#arbiter of truth
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On this day, September 25th 2007, the iconic third title in the saga released, setting a new bar
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tallon-underworld · 8 months
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Had a dumb idea, but had to make it anyway
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The best thing about the annual observance of Christmas is that reminds me of the simple fact that I love God. 
Over the course of a year, it’s easy to get stuck on this or that issue of theology, this or that unanswered prayer. If you’re anything like me, you pursue that issue in prayer, in Bible study, in reading, in conversation, trying to make sense of it, to make the wrinkles lay flat against your soul. You stalk the questions down and in a way, that struggle becomes a focal point of your faith. 
You might even think, when you’re feeling particularly unsettled, “At least I’m taking my faith seriously by struggling with the hard questions. It would be much worse to be complacent.” 
And then, every year, Advent comes, and there are Christmas carols and readings from the Prophets. There are angels and lights and stars. Jonathan Toomy finishes carving the widow’s nativity set, Linus recites from Luke, a choir performs the Hallelujah chorus, and the beauty of it pierces through the questions and the struggle. Every year, the overpowering glory of the Incarnation and all that follows is brought to the forefront of my mind and it enraptures me. Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices. I bring you good news of great joy. 
Every year, Christmas reminds me that I’m not only a Christian in order to struggle with hard questions. I’m not even a Christian because I am convinced that the Bible is true. Even the demons believe in God -- I am a Christian because I love Him. His beauty can move me to tears. 
Every year at Christmas, God woos me all over again. 
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queerasian · 5 months
since we’re on this topic, jeremy strong, sarah snook, and brian cox are the main succession cast members who publicly called for a ceasefire in gaza last year (along with a painfully short list of others in the industry). here's brian cox reading "If I Must Die" by Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer who was killed Dec 7.
so if we must spend time on celebrities’ voices (+ disproportionate cultural influence) on the current crisis we should at least elevate the right ones.
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ardent-apostasy · 10 months
fellas is it gay to be homosexual?
according to my ex-church, the answer is no.
because they want to be able to "acknowledge" that homosexuality exists. they want to be able to say "we're not homophobic because we acknowledge the existence of homosexual attraction!" while condemning gay people.
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mothnem · 1 year
I kinda want to write a sort of Time Travel Fixit for Halo. Certain individuals, not many, but enough, get sent back in time.
The Sangheili that were sent are pleased to find they are pre-Harvest. They can right their dishonorable actions! So far I have Rtas Vadamee for sure on that front and maybe a councilor or two. But also a few Unggoy; one, a now precocious individual named Nayip, who found himself the bearer of a bunch on orders. One which would send a Jiralhanae controlled ship to the human world of Harvest. He LIKES the humans! They were nice to him! On the frozen unclaimed world IG-343 (Ice Giant-343) Corporal Maria Sanchez made him a royal blue scarf to keep him warm! She hadn't made it off the planet. So he mixes the orders up and through sheer luck and cunning, a newly promoted Shipmaster named Rtas Vadamee got the orders. And Rtas Vadamee, is NOT going to let the humans die again. Although he is surprised to find someone he had considered a friend, however short of time it was, on Harvest. One Sergeant Avery Johnson.
Unfortunately, despite all the efforts, the war still happens. But this time, through the sneaky efforts of multiple individuals working together, about a third of the Covenant broke away at the start and allied with the humans. So while everything is still more or less happening as Canon, it's MUCH slower and harder for the Covenant because of the Alliance between the Separatists and the Humans. Although the Separatists call themselves the Enlightened.
I don't know if I want ANY humans to have time traveled or not. But I know for sure Thel Vadumee hasn't. Everyone who has time traveled thinks he looks strange without the Arbiter Armor. Now, does Thel leave with the Enlightened or stay in the Covenant at first, I do not know. Both are have equally tasty outcomes.
1. Thel Vadumee leaves.
He ends up in a Leader role with the rest looking to him as humanity looks to Lord Hood. A team steals the Arbiter Armor and he wears it to show the significance.
2. He stays.
Later when the Schism happens Thel, as the Arbiter, admits Rtas was right. The Hierarchs were false and liars.
Both however, will have John-117 and Arbiter on a team.
Now, there is one VERY important Individual that has also Time Traveled back. The Prophet of Truth himself. And he plans to do everything the same. Although this time he might just have the Fleetmaster executed. The Arbiter and the Demon are no laughing matter.
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badley · 5 months
i recommend. Personally. watching international court cases and being in a removed part of your brain fucking terrified and horrified while you try and remain focused on the facts in the front of your mind so that you can know what the fuck is going on. and then letting that stew to make a list of things you find suspicious or dubious. also recommend then watching a bunch of philosophy all night and going hm fair point and well no i don't think that's true. and then doing the writing three pages thing your good friend suggested to you. and knowing your own naivete intimately. and then i recommend grabbing the a3 newsprint block so that you may make some inconsequential art. which inevitably will help you think. and then i recommend writing again to find out what you think. happy monday guys
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there’s enormous power in admitting that something has its charm and then looking it dead in the eye anyways.
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rocketboots564 · 30 days
Also another thing about Halo 2 that I just–
WHY DOES THE PROPHET OF TRUTH SOUND SO 𝓩𝓮𝓼𝓽𝔂?! I’m sitting there jaw-dropped as I’m watching Covenant Drag Race and Truth is just like:
“𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒾𝓃𝒶𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝒻𝑒𝑔𝓊𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓁𝑜 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝒞𝒪𝐿𝒪𝒮𝒮𝒜𝐿 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓁𝓊𝓇𝑒~”💅💋💄✨
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dentist-brainsurgeon · 3 months
The older I get, the less I like Halo 3, like gameplay, music and set piece wise it's GREAT and I absolutely love replaying it for those aspects, but the story, slight aesthetic changes and bad characterization is just..... Bleh. The only weird characterization I like is Chief and Arby being bros and that's honestly probably the best thing in the game that unfortunately hasn't been explored much(outside of the books, even then still should be explored more)
Oh and Marty O'Donnell should [REDACTED]
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Hi I’m alive here’s this
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ouchs-pile-of-words · 11 months
ok guys i just watched the perfect object show. it is very
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
So much of Christian faith is about sitting with tensions. Here's one:
God wants our minds and He created our ability to reason in His own image. He created through discoverable means. He inspires us towards science, philosophy, archeology, math. He wants our questions. He wants us to search Him out and to keep finding Him in creation, in logic, in study. If our faith is just based on dogma, it will be a rigid, fragile thing. We ought to be convinced of what we believe.
And yet you can't logic your way to God. You aren't going to be able to prove His existence scientifically, philosophically, archeologically, or mathematically. If you try, you'll either talk yourself out of faith or give yourself false certainty. If you try too fervently, there's a not-insignificant chance you'll basically end up overconfidently asserting an obviously bunk conspiracy theory, which is its own kind of dogma. In the end, faith is just faith. In the absence of proof, who do you say that Jesus is?
For me, at this stage of life, it all comes back to epistemology. God is the final Truth and the giver of all lesser truth. Study and reason can lead me closer to him, but at the end of the day I'm left with a binary choice. Is God who He says He is? Do I believe Him? Yes or no? And that choice is all just bold, unsubstantiated faith, baby.
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thepavementsings · 2 years
top 5 takes that would get you blocced <3
I will... save this. I WILL do an end of year ask me anything where I HAVE to answer honestly and then proceed to get blocked my every faction of this website. As a treat. We will circle back in December
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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sporkberries · 1 year
Will never not make sex jokes about boostle because i know they are the most annoying horny couple ever i am sorry.
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msexcelfractal · 1 year
If you disagree with me it's probably because you're actually just a bigot. Be kind <3
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