#archained art
archained · 1 year
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A tremendous loneliness comes over you. Everybody in the world is doing something without you.
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judathians-art · 2 years
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Re-designed some older babs for the newer OddAngles world
Anthrus still uses purple fire, Archaine now relies on books to cast spells, and Invi can just make you straight up not perceive him if he doesn’t want you to.
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undrgrnd-nft · 2 years
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(This article is the result from a conversation between Mentalnoise and Lucasoxx on the PRTL Mezz, his Twitch Channel)
Born and raised in Caldas, a little town one hour away from Medellín, Colombia, Mentalnoise’s youth was conflictive, under the gaze of a traditional Christian family, most of her identity has been denied or judged even by her most inner circle. But when injustice constantly crosses you and hypocrisy prevails in the institutions of power claiming to dictate "the world's morality", there is a voice inside that emerges with more strength to fight against that impunity. There isn’t any speech that can overshadow what we see and feel every day when we go out on the street.
It's been a year since her first best-selling NFT came to light, in a wonderfully friendly event on Tezos, Objkt4Objkt. This was an impulse and a revelation to understand her work had a place in a new market prepared to see and consume her art. Recently, she quit her job as a designer to fully dedicate herself to NFTs.
The quarantine ended up consolidating her artistic project as we know it today. Mobilized by the high flow of information during the isolation, Mental encountered several cases of corruption in her country and a society that showed its different facets from the most supportive to the most cruel. It was at that moment that the idea of the mask, the evil bunny, emerged as the structure and concept of her next pieces.
Committed to the political, social and cultural reality of her country, art allows her to express what moves her; allows her to denounce evils in society; allows her to raise her voice in social networks with impact and generate critical thinking in the spectator. In her work we discover references to Colombian popular culture, the media show generated by politicians, and the injustices that surround us, added to her own internal universe, "the mental hole".
Mental says she likes "to generate images from the noise of my mind". The windows function as an analogy about observing the outside world during isolation or a mobile phone connected to the internet in which we observe constant information as if it were a window to the world. We live with our own mental noise and externalize it in one way or another. In her case, art functions as that nexus that connects what happens emotionally inside her with an external world in constant contradiction.
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Undoubtedly, her journey has made her reflect on her place in the art world, the construction of her voice and the empowerment of her message. In her pieces, every detail is thought out and shared with her peers to generate a sincere and honest debate. The questioning is not only towards others, but also inward. In her own words, "it's not just about creating art and that's it, it's about generating interaction around the art created. Talking through the images and exchanging opinions with the community.”
The w3b has allowed her to reach goals she never thought possible and to express herself freely in a collaborative environment of artists and collectors from all over the world. It is very important for her to connect with colleagues, generate feedback on her pieces and share knowledge, even though she considers that she has a "paisa English" and that this is a barrier that at the moment prevents her from expanding her interaction even further. However, this does not stop Mental in her quest for construction. Today she is part of ArChain NFT Lab, La Creme de la Creme and Tokenómeno, spaces where artists and communities from all over the world come together.
As a woman artist, lesbian and Latin American, it is very important to be able to think about the impact that the w3b can have on an artist like her. The intersectionalities as inhabitants of the so-called "third world" often make our voices invisible. The cultural impact (real and virtual) that we can generate today from this technology is something that we are just building, but we bet that it can be the ideal place of expression not only for us, but also for future generations. From the "underground" of the world, from tezos and from our own realities we build a future in which we can work, formalize, identify problems and propose solutions to our art and culture. Mental is a great companion on this path, an artist who is definitely worth getting to know, and whose passing will not be forgotten in the path of the blockchain and posterity.
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ponydoodles · 5 years
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[ID: a textured digital drawing of Sketchy Idea, a pink Changeling with red eyes, mandibles, ladybug-like elytra, ear feathering, hooves, and general accents. She also has purple curly hair and a purple membrane tail. It’s looking off to the side with a happy expression while laying down on a pink-and-green rug with its front legs crossed. Her colors are in a row above her, as well as her name written above her, and the words MOD Cottonskittles are to the corner with the pronouns she/they/it/any neos written underneath. Filling up the empty space are the aroace, abro lesbian, archaine, genderfae, lesbian, aplatonic, and plural flag. There’s also a symbol for the reclaimed d-slur flag, and a horizigender symbol on the genderfae flag. Next to Sketchy is a plushie of her with extra arms and open wings. END ID.]
hi hi howdy. its been a looooong time since we first made our mod intro (over 4 years, in fact!) so here’s an update! it’s mostly just an art update so no fancy new post lol. same sona same mod name
- our system name is crittertales, though the main headmate who posts art for us is jordyn/ovis/mask/dy/whatever name you know her by! other headmates may make art but we dont tag individually. just use critter as a collective name if youre unsure, but using our mod name to refer to us is more proper for this blog lol
- collectively we use she/they/animal neos but ovis mainly uses the ones listed in the ref, she/they/it/any neos. collectively we identify as aspec, abro, and queer, and the identities ovis identifies as are listed in the image description! (mainly the Big Ones she uses, not all of them)
- our big favorite ponies are pinkie pie and rainbow dash (both g4) and we also really like the ship of the two! but we’ll draw anything that catches our interest when we have the motivation for it
- we don’t use social media much anymore but our main blog is @cottonskittles​. we’re much more active on discord both in terms of modding this blog/the server and in terms of socialization. feel free to drop by and say hi!
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EDIT: [ID: A digital drawing of Sketchy idea, this time with more saturated colors. Her hair is more indigo, her stomach is cyan, her eyes, horns, and ear feathering are all purple, and she has purple and fuchsia claws alongside extra arms and pink sparkly wings with a pink membrane tail. Written in fuchsia above her is Sketch Idea [a misspelled version of her name] and Any Pronouns with a heart, and written in the corner is Mod CottonSkittles (with Mod bolded). The drawing is rather fuzzy overall. END ID.]
-A system! (Theatre System) -i draw stuff sorta weird but i will Try to stay at least canon-adjacent with my designs -gender is mogai hell (unironically, but in simple terms im genderfluid), im arospec n acespec, and as far as im concerned im a lesbian. -mixed (black/white) -pinkiedash and lovecore stan first, living being second -minor
hiya! call me whatever you like, but im mod cottonskittles (didnt want to be mod sketchy since theres a mod sketch), and if i stop talking about pinkiedash i die. i just rlly like making people happy for free and if you make something for me ill take a year to process it and cry. im terrible at decisions and always forget cishet people exist. (also im rd kin and love pinkie from the bottom of my heart and im so sorry if i did this wrong dhvbjd)
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*looks around corner* .... *posts pic* *soft whisper* I had to show this to someone because every time I look it's just hilarious- I went to go delete the app but it gave Archaine a kawaii eye before it left i--
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gischtglas · 6 years
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? - 23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? - 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? - 30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
“The joys of too much money and tradition… my apologies, I drifted off for a moment. I rather lack unique or defining physical marks, I’m afraid. Most scars simply do not take with the medical treatment I am given and Archaians frown on body alterations for the most part. I do have the odd birthmark - who doesn’t - but I couldn’t think of one that would stand out - but then other people probably are better equipped to talk about my birthmarks than I am, as I know my body already and thus take little interest in its finer details. I suppose I’ll answer the question again after I have found someone willing to… examine me in detail.”
“I never went to school, alas. Archain institutes of learning might have a good reputation within the subsector, but even they are not quite on par with private tutors - and there have been a great many private tutors in my life. I suppose that has to do with how many of those I managed to scare off - not one of my finer decisions, that. I excelled in my physical training, though! The purely intellectual has never been my strong suit and I do get bored terribly quickly, but at least my fencing master rarely found it in herself to complain.”
“Arrested? Me? Please. I am an upstanding Imperial citizen, I’ll have you know. Besides, the Kroot mercenary is sanctioned.”
“I am rather fond of music and theatre. Opera depends - if the singing is good, I’ll put up with rather a great amount of nonsense when it comes to stage, costumes and the like, but if the singing isn’t good… suffice it to say, I tire quickly of leading roles not hitting their notes. More visual arts are largely relegated to the background for me, I’m sorry to say - paintings and sculptures can be breathtakingly beautiful, of course they can, but I lack the patience to admire them for more than say, five minutes. That said - it puzzles me a little is how little some worlds value gobelins, carpets and the like. A well-made gobelin is worth its weight in gold several times over, and the skill that goes into making a carpet or weaving an intricate curtain is easily on par with that of an accomplished sculptor or painter. And they have an actual use that goes beyond looking pretty! Sometimes I wonder…”
- Aenor Galliarde, rogue trader, M41
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enelquetzal · 5 years
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Ciclo de Mujeres en acción, es un proyecto generado por un equipo horizontal de mujeres , trabajadorxs del arte, música, poesía, audiovisuales, y fotografía, que convocamos a celebrar y cerrar el año , y disfrutar junto a nosotres.⁣ ⁣ En este primer encuentro la apertura musical teatral viene de la mano de Vero Espino y Vero Pereira , presentando el proyecto “Cabaré Eléctrico”, propuesta que une teatro y música, experimental , e invitados especiales.⁣ ⁣Para cerrar la noche Vero & Pablo nos acercan sus canciones de su último disco “Semillas de Paz”, y algunas otras de su largo recorrido.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣Invitados de lujo para el 3 de Diciembre:⁣ ⁣Melina Alexia Varnavoglou (poesía viva), Romina Gomez (audiovisual) , Julia Archain (música), María Fontela (gráfica-fotografía)⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣RESERVAS: [email protected] — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/34H1a9X
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archained · 1 year
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sketchbook, may
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archained · 1 year
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House, 2022
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