#sorry reupload on diff blog
archained · 1 year
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A tremendous loneliness comes over you. Everybody in the world is doing something without you.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Toshizou Sakura Epilogue
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share.... and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.... 
originally translated this on account of me wanting to ignore Kyoka-Roku, which will be pushed back yet another year. unfortunately (or fortunately? hahaha) i can’t discount the possibility of that happening again since im now shifting most of my focus onto yuugiroku because of the English patch... though im not sure what I’ll be translating next since im still in the middle of moving what ive already done onto the spreadsheet from my scheduled posts, and that is going to take quite a while im since editing them as i go. 
anyway, this is my translation of Toshizou’s sakura epilogue 『 恋染めし日』  from the 2nd yuugiroku game. the timing for these are all over the place given what I know of the games... and this one definitely happens after the last Tsukikage no Shou chapter for Hijikata since Chizuru’s name in that is “Yukimura Chizuru” while this has her with a change in surname... whereas the one for Kazama happens some time after Reimeiroku’s ending since it occurs while they’re still in Edo, while Saito’s is definitely before his last Ginsei no Shou chapter, and Harada’s is likely sometime before his last Edo Blossom chapter. Not sure about Souji’s aside from how it’s after they’re married (though im assuming it’s before his last tsukikage chapter given my vague recollection of it), and I have no idea about Heisuke’s since I don’t have tl for it.
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images used in this post are my snips of my vita capture.
ALSO I FINALLY GOT MY FIRST VACCINE (i’m in a low priority age group, don’t live in a hot spot, and 2 of the appointments i made were cancelled by the pharmacies i booked them at so it took a while)!!!!!! 
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Toshizou Epilogue
Translation by KumoriYami
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Regardless if it was my responding to Toshizou-san. Or if it was Toshizou-san's voice responding to me. As our conversation unfolded, our voices gradually became quieter.
After a while, our words stopped as they became unnecessary/were no longer necessary.......
Without even realizing it, we were sitting against the sakura tree.
A relaxing and serene silence.
As if to fill in the empty gap left by our conversation, a gentle wind blew the sakura.
We sat under the rain of sakura that was falling like snow, and the first to break the silence/open his mouth was Toshizou-san.
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Hijikata: We were talking for a while/ We've talked for a while.
Chizuru: Yes, quite some time has passed......
Compared to when we started talking, I noticed that the shadow of the sakura tree had become longer and that the sun’s position had changed. 
Perhaps because the direction of the wind had changed, the smell of the sakura became more refreshing.
Chizuru: The wind's gotten colder, so should we be going home soon?
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I brushed my sleeves and stood up. Then, I gently smiled as I extended my hand to Toshizou-san, who was still sitting against the tree.
A moment later, Toshizou-san grabbed my hand——
Hijikata:.......Don't go.
Chizuru: Eh? Kyaa!?
As if to show the depth of his feelings, he strongly pulled me, causing me to fall into Toshizou-san's embrace.
Toshizou-san caught me as I fell, and let out a small sigh.
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Chizuru: To-Toshizou-san!?
Hijikata: Don't go yet...... Can you stay here for a bit longer?
Toshizou-san's sigh and his words in my ear were full of affection and a bit of loneliness.
Chizuru: Wh-What's wrong, Toshizou-san?
Hijikata: Nothing in particular. It's just when I saw this sakura tree....... I felt as if you'd be going far away.
Chizuru: I, I see.
In this sort of position, I wasn't able to remain calm.
Feeling the sturdy chest of the man behind me, I felt a bit restless, though Toshizou-san surprisingly began to speak into my ear.
Hijikata:......Last night. I had a dream.
Chizuru: Was it perhaps/Could it be, a dream about the Shinsengumi/that it was a dream about the Shinsengumi......?
Hijikata: Yeah. It was different that the usual one. This one.......didn’t have you in it, Chizuru. Ikedya, the Hamaguri Incident, and also Toba-Fushimi. A Shinsengumi where you didn't exist/without you...... It was that sort of dream.
Hijikata: That's why I was thinking. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here today.
As if to say that he didn't want to lose anything, his arms grasp on me became tighter.
From how painful his embrace was, I could feel Hijikata-san’s anxiety.
Hijikata: It's quite embarrassing. To think that the Shinsengumi's Demon Vice-Commander would become this upset over a single dream.
Chizuru:......Toshizou-san is no longer that Demon Vice-Commander. Rather, he’s my most important person, and Hijikata Chizuru's beloved husband.
Although I didn't know if he could see my face, I still smiled to assure him, and waited for Toshizou-san to react/-san's reaction.
Eventuallly, Toshizou-san sighed deeply, and blankly stared at the sakura.
Hijikata: Although I really like sakura, whenever I see them, I always end up thinking about what I've lost.
Chizuru:......I do too/ I have the same/similar thoughts.
Hijikata: But, there were things I received in return. 
——Before coming to this place, we lost a lot/many things.
This included our comrades, our home, and everything else that we had before.
One by one, each item of importance was lost.
As if to confirm what we were all that we had left in our hands, we tightened our hold on the other’s arms.
I looked up and was greeted by the sight of sakura in full bloom and Toshizou-san smiling.
Out bodies that were touching each felt as warm as the current season, when the snow began to melt.
Perhaps by feeling each other's warmth, doing so would be able to bring/would bring our hearts closer.
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Hijikata:......I'm sorry to have said something so selfish/wilful. Let's hurry back now/We should go back now..
When we finally separated from each other, Toshizou-san bitterly smiled as he muttered.
So I said——
Continue chatting Bring this to an end <-
Chizuru: Y-Yes. Let's go home.
Seeing how I didn’t resist his words, Toshizou-san showed a mischievous smile.
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Hijikata: Are you not able to stand up? Or do you want me to carry you on my back?
Chizuru: It, it’s fine......!
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Driven by my urge to take his outstretched hand, I leaned on the sakura tree to stand up.
——Suddenly, my hair was fluttering in the wind.
The strong wind swept through the tree branches, and their petals instantly enveloped Hijikata-san's back while he began walking.
It looked as if Hijikata-san was going to be taken away by the sakura, so I hurriedly followed Hijikata-san.
In order to not lose sight of his back in the blizzard-like sakura, I walked towards him——.
...it snowed last friday so i was pretty happy watching it as it fell.
also im planning on reuploading a diff version of saito’s version of this later.
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