begins to march. Taehyung jumps up (nervous from just confessing and being late) and leaves you quickly to make it to his set without losing points
You also quickly ready yourself, but your mind is spinning 
And thank God color guard relied on muscle memory or you would’ve been screwed. Though you were focused on the show and your movements, part of you was very, very dizzy and far-away. If anything, it thankfully kept your nerves away.
This time as the show ended, you were still pumped full of adrenaline as you marched off the field and once you set down your flags, you instantly turned in Taehyung’s direction and stalked up to him.
He instantly flushed at your narrowed gaze, ready to apologize for liking you and confessing at the worst possible time that he probably messed you up—
Until you yanked him down by the collar to press your lips to his
His eyes widened before he kissed back, and now he was the one left feeling dizzy as you pulled away
“How dare—” you hissed, a firm grim still kept on his shirt, “—you tell me you like me without letting me tell you it back?” 
And Taehyung flushed as your fake anger burst into a beautiful and wide smile as you pulled him in for anther kiss. This time, he managed to clear his throat with a matching smile and roaring blush, “Glad you could return the favor.”
And though you two were teased to death from the entire band (apparently the saxophone section had known for months), you both found it easy to ignore them as you gazed upon each other
You two were beyond happy, and you didn’t think you could be anymore-so until your band was announced to have received first place
Your band surged to life in gasps and cheers, and Taehyung held your face between your kiss as he laughed in disbelief before he picked you up and twirled you around by your waist
He lowered you back down to kiss you passionately and happily, and you knew high school couldn’t get better than this
You’d have to remember to thank your mom for nagging you to join band
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sadienita · 5 years
Boyfriend BTS
Yoongi is pretty quiet about his affections
They grow slowly
You start off as friends and it’s always nice to spend time with someone outside the group
Plus you bring him food
His feelings start to grow and eventually he finds that he’s always really excited for you to come over
He jumps when he gets a notification thinking it might be you
He laughs at every joke you tell, even when they’re terrible
And he gets protective of you, always making sure you’re okay
It doesn’t take him much longer to figure out the feeling
At first he does nothing about it
He figures it’ll pass and you probably don’t like him back
Besides he’d be crazy to try and date someone right now, right?
But the way his stomach does flip flops when you’re around
And the way your smile brightens the room
And the way your laugh is his new favourite song
Those things won’t go away
So he finds himself telling you one day when you bring him food while he’s working
“Hey, so you know I have a thing for you, right?”
You’re not so much surprised by the confession but by how casual it seems
But when you turn to him you can tell he’s nervous
You see him relax when you return his feelings and suggest a movie date
You both end up curled up on your couch yelling at the characters in the movie every time they do something dumb and laughing the whole time
He figures this whole dating thing might work out after all
Asks you to be his partner at the end of a date
He figures that’s a good time to do it
He tries to be casual about it but he’s still a bit nervous
He definitely isn’t expecting you to kiss him in response
The blush that creeps up his cheeks makes it all the more worth it
“I guess that’s a yes then?”
He tries to be casual about introducing you to the others too
He’s honestly more worried that they’ll be weird
Doesn’t matter what he tells them they’re still weird when you meet them
They like to tease him about you
He rolls his eyes at it and pulls you a little closer
He likes really lowkey dates
Going out is hard for him and also a lot of effort
And the couch and a movie is always a good option
Sometimes he just comes over and you lay on your bed and listen to music
If a love song comes on he’ll reach for your hand
He starts sending you songs to listen to
Some of it is stuff he thinks you’ll like
Every once in a while its a song that’s very personal for him
He loves that you like to share with him that way
The Long Run
You’re the first to say “I love you”
When he hears it he’s almost surprised
Not that he doesn’t believe it but that he hadn’t been thinking about naming the feeling
He doesn’t return your feelings right away
He feels bad about it but he needs to assess his feelings first
The next time you say it he tells you the same back
He’s not always the most vocal boyfriend
He won’t say “I love you” all the time
He will show you though
He does little things all the time to take care of you
He’s also protective of you
Doesn’t like to see you upset
REALLY doesn’t like it when someone makes you cry
Mean comments about you honestly hurt him more than mean comments about him
He can handle the long distance during tour
He might admit to you though that he has a little trouble sleeping without you
He’ll make a point to call you every day
If time zones and schedules don’t allow that he’ll send you snapchat videos
Mostly of him rambling at you
Sometimes of him and Hoseok being silly to make you smile
Takes lots of pics of you especially when you’re cuddled up sleeping on him
His camera roll is full of them
That make him feel better when you’re far away
Much like his initial crush the feeling that this is THE relationship grows steadily
He starts to bring up the future more and more
And when he spends a whole week on edge and stressed you have a hunch as to why
When he takes you out on your anniversary you’re pretty sure you know what’s going on
He takes you on a walk somewhere more private and yet you’re still surprised when he goes into a mushy speech and gets down on one knee
He gets you speechless and all you can do is nod your head “yes”
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givemealetter · 5 years
a friend requested it so here we go and pretend like I didn’t upload for a year, sorry for being kinda rusty
~Yoongi being stranded on a lonely island with you~
~lays down to die
~is giving up immediately a possibility? YES
~okay all jokes aside he would be not amused, like not at all
~please don’t wait until his phone battery dies because then he can’t listen to music anymore
~would probably wander off to be alone 
~his skin would die in the sun, his inner vampire isn��t made for this island
~would try to think of a solution and how to escape
~and when morale is low he tries to cheer you up
~because when things go bad he’s the one to support you
~he’d try to help you cook food and pick berries
~would probably take walks during the night when it has cooled off a bit and wouldn’t mind you going with him
~would miss making music a lot
~or just music in general, really
~would talk about music because he misses it so much
~okay I’m sorry that this doesn’t sound like the perfect thing but I just think he wouldn’t like it
~not because he minds your presence, just the circumstances
~and there is no coffee lets be honest this ain’t it
~would probably float in the water and pretend he’s dead
~and you’d get really scared, shouting his name and when he doesn’t move you’d swim to him just to find him grinning
~but he’d appreciate it that you don’t let him die
~his messy, kind of wet hair would look pretty good tho
~there is sand EVERYWHERE
~in your hair, between your toes, underneath your fingernails
~Yoongi would probably start to talk in the middle of the night, looking up to the stars
~but not a lot, just for a bit
~and then he’d go silent again
~when you get off the island he’d just stay in his flat for a week because that was a lot of nature
~at least he wouldn’t freak out or be overly emotional about the situation
~yeah well it’s just not his favourite thing to be stranded on an island but the best thing about it was probably that he was there with you~
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thelillzmonster · 7 years
being jeon jungkook’s girlfriend;
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bts; bulletpoints
rated; m (lightly)
him taking forever to confess and ask you out
by the time he does, you already know he likes you cus his hyungs tease him relentlessly
and taetae might have accidentally let it slip his tongue while you were hanging out
him being very shy and giggly in the beginning
taking you to the movies for the first date, to keep it classic
but doesn’t take too long to warm up to you bcus as soon as you’re dating, you hang out 24/7
his hyungs whining that they can’t hang out with you anymore cus he’s keeping you all to himself
him teasing you every chance he gets, about everything he can
if you’re short like me, you’re doomed
first kiss is the cutest most innocent thing ever
probably just a peck bcus both of you start giggling
once you two start with the kissing, he will never stop
except for when the guys are around, he’d be too shy
so if you want to make him flustered, kiss him while the others are there
the first time you make out, it would be super giggly and playful
but with time, it would get less innocent
him pinning you down against the couch, or you straddling his thighs
prepare for when the guys intentionally interrupt a make out session just to tease you two
except for jin who accidentally walks in on you and covers his eyes, scolding the both of you (mostly jungkook)
him forcing you to play video games with him, whether you like it or not
get ready to lose constantly, bcus just cus you’re his girlfriend, doesn’t mean he’ll let you win
if you do end up beating him, he’ll pretend like he actually did let you
he’d never admit defeat
eating together = junk food
cup noodles are a go-to
the two of you watching weird meme videos on youtube until 4 am while stuffing yourselves with snacks
he makes you cuddle with him every time he wants to take a nap, wherever it is
“but, jungkook, I need to-”
“shh, babe, shh,”
*tightens hold*
gets incredibly jealous whenever the other guys make you laugh or hang out with you
like, he gets too jealous for nothing
but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll never tell you
he will just pretend to be indifferent and not kiss you for awhile
but he kisses you anyway cus he can’t refuse
on the other hand, he loves the fact that the guys like you as well
he values his hyungs’ opinions very much and is a proud boyfriend to you
just a shit ton of backhugs
he’ll even give you backhugs in front of everyone else because he fucking loves giving you backhugs
the kind where his arms are wrapped over yours, head leaned on your shoulder
hates it when you don’t pay attention to him
starts poking you or playing with your hair so you’ll do something with him instead
you cave in bcus this boy just doesn’t give up
him grinning whenever you do
him making you do crazy shit
like if you’re at an amusement park, he’ll force you onto the craziest rides
laughing when you scream
makes you eat so many sweets with him
if you’re easily jumpscared like me, prepare to have heart attacks on the daily
like I said, constant teasing
supports you in everything you decide to do
cus he firmly believes in following one’s dreams
cries more than you whenever you’re sad, cus he hates seeing you like that
whatever you feel, he feels
that’s why he makes sure to always keep you happy
he just feels so much for you
but the few times you fight, he can often get angrier than he should
which also makes you angrier than you should be
he’s probably very depressed afterwards
idek who would apologize first
but he would swallow his pride and do it first for you
is extra cuddly and clingy when you make up
makes sure you can’t even hate him if you wanted to
preferably the big spoon, it makes him feel manly
you probably wake up before him in the mornings
he’s a heavy sleeper
you have to kiss him to wake him up
he’s actually awake but pretends to be sleeping just so you’ll kiss him
bcus when he’s not actually awake it’ll take more than a kiss to get him up
but when he wakes up before you, he likes to just watch you sleep for a while
you’re just so cute
wakes you up by tickling you cus he’s a little shit
sometimes you get revenge by waking him up by touching his nipples
he glares at you and rolls over to pin you down onto the mattress for fucking with him
cue playful morning make out
possibly more, if he’s feeling horny that morning
about sex;
takes quite some time to get your relationship to that stage
it’s not that he doesn’t want to
he definitely wants to, boi, he fucking wants to
he’s just a shy little cutie pie and doesn’t know how to approach the situation
honestly, it could go on forever that you guys don’t start getting sexually active
it would most likely have to be you who mentions it casually at some point
like you just casually ask him what he thinks about it and if he’s comfortable with it
prepare for a red-faced kookie
it will just casually be brought up and then things will be just like normal again
until it finally happens
once he knows you’re comfortable with it, you don’t have to be the one to initiate it
it can kinda be both of you
like with everything else, the first time will be very playful and cute
but then you will start to discover each other more in depth
like each other’s kinks and stuff
he definitely prefers being more dominant, but could switch
doesn’t necessarily like being too rough
he doesn’t want to hurt you in any sense of the word
gets turned on by giving you pleasure
knowing that you feel good because of something he’s doing is definitely something he likes
gets horny often cus he’s still basically a teenager
boners from like really odd things that you do
like things that aren’t meant to be sexy but he thinks they are
like if he’s tired and sleepy and you’re in bed and he subconsciously pushes you away and turns around
but then you groan and scoot over and hug him tightly again
for some reason that makes him horny because you take charge
ik, he’s weird XD
but so are you
he fucking loves showing off in front of you
and always teases that “look what I can do, and you can’t”
likes intentionally getting you turned on in public by doing different things discreetly
but gets turned on himself cus you’re turned on and instantly regrets it
greets you by hugging you and lifting you off the ground
jin jokingly flirting with you to make kook jealous
the other boys treating you two like babies
but are reminded that you are not babies anymore when they wake up to loud noises in the middle of the night
acts like he hates when you steal and wear his clothes
“baby, you know I don’t like sharing clothes”
secretly loves it tho
but only uses that as an excuse to get them off of you so you can have some fun no clothes needed
constantly sends you memes and ugly pictures of his hyungs saying “you’re lucky to be dating the only hot one in bts, babe”
pretends to be a bad boy but is actually a tiny bunny
loves you with all his heart, like literally
you definitely don’t have to get jealous of other girl idols
he doesn’t value looks the most
besides, he already thinks you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever witnessed
be prepared for an adventurous and fluffy relationship with this boy
good luck surviving it
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hobisbeech · 5 years
Imagine Yoongi:
*ignore the fact that he has black hair lol*
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➸ He’s the mysterious guy you always see at the park.
➸ You notice he has blonde hair and very pale skin.. just like milk?!!!??
➸ He ends up noticing you too. 👀
➸ Only you have no idea he does 
➸ He enjoys observing you. But not in a creepy way… ew.
➸ Yoongi likes how you scrunch up your nose when you’re smelling the park flower beds.
➸ Definitely how you can literally stumble on air.
➸ You’re a very thicc girl (:
➸ He smiles and gets flustered 😫 when he sees you wearing short shorts and crop tops.
➸ Yoongi finds himself thinking about when you get hot from the sun and you’re cheeks and nose turn a crimson red. He thinks you’re the cutest that way.
➸ But
➸ One day while you were taking a stroll 🚶‍♀️ at the park. You see him again, but this time he’s with a group of guys. Possibly friends?
➸ You happen to hear someone call him, “Yoongi hyung.”
➸ And the mysterious blonde turns and catches your gaze. 👀
➸ You shriek and your eyes 👀 bulge out. Your hands begin to get clammy and you think that’s your cue to skedaddle.
➸ “Oh my god! I really hope he didn’t catch me looking at him,” you scowl at yourself.
➸ Yoongi doesn’t try to follow you.
➸ “Hyung, that was her right? The girl you’ve been obsessing over. She is such a ba-“
➸ Yoongi quickly wraps his hand around his younger friend, Jungkook’s throat, stopping him from saying anything else.
➸ “Don’t even try to finish that. I will end you.” He scowls, tightening his grip and pushing him back.
➸ Jungkook fell back onto the grass, with a pout on his lips he begins massaging his neck.
➸” I wasn’t even saying anything bad Yoongi hyung,” he grumbled furrowing his eyebrows.
➸ “You better stay quiet before you make him angry,” another male named Taehyung, piped up running a hand through his shaggy hair.
➸ Yoongi growled, exhaling air between his teeth as he eyed both his friends.
➸ Yoongi held you to his highest standards. You ARE his world 🌎 after all.
➸ Meanwhile, you were gushing over finally knowing his name. (: hsydgwhjs
➸ Yoongi yoongi YoOongiii<3
➸ His much wiser friend Namjoon, places his arm around Yoongi’s shoulders.
➸ “I think you should try talking to her soon. Instead, of just hiding in the shadows. At least, now that she knows your name.”
➸ “What do you mean she knows my name?” Yoongi tilts his head towards Namjoon, raising his eyebrows in confusion.
➸ “What I mean is she turned our way when she heard Jungkook call for you,” Namjoon squeezed him, “and you saw how flustered she got when you both caught eyes.” He smirked.
➸ Yoongi smiled at the memory, “I don’t think I should. I wouldn’t even know what to say.” His hard demeanor fell.
➸ “I think the next time you see her at the park. You should go up to her and introduce yourself and just say that you’ve seen her around the park, you know? Cute shit.” Namjoon added, smiling showing off his dimples.
➸ Yoongi ran the words through his mind, “cute shit,” he murmured to himself.
➸ Yoongi’s exterior was far from cute but he would try for you.
➸ You on the other hand stopped showing up at the park.
➸ You were very embarrassed at the way you had reacted. Plus college and work were getting out of control.
➸ You had to pick up some extra shifts at the convenience store that was located at the corner of the street you live on.
➸ It had been 2 weeks. 2 LooOoOooong weeks.
➸ “Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Where could she be?! Maybe something happened to her!” Yoongi was panicking.
➸ He hadn’t seen you since The incident at the park. He kept trying to convince himself that maybe you had gotten busy.
➸ He didn’t even know where you lived, he cursed at himself. He should have followed you that evening to see where you stayed by.
➸ It has been a couple of hours since he had last eaten. And if he was going to find you he needed to make sure his energy was up.
➸ He walked to the convenience store that was on the street that he lived on.
➸ He opened the door and stepped inside greeting the cashier as he walked to the aisle where the ramen and chips would be.
➸ He failed to notice you on your knees tagging the prices on the items on the shelf.
➸ You tilted your head up when you noticed a shadow behind you, and caught a glimpse of his skin.
➸ It couldn’t be, you thought.
➸ You got anxious and you stumbled with your grip on the price gun. It falls at his feet.
➸ You apologize, “I’m so terribly sorry, sir. I’m very clumsy.”
➸ Before you could reach to pick up the gun, he stops you.
➸ “It’s okay miss.” He picks it up and hands it to you.
➸ As you reach for it you stumble to get up from your position and you both look at each other.
➸ His eyes 👀 blow up, “Oh my god ! It’s you.”
➸ You smirked and shy away, “do you know me?” You ask him.
➸ Of course he knew who you were.
➸ “I believe we go to the same park,” he immediately answers you.
➸ He feels himself turning red. He scowls himself, aish she makes me nervous and all were doing is talking.
➸ “Oh yeah! It’s a beautiful park. I love going there to relax and enjoy Mother Nature,” you respond to him.
➸ “Same here. I’m Min Yoongi,” he says as he places his hand towards you to shake.
➸ “I kinda already know your name. I hope that’s not weird. I’m L/n Y/n,” you return the hand shake.
➸ He laughs at your honesty and nods. “It’s great to finally meet you y/n. Maybe we can go to the park together one of these days.” He mentions playing with his hands subconsciously.
➸ “I would really like that,” you smile back at him.
➸” Would it be okay to get your number?” He asks, this time not keeping eye contact with you.
➸ 👉🏻 👈🏻
➸ You scream on the inside. Oh my god he’s asking for my number, yes!
➸ Your smile twinkled with the sun shining through. “Of course you can.”
➸ Yoongi looked at you and smiled showing off his blushed cheeks. He reached for his phone from his back pocket and handed it to you.
➸ You saved your number and took a selca to save for your contact picture.
➸ “I’m gonna call myself so I can have your number too.”
➸ Once your phone rang he grabbed it and opened up your camera to take a cute picture of himself. He reminded himself, cute shit Yoongi.
➸ With that he grabbed his ramen and choice of chips and headed to the cashier, “I’ll text you later,” he said as he stepped out of the front door 🚪, sending a wink 😉 your way.
➸ Your heart ❤️ fluttered.
➸ Your co worker up front kept sending you finger hearts 💕 for the rest of the shift as he had witnessed the conversation you had with the stranger.
➸ Later that evening~
➸ Yoongi had gone to Namjoon’s apartment where he was greeted by the rest of the gang.
➸ He had a smile plastered on his face and his cheeks and ears were still slightly pink.
➸ “Someone looks like they’re in a good mood,” Jungkook informed the group.
➸ Yoongi unfazed, plopped himself on the couch. “What’s gotten into you hyung?” Taehyung asked him as he dropped himself next to him.
➸ Yoongi smiled with heart eyes and said, “y/n.”
➸ Taehyung looked 👀 at him puzzled, “who’s y/n?”
➸ Namjoon chuckled and cheered, “You did it ! You talked to her? Where? At the park?”
➸ Yoongi giggled, “I actually saw her at the corner store by my house. It looks like she works there.”
➸ Jungkook was JungSHOOK.
➸ “You sly dog!” Jungkook yelled with excitement.
➸ “And I even got her number.” -Yoongi
➸ “Holy shit! We got a new and improved Yoongi on our hands,” Namjoon added placing both hands on his shoulder from behind the couch and shaking him playfully.
➸ “I took your advice Nam Noodle. I even remembered cute shit.” He chuckles and looks down shaking his head in embarrassment.
➸ Namjoon smirked to himself, “So when are you guys officially hanging out?”
➸ Yoongi’s eyes blew up he wasn’t even sure, he had told her he would text her. He began to think should I text her now? Tomorrow?
➸ “I’m not sure actually.” -yoong
➸” Why don’t you send her a text asking how her day is going?” Namjoon suggested.
➸ Yoongi looked down at his phone opening up your contact info and looked at your silly picture. He opened up his text messages and began to type a message to you. It took him about five minutes to get the courage to press send.
➸ You were laying down cuddled up with your blankets watching a movie on your TV when you heard your phone ding.
➸ You grabbed it from behind your pillow and clicked on the notification you read the text message.
➸ Min Yoongi: Hey y/n how’s your day going?
➸ Your jaw dropped and your phone fell on your face making you groan.
➸ Wow he messaged me 😻
➸ You replied: I'm doing pretty good just laying down watching a movie, how about yours?
➸ His notifications dinged, he tried keeping his hands steady but the phone slipped out of his hands
➸ “Hyung relax,” Jungkook consoled him, grabbing the phone from him.
➸ “Hey! What are you doing? Aish!” Yoongi yelled launching himself at him.
➸ “I’m just going to type a response and you can read it and press send,” Jungkook huffed pushing him back on the couch.
➸ Yoongi sat back on the couch and watched him type.
➸ Once Jungkook finished he smiled and handed his phone back, “here Yoongi hyung.”
➸ Yoongi grabbed his phone and proceeded to read the message, “oh nice! What movies are you watching? And thank you for asking I’m doing okay.”
➸ Yoongi side eyed Jungkook and pressed sent. “We’re just trying to help,” Namjoon added showing off his dimple smile.
➸ Your phone dinged and you freaked out, “oh fuck! He replied. Why do I keep talking to myself?” You laughed and disregarded your thoughts.
➸ You asked him if he was going to be busy this weekend. On the other end Yoongi stared at his phone “Hyung what did she say?” Jungkook asked as Namjoon got closer.
➸ “Oh shit! She beat you to the punch.” Jungkook chuckled, “tell her you’re free and asked what she has in mind.” “Boy you’re good.” Namjoon started squeezing the younger guys shoulder.
➸ Yoongi replied letting you know that he was free, Saturday and Sunday and if you were open to hanging out with him.
➸ He smiled at the message and asked him if he would like to join you for a picnic date Saturday afternoon.
➸ The picnic date~ uwuuu
➸ You had decided on making sandwiches and cutting them into triangles from turkey, ham and roast beef you added different types of chips, sodas and water.
➸ For your outfit you decided on wearing a flowy long skirt with a plain white tee and a soft scarf to match your skirt with your converse of course :-)
➸ Your hair lay long and wavy on your back with your bangs falling on your forehead covering your eyebrows.
➸ Yoongi was looking through his closet figuring out what to wear on this sunny Saturday it was around 10 AM and he was going to meet you at 11:30 he decided on black jeans and a plain white V-neck with black converse. He stared at himself and shrugged grabbing a bottle of wine 🍷 that he had bought for the picnic.
➸ You grabbed your picnic basket and placed it on the basket of your bicycle you pulled your phone out and dialed him.
➸ It seemed as if he had been waiting for your call, the way he had answered his phone on the first ring.
➸ “H-Hi Yoongi, it’s y/n.”
➸ Yoongi had his phone in his hand he had began to type a message out to you to let you know he was on his way to the park but his phone started to ring and your silly face popped up on his screen, he answered hearing you speak first.
➸ “Hi y/n, I guess you beat me to it. I was about to send u a text saying I was on my way to the park.”
➸ You plugged in your earphones, “oh nice! Then you won’t mind staying on the phone with me.”
➸ Yoongi smiled and proceeded to mount his bike,” of course I will.”
➸ You ride your bike to the park turning a corner you spotted him first he looked so ethereal with the sunlight shining off his pale skin he had a small gummy smile on his face.
➸ He looked up when he didn’t hear you talking anymore you look so beautiful your smile was so enchanting, “you look so beautiful Y/n.”
➸ You laughed and waved him to follow you, you disconnected the call and pulled your earphones off tucking them inside your shirt.
➸ You stopped in a shady area with a big tree on the side you leaned your bike against the tree trunk and grabbed the blanket you had under the basket you pulled it open it and he reached for the other end extending it.
➸ You both smiled and lay the blanket on the grass you place the basket on the edge of it and got closer to him.
➸ “Hey Yoongi,” you opened your arms and he met you halfway closing the hug and making sure his hands stayed out and didn’t wander.
➸ “Yoongi you can let me go now.” You chuckled into his shoulder and he nervously coughed and released you. “I’m sorry y/n.”
➸ The picnic was wonderful, both of you ate, had a couple of cups of wine, and munched on the chips as you both enjoyed the conversation you are having.
➸ The guy that you had been crushing over had officially noticed you. Yoongi felt the same way towards you. Expressing how nervous you make him and he just didn’t want to ruin the moment.
➸ Suddenly, you began to feel weird, off putting even. “Yoongi, I think I had too much to drink.” You stated, rubbing your head slightly and blinking multiple times to stop the environment from spinning.
➸ “I’m not feeling too good,” Yoongi got closer to you, he wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear, “it’s gonna be okay I promise.” And with that your eyes fluttered shut.
➸ Yoongi was a mad man and didn’t want anything to happen to you. He had decided it was best you didn’t leave his sight. All he wanted to do was take care of you, so he may have slipped something into your wine that would take effect. He had drugged you making you slightly unconscious.
➸ He had called up his friends and asked them to help pick the stuff up from the park.
➸ You woke up hours later tied up to a bed in a pitch black room. You pulled at your arms, harness tightening around your wrist ricochet back to the head board. You screamed for help, not knowing where exactly you were.
➸ Someone opened the door and stepped inside. They flickered the lights on and you closed your eyes momentarily and then opened them to adjust to the light.
➸ You couldn’t believe who it was, “Yoongi?” You pleaded for him to let you go. “Please Yoongi. I’ll do anything?”
➸ He spoke up, “anything?”
12/08/19 Posted
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tinyyoons · 4 years
Jin - Drummer!AU
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A/N: I had another version of this but I deleted it sooooo here this version is! Should I make this a series with the other members? Also, the last part is open-ended on purpose bc I liked it like that
Pairing: Jin x Reader
ok, hear me out
Lead Singer!Jimin
Jimin and Jungkook were definitely a duo before
But then they realized that they needed other players
Jin was the new kid 
Namjoon was Jungkook’s “friend”
friend as in homework answers source
they recruited Jin when they saw Jin bust out a sick drum solo in the practice room  
then their band was born
of all things, it’s called “The Cherry bombs” 
Jimin definitely named it
When it was just Jungkook and Jimin, they usually had medium-sized crowds
Then when Namjoon was added crowds were bigger
Then they added Jin
And suddenly shows SOLD OUT
their music wasn’t the only draw ykyk
But the music is GOOD
The song names and the song names are pretty provocative as well
names like “innocent” and “full throttle” 
one’s named “daddy issues”  
and the lyrics? 
“ not as innocent everyone thinks, secrets written on your lips, satin skin under my hands, from your neck all the way to your hips”
we stan horny kings
the music is so good most people don’t care
Think Devil Town by cavetown and you’re on the right track
half the school was bopping to their songs on a daily basis
even the kids who hate the music listen to it
everywhere they walk people treat them better than others
Jin goes from the new kid to one of the cool kids
what a cliche
they’re basically the biggest band at their school
one time when they were playing a sexier song Jimin moaned into the mic
the little shit
and everyone lost their MINDS
it’s like a week before the talent show when they find out who else is performing
when they see the setlist they all call each other 
like mean-girls style
Jungkook is freaking out
He didn’t know there was another band
no one at school did
Jimin reassures them that no one will care, they’re good enough to win
that no one will care 
when they walk into school the next day everyone is talking about it
Everyone is wondering who the other band is
their name is “Yet Another School Band”
Soon everyone finds out who they are
When you walked into School the next day you get absolutely bombarded with questions about your entry in the contest
people have started listening to your songs a lot more 
they LOVE it
soon people are divided about who they like more, The Cherry Bombs or Your band
basically everyone thinks that your bands are true rivals, that you all hate each other
yet another thing they are wrong about
Your most popular song, “Dream Boy”
Which you wrote,
is about Jin 
And “Shouldn’t” ( a song jin wrote about YOU ) is a very underrated song by, you guessed it, The Cherry Bombs.
the lyrics from Shouldn’t,,,,,,, let’s just say they hit different
“ I know I shouldn’t but I want you.”
but wait there’s more
Both of you know
You guys happen to be dating
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monstatear · 5 years
Morning sex with yoongi ?
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It all starts with very soft, very lazy kisses.
His face nuzzled into your neck, his warm lips leaving those kisses all over your sensitive skin.
You smile lazily because you already know where it's headed and you're more than okay with it.
He'd hum your name as his hand travels down to trace your thighs before it's dipping inside your underwear.
He smirks when your breath catches and you jolt, your hips moving into his touch.
He'd giggle out a "Good morning, baby" before he'd be pushing your underwear down your legs and pulling you against him in a spooning position.
You'd turn your head to kiss him on the lips, humming at how soft they are.
Your hand would slip to palm him through his sweatpants, earning a low moan.
He'd get a little impatient with all the subtle touches and would push your hand away so that he could get his sweats off.
You'd already be ready and eager for him, pushing back into him as he eased himself into you.
It'd be all soft, slow thrusts that make you whimper when he's fully inside of you.
He'd kiss your neck and shoulders and tell you how good you feel wrapped around him.
His dirty talk and hot mouth on your sensitive skin would he enough to make you come.
You'd whimper out his name pathetically while clinging to your pillow, your body shaking with sensitivity as he kept going until he was spilling his release inside of you.
He'd keep you pressed to his chest, holding inside of you as he turns your head so that he can kiss you deeply.
After you both regained some energy he'd get up and start a shower so you two could get cleaned up.
Depending on how you feel, round 2 could happen in the shower.
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