#arci muñoz as J.R.
miss-m-and-her-blog · 7 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 17: Last)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 17 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: There are some British swear words and also curse words, so beware though hehe :P FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Finally, I finished it! :D Once more, thank you for @thfrustration for letting this multi-chapter fanfic be posted in their blog; it means so much for me, honestly ^_^ Thank you so much, guys, and because of that, here’s a little list of those fellow Hiddlestoner/Tumblr users that gave Mr. Perfect some loving uhuh ;)
Tom is determined that he will see J.R. at the job fair. But will destiny permit him so? While J.R., will she ever let her heart decide this time of her happiness?
Tom turned around to where Ajay, Ajay’s mother, Mrs. Adita Ranjit, and Bailey sat in the couch as he presented himself on a navy-blue suit, partnered with a black tie and a baby blue shirt.
“So, how do I look? Comments?” He giddily asked, and then he pointed at Ajay,
“You look like you’re going with a client.” He playfully quipped and Bailey and his mother lightly slapped his shoulder for that remark.
“No, Tom, you look great. Very professional.” Ajay’s mother, Adita, gave him relief with her words.
“And smashing, too, I’d say.” Bailey commented last.
Tom sighed and then came to them to give them all kisses in the cheek to thank them. Ajay tried to refuse his kiss on the cheek but ended up with both of his cheeks kissed by Tom.
“Man! Come on!” Ajay wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.
“Thanks so much! Well, wish me luck. I hope that J.R. notices me there.” He sighed while he is pinning his cuff links.
“Come here, Tom, and I will tell you something.” Adita motioned to him to come closer. Tom got down on his knee and listened intently,
“You want to get the girl? You have to work for it. Tell her how much you feel. You know us women; the truth is always the best.” And she pinched his cheeks that left a smile on his lips.
“Thanks, Auntie.” Tom replied sweetly.
“Uhm, Tom, it’s 8am. The job fair starts at 9am.” Ajay reminded him, while tapping his wrist watch.
“Oh, blast! I have to go! Bye, guys! When I come back, I won’t be single anymore!” Tom, along with his sleek body bag, shouted out as he ran out of the room and out of their flat.
Everything felt so beautiful and majestic to Tom. The sun was just shinning right, the blue skies looked so bright, and the air felt like magic was floating all over. He couldn’t think of any negative thoughts, or even bad scenarios; all that he could think about is J.R.
What she might be wearing today, is she doing well while hosting the event? Is she okay? Those were the questions that are running up and down his mind while he waited for a taxi on the street.
He immediately got one and there, he is happily on his way to Renovis.
“Where to?” The driver asked Tom.
“Regent Street, the Renovis building.” Tom enthusiastically replied as he settled at the back seat. The driver did not said anything back and only chewed on the gum on his mouth.
Tom was about to sit properly when the car took off so quick, that he almost fell out of his seat. Tom tried to keep himself on his seat as the reckless driver sped their way on the road.
Then he noticed that the driver was wearing headphones on both ears, and that he could almost hear the banging music that was blaring off of the pieces.
Tom could only grunt in disgust, but he was pulled over to the left when the driver turned on a corner.
"Now I know how my clothes feel when they're in the wash." Tom muttered through gritted teeth.
The driver kept on turning hard on every corner and almost brushing the car's hood onto the next car's bumper, that sent Tom's heart hanging in the edge.
He did kept a tight grip on a handle near the windows, but that didn't stopped the inertia, pulling and pushing him from his seat. Suddenly, Tom realized that they are about to cross an intersection, and the driver couldn't resist but to beat the red light.
"NO! You tosser! You'll get us both killed!!!" Tom screamed out at the back, but the driver didn't heard a thing from him.
Tom held his breath and closed his eyes, also praying that they might cross the intersection safely.
And just like all of the angels in heaven heard him, they got safely across but the hell-for-leather ride kept on. The Renovis building was almost at the far side of his view and maybe a few blocks away, but he could only wish to arrive safely at the job fair.
And to see J.R. once again, perhaps.
But, his train of thought was derailed when the car stopped with a violent force that slammed him into the window behind the driver.
"What the actual fuck?!" He screamed out as he tried to see what happened, and there, their vehicle crashed onto another taxi, that placed a large bent on the car's hood.
The driver removed his seat belt and he went outside and argued terribly with the other driver whom he crashed his car on. The other driver then now grabbed the reckless man by the collar and there was a fist fight that was about to ensue.
Tom had no time to for this as his wristwatch had just ticked a quarter to 9 o’clock.
He went out of the taxi and he can clearly hear the screamed argument better when he heard the taxi driver shout out to him,
“Oi! You haven’t paid your fare yet!” His eyes glared at Tom.
Tom, who already had his back turned, faced the man, and held out his middle finger at him.
“I ain’t paying for nothing.” He spatted at him, then he ran at the opposite street to use his Uber app, even though he had already used his free rides and that he may have to use his own money to pay now.
Why couldn’t have you done this earlier, stupid?  He thought to himself.
Tom only waited for five minutes for the his ride to arrive, and as soon as she got into the car and sat shotgun, he blared,
“Regent Street, mate, Renovis building, and step on it please!”
The driver looked shock and almost nervous, but then Tom sighed and slumped back on his seat.
“I’m sorry, I was just having a bad day; see that taxi that crashed on to another car, I was his passenger. And I’m very late for a job fair.” He apologized calmly and the driver had a hint of smile at the corner of his lips.
“Everyone’s dying to get at that bloody job fair, though, I understand.”
“Thank you. You say everyone?” Tom asked, curious.
“I’ve had two passengers earlier who was also going to Renovis this morning. How about you, you up for a job there?” Then their vehicle turned to a shortcut.
“Yes-- well, no. I’m going to see someone there.” Tom then brushed the back of his head with his hand.
“Who? Girlfriend?” The driver asked.
Tom almost laughed but tried to contain it that it turned to giggles. He felt like everything today is topsy-turvy, not anymore magical just like earlier. Maybe destiny is telling him not to go for J.R., but as far as he knows, it’s what his heart is shouting at him.
“Maybe. If ever she would let me be his boyfriend. It still depends.” Tom sighed now.
Then, right at the corner, he could see the Renovis building, tall and proud. Tom breathed in deeply, it was time to go and meet his fate.
J.R. saw her reflection from a glass door that she passed by. She wore a stunning blue dress; the top was adorned with sewn aqua-blue thread on baby blue sheer fabric. While the collar of her dress was a simple wing collar, while the skirt that reached above her knees were styled as billowing pleats. She didn't wore her hair in a bun but down, that flattered her whole outfit. J.R. was like a princess that whenever someone would see her, they would greet her with a slight bow.
She was headed on to Martin's office, to remind him that the event is about to begin. When she finally reached the door, she gave a knock and Martin called out for her to come in. She found her brother sitting over his desk, his laptop still open.
Still can't let go of work. She quietly thought with a smile.
"Kuya! It’s time.” She sang at him when she reached his table.
"Of course, J.R.. I was just looking at some photos here that Victor sent from Morocco." He pointed at his laptop monitor.
"Really? Let me see!" J.R. hopped beside him and looked on to the screen. J.R. saw the photos, they were taken at a wedding reception; Mason and Aicha's wedding.
"Aww, that's so sweet. I'm happy that Mr. Mason got to spend his leave that way." J.R. sighed.
"I'm glad that Victor had finally moved on to a new chapter in his life." Martin agreed.
He went on to the next photo and they saw a group photo of Mason, Aicha, Salima, Henri and even McCord who came with him to Morocco.
"Dom! He's there too?" J.R. pointed out.
"He also took his leave, and I had news from Ms. Van Vorst that McCord left Morocco with her cousin on a trip to Paris." Martin raised an eyebrow, and J.R. already got what he meant.
“Those cheeky bastards. Probably having the best Parisian holiday ever.” J.R. quipped, but then they both gave out a laugh at it.
Martin then placed a hand on J.R.’s, “I’ve something to tell you first, take a seat.”
She sat in front of his desk and listened very well. Then, Martin took out a folder from his drawers and showed it to J.R..
“I have asked Alex for an endorsement deal with us. She agreed and that she is taking off from her semi-retirement as a photographer. She also told me that she will be coming back as a model, and that the producers from Asia’s Next Top Model has offered her to be the show host.” after a while, he opened the folder and J.R. saw photos of Alex that are part of her portfolio.
There were three or more photos, and all of them declared how good of a supermodel is Alex.
Suddenly, Martin showed the last picture and there, J.R. gasped and paused for a while.
It was a picture from their photo shoot with Alex; when she was still with Tom. She could remember it clearly as day, the pose where they both sat over a window; Tom embracing her from behind, as if they were star-crossed lovers staring lovingly outside the window.
“Oh, how did this get here?” Martin asked then he studied the photo, while not noticing that J.R. just went quiet as the dead.
“Tom might have been an escort, but he sure looks like a model too.” Martin wondered then his gaze drifted towards J.R.
“Are you okay, J.R.?” He asked, but she only nodded in response.
“Are you thinking about him?”
Then J.R. looked up and met her brother’s gaze, “No. Why would I?” she tried to pretend that the photo didn’t had any effect on her.
Martin sighed and placed down the picture. He gently tapped the table with his index finger then he started,
“I know you think about him, Julie. Especially after the day he returned my payment for his services.”
J.R. stared out into the windows, as if trying to fight an urge to say something.
“I know too that he loves you. I saw it in his eyes whenever he was with you. But I feared his presence might just remind you of Nathan. He only looked like Nathan, but he is another person and he can’t be compared to him.”
Now, J.R. faced Martin and said, “What are you trying to say, Kuya?”
“That he doesn’t only loves you; you love him also, am I right?”
The question felt like an arrow that pierced J.R.’s chest. Can her brother be right with what he is talking about?
“No, I--” J.R. spoke but Martin followed up,
“I’m not even mad, J.R., if you love Tom. I want you to be happy, that’s all I want to say. And that’s what you should do; find him and you will find your happiness.”
J.R. let out a deep exasperated sigh. “If only it’s too easy to do, Kuya, I would’ve done it by now.”
Martin chuckled, then he stood up with the help of his cane. “Who knows, you might see him today.”
He walked towards her and she stood up, they were ready to go out.
She took his arm then said, “Be careful what you wish for, Kuya.” J.R. sassed.
The minute Tom arrived in Renovis, he already saw the long queue that leads to the Job Fair inside. One needed to get in line just to get a visitor’s pass and booth ticket.
“Damn!” He cursed as he saw that the queue leads down almost into the business plaza of Renovis; where there are a lot of cafés and small stalls of ice cream parlors and also restaurants.
Before he went into the line, he saw a small light show and music inside the convention center and that caught his attention. He walked into the entrance of the convention center but he was stopped by the security guards wearing prestigious suits that somehow made him look like he a peasant.
“Sir, do you have a visitor’s pass and booth ticket?” One of the guards that looked as mean as Mason stopped him from going in.
“Uhm, not yet. Can’t I go inside already?” Tom demanded like a child.
“No, Sir. You have to get on the queue first, then when you have a visitor’s pass and booth ticket, only then you can go inside.”
Tom wasn’t paying attention to what the guard was saying because suddenly, the program has started. An emcee had already introduced J.R. and Tom craned his neck just to get a look at her.
But he was being kept pushed out by the guard that for a moment he lost his balance and fell on his bottom. The guard then ignored him this time, but Tom tried to peer into the glass door to see J.R..
J.R. stood up and went into the podium to speak. Tom felt breathless because even from a distance, he could feel the anticipation of seeing her again.
And not only that, J.R. took his breath away with her look today. If he could only eat his heart out right away, Tom has done it already.
J.R. then started speaking, “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First off, I want to introduce myself; My name is Julie Rose Bellegardé-Trillo, I am Sir Martin McLeod’s half sister. For those who have worked here for the past three years, they would recognize me for being Renovis’ endorser back in 2014.
“I have been in a long absence for three years; the reason why is that I got into a car accident and was comatosed for two years. I became an amnesiac for a year. But anyway, enough of that; I’m not here to talk about my past, because I’m here to talk about not only my future, but our future.”
Tom could only hear the muffled speaker that was inside the building but he fixed his gaze towards J.R. who is almost a hall away from him.
“As the new Renovis’ HR Department Head, it is my duty to ensure that the standards of hiring employees here in our company, will not just remain as the same, but to also improve. The quality of people hired will dictate the future of our corporation. But why a job fair, if you may ask; it is also for the future of our goodwill with our partners.
“The HR Department of Renovis can only hope that this event may not just help our companies, but also people who are deserving of a better professional career. Once again, good morning to all of you, and let the fair begin.”
Her speech was met with applause and there, J.R. sat back with Martin as the emcee announced other parts of the programme.
Tom stood back from the glass and the guard was still looking at him, he pointed at the queue and Tom inhaled sharply as he had no choice but to fall in line.
“Alright, alright.” Tom grumbled as he started to go over the plaza where the end of the queue is.
As soon as he got in line, he felt like something is really stopping him from even getting close to J.R..
Why is that now I wanted to be with J.R., everything seems just not to fall in place?  He thought with contempt.
He crossed his arms and hoped that he won’t have to wait for long while on this queue. And this time, destiny seems to be cutting him some slack as the queue was moving quick.
Yes! Some good sign for the day! Tom rejoiced.
While on the queue, he noticed that there are somethings that have changed with J.R.. He thought that maybe J.R. is just like that because she is herself again. Her childish side is no longer noticeable now that she’s regained her memories.
He wonders, will she even acknowledge him when they see each other? Besides, she was the one who told him to stay away.
Heck, would I even get to talk to her amidst this big crowd? In between this ocean of people wedge between the two of us? Tom pondered
As he was enveloped with his thoughts, he didn’t noticed that he was almost near the booth for the ID and ticket.
Tom is now confused whether destiny is with him or not.
After a few more minutes of falling in line, he finally received his visitor’s pass and booth ticket, to which it directed him to his first booth, and incredibly, the Renovis booth. He felt his legs move into a sprint as he wanted to get there as soon as possible.
Not caring if he bumped into somebody while running towards the glass doors of the convention center, Tom got there in a minute and the guard who stopped him earlier made him pass when he saw his ID and ticket.
Tom entered the main hall and he tried to look for the directions that leads to the Renovis booth.
Inside his mind eye, he wished that he would see her there, as an interviewer, perhaps. And maybe, just maybe, she might notice him.
Tom rehearsed it in his mind on how will he act when he finally sees J.R.. Would he smile at her? Say Hi? Or maybe go on ahead and ask if he could talk to her in private.
No, you twit, that is just insane! He scolded at himself, but then when he lifted his head, he was already at the Renovis booth and once again, there is a line that he needed to get on.
Tom, already feeling stupid and tired, still got on the line and waited for his turn to be interviewed and to have his resumé submitted.
His patience was almost waning, but Tom kept his cool, because there were thousands of scenarios that are still optional, but all of those were running up and down his mind as he devised how will he get to meet J.R. in person.
For him, it was like trying to get an autograph from his favorite actress. He blew out a raspberry as he stood in line.
Then out of the blue, a short man with balding red hair gave Tom a nudge at the back.
“Hey, you nitwit, I was there first. Why did you took my slot?”
His voice almost sounded like Bugs Bunny’s that when Tom looked back, he tried to hold a giggle.
“You think I’m talking funny at ye, eh boy?” He then threatened Tom, but he was almost a few feet shorter than him that if Tom held his balding head, he won’t be able to land a punch on his body.
“I’m sorry sir, but I got here first. I’ve been in this queue for five minutes now.” Tom explained.
“You can’t fool me! I just went over to the loo and there, you’ve taken my place!” He now screamed at Tom that made other people look over at them.
“Please, sir, I was here first.” Tom now tried to stop his lips from stretching into a smile as the balding man looked like an angry Pokémon.
To no avail, Tom finally snickered, and there, the man grabbed him by the collar and pulled his shoulders down.
“Why you--!” The man shouted but then, they heard a security guard shout at them to break the tension between the two.
Because Tom was pulled down to the balding man’s level, he had to look up to see the people standing in front of them.
His eyes popped and his jaw dropped when he finally saw her there, standing with her arms crossed in her chest, and her eyes narrowed. But still, she looked lovelier than ever to him.
“What is this, sir, what is the squabble all about? What did this man do to you?” J.R. spoke with such authority that Tom couldn’t believe his own ears that it is J.R..
“He took my slot here in the line! He’s a one cheating arsehole and a git, for all I know.” The balding man yammered on.
But J.R. only rolled her eyes, and to end this situation, she ordered, “You can take your place now, sir. But you-- come here.” She pointed out at Tom.
Her lady boss tone was somehow scaring Tom, but he didn’t cared, that lady boss is the woman of his dreams.
“Yes, Ms. Trillo?” Tom playfully replied when he was now face to face with her.
“I will have to talk to you, personally.” Then she turned to the blonde woman with glasses on her right, “Natalie, have Mr. Hiddleston escorted to my office. I will be waiting there.”
Other applicants heard J.R. and whispered among themselves while looking at Tom.
J.R. only turned her back on Tom, but he felt like he had just been sprinkled on with fairy dust that he felt like he can fly.
She disappeared among the crowd, but Natalie now caught his attention,
“This way now, follow me.” She instructed him and Tom was led to the next building, the main building itself. He was made to surrender his visitor’s pass and booth ticket for another visitor’s pass for the main building.
Natalie escorted him to the elevators to which they got up to the 19th floor; the floor that mainly belongs to HR.
Tom could feel his heart already on his throat, ready to jump out and dance about when they arrived at the 19th floor.
He wondered, whatever J.R. wanted to talk to him about. Once again, he tried to imagine what would happen once he is in J.R.’s office. Humorously, his mind went in to naughty places where J.R. might seduce him and have her way on him above her desk.
Tom had to suppress a smile and shooed the dirty thoughts away,
No brain, please, not those kind of thoughts. Tom thought.
He was led into an office with cubicles ranging from corner to corner, there, Natalie said, “Welcome to Renovis’ Human Resources Department.”
Natalie walked beyond him and Tom only followed her into the labyrinth-like office that he swore they took one or more turns that lead them nowhere J.R.’s office.
He once thought that she may only be misguiding him, but once they took the last turn, Tom saw the door to J.R.’s office.
“You can go in; wait for Ms. Trillo inside.” Natalie instructed, then Tom went in.
The interior of J.R.’s office felt like a museum for everything that represents beauty; Tom sighed at the sight of the white marble floors, the cream-colored couches and seats, and also, her wide desk made out of glass.
Behind her desk were the bookshelves and stands where framed photographs sat quietly but were very much noticeable from afar.
He approached the stand carefully and saw for the first time a photograph of Cassandra and Robert. J.R. looked exactly like the mixture of those two good-looking people; then his attention went to the other framed picture, it is a photograph of a young Martin, no older than 20, and a 12 year old J.R..
Martin was leaning on his cane while J.R. held his arm and they were both laughing when the picture was taken.
Out of all those pictures, he tried to look for at least one photograph of Nathan; but there was none. Suddenly  he wondered why J.R. would not have a picture of him.
Before he could think more about that thought, J.R. entered the room and she saw him standing over the photos. This seemed not to have caught his attention, and so, J.R. cleared her throat and,
“Mr. Hiddleston, please, if you are done ogling at my family; you can sit now.” And she pointed out the seat in front of her desk that very much looked like he was going to be interviewed for a job.
Tom tried to act formal as he quietly sat in front of her desk. J.R. took her seat after a while, then, her eyes darted towards him that made him feel a little bit terrified.
He only stared back for a minute when J.R. raised an eyebrow, “Are we just going to stare at each other or are you going to hand me your CV?”
His senses were alarmed and he clumsily fished out the transparent folder that contained his CV. After handing it out to J.R., she quickly flipped it over and read the part of his job experience.
J.R. was only quiet as she read on, but Tom craned his head up to see which part she was reading.
Without looking up at him, she said, “So, the last work you had was in a modelling agency? Then you graduated from London Metropolitan University with a degree in Psychology-- but you haven’t worked for any other company after that. Why is that?”
There, both of their eyes met; she was studying him, but Tom could only stare back at her. He knows to himself that he have missed her terribly. If only he could say it to her out loud, but the way she acted made him feel queasy.
“I-- I became an escort after the modelling agency.” Tom told it simply as that.
“And besides that, you had no other professional work whatsoever?” J.R. inquired.
“No. Just that.”
J.R. then shifted on her seat and sighed. She couldn’t keep on the charade, she knew that she had to ask him the question she really wanted to ask him.
“Why are you here, Tom?” J.R. then placed down his CV and her pen on the desk.
Tom now shifted in his seat and answered as earnest as he can, “To apply for a job. There’s a job fair today, ain’t it?”
She waved her hands off and said, “Don’t get smart with me, please, why are you really here? No-- Let me ask you the real question; why did you returned the payment my Kuya gave you?”
He could feel her confusion underneath the strict facade, but he just doesn’t get why she needed to know that.
“Because I didn’t needed the money. I did the job he offered me, because I wanted to do it not for the financial part. I realized that after everything.”
J.R.’s brows furrowed, then she got up from her chair and stood closer to Tom.
“Seriously? What do you think you are doing when you took the job? Charity? Out of your kind heart, you just did it?”
“I wasn’t worthy of that payment. I never was.” Tom sighed.
“Could you just tell me the truth why you did it? Was that a stunt or something?” J.R. couldn’t help it but her the tone of her voice became higher. She just wanted to know the truth; or maybe, she was afraid of knowing the truth from him.
He looked up to her, with his baby-blue eyes looked like it was begging for her,  “Not because of that--”
But she spoke out, “What then?”
“Because I love you!” Tom let it slip out, and that made him rouse from his seat.
J.R. had to hold on to the desk behind her when she heard those words from him, but he kept on,
“Why are you doubting me? Like you are saying that it’s impossible for me to love you? I gave back the money because I didn’t wanted it to be like you were just some common client to me. And you were never a client to me, J.R., you were something else and more.”
The passion laced within his words felt like it had reached out for J.R., that she now tried to suppress herself from embracing him.
This can’t be. He couldn’t be this honest. It’s impossible. She thought.
Tom then went for his bag and tried to dig out a medium-sized journal. When he got it out, he handed it to her but J.R. hesitated from getting it from him.
“This is a journal I wrote while we were traveling together. I wrote everything I can write, every entry was about you and even when I’m with you. If you still doubt me, even though I have worked my way through this job fair just to see you again; read it. You’ll know that I’m not lying, I do really love you, but I doubted myself because you’re way out of my league.
“What could I do at that time, J.R.? I’m just a gigolo; an escort. You were everything I ever wanted and I was just nothing.”
J.R. finally reached out for it and took it from his hands. Her eyes felt like watering but she tried to stop herself from crying.
Tom felt his heart had broken into two; he never knew that J.R. could say those things to him. Somehow he wishes, they were back to the time they first met, when everything were just simpler.
“I think I’m not up to work here or be interviewed by you. I’ve already been judged. But if you wanted to know how I really feel for you, until now-- read my journal.”
He left the room and closed the door loud and quickly.
J.R. could only her heart drum out loudly, and she felt the leather of the journal on her fingertips.
Maybe he is right. Maybe it is love. But what about I feel? She pondered.
She took a deep breath and opened the journal. The pages opened to the night that they stargazed under the Moroccan skies; how Tom withheld himself from kissing her, but wrote down how much he wanted to.
Then, she flipped it at the beginning, there she saw a list that Tom had checked already, but one was left unchecked.
It said;
    1. Make the trip to Palawan
    2. Then to Paris
   3. Lastly, to  Morocco
   4. Go to the ‘Pink House’
   5. Tell J.R. I love her then...
From #1 to #4, they were all checked; but #5 was not yet done.
J.R. felt something deep within her, like something had awakened in her. She felt brave and touched, and that she knew she had to be, if she doesn’t want to lose Tom.
Out of a sudden, she hastily placed down the journal on her desk and felt her feet step up into a sprint as she opened her door.
J.R. looked left and right to see if Tom was still there, but he was gone already.
Her breath quickened as she felt the panic stab her in the chest. Her feet still continued running over the corridor and into the maze of cubicles.
If anybody saw her, they might just think that their boss is running wild and crazy all over the office.
But, Tom was nowhere to be found and she had asked a few people if ever they saw a tall and handsome man pass by. The only answer she got was a no, and it only made her panic more.
No, Tom. You can’t go just like that. I need to be with you, and you need to be mine. J.R.’s mind only repeated those words over and over again.
Little did she know, Tom is standing and waiting for the elevator lift to pass by the 19th floor. But every time the door would open, it would be too crowded for him to get on.
And so, he stood there, with his shoulders slumped down and his hands on his pocket, while remembering the scene earlier.
Why is she doubting me? Couldn’t she see right through me? Or maybe it’s just that I never stood a chance from the beginning?
This made Tom sigh with grief. He could already hear their sympathies and see the look of pitying in their faces when he gets home.
He shook his head, trying to dismiss those thoughts. It was no use for him anymore; he tried and there he knew that some things are just impossible.
The elevator door opened but it was crammed with too much people going up. Tom cringe at the elevator attendant; he was not going inside and he is not going to jam himself in that elevator, just like he is not going to stick himself in to J.R.’s life because she had evidently made it clear that she doesn’t want him in her life.
Tom tried to smile, “No thanks, I’ll take the stairs.”
And there he left the spot he had kept for minutes and he started going down the stairs.
After a while, J.R., running as fast as she can while wearing heels, reached the elevator doors. She immediately pressed the down button, but the elevator lift is still at the 25th floor and was slowly making its way down to the 19th.
“Come on, come on. I need to get down!” She impatiently muttered as she watched the LED screen of the floor indicator.
The elevator doors opened and a mechanical ding went up; but when the doors opened, it was full of event organizers or assistants that are busy for the event at the convention center.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am, the lift is full.” The attendant told her, but it was not the time for her to be moving slow, and so,
“No! All of you out, I have to go down; it’s official business!” were the only thing she could say but she saw all of them had a look of surprise and shock.
The people inside went out, one by one; her alibi worked and now they are quickly going down to the ground floor.
As she impatiently watched the numbers on the screen, she could already imagine Tom, leaving the premises; taking a taxi back home.
She might just look for his home address and talk to him then, but she could not let him go today without telling him what she really feels for him. And that she also need to apologize for everything hurtful that she may have told him.
When she reached the ground floor, she went to the security station and informed the guards to look out for a man named Tom Hiddleston and not let him leave Renovis.
Tom, where are you? J.R. worriedly thought as her eyes searched everywhere.
Meanwhile, Tom wound up at the business plaza and saw a gelato store.
A little sweetness wouldn’t be that bad, when all I’ve got from her is bitterness. He thought to himself and there he snickered. Maybe he is just comforting himself.
He went in and saw that the place had only two or three customers who ate their gelato at their tables.
Tom chose the chocolate truffle flavor on the biggest cup to which he chose to eat it outside. He found a lonely spot near the veranda, a few steps of stairs where he can sit.
“Ma’am, we couldn’t find Mr. Hiddleston, He’s not here in the building.” a security personnel, Handel, informed J.R..
“Did anyone looked near the convention center or the business plaza?” J.R. asked him then he paused,
“No, Ma’am. Not yet.” He replied sternly.
“Well then, we’ll look for him there.” J.R. demanded, but Handel asked her,
“We, Ma’am?”
J.R. eyed him, “I’ll come with you to look for Mr. HIddleston. It’s your top priority to find him, and also mine’s.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Handel cooperatively answered.
They started making their way into the convention center, but J.R. decided to split up and she will lead a team to look for Tom at the business plaza.
It was already high noon, and the summer sun is bright and shinning over J.R., whom had a few bullets of sweat on her forehead.
Her dress was beginning to be itchy because she had walked over a few yards from the main building to the business plaza. Her feet are now aching and her knees felt wobbly. But she didn’t cared, the only thing she needed to do is to find Tom, and she doesn’t care anymore if she could get blisters on her feet.
When they arrived at the business plaza, she instructed the team of security personnel to split up once more, and that she would do her own searching.
J.R. found the dining stalls and stores, she searched how and low for Tom; whether he might be sitting alone on one of the restaurants or maybe standing next to the gelato store.
She felt desperate, and she wanted to scold herself for letting Tom go when he’s already there in front of her.
J.R. had to sit for a while as she can feel the tiresome search had already gotten into her.
She saw a veranda with a few stairs to sit upon, but when she finally got near it, she saw a man sitting there and eating a gelato, all by himself.
His blond hair and daddy-long-legs was just enough for J.R. to know that it is Tom.
She had no time to waste, J.R. ran to his side and called him, “Tom!”
He was sure that the voice that had screamed for his name is J.R., and it is not the gelato or his imagination.
Tom slowly turned his head back to see who called him, and he was not wrong at all. His eyes widened as he saw her with the frantic look on her face and a little bit haggard all over.
Tom knew the best response; he turned his head around and ignored J.R. He might just play a little hard-to-get this time.
J.R. bit her lip in anguish, and there, she stood right in front of him.
“Thomas Hiddleston, I called you!” She shouted at him while her hands were on her waist.
“There’s no need to shout, Ms. Trillo! Here, you want some gelato?” Tom invitingly offered her the gelato, but J.R. had only her brows in a furrow.
“Are you kidding me?” J.R. finally replied.
“Nope, not one bit. So, what are you doing here? You thought I already left didn’t you?” Tom teased her as he took another spoonful of gelato in his mouth.
“No. I wanted to ask you something-- that checklist in your journal... What did you wanted to do after telling me that you love me?”
Tom smiled mischievously and there, he stood up, now leveling with her gaze.
“That’s my secret. Why would I tell you that?” He then pouted at her, and he knew that she couldn’t keep another minute in a straight composure because of his teasing.
“Besides, there’s no reason anymore to let you know what I wanted to do so I could check that out of the list.” Tom scooped a big portion of the gelato and tried once again to offer it to J.R., “You sure you don’t want some? It’s good, it’s chocolate truffle.”
J.R. could only purse her lips and side-eye him, but Tom extended his hand that holds the spoon so she could reach for the gelato.
She shrugged off the pressure and then she ate the gelato on the spoon. The sweetness of the gelato and the dryness of her throat didn’t agreed to each other that she gave out a loud cough. Tom patted her shoulder and settled the cup down
When she swallowed down the sweetness, she started talking, “Tom, I want to say sorry. I really am sorry for I have said to you earlier. I want to apologize for ever doubting you... I don’t know why I doubted you; maybe it’s just that I was afraid-- I don’t know with what, but I was just scared.”
Tom loosened the teasing face and his eyes softened. She was looking through his soul, and he knew he had to listen for what she has to say.
“I was scared that I might lose you if I let you in. As you can see, it’s a tragic truth that some of the people I love are not here anymore.”
J.R. looked away and a tear-drop fell from her eye, but she continued, “But, that’s not really the point that I’m trying to get to-- What I’m trying to say is that I want to move on now, and Nathan told me so. You may not be Nathan, but you’re very much different from him--and now, I want to know you this time.
“Can you help me with that, Tom?” J.R. smiled at him.
Tom felt his chest heave and his lip tremble. Maybe, some things are not that too late, or too soon.
“I will help you with anything, Julie Rose, anything. I’ll even lend a hand so you could find your way into my arms.” He endearingly replied.
There, Tom reached for J.R.’s hand and placed over his heart; he also had tears in his eyes by that time, tears of wonderful joy.
J.R. sniffled as she took a step closer to him. Tom then placed a hand on her waist, pulling her into his body.
“Would you like to know what I would do after I tell you that I love you?” Tom’s mellifluous tone melted her right there and then, but she managed to say,
“What? What are you going to do?” J.R. looked up to him, her face just a few inches away from his.
“I will tell you that I love you, then, I will kiss you.”
J.R.’s lips stretched out into a wide smile, “It’s about damn time you check that out from your list, then.”
She closed her eyes and leaned up to meet his lips.
J.R. couldn't be more sure than this, and it is no brainer that she wants to be with Tom, and so does he.
For the very first time, Tom kissed J.R., and he swore that he could feel the butterflies in his stomach flutter stronger than before, that the fireworks in his mind-eye had just went off and everything felt so much brighter than ever.
When Tom let J.R. go for a while, she added, “Wait, you haven’t told me directly that you love me.”
“Nah, I do more than I say, baby.” Tom sweetly teased and there, J.R. giggled.
But for the second time around, she pulled him to a longer kiss.
For Tom and J.R., it was definitely a wild roller coaster ride of fake brain diseases, malevolent nurses, and terrifying cliff-sides.
Though, they could say, the road still smooths out in the end. And it isn’t just one smooth way, it was the sweetest; the greatest, and the most self-discovering end.
There is no looking back for Tom, no fear for J.R.; just loving each other is what they could only know.
It didn’t mattered whoever they are in the past; what they value the most is who they will be in the present and the future, and that is together.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 7 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 16)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 16 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: Nothing so alarming with this chapter hehe :P FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Almost near to the end ^_^ once again, thanks for all the readers’ support (especially those likes and reblogs uwu) for this fic :D It’s such a big deal for me, though :D Happy reading, dearies ^_^
J.R. has finally made peace with her past, but Tom has yet to make amends with his own future. Will that future ever involve J.R. along the way?
                                                    The familiar rain of Westminster greeted J.R. when she arrived in London.
Ah, here’s the gloomy ambiance of Merry Old London. She thought to herself as the soft pour of the rain patted against the clear windows of Heathrow.
She was met by Mr. Poe, Martin’s chauffeur. As they drove away from the airport, he asked J.R. if she wanted to return to her flat.
But she shook her head, “Please, take me to St. Matthew’s first.”
“The cemetery or the church?”
Before answering, J.R. took out the tin box from her bag, then, “The cemetery.”
On the way, she asked Poe, “Mr. Poe, do you have motor oil or anything that can burn?”
Mr. Poe suddenly took a quick look-back at J.R. “What for, Ms. J.R.?”
“Just give me what I need. You’ll see when we get there.”
Poe could only nod in reply and say nothing about what she had just asked.
After a few miles from the airport, they made a turn that leads to St. Matthew’s They passed by the church and the end of the road lead them to the graveyard.
Their car stopped by a curb, and there, J.R. got down from it.  But as soon as she came out, the rain started to pour steadily again.
“Ms. J.R., let me get you an umbrella.” Mr. Poe said to J.R. as he got out of the driver’s seat and to J.R.
J.R. took the umbrella and she started walking down the graveyard.
The dewy grasses touched the soles of her shoes, while the soft rain trickled into her umbrella. She was told that Nathan’s grave was at the farther side of the park, with a tombstone engraved in black marble.
Her eyes immediately saw it as she approached that side of the graveyard, but with her heart thumping loudly on her chest. It was as if she’s meeting him for the first time from a very long absence.
J.R. felt her hands shake as she held the tin box, but when she reached Nathan’s tombstone; all of her tensed emotions, diffused.
The tombstone said,
Nathaniel Edward Henderson September 9, 1984-August 22, 2014. A beloved son and brother. A love lost.
The last part of his epitaph made her lips quiver as she broke out into tears. J.R. felt her knees being pulled down on to his grave.
“Babe. My Nathan. I’m here.” Her voice came out like a faint cry in the midst of the rain.
Then she placed the tin box on the trimmed grass that grew on his graveyard. The longer she stared at his name, the more the memories are coming back at her.  She felt worse when she couldn’t remember anything, but now all of it are coming back to her; it’s like she’s reliving her bad dreams all over again.
But, J.R. took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a while. And there, she is ready.
“You had a letter written for me. That’s so you, Nathan. Expressing yourself through words.” She tried to joke even though her tears are falling faster than the raindrops.
She wiped them off with her sleeve then straightened herself up, “Anyways– You told me that I move on. You even said that to love someone else– and also to forget about you… I can’t forget about you. I will always remember you.”
She now placed the tin box on the grass and said, “But, I will make a promise to you– I’ll move on. Still, I will never, ever forget again my memories with you. I promise, Nathan.”
J.R. laid down her umbrella to the side until she felt the rain come down on her, then she opened the tin box. And with all of her strength, she poured the flammable oil that she asked from Mr. Poe at the things inside the box.
Goodbye, Mr. Henderson. She thought.
Then, she set the contents of the box on fire.
J.R. closed her eyes and faced the skies. The rain fell on her face and on her body and she felt, free.
She may have destroyed all of the things that connects her with Nathan; but it is the only way to set herself free.  After a while, Mr. Poe saw her drenched in the rain and the box burning. And so he ran up to her and gave her his jacket.
“Ms. J.R., whatever you are doing--if that’s some kind of ritual or what.” Poe exclaimed.
J.R. slowly smiled, then, “I am done. Take me back to my flat, please. I’ll meet with my brother tomorrow.”
Poe only nodded in reply and he took her in with the umbrella.
Finally, there is nothing that holds J.R. back anymore.
A few days after…
He grunted as he frustratingly rearranged the bills inside the overflowing luggage.
Tom placed the money back that he had taken from Martin’s payment, and he made sure that it’s all complete and taken back.
Then after a while, he heard his room door swing by with Ajay leaning on at the doorway.
“I thought you had a customer up here with all of your grunting and sighing.” He sarcastically remarked.
A few seconds later, Rosa ran into the room; only to position herself on top of the luggage and started purring and blinking at Tom.
“Come on, you fur-ball, get down from there.” Tom irritatingly sighed.
“Maybe Rosa wants the cash for herself.” Ajay joked.
Tom didn’t even gave a snicker to his joke and only scooped up his cat and place her down on the floor.
“Why are you even taking that back to Sir McLeod anyway?” He asked Tom.
Finally, Tom got to zip the luggage up that fitted well with no sign that it’s about to pop.
“Because, my good friend– I don’t deserve this money.” Tom replied.
“What?” Ajay blurted out.
Tom turned towards him and answered, “I don’t deserve any cent from that. J.R. regained her memories when she crashed her car. I didn’t do anything.”
“Ooh, don’t be too harsh on yourself, man.” Ajay then flopped down on Tom’s large bean bag.
Tom only shrugged then he placed down the luggage. “And besides, I should forget about her. I should live on with my life. She must be moving on now too.” he sat on edge of his bed and Rosa then climbed on to his lap for a scratching behind the ears.
“I think you’re the one who needs to have an Amnesia right now.” Ajay teased, and Tom retaliated with a thrown pillow.
“But why? Why do you have to forget about J.R.? I mean, you like her, don’t you?” Ajay asked.
Tom laid back on his bed and inhaled sharply.
“I just don’t like her, mate; I love her.”
Ajay’s eyes widened and the both of them were quiet for a while. Tom closed his eyes, then he heard Ajay say, “Then go for her. Tell her the truth.”
Tom sat up, “Do you think it’s that easy? Jay, she told me to stay away.”
“After her incident. Come on, Tom, she was confused that time. If you tell her what you really feel, then maybe she’ll tell you that she feels the same way.”
Tom brows furrowed, “How did you became so expert about relationships?”
“Bailey and I talk out our feelings.” Ajay explained, then Rosa now went to him to be cuddled.
“Oh.” Tom only nodded.
Tom’s gaze fell again on the luggage, “I’ll bring that over to Martin’s office this tomorrow morning.”
“Good luck, man.” Ajay only winked at him.
Tom only went quiet as he thought about what Ajay said. If only it was that easy; to tell J.R. what he really feels.
But how could he when he knows that J.R. is in the process of moving on? How could Tom be able to do it?
“Just right up the corner, mate.” Tom instructed the Uber driver on where to pull out. He paid his fare before getting out of the car, and along with the heavy luggage loaded with money.
And there in front of him stood the skyscraper of Renovis. Tom still remember that almost a few months ago when Martin hired him. And he could perfectly remember the first time he saw J.R.’s picture.
When he entered the reception hall, he was greeted by the same woman, but this time, he isn’t accompanied by Mason and McCord.
Tom gave an ID in exchange for a visitor’s ID, then, the woman noticed his luggage.
“You’re not carrying a person inside that, are you, luv?” She quipped.
“Nope. Just something important.” Tom replied sweetly.
This made the woman giggle and her kinky hair shake, “All right. Sir McLeod’s office is at the 20th. Off you go, then.”
“Thanks very much.” Tom replied with a nod.
He made his way into the elevator and pushed the button that said 20th. On the way, the elevator stopped at 11th, and a group of people came in. Then, he noticed someone that stood at the front
He held his breath as he recognized that back of that head; it must be J.R.
Is that her? Is it J.R.? He asked himself.
Only to see that it was not J.R. at all; just another woman who had the same hair as J.R. does.
But if only he could know, J.R. doesn’t wear her hair down anymore like she used to as she is now the O.I.C. and soon to be Department Head of the Human Resource.
And meanwhile, at the 19th floor, J.R. had just arrived. As she walked into the front lobby and into the hallway of cubicles; her assistants are already in place to greet her for the morning.
“Janice, how are the memos coming up?” J.R. asked as she and her assistants followed her towards her office.
“Already printed and ready for your signature, Ma'am.” Janice replied.
“Bertie, have you told Mrs. Purefoy about the new format of the employee evaluation forms?” She now turned to the bespectacled man with a moustache that is walking beside her.
“It’s all done, Ma'am. Mrs. Purefoy already has a copy.” He then checked something out of his notes.
Then, a woman, just as tall as J.R., almost ran into her but stopped just exactly at the right moment to hand J.R. a cup of coffee.
“Ma'am. Espresso with no sugar.” Natalie offered.
J.R. took it quickly and had a sip, and she narrowed her eyes at Natalie after.
“This is so damn good, Natalie.” J.R. had a cheerful tone that lifted Natalie’s spirits up.
“I’m glad that you liked it, Ma'am.” She replied giddily.
When they arrived at the door of her office she quickly turned as she remembered something,
“By the way, has my brother arrived?” She asked the three of them.
But before they could answer, J.R. said, “On second thought, I’ll just check on him later, myself.” And she closed the door with a smile at them.
Bertie exhaled deeply, “Well, let’s get to work. Chop, chop, ladies.”
Tom carried the luggage so it wouldn’t drag on at the carpet-covered floor of the 20th. When he approached the table of Martin’s secretary, she greeted him,
“I know you– Mr. Hiddleston. What brings you here?” Her puffy eyes lit up when they met glances.
“Hi there, uhm, Ms. Davenport. Is Sir McLeod in?” Tom asked courteously.
She shook her head then, “He’s still with a investors’ meeting at the 30th. But he’ll be back at 12, would you like to wait for him?”
Tom gestured with his hands and said, “Oh no! It’s better that he doesn’t see me at all. Anyways, I’m giving him back the payment he gave me– for my services.” And he tapped the luggage.
“All of it? But, Sir McLeod already took that from his personal account–”
“But I don’t need it, Ms. Davenport. I’m giving it back.” Tom insisted.
But Ms. Davenport asked again, “But why?”
Tom sighed and looked away, “I don’t deserve this money. I did it in the first place not because of the money; I did it for J.R.”
They went quiet for a while. But Tom wanted his visit to be quick and so, “I’ll be going now. Please tell Martin I said Hi.” And then, he turned his back on the secretary and headed for the elevator door.
The moment he went down, Tom would never realize who has come up from the 19th through the stairs; it was J.R..
She headed directly at Martin’s office when she saw Ms. Davenport dragging a large luggage inside.
“Whatever is that, Ms. Davenport?” She pointed out at the luggage.
“It’s a returned payment for Sir McLeod.” Then she huffed as she tugged on the handle of the luggage.
“From whom?” J.R. asked, and she sounded confused.
“Mr. Hiddleston–” And Ms.Davenport took the luggage behind the doorway of Martin’s office.
“Tom? Tom Hiddleston?” J.R. inquired curiously.
“Yes. That escort your brother hired. He said that he doesn’t deserve the payment and that he did his job because of you.”
For a while, J.R. felt her heart stop. She asked herself, why would someone like him say such things? That he did it because of her? She felt a warm feeling in her chest that she tried to dismiss.  
J.R. cleared her throat “I’ll be going now. Please just inform me if Kuya has arrived.”
“Will do, Ms. J.R..”
She continued walking down the stairs but she felt dazed. She kept asking herself why would Tom return such a great amount. J.R. suddenly questioned herself; does it mean that she meant something far greater to Tom than she could know? Did Tom fell in love with her, truly?
J.R. tried to shake away those thoughts but she only found herself pondering as she leaned her back flat on the wall.
She wondered, maybe Tom was just being kind. But there is an another side in her telling her that Tom is being more than kind to give back all the money.
Don’t be stupid. He’s an escort. They’re not supposed to fall in love with their clients. She explained to herself. Her mind may accept that answer, but her heart does not.
At the ground floor, Tom is now contemplating on what he would say to Ajay that he never got the chance to talk to J.R. But even if he did, Tom would only lose it and tell J.R. that he loves her right there and then.
It's most likely I would do just that. But I don’t want to embarrass myself either.
Tom could only shake his head and chuckle to himself. As he is about to pass by the reception hall, he saw something along a table, surrounded by two couches.
It was a thick ream of small flyers that had something written on it that caught his attention. The flyer is crafted with the words Job Fair.
Tom went over the table to pick up the flyer. His eyes searched for something that he felt like he wanted to see. What he only read from the start to finish are the companies that are going to participate; still sponsored by Renovis. Tom was about to put down the flyer until he saw something that surprised him.
Opening remarks to be spoken by the new HR Department Head, Ms. Julie Rose Trillo.
Tom’s whole body froze as he tried to read that over and over again.
J.R. will be there. She will be there… And I need to see her.
He immediately placed the flyer on his pocket, and paused for a while before leaving. But he went on his way; with a bright smile on his face as he left the building. He knows that he will see J.R. again, and that he will make it happen no matter what.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 7 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 15)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 15 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: Just two chapters left! Oh no. But at least, this chapter contains a few bittersweet moments, but not that serious though. FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Once again, for all the readers, thank you very much for following this fanfic. I mean, without your likes and reblogs, I wouldn’t be able to continue to have a motivation to write this. I should save all the gratitude for the last chapter anyways :D Thanks a lot dearies ^_^
When J.R. told Tom to stay away, he wouldn’t dare disobey her. And now, he is leaving Baguio City; would he also leave the good memories?
Meanwhile for J.R. and Martin, Macky is still their problem, or is it?
He zipped his baggage up and then took his satchel bag on his right arm.
It has been five days since he was shot and the wound on his left arm is healing.
J.R., on the other hand, has not been discharged yet, Donnie had told him. They are still analyzing her CAT scans, while Martin arrived two days ago, but Tom didn’t talked to him or met with him. He wanted to leave, not bearing any good memories from them; because it will just hurt more for him.
Before leaving the room, he let out a sigh and looked around.
Goodbye, Baguio City. He thought.
Slowly, he made his way out of the corridor and into the living room.
He looked up over his right; and then he saw J.R.’s room. Tom couldn’t resist it, he went upstairs to look at her room for the last time. The door was open and her bed had already been changed to new bed sheets. But her portraits still hung over the wall, and they were so captivating as ever.
Tom inhaled slowly as he felt his heart weigh his chest down with sadness. And suddenly, all of the memories of J.R. flashed over his mind-eye;
The first time he saw her; her smile when he sang her a lullaby so she could sleep; when J.R. slipped and fell into his arms when they were in the shore in Palawan; but of all the memories he loved the most was when he kissed her forehead.
He placed his fingers on his lips, as if feeling once again the way he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Told you, mate... You’ll never get the girl. He pondered to himself.
Before Tom could stare out longer at J.R.’s portraits, he left the room and went downstairs.
He quickly grabbed his baggage and was ready to go. But there was a side in him that wanted to stay and be with J.R.
Don’t be dumb! She told you to stay away, and that is what you are going to do… You’ll go home and forget about her. There is nothing for you here now.
He shook his head of all the sentiments and pain. He has to move on, or he’ll be buried with the pain of losing J.R. ultimately.
And with all of his strength, he walked towards the doorway and with that, he said his goodbyes.
Goodbye, Julie Rose. ——–
Three Weeks Later…
The afternoon sun shone from the frosted windows of the room. It had been a hot day that sweat glistened from Macky’s neck, then came rolling down to her orange detainee uniform.
She was to be interrogated today and she knows that it would be a lawyer sent by Martin. Her patience was beginning to shrink in every minute passed that she was left alone in that empty room.
Then, the door was opened, and it was not a lawyer at all that entered the room– it was Martin, followed by J.R..
She almost gasped when she saw how J.R. looked now; she still had a wound on the side of her forehead that had a small patch of gauze on, but her hair was neatly tucked behind in an elegant bun, and her clothes; cream-colored blouse and black slacks. She was herself again, not the childish and almost disabled self that Macky had caused her to be.
They both sat down opposite Macky who is restrained in handcuffs. She eyed J.R. as she sat down slowly to face her.
“Julie Rose. You are yourself again.” Macky gave a mocking remark.
“I know, and you’re not blind, Macky; I know you can see me now, alive and well, and also restored of my memories.” J.R. sarcastically retaliated.
“What have we done to you, for you to do this to us, Criselda? Did we mistreat you?” Martin began bitterly. He used her name instead of her nickname, and there Macky knew that Martin is intimidating her but it won’t work.
J.R. placed a gentle hand on her brother’s arm and nodded at him, “Kuya, let me.”
But Macky snickered, “What? You’re going to use on me your conversational skills.”
J.R. stared directly at her, but not with anger, instead, with gentleness.
“I want to ask for your forgiveness, Macky.” She said it with such sincerity that anyone would think that J.R. may have lost her mind.
But she continued, “Can I also tell you a story? The story when you came into our lives?”
Macky did not said anything, she is waiting for where J.R. is getting on.
“Mama told me that I will have a big sister, and I was so happy because I have a big brother, then I will have both sibling– then I saw you, do you remember that?”
She indeed do remember that time-- a little and adorable J.R. running to her for a tight embrace as soon as she arrived in their home.
“Since then, I’ve always loved you, Macky. But through the years, I became distracted with school, my friends, my work and everything that, I forgot about you.”
Slowly, J.R. reached for her hand, and Macky could see that tears fall from her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Macky… I know you may never forgive me, but– I’m deeply, truly sorry.” J.R. tearfully said.
But, Macky withdrew her hand away from J.R..
J.R. wiped her tears away with Martin’s handkerchief. Macky remained resilient with her pride.
“But– I also love Kuya, and that I will obey him.”
Then she looked at Martin so he could take over the conversation.
“J.R. wishes that we will not file any charges against you; we will forget everything you have done to our family. But, you will be cut off from Mama’s will. Every financial savings, investments and even credit cards that belonged to you--will be taken away from you.” Martin then clenched his jaw and sat back.
Macky couldn’t help but draw back a sob from her throat, “You are not incriminating me– to let me suffer on my own?!”
Martin slammed the table with his fist, “That is not enough for what you have done to J.R.! You are lucky that she convinced me not to file charges!”
Then J.R. held Martin’s elbow to hold him. “Kuya, please…” She whispered.
Martin exhaled through his nose in anger, and so J.R. took over again,
“That is what at least that we can do for you, Macky.” She explained.
“Leave me, that is what you can do for me.” Macky sneered at them.
Martin was about to say something, but J.R. held tight on to his elbow again, so he would not speak out again.
“Then we will. Goodbye, Macky.” J.R. spoke out so softly.
J.R. stood first to help Martin stand up. Martin immediately turned his back, but J.R. stole a glance from Macky, who was fuming and in tears. When they finally left, she bursted into with violent tears.
She could feel it all; the anger, guilt, and pain.
She never knew that J.R. would bring herself to say such things, such as that she loves her; even though, she has done worse things to her.
But to think that she may have to rebuild herself once again, not just her financial status that she recently lost; but her reputation and her promise to fulfill her job as a nurse and caregiver.
Macky only cried to herself alone. And somehow she accepted, it’s not J.R.’s fault in the first place, it was hers all along. ——
When Martin and J.R. went back home, they both sat together in the quiet living room, and with two strawberry taho (soy) and also some potato chips as their snack.
They ate together and talked. Martin started,“J.R., would you forgive me, for hiring Tom so he could be Nathan?”
J.R. paused for a while before answering the question. It has been weeks since Tom left and this is the first time that the two of them talked about Tom.
“I know that you saw no other way for me to get well, Kuya. But there is nothing to forgive. Tom may have looked so much like Nathan; but he will never be a Nathan in my life.”
He exhaled slowly as if letting go of a big burden, then J.R. laughed at her because she said that he looked like a kettle whistling. They both laughed and jeered at each other, like they always did before. Martin was just in a bliss that J.R. is now herself again.
Her disease was never there, that Macky had been conniving with J.R.’s new neurologist that they invented a fake disease so Martin wouldn’t notice that Macky is feeding her up with ketamine.
J.R. would’ve had a fast recovery if not for Macky. But when she crashed her car and hit her head, she told Martin; that is when her memories were fully restored.
Martin shoved four pieces of chips in his mouth, then J.R. said to him, “What do I do now, Kuya?”
Martin tried to speak with his mouth full, but J.R. giggled and stopped him, saying that he should finish his food first.
When he was done he said, “What do you want to do, J.R.? Would you like to go back to modelling again?”
J.R. only looked away and closed her eyes for a second. She suddenly imagined Nathan holding a camera, viewing her from an eyepiece. But she looked back at Martin.
“No. That’s a busy world to live in. And I don’t want to get caught up again with that. I guess I am done with that phase in my life.” She sighed then placed her hands on her lap.
“You could go home with me in London. There’s a job waiting for you there.” He smiled when he mentioned job.
“What job?” She inquired quickly.
“Mr. Woodley has retired as head of HR in Renovis, I guess he needs a replacement. At least an OIC, like you.”
J.R. gasped, “Kuya! I mean– you would give that position to me? Shouldn’t I start from the bottom?”
“You already hit rock bottom, luv. Now, you need to be on top again; to get you back to the present world.” Martin encouraged.
J.R. embraced Martin, “Oh Kuya, thank you very much!”
He laughed as J.R. gave him a tight hug.
J.R. let go for a while and she said, “I promise that I won’t let you down.”
Martin patted her head, “You never did, J.R.. And I know you will make a good HR Department Head.”
J.R. smiled so sweetly, something Martin missed and now seeing again for a very long time.
“Ready to go home? To Westminster?”
“Ready as ever, Kuya.”
J.R. has everything back again. But one was missing, and that is undeniably Nathan. But she thought to herself, is he the one really missing in her life?
On the other hand, Tom did left without any goodbyes. But deep inside, she didn’t wanted to say to herself that she lost Tom because to begin with, he was never hers.
I could never tell if what I felt for him was just an illusion. An imaginary love for a man that I may never meet again.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 8 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 14)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 14 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: Once again, there would be a scene with blood (No, I’m not gonna theatrically gasp for that haha :P), and feels ahead, dearies, oh no! FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: There are only 3 chapters left for Mr. Perfect, but still, I want to thank the readers of THF for the love that they are giving this humble fanfiction of mine ^_^ thanks a lot and lovelots! ^_^
Everything has reached full circle as the mystery behind Macky's true motives had been revealed. J.R. may have survived the crash, but can Tom still reach out to her when she's in between mourning for Nathan and remembering who Tom really is?
Tom immediately pulled up at the narrow pedestrian lane. He went out of the car to run over the direction where J.R.’s car fell.
“Julie Rose!” He shouted again, with such agitation. Tom could never know what to expect; J.R.’s car must have fallen into a deep ravine, or crashed down. But the worst thought his mind can come up with is J.R. dying from the car crash.
No, not my baby. Not J.R.
Tom repeated those words to himself over and over again as he ran towards the curve.
After running almost five meters and to where J.R. crashed, he let out a sigh of relied and a sob when he saw that J.R. did not crashed in a cliff at all but in a rice paddy. It was all too dark on the road that no one could know if the side of the road is a cliff side or farms.
Tom immediately got down from the wrecked railing and into the rice paddy.  He saw that the airbag puffed out of the steering wheel, but it was pierced by shards of glass that J.R. still hit her head on the wheel.
“J.R.?! I’m here now, please wake up!” Tom exclaimed as he tried to make his way from the muddy trail of the rice paddy.
He saw blood dripping from her forehead, and then Tom felt the panic trying to claw its way out of his chest when he saw J.R. is still unconscious.
Even though his shoes were deep in mud, he continued to walk towards the driver’s seat. When he reached the window, he placed his forefinger and middle finger in a spot in J.R.’s left wrist to feel her pulse.
It was a steady beat under her skin, and her back is moving up and down indicating that she is still breathing.
But Tom did not dare move her if he wanted to break some of J.R.’s bones that is. He needed to call rescue for this kind of situation.
“J.R., baby, I’m here. Can you hear me?” He gently called out to her and he saw her stir and her eyes almost open. Tom steadied his breathing as he didn’t wanted his panic and relief mix.
Then he took out his phone to search for the local emergency number and to call out for an ambulance. When he found one, he dialed the number and their answer was an immediate, “Baguio Med Center, how may I help you?”
Tom breathed in before answering, “There’s an emergency here, near town proper, just past Zephyr Village. Please send an ambulance, there’s been a car accident.” Tom could see the mist of his breath come out as he talked. The cold weather was hovering all over him.
Tom told them to send the ambulance immediately and he was answered by an assurance that the respond team would arrive in 10 minutes.
He ended the call and hoped that the rescue would come quick. He also thought if Donnie had already called the police, when suddenly, he heard a gunshot near his feet.  He jumped from his shock and when he looked up, he saw Macky standing near the railing, holding up her gun. “You could’ve let her die by not calling an ambulance.”
Tom grimaced and tried to take a step forward but, Macky pulled the hammer of her gun. “Nu-uh. Not one step further, Tommy boy.”
Tom is immovable with Macky pointing her gun at him. Then she spoke again, “You could’ve been by my side if you weren’t so smitten with J.R.! I could’ve included you in my plans; to dispatch J.R. then have for ourselves the part of Cassandra and Robert’s will! But you’re just too stupid, listening to your heart over your head– well boohoo!” She spat the last words at Tom, trying to mock him.
He breathed in and threw a retaliation at her, “I may be stupid for loving J.R., I will admit that. But it’s the only thing I have done that I am proud of. I’d rather die than help you, Macky. You’re way beyond help, lady.”
Macky chewed her lip angrily, then, she squeezed the trigger. For a while, Tom felt a hot stinging pain go through his left arm, near the shoulder. He only realized that Macky shot him when he already fell on to the mud of the rice paddy.
He didn’t screamed out in pain, but what he heard next were blaring sirens of police cars. It was as if the volume of his ears were turned down and he could only hear a loud thud; a warning shot from a police officer.
Macky were to run away if the police have not fired a warning shot. Bit by bit, everything became hazy to him; the police arresting Macky, people climbing down the railing and coming towards him; and the blue and red lights of the patrol cars.
He glanced at his shoulder to find that a big blot of red has appeared in it; his blood has covered almost a quarter of his shirt.  After seeing that, Tom fainted.
“Sir, can you hear me? You are in Baguio Med now.” A voice of a woman called for him. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on a thin-cushioned bed in the emergency room.
“Where’s J.R.? What happened?” He whispered weakly.
“You fainted after you got shot. But we have removed the bullet. Ms. Trillo is already admitted now.”
Tom tried to sit up; the clear light of the operating lamp blinded him. But he suddenly remembered something, that when he tried to move quick, his wound bled from the bandages.
“Please try not to force yourself.” The gentle nurse carefully warned him.
“My belongings? Where did you put them? The box?” He started to sound desperate when he tried to stand up. They had changed him into a hospital gown that was a bit too small for him.
“The police brought it with you. Do you want me to give it to you?”
Tom only nodded in response, then she went over the counter and took out the box, his watch and wallet from a cardboard box. When it was handed to him, he saw blood had soaked into the leather of his watch. He was handed also the box, then he felt the coldness of the tin box in his palm.
“Tell me, Miss, where is Ms. Trillo’s room?” Then he winced when he tried to move his left arm.
“The female ward is at the 2nd floor, south wing. Why?”
He was now on his feet and ready to go, but the nurse worriedly placed her hands on his shoulders, to get him back on his place. But she tried to reach for his shoulders, and she can only give up as Tom was too tall for her.
“Please, Sir, you need to take a rest first.” She instructed.
“But I need to talk to her! Please, Miss.” Tom begged. He flashed her his signature puppy-dog eyes. The nurse tried to resist, but those beautiful blue eyes were torturing her.
“Agh! Okay! But I you have to be back here in 10 minutes or I will surely get a scolding from Doc Ibañez!” She replied helplessly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it.” He winked at the poor nurse who was hyperventilating because she was just too smitten by Tom.
The nurse placed his arm in a sling before he could visit J.R.
Tom assured that he could walk by himself, then he went out of the ER. He took careful steps through the corridors, holding carefully the tin box on his hand. He was thinking how J.R. is doing, if she's got no broken bones or if she's in pain right now.
With this, his steps went faster and faster every turn in the corridor. The grip he had on the box tighten when he thought of her face; is she in pain or maybe in agony? Tom couldn't help but think about what J.R. is feeling now and the knots in his stomach won't go away unless he sees her breathing and safe.
The sign to the female ward flashed at the end of the corridor that leads to the south wing. He wasn't told enough about J.R.'s room number but he asked a security guard where is the room she might be possibly in.
The security guard pointed at him the last room at the left side of the narrow corridor of the female ward. Tom couldn't wait, his steps got quicker even though his wound hurts every time he would step on his left side. When he reached it, he softly knocked on the door and it was opened by Donnie.
"Tom! How are you? I heard you got shot!" Donnie exclaimed, maybe the memory of Macky pointing the gun at him still terrified him till now.
"I'm okay now, Donnie. May I come in?"
"Yeah sure. Everyone's here to take shifts on watching over Ms. J.R.."
When Donnie said everyone, it was every one of the house helps that are present and watching over J.R. Manang Belen; Romnick, their gardener; some of the women that are wives to the caretakers and a woman to whom Donnie introduced to Tom as his wife, Analyn.
Then there's J.R.; lying peacefully in the bed, with a purple bruise on the left side of her pale face, and a cut on her lip. There was a bandage wrapped around her forehead, covering the injury she has.
He wanted to run to her side and kiss just her hand so badly. But he had to restrain himself, because there were too many people inside the room.
Then Tom leaned in to Donnie to ask him something, "Where's Macky?"
Donnie whispered his answer, "She's detained now at the police station. I know that Sir Martin is very angry that he would be here in Baguio, the day after tomorrow," then he sighed, "I never really knew that Ma'am Macky is capable of something like that-- I mean, she pointed a gun at my face, Tom!"
He tapped Donnie's shoulder so he wouldn't exaggerate, "That's all over now, mate. You can calm down."
Then, they all gasped when they saw J.R. stir up and open her eyes for the first time that night.
Tom felt his heartbeat skip when he saw her trying to sit up. He instinctively went beside her to help her, but Manang Belen and Analyn already helped her.
"Manang Belen? Donnie? You're all here." She mumbled weakly as her throat was sore from the crash.
"Analyn! *Andito ka rin... I thought that Macky sent you away?" J.R. reached for her hand.
Analyn was J.R.'s previous caregiver, but Macky sent her away when she said that she would take over in taking care of J.R.
"I'm so sorry, Ms. Julie, if I left you; I had no choice. I knew that maldita was up to no good." Analyn tearfully replied as she placed J.R.'s hand on her hands and held it tenderly.
Then, for a moment, J.R.'s eyes flickered at the side, and there she saw Tom.
Her face froze and her eyes widened with surprise as she laid her eyes on him. She couldn't be dreaming, but she knows that this man is not Nathan. He is not the man she loved and lost.
"Hi, J.R.." Tom could only brush the back of his head with his hand as he shyly mumbled the words out of his lips.
"You are Tom, right?" She asked him.
Tom couldn't find the right words to say, and so Donnie spoke out, "Magkape muna tayo, guys." and with that he urged them to go out and get coffee.
He also nudged some of them and they understood that Tom and J.R. needed to talk alone.
When they are all alone, Tom inhaled sharply and spoke, "I am. My name is Tom Hiddleston."
J.R. eyes softened as she studied his face. "God, you look just like Nathan. In every way."
Tom then took a step forward and spoke again, "You're brother, Sir McLeod, hired me-- to bring back your memories, by pretending to be Nathan, and by reliving your moments with him."
J.R. only curled her legs closer to her body and placed her hands on her forehead, that covered her eyes. "You are not, Nathan. You were never him." She whispered, as if in any moment she would break down and cry.
"I might not be him, but... I know what I felt for you."
She looked up at him and she thought, What he felt? What does he feel for me?
"Please leave me." She replied bleakly.
"J.R., I can't--" Tom begged but she cut him off,
"Please! Just... Leave me alone."
Tom heaved a quiet sigh and tried to bite his lip or he may just cry right then. But before obeying her, Tom got closer to her side and placed the tin box near her feet.
"Macky kept that all this time. So that, you may never remember again, she said." A tear fell from his eye by saying this. And he feared that it would be followed by more.
He left it and turned back, and he went ahead and left the room. Tom saw Donnie and the rest of them actually waiting outside. He didn't said anything to Donnie when he passed by him, he only shook his head and left.
J.R. slowly took the tin box in her hands. She could already feel the tears streaming over her cheeks as she opened the box. When she opened the latch, she saw under the cover the words, To my dearest Babe-- My wedding gift for you.
J.R. couldn't help it, she finally burst into tears as she recognized the handwriting to those words-- It was Nathan's.
Inside the box was every thing that had become a part of their relationship. It contained every souvenir that J.R. never knew Nathan faithfully kept.
A receipt from the first time they met; Nathan bought her a milk tea drink in a photo shoot that gave way for them to know each other. A baller that J.R. gave Nathan to put around on the lens of his camera.
There was a bracelet, that Nathan gave her when they went to Palawan. Then, amidst the souvenirs and memorabilia, was a small blue velvet-covered box and below it, a letter. She took it along with the letter.
J.R. hesitated to open the small box; but she still did, even though tears are now blurring her sight, and then there it is, a ring with a large ruby stone in the middle of it. Nathan's engagement ring for her.
Her chest convulsed with sobs and her throat dried up as she cried. She couldn't stop herself from crying as she saw all of those things. As bravely as she could, J.R. opened the letter. And it said;
    To my dearest Babe,
    If you are reading this now, Julie Rose, it means that I am now gone and     had already left this world. I convinced my nurse right now to write me a     letter for you. Just to say goodbye, you know.
    I know that you may have already found the little blue box. It’s an engagement ring for you, Babe. It’s also your birthstone, ruby.
    I know I won’t be there to ask you ‘Will you marry, me?’ or maybe watch  you walk down the aisle, wearing a wedding dress that would look like it was made out of magic, that we would be like in a fairy tale dream ending. The Prince in a white tux marries his beloved Princess.
    I’m sorry, Babe, for ignoring you for days. I just needed to always rehearse for my proposal and I got so worried for the ring that I got so nervous whenever I’m with you. You know me, I’m the tensed kind of guy.
    I’m sorry for a lot of things. Truly.
    J.R., I need you to know that you are the greatest thing that have come into my life. Unfortunately, I am the one who is not meant to stay.
    But there’s one thing I need you to do for me; FORGET ABOUT ME.
    Forget everything about me. Instead, live your life to the fullest. Do everything on your bucketlist, like you always told me; travel anywhere you like; be an actress like you always dreamed of; find a guy ,better, if not, as handsome as I did.
    But just forget about me. Don’t look back, Babe, just forward.
    I will always be with you. No matter what and you know that. There are also people who will take care of your and will never leave your side; Martin, Analyn and Donnie; Manang Belen and everyone else.
    But remember this; I will always love you. To the last heartbeat and to my last breath, ‘literally’.
    I love you, Julie Rose Bellegardé Trillo.
                                                                                Your one and only,                                                                                          N. H.
J.R. held the letter close to her heart as she cried quietly.
The physical pain that she felt was nothing to be compared to the pain of every memory that she now remembers. She could remember every thing now with Nathan, even the night he died.
"Babe, I'm sorry--It's all my fault..." She cried out, her breath ragged with sobs and her eyes stung because of the tears.
Manang Belen and Analyn heard her cry, and so they came for her and comforted her. But as she cried and cried, J.R. thought-- the souvenirs or even the ring, is not what Nathan had left of; but it is the pain of losing him.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 8 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 13)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 13 AUTHOR: miss-m-and-her-blog WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: There’d be some swearing, and a few scene with blood involved *gasps*, haha :P FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Thank you so much for the love that the readers gave the Girl in the rain, I really appreciated it! :D once again, happy reading to y’all, dearies! ^_^
The enemy was never too far away for J.R., and Macky is just beginning to lay down her plans. Whatever her wrath may bring, can destroy not only J.R. but also Tom. But can Tom stop Macky before it’s all too late?
                                                    Her nightmares had come creeping up in her dreams again, that J.R. bolted right up; she forced herself out of it, and now she has bullets of sweat on her forehead. J.R. was trying to catch her breath, and she felt her chest heave so quick like it had never did before.
“Nathan? Macky? Anyone?” She called out into the darkness of her room, hoping someone would come and comfort her after the horror of her nightmares.
There was no response, and so, she stood up from her bed and started to walk down the stairs.
When she went outside of her room, the whole house had no lights on, apart from the faint light she saw coming from one of the rooms at the other side of the corridor.
That’s Macky’s room. She thought to herself.
She carefully tiptoed, hoping to discover what is happening. But she felt her head throb and her heart race that blurred her vision; and she wasn’t really tiptoeing but walking with staggering steps.
After a few minutes, she was almost near Macky’s room, she saw that her door was partly open, but not revealing who was behind that door.
She heard hushed conversations, but then, her curiosity made her wanted to see who were the people talking to each other. J.R. felt nervous, she doesn’t really know what to expect behind the door.
She heard a high voice, that she knew was the voice of a woman, probably Macky.
J.R. approached the door and opened it, and what she witnessed was the monster of her nightmares; the two-headed monster.
Tom couldn’t push Macky away as she kissed him, because he wanted her to trust him so he could know where does she keep that collection of memorabilia from Nathan.
For a moment, Tom thought that he would be taken away by Macky’s kisses, because he had to admit that she is a great kisser. Her hands roamed everywhere, and that she also made his hands touch every part of her body.
But then, their moment was interrupted by a loud gentle gasp. There, they saw J.R. standing over the doorway, with her palms clasping her mouth shut.
Once again, the memory of that night came back to her, as if it’s happening again at that moment; the two-headed monster connected by their lips in her dreams weren’t monsters at all, but it was Nathan and Macky, entangled in a deep kiss.
“No… Nathan, how could you?” J.R.’s words came out like a sob from her throat.
“Oh no– J.R., this is not what you think it is!” Tom tried to explain, but Macky interrupted him,
“It is what you are thinking! Tom is not Nathan, because he is dead! If you weren’t so much of a prissy bitch with the flair for drama and shit, he would still be alive! If you didn’t made him chase you, he would still be alive until now!”
J.R. shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes, “No, he’s still alive! Nathan’s been with me the whole time!”
This time, Macky was beginning to look more angrier by the second.
“It’s all your fault!” She screamed at her until she lunged at J.R. to grab her hair by the scalp.
“Stop it!” Tom shouted at them as J.R. tried to get away from Macky’s claws. It was as if Tom wasn’t even there that Macky forgot to withhold herself from attacking J.R.
Tom tried to piece them out, but Macky pushed him away. J.R. let out a high-pitched scream as she also yank down Macky’s hair, but after kicking Macky on the shin, J.R. finally got away from Macky’s grasp. As fast as she could, J.R. ran away.
“J.R.!” Tom shouted as he was about to run after J.R., but Macky stopped him,
“No! Let her run! To hell with her!” Macky angrily shouted out, that Tom knew people would begin to suspect what is happening inside the house.
Tom knew that his plan had backfired, and that he needs to do something else.
He grabbed her by the elbow and spun her to face him, “Macky, you must tell me where you keep Nathan’s belongings.” He ordered her.
But Macky’s face twisted into a terrible yet beautiful frown, “I fucking knew it! You still want J.R. over me! You still want her to regain her memories!” Then she tried to slap him but Tom stopped her hand.
“Tell me where it is! Please, Macky! Or I’ll force you to tell me where you are hiding it.” Tom spoke with such roughness that Macky never knew he is capable of it.
Tom watched her face, until her eyes wandered and glanced over him and into her cabinet behind him.
He looked over and followed her gaze, “It’s there isn’t it?”
And with one split moment, they found themselves struggling to stop each other on opening the cabinet.
“You can’t! J.R. deserves to forget!” Macky squealed with frustration, but she couldn’t stop Tom from reaching out, and so, she clawed his neck and face.
Tom yelped in pain, because her fingernails dug deep into his neck. And with an instinctive move, he elbowed her face that she fell flat on her back with a bloody nose.
For a while, Tom gasped that he might have killed Macky as she stopped moving and her nose was bleeding. But, there was no time to lose, he searched her cabinet in each of its corner, until he found a rectangular tin box.
This is it. He thought.
He held it on his hand, but he had no time to check the contents; he only found himself running out of the room to chase J.R.
—– It was all happening to her again; the betrayal, the fear, and most of all the pain.
She frantically ran down the stone steps, as she intended to run away from that place. It is dinner time and all of the house helps are having their meal at their own boarders, but not for Donnie who was watching over the vehicles at the garage while chewing on betel leaves.
He was having a quiet time by himself when he heard someone running toward the cars.
And from the faint illumination of the lamp, he saw J.R., crying and frantic as she searched for a car to use. She was banging on some of the SUVs at the front entrance of the garage, until she found one with an open door of the driver’s seat.
“Ms. J.R.? What are you doing? You should be resting by now.” Donnie said as he stood up from his seat, but J.R. only gave him a look of fear and pain.
She ignored him at once and got on to the car and started the engine.
This time, Donnie was alarmed. He tried to stop her but she already drove out of the garage.
“Oh, shit.” He muttered.
J.R. had no idea how she is able to drive that car, but what was confusing her were the memories bursting in and out of her mind.
She couldn’t see the road ahead but what she could see was Nathan; the time she went with her in Palawan; the photo shoot in Paris with Alex; the night they stargazed under the skies of Morocco, and also yesterday when they visited her mother’s grave.
All of these memories came pouring down, but suddenly she thought, that man that she’s with all the time– he is not Nathan.
But who is he? Why does he look like Nathan? J.R. repeatedly asked herself, she also thought, he betrayed her like Nathan did. He kissed Macky, as did Nathan. He gave in, and she felt twice the pain she felt that night.
Her car drove on and the gates opened for her. With a trail of dust, she left home.
After a few moments that J.R. left, Tom saw Donnie standing over the garage entrance, scratching his head while his face twisted into a laughable worry.
“Donnie! What happened here? Did J.R. came by here?!” He shouted at him while he quickly descended from the stone steps.
“Ms. J.R. just ran away– on a car! What is happening, Tom?” Donnie begged for the truth, but Tom could only answer,
“There’s no time to tell; I need to go for her. I will need a car, Donnie.”
Tom sounded so convincing to Donnie that he immediately got a key from the cabinet and pointed Martin’s car for him to use. Tom had no time to thank Donnie, but he tapped his shoulder and then he dashed into the driver’s seat and started the car.
Before leaving, he said to Donnie, “Call the police, I need help on finding J.R.. And also call Martin, tell him that I’m right about Macky.”
He started to drive away and left Donnie now dazed and confused.
But Donnie took out his phone from his pocket and started to dial the local police’s number.
Macky felt her nose wet and in pain as she struggled to sit up with her elbows.
“Fuck.” She swore under her breath.
For a while, she let her nose bleed down. But as soon as she was on her feet, her eyes darted on the empty cabinet, where she hid Nathan’s box.
Macky knelt over there and tried to reach for something else, then she spoke to herself , “No. You can’t take everything away from me. I lost Nathan, but this time, Tom will be mine.”
She then took out a .45 automatic that she has also hidden there. Her hand pulled back the barrel of the gun.
“Time to practice my shooting skills, then.”
Donnie stood fazed as Tom had already left with the other car. “Now what do I do?” He asked himself, but someone else spoke for him, “Give me the keys of the van, Donnie.” Macky answered.
When Donnie looked back and saw the muzzle of Macky’s gun pointing at his face. He whimpered in fright as Macky pushed the barrel closer to his forehead.
“Please, Ma'am Macky, don’t kill me!” He begged.
“I won’t, if you give me the keys of the van.”
Donnie immediately went for the keys in the cabinet and gave it to Macky. Before opening the door to the driver’s seat, Macky asked one more thing, “Where did Tom and J.R. go?”
“Tom chased after Ms. J.R., she drove away and he chased her with one of the cars.”
Then she whispered, “As if history is just repeating itself.”
Macky closed the door and started to drive out of the garage and out of the highway. She stepped on the gas and sped along the way.
Meanwhile, the street lights zoomed past J.R.’s windshield like fuzzy rays of the sun.
She is still crying as her mind entered a deep state of confusion. To her, nothing was right. Everything seemed to surreal and horrifying to her, that J.R. did not realized that she is driving too fast.
The roads leading to town proper were long but winding; full of hairpin turns that in just one wrong move, could send her vehicle flying away from the road to the cliffs.
She kept mumbling over and over again about something, but in her mind eye, the scene when Nathan kissed Macky, kept changing back and forth from Tom kissing Macky.  Her mind was such in a ramble, she didn’t heard that Tom, driving behind her, was sounding off the horn of his car.
“Dammit, J.R., stop now.” Tom muttered, hoping that J.R. would stop driving.
J.R. whimpered out loud as she looked back,  “Nathan! Stop it! Stop chasing me!”
Tom rolled down the windows of the front seats, but then J.R. panicked as Tom's car started to gain on hers. He was trying to level his window with her car so he could talk to her.
When she realized what he is doing, J.R. shifted it to the 4th gear that she zoomed past Tom’s car.
"J.R.! Please stop now!" Tom shouted over as he popped out his head from the window.
Suddenly, he noticed that a few meters away, there is a downward sharp curve coming J.R.'s way.
If she goes this fast, she'll fall out into the cliffs Tom thought.
He wanted to shift gears also and tailgate J.R.'s car, but that could also cause her to lose control in driving and eventually crash.
Suddenly, he realized why Nathan's car was found to have grazed J.R.'s car from behind; he was also trying to stop her, but was too unfortunate when he hit an oncoming truck at the other side of the road.
Finally, what he was fearing for happened in a split second. J.R. went too fast that she lost control, her car flew out into the cliff.
"J.R.!" he shouted out as he saw her car disappear in the distance.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 8 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 12)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 12 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: This chapter contains Macky’s background and her tragic past, just a heads up, because she didn’t grew up with a pretty childhood; at least after Ms. Cassandra has adopted her. FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: I’m so amazed with the readers’ response to Chapter 11! :D Guys, thank you so so much ^_^ lovelots and happy reading, dearies! :D
J.R.’s state is not getting any better, and it starting to gnaw on Tom; especially now he found something suspicious. He could only hope that this time his thoughts about Macky is wrong.
Tom locked his door and took out his laptop from his luggage. He placed it on his desk and turned it on. He needed to talk to Ajay, face to face. 
As he waited for the laptop to turn on, his hand was instinctively trying to reach for his phone. Tom wanted to text Martin and tell him of what he discovered.
Not until I talk to Ajay. I need to know if I’m wrong. He thought.
When his desktop appeared at the laptop screen, he opened Skype and logged on. He was in luck because Ajay was online, despite that he should be sleeping because his shift had just ended. For a while, he tried to call Ajay. and after a few rings, Ajay answered.
“Hey man!” Ajay greeted him loudly over the speaker, Tom couldn’t help but smile even though he’s practically terrified at the moment.
“How are you, Jay?” Tom spoke over the line. He noticed that Ajay looked like he just woke up and that he mustered all his strength just to sit up from his bed.
After a while, Bailey also stood up and went to say hi. “Hello, Tom. I’m just here for the week, by the way.” She explained.
“It’s all right, don’t mention it. Oh, where’s Rosa?” Tom inquired and right on cue, his cat, the fat grey tabby, jumped on the table and sniffed the front camera of the laptop.
“Aww, my girl.” Tom cooed and tried to scratch Rosa from his screen.
“As you see, I haven’t made her yet into a soft felt rag.” Ajay joked.
“Tosser.” Tom replied jokingly in retaliation.
“So, how are you doing there? It’s been almost a month. And you don’t usually call when you’re in a contract. What’s wrong, man?” His eyes narrowed as he tried to analyze Tom’s expression.
Before replying, he looked back to see if his door is really locked and kept his voice as quiet as possible, “Jay, I have to ask you something– you used to be a nurse down at St. Bart’s, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I did. So what about it?”
“I found an empty vial… The real name of the medicine was covered. J.R.’s nurse uses this medicine for her as a sedative whenever she gets migraines, but what was underneath the cover– it’s like nothing of an ordinary sedative.”
Ajay shifted on his seat and replied, “What was the medicine’s real name?”
“It’s ketamine.” Tom said and he placed the vial close to the camera so Ajay could read it also.
“Oh, that’s some extreme shit, though, Tom.” Bailey spoke out as she also read the prescription.
“You know this sedative too?” Tom asked Bailey.
“Yeah. A veterinary friend of mine uses that to the animals when she operates on one.”
Then Ajay spoke, “That’s no ordinary sedative, Tom. If a patient gets overdosed, it might cause psychological or neurological problems.”
Then suddenly, something became clear within Tom’s train of thought, J.R. only acts childish when Macky is feeding her up with medicine.
“So, besides that, what are the other effects?” Tom’s voice quaked but he tried to keep his worry hidden.
Ajay scratched the back of his head, his heavy eyelids blinking off his sleepiness. “Well, it might cause a person to have amnesiac episodes, nausea, migraines; sometimes it’s used as a recreational drug.” Tom felt a cold shiver in his spine and his eyes darted out in the open, until something was revealed to him.
Macky’s been drugging J.R.–-so she won’t remember.
He sat up and said, “Ajay, I need to go. Thanks man.”
He was about to log off when Ajay said, “Tom! Before you go, tell me, is there something wrong? I’m worried about you, man.”
Tom paused, and he was trying to find the right words to say. “I think that J.R.’s being drugged so she won’t remember again.” He whispered.
Ajay and Bailey’s faces froze when they heard that. “You have to tell her brother that, don’t you?” Ajay mumbled.
“Yes. I’ll contact you later.” Tom said under his breath.
“Take care, man.”
Then Tom finally logged off and closed his Skype. It was all a lot to take in and he wished that what he thought about Macky is wrong.
He couldn’t just go on accusing her that she is making her patient more sick than ever. But, somehow, the picture that he had built on his mind seemed to make more sense every time he thinks of it.
But then, he couldn’t help but feel anxious. He finally reached out for his phone his pocket and when he unlocked it, he began typing a text message for Martin.
Martin, I have to tell you something… He stopped midway and looked away,
“I hope I’m wrong. I really hope I’m wrong this time.”
The sunset illuminated Macky’s whole room as she sat down on her study table, staring at a framed picture. It was her on the picture, along with Cassandra and Mr. Trillo.
She remembered it so clearly, it was the day her adoption papers were finalized. And she smiled at the memory when Cassandra showed her new birth certificate, with her new name indicated, Maria Criselda Trillo.
They took her from St. Catherine’s Home for Orphaned Girls in Malate, Manila. But it was not the place she really came from. She was one of many girls, that grew up in impoverished areas in Manila.
Her family, a member of 14 children, and a parent; only their mother. She remarried a lot of times, more than Macky could count, that some of her siblings don’t even know who fathered them.
She herself doesn’t know who her own father is. But what her mother did made her forget that she had a mother at all.
Macky’s mother, on the brink of life and death, sold her on a low class nightclub near Pedro Gil street; she was only 14 at that time. She felt her throat tighten and her eyes water as she remembered that day she was sold to prostitution, by the very person who brought her to this world. Her siblings, she never saw them again.
Her virginity was sold to the richest customer of the nightclub, an old drug lord, always on the hunt for newly arrived girls to virginize. Macky was one of those unlucky ones.
Suddenly, she reached for neck as she remembered how that old man tightened his grip around it when she gave him head in a wrong way. Macky felt quiet sobs come out of her, and her tears fall down on her cheeks, warm and wet.
After all of it was done, bruises and aching flesh were the only things left on her body; she stood up for herself, she would not endure this, she will be free. With all of her strength and a few pick-pocketed money from her customers, she escaped the nightclub. And like a miracle, in the middle of the night, a car that was about to run over her, stopped. The blinding headlights dawned on her, like a surreal vision. And there, a redhead of a foreign woman came out of the passenger seat, Macky thought she was an angel. That was the first time she saw Cassandra. And there she knew that she was saved.
They sent her first to the orphanage; but for Cassandra, the kind-hearted woman that she is, was determined to adopt her. It was all bliss from the first few months she lived with the Trillos in Baguio City, with their young daughter, Julie Rose. But all of this disappeared all together when they died in the plane crash. She was written into their will, and her future was already ensured. There she promised, her happiness was taken away twice, but she wouldn’t let it be taken away for the third time. She even vowed that no one will ever take away the happiness that she has now, even if she is her own adopted sister.
Not even you, J.R., can take away everything from me. She thought to herself.
The sun has finally set and what was left of her room was faint darkness. Macky looked like a specter in the middle of the darken room while contemplating.
Then, she heard a soft knock come upon her door, followed by a voice, “Macky? Are you there? It’s me, Tom.”
She bolted right up to meet him at the doorway. She also turned on the lights. “Tom. Come in.” She whispered.
On her mind, Macky is already thinking that, finally, Tom would give in to her charms. Tom stepped in and Macky had a seductive smirk painted on her face.
“So, why are you here?” She made her voice as husky as she can, but also as childish.
“I’m here to ask you about something–but I hope it won’t offend you.” He spoke carefully, and calculated every word that he would say, but Tom was really tensed deep within.
Macky flashed a very seducing smile and brushed away her hair. “I know exactly why you are here.”
Tom’s brows raised in surprise, “You do?”
“Yes, and I’ve wondered why you came to me just now. I can see that you feel the same way.” And with this, Macky slowly started to rub her palms over Tom’s chest and shoulders.
Tom tried to get away from Macky’s hold and he tried to make her stop from lunging at him. “No, please, Macky. It’s not about this. But I want you to tell me the truth.” Tom explained.
Macky started to look displeased, but he continued and he took out the empty vial and showed it to her. “What does this mean? Why are you giving J.R. ketamine?” Tom begged for an answer.
Macky’s seductive smile disappeared, replaced with a dark frown. “I don’t know anything about that. I give J.R. her prescribed sedatives; what do you think of me? That I’m breaking my oath to care for my patient?”
He went quiet for a while, and he is still trying to trace if she is lying or not. But then, Macky looked away, as if dazed and her mind wandering.
“Macky, please. It will be just between you and me.” Tom begged again.
Macky breathed in, that was the exact line that Nathan said at the night he died.
“You won’t tell Martin? Or anyone else?” She asked.
“I promise. Please, I want to know the truth.” Tom pleaded now.
Macky crossed her arms on her chest, and started talking. “I am giving her ketamine. Why? Because I want her to forget the night she had an accident, and that Nathan died.” Tom gasped but Macky still continued.
“I’m telling you this because I trust you. And I will tell what happened two years ago; the night before Nathan died. It was just like this night, and then he asked me to help him. He was going to propose to Julie, and that it would be that night.
"You see, Tom, I didn’t liked that news, because I’ve always loved Nathan. Ever since the first time I met him, I knew, he needed to be mine.” Tom wanted to say something, but Macky kept on going, “I confessed to him that I love him, and that I’m willing to do anything just so he can be with me. Sadly, he rejected me. I kissed him, so he could feel that I was telling the truth. J.R. caught us.” Macky stepped away from Tom and looked out into her wide window.
“Because he wasn’t talking to her for a week, and that he was really preparing for his surprise proposal; Julie thought that Nathan was cheating on her. She didn’t took it lightly. And like the drama queen that she is, she tried to run away with her car. Nathan chased her down.
"And do you know whose fault it is really that Nathan died? It’s Julie’s.” She spat the words with disgust, then she faced him. “And now that you’re here… It’s like, fate has taken Nathan away from me, and gave me you, instead.” And Macky’s arms clung onto Tom’s shoulders.
He let Macky settle her head on his chest for a while. She was a feet taller than J.R., but her figure felt more willowy and bony. Somehow, when Tom placed a hand at the small spot of her back, he felt scars through her clothes. She felt rough yet enticing, but Tom couldn’t just believe that Macky is capable of doing these things–just because she loved Nathan.
Then Tom spoke, “But, won’t you forgive her? By at least making her remember again?” Macky held her face so near to his, he could smell her sweet musky scent, “Well, I’m not the one to forgive easily. But– I did kept all of her memorabilia from Nathan. Just a little revenge on her.” Tom felt jolted when he heard about that,
“What? J.R. would be able to remember again if she saw those!” She once again had a frown hanging on her face, but Tom reckoned, “I mean– That’s what likely to happen if she saw that, isn’t it?”
“Tom,” Macky placed her hands on his face, “I told you, I don’t forgive easily– meaning that you don’t want to mess with me.”
Tom nodded, but now, Macky started to pull his face toward hers, and there Tom knew that Macky wanted to kiss him.
But would he let her?
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 8 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 11)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 11 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: Nothing much but for now it’s all drama :3 FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: It’s been a long while since I wrote the last chapter, sorry for that :( But either way, happy reading to y’all :D
They are now going home to Baguio City; and they have now to say goodbye to Morocco. Tom and J.R. are getting closer than ever. But the only problem is that, are their feelings even mutual?
The drive back to Agadir had been quiet, as most of them had fallen asleep. They were back again in their same places as the first time they have arrived in Château Oasis.  Mason sat shotgun beside Pierrot; Tom and J.R. sat at the middle, and McCord sat at the back with the baggage.
While on the travel back to Agadir, Mason kept Aicha’s plaid handkerchief, placed carefully at the breast pocket of his jacket. He remembered how Aicha had embraced him before they left. He is sure he will never forget about her, now that she has a special place in his heart.
McCord was on his phone at the back of the van and he was texting Henri. He was too, saying his goodbye. McCord is not sure if what he had with Henri is just a fling or something he has to watch out for.
But for Tom and J.R., everything is complicated.
He’s sure that when they come back to Baguio City, he has to pretend once again that he doesn’t feel anything for J.R., he has to do it if he doesn’t want Macky to notice anything about them.
Then in his mind-eye, he could see how Salima bid him goodbye. She planted a kiss on his lips, but not a sensual one, but a kiss from a dear friend. He can still feel her embrace until now, and her words in his ear.
Take care of that girl. Love her, no matter what happens.
He only nodded in reply, not because they were in a hurry to leave but he didn’t know what words he should say to her.
As the van stopped at the airport parking lot, they started to unload their luggage. Before they could get inside, J.R. said goodbye to Pierrot, embracing him like she is saying goodbye to a grandfather.
“You be good, Ms. J.R..” Pierrot said.
J.R. nodded in reply, “I will, take care, Pierrot.” J.R. gently let go of Pierrot.
Tom took J.R.’s luggage, then Mason and McCord got ready to walk towards the airport entrance. All the while they prepared for boarding, Tom didn’t said a word to J.R. He was still thinking of the night when J.R. asked him for a kiss.
He could still remember how his muscles tensed, and his heart drummed loudly inside his chest. And especially the bittersweet moment when he was in between kissing her and avoiding her. Tom could still remember the regret; how he wanted to hit himself for not doing it, for missing out something so exquisite and amazing. But he knew he would regret it more if he did kissed her. He would just resent himself for doing it.
Are you mad? You’re taking advantage of J.R.’s state if you kissed her. It won’t be fair at all. Tom scolded on to himself, internally.
They arrived at the checking area, Mason handled the baggage as the rest of them waited for boarding.  J.R. and Tom sat beside each other, then finally, J.R. spoke first.
“I’ll miss, Timmy. He’s quiet, but he’s a wonderful kid. Then I’ll miss Ima. She’d been so good to us, you know.” She spoke as if there was melancholy in every word.
Then her tone raised, “But I’ll miss Henri too! Gosh, he was so–fun. Fun to be with. I hope McCord also feels the same way towards him.”
McCord sported a poker face, as if he didn’t heard every word about Henri and him, as he sat just beside Tom in the departure lounge.
J.R. slumped on her seat and sighed, “I don’t want to go home. I want to stay here.”
“Why would you say that?” Tom worriedly replied.
“I hate that place. It’s cold out there. Too gloomy. I hate remembering how sad it is there.”
But with that last words J.R. mentioned, Tom tried to hide his shock. She said that she remember things, and Tom couldn’t help but follow her statement, “What do you remember? In Baguio, I mean.”
J.R. shrugged, “Some things. But, it’s… It’s not clear. Bad things, I guess.”
She went silent as she thought about those things. But as she concentrated to remember what are those bad memories that she can’t recall, she started to frown and rub her temples.
“It’s hard to–to remember… I can’t–” She grimaced as she felt dull pounding pain in her head.
“J.R., baby, are you okay?” Tom immediately responded as J.R. continued massaging her forehead.
“I’m– My head hurts. I want to sleep. Where’s Macky? Where’s her needle?” She mumbled angrily now.
But Tom only hushed her gently and made her lean against his chest, as his arm draped over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, J.R., we’ll make the pain go away.” He cooed to her. Tom tried to rock her softly in his arms and he was trying to calm her down. Would it be good for J.R. to remember if she would have to go through this much pain?
The four of them stood at each end of the way to their boarding. J.R.’s migraines went away for a while and she was fine again.
“So you guys are going back to London?” Tom asked.
“Yes. Those are the orders. Sir McLeod expects us to arrive tonight.” McCord explained.
“We’ll miss you, guys. I’ll miss you two being around.” J.R. replied, pouting.
McCord sighed but Mason only nodded politely. As usual, J.R. never lost her kindness and sweet personality that they knew of her since the first time they met her.
At that time, McCord had just been released from military service after fulfilling the three year tour in Afghanistan. While Mason, a decade older, had just resigned from his previous work at the parliament, as part of the tactical security unit for the Prime Minister.
J.R. then was just 16 and already blooming and gorgeous as she is now.  McCord had a little crush on her for a while, but Mason remembered his daughter from her, that died; taken away by Leukemia.
“We’ll miss you, too, Ms. Julie Rose.” McCord smiled and there was warmth in his eyes.
This took Tom by surprise; he never knew, that these two bulky and tall bodyguards have their own soft spot and J.R. had just hit it.
“Aww, come here, let me give you two a hug.” J.R. lulled as she stepped in and pulled their tall shoulders in a group hug.
Tom could only stare at awe, as both Mason and McCord hugged back and placed their hands on her back as they enclosed her.
They were first to let go, and J.R. was adjusted her feet from tiptoeing, “Take care guys, take care of Kuya and his family.” J.R. lastly instructed them.
“We will, Ms. Julie Rose.” Mason replied with a splendid smile.  Then he turned to Tom, “Mr. Hiddleston? Take care. You’re in charge of Ms. Julie Rose now.”
“Yes– I’ll take good care of her.” He replied with a warm smile.
Then, Mason and McCord took their baggage and went on their way, leaving Tom and J.R. standing and waving goodbye at them.
When they were out of earshot, McCord asked Mason, “What are we going to tell Sir McLeod?”
He shrugged as they approached the boarding gate.
“He told us to observe Tom. So what did you observed?” McCord spoke again.
Mason didn’t replied for a while as he gave his ticket to the flight attendant and so did McCord.
They entered the tube that leads to the entrance of the plane when Mason spoke, “What did I saw there in Tleta-Tagmoute? And also on the crater? I only saw love, and that Mr. HIddleston is purely in love with Ms. Julie Rose.”
McCord knew that they both had the same observation, then Mason followed, “But with Ms. Julie Rose… I think she’s confusing him with Mr. Henderson.”
“Poor bloke. You think that Ms. Julie Rose is just that way because she’s still in love with Nathan?”
“I think so. She sees Nathan in Tom. They do look alike. I think that’s where Sir McLeod went wrong. He should’ve told J.R. the truth--maybe that way her memories of the accident would come up.” Mason grumbled.
McCord didn’t said anything else as they entered the door that leads inside the plane.
Once again, the gloomy and cold mountain ranges of Baguio welcomed them home. J.R. was inexplicably quiet whenever she is here in Baguio. Maybe the coldness of the place gets into her sunny side. Donnie would say something every once in a while, just so he could talk the sleepiness away while on their travel back home.
Tom read Martin’s text message again to analyze the address of the pink house. He does wonder why the pink house was ever called the pink house, and why does even J.R.’s mother lives there.
There he also felt the anticipation of meeting one or both of J.R.’s parents. He was already imagining how he would act in front of Ms. Cassandra and maybe also in front of Mr. Trillo.
He was already imagining what they both look like; where J.R. had inherited her beautiful brown eyes, her lips that are perfectly shaped or her traits that he got to love.
For a while, he dismissed those thought, and instead, he said to himself internally,
Wake up, man. J.R.’s not introducing you to her parents. You’re just there to come with her.
Then he thought that he wishes that he won’t have to explain once again who he is and why he was hired to her parents. The long and winding road continued but after Tom's wristwatch hit 5 o'clock, dusk has started to creep in into the skylines of Baguio City.
Once again, they are welcomed by the winding stairs that leads to the house at the top. Manang Belen welcomed J.R. with a warm hug, the other house help greeted J.R. and so did they with Tom. When they finally approached the lawn, Tom could already see Macky’s figure standing on the doorway. She immediately walked down to welcome them back. Tom could make from the light of the dusk skies the maroon fitted dress that Macky wears.
“Welcome home, Julie.” Macky opened her arms wide to embrace J.R.
“I missed you, Macky.” J.R. hugged her.
Then when J.R. finally let Macky go, she turned her attention to Tom who was still straining from the climb.
“Welcome back, Tom.” And with that, she went on to give him a peck on the cheek as a welcome.
Tom could feel the heat of her kiss and also the weight of that action. And if Macky was wearing any lipstick at that moment, it might have printed a lovely kiss mark on his cheek.
“Thanks, Macky.” He replied, sounding uncertain, as he stepped away from her.
“You must be tired, you two, come inside. I’ll make something warm to drink.” Macky kindly offered to which J.R. responded with a smile and wrapping her arm around Macky’s waist.
The two of them looked just like sisters, standing to each other, as Tom had observed as he walked behind them. Donnie walked beside him, with some of their luggage in his hand. There Tom remembered to ask him something,
“Don, can I ask you something? Do you know the pink house? Where J.R.’s parents live?”
Before Donnie could answer, his expression froze, “Uhm… I know where that is. Why?”
“It’s the last place where I would take J.R.; Martin has already gave me the address. But, just as you said, you know the way.” Tom replied.
Donnie only nodded, but it was like he is shaking some bad thoughts away, not agreeing to what Tom had just said.
“I’ll take you there. Maybe the next day, Ms. Julie Rose needs to rest from the jet lag.”
“Thank you, Donnie.” Tom patted Donnie’s shoulder.
After finishing the warm cocoa that Macky prepared for her, J.R. was now walking up the stairs with Macky so she could go to bed.
Tom finished his tea, so that he could also sleep. But when he looked back at J.R. and Macky, he was curious and he wanted to see J.R. off to bed.
When they finally entered J.R.’s room, Tom followed them. As he was halfway at the staircase, he noticed that J.R.’s door was almost closed and that he could still see inside.
He could see J.R. lying on her bed, while Macky sat at her side. Tom carefully approached the room and to look over.
When he was close to an earshot, he heard that they are talking to each other,
“Were you a good girl with Tom?” Macky asked, as if she was talking to a child.
“Yes. I had fun with him. I even asked him to kiss me, but he didn’t.” J.R. giggled as she told Macky what happened.
Tom couldn’t see what was Macky’s expression, and the room was only dimly lit, he couldn’t make it if Macky nodded or shook her head.
Then after a while, she took out a medium-sized pouch; also, she took a bottle of J.R.'s medicine and a syringe.
“You’ve been away for so long, you haven’t been getting your daily shots. It’s bad for you, Julie Rose.” She whispered with such motherly tone.
Macky then folded back the sleeves of J.R.’s pajamas and it revealed her right arm. She tied a long piece of rubber on J.R.’s upper arm, just above the elbow and Macky tapped softly the crease of J.R.'s arm. There, Macky traced the veins.
Then, she prepared the syringe and stuck the needle at the soft part of the bottle’s lid. When the syringe was two-thirds full of the medicine, she stuck now the syringe at J.R.’s arm.
J.R. gasped at first then she was quiet afterwards. Then she started to softly ramble like a small animal hit by a sleep dart. Tom tried to keep quiet when he saw that.
He knows that J.R. needs her medicine, and Macky is there as her nurse. But sometimes, he felt like what she is doing to J.R. is wrong. Or it might be that he's just too protective of J.R.. Tom believes that Macky means good not just because it's her job, it's because she cares for J.R.
He finally left the door and went on his way downstairs to his room.
It has been two days since they arrived in Baguio. J.R. is back to her sunny disposition and had seemed to have shaken the jet lag off.  As they are having breakfast at the porch, Tom had already talked to Donnie that it is the day that they will go to the pink house.
"Are we going to visit Mama and Papa?" J.R. asked.
"Yes. We're going after finishing our breakfast." Tom replied gently.
Macky looked on at them, but didn't spoke. There Tom remembered to ask, "Would you like to come with us, Macky?"
She wiped her lips with the napkin, she just finished her food, "I'm not in the mood to visit them today. I'll pay my respects to them, in another time. Excuse me."
Macky left the table, and left her half-finished food. Tom wondered with the word she used, pay her respects. Maybe it's the way she said it in English which differs in meaning in Tagalog.
J.R. then spoke, "Tom, can we bring Mama some flowers? Her favorite are lilies and mums."
"Sure. Maybe Donnie knows a flower shop on the way." Tom assured J.R.
"Yay! I'm excited to see Mama and Papa again!" She exclaimed.
Once again, J.R. is effervescent as she always is. They quickly finished their food, and Tom let J.R. prepare with Macky's help.
It was now 10 o'clock in the morning and Tom was still wondering what would he wear. He saw his powder-blue collared shirt in his drawers, and figured that this would be suitable. Not too formal or casual.
Tom partnered his shirt with khaki-gray trousers and brown shoes. When he looked at himself at the mirror, he thought that he might just impress Ms. Cassandra and Mr. Trillo.
When he was done, he saw J.R.; sitting at living room sofa, wearing a willowy baby blue dress that matched the color of his shirt. He felt like he is just about to have a pre-nuptial photoshoot with J.R. with their color-matching outfits.
"Are you ready?" J.R. asked Tom which placed a smile on his lips. J.R. stood up from the sofa to join Tom. And when she did, she held his hand as they went outside.
Donnie was waiting beside the car that Tom knows that belongs to Martin. A sleek black SUV, with light caramel interior inside. They got in and sat at the back, then Donnie started the engine after taking the driver's seat. The car started moving out till then, they were out of the village.
They took the opposite road that leads farther and into the part where there are more exclusive villages. J.R. was looking out of the window, like she is on the lookout for the flower shop that Tom mentioned.
"When was the last time you visited your parents, J.R.?" He asked J.R.
She was about to answer but Donnie answered instead, "Last November. It was the time of the year."
"Yes. Now I remember." J.R. spoke out.
Then, they finally saw the signage of the flower shop, The Rainbow Garden. Donnie pulled up at the side of the road, pass the flower shop.
He stayed at the car to let Tom and J.R. buy the flowers. When they got inside, they were greeted by a small old woman, with her hair neatly tied to a bun at the top of her head. Her assistant was a teenage girl; her granddaughter, the old woman had told them.
J.R. talked to the old woman in Ilokano, and pointed out the flowers she wanted to be arranged, to which the old woman answered with Wen, wen.* She chose white Lilies, purple Malaysian mums, and with some Baby's breath.
The old woman was slow, but her hands are faster than anything as she assembled the flowers, with her granddaughter to assist her with the florist wires and colored specialty papers that will cover the bouquet.  It only took them 20 minutes to wait for the bouquet; and when the bouquet was done, J.R. paid and thanked the old woman and her granddaughter.
Once again, they were on their way on the road. Donnie saw the flowers at the back mirror. "White Lilies? They are Ms. Cassandra's favorite."
"Yes. Mama liked them very much." J.R. replied giddily.
Tom only watched J.R. as she carefully observed the flowers and smelling it from time to time. They traveled for 20 minutes more, and when the roads are not elevated anymore, and the cliff side road revealed the towns below on their left; Tom saw that memorial chapels and cemeteries lined up on their right.
He wondered why Ms. Cassandra chose a home near this places.
"We're almost here." Donnie pointed out as they turned into a sharp curve, until it revealed a memorial garden, with grand arches affront.
"We're here!" J.R. excitedly sang.
Tom's brow furrowed while he thought to himself, Is this the place where J.R.'s parents live? A memorial garden?
He wanted to ask Donnie, but not in front of J.R..  For a while, he looked at his phone for Google maps, but the address of the pink house and the memorial garden are just the same.
Tom felt a vague tension inside him, that he couldn't quite calm out of his system. They entered the gates and the security guard on duty checked their ID and dashboard sticker.
Then Donnie paid 10 pesos for the parking ticket. When they reached the parking area, J.R. was ready to go out of the car. Donnie pulled out and they were parked.
J.R. started, "I'll be on my way there. I'll see you two there."
And with the bouquet on her arms, J.R. sprang from her seat and ran steadily until she disappeared into a bushy corner of the road.
Tom now finally had the time to ask, "Donnie, I don't understand-- Why are we here?" Donnie didn't answered for a while, but when he got out of the car, (and so did Tom) he replied, "This is the place where Ms. Cassandra is buried."
Donnie spoke with such straightforward honesty, Tom thought him for being rude for a minute.
"Ms. Cassandra... She's dead?" He almost whispered.
Donnie nodded slowly and said, "I was just a teenager at that time, like Sir Martin, when Ms. Cassandra and Sir Robert went for a business trip. But on their way, their plane crashed at the Southern Pacific.
"Ms. Cassandra's body was recovered, but not Sir Robert's. Sir Martin's father, Mr. McLeod, didn't wanted Ms. Cassandra to be buried at her family's mausoleum. Maybe he still resented her for leaving him for Sir Robert. Instead, she was buried here, in Sir Robert's hometown."
Tom felt like his heart was crushed. How many loved ones did J.R. had lost?  Maybe her amnesia was repressing her from these memories because they are just too painful to be remembered.
"That's why Martin didn't wanted Ms. Cassandra to be mentioned every time? Because, he's still in pain with his mother's death?"
Donnie rubbed the back of his neck, and he sighed, "Sir Martin would always be hurt. He would always be in pain with his mother's death, he told me. But as long as J.R.'s there, he would never feel alone."
Tom only looked down at his feet, but Donnie called his attention. "Let's follow her. She will need you right now, that I know.”
They started to walk at the road where J.R. had previously ran on to. They followed a road covered with willow trees that can only grow in this kind of weather in Baguio.
When they saw the street that was indicated in the address that Martin gave Tom, which is Kalachuchi, they saw large mausoleums that looked like townhouses lined up carefully in the middle of the grassfield of Bermudas.
But there was one mausoleum that stood out, with the a faded pink facade. What made it stood out were the trees planted at the front, purplish magenta Bougainvilleas that had stemmed at the front columns, and two trees of Plumerias, with pink blooming flowers at the tops.
“The pink house. Isn’t it pretty?” Donnie remarked.
Tom didn’t said a word, but instead, he started walking towards it that he didn’t realized that Donnie is no longer walking with him. When he was already near the mausoleum, he saw J.R. laid the bouquet on top of Ms. Cassandra’s sarcophagus.
He was surprised to see a sarcophagus nowadays, that he thought only people from the past had them made. But there it is, a sarcophagus of Ms. Cassandra stood out at the middle of the mausoleum. But behind it was a flat marble wall with a carved epitaph in block letters for Robert.
A husband, a father, and a good friend. His body lost at sea, but his memory is always in our hearts.
Tom tried to walk near J.R. who has now sat beside the sarcophagus. There he could make out that Ms. Cassandra’s figure was lying down, clothed in a beautiful off-shoulder gown that made the sarcophagus look like it contains a fallen goddess.
Finally, J.R. noticed Tom, and he could see tears that were about to fall from her eyes.
“Why did you bring me here again?” She mumbled, and now her tears fell on her cheeks like raindrops.
“To make you remember.” Tom did not hesitated to answer that way.
J.R. clutched her chest and she sobbed and inhaled sharply.
“I remember them... The day they went away. They told me that are going to come back for me. They promised me that. Mama-- oh she was so beautiful that day, just as beautiful as she is in my memories.”
“J.R., please... What more do you remember?” Tom carefully asked now.
“Everything. I remember every painful thing. I-I can’t-- It’s...” She sobbed more and more until she couldn’t talk anymore.
J.R. got off of the sarcophagus and she slumped down on the tiled floor.
Tom immediately approached and held J.R., “J.R., do you want to go now? I’ll take you home if you want to.”
But she only replied, “And I remember you, Nathan.”
Tom gasped. He thought she must be seeing him again now as Nathan.
“Why did you have to do that to me? Why did you hurt me?” She cried out, but Tom cupped her face.
“What did Nathan do to you, J.R.? Tell me, please, baby.” Tom begged her and tried to make her sit upright.
“You left me, Nathan. You said you would never do that!” She now screamed and drummed Tom’s chest.
With this, Tom didn’t wanted to pry anymore from J.R.’s fragile mind, and so he held her close to his chest.
“I’m not Nathan. I’m not him. I will never be Nathan. I would never be the man you loved and still love.” Tom admitted bitterly, but he kept on holding to J.R.
Then she looked up to him, “Why did you have to bring me here? I hate going home here. Everything reminds me of the pain.” her chin trembled and her throat felt dry as she spoke and her tears fell more and more.
“What do you want me to do, J.R.? Tell me what to do.” Tom whispered
Now, J.R. placed a hand on his cheek and spoke, “Kiss me. Kiss me like you always did.”
This was not a request or a command from her, but it was all she desired above else, and Tom couldn’t ignore that.
Then he thought to himself, I’m not Nathan. But I hope, I could be someone new for you. Someone that won’t hurt you. Someone that will love you, no matter what.
Tom prepared himself and he leaned on closer to J.R.’s face. He felt her sweet warm breath on his cheeks, and saw her lips red from crying looked like cherries ready to be eaten.
But then, he set aside the desire, but he let his love for her control him. Not the lust, but what I really feel for her. He thought.
J.R. was expecting it, and so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if she is letting herself go, plunging farther down for her feelings.
Then in the middle of cold nothingness, she felt his lips--not pressed on hers, but on her forehead.
J.R. felt the electricity of her body awaken her senses, just because of his kiss. She felt warm all over, she felt her blood rush from every vein in her body, just because he kissed her this way.
After a long while, Tom finally let his kiss end and he stared tenderly into her eyes.
“I love you, J.R.. I hope that you can still know me as me, not because I look like Nathan.” Tom whispered.
For a while, J.R. tried to register his words into her mind; she was trying to make out what he meant, when suddenly,
“Ow! It hurts!” She gasped as she felt a sharp pain on her temples, until it spread out all over her head.
Tom was now alarmed as J.R. was slightly tossing and turning because of her migraine.
“J.R.? J.R.! Darling, are you all right?!” Tom now boomed, but still trying to settle J.R. upright.
“My head-- It hurts!” She squealed, like a helpless child, as she also tried to press her temples with her hands.
“We need to get you home.” Tom said under his breath, then he called out, “Donnie! Donnie, come here! I need your help!”
As soon as they arrived home, Tom placed J.R. at the sofa of the living room and called out for Macky. She quickly arrived with her pouch that contains J.R.’s medicine.
“Hold her still.” She instructed Tom because J.R. was wriggling because of her migraine.
Then, with quick motion, Macky already filled the syringe. She placed the rubber on J.R.’s arm to trace the vein. Even though J.R. was moving so much, Macky still got to stick the needle of the syringe carefully into J.R.’s arm.
After a while, J.R. calmed down. and she fell asleep slowly.
“That ought to make her sleep until tomorrow. What the hell happened back there?” She spat at Tom.
“I tried to make her remember, then she got her migraines again. She was already telling me something about Nathan-- that he hurt her before. I don’t know how, because she kept telling me that Nathan left her. I couldn’t get any straight answer from what she told me.” Tom now combed his hair with his fingers, from his forehead and sighed.
Macky now placed back some of the small bottles and unused syringes on her pouch. “You know sometimes, J.R.’s memories are not worth to be recalled. It’s better for her to forget such painful memories.” She remarked indifferently, but Tom didn’t brought himself to look at her while she said that.
But when he stole a glance from Macky, she was looking at the empty vial of medicine. “Another empty vial. I have to call her doctor so he could supply me again of her medicine.”
Macky left the living room for a while, to dispose the vial. There she went back now with Donnie to assist her of taking J.R. to bed.
But Tom insisted that he can carry J.R., but Macky only said, “No. You have done enough, Tom. Let yourself rest.”
He let it go and Donnie now took J.R. in his arms as Macky tried to assist him at the stairs.
Tom now, started to wander off at the kitchen, with his phone on hand. He was thinking whether he would call Martin because of what happened, or not. But he felt like he needs to know what happened.
Just as he was about to unlock his phone to dial Martin’s number; Tom found himself already near the kitchen entrance, and with the garbage bin in front of him.
There he noticed the empty vial that Macky threw in the garbage. He was about to let it go but he noticed that something was off with the prescription of the vial. Some of the words were covered with a mismatched adhesive paper that were printed in small letters.
He picked it up and held close to read it. But, he was curious too, he peeled the adhesive paper and revealed something else.
“Ketamine?” He read.
Tom stared out in the open, trying to figure out how this kind of sedative is administered to J.R.. He is sure it’s not something that a doctor would give his amnesiac patient. Then he remembered what Ajay told him before, of deadly sedatives and addicting ones too.
“I need to know. I need to ask him.” Tom whispered.
He pocketed the vial and went back to his room. Tom is sure that something is going on and he will find out what it is, whether by hook or by crook.
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