#are ever portrayed in a negative light or as something that he needs to change
themthistles · 2 years
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finally finished koisenu futari
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ask-serendipity-sky · 1 month
Hello, everyone.
So...that blog @jimin-ethereal33?
Not a good Jimin blog and it sucks that people are there engaging with words that are basically the same things Jimin antis say just written with "nicer" words.
If you had all encountered this blog when it first started, you would have seen the change in tone.
They weren't even a jikook blog! They would say that jikook aren't soulmates or had a connection because we don't know anything about them. I found it super disturbing so I told my friends to block it.
And then somewhere along the line (while I've been on my break), their narrative changed and they made a blog to shame Jimin but dressed it up as an "awareness" blog.
Yes, we should be aware that what this person is saying is not support for Jimin.
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I also kindly and respectfully asked them to remove the post about ED because it's not a topic for us to discuss. I begged them. But they ignored it and erased it.
Allright then...
Here are some bits from a few of their posts that absolutely portray Jimin as an insecure and weak person:
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Jimin is so insecure he can't think?
Jk knows things but not Jimin because he's unsure?
Jimin is so sensitive and only this person knows all these things?
Does this person ever include accounts to report? No.
Does this person ever support Jimin by sharing Interlude playlists, votings, stats, performances, articles, anything? No.
There are countless things to talk about when it comes to Jimin. Things that actually bring awareness and support Jimin. Things that celebrate Jimin!
Repeatedly stating that Jimin is weak, that he needs Jungkook (or anyone else), and that he is insecure is what antis do. Jjks use words like these all the time. Go to vile jjk's twitter profiles and this is the stuff you find.
I don't know a single real Jimin fan that thinks Jimin is weak, needs protection, etc...especially after he's rescued himself these past 10 years, gave us FACE, and became a soldier with honors ALL ON HIS OWN. If anyone still thinks that, reevaluate because you are incorrect. Obviously.
You all know I'm not the policing kind and we all have the right to write what we feel like writing. But if it's painting Jimin in a negative, disturbing, and incorrect light, I have to say something.
Please please please stop engaging with this account because I can assure you that they are not a real fan that cares about Jimin. They are a jjk at most. Tkkr probably.
Don't send them hate or nasty things. Please don't do that.
But STOP engaging.
Block and please tell your friends to stop engaging too!!
Don't give antis a platform!!!
Seriously, you all.
An anti will come a say a nice thing about jikook and post a few pretty pictures and you all will start following even if the rest of the stuff they say is made up bullshit that satisfies their own fantasies.
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regarding gabriel's skirt i don't think you're "getting upset over nothing" because i think i know the post you're referring to and it irked me as well. also because like, it kind of proceeds to do a weird spin on the way angels view gender ? by which i mean. i don't think a group who Deifies masculinity would be very feminist about it i'm sorry. guys remember eve.
oh also while we're at it can i say that the way general fandom discusses gabriel's supposed lack of gender comes dangerously close to the nonbinary alien thing sometimes. like. yes because of how angel society is built gabriel absolutely would experience being trans Differently, but so many people go "well if angels have a different gender system that means he's nonbinary / lacks gender because All Angels Do👍" and leave it at that. guys remember when filmmakers made all their nonbinary characters nonhuman to say that they're beyond gender and Just Don't Get It because they can't imagine a human being outside of gender binary. not saying that hakita is doing that exact thing (by virtue of. not claiming angels or robots nonbinary representation lmao) but uhh. looking at the fandom. yeah guys maybe we can allow the angels and machines a little bit of gender. just a sliver. sorry for ranting into your inbox it's just something I've been thinking about for a while. it is also very late
It was kind of that post that brought it to the forefront of my mind again but even back when there was a big discourse of people going ewww why is there's so much gay fanart and gabriel in skirts/dresses for the murder shooting blood game and other people went like well he wears a skirt in canon and thats feminine. and it irked me back then too! Maybe it was because it reminded me of discourse I'd seen where people would be like HEH I can't believe conservative men worship the romans/greeks/whatever and they wear SKIRTS which they should HATE because that's feminine. Like guys I think you're playing into their rhetoric in a not great way. It's like you're trying to get back at conservatives by going oh the manly men you like? They're actually super woman like and feminine and not as strong as you believe. Like it feels like they're equating femininity as a bad thing.
Also you're right Gabriel being trans would present in a much different way than for a human but that doesn't mean he's completely genderless. It's like people think being transmasc or transfem and being nonbinary/genderless are mutually exclusive. People can wrap their heads around Mindflayers being canonically genderless but choosing to present femininely and create bodies of how they prefer to look but for some reason this... doesn't extend to other characters. Alternatively Gabriel could have been, past tense, genderless and then transition to having a gender as well. He doesn't NEED to stay genderless.
It is always really interesting to see what people say about associating masculinity with power in heaven. Like it's an interesting bit of world building but has concerning implications for heavens hierarchies. For as much as people bend over backwards to paint the council in a negative light you'd think they'd LOVE depicting them as misogynistic. But no they're only ever homophobic/transphobic because how dare you say heaven may have a misogynistic culture that prizes masculinity over femininity. The irl church does this as well which is even more baffling that people don't realize it's probably not as much of a both are good situation than a men are better situation. When my tribe was colonized they made us change our word for God and only refer to them with masculine pronouns instead of our original gender neutral pronouns for them. We were seen as lesser for having a God that wasn't masculine.
Hakita said that the way the heaven and especially the council (and Gabriel) is portrayed in Ultrakill is meant to critique extreme forms of religion, not to put down religion as a whole. Them hurting and killing others for the greater good, their subjugation heaven and hell... fans can understand that's bad but nooo they can't be misogynistic that's too far.
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good evening. heres your o overcoat askliveblogging notes:
- the first paragraph is already so cinematic wtf ech
- at this point im gonna turn this into a film myself
- "people were weak by nature; he knew that lesson well" heyyyyyy echie is that a reference to dazai abusing him heyyyyy ☹️
- frilly neck thing he could never remember the name of
- god i wanna draw rashoumon in an apron now
- "take ur melatonin u sick overworked bitch"
- god his thought process is spot on echelon this is gorgeous. dazai teaching him that actions always have a negative consequence and that he needs to be taught a lesson is so awfully heartbreaking
- dude its like he gave birth to his ability i LOVE this
- gin laughing 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- "A flower born in darkness could only ever stay in darkness because anything light that dared come near would instantly be tainted." oh my lord.
- he totally liked that plush
- okay ive gotta say i LOVE your characterization of akutagawa. the way he is trying so hard to not yell at the cashier is spot on, especially considering that he probably doesnt know proper communication skills. you. oh my god /pos
- oh god this cant be good. not dazai
- "The day Dazai left the Port Mafia was the day Akutagawa snapped. It was as if something holding him from within had crumbled away, and the shards dug themselves into every part of his soul." i cant even emphasize how much i love this bit. i wanna carve the words into my arm and stare at them for the rest of eternity
- originally i thought that chuuya wouldve sent him the basket, especially because he mentioned akutagawa being sick towards the beginning, but now dazai makes sense. also i LOVE how you word akutagawas mindset throughout the fic. its obvious he has trauma and i just adore how you arent portraying it as seeking approval and rather being immature and mentally painting dazai as someone bad because thats all he knows
- he refuses to believe that dazai had changed and was becoming a better person. its gorgeous. my god.
- my jaw is wide open btw i was NOT expecting him
- "you think a VPN can stop me?" said every pirater ever (me)
- watch: its tachihara. boom case solved.- akutagawa has autism pov
- chuuya shit-eating note 💀💀💀💀💀
- ohhhhhhh gin my girl i love them so much i love gin 🥺🥺
final thoughts:this was a gift from god, truly. this is easily one of my favoritest fics ive ever read to this date. akutagawa's persistent villanizing of atsushi and dazai is perfect, and his anger is just so hdhejhskajsjfjfjfshdndjfjdbd i cant even. i love this so much and i have no words <3
ajhsdjkhsdksdhkds literally grinning at my screen as I read this :D :D :D
I'm so so glad you like the first paragraph because starting paragraphs are one of the hardest things to write and usually turn out to be not the best :'). I had a sketch of Rashoumon in an apron somewhere but I can't find it *sobs*. I never actually came up with any of their fake names because I was lazy, but Tachihara's fake name is basically the equivalent of "the peepee poopoo man" or something similar. unfortunately I don't think I did Katai justice in this fic because I wrote this before I read Brilliant Days, but I guess he can have some dumb jokes as a treat. also autistic Akutagawa so true
anyway, if you're curious and have the time, you can go back and try to find all of the tiny, subtle things I hid in the actual text. most of them are about how Akutagawa refers to things
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Name: Mateo Lara Species: Mara Occupation: Assassin/Flower Arranger Age: 34 Years Old Played By: Jojo Face Claim: Manny Montana
“The shroud of shadows always brings people’s true character to light.”
Mateo was born to Filipe and Popa Lara in Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico. He was the third child in a growing family, which quickly grew to seven in a couple years time. While life was simple and relatively easy, there came a time for everyone in his family to be taught the value every one of them contributed and why they were different. Some resented, but eventually accepted who they were, while Mateo was instantly proud and set to work to improve himself. Eating fear and causing it was fun and all, especially with his cousins, but he knew there was more to it. There had to be even more satisfaction to their nature. He ventured to find something to scratch that itch.
Eventually, time in Mexico was up, and at the age of 15, Filipe and Popa secured papers to grant the family access to America. Reserved as he was, Mateo kept his distaste for the move for himself and said goodbye to all the snacks he enjoyed over the years to settle in Temple, Texas. Being an immigrant family had its downsides, but with fresh new meals and his family by his side, Mateo quickly assimilated to his new life. One by one, the family he adored in Mexico migrated over and a community of Laras’, Montes’, and Alvarado’s was created. This, along with the adversities that came with being immigrants solidified Mateo’s foundation of family and its importance to him.
As he grew older, Mateo’s boredom grew as well, finding that there was little to no gratification in producing fear. Save for the feeling of sating his hunger. He wondered if there was something wrong with him, seeing that everyone in his family was content and portrayed nothing but happiness. His father, loving as he was, saw how disheartened and lost his son was after graduating high school with no idea what to do with his life. He suggested teaching his younger cousins the ways of mara and how to do so safely. This quickly addressed his need for change and even presented a challenge, but just as quickly became boring too.
Frustrated and needing something to fill him with proper fear, Mateo was approached by a man in a bar who made him a desperate proposition. One he couldn’t refuse. To find a man that wronged the gentleman and make him disappear. The prospect enticed Mateo, but quickly presented a negative impact to his moral compass. All he’d ever done was protect with his mara abilities and his fists. What he’d be doing was murder, something his parents had always taught him to steer from. But what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, right?
Mateo accepted the job and found the man, helpless and alone in his home. He peered in the shadows, seeing the true nature of this man—no, this inhuman person who thought he could put his hands on a woman. Growing angry, Mateo created the most terrifying visions possible, digging into the confines of the man’s mind before he stole whatever breath attempted to fill his lungs. The stranger was made into nothing more but an empty shell, while the woman was saved and free, none the wiser to Mateo’s presence. With a smile, relieved and satisfied, he went back and received payment from the man, who promised to forward his good work to anyone who might need it. Mateo nearly declined, but the one grand in his hand and the actual pleasure he got from his meal kept him silent.
After being lost for so long, Mateo was happy to discover he had finally found his calling.
Character Facts:
Personality: Calculating, quiet, stubborn, arrogant, patient
Has training in hand-to-hand and handling short/long-ranged firearms.
Enjoys reading and quiet spaces to do so.
Is family-focused and will do anything for them.
Doesn’t have a preference for who he kills as long as he gets paid.
Usually quiet but can be talkative if he likes the person.
Only has a high school diploma.
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