#archie my beloved
kaitaiga · 1 month
Conqueror Of The Skies
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Finally managed to do a little illustration for my superstar RAAF and Task Force Dagger F-35A pilot, Archie! I tried to make his face resemble more like his face claim, Callum Turner 🤔 I think it turned out okay.
I think the lineart is so much better than the final version haha. It wasn’t what I quite had in mind but oh well 😂 I hope you like nonetheless and I hope you look forward to seeing more of him (and Joey!) soon 🐻❤️
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whumpbug · 19 days
hi bug i am here to trade questions!! i have a burning one about your boy archie:
what exactly are his powers? what sort of things can he do? what are the drawbacks to them, how do they hurt him back?
thank you :>
thank you SO much for asking this because i've been wanting an excuse to talk about this boy ( ๑˘ω˘ ) like yours, i also wrote a LOT so i apologize in advance
okay so. i think i've said before that his enhancements are like if daredevil and captain's americas abilities combined but ill explain it in more detail for people who aren't totally sure about the specifics of that
the tl;dr is basically this: archie has enhanced strength and heightened senses. he's about 4 times as strong as the average male his age, and similarly as resilient. because of his enhanced strength, he can also run faster and jump higher (the boy has quads of steel). he can also see and hear much clearer and farther than your average human and can even hear heartbeats from a decent distance away!
under the cut is a lottt more detail and context for those who are interested!
so basically, i'm gonna start with some backstory.
archie's villain (hero) origin story:
archie grew up in the city and was never very. affluent.
he grew up with his mother because his father left when he was really young. he doesn't remember him well, but what he does remember is the effect his absence had on his mom. to put it briefly, he grew up around a lot of things that a child shouldn't have had to grow up around.
still, his mother did her absolute best to give him a good, safe childhood. unfortunately, there are things you just cant protect your child from.
when he was about 7, he was walking home from school and goofing around like a kid does, and he somehow got roped into a drug deal that was being made just a block from his apartment.
long story short, the guys were roughing him up (they were assholes.) and one of them was messing around and pretending to stick him with one of the syringes.
and then he actually did.
and it was agony.
poor, tiny archie was immediately overcome with the worst pain he'd ever experienced in his life to this day.
to avoid this section becoming a straight up 100k fic, ill just say that the recovery from the initial contact with the serum took archie weeks to recover from, and it many ways, he hasn't.
the boy is terrified of needles.
about the drug itself:
so you're gonna have to bear with me her because i am not a biochemist, and this might not make any sense.
so the drug, which i've dubbed VSD (Very Scary Drug) was originally made by a very shady crime syndicate, for underground fighting rings, kind of like a steroid but more permanent. the drug has 2 parts.
the first part of it works by acting on a specific DNA sequence, and spurring HGH (Human Growth Hormone) to amp up its production in the skeletal muscle cells, bone cells, and neuromuscular junctions (for better and faster reflexes)
the other part alters the somatosensory cortex, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe, and esentially causes them to be extremely active, to a point beyond human ability, but because of the first part of the drug, it's able to heal itself and create new cells
because VSD was designed to be permanent, it is very dangerous and not for everyone. the thing about it is that you have to be genetically compatible with it, or the entire thing could backfire or malfunction. only about 1 in every 100k people are even able to reap the effects of the drug. about 1 in every 100 even survive taking it at the dose archie recieved it.
if someone incompatible takes the drug, the effects are. dire. they can range from blindness, deafness, loss of sensation throughout the entire body, tumors, complete paralysis, and even the body just. not producing more cells. and then the vicitim would just deteriorate.
so yeah! not a fun time! and archie was incredibly lucky. the drug was obviously discontinued, and archie hasn't heard of anyone else who recieved the same effects that he did. there are only drugs that can do similar things now, but none are permant like archie's, and the abilities dont even begin to compare.
now what the hell can archie actually do?
well, let's first start with what he can't do.
the drug has no cognitive or behavioral effects, so archie is still the same old archie, only his body has changed.
the drug also has no effect on the immune system, both innate and adaptive. archie can get sick the same as any person, and has the same recovery time too!
now lets move on to the fun stuff!
like i said before, archie has about 4 times the strength as your average male his age. because of his muscle mass and bone density, he is also relatively resilient to injuries from "normal" people, but he's not like. invincible. if you smack that boy with a brick, its gonna hurt. he is sometimes unaware of his own strength and limits though, and throws himself to situations with the mindset of "this isnt even gonna scatch me" and is proven very wrong.
as for his senses, we'll start with vision
he can see about twice as far as your average person, and with clarity beyond even 20/20. he is also very privy to noticing small movements, even if theyre in his peripheral.
now hearing! he can hear much much quieter things than your average human. im not totally sure how to quantify this one, but basically he is hearing like.. everything. all the time. which we'll get into later. the way i gauge it is the fact than he can hear heartbeats, even when he'd just standing next to the person.
and lastly (and probably least interestingly) touch! he can feel sensations a lot more clearly than most. the sensation you would have on your fingertips is kind of what he feels all over, and it makes him have pretty bad sensory issues with certain things (me too archie, me too.)
how can we whump this boy?!
okay, now onto the drawbacks of these abilities!
you're probably thinking "bug. how are there even any drawbacks? these abilities seem sick asf! how do i get my hands on VSD?!"
and i'm here to tell you. NO no you do not want this. archie still suffers every day.
the first and most obvious one is the unimaginable sensory overload this boy feels every day. he hardly ever gets a quiet moment, and even when he does, he still can't tune out the sound of his own heartbeat thundering in his ears. it's hell. luckily, hes had 17 years to learn to cope, but he still has days where he curls into a ball in a dark room and sobs because everything is too bright and so so loud
also, the drug isn't painless. since the muscle mass isn't natural, prolonged use of his body (like in fights) cause horrific aches the days after. it feels like his body is trying to tear itself apart, which, it kind of is.
also, the headaches. god, the headaches. the human brain does not take kindly to being toyed with and doesn't archie know it. archie is sort just. in a perpetual headache. and he only really notices when that headache becomes a migraine. get this boy some ibuprofen, please.
another thing is increased appetite. because cells can't just synthesize out of nowhere, archie has to keep up with the rapid production. this boy can EAT. he is always hungry. always snacking.
lastly, the psychological aspect of the whole thing. growing up as a superhuman, where even playing thumb war could break your classmate's thumb, was hard. archie lived most of his childhood keeping to himself in fear of his own strength. as he got older, he learned to manage it a bit better, but he's still very anxious about it. he won't let himself near babies, cats, or small dogs.
and then, of course, there's the trauma. this manifests as a SEVERE needle phobia, as well as just a fear of doctors in general. its the reason why he and Simon's relationship just works. he doesn't see him as a doctor, he sees him as a friend who is always willing to take care of him when he needs it, and for that, he is forever grateful
and that's pretty much it! please excuse my probably horrid typos and grammar errors, i kind of rushed this because i was excited, so i hope you like it kia! thank you so so much for the ask! ヾ(^ ^ゞ
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serious-goose · 8 months
i think zheng yi sao and archie should kiss
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squisheebugdoodles · 4 months
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Him peets <3
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bastardbvby · 2 months
Aww this is awesome :) I'm happy for the both of you <3
adhdhhd waaaaaah thank you !!!!!!!! sally is genuinely one of my longest mutuals and he gave me the tickets to go to dream’s concert and we agree on lots of topics i’ll be so honest like this is the perfect opportunity and i cannot wait my favorite person EVERRR
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partialnoodle · 20 days
archie…aoigh…i cried at this last gift yall I LOVE MY IN GAME DOGS SO MUCH
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lorekeeper-backset · 8 months
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What a great guy. He just wants to hang out.
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
your son keeps simping for archie, put a leash on him or something
Just like his mama <3
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Just witnessed Archie flub trying to jump from the arm of the chair beside me and then immediately lean in to headbutt me as if he was embarrassed and asking for reassurance
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lil--nuggett · 4 months
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Stalker's Tango - Autoheart
Hey guys I love the Pokémon Manga dearly!! These mfs were out here DYING!!
But no fr stalkers tango makes me think of them but pokespe, so I threw this together in 2 days. It took like 13-14 hours overall but it was so worth it. Even if I have never drawn a single tango pose in my life.
Here's some extras as a little treat: my original thumbnail, the finished rendering without the background, AND the lineart by itself <3
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kaitaiga · 1 month
What is Archie’s personality?
First time I saw your art of him. He gives me the “Getting any girl I want” kind of vibe. But if I’m wrong then forget that.
I’m just curious and wanted to know MORE about this man🤔
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Archie's Personality
I finally get to talk about him! I feel like this is a way overdue post, so thanks for asking! 🐻❤️ I hope to have his profile out one of these days…
Archie is quite a distant person but it's not in a malicious way, no no. He just prefers to keep to himself if he isn’t required to go out and socialise with others, especially in big groups. Just going over manuals, checking on his jet or doing one of his nerdy hobbies.
This doesn’t mean he doesn’t like hanging out with people, no. He would rather be with his close friends, the ones he trusts the most, even if neither of them talk. Quality time! *ahem Joseph ahem*
Introverted, hyper-independent: It’s something he’s been working to break out of. After all, he does need to rely on his groundteam and squadmates to complete missions when he’s in the air!
Self-analytical: He’s always critiquing himself and what he can do to become better as a pilot. Though others around him say he’s already perfect, what more is there to improve? Tends to be more analytical than emotional.
Does not take personal failures well.
In the air, he can sometimes become quite cocky whilst caught in the heat of a battle or exercise. He knows he’s a great pilot and so does everyone else around him, thus he does have a tendency to flaunt his skills.
After all, he is based on the character Viper from Titanfall 2. I’ll link his voicelines below for you to get an idea.
All the points above make him sound mean...I promise he’s not. He’s actually a sweet person once you properly get to know him and his always down to lend a hand to someone he cares for. He’s just a little awkward and prefers to show his appreciation for people in a different way. He’s just harsh on himself because he thinks he can do better, so he pushes himself to the limit most days to a point where he’s beyond exhausted. He thinks it’s working but in reality, it’s doing more harm than good.
Recommend start at 2:06!
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technically-human · 5 months
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Hello and welcome back to me projecting
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silentgrim · 28 days
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and so i drew him too... gunther archibald munch!
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archieyelash · 6 months
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I mean. You do know how this looks, right? Making me come to you with a begging bowl.
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squivulous · 7 months
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Some marketing for the best detectives on Baker Street
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bastardbvby · 3 months
Hii :) currently sitting in traffic omw to get breakfast and groceries before class, so pretty uneventful day but I hope you have a great day yourself :D
hi !!! i hope u were able to get something good for breakfast omg,, just finished with my first client so now im home and making lunch im very excited :]
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