#apple rust treatment
blackknotbegone · 1 year
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Black Knot Be Gone provides a unique product i.e. Cedar rust be gone which promotes healing of the whole tree for Cedar Rust disease and comes with all organic plant ingredients. The cedar rust disease is normally found in apple and crabapple trees.
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leviathanleva · 5 months
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem Reader [DARK FIC]
Description: Cooper Howard was not a kind man, he cared for nobody, but himself. Then he found you, a lost little dove, barefoot and crying, torn dress and big innocent eyes staring at him like he was a hero. He knew you’d be a burden, he knew you couldn’t survive in the wasteland, he was doing you a favor.
But he couldn’t pull the fucking trigger...
[Minor Violence, Non-consensual Choking]
[5.4k words]
Chapter 2 "The Proposition"
You wanted to say something desperately, but your mouth came dry and empty and you promptly closed it to avoid any stray specs of sand. Your neck ached from having to keep it so profoundly craned just to hold eye contact and avoid the gun from pressing against your Adam’s apple.
His boots sunk in the dune as he juggled his weight tantalizingly, prowling in front of you and looking like he was ready to pounce. He was staring at you like you weren’t even human and it made sense because he didn’t look like one. The sun scratched at your exposed shoulders and upper back, hair pooled over your face and breasts and no longer acting as a shield for your delicate skin. It hurt, it burned, your flesh felt like it was cooking on a barbeque rack, but there was nothing you could do except take it like a champ and worry about it later.
This was not how you imagined the world above to be… You never thought you’d be attacked by giant roaches or chased by deranged criminals smelling of shameless cannibalism or held at gunpoint by the man…thing, that saved your life. You never imagined it was this bad up here, so desolate and askew, everything was old, rusted, worn, and crumbling and you had half the mind to just go back and let the raiders kill you and make their threats a reality of making you into human jerky.
The gun tapping incessantly against your cheek failed to pull you out of the depths of your spinning thoughts. But when it was forcibly pressed against the center of your forehead, nearly knocking you back on your arse, you stiffened with a gasp.
Your hero was becoming impatient.
“Never seen a ghoul before, Darlin’?” he asks with somewhat of a frown, his agitation brewing with your silent treatment and mindblown stare. He pranced around you, circling your kneeling, hunched-over form as you tried following his movements with doubtful eyes and a racing heart. “You been livin’ under a fucking rock?”
His gun was cocked and ready to fire, a steady forefinger resting over the trigger in case you decided to be stupid and try to run or lunge at him. He scoffed at the idea but kept his guard up just in case. After so many years of roaming, he’d seen just about everything, he wasn’t risking it no matter how defenseless you appeared at first glance.
“N-No…No, Sir. Never seen a…ghoul. Before.” you forced the words out, fearing his wrath, and clung to your sides as your hands kneaded through the soft material of your dress. Your head lowered obediently, lashes shielding your darting irises as they read his every movement. “A rock? No, I – “
It took him a single spin to notice the Pip-boy slapped over your wrist and his eyes hardened. He stopped by your side, towering over you, and ripped your arm away, clutching it in his hand with a roughness you’d never experienced before. You winced as he leaned over to inspect the device and grimaced with a twitching upper lip.
“ – A vault dweller…” he spat and his gloved fingers dug into your flesh. He ignored your whiney noise of protest, jostling you into silence before shooting a flesh-searing glare right into your soul. “You a vaulty?”
“What? I – No! Yes. Wait – ” you stammered when he dug a knee into the sand and let your arm go before gathering a handful of hair on the back of your head and forcing your neck back to make you look at him. He was…menacing, practically bolting you to the ground with a single glare. “Wait! Please, wait. Please! I – ” your hands shot up to grip his wrist, trembling and useless as you pleaded. He dug the gun under your chin, preventing you from swallowing. “Please, I did. I lived in a vault, but I don’t know anything! Please, please, I promise. Don’t – “ your eyes frantically shot down at where the barrel sunk into your skin, teeth chattering as your lashes heavied with tears.
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?!” he snarled, leaning so close that if he had a nose it would have bumped into yours. His breath stank of spirit and you tried to recoil but were promptly jerked back into place.
It didn’t click in your brain what had upset him so. The vaults were created to preserve humanity and its antics from before the bombs, it was for the betterment of the future. It was so that his children could eventually live better lives after you finally left the sanctuary of the underground and restored order to the surface, or so you’ve read. It made no sense for him to hate you based on a stupid Pip-boy that wasn’t even yours, you’d done nothing to him, you didn’t even know him! How could he be so nonchalantly cruel? How could he touch you without your consent? What gave him the right!?
The firearm digging into your flesh told you what.
“I was sick!” you wail, fighting back your tears and a pitiful stutter from poisoning your reply. His grip on your hair tightened and you twitched in pain, shaking like a leaf beneath him and clutching at his wrist in a silent plea to let you go. “I was isolated. I didn’t know anyone but my mom and dad, I didn’t do anything. I don’t know!” you debated for your life, prolonging his spine-chilling intentions. Bargaining with the devil was a difficult task when your body and mind worked against you, all blabbering words and choppy thoughts and jittery limbs. “The vault was taken over and I ran and I don’t know anything about the people and I just – Please…My parents are dead…Please, Mister, please don’t shoot…” you beg through sobs and a sniffling nose, tugging at his iron grip to no avail.
With a grunt and a flexing jaw, he threw you back, treating you with disregard equal to tossing out a piece of garbage, releasing you to curl up protectively over yourself, and standing. His gun clicked and he secured it back in the holster on his hip.
You instinctively rub at the tender area on the back of your head with a dissatisfied plaint, locking your thighs to obscure your exposed privates. Propped up on one hand and with a shaken look, you watched him spit and turn, his expression solid and distasteful and beating down on you for no reason that you could comprehend. Your breaths begin to event out and you swallow with a shuddering hum.
He turned away, drawing distance between you with stiff steps, fighting his resolve as his hand itched to draw his weapon and just shoot you on the spot.
But he couldn’t…
You weren’t worth the bullet, he repeated that bitter sentence under his breath to convince himself that he hesitated and withdrew simply because you were a waste of ammunition. It wasn’t your doe-eyed stare and too-soft-for-this-world skin that felt like silk when your tiny fingers had lingered under the edge of his sleeve. It wasn’t your delicate, shiny hair that looked like it would tear under his hold or the thick, heavy lashes that framed your eyes and held your tears that shone like diamonds in the sunlight. It definitely wasn’t that tiny dress that hugged your little frame and would make any goon go rabid from just a glance. You were no wastelander, didn’t look like any vault dweller who had crossed his path, you were too soft even for the life before the bombs. He didn’t know what you were, but you weren’t worth the cogitation.
You weren’t worth the bullet. You weren’t worth anything. You were nothing.
You were –
“ – Wait!” you hurry to rise and stumble after him. Despite his demeanor, he was the only thing that hadn’t tried to kill you on sight, and without anything or anyone else around, you had mentally latched onto him as your hero. “Mister, wait! You can’t just – “
He raised his weapon and pointed it at you faster than you could blink. Your hands shot up to shield your face and you shrunk in submission, rapidly blinking and with a hesitant look.
“Come closer.” he barks and cocks his gun, arm extended and eerily steady. “See what happens.”
“I – You can’t just leave me here!“ you protest, mustering what confidence you could, scraping at the bottom of a barrel that was emptied the moment you had set foot outside the vault. You straighten when no bullets come and your palms curl into fists, stomping a foot for emphasis. “That’s not right. You can’t just ditch me.”
“Watch me, Princess.” he chuckled, sneered, and bared his yellowish teeth at you like a dog. He gestured with the gun in dismissal and rested his free hand on his hip after flinging his coat back. “Now get!”
“I don’t know where to get.” you whine and curl your fingers in air quotes in a brash display, pushing your luck and mocking his conceit because you were so desperate you took your chances. “I don’t even know where I am!”
He just snorts at you, unbothered and uncaring, and proceeds on his way with a flick of his wrist, refusing to entertain your tantrum any longer.
You didn’t understand how someone could turn down a person in need, it made no sense, the lack of compassion was incomprehensible and so…inhuman. How could a man be this purposefully ignorant of another’s struggle and choose not to do anything? You could never turn down a cry for help, not that you’d ever been faced with such a situation before, but you knew you wouldn’t. So what had this ghoul lived through to be so detached and devoid of sympathy? How much had he been hurt to abandon emotion entirely for the sake of a still mind and dreamless sleep?
What kind of world forced a man to abandon his humanity…
Fueled by frustration, you take a few steps after him, so hellbent on keeping the spotless image of your hero you had forced upon his shoulders that your rationality couldn’t break through your naivety. He couldn’t be this cruel after saving your life and not even bringing up the possibility of a reward. He had to have a soft spot somewhere, beneath the rags and the ruggedness and the hissy threats and brutish actions. He was still a person just like you even if the harshness of the surface had disfigured both his body and soul, you believed in him, you had to for your own preservation.
He heard you move, heard the rustling of fabric and the shuffling of sand, and snapped with a cornered animal.
“Oh I’ve had about enough of you!” he snarled and whirled around, covering the distance between you with three long, menacing strides. Your startled scream was cut short when he squeezed your neck and forced you down on your back like your resistance against him didn’t even exist. He caged you beneath his tights, keeping you in place as you clawed at his stone-firm grip and gasped apologies and pleas through labored breaths. The gun knocked against the side of your forehead to stifle you into stilling. It clicked threateningly as he applied pressure to the trigger, sunken eyes staring down at you without any hesitation. “First rule of the wasteland, Sweetheart.” he grumbled through gritted teeth and a stiff jaw, tightening his chokehold until your eyes rolled back and you burst into a fit of coughs. “Don’t trust nobody.”
Your mind raced fervently, battling against the lack of oxygen and trying to search for anything in your memory that could guarantee you even a chance at surviving his unrelenting assault. A sliver of hope as unconsciousness splotched the edges of your vision with viscous darkness. Your ears screeched as blood thrashed around in your head and face, bulging and boiling, trapped and unable to reach the rest of your writhing body. Your feet kicked and thrashed without results and no matter how deep your nails sank in his leathery skin he didn’t so much as flinch. Spit dribbled from the corner of your gaping mouth, the threat of the gun completely discarded due to suffocation and your lungs screamed and burned with the scarce air.
And he just watched you struggle with a solemn visage and jagged features.
“Water!” you croak and it was nearly unintelligible, but he understood.
“What?” he hisses and his grip on your throat slacks enough for you to finally suck in a full breath.
You gulp greedily at the dry, scorching air, groaning in octaves so low you couldn’t recognize your own voice. Supposedly having your neck nearly crushed like a rotten pencil did that to one’s vocal cords. You relax beneath him and hold onto his forearm for support as if he hadn’t been the cause of your near-death experience. You cling to him like a lost child and not his victim and it utterly baffles him. He tried to find a glimmer of hatred or disgust, anything that would deter him enough to just shoot you and get this overextended fiasco to an end, anything that would let him pull the fucking trigger. There’s nothing though, just desperation and confusion and fright and you had placed him as the only barrier between yourself and the rest of the world and even when he watched the life drain from you as you fought for breath you still didn’t even glare at him. You were just too pure, undefiled by the cruelty of the world you’d set off to venture and a tiny, once-dead part of him boiled at the incessant thought of you falling into the hands of a less kind man. What if someone else had found you first…
“There’s a storage safehouse. It was made for emergencies.” you gasp and clear your throat, pushing past the need to gag and looking up at him because you were taught that holding eye contact was a good thing when speaking about something of grave importance. He softened above you and leaned away and you took that as your cue to continue. “Those people, the ugh…the bad guys can’t get to it. It’s hidden and you need a Pip-boy to unlock it.” you gulp audibly and wince at the soreness before licking at your chapped lips and wiping the drool off your cheek. “It’s full of food and water…and stimpaks and bandages and…whatever you wish. You can take all of it just – ” a wave of trembles racked through you and you tried to suppress a whimper, but couldn’t. “ – Please, just help me get to it…I just want to go home, Sir…”
“Thought you said you didn’t know anything, Princess? You tryna lie to me now?” his chin dipped as he cocked his head to the side. His voice was flat, and his cold demeanor breaching through your dress and nipping at your insides until you were littered with goosebumps despite being pinned down in a desert in the middle of the day.
“I don’t…I’ve never been there – I was an archive keeper. I know everything in theory I just never knew the people except my parents…But I can find my way to it just by memory, I know where it is I just need to walk around a bit and – ”
“ – Stop yappin’.” he scolded, cutting your rant short before tucking away his gun.
He took a moment to mull over your words, still keeping you locked beneath him while you laid there like a corpse and prayed wordlessly as anticipation punched at your churning stomach. He rubbed at his chin, tongue twisting in his mouth as if he were tasting your proposition. His eyes dipped down to your scrawny form, done skimming over the barren desert sea and deciding this didn’t need much more contemplation. You got to go home and get off his back, he got supplies for a good few weeks, and a handful of raiders would end up dead. Simple. Easy. He could do that.
“Done deal.”
You nearly cried out in joy at his words.
Then he finally stood and gripped your upper arm before roughly pulling you to your feet and you nearly faceplanted in his chest at the force. He laughs as you flounder and fight not to trip, the baritone of his voice sending you spiraling into a pit of embarrassment and abashment because he was the first person you had ever properly met and you were making a fool of yourself. There was a feint, innocent need prickling at your heart, you wished you could’ve impressed him, and made a good first impression, but that had been thrown out the window in its entirety the moment he’d pointed a gun at you.
Now you were torn between needing him close because he was your only source of comfort and wanting to slap him because he was such a rude and foul man. Who even pointed a weapon at an unarmed woman?
He did…the bastard.
“Shoulda just started with the storage, Missy.” he teases as if he’d not nearly killed you a few minutes ago, all lighthearted and smirking. He holds your arm until you’re stable enough to stand on your own and you’re grateful even if a bit abrasive. “Coulda saved us a whole lot of tusslin’.”
“I would have, sir, but you – “
“ – Sssst!” he susses you like one would a mischievous cat and your lips are sealed in an instant. Then he nudged his head forward and readjusted the collar of his coat after releasing you. “Walk.”
Deciding you’ve run your luck dry for the day, you let go of a snarky remark hanging on the tip of your tongue and do as instructed, trudging through the dunes as the familiar sting returns to the bare soles of your feet. Now, however, you had a nasty gash on your ankle to boot and it didn’t help that it was slowly getting covered by specs of sand that rubbed excruciatingly against your exposed flesh.
God damn those roaches, they were a menace when they were tiny! Now? You mouthed at the recollection.
You bite your tongue to keep from whining when the hurt becomes too unbearable, the rest of the time you were heaving with an open mouth as the idea of licking at your sweat for some sort of thirst relief grew. You’d not known thirst until today, it was worse than any needle or medical practice your father had used on you, you couldn’t even swallow properly, the motion happened automatically and you cringed at the stickiness of your dried-up throat.
It was too hot and you were woefully unprepared to deal with it or any of the other discomforts tugging your nerves thin. It bothered you how unphased he seemed by the harsh weather, one glance at him told you he hadn’t even broken a sweat. He was covered from head to toe in heavy clothes and strode with confidence and ease as if he were taking a walk through a park. You shrug without realizing it, too sunken into your head. Maybe he doesn’t have sweat glands anymore.
The sun was finally moving, sinking to the west and casting dramatic shadows over the desert. As his shadow grew, you found sanctuary in it from the still-sizzling rays and sighed in relief. It was a tiny drop of comfort, but it was enough to ease some of your strain. The muscles in your thighs were numb from overexertion for the first time in your life and you dreaded the cramps you’d have to deal with later on. The skin on your feet was smooth as butter from the intense exfoliation of walking through sand for so long, that was an interesting little fact you’d never heard of before. Dead skin cells could be removed by rubbing coarse surfaces over the body. Dope.
Locking yourself in the sanctity of your head and isolating your surroundings, you were numb and blind to how your legs shook. It wasn’t until you collapsed and tasted brittle little specs on your tongue that you realized you were lying down.
The ghoul paused and turned to look at you over his shoulder with profane boredom.
“Didn’t tell you to stop, Princess.”
“Mm…My legs don’t work.” you state before even realizing the cruciality of that bit of information. Your eyes pop open and the exhausted expression vanishes in an instant, you prop up on your elbows and stare back at the limp limbs. Panic ensues, pumping through you like a drug as a dry sob punctures your chest. “My legs don’t…My legs!”
“What in the hell!”
He’s on you in an instant, bent over and pushing at your shoulder until you roll on your back, the spaces where his eyebrows should be are locked together and he shushes your cries with a curt noise, but you’re too stressed to acknowledge it. There are no more tears left, your nose can’t even fill with snot from dehydration, and you end up a mess of ragged sobs and loud wails as you paw at your legs to wake them up. You double over and clutch at your upset stomach with a shaky hand as your teeth grit in dread.
If he hadn’t left you behind yet, he would now…
And you couldn’t even debate him on it this time, you wouldn’t even be able to stalk him if he tried.
“I can’t move them…” you hiccup. You manage to wiggle your toes but lifting your foot or bending a knee just doesn’t register, instead, you get a few twitches from the spent muscles and nothing else. The worst scenario plagues your sanity and you look to the ghoul for guidance because there is no one else. “What if – ”
“ – Shut the hell up!” he scolds and shoots you a brief glare before averting his eyes down as he cups a large gloved palm in the junction of your knee before lifting your thigh in uncharacteristically gentle examination. His thumb dips in your supple flesh, rubbing in circles, searching for something to hint him in on what the issue was, the concentration evident on his distinct features. Your cries die down to whimpers as he juts a finger against your lips. “You – “ he sighs and after a handsy inspection of your other leg, covers his eyes with his hand and presses down on his eyelids as the urge to hold you in another chokehold resurfaces. “ – You’re just fucking tired, you smooth-skinned little – ” he huffs and halts the slew of curses less you start crying even harder.
You don’t have time to react when he grips your sides and lifts you in the air before tossing you over his shoulder like a sack of tatoes. You wretch when his shoulder digs into your stomach and cough it off with arms flailing. Shaky hands clutch at the back of his coat as he secures one arm around your bare thighs and begins walking as if he’s not carrying another full-grown adult.
“Throw up on me and I will fucking blow your head off.”
He understood your sheltered way of thinking, but this was fucking unheard of. A newborn probably had more stamina than you, more strength too if your display of power earlier while he had you pinned down was the brink of your ability. You were so fragile it was annoying, you wouldn’t last a day out here, would’ve ended up as radroach food if he hadn’t stepped in. You were scrawnier than most people he’d seen and he’d seen plenty, and those who were smaller were on the brink of death from starvation. Who the hell went out in the wasteland unarmed?!
You did…fucking idiot.
“Thank you.” you mumble and audibly exhale, despite his threat, closing your eyes at his scarce kindness and smiling through bitten-down lips to cease your sobbing. You tried ignoring the fact that your butt was a few inches away from his face or that his hat grazed against your side with every step he took. Such bashful thoughts had no right to take up space in your head, but then again, he was your first friend and just having him around shot bolts of excitement through you.
Sure, he was a bit…rough around the edges. But he had saved you and he was carrying you back home. And he was a surface dweller who’d probably never known the comforts of the vaults so you couldn’t hold him accountable for being aggressive. Well, you could, and technically should, but you knew better than to bite the hand that feeds you.
“Don’t thank me, Princess.” he snorts and pats your thigh in feign caringness. “You owe me supplies. I ain’t gonna let you cheat me outta that.”
“There’s a few of them, though…the criminals, I mean.” you mused over what to call them while chewing on your bottom lip, hanging off the shoulder of a ghoul in a thin sundress, carried through a desert, like it was just a normal day.
They had looked more like bandits, but what else were you supposed to label them as? The judgment system was a thing of the past, so what were these people considered now? Outlaws? You continue with a pang of concern, fearing for the safety of your rugged savior, too attached to the idea of companionship and just sick of seeing violence. You’d had enough for one day.
“Are you sure you can handle them? They didn’t seem very friendly.”
“First off, they’re called raiders. Everyone ‘round here’s a criminal now.” he laughed, tipping his head back and you feel the raspy chortle swell your chest.
You liked him happy, he was almost charming this way. Or maybe it was a “Rescue Romance” you were experiencing and the ghoul was just a crusty weird man who had saved you without considering what a pest you might turn out to be. You’d try to find that one psychology book and re-read it once you got back home just to make sure.
“Stop swooning!”
“Second, it’s my job. I’m a bounty hunter, Sweetheart. I kill people for a livin’.” he tilted his hollow nose to the side, addressing you properly as he spoke, and if you’d seen the gesture you would have appreciated it.
“Oh,…a bounty hunter? Like in the Old West then! I’ve read so much about that!” you squeak and perk up, wiggling in excitement as your face beams. Your calf twitched as some feeling returned to your limp legs and it only added to your brightened mood. Now you could actually feel the cool texture of his coat gliding against your skin.
You didn’t see his features grim or how his hat tipped to obscure sunken eyes and hide the brisk vulnerability swirling in them or the flash of regret, the pain, the little piece of humanity he didn’t even know he still had. His grip on your thigh tightened and you strayed to one side and glanced at the back of his head in question, expecting him to be more boastful about his job. Instead, he was mournfully silent and you feared you’d said something wrong, reopened an old would accidentally.
“Just like the Old West, yeah.” he nodded with a low grunt and you frowned. The words slip past his teeth with such dreadful familiarity that you can’t help the curiosity that would no doubt be your downfall one day. You press a tender palm between his shoulder blades, more for your sake rather than his, and pray he didn’t change his mind to drop you and leave.
You doubted books were a common luxury in this crumbling world, you also doubted the ghoul was a man of knowledge, he didn’t look like the type to read. Maybe there were still movie cassettes and TVs in good enough shape to be used and that’s how he learned of the old cowboy history. As slim as those possibilities were, they made more sense than him being alive before the apocalypse and still walking the earth in the present time. His distorted appearance didn’t give you any indicators of his age, so trying to guess was out of the question, but even then the war was over two hundred years ago. He couldn’t possibly…
Maybe you were simply overthinking, but the way he’d said it sounded like he’d lived through it and the longer you pondered over that the sharper your awareness became.
“How long do ghouls live, Mister?” you ask, uncertain of what he’d answer, but holding onto your speculations until he did.
“That the vault?” he shoots back, coming to a halt and straightening and completely sweeping away your inquiry.
It was a good enough answer and despite your gnawing curiosity, you decided not to press the matter further because you didn’t know how far his courtesy extended before he had his gun pressed to your temple again.
You hadn’t even noticed how much ground he’d covered with you slumped over him, everything around you looked the same and with fatigue fogging your lapse of time it wasn’t surprising. He was built for endurance or…mutated for it. What exactly was a ghoul, anyway?
You coil around him like a snake and he holds you secure as you clutch at his shoulder and turn until you can see what he sees.
The distinct metal of the vault door glinted in the dying sunlight, mostly concealed by debris and toppled over stone blocks.
Everything around you was bathed in warm hues of maroon and deep orange and for just a moment the world felt so peaceful. The sun had almost completely set, dipping behind golden dunes, the breeze hollered a deft, haunted tune and there was no noise besides you and the ghoul’s breaths. It was all so beautiful you wanted to cry, your eyes dampened as you soaked in the sight with a slack jaw. The magic of a sunset was so foreign it hadn’t even registered until you’d been made to look around instead of troubling yourself with the bounty hunter’s backstory.
How could something be so impossibly mesmerizing?
“Yeah…” you manage to answer, at a loss for words, yet still conscious of the question and your friend’s proven lack of patience. “Yeah, that’s it.”
He plops you down unceremonially without even asking you if your legs were back in order before grabbing your arm and dragging you along. You waddle after him like a duckling and clutch at his coat when your ankles intertwine and trip you in your stride. A startled noise escapes you, but you successfully manage to keep up with his hasty footing until he’s pulled you directly in front of the vault door, grumbling at your clumsy nature and lack of coordination. A few low curses are hung over your head but you don’t pay them any mind.
“Open it.” he demands and pushes you forward, then unclasps his gun and then another you hadn’t even noticed he had.
Whatever nonchalant demeanor you’d made him settle into was discarded for one so icy and sharp that you failed to understand how he just switched within a blink.
You straighten your dress with a huff, patting out the newly acquired wrinkles and trying to ignore the variety of stains. The Pip-boy is raised up as you maneuver around the plethora of menus.
The ghoul steps closer, stopping once he’s right behind you with a raised weapon and steady eyes glued to the entrance. The lid hisses and you recoil at the scratchy sound until you’re pressing back into him, he wraps an arm around you on instinct, then scowls and rips away as if burnt by a hot rod.
“Watch your step.” he hisses and points the guns at the entrance, treading cautiously, on high alert for any noise that echoes beyond the darkness. Once he’s glued to the vault door he beckons you with his hand and you quickly follow, feet pattering against the metallic floor until you’re closely pressed to his side and peeking from behind him.
It wasn’t scary when he was with you. You strangely didn’t fear the raiders lurking inside anymore, only worrying over the potential harm they might cause him. But he’d proven more than capable, you made yourself believe he’ll be just fine and so would you.
When nothing comes and he’s confident the threat lies further inside, he steps past the entrance.
“Stay behind me.” he makes a face at his statement, then glances back at you. “And don’t get in my way.”
Chapter 3 >>>
🌼 Daisy Masterlist 🌼
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crxshed-skxlls · 1 year
Hello best friend, please do nurse Ann or judge angels. I will reward you with a cookie that is totally not poisoned 🍪
Hey there! I'll gladly take you on the offer of a Nurse Ann fic. Your sins are my command 🙏
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— ❝ Treatment Plan
Nurse Ann x Male!reader
Word count: 1k+
Plot: After you had fallen ill, you had decided to go to a cheap rundown hospital to help you. Little did you know your nurse is willing to do a little extra in helping you...
NSFW tags: Blowjob, throatfucking, dubcon, dubious dynamic (paitent x nurse), titjobs, hairpulling kink, dacryphilia, p-n-v sex
NOTE: I have gotten numerous requests for this one; so I hope this is good for the two whom requested Nurse Ann from me. Viewer discretion is advised.
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You were surprised at how well the office looked for something so rundown and dingy on the outside. Though the dainty, old curtains were yellowed in old age and the medical equipment was definitely outdated. The bed you sat on seemed rustic, the old white metal tarnished with the corrupt look of rust. Your head spun as you groaned, feeling a little lightheaded from your small cold you had. You feel yourself slouch in your place before hearing the click of the door, a young woman steps in. You feel your gut twist as you examine her features. She looked almost undead, like a zombie…
She was adorned with a black leather nurse outfit that fit snug against her grey feminine complexion, her long hair covering one half of her face. The outfit fits snug, ending at the upper thighs. She wore a black mask with the red medical symbol on it, but you couldn't get over the stitched pattern of her legs. You see her eyes gleam with a respected shyness, a caring voice soon popping up from her mask. You snap into reality as you maintain a little eye contact with her. Though you couldn't help but notice the small window of a popped button on her outfit. It was revealing enough to hint her large chest enclosed under the leather attire.
" Good afternoon, I'm Nurse Ann. How are you feeling today? "
" Uhm.. I have a small cold I came here for. "
You gulp, your throat bobbing as she listens to you carefully. Something was just so alluring to the strange nurse. The way her voice dripped with an unfamiliar honey, her delicate eyes lay upon your eyes. She soon walks closer, making your breath hitch as she brushes her thumb against your soft lips. You feel a warm pool cover your aching body as you watched with a little anticipation.
" Open your mouth for me, Dear. "
The nurse muses, in which you obliged. You open your mouth as you feel a thermometer placed under your tongue. You redden in a bit of embarrassment of your awkward hard on appearing, the blood rushing to your groin. You could only hope that this attractive nurse didn't notice your other problem. The thermometer snaps you out of your fantasies as it beeps, and the pretty nurse checks the temperature. Her eye narrow in a concerned way.
" Oh my.. Your temperature is perfectly fine, but you're so red. Is something the matter? "
" U- uhm– I had a.. "
You feel yourself sputtering out an explanation before Nurse Ann's attention gazes downward. You hold your breath as her eye widen at the realization of the situation. Her demeanor changes as she walks over to a little rusty tray to put the thermometer in. Your Adam's apple bobbed as you swallow dryly. You soon examine Nurse Ann as she walks over to you, the soft mismatched pieces of her soft skin gleamed in the yellowed lighting. You watch and feel as Nurse Ann's hands brush up your upper thigh, her eyes attentive on your figure as she watches you tense.
" Oh dear, you seem so tense.. "
" E– excuse me? "
You pipe up as Nurse Ann squeezes your thighs, causing a small moan to drip out of you. Your cock was throbbing at this point, aching with want and need. Your head spun with a sickness, your body more sensitive as it fights off the cold you have. Nurse Ann's eye was lit aflame, adorned with a new emotion in her eye. Compassion and lust flow through her as she watches you try and keep your moans to yourself as she squeezed and roamed around your thighs.
" Let me help you.. You are my patient after all, right? "
" Uhm– Yes ma'am. "
" So polite~ "
The nurse cooed in her soft voice. You feel arousal pool in as the kind lady takes off her mask, revealing her more undead features. Her mouth had a small gash, letting you observe the inside of her mouth. You gasp as you feel cold lips press against yours, Nurse Ann's hands moving up underneath your shirt to your torso. You moan in the kiss, letting her slick tongue enter your mouth. Your hands place themselves on the nurse's shoulders, her soft hands rubbing your waist as she makes out with you. You timidly find your hands to Nurse Ann's outfit, unbuttoning one of the top buttons. You feel her hum into the kiss as your hands move downward to her breasts, causing her to break the kiss. She let's out a small moan as you squeeze her clothes chest, her eyes beaming with want.
" You must really – like them huh? " 
" I do ma'am.. "
You breathe, only for her to place your hands on your lap. You bite your lip as the Nurse unbuttoned some more of her outfit, the buttons making a soft click each time. It wasn't long before you could see her lovely exposed boobs. She gave you a lovely show, presenting her chest to you. Her delicate buds shaped her round mounds of flesh perfectly, though you had to admit she seemed pretty timid about it. It wasn't a long time before her voice breaks the sexually tense silence.
" Would you mind taking off your pants, pretty boy? "
The pet name rang in your ears as you nodded in compliance. You get off the hospital table, attempting to take off your belt. You feel hot again as you pull down your undergarments and all, letting your dick spring out of their clothed cage. You could tell Nurse Ann's mouth watered at the size, slowly pushing you back onto the rustic table. She leans downward, retaining eye contact as licked a small stripe down the underside of your cock. You let out a moan, shivering as she continues. 
Her hand presses against your shaft as she pulls down your foreskin, pressing her wet tongue against your neglected head. You let yourself relax, moans and groans slip out of you. Your hand entangled itself with Nurse Ann's hair, watching as she swallows your cock farther down her mouth. You feel her tight mouth as she takes all of you inside of her mouth, making you feel her slick throat. She moans against your cock as your hand grips her hair, making her gag slightly against your shaft. 
She soon comes back up though, her mouth leaving your wet dick with a slick pop. You soon watch as she places her breasts between your cock, the soft flesh capturing your sensitive member. You moan as she lifts her breasts up and down on your cock, letting her lips rest on the head of your penis. Shameless moans and hitched breaths fill the room as you buck your hips into the wet and tight mass, her mouth taking your pretty dick so well. She continues to let you use her breasts, her mouth trailing down your shaft with hunger. 
You feel a knot in your stomach as you chase your high, soon abruptly getting up. Nurse Ann gasps as you thrust your dick deeper into her mouth, hitting a couple inches down her throat. You feel her hands grasp onto your thighs for support, tears welling up in her eye as you facefuck her throat. You observe her pitiful gags and tears, spurring you on a light headed tension inside of you. Nurse Ann let's you fuck her mouth, watching your dilated eyes bore into her. 
You feel the knot inside of you constrict, causing you to sputter onward as beads of sweat accumulate across your body. It was then you let a couple more thrusts in before you jam yourself as far as you could into the nurse's mouth, making her gag as white ropes leap from your twitching dick. You groan as you feel yourself relieved, the feeling of a light headed release was orgasmic. You soon let Nurse Ann go, slipping your now wet cock out of her pretty mouth. She coughed and sputtered as she swallowed most of your seed. 
It was only then you picked Nurse Ann up by the hair, causing her to gasp as you bend her delicious body over the table behind you. She squirms in a little hit of confusion, a doe eyed look crosses her face as she turns to look at you. You keep her locked in place as your hand slides her leather outfit up slightly.
" Wha– What are you– "
" Thought I'd leave a tip for your treatment. "
You state with a certain lust, your hand gliding over her black, wet panties. You feel her quiver and moan as you move her underwear to the side. You groan as you get hard, watching her undead pussy clench onto nothing. You aim your dick to her entrance, slipping your sensitive head into her. She meals out as you thrust into her with one push, the hilt of your pelvis hitting her plush ass. You hear her angelic moans as she adjusts to your length, the slick slapping sounds filling the room as you slam into her. 
You can feel the tip of your dick hit her cervix, making her claw at the table with louder moans. She shamelessly moans and mewls as you pound her pussy, twinges of pleasure run as your balls slapping against her swollen clit. You abuse her poor vagina, her walls clench to your twitching member as you chase your high. Pants, moans, and sweat fill the humid office as you both chase your highs. It wasn't too long until you felt your stomach knot up again, each pretty sound coming from the nurse eggs you on more. 
You soon feel her spasm, babbles of incoherent words spill from her as she trembles and finds her release. You continue to mercilessly pound into her before you snap like a rubber band, pulling out and cumming all across her thighs and legs. You both pant and catch your breath, Nurse Ann's legs quivering as she comes down from her high, panting as she struggles to stabilize herself. You watch as she arises, straightening her posture as she buttons her outfit back up. She them turns to you, a shy smile on her face.
" I'm glad you like the service Darling… "
" Don't mention it ma'am. It was a pleasure to be treated by you. "
You smile, putting up your pants. As you take a moment to clean up, your on your way back home. One vague thought telling you that you need to go there more often to see that "Nurse Ann" again.
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rapidrepairservice · 8 days
MacBook Repair in Faridabad
MacBooks are some of the most popular and long-lasting laptops on the market. They are known for their durability and high-quality. However, they are not indestructible. Instead, in some ways it’s worse to damage a MacBook. While other laptops can be fixed or have their parts replaced, this is not so easy for MacBooks. It needs professional skills and experience. If you have experienced some issues with your MacBook, don't need to panic. MacBook Repair in Faridabad will provide you with some common issues that can happen to your Mac, and also offer you the solution to deal with it.
Issues that can prevent your MacBook from performing at its best:
Accidental drop: Damage from being dropped because of their all-metal unibody design. If a MacBook is dropped, it is very likely to become dented, which can permanently damage the computer. It could become severely dented, making it difficult to close the lid. The screen can crack, which would render the computer unusable. Internal components can get damaged, causing data loss or hardware failures. It could be damaged beyond repair, making it necessary to buy a new one.
Using low quality charger: It’s common for users to use third-party chargers for their MacBooks because they are so much cheaper than those sold by Apple. However, these cheap, knock-off chargers can end up damaging the MacBook. This is because original Apple chargers have many security features. Those features help protect the MacBook from problems like power surges.
Dust and dirt: Dust and dirt can significantly affect the performance of your MacBook. It can accumulate in the cooling vents, blocking airflow and clog the fan. This can lead to overheating. An overheated MacBook can affect the CPU and GPU, it can affect the performance issues. Overheating due to dust or dirt can lead to permanent damage to internal components, such as motherboard, battery or harddrive. If the dust get inside the keyboard it can affect its sensitivity and make it less responsive.
High temperature: High temperature can affect the health condition of MacBook. MacBooks are not designed to withstand such high temperatures, and this can lead to permanent damage, like a swollen battery, a warped screen, and in worse cases melted internal components.
Liquid spil: Many people damage their MacBook by spilling liquid on it because they weren’t being careful enough when handling liquids around their laptops. This is because lots of people aren’t aware that MacBooks are not water-resistant. If water seeps into the MacBook, it can short circuit and rust the internal components, rendering the MacBook unusable. To prevent damage from spilled liquids, you should be careful when handling liquids around your MacBook.
Harsh cleaning: MacBooks are made with an anodized aluminum chassis, which is a type of aluminum that has been treated to make it more durable and resistant to corrosion. However, this treatment can be damaged by harsh cleaning agents (like acetone, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, or abrasives) available as household cleaners. These agents can strip the anodized coating from the aluminum, leaving it susceptible to corrosion and other damage.
Accidental scratch: The MacBook has an aluminum body, which can get scratched quite easily compared to other laptops. Brushing the MacBook with a dry, rough cloth. Using a soft-bristled brush on it. Wearing a metallic wristwatch while typing. Placing it on a sharp or rough surface.
Excess pressure: Many users damage their MacBooks by putting heavy items, like books on them, or by sleeping beside them and unknowingly rolling onto the MacBook while they’re asleep. MacBooks are fragile computer and aren’t able to take such pressure, especially on a regular basis. From cracking the screen to damaging the hinges, there are a lot of possible consequences of exerting undue pressure on your MacBook.
A MacBook is durable, however, it can encounter with different issues. A few things can help you to take care of your favorite device, like a well-padded sleeve, a MagSafe pouch, hardshell cases, and screen protectors. These can get you started. But as you are already experiencing performance issues so it's better to go for MacBook Repair in Faridabad. It will guide you with the repair options. Choose the repair provider wisely according to his skills and experience.
Options to fix your damaged MacBook:
Apple Store: Go through the official Apple Store or visit any Authorized repair provider for technical services. Apple Stores and authorized repair providers have certified technicians who can identify the problems and repair your MacBook using genuine Apple parts. Log in to the Apple website to find the nearest Apple Store or authorized repair provider with positive reviews in your location.
Book an appointment at the Genius Bar or walk in for assistance. They will guide you with estimated costs and time needed for the repair.
Apple Retail Store: Apple Retail Stores are available in almost every city, Apple retail stores often offer services like technical support, workshops, and personalized setup assistance.
Third-Party Repair Shops: You can search in your location for a reputed third-party repair shop that has experience in repairing Apple products. Look for a shop that has good experience and specialization in repairing Apple products. Before visiting the shop check the reviews to ensure they are capable of repairing Apple products. Ask for the warranty for the repair, and the parts they would use, and inquire about the quality and the process.
Online Services: Mail-in repair service facilities are offered by some companies. You need to contact them through the mail. Need to provide them with the details about your MacBook and the problems that have happened. They will guide you and provide instructions on how to send your MacBook Repair. Choose a reputed service provider with good experience and positive feedback from the customers.
Independent Repair Provider: Skilled technicians with adequate knowledge to deal with Apple products can fix the MacBook properly. They will use genuine Apple parts in case of any replacement, and to maintain a long-term relationship with the customer, they may also offer some warranty on the repair.
Local Repair Shop: In every city, there are local repair shops available. Local technicians may repair your MacBook, it can be cheap. But not sure about the quality of the service, and whether the parts they will use are genuine or not. It is better not to take any risk and compromise the durability of your Mac by contacting an inexperienced technician.
Choose a service provider with the help of customer reviews and testimonies. For getting  a high-quality service, communicate with an expert technician and mention the issues you are facing. Ask for the amount of repair. Also, mention which MacBook model you are using. It is important to check customer reviews and ask the service provider for a recommendation from his customer who has received the service. Ask for the cost of the repair depending on the type of damage. It is important to use genuine Apple parts to ensure the safety of your MacBook. Ask for the estimated time.
A trustworthy repair provider can provide you with the service regarding MacBook Repair in Faridabad. They can offer online customer support for a prompt response to your query and also provide pick-up and drop services.
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1-and-done3 · 1 month
Comprehensive Bed Treatment for Bed Bugs: How to Reclaim Your Peaceful Sleep
Bed bugs are tiny, elusive pests that can turn your peaceful sleep into a nightmare. These nocturnal creatures feed on human blood, leaving itchy, red welts on their victims. Despite their small size, bed bugs can quickly infest an entire home, making it crucial to address the problem as soon as it's detected. A comprehensive bed treatment is essential for effectively eradicating these pests and preventing them from returning. This article will guide you through the steps of a thorough bed bug treatment process.
Identification and Inspection
The first step in treating a bed bug infestation is identifying the problem. Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed. They often hide in the seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and even behind wallpaper or in cracks and crevices. Signs of an infestation include:
Bite marks: Itchy, red welts that appear in a line or cluster on the skin.
Bloodstains: Small spots of blood on sheets or pillowcases.
Fecal spots: Dark, rust-colored spots on mattresses or nearby surfaces.
Eggs and shells: Tiny, white, oval eggs or shed skins from growing nymphs.
A thorough inspection should cover all areas where bed bugs could hide, including bedding, furniture, and nearby baseboards.
Before beginning treatment, it’s essential to prepare the infested area. This involves:
Decluttering: Remove unnecessary items from the room, reducing hiding places for bed bugs. Be careful not to transfer any items to other areas of the house without proper treatment.
Laundering: Wash all bedding, linens, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest heat setting. Bed bugs and their eggs cannot survive temperatures above 120ᄚF (49ᄚC).
Vacuuming: Vacuum the entire room, paying special attention to cracks, crevices, and upholstered furniture. Dispose of the vacuum bag immediately in a sealed plastic bag to prevent re-infestation.
Treatment Options
There are several treatment options available for bed bug infestations, ranging from chemical treatments to non-chemical methods. A comprehensive approach often involves a combination of these methods to ensure all bed bugs and their eggs are eradicated.
Chemical Treatments: Insecticides are commonly used to kill bed bugs. These may include sprays, dusts, or aerosols. It’s important to use products specifically labeled for bed bugs and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Professional pest control services often have access to more potent chemicals that can provide more effective results.
Heat Treatments: Bed bugs are highly susceptible to heat. Professional pest control companies can use specialized equipment to heat the entire room to a temperature lethal to bed bugs (around 120°F to 140°F). This method is highly effective and can kill bed bugs at all life stages, including eggs.
Cold Treatments: In some cases, extreme cold can be used to treat bed bugs. Items like clothing or bedding can be placed in a freezer at 0°F (-18°C) for at least four days to kill bed bugs.
Steam Treatments: Steam can penetrate deep into cracks and fabrics, making it an effective method for killing bed bugs and their eggs. A steamer with a large water tank and a nozzle that produces low vapor output is ideal for this purpose.
Follow-Up and Prevention
Eradicating bed bugs requires diligence and persistence. After the initial treatment, it’s essential to follow up with additional inspections and treatments if necessary. Here’s how to prevent a re-infestation:
Encasements: Use bed bug-proof encasements on mattresses and box springs. These covers trap any existing bed bugs inside and prevent new ones from entering.
Regular Inspections: Continue to inspect your home regularly for signs of bed bugs. Early detection is key to preventing a full-blown infestation.
Careful Travel Habits: Bed bugs are notorious for hitchhiking on luggage, clothing, and other items. When traveling, inspect hotel rooms for signs of bed bugs, keep luggage off the floor, and wash clothing immediately upon returning home.
A comprehensive bed treatment for bed bugs is vital for eliminating these persistent pests and reclaiming your home. By following a detailed process of inspection, preparation, and treatment, you can effectively eradicate bed bugs and prevent them from returning. Whether you choose chemical or non-chemical methods, persistence is key to ensuring your bed is bug-free, allowing you to enjoy a restful night’s sleep once again.
For more info :-
commercial pest control services
detailed treatment steps
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exceedpestcontrolinc · 4 months
Common Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
Exceed Pest Control Inc in Tampa, FL, a pest control Tampa company, aims to educate homeowners about the common signs of a bed bug infestation. Being aware of these signs can help individuals take proactive measures to prevent infestations or address them promptly if they occur.
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Bed bugs are tiny insects that feed on human blood and are notoriously difficult to eliminate once they infest a home. Identifying the signs of a bed bug infestation early on is crucial for effective pest management. This article will explore the visual identification of bed bugs, physical evidence of infestation, bite marks and skin reactions, as well as the behavior and habitats of these pests.
Visual Identification of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that measure about the size of an apple seed when fully grown. They have flat, oval-shaped bodies and six legs. While adult bed bugs are relatively easy to spot with the naked eye, their nymphs, which are smaller and lighter in color, can be harder to detect. It's important to distinguish bed bugs from other common household pests like fleas or ticks, as their treatment methods vary.
Physical Evidence of Infestation
One of the most telltale signs of a bed bug infestation is the presence of tiny rust-colored spots on bedding, mattresses, or walls. These spots are fecal matter left behind by bed bugs after feeding on blood. Additionally, blood stains on sheets or pillowcases may indicate that bed bugs have been crushed while feeding. Shed skins or exoskeletons of bed bugs may also be found in areas where they hide.
Bite Marks and Skin Reactions
Bed bug bites often appear as red, itchy welts on the skin, typically in a linear or clustered pattern. While some people may not have any reaction to bed bug bites, others may experience itching, swelling, or even allergic reactions. It's important not to scratch bed bug bites to avoid secondary infections.
Behavior and Habitats of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that feed primarily at night when their hosts are asleep. During the day, they hide in cracks and crevices near sleeping areas, such as mattress seams, box springs, bed frames, and upholstered furniture. Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can easily spread from one location to another through luggage, clothing, or used furniture.
Conclusion and Next Steps
Being able to recognize the common signs of a bed bug infestation is essential for effective pest management. If you suspect that your home may be infested with bed bugs, contact Exceed Pest Control Inc in Tampa, FL, for professional inspection and bed bug treatment Tampa services. Remember to take proactive measures, such as regularly inspecting bedding and furniture, to prevent bed bug infestations in the future.
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🟢Green hat | Research | Creative | where ideas are abundant and criticism spares
Use of fungicides for healthy plant growth. Fungicides are pesticides that kill or prevent the growth of fungi and their spores. They can be used to control fungi that damage plants, including rusts, mildews and blights. They might also be used to control mold and mildew in other settings.
Modern systemic fungicides are typified by the triazoles. This group of fungicides is still the basis of cereal disease management strategies worldwide, particularly in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand, where they are primarily mixed with strobilurins and with the new-generation pyrazole carboxamide SDHIs (succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors), introduced in 2010.
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Lumisena™ fungicide fights and beats phytophthora, so your soybeans can shine.
Phytophthora is the number one disease in soybeans and can significantly reduce yields.
New Lumisena fungicide seed treatment provides the most advanced seed-applied technology to protect against phytophthora. Lumisena also enhances emergence and vigour to maximize yield potential and improve soybean plant stands.
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The preventive fungicide must come into direct contact with the fungus, and they have to be re-applied to new plant tissues (as leaves or needles expand in the spring) or if the product washes off. Curative fungicides affect the fungus after infection.
"Triazoles are single site, it stops the production of the fungi spores within the leaf (inside)"
"Chlorothalonil is an non systemic multi site foliar fungicide, it targets varies enzymes and metabolic developments of fungus. It destroys the fungal membranes, the part of the fungi that is on the top of the leaf."
Chlorothalonil is an organic compound mainly used as a broad spectrum, nonsystemic fungicide, with other uses as a wood protectant, pesticide, acaricide, and to control mold, mildew, bacteria, algae. Chlorothalonil-containing products are sold under the names Bravo, Echo, and Daconil.
Folpet is a protective leaf-fungicide. Its mode of action inhibits normal cell division of a broad spectrum of microorganisms. It is used to control cherry leaf spot, rose mildew, rose black spot, and apple scab. (multi site protectant) it is like a mix of Triazoles and Chlorothalonil.
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blackknotbegone · 1 year
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Black swellings or knots, silver leaves, light powdery patches, and depressed cankers are some of the major symptoms of black knot disease in cherry trees. Get superior cherry tree fungus treatment from Black Knot Be Gone with unique organic products. Apply to promote healing of the whole tree. Order your product now.
Just visit the link:  https://www.blackknotbegone.com/
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pettypestcntrlsvs · 2 years
The Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Your Kitchener Home
Seek the assistance of a professional pest control company to help you identify the extent of bed bug infestation and implement a plan for your Kitchener home.
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If you're reading this, it's likely that you're dealing with a bed bug infestation in your Kitchener home. Don't panic - while bed bugs can be a nuisance, they can be eliminated with the right steps.
In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about removing bed bugs from your home, including how to identify an infestation, the most effective treatment methods, and how to prevent future infestations. With a little patience and persistence, you can rid your home of these pesky critters and get back to enjoying a comfortable, bed bug-free environment.
Kitchener Bed Bugs: What Are They and Why Do They Have a Problem?
Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are oval-shaped and reddish-brown in color, and are about the size of an apple seed when fully grown.
Despite their name, bed bugs can be found in a variety of locations, not just beds. They can hide in crevices and cracks in walls, furniture, and other household items, and are often found in hotels, apartments, and other places where people come and go.
Bed bugs are a problem because they can cause discomfort and distress for those who are bitten. While bed bug bites are not known to transmit diseases, they can cause itching, redness, and swelling.
In severe cases, bites can become infected if scratched excessively. In addition to the physical symptoms, bed bugs can also cause anxiety and sleep disruption, as the thought of being bitten while you sleep can be unsettling.
If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation in your Kitchener home, it's important to take action quickly to eliminate the problem. In the next section, we'll cover the steps you can take to identify and eliminate bed bugs from your home.
How Can You Prevent Bed Bugs From Entering Your Home?
Preventing bed bugs from entering your home is the best way to avoid an infestation. While it's not always possible to completely prevent bed bugs from entering your home, there are several steps you can take to reduce the risk:
Inspect your home regularly: Inspect your home, including your bedding, furniture, and carpets, for signs of bed bugs. Look for small, reddish-brown bugs or their shed skins, as well as small, rust-colored stains on bedding or upholstery.
Be cautious when traveling: Bed bugs are often found in hotels and other places where people come and go. Before you travel, research the hotel or accommodation to ensure that it has a good reputation for pest control. When you return home, inspect your luggage and wash all of your clothes on the hot cycle to kill any potential bed bugs.
Use a mattress protector: Invest in a high-quality mattress protector to create a barrier between you and any potential bed bugs.
Keep clutter to a minimum: Bed bugs thrive in cluttered environments, so keep your home clutter-free to make it more difficult for them to hide.
Avoid purchasing used furniture: Bed bugs can hide in secondhand furniture, so it's best to avoid purchasing used items if possible. If you do decide to purchase used furniture, inspect it carefully before bringing it into your home.
By following these prevention tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of a bed bug infestation in your home. However, if you do notice any signs of bed bugs, it's important to take action quickly to eliminate the problem before it becomes worse.
When to Call for Professional Help
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If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation in your home, it can be tempting to try to handle the problem on your own. While there are many DIY methods available for treating bed bugs, it's important to consider the extent of the infestation and your own level of comfort and experience when deciding whether to call a professional. Here are a few signs that it may be time to call a professional:
The infestation is widespread: If bed bugs are found in multiple rooms or areas of your home, it's likely that the infestation is more severe and may require professional treatment.
You have tried DIY methods and they have not been successful: If you have tried over-the-counter or DIY methods and have not seen improvement, it may be time to call a professional. A professional will have access to more advanced treatments and techniques that may be more effective.
You are feeling overwhelmed: Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be stressful and time-consuming. If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure of how to proceed, it may be helpful to call a professional for assistance.
You are concerned about the safety of DIY treatments: Some DIY bed bug treatments involve the use of chemicals or other potentially hazardous materials. If you are concerned about the safety of these methods, it may be best to call a professional who can use safer, more effective treatments.
In summary, if you have a widespread infestation, have tried DIY methods without success, are feeling overwhelmed, or are concerned about the safety of DIY treatments, it may be time to call a professional.
A professional pest control company will have the knowledge and experience to effectively treat your bed bug problem and help you get back to a comfortable, bed-bug-free Kitchener home.
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How to Find the Best Bedbug Exterminator in Toronto
If you're reading this, chances are you just found out that bed bugs have invaded your home. If you didn't know they were back and aren't going anywhere - it's time to take action. In this article, I'll show you how to find the best bed bug exterminator in Toronto.
What is a Bedbug?
A bedbug is a tiny, wingless insect that feeds on the blood of humans and animals. Bedbugs are reddish-brown in colour, oval in shape, and flat. They are typically 4-5 mm long but can swell up to 7 mm after a blood meal.
Bedbugs are found in cracks and crevices of beds, furniture, and floors. They often hide in mattresses, box springs, headboards, bed frames, and behind baseboards. Bedbugs can also be found where people sleep or rest, such as on couches and chairs.
When bedbugs feed, they inject their victim with a numbing agent before withdrawing blood through their long beak-like mouthparts. Bedbugs feed for 3-5 minutes before returning to their hiding place. A single bedbug can ingest up to six times its weight in blood during one feeding period!
After feeding, bedbugs will often defecate in the same spot where they were provided. This faeces is reddish-brown and may be mistaken for dirt or rust.
If you think you may have bedbugs, you must contact a professional exterminator immediately. An experienced exterminator will be able to identify an infestation and provide treatment options to get rid of the bugs for good!
How Do You Know If You Have Bedbugs?
If you think you may have bedbugs, there are a few telltale signs to look for. First, check for bites on your body. Bedbugs typically bite in a line or cluster, so if you have multiple tastes that fit this pattern, it's a good indicator that you have bedbugs.
Second, look for bedbug faecal matter. This appears as small black spots on your sheets or mattress. If you see these spots, it's a vital sign that you have an infestation.
Third, look for live bedbugs. These are small brown insects about the size of an apple seed. If you see one crawling around, it's a good indication that there are more where that came from.
If you suspect you have bedbugs, the best thing to do is call a professional exterminator. They can confirm whether or not you have an infestation and recommend the best course of treatment.
How to Control Bedbugs in Your Home:
If you think you might have bedbugs, you should first call a professional exterminator. Toronto is home to many reputable pest control companies that treat bedbugs effectively.
Before you call an exterminator, there are a few things you can do to try and control the bedbug population in your home:
1. Vacuum regularly. This will help to remove any bedbugs that are already in your home. Be sure to empty the vacuum bag after each use. 2. Keep your bedding clean and free of clutter. This will make it harder for bedbugs to hide and breed. 3. Use a dust mite cover on your mattress and pillows. This will help to prevent dust mites, which can attract bedbugs, from getting into your bedding. 4. Reduce the number of hiding places for bedbugs by decluttering your home and keeping it clean. Remove anything that isn't necessary from under your beds, on shelves, etc. 5. Inspect second hand furniture and clothing before bringing it into your home. Bedbugs can quickly be brought into your home through these items.
Bedbug Exterminator Toronto!
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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🌲Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana L.
Aka. I don't know what the native names of cedar are.
A slow growing evergreen that cat be up to 66ft tall. Red cedar is often one of the first species to repopulate an area that has been cleared. There are two subspecies of red cedar,
J. virginiana var. virginiana (shown)
J. virginiana var. silicicola or sand juniper (found on the south east coast)
Red cedar can be host to cedar-apple rust that also attacks apple trees. They can also be invasive in some areas, specifically grassland. They were introduced to the prairie during the Dust Bowl. Thier population was once controlled naturally by wildfires.
The tree is a food source for cedar waxwings, turkeys, and bluebirds
Red cedar fruit was used as a diuretic and a tea. The tea was used to treat worms, colds, cough, rheumatism, to induce sweating, dropsy, and as a stimulant. Berries where chewed to treat canker sores. Leaves (needles? scales?) where burned as treatment for colds, rheumatism, bronchitis, and purification. Wood shavings were boiled in an iron pot to get oil to use as a bug repellent.
The wood is used for fence posts, chests, lining for closets and chests.
Some native Americans used cedar as territory markers. The name of Baton Rouge comes from these markers. The Cahokia woodhenge was made of these trees. The smoke was used to drive away negative spirits.
All parts of red cedar may be toxic and pollen is a major source of allergies.
Wikipedia Juniperus virginiana
Peterson Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America 3rd addition. By Steven Foster and James A. Duke pg. 342
Photo taken by SallyA in Evergreen Cemetary in Portland ny
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takeitorlucid · 4 years
spelling out fire with a box of matches
groveling about with a worm in your skull and a  
scuff on your chin and a stench to your step and boy,
oh, suffocating boy, what am i to do with you?
am i to notch my wingspan,  
whittle it down to swamp greens and tang?
adam's apple keeping all the manly whim inside,  
pestering about with a humpback full of promise
and an indecency like quicksand and vodka water!
take a deep breath, swallow your lungs back down,  
and just tell me what to do! what to sever! what to amputate!
i’ve never been more ready to operate.
one boot on one foot and one toe on the other,  
way too long laces and chunky mustard nail beds: swaying to the side of it, tiptoeing, carefully teasing the carpet
with threats of war and sex and a guilty ten minutes of being raw and obscene.
one boot on and one boot glued to the ceiling,  
just watching the filth—wondering what it will ever do  
if it happens to fall down into the middle of it all,
into the thick of it, into the muck and bare of it,
into the honest of it, what it would become if it,  
god forbid, ended up on the other foot.  
stop meddling! stop crying! stop asking!
my ears are bleeding, my ears are garbage disposal grinding,  
but my ears are not sheep or wolves, they are serrated and charred,  
they will slice you heel to heart, just to get some rest:  
and exhaustive boy, you have smothered them in gasoline and spit fire all day!
oh, i did not mean that, silly boy,  
it was a boiling point, a gyroscopic hurl,  
like the tide on the shore, compassionate erosion,  
panting hot air into your mouth—not revival but revisiting,
constructive criticism with the bite of desperation.
what am i to do with you? with myself? pigs are flying and i need to do something before the old woman
sings amazing grace and milks a tear and blue hands with jarring red cheeks
and i'm holding one fourth of your weight on my shoulders just wondering
what could i have done with you?
two boots on the welcome mat,  
positioned so that only meat can be read,
what a time to be cooking, what a time to be medium rare!
just watching the white skin burn, the fat fighting curdle,  
the red of it all giving in to the smoke and turning to gravel
dinner is served, dinner is a metaphor, dinner is welcome.
one hand coveting the side of my nape,
the other fondling what little’s alive in my jeans,  
and i think i know what to do with you,  
lover boy, i think i know what to do with it all!
a treatment plan but with little permission,  
crowding around rust in suspension,
swapping oxygen for the view from the front seat:
what have i done with you, wanderlust boy?
am i to call the operator and ask for forgiveness?
between a dial tone and a gut feeling,  
i think there was never a bridge to burn--
we just couldn’t tell the difference between falling and flying.
but now i see, we were always just lying still,
wading in our own fever, drenched in our sweat,  
and wondering what to do with ourselves
that hasn’t already been done to us.  
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sugarfreecapsicle · 5 years
29 with bucko or steve ?? i love your writing btw !!! 💖💖
Thank you so much! You’re so sweet ❤️
Tumblr media
The trigger words should have been gone after the first treatment, but all previously untested procedures necessitate some kind of quality control.
Sweat beads over every inch of your skin as you sit in the chamber with Bucky. Heavy purple bags weigh beneath his eyes, cheeks gaunt and unshaven. No part of you enjoys this job.
Your own voice sounds foreign as it echoes off metal. Your fingers tremble though the super soldier is unmoving. Maybe a little too stiff.
His head kills back, eyes closed, jaw tightly clenched. Fighting instinct or simply dreading the possibility the treatment didn’t work?
Your stomach flips as you note the way the knuckles on his right hand pale as he grips his chair. Is this it?
The arm of the chair whines beneath the pressure. He’s sweating - his stringy brown hair clings to his forehead and neck.
You watch his chest heave breaths in and out, deep, thorough. Exhales start to blow through his teeth instead of his nose.
His adam’s apple bobs, a pendulum of anxiety.
The vibranium arm crushes the end of the left armrest like an aluminum can.
Bucky shifts his weight in the chair, but doesn’t appear to fight the restraints. He’s leaning into the metal confines over his chest without moving to overpower them.
Is he...crying?
“Freight car.”
Bucky wails, loud, pained, violent - and you’re ready to leap backwards at any sign he might rush you.
Instead, he’s limp against the caged seat. Head down, a cascade of hair covering his face. Hands limp against distressed silver.
He’s crying.
Your heels click rapidly against the floor as you start cooing sympathetic apologies on the way to him. Unlatching his wrists first then his chest and legs. He doesn’t stop sobbing, not even when his stubbled face is cradled in your hands.
“This is real. You’re real, I’m real. I need you to come back to reality.”
“It’s over,” he whimpers. “It’s over.”
Send Me a Prompt?
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strengthengums · 4 years
Strengthen Gums
Gum disease may result in those problems. There are numerous elements that contribute to the worsening of the problem. Gum disease might be caused by periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. It can also be brought around by genetics. If your family has a heritage of gum disorders such as periodontitis, then you are highly likely to suffer from it also. Today read more about Strengthen Gums And Tighten Loose Teeth visit here http://foodcentsblog.com/how-to-strengthen-gums-naturally/
Gum disease is not just painful. It may also be embarrassing.  If people smile and make eye contact with you, your mouth could appear less than captivating.  This tends to make it more important to look after your teeth, gums and bite. Gum disease causes your teeth look worn outside, which is never quite a sight.
Strengthen Teeth And Gums
The gums play an important part in maintaining proper dental health. They help prevent the increase of plaque that can be harmful to your teeth. Plaque is composed of different materials such as food particles and bacteria which can cause decay into your teeth. Therefore, it's very important to remove it from your mouth just as soon as it forms.
There are numerous reasons why you ought to have routine dental checkup. A good scrub will help prevent many different gum and tooth diseases. If you go to your dentist regularly, you could make certain that you can get regular checkups.
Yet not all oral problems need dental surgery. In reality, you can find a number of natural home remedies which can be employed to treat your gum problems.  You want to brush your teeth each day. Make certain that you make use of a mild bristled toothbrush. Brushing your teeth after meals may also help.
The perfect method to retain good oral hygiene would be to practice good oral hygiene habits.  Avoid eating heavy meals immediately before going to sleep. You should also refrain from drinking large quantities of alcohol or tea before you go to bed. Smoking or chewing tobacco too may also lead to gum problems. Hence, you need to make an effort to avoid these things if you'd like to prevent having your gums sore and painful.
Avoid eating foods which may set extra volume of pressure in your own teeth. These include candies, nuts, seedsand soda pop. Some fruits, such as apples, grapes, and oranges, can also induce sensitivity to hot or cold. Therefore, you should limit the ingestion of those items especially before you go to bed.
How To Strengthen Gums Tissue?
Another reason of gum problems comes with age. As you get old, the degree of testosterone decreases. Therefore, the own body's natural ability to resist infection might decrease. Prolonged exposure to lousy environmental factors like cigarette smoke, excessive sun glare, and food and beverage allergies may also cause gum diseases.
Receding gums also occur as a result of improper dental care.  When your gums begin to bleed, this really is an indicator you've developed gum disease. Your dentist will give you a set of possible treatments. But, it's best to seek prompt dental care to avoid other problems, like cavities.
Another possible reason is the underlying disease. Two diseases you need to find out about are both diabetes and oral cancer. These two diseases can trigger the formation of pockets of nerve cells. The formation of the pocket can disrupt your bloodflow.
Gum infections can also occur when your immune system is still weak.  You need to boost your immune system by absorbing vitamins and nutrition. You should also have enough rest. Make certain you do not miss any dentist appointments. Missing dental appointments can lead to tooth decay, which can be a significant problem.
No matter what the receding gums cause, you should know that it is treatable.  There are lots of things that you could do to help maintain your smile looking amazing. For those who have captured this gum disease early, you ought to be able to reverse the damage that has been done to your teeth.
Strengthen Gums Naturally
Receding gums are often associated with periodontal disease. The gum may be the part of one's mouth that absorbs food particles and spit as you possibly eat. When plaque develops, the bacteria will start to attack the tooth supporting bone where the gum is located. Since your gums get weaker, tooth decay will start to form.
However, it is not always possible to tell whether an individual is experiencing some symptoms of gum disease or maybe not. This is the reason it is necessary to have routine dental checkup and require proper care of your teeth and gums.
Some of the major gum diseases that you want to be conscious of is known as gingivitis. This can be really a form of gum disease that is mild. It can be treated, but not completely removed, but if it is caught early .
There's also the choice of getting your tooth pulled. That is done when the tooth's roots get to be near to the jaw bone.  Once this happens, you will have a problem eating anything without first consulting with a dentist. If the damage is severe, your tooth may even be removed.  There are certainly a lot of advantages to yanking on the tooth out, but including a restored bite and also an elevated possibility of full recovery.
If you observe your gums are receding, you should consult a dentist immediately. If you don't feel comfortable going to the dentist, you may buy a mouthwash in your neighborhood drugstore or grocery shop. The mouthwash might help loosen the bacteria which can be stuck in the gumdisease. The mouthwash will also supply you with some relief from the pain as well. Following the mouthwash, you may want to brush your own teeth to remove any remaining bacteria and foods that you might have stuck into the gum line when trying to brush.
How To Strengthen Gums And Teeth Naturally?
To prevent further injury to your teeth and gums, you ought to floss regularly.  It is possible to purchase special floss that has antibacterial properties to kill the bacteria that may grow between teeth and gum lines.  You need to also go to your dentist at least once annually for a cleaning up. A cleaning can help remove any leftover food and plaque that are piling between teeth. Achieving this two annually, will make certain you won't need any additional treatments for the gum disease.
1 thing that you should steer clear of doing is applying any sort of sticky liquid for the gum line or gums. This can actually cause greater damage and pain into your mouth and gums in the event that you continue to achieve this. When visiting your dentist, you should let your dentist know of any medications or alternative things that you are presently using to attempt to treat your gum disease.
If you do not treat your gum problems once they begin, they could possibly get worse over time. Even in the event that you follow most these prevention techniques, you can still end up seeing a demand for a brand new pair of dentures in a couple of years. Your dentist may provide you with the very best advice about what to do in this situation.
Foods you take in and drinks may also lead to gingivitis and other oral infections. Foods that have high acidity degrees can strip the teeth of these protective substances that keep your gums healthy.  The excess scrubbing you do can wear off your enamel, causing you to eventually become even more at risk of rust. Brushing your teeth just twice each day is enough to avert serious problems from occurring.
If you want to avoid needing to address the harmful effects of gum disease, you should find your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist should have the ability to inform you in the event that you have any of the most popular receding gums causes. Should you have them, then you may be in a position to keep them from happening by following your dentist's information and taking excellent care of one's teeth and gums.
How To Strengthen Your Teeth And Gums Naturally?
Receding gums aren't something you have to live with. There are steps you can take to minimize the damage they could create.  Your dentist will be able to help you to find a solution that will work for you. It is imperative that you work closely with your dentist as a way to get the most useful outcomes. This way, you are able to prevent gum disease in becoming a serious issue and you are able to keep it from returning .
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