#arácnido jr
bibsbackrooms · 1 year
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The thought would not let me go.
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spider-bloguero414 · 11 months
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AMO esos momentos libres entre clases, esos gratificantes momentos en los que puedo dejar fluir mi creatividad.
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nevenkebla · 12 days
May descubre a Peter
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #35 J. Michael Straczynski (Escritor), John Romita Jr. (Dibujante)
— Peter Parker: Este sitio nunca me pareció tan bueno. La verdad es que ninguno me lo pareció. Ay… me duele todo… Pero al menos noto la radiación evacuando mi organismo igual que después de la primera picadura. Hablando de lo cual… Jo, qué ganas tenía… voy a dormir una semana… luego, cuando esté harto, descansaré un poco. Luego puede que duerma algo, si me apetece. Si no, me echaré una siesta de semanas. Solo quiero llegar hasta la almohada… nunca había estado tan cansado. Al menos mi viejo sentido arácnido me avisará si viene alguien que quiera hacerme daño, así que, tranqui… y a dormir. — Tía May: ¿Hola? ¿Peter? ¿Estás despierto? Si estás dormido, me voy… solo venía a recoger tu ropa, como te dije… y como tu llamada me dejó preocupada, decidí usar la llave para… para…
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Arácnido Jr y Law!
(Au: So when I found out Hobie's middle name is Larry short for Laurence. I decided to create another Hobie variant. Prowler Hobie name Law because his name in his world is Lawrence instead of Laurence. So Hobie Lawrence Brown.)
This is bad, very bad. No one expected a large anomaly to attack while the Spider-band with their backup dealing with another level ten anomaly.
Miguel shouted at the team, "A la puta! LYLA CALL FOR BACKUP!"
"MORE?" Lyla asked out loud as Spider-man 2099 runs up on the highest building seeing a large monster that had massive sea creature like crab with sharp spikes on its back and fangs.
The anomaly they were just dealing was a dangerous corrupt Mecha that Peni had to get the build Mecha suit to take down. All the Spider-heroes had to tied it down that way Peni could take out a Mech sword from her robotic back and stab the corrupted robotic being into the chest.
"Peni! Peni! You gotta get out of here!" Miles shouted out loud seeing how her Mecha is kneeling on the floor, a sign of exhaustion. This fight took a lot out of her.
"My body... I'm so weak, guys..." Peni said through the intercom being in her sit having all her energy use on her Mecha.
"Shit. Shit. Shit!" Miles saw the giant crab monster heading her way. "We gotta move the crab away from Peni! She's weak!" As he swings toward Peni's mecha's head.
"And we have to protect her giant robot, too!" Pavtri said out loud through the intercom.
Jess said, "Alright, Team A helps Peni. Everyone else follow my lead! Petra, you, Gabriel and Ben distract the monster."
"GOT IT!" The three were swinging from above with Miguel 2099.
"Miguel, I'ma need your help here." Jess uses her motorcycle as she releases some grappling hooks appear at the sides as she drives through underneath the monster beast. Webslinger follows her having his lasso ready. "We need to tangle its legs and try to hold him off. I want anyone above to make a large web!"
"YES, JESS!" The Spider-heroes responded to her.
"Man, I didn't think I would wake up today facing a Giant crab! What universe is that thing from?" Spider-ham shouted out loud as he sits on Deadpool's shoulders.
Deadpool running up the building, "Me neither! Good thing we don't have giant crabs back at home!" He winks at the readers, "I mean, I dated a girl that had crabs-" Peter 616c shouted, "WADE!"
"No, I mean it! Her parents own a Seafood shop! She sell all sorts of fish, crabs, and lobsters! She always smelled like fish!" Deadpool explained himself. "What do you think I meant?" He winks at Spider-ham who was laughing out loud while Peter 616c looked embarrassed.
"Hey, you three! Come over here! Copy me!" Sun Spider shouted being on the crab.
Mariana 1022, Billie 1613, Lupe saw SunSpider already using her mechanical spider chair to crawl all over the crab having think strong web like rope with powerful metal tough arrowheads that tacts to two builds on each side. "Got it!" They copied her moves.
"Billie, be careful!" Gabriel shouted out loud!
"What?" Billie 1613 asked out loud being confused, then she uses her intercom, "What, Gabe?"
"Be careful! You know, this is your first time being involved level ten anomalies!" He said.
"I got this, Gabe. You act like this is my first rodeo! And-" Maria 289 came by swinging as she helps the women, "Billie, focus! Gabriel 660, stop babying her! She's a Spider-woman! Lupe, we have to strengthen our webs, those spikes cutting through them!" She took her talons out to take the sharp spikes down.
"Need a hand?" A Spider-woman in vivid red appeared flying down, she show off her talons.
Lupe said, "Oh Gabi 2075! You made it!"
"I never miss a good monster fight!" The young woman grins under her mask as she helps Maria take down the spikes.
Sun-Spider looks over at the web being formed in front of them, "Damn, we need to go faster! The web isn't finish!"
"What is Miguel 660 doing?" Lupe scowls as she puts on the intercom, "OYE, pendejo! Work faster!"
Miguel 660 responded while Peter 616, Ultimate Spider-man, Miguel 2099, Spider-ham, and so many other Spider-heroes working the web. "What do you mean? We are moving as fast as we can? what are you doin'? Talking about the last time you broke a nail!"
"HURRY UP!" Lupe shouted back at Miguel 660 in anger.
Punk Miguel shouted, "Can we focus on the main issue instead of arguing!"
Miguel 928 sighs, "We are trying to go as fast as we can! We still haven't gotten the back up we need!" He knew this web needs to be stronger and bigger to stop this damn monster. He calls Jess, "Jess, we need your team to pull the crab down!"
"We're working on it! But..." Jess sighs at the legs suddenly having spikes coming out ripping out the webs.
"But...?" All the Spider-heroes asked.
"It grew spikes on the legs!" She said with an exhausting tone. It's always something happening when they have a good plan. All the Spider-heroes groans being exhausted at another issue to deal with.
The monster hissed and roars through the air. "Okay, simple solution!" Maria 928 explained, "All Spider-heroes with talons and claws or anything sharp weapons. Cut the spikes!"
"I got a katanas if that helps?" Deadpool took out his swords.
"Yes, anything! We need to slow this monster down!"
"Morales, have Peni been taken to safety?" Miguel 2099 could feel sweat on his forehead as he and other Spider-heroes went to the monster to cut through the spikes.
Miles stood seeing the Mecha shut down or hand some haywire issue going on, "Uhhh, another problem..." They all felt a sudden wave of panic, "Peni's Mecha had shut down? in a weird way and the entrance door is jam! Noir and Miles 42 are trying to break it down." They all groan again at another problem, it seems to always happen as Spider-heroes.
Miles 42 saw Noir using a crowbar to break the main door, "It's really stuck on here!"
"Careful, man! This is a Mecha! They sometimes got some weird connections with the person on the seat, you don't want to cause anything to hurt her!" Prowler Miles uses it claw trying to work at the other side of the door.
"It's always something with technology these days." Noir sighs, being stressed about this.
"Will Peni be upset if we sacrifice her Mecha?" Gwen asked Miles as she, Hobie, Pavtri, Silk, Web Weaver, British UK Spider-woman, and so many others trying to save civilians from left and right. Even from the buildings being near the Giant Monster Crab they had their main focus.
"I dunno if that's a good idea... we still need to move the anomaly robot from here too!" Pavtri said.
"How are we gonna move that those things? They are huge and both of them shut down!" Web Weaver said out loud.
"We need to have Peni's Mecha running again!"
"But we need to get her out first." Noir said with a worry tone.
Miles wore a black leather jacket before trying to pull the bottom part of the door, "Ehh, it's really stuck on it! I'm afraid to use my Venom strike on this. What if I shock her?" He said to Noir and Miles 42.
"We gotta keep trying!" Miles 42 said out loud.
"Don't worry Sunflower, I can smash it with my guitar!" Hobie can to his Miles ready to swing.
"No, Hobie! Bae, we're fine. You can go smashed stuff with Jess' team!" Miles raised his hands up at his boyfriend, "Bae, I love you when you go all wild and chaotic but this stuff is really delicate! We can't risk hurting Peni!"
"Hmm, you're right, luv. Maybe we can try using a stronger object with the same material to open the door." Hobie squat with his hands on his chin, it's hard to take him seriously with his bug eye Spider-Punk mask looking shock all the time. Miles went back to helping Miles 42 and Noir on the opening seeing the metal Peni used is very fancy, advance and strong.
"I know we're in a crisis and all, but Hobie where the did you get that leather? It's so fucking sweet!" Gwen asked as she swing by before going to another civilian.
"Oh yeah, that's such a cool jacket! Can't believe you haven't wore it, but cute to let Miles wear it." Pavtri said out loud.
Hobie blinks a couple of times, "What jacket?" Then he noticed his Sunflower wearing a black thick leather jacket with metal studs, spikes and white spray paint with buttons and patches. "That's not my jacket? Luv, where did you get it?"
Miles 42 chuckles, "He doesn't know?"
"Know what?" Hobie asked hearing Miles 42 laughing in amusement.
Billie 1613 spoke into the intercom, "Oh, you guys haven't Law? I could've sworn ya'll met him!"
"Wait, they haven't met Law?" Jess asked out loud a bit surprise.
"Wow, even I met him." Miguel 2099 said.
"Me too!" Peter 616 said out loud.
"Same!" Most Spider-heroes said out loud.
Punk Miguel said to the Spider-band, "En Serio?"
"Law?" Gwen, Pavtri and Hobie asked all confused being left out of the loop.
Then, a bright large celestial orange glitching portal opens up from HQ. "The Cavalry has arrived!" Lyla sang.
"If Pirus and Crips all got along. They'd probably gun me down by the end of this song"
Loud rap music booms through the air causing the monster to turns it upper body toward the music and roars back. M.a.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar plays through the air.
"Seem like the whole city go against me. Every time I'm in the street I hear-"
Everyone looks up at the portal seeing shadows, then a large high-tech motorcycle shooting out the portal.
"Yawk! Yawk! Yawk! Yawk!"
The motorcycle had someone wearing in black Cyberpunk style; leather, cargo pants thick boots. A massive sleek helmet cover the face. The advance bike left a purple light from the back.
"Man down! Where you from!"
The rider push a button on his motorcycle as he let his motorcycle release wings for an easy landing. Following behind the motorcycle a large groups of Spider-Heroes jumping and swinging over.
"I thought we need Law for this situation." Lyla hums.
So Law is the guy on the motorcycle, which got Miles 42 grinning widely at Hobie. "You're so gonna be jealous!"
"Oh Arácnido Jr is came, too!" Billie happily said.
They saw the Mexican Spider-man teenager jump on Law's motorcycle on the back. The two had the biggest dramatic entrance, Mariana happily waves at Arácnido Jr, "Hola, JR!"
"Hola, hermosa!" The Latino Spider-man teenager decide to swing up high to go check on the girls, "Hola, Billie. Lookin' beautiful!"
"Awe, Jr! You're too kind." Billie giggles girlishly by the Mexican Spider-man.
Gabriel 660 merely grunts hearing from the intercom being jealous. Punk Miguel patted on his friend's back. "It's alright, man. He's just flirting."
"But does it have to be with her." He frowns under his mask.
Back at the bottom with Team A and the Mecha, the motorcycle stop right in front of the robots, the rider got off it. Gwen and Pavtri being curious got on the head of the giant robot to get a closer look. The tall man wearing all black with small accents of gold and bolder use of vivid electric purple, he looks up at the Mecha, he uses his utility belt to launch a grapple hook up high to latch on to the robot.
"Law up here!" Miles 1610 waves over to his friend.
Hobie leans over to see the tall male shot up from the ground up. The group saw the mysterious male having long dreadlocks with golden cuffs, and added some colorful dyes of blue and purple into some locks.
"Law, you made it!" Miles 1610 gave him a side hug.
Noir nodded at the Prowler, "Law." A simple greeting.
"Law, my man! What's good?" Miles 42 asked with big smile on his face under his Prowler mask.
"Sup." As the tall young man stood on the shoulder of the Mecha, he pushed a button on the side to reveal his face. His voice deeper and had a thick Brooklyn accent.
Pavtri let out a dramatic gasps, "OH MY BRAHMA! It's a Hobie Prowler variant!"
"The names Law, little spider." Law corrected the India Spider-man, his high tech boots are able to suction on the robot with the ability to defy gravity. "I never liked Hobart, thought that shit is for Boomers." His Heterochromia eyes are so brightly vibrant; right eyes is purple and left eye is Honey-brown eye. He kept that edgy punk look wearing black lipstick, and black eyeshadow with blue.
Law looks like a fine young man with those eyebrow piercings on his left side, he had one tear-drop piercing on his left side of his cheek. He had a well physique; lean with muscles and one arm that is attached with the Prowler claw. Pavtri blushes under his mask, "Why he sounds so hot!"
"Miles, you didn't tell us you got another Hobie by your side?" Gwen playfully teased.
Miles happily said, "Law is my friend!"
"Yeah, we get along fine with him." Miles 42 said as he let Law check out the Mecha.
"Is this the famous Spider-Punk 138B?" Law asked as he eyes on Hobie, "Huh, bit odd for a British boi that claims against colonization to be wearing that." He eyes at Hobie's red and blue suit under his punk clothing. "What is that? Red and Blue are we being too patriotic." He turns to Miles 1610 and Miles 42 being confused.
Spider-Punk looked rather offended until his Sunflower said, "Be nice, Law. Hobie doesn't get your jokes, man."
"Ah, my bad. My bad, sorry Brit boi." Law smirks widely as he enjoys poking at danger. A true Hobie nature one may say.
Miles 1610 got between them feeling the harsh stare down. "Hobie. Law. Law. Hobie!"
"Elo, mate. I neva heard of yuh because my Sunflower never mention you!" Spider-Punk coldly said.
The Prowler chuckles with amusement. "Hi, my name is Law- just Law or the Prowler! I wasn't bitten by a damn Spider, but I did create a drug that gave me super strength, and speed. During my years of stealing shit, fighting cops, and up holding justice on the streets of Brooklyn. Protecting my community, my brothers and sisters! I prefer no labels- in fact don't call me a hero. I rather be called a threat so the damn pigs not to fuck with me! And I work along with-" Billie 1613 came swinging down being so happy, "WITH ME!!! He's my big bro!" She gave Law a big hug. "I'm so happy you came!"
"Whoa! Whoa! Law knows Billie? You two are from the same universe?" Gwen asked being mind blown.
Billie nodded being happily, "Yeah! He and my brother use to date until... you know." Her voice went quiet about the mention of her big brother, then she said, "Law had dedicated his life fighting off corruption in the streets. When i became Spider-woman, he was technically the first person I told him and we work together!"
"I have to protect her for my Miles." Law shrugs, "What's the point of being a vigilante, when i can't protect my beloved's lil sista!" He left his arm on Billie's shoulder then his paint plump lips twist in a wide grin, "Miles," he pointed at Miles 1610, "you left your pullover back at my crib!" He decided to go near Miles 1610 to check the head of opening of the Mecha.
"Pullover?" Hobie asked sounding jealous.
Billie 1613 giggles, "It's a type of sweater!"
"And you left your hair tie." Law added as he kept checking on the door giving a little tug to feel it. His robotic claws attached to his arm made clicks as gently taps it.
"Oh, I've been looking for that! Man, I was just at your crib, too!" Miles 1610 sighs, "I thought my Billie hid it."
Gwen and Pavtri looks surprised feeling like this was deja vu but the other way around. Pavtri as he looks at Hobie knowing that man is jealous. "Ah, see! Told ya that jacket looks fire on you, man!" Law grins at Miles 1610 wearing his leather jacket.
"Hehe." The Spider-man with the leather jacket giggles before he went to Noir side, "I feel like it's not my thing, y'know? It's cozy! I was freakin' freezing at your place."
Billie went to the side with laughter, "Oh yeah, Law loves his place ice cold! Man acts like he lives in Alaska!" She swings trying to stop large debris falling on civilians.
Miles 42 tug at his own black grey jacket, "See, I told you Spandex be whack!" Then he glances at Hobie being near his boyfriend, with those goofy bug eye mask staring down at him. "Y'know, this guys thought it would be smart to break the shit open!"
Now, Miles 42 didn't have issues with Law, they just clicked into being good friends like the other Miles' variants. The Cyberpunk Prowler merely turns to Spider-Punk, "A bit of advice, Brit Boi. It's not about using all your strength," He touches jiggles the stuck opening, "it's about knowing the weak points are." As the opening gave a weak shake on the stuck latch, "And just," One strong pull, "Like," one more time, till the opening pop off with the latch broke, "That!" Having a big smug on his face that gave Hobie the ick.
"Wow, so amazing!" Billie 1613 and Pavtri gawks.
Noir and Miles 42 nodded in approval. Miles 1610's eyes widen on his mask, "Wow, Law! You're so cool!" Helping him and the other to pull up the opening showing a knocked out Peni in her tight Spider-woman suit that's connected to the Mecha. Even the screens had warning signs with a teary Chibi robot.
"Peni! Hey," Noir went to check on her giving her a gentle pat on her cheek, "Come on, princess. Stay with us."
"Huh?" Peni mumbles being so weak, her eyes closed back again.
"She must be exhausted seeing how she's unconscious." Miles 42 said as he unbuckled the seatbelts.
Miles took off his leather jacket to cover Peni's upper body, "Here maybe this will give her some comfort." The jacket is heavy so a heavy material can bring comfort, right?
Noir carried out Peni with the leather jacket on her. "Okay, I'll send her back to HQ. You guys, figure out how to move these robots out of here!"
"Right ahead of you!" Law already went down to the chest of Peni's Mecha, using one his claws to cut the metal, "Heh, Vibranium seems to be common in these universes, huh?" He pulled up his Prowler mask to cover his face. "Doe Deer, gonna need you to use those electric powers of yours. The Mecha needs a jump drive."
"Doe Deer?" Gwen asked.
Miles 1610 shyly scratch the back of his neck, "Haha, he calls me that!" Then hops into the seat of the Mecha, "On it, Law!"
"While, you guys focus on that. I'ma go help finish up the web!" Billie swings up having to do tricks.
"Hobie, we gotta save more people!" Pavtri shouted, he and Gwen jumps in midair using their webs to swing around the area.
Spider-Punk mutters being jealous the way Law and his Sunflower seem to be so close and friendly, "Bloody wonderful!" Just as he was about to take his leave he heard Law's voice.
"Be careful out there, Brit Boi."
Spider-Punk merely sneered under his mask then he saw familiar variants pass them. A male version of Gwen came by called Gideon swing by, "Awe snap! Law is that you! Nice seeing you, man!" Passing by to help stop the giant crab.
"OMG! Law, is that you! Ohh I'm so happy you finally join the Spider Society with Billie Boo!" Mimi 1015 came swinging by.
Miles 43 came from the other side, "Whoa, man! Welcome to the chaotic life of Spider Society, POOKIE!" He laughs having to swing around.
"Okay, Bookie." Law chuckles then said to Mimi, "Hey, gorgeous!"
An Emo Pavtri variant came swinging by, "Hey, Law!"
"Hey, man."
Spider-Punk watches every Spider-hero saying, "Hey Law. What's up, man! Nice seeing you!" What is going on? Since when his counterpart became so famous?
"Hey, Law baby." Punk Miles came by being a bit flirty.
Law chuckles lowly being busy. Spider-Punk didn't trust him, especially leaving him with his Sunflower. Then he saw Miles being so excited being inside the Mecha, his sweet Miles isn't the type. Hobie had to suck it up.
He quickly went to his Sunflower, "Yes, Sunflower?"
"Mwah! Love you," Miles kisses his mask feeling their masks together. "Be safe, okay?"
"Awe, luv. I'm always am." Hobie snuggles his boyfriend before going to help the mission.
While Miles sit in the Mecha, he heard Law say, "Heh, he's a jealous, huh?"
"Ha, I was the same way." Law said to him before he tweet some wires from the Mecha.
"Guys! Hurry up! That monster is- Oh hey, Law." Mariana 1022 came down to warn but smiles happily at Law, "Having fun?"
"Hah, you can say that, Bonita."
That made Mariana giggles into a shrill girlish tone being bashful, "Your such a flirt Law." She playfully shoves him then said, "Oh, you guys better hurry up. That monster is one tough cookie!"
"Don't worry. We'll get this robot moving." Miles happily said.
Then Margo spoke through the intercom, "Miles, is your team able to move the Mecha?"
"Huuh, we getting there."
"OKay, so came near the portal. My team set up a large Go-Home device to send the anomaly Mecha back.
Then the large monster started to turn into a different color and roars! "You guys hurry up! The webs aren't holding it much longer!" Sun Spider shouted as every Spider-hero got away from the crab.
"Alright! Lil Doe, do your thang!" Law jumps of the Mecha while Marian swing away. The dark skinned anti-hero jumps on his motorcycle as he looks up at the Mecha.
Miles got his hands glowing with electricity, "Got it!" He uses all his Venom Strike power to jump start the Mecha, as the whole body light up by the powerful electric shock, the systems of the robot went back up and the seat latched to Miles' body. His eyes glowing golden honey having to connect with the Mecha and saw the Sp//dr being active. "This is so fucking sweet! Whoa!"
The large Spider-man Mecha began standing up as Miles takes control. "Ugh, he's so lucky!" Billie 1613 said to Miles 42.
"Right!" Miles 42 mentally nerding out.
When Miles took over the Mecha, "Ugh, it's pretty damage guys. I think I can hold down the Crab after i move the anomaly robot." He was able to move the anomaly toward Margo's team where they have the Go-Home device fully activated on the ground.
"Whoo! Go Miles!" Billie shouted having to swing high above.
The crab roars at the robot Mecha, Law uses his motorcycle to launch some bombs at the monster's legs. The punk Prowler droves between the legs having to use it's own electric rope ties around the legs.
After the epic fight, everyone went to celebrate on HQ. Close friends went to check on Peni seeing she's in recovery and needed rest. When she woke up, she was able to come to the small party in a bar area.
"So Law, how are you so cool!" Pavtri asked out loud.
Hobie merely rolled his eyes, Miles hug his boyfriend's arm, "Bae, you were jealous of him, weren't you."
"Ha, me? Nah, luv." Hobie plays it off, "He's an alright lad."
"He's really cool like you, bae." Miles kisses his boyfriend cheek.
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asdro · 1 year
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I made a quick doodle a long time ago and today i found him again so i decided to re-draw him, here he is: Aracnido
(Loosely inspired by Arácnido Jr.)
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spider-heroes · 2 years
Spider-Man (Earth-616)
Spider-Man/Miles Morales
Superior Spider-Man
Spider-Man Noir
Spider-Man 2099
Spiderman (Earth-001)
Ultimate Spider-Man
Iron Spider
Scarlet Spider
Spider Moon-Man
Old-Man Spider
Cosmic Spider-Man
Cyborg Spider-Man
Savage Spider-Man
The Spider
Hunter Spider
"Golden Spongecake" Spider-Man
Dr. Aaron Aikman
Supaidāman (Takuya Yamashiro)
Pavitr Prabhakar
Arácnido Jr.
Spectacular Spider-Man
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Hogar de Arácnido Jr.
Primera mención/aparición: Spider-Verse #2 (2015)
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The story of Tim Ballard, a former US government agent, who quits his job in order to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers.
Género: Acción, Drama
País: United States
Director: Alejandro Monteverde
Actores: Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, Bill Camp, Kurt Fuller, Gerardo Taracena, José Zúñiga, Scott Haze, Gary Basaraba, Eduardo Verástegui, Manny Pérez, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Javier Godino, James Quattrochi, Alanna De La Rossa, Eduardo Gomez Monteverde, Gustavo Angarita Jr., Ariel Sierra, Kris Avedisian, Alejandro Muela, Jaime Newball,
Segunda entrega de las aventuras de Miles Morales tras el filme de animación ganador del Oscar Spider-Man: Un nuevo universo (2018). Para demostrar lo que vale y transportase a través del Multiverso, el joven Spider-Man de Brooklyn se aliará con Gwen Stacy. Tras este reencuentro, los dos jóvenes arácnidos conocerán a todo un grupo de élite con los mejores Spider-Man de los diferentes Multiversos. Claro que ser un Hombre Araña también tiene sus sacrificios, y Miles Morales deberá tomar importantes decisiones. Cuando esté en juego salvar cada uno de los mundos, además de a las personas más queridas, Miles optará por hacerlo a su manera.
Hulu, Crunchy roll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. También son películas o programas de televisión que se descargan a través de sitios de distribución en línea, como iTunes.
La calidad es bastante buena porque no se vuelve a codificar. Las transmisiones de video (H.264 o H.265) y el audio (AC3 / El sonido de la libertad) son El sonido de la libertad extraídos de iTunes o Amazon Video y luego reinstalados en el contenedor MKV sin sacrificar la calidad. Descargar Euphoria Movie Season 1 Movie 6 Una de las películas en streaming.
Mira El sonido de la libertad Miles Morales evoca su vida entre ser un estudiante de secundaria y convertirse en El sonido de la libertad.
Sin embargo, cuando Wilson “Kingpin” FiskEl sonido de la libertades como un súper colisionador, otro estado cautivo de otra dimensión, Peter Parker, terminó accidentalmente en la dimensión Miles.
Cuando Peter entrenó a Miles para mejorar, El sonido de la libertad, pronto se unieron a otros cuatro El sonido de la libertad de todo el “Spider-Verse”. BecaEl sonido de la libertade todas estas dimensiones en conflicto comienzan a destruir Brooklyn, Miles mEl sonido de la libertadt ayuda a otros a detener a Fisk y devolver a todos a sus propias dimensiones.
Es alguien a quien no vemos que suceda. Aún así, el currículum de Brie Larson es impresionante. La actriz ha estado actuando en platós de televisión y cine desde que tenía 11 años. Uno de esos confEl sonido de la libertaded con la jugadora sueca Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) ganó un Oscar en 2016. Fue la primera estrella de cine de Marvel con una líder femenina. . Y pronto, interpretará a un agente de la CIA en una película encargada por Apple para su futura plataforma. Las películas que produjo juntos.
Desconocida para el público en general en 2016, esta “vecina” ganó un Academy AEl sonido de la libertadd a la mejor actriz por su conmovedora aparición en la “Room”, la historia real de una mujer que fue exiliada con su hijo por depEl sonido de la libertadadores. Había superado a Cate Blanchett y Jennifer Lawrence, ambas tenían AEl sonido de la libertad de estatuas, pero también a Charlotte Rampling y Saoirse Ronan.
Mire El sonido de la libertad Movie en línea Blu-ray o Bluray extrae directamente de discos Blu-ray a 1080p o 720p Torrent Full Movie (según la fuente), y El sonido de la libertades el códec x264. Se pueden robar de discos BD25 o BD50 (o Blu-ray UHD a resoluciones más altas).
Los BDRips provienen de discos Blu-ray y están codificados en fuentes de menor resolución (es decir, de 1080p a 720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip es un video que ha sido codificado en resolución HD (El sonido de la libertadually 1080p) que luego se transcribe a resolución SD. Mire El sonido de la libertad La película BD / BRRip en resolución DVDRip se ve mejor, sin embargo, debido a que la codificación proviene de una fuente de mayor calidad.
BRRips solo de resolución HD a resolución SD, mientras que BDRips puede cambiar de 2160p a 1080p, etc., siempre que disminuyan la resolución del disco de origen. Mire El sonido de la libertad Movie Full BDRip no se transcodifica y puede moverse hacia abajo para el cifrado, pero BRRip solo puede bajar a resolución SD porque están transcritos.
A la edad de 26 años, en la noche de este Oscar, donde apareció con un vaporoso vestido de gasa azul, la actriz de cabello rojizo obtuvo acceso al club de actrices más popular de Hollywood.
BD / BRRips en resolución DVDRip pueden variar entre XviD o x264codecs (generalmente miden 700 MB y 1.5GB y el tamaño de DVD5 o DVD9: 4.5GB u 8.4GB) que es más grande, el tamaño fluctúa dependiendo de la duración y la calidad del lanzamiento, pero cada vez más cuanto mayor sea el tamaño, más probabilidades hay de que El sonido de la libertade, el códec x264.
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Mientras que los actores que desempeñan un papel en la película se denominan actores (hombres) o actrices (mujeres). También existe el término extras que se utilizan como personajes secundarios con pocos roles en la película. Esto es diferente de los actores principales que tienen más roles y más. Ser actor y actriz hay que exigirle un buen talento actoral, lo cual está de acuerdo con la temática de la película que protagoniza. En determinadas escenas, el papel del actor puede ser sustituido por un doble o un doble. La existencia de un doble es importante para reemplazar a los actores que hacen escenas difíciles y extremas, que suelen encontrarse en las películas de acción y acción.
In many ways, El sonido de la libertad is the horror movie I’ve been restlessly waiting to see for so many years. Despite my avid fandom for the genre, I really feel that modern horror has lost its grasp on how to make a film that’s truly unsettling in the way the great classic horror films are. A modern wide-release horror film is often nothing more than a conveyor belt of jump scares st El sonido de la libertad g El sonido de la libertad with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares.
They’re more carnival rides than they are films, and audiences have been conditioned to view and judge them through that lens. The modern horror fan goes to their local theater and parts with their money on the expectation that their selected horror film will deliver the goods, so to speak: startle them a sufficient number of times (scaling appropriately with the film’sA El sonido de la libertad time, of course) and give them the money shots (blood, gore, graphic murders, well-lit and up-close views of the applicable CGI monster etc.) If a horror movie fails to deliver those goods, it’s scoffed at and falls into the worst film I’ve ever seen category.
I put that in quotes beca El sonido de la libertad e a disg El sonido de la libertad tled filmgoer behind me broadcasted those exact words across the theater as the cEl sonido de la libertadits for this film rolled. He really wanted El sonido de la libertad to know his thoughts.
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The story of Tim Ballard, a former US government agent, who quits his job in order to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers.
Género: Acción, Drama
País: United States
Director: Alejandro Monteverde
Actores: Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, Bill Camp, Kurt Fuller, Gerardo Taracena, José Zúñiga, Scott Haze, Gary Basaraba, Eduardo Verástegui, Manny Pérez, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Javier Godino, James Quattrochi, Alanna De La Rossa, Eduardo Gomez Monteverde, Gustavo Angarita Jr., Ariel Sierra, Kris Avedisian, Alejandro Muela, Jaime Newball,
Segunda entrega de las aventuras de Miles Morales tras el filme de animación ganador del Oscar Spider-Man: Un nuevo universo (2018). Para demostrar lo que vale y transportase a través del Multiverso, el joven Spider-Man de Brooklyn se aliará con Gwen Stacy. Tras este reencuentro, los dos jóvenes arácnidos conocerán a todo un grupo de élite con los mejores Spider-Man de los diferentes Multiversos. Claro que ser un Hombre Araña también tiene sus sacrificios, y Miles Morales deberá tomar importantes decisiones. Cuando esté en juego salvar cada uno de los mundos, además de a las personas más queridas, Miles optará por hacerlo a su manera.
Hulu, Crunchy roll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. También son películas o programas de televisión que se descargan a través de sitios de distribución en línea, como iTunes.
La calidad es bastante buena porque no se vuelve a codificar. Las transmisiones de video (H.264 o H.265) y el audio (AC3 / El sonido de la libertad) son El sonido de la libertad extraídos de iTunes o Amazon Video y luego reinstalados en el contenedor MKV sin sacrificar la calidad. Descargar Euphoria Movie Season 1 Movie 6 Una de las películas en streaming.
Mira El sonido de la libertad Miles Morales evoca su vida entre ser un estudiante de secundaria y convertirse en El sonido de la libertad.
Sin embargo, cuando Wilson “Kingpin” FiskEl sonido de la libertades como un súper colisionador, otro estado cautivo de otra dimensión, Peter Parker, terminó accidentalmente en la dimensión Miles.
Cuando Peter entrenó a Miles para mejorar, El sonido de la libertad, pronto se unieron a otros cuatro El sonido de la libertad de todo el “Spider-Verse”. BecaEl sonido de la libertade todas estas dimensiones en conflicto comienzan a destruir Brooklyn, Miles mEl sonido de la libertadt ayuda a otros a detener a Fisk y devolver a todos a sus propias dimensiones.
Es alguien a quien no vemos que suceda. Aún así, el currículum de Brie Larson es impresionante. La actriz ha estado actuando en platós de televisión y cine desde que tenía 11 años. Uno de esos confEl sonido de la libertaded con la jugadora sueca Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) ganó un Oscar en 2016. Fue la primera estrella de cine de Marvel con una líder femenina. . Y pronto, interpretará a un agente de la CIA en una película encargada por Apple para su futura plataforma. Las películas que produjo juntos.
Desconocida para el público en general en 2016, esta “vecina” ganó un Academy AEl sonido de la libertadd a la mejor actriz por su conmovedora aparición en la “Room”, la historia real de una mujer que fue exiliada con su hijo por depEl sonido de la libertadadores. Había superado a Cate Blanchett y Jennifer Lawrence, ambas tenían AEl sonido de la libertad de estatuas, pero también a Charlotte Rampling y Saoirse Ronan.
Mire El sonido de la libertad Movie en línea Blu-ray o Bluray extrae directamente de discos Blu-ray a 1080p o 720p Torrent Full Movie (según la fuente), y El sonido de la libertades el códec x264. Se pueden robar de discos BD25 o BD50 (o Blu-ray UHD a resoluciones más altas).
Los BDRips provienen de discos Blu-ray y están codificados en fuentes de menor resolución (es decir, de 1080p a 720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip es un video que ha sido codificado en resolución HD (El sonido de la libertadually 1080p) que luego se transcribe a resolución SD. Mire El sonido de la libertad La película BD / BRRip en resolución DVDRip se ve mejor, sin embargo, debido a que la codificación proviene de una fuente de mayor calidad.
BRRips solo de resolución HD a resolución SD, mientras que BDRips puede cambiar de 2160p a 1080p, etc., siempre que disminuyan la resolución del disco de origen. Mire El sonido de la libertad Movie Full BDRip no se transcodifica y puede moverse hacia abajo para el cifrado, pero BRRip solo puede bajar a resolución SD porque están transcritos.
A la edad de 26 años, en la noche de este Oscar, donde apareció con un vaporoso vestido de gasa azul, la actriz de cabello rojizo obtuvo acceso al club de actrices más popular de Hollywood.
BD / BRRips en resolución DVDRip pueden variar entre XviD o x264codecs (generalmente miden 700 MB y 1.5GB y el tamaño de DVD5 o DVD9: 4.5GB u 8.4GB) que es más grande, el tamaño fluctúa dependiendo de la duración y la calidad del lanzamiento, pero cada vez más cuanto mayor sea el tamaño, más probabilidades hay de que El sonido de la libertade, el códec x264.
repelis #pelispedia #cuevana #cuevanahd #allpeliculas #pelisplay #marvelmoviesinorder #pelisflix #pelisplus #repelis24 #pelisgratishd #poseidonhd #pelisplus2 #cuevana #pelis-online #verpeliculas #megapeliculas #cuevana3 #pelis28 #goodmoviestowatch #watchfreemovies #repelistv #pelispediatv #donpelis #pelishouse #inkapelis #verpeliculasultra #ultrapeliculas #pelispop #pelistreno
Mientras que los actores que desempeñan un papel en la película se denominan actores (hombres) o actrices (mujeres). También existe el término extras que se utilizan como personajes secundarios con pocos roles en la película. Esto es diferente de los actores principales que tienen más roles y más. Ser actor y actriz hay que exigirle un buen talento actoral, lo cual está de acuerdo con la temática de la película que protagoniza. En determinadas escenas, el papel del actor puede ser sustituido por un doble o un doble. La existencia de un doble es importante para reemplazar a los actores que hacen escenas difíciles y extremas, que suelen encontrarse en las películas de acción y acción.
In many ways, El sonido de la libertad is the horror movie I’ve been restlessly waiting to see for so many years. Despite my avid fandom for the genre, I really feel that modern horror has lost its grasp on how to make a film that’s truly unsettling in the way the great classic horror films are. A modern wide-release horror film is often nothing more than a conveyor belt of jump scares st El sonido de la libertad g El sonido de la libertad with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares.
They’re more carnival rides than they are films, and audiences have been conditioned to view and judge them through that lens. The modern horror fan goes to their local theater and parts with their money on the expectation that their selected horror film will deliver the goods, so to speak: startle them a sufficient number of times (scaling appropriately with the film’sA El sonido de la libertad time, of course) and give them the money shots (blood, gore, graphic murders, well-lit and up-close views of the applicable CGI monster etc.) If a horror movie fails to deliver those goods, it’s scoffed at and falls into the worst film I’ve ever seen category.
I put that in quotes beca El sonido de la libertad e a disg El sonido de la libertad tled filmgoer behind me broadcasted those exact words across the theater as the cEl sonido de la libertadits for this film rolled. He really wanted El sonido de la libertad to know his thoughts.
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El sonido de la libertad película completa online
El sonido de la libertad película completa online gratis
El sonido de la libertad pelicula completa en español
El sonido de la libertad pelicula completa en español latino
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highfidelityhouse · 1 year
Las 10 mejores películas con cámaras Nikon
¡Aquí hay una lista de los diez mejores, sin ningún orden en particular, papeles de Nikon en películas! A menudo apareciendo como extras no acreditados, estas Nikon SLR han estado presentes en algunos de los mejores momentos de la historia del cine.
1. Apocalypse Now (1979)
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Después de El Padrino II, parecía que sería la locura de 30 millones de dólares del director Francis Ford Coppola. En cambio, es una obra maestra. El corazón de las tinieblas de Joseph Conrad transpuesto a la jungla camboyana, con Martin Sheen como el traumatizado Willard y Brando como el trastornado Kurtz, es una pesadilla poscolonial de proporciones del siglo XX. El fotógrafo: Citando a TS Eliot y luciendo (cuéntalas) cuatro Nikon F alrededor del cuello, el reportero gráfico anónimo de Dennis Hopper es el “chucho” residente de Kurtz. La Nikon F fue la cámara elegida por los fotógrafos profesionales en la década de 1960 y principios de la de 1970, pero es muy posible que el demente Hopper no lleve ninguna película en la suya. El personaje en realidad se basa en lo que podría haberle sucedido en la vida real a Sean Flynn (hijo de Errol), el temerario actor y fotógrafo que fue secuestrado por los comunistas vietnamitas en 1970, para nunca más ser visto.
2. The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
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En 1965, el esposo y los hijos de la ama de casa Francesca Johnson (Meryl Streep) dejan su hogar en el condado de Madison para ir a la Feria Estatal de Illinois. Mientras están fuera, llega un fotógrafo de National Geographic llamado Robert Kincaid (interpretado por Clint Eastwood). Le han encargado fotografiar los puentes del mismo nombre en Madison y lo cambia todo.
El fotógrafo: Eastwood maneja una Nikon F con una unidad S36 en la película; curiosamente, sin embargo, esta última no le impide avanzar la película manualmente en algunas ocasiones. Hay un poco de torpeza inicial con un trípode que sugiere que no es un hombre que haya hecho una carrera tomando fotos, pero por lo demás, la técnica de Eastwood es sólida.
3. Spider-Man 3 (2007)
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Esto generalmente se considera como el menos bueno de las tres películas de Spider-Man de Sam Raimi, pero también es el 'Raimi' más excéntrico de la trilogía. Es la historia de Peter Parker contra la arrogancia. Provocado por el alienígena Venom e inspirado por las victorias sobre Sandman y New Goblin, nuestro simpático arácnido se vuelve hacia el lado oscuro...
El fotógrafo: un fotógrafo en ciernes en The Daily Bugle, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) luce una Canon F-1n durante la mayor parte de la trilogía, pero en Spider-Man 3 se enfrenta a su archirrival Eddie Brock, Jr. (Topher Grace). ), quien finge una instantánea de Spidey usando una Nikon D50, solo para ser transformado por un parásito alienígena malévolo. Aunque es digital, la D50 realmente produce el sonido mecánico que escuchas en la película. Es el espejo reflejo moviéndose en su lugar, no un blooper como piensan algunos espectadores.
4. The Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)
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La fotógrafa de moda Laura Mars (Faye Dunaway) está sospechosamente interesada en capturar imágenes eróticas y violentas... De hecho, está tan interesada que la policía cree que tiene algo que ver con una serie de asesinatos. No lo ha hecho, por supuesto, pero tiene la extraña habilidad de ver a través de los ojos del verdadero asesino. El fotógrafo: Mars prefiere una Nikon FM, una de las mejores SLR de la década de 1970, con un motor MD-11. Esto es bastante preciso, aunque la FM se usaba más a menudo como cámara de respaldo para fotógrafos profesionales.
5. City of God (2002)
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El  submundo de Río de Janeiro nunca se vio tan vibrante, o peligroso, como en esta frenética saga. La película sigue a un grupo de descontentos a lo largo de décadas de ultraviolencia y guerra, mientras las calles son consumidas por la sangre, las balas y la testosterona.
El fotógrafo: Rocket (Luis Otávio, y más tarde Alexandre Rodrigues) suspira por una vida como fotógrafo, pero se ve arrastrado a las guerras de pandillas de Río. Irónicamente, esto le da su gran oportunidad, ya que se gradúa de fotografiar capos de la droga para trabajar en un periódico local. Maneja una Kodak Instamatic y una Retina Reflex III, pero termina con la primera SLR de Nikon, la Nikon F, y un trabajo de ensueño.
6. Gorillas in the Mist (1988)
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La zoóloga de la vida real Dian Fossey pasó 18 años viviendo con los gorilas en peligro de extinción del Parque Nacional Virunga, en el Congo. Eventualmente se convirtió en una fuerza de defensa de una sola mujer contra los cazadores furtivos locales. Aunque fue asesinada en 1985 (muchos creían que los cazadores furtivos eran los responsables), sus esfuerzos de conservación se hicieron famosos en todo el mundo. La película biográfica era inevitable y tenemos suerte de que el director Michael Apted hiciera un trabajo tan delicado.
El fotógrafo: Fossey es interpretado de manera ganadora por Sigourney Weaver, aunque los informes afirman que el conservacionista era mucho más enigmático y excéntrico en la vida real. Aunque es un fotoperiodista de National Geographic, el amante de Fossey, Bob Campbell (interpretado por Bryan Brown), pasa mucho tiempo filmando una película que nunca llegamos a ver. Fossey es la que toma fotografías de manera muy convincente con su fiel Nikon F.
7. Under Fire (1983)
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Esta apasionante película, dirigida por Roger Spottiswoode, sigue a tres periodistas mientras informan sobre los últimos días de una guerra civil en Nicaragua, y se enamoran y se desenamoran. El fotógrafo Russell Price (interpretado por Nick Nolte) ensucia su lente cuando acepta fotografiar a un líder rebelde muerto para convencer a la gente de que el hombre todavía está vivo. Termina produciendo una imagen inolvidable, en una línea similar a la famosa foto del Che Guevara de Alberto Korda. El fotógrafo: Manejar una Nikon F2 como un profesional es más difícil de lo que parece, pero Nick Nolte lo hace exactamente bien, incluso mostrándonos un poco de rebobinado manual a veces
8. Blow-Up (1966)
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esta película clásica de los años sesenta se basa casi, pero no del todo, en un "día en la vida" del icónico fotógrafo de la moda y famoso David Bailey. La salida de cine más famosa de Michelangelo Antonioni ve al fotógrafo  Thomas (David Hemmings) tomar algunas fotos de dos amantes en un parque. Luego "hace explotar" sus imágenes en blanco y negro, solo para encontrar lo que cree que es evidencia de un asesinato. Al regresar al parque, descubre un cuerpo, pero después de una noche de fiesta, regresa por la mañana y descubre que el cadáver ha desaparecido. Luego regresa al brumoso mundo de los años sesenta, incapaz de entender lo que sucedió. La película convirtió a la Nikon F de una herramienta útil en un accesorio icónico de la noche a la mañana.
9. The Year of Living Dangerously (1982)
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El libro aborda la política de Indonesia de manera más directa, pero en la película de Peter Weir, el derrocamiento del presidente Sukarno en 1965 es solo el telón de fondo de los psicodramas entrelazados de un periodista australiano (Mel Gibson), un diplomático británico (Sigourney Weaver) El oportunista Gibson está buscando la gran historia.
10. Superman Returns (2006)
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Superman Returns es, por extraño que parezca, una secuela tardía de Superman 2 (1980), protagonizada por Christopher Reeve, que ignora por completo los eventos de Supermans III y IV. ¿Por qué? Nadie lo sabe realmente. Brandon Routh hace un impresionante debut como el Hombre de Acero, frustrando un plan decepcionantemente mundano de Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) para generar bienes raíces kryptonianos en el Atlántico Norte. Por supuesto, se vuelve a enamorar de la Tierra mientras está en eso. Y Lois Lane (una fina Kate Bosworth).
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amakiakudian · 3 years
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Day 18: Arácnido Jr.
My Mexican fellows will understand 😂
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elgaberino-mcoc · 4 years
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Match Info
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pansexualkiba · 6 years
i’ve only known about Arácnido Jr. for a day and a half but if anything ever happened to him I’d kill the entire Marvel Universe and then myself
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herochan · 7 years
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Arácnido Jr.
Art by Valentine Khruslov
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 4 years
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Spider-Man Unlimited's promo for their 5 de Mayo event introducing Arácnido Jr.
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