#are the sareena lovers in the room with us right now?
thedragonholder · 11 months
The family finds out.
Type: fluffy
Description: the family finds out about hatsune's older brother. (Also Lisa belongs to @laismoura-art and kakkō belongs to @angelbroad the sleep over idea was inspired from @laismoura-art )
Everyone in the shirai ryu compound felt concerned as Tomas entered the house with hatsune in his arms who looked like she had been crying her eyes were red and puffy her expression was depressed and she looked like she needed comfort.
"What happened Tomas?" Bi-han asked Tomas he sighed and looked at bi-han "hatsune's older brother happened" Tomas said to them "I'll get her some food" Harumi said to them "alright where is that asshole!?" Lisa asked,she looked like she was ready to go and kill someone which she had the intention to do "snowdrop relax, I know you care about hatsune but right now we need to be patient" Harumi said Lisa sighed "fine but if this happens again I swear-" "What happened!?" They looked to see hanzo hisashi "what happened to hatsune Tomas!?" Hanzo asked "Tomas.." Hatsune said waking up Tomas caressed her cheek and sighed.
They were now in the living room as Tomas told them the story harumi was shocked, Lisa was angry, kakkō was concerned, kuai was worried as hell, sareena looked like she was going to cry, bi-han was mad but hanzo was all of them sad, angry, mad, shocked, concerned and worried hatsune was the closest thing to family before he met kakkō.
Hatsune was being cuddled on the couch by Tomas "my brother hasn't been the best brother ever" Hatsune said to them "have you tried talking to him? Who knows he can be redeemed?" Kuai asked hatsune she nodded in a no "I tried it will always end up like this" Hatsune said to them "could be worse, this isn't the first time that happened.." Kakkō said "what do you mean?" Hanzo asked kakkō.
"I was on patrol one night and I heard shouting from a room my curiosity got the better of me and what I saw was.." Kakkō said to them the memory was still in their mind "what happened to her kakkō?" Harumi asked "I saw hatsune getting beaten up to a pulp by her own brother he was using his own magic to harm her it was torture." Kakkō said their eyes widen remembering what they saw.
They all looked at hatsune who looked down "kuai order your men to go and catch that man if they ever see him tell them to inform me-" "Asmodeus can not be caught easily, he is madness and a crazy person hunger for power, he won't stop until everything in his path is obliterated even if it's his own lover" Hatsune said to them "that guy is a monster he sounds way worse than tartarus" Lisa said "he is after all he is our fathers prodigy" Hatsune said to them.
"Why did you never tell me this?" Hanzo asked hatsune "you were already stressed on being the perfect king for the nether realm-" "That doesn't mean that I won't listen to your past" Hanzo said he knelt down to hatsune shocked hanzo pulled hatsune into a hug "you are like my little sister hatsune I will always be there for you" Hanzo said hatsune hugged hanzo back.
Everyone was in awe of this heart touching moment "okay since we have nothing to do how about we have a sleep over!!" Lisa said "that's great we can watch those percy Jackson movies" Bi-han said to Lisa "not funny brother" Lisa said to bi-han "guys don't fight, how about we just have a movie marathon with all our favorite movies!" Tomas said "great but if it's those Perry Johnson movies I am out!" Lisa said "rules are rules everyone" Kuai said.
Hanzo rubbed hatsune head gently as he still had her in his arms kakkō was going but hanzo pulled kakkō into a hug with them "get over here!" Hanzo said.
Tomas smiled at the scene "you know Tomas you are not a bad boyfriend to hatsune after all" Hanzo said Tomas was in awe "thank you that's-" "But that doesn't mean I approve your relationship with hatsune" Hanzo said to Tomas "brother" Hatsune said to hanzo "what it's true and I also don't approve of raiden" Hanzo said "hey raiden is a sweetheart!" Kakkō said "so you do admit you have a thing for raiden" Hatsune said making kakkō embarrassed a bit "okay everyone sleep over starts at seven so be ready" Kuai liang said "atleast we don't have to sleep at curfew" Sareena said "you actually-" "Let it go kuai" Bi-han said.
They spent all night wearing animal pjs and watching movies
Hatsune looked at Tomas she was on his lap "thank you" Hatsune whisper to Tomas he smiled "anything for you hatsune" Tomas said and kissed her hatsune kissed him back the kiss was soft and passionate between them Tomas pulled away "I love you my sunshine" Hatsune said "I love you too my dark ball" Tomas said kissing her forehead as they cuddle each other.
Hatsune was glad to have a family like this and she would not risk this family for the world.
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It’s Just a Prank
Thanks so much to @ladybug1596 for the idea to this story, i taked a long time to write it and i think it’s okay after all! 
Summary; Sareena is turned into a bat by Havik and Bi-Han tries to help her, but the price is a little to high...
Words count; 3968
Pairing; Sareena x Bi-Han
Warnings; Extreme embarassing situations
The Lin Kuei temple was peaceful, always cold on the outside but warm among its members. The former Netherrealm assassin Sareena, was now dedicated to protecting her beloved clan, there she had found a family and a reason to exist. The relationship with Bi-Han was inseparable, since they had fought together against the dark forces of Shinnok they had become a deadly duo.
Although the current Grand Master was Bi-Han's little brother, he was not offended by this or had the ambition to steal Kuai Liang's place, things were comfortable as a second in command and allowed him more time to dedicate worldly things.
The snow fell with all its purity above the rustic roofs, adorning the local trees and merging with the boreal scenery that created a playful landscape. The recruits trained in low temperatures as a way to strengthen themselves, one of the prodigies of the new generation was Kuai Liang protegee, Frost. She was known for her fiery temper and arrogance, loving to brag about her cryomancy and battle skills. Sareena had woken up late that day, arriving at the dojo with a cup of coffee in her right hand, yawning. The demoness wore a black leather coat with red trim, it was made of incubus skin.
"Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with other matters." Said Sareena, taking a sip of her rapidly cooling drink.
The apprentices bowed out in respect to the woman, waiting for her to begin the first lesson of the day. The tutors were divided into schedules and classes, Sareena was with the beginners class in the morning and the melee training at night with advanced students. She pinned her two-tone hair into a loose bun and started class. The subject was discipline and how defense could be the best attack, practicing counter attack and blocking tactics with students who always had difficulty because their teacher was extremely demanding.
The class continued without any interruption, until the pause for the apprentices to review or rest. Sareena left the training yard and returned to the warm interior of the dojo, sighing and shivering because of the temperature, she was not used to the cold. Strong, gentle arms wrapped around her slender figure, embracing her warmly. She didn't even need to look to know it was Bi-Han, who rested his chin on the woman's arched shoulder, giving her a provocative look.
"I missed you ..." He murmured, kissing Sareena's cold cheek.
"An hour ago I was on your side in bed, idiot." She smiled, blushing at how affectionate Bi-Han was that morning.
"Yes, and you got up without saying goodbye or even waking me up."
Before they could continue the couple's stuff, they were disturbed by Smoke, who was entering the building, with a pile of old books in hands, he perfectly balanced the manuscripts and looked at them with doubt, being able to make both of them feel extremely uncomfortable with that. . Smoke smiled at the couple and before heading to the library decided to provoke them a little
"You two could go to a room, you know." The enenra commented, disappearing to store the books in the large study wing.
Bi-Han released Sareena and looked at her in shame, running his fingers over the beard that was beginning to frame his pale face. He had even forgotten what he was going to talk about, he hadn't even had breakfast yet or changed his pajamas, he was known as the cool teacher who didn't piss off or acted like a lord of the rings character.
"A weird guy came to visit you today, as you were out I got him to see what it was about, he left you a letter." Bi-Han told, handing her an envelope that was still sealed.
"Oh really? How strange ... Didn't he say who he was? ” Sareena looked at him confused, taking the letter and opening it immediately, starting to read.
"No, he just said he had something for you, he wore a mask so I also didn't see his face, for a moment I thought it was Quan Chi but I noticed he had hair so I denied the possibility." The man explained, making the devil laugh with his comment about her former boss.
Sareena's eyes widened when she finished reading the letter, leaving Bi-Han curious and distressed, she then started laughing and thought it was some joke on his part with all that mysterious stranger story. The letter's contents were a disturbing declaration of love, containing a poem about how perfect every vital organ in her body was, it looked like something a butcher would write.
"If I were you, I would ask Kuai for help before trying to write a love letter, this is scary!" Sareena exclaimed, returning the note to Bi-Han.
"Love letter?!" He repeated, confused by the whole situation and jealous, starting to read the content himself.
"Weren't you the one who wrote it?"
"Of course not! Even I know the limits of bad taste. ” The ninja replied in frustration, tearing the paper.
"So is this mysterious stranger story serious?" She couldn't believe it, but from Bi-Han's reaction it seemed to be true.
"Yes. That's why I looked for you! ” Bi-Han's face was red and he did not hide his jealousy, he had served as a mailman for a possible competitor.
"You're jealous?" The woman joked, smiling and approaching him, placing her face against his chest.
"Me? Of course not, because apparently this guy is only interested in stealing your organs and selling on the black market, I bet he has something to do with Kano. ” He mocked, kissing the girl's forehead, smiling at her.
“Let's forget about it, okay? Whoever that freak was, he doesn't get to your feet. ”
The couple forgot about the matter for now, going about the day quietly, without mentioning what happened. Everything was perfectly normal, until Sareena had to go to her rooms to pick up her favorite hook in order to show it to her students on the night shift, she would give a nice lesson about impalement. Upon entering the room she shared with her boyfriend, she was surprised by the sinister appearance of a hooded man, who was sitting on her bed, staring at her. The mysterious figure had a skeletal face, with wide eyes and an almost comical expression, it was not something human.
"Not only did you laughed at my love letter, but you also mocked me with that emo ninja, you’re tearing me apart Sareena!" He spoke in a high-pitched voice.
Before the demoness could have any kind of reaction or response to the stranger, a red fog filled the room and with the sound of an explosion, a strange transformation took place. Everyone in the temple could hear that disturbing sound, Kuai Liang instructed the students to stand guard and not accompany him, leaving Smoke to supervise them while he and Bi-Han went to check on what had happened. When they reached the room that was the source of the noise, they looked from side to side, looking for a clue as to what had happened, and to the brothers' surprise there was nothing unusual there or a trace of Sareena. The cryomancers looked at each other, starting to turn the room over until they concluded that everything was clean.
Bi-Han omitted the visit of the masked stranger to his brother, focusing on searching the rest of the temple for Sareena. Search teams split up to look for her, and none were successful. It was already dawn and everyone was tired, going back to the dormitories to continue their searches later. Bi-Han was frustrated and blaming himself for ignoring what had happened earlier, he should have taken that as a warning. The peace in which he was living had in fact taken him away, he needed to be aware again for the sake of his loved ones. The ninja lay on the bed that seemed even bigger without his dear Sareena, the blankets were cold and the feeling of emptiness consumed his thoughts, until his morbid silence was broken by the sound of knocking on the bedroom window. He got up and carefully went to the window, prepared for a surprise attack, opening it and being stunned by the sudden entrance of a winged creature. A dark-colored bat with a white chest had invaded the room, flying to the doorposts and hanging from the bust of the statue that graced the entrance, Bi-Han tried to grab the animal and was bitten by it, until he was even more surprised by the voice which came from the rodent.
"It's me! Listen to me imbecile! ” It was Sareena's voice coming out of the flying mammal, the ninja swore he was going crazy.
"What kind of witchcraft is this?!" He exclaimed, astonished by the revelation.
"You were right about that freak who came up with the letter, he was here in the room when I came to get my hook, he turned me into a bat!" Sareena explained, trying not to make the situation sound more ridiculous than it already was.
Although the situation was too comical to be taken seriously, Bi-Han was not laughing. He closed the window to prevent the cold breeze from settling in the rooms and sat in an armchair by the door, taking a deep breath and looking at the ceiling. In all his years in the vital industry, it had never happened to him. How he would say that to his brother was the biggest doubt at the moment, he needed to act soon if he wanted to get his dear girlfriend back.
When the sun came up again and the night dispersed, Bi-Han woke up from his troubled sleep, with a bat nestled around his neck, he smiled and stroked the animal's fur, rising from the bed as he stretched. It didn't even seem that his lover's soul was at stake, maybe he was a little too calm at the moment given the situation. The cryomancer put on a black coat and snuggled his bat in the hood behind him, it was comfortable and a good place for her to watch his back.
"I think we're going to need help, you have to talk to Kuai Liang." Sareena suggested, pulling Bihan's hair with her thin claws.
"Out of the question, dear." Bi-Han would accept everything, BUT ask his little brother for help.
It took a lot of flattery on the part of Sareena was needed to convince him to go and tell the truth, and also promises that when she became a human she would reward him greatly. When Bi-Han arrived at Kuai Liang's office, he cleared his throath to announce his presence, thinking about what to say to him.
"I found Sareena." The oldest started
"Where is she?! I was already going to conduct more searches for her. ” Kuai stirred, worried
"Eh ... There is only one small problem."
After explaining the situation and presenting the evidence with his talking bat, Bi-Han imagined that Kuai Liang would use it to get revenge for all the times he was embarrassed by his games, but to his surprise it was quite the opposite. The grandmaster was more than interested in helping, asking several times if Sareena was feeling well with her new form, stating that he would seek help from Raiden if necessary. Bi-Han felt strangely bad for all the times he was such a jerk with the youngest, but it's not like he was going to apologize for it, after all he had a reputation to keep.
It was not long before Kuai Liang left in search of help for the couple, and in his absence a sinister presence returned to manifest itself. It was when Bi-Han asked Sareena to pick cherries for him from the tallest trees that the mysterious hooded man returned. His heavy breathing denounced him and Bi-Han turned to face his ghastly and weird face.
"I see that she is serving you better in that form, maybe I should keep her that way." Commented the man, smiling with his skeleton half-face
Bi-Han did not answer and went after the stranger, grabbing his neck and threatening him, Sareena flew around the two and pulled the mantle of the stranger with her teeth, revealing all his bizarre figure as she removed it with effort.
"Who are you?!" Interrogated Bi-Han, punching him hard in the face.
"I am Havik, chaos cleric and a better man for dearest Sareena." Finally, he presented himself, smiling with threats and violence.
“Dude, it’s not gonna happen. I don't even know you and you just turned me into a fucking bat, aren't clerics supposed to be chaste? ” Sareena replied, annoyed with him.
“Reverse the spell. Now." Ordered the cryomancer, freezing Havik's neck with his cold hands.
"You can reverse it yourself, you don't need me." Revealed the emissary of chaos.
"A kiss of true love?" Sareena suggested, making Bi-Han laugh at the idea.
"No. A performance by Bi-Han singing in the sequel to Ninja Mime is more than enough. ”
They were silent, Bi-Han released Havik who fell to the floor, smiling at them and more than satisfied with the reactions.
Havik disappeared with a red haze, leaving them with more questions than answers, which was more than enough to make Bi-Han panic. He knew about the Ninja Mime sequence that would be about a rival singing Ninja but he never thought he would have to participate in that crap, it wasn't fair at all!
"It's not that difficult, I've heard you sing a few times, just call Johnny." Sareena said, encouraging him.
And so Bi-Han did, he was not Kuai Liang to be afraid of the stage, if he had to sing for his motherfucking  girlfriend's life then so be it and he would make sure to win a grammy for best soundtrack for that! Calling Johnny Cage, he was answered by a secretary, who with death threats was forced to pass the phone to the actor, Bi-Han was good at acting like a nutcase “Give the phone to Johnny or I'll follow you home and kill your dog. ”
"Cage on the line."
"It's Bi-Han, a huge fan of Ninja Mime and I would like to participate in the sequence as the Ninja Singer, I know that no one else will accept this fucking role." Bi-Han said, it was clear and objective.
"Holy shit the spell I did with that gypsy really worked!" Johnny bragged, glad to have found someone for the role and even more being Sub-Zero's older brother, that would be a blockbuster. "Imagine your name on the posters man!"
"Whatever, just tell me when we can start , it's urgent."
"Hold on, the recordings won't start until next month."
"I'll be there tomorrow, you better be with the same damn makeup of the first movie or I'm going to rip your head off."
And so Bi-Han ended the call, leaving Johnny Cage surprised and busy with several calls to advance the production of the sequence, it would be the most innovative musical of the century and he would have an Oscar for it! The day went on calmly and without further interruptions, Sareena was distracted flying to places she had never imagined, bringing things she found for Bi-Han. Kuai Liang returned unsuccessfully in the search and had to be explained about how they would break the spell, as a form of support he promised to go to the premiere of the film when he launched.
It was already another day and they had a lot to do, Bi-Han used a portal to go to the studio where the recordings would take place, to his surprise everything was ready, he felt powerful for having pressed Cage for it.
"Animals are not allowed on the set of recordings, is this thing vaccinated?" Johnny was talking, looking with disgust at the bat on Bi-Han's shoulder.
"What did you say about my bat, clown!?" Bi-Han was ready to grab Johnny by the collar and hit him
“I’m not a clown, I’m a mime! They're different dude! ” Johnny dodged, laughing at Bi-Han. "Anyway, you will have to memorize your lines, today we are going to record some scenes and as it is a musical you will have to sing, do not worry about the tuning because we can simply put some autotune at the edit."
Bi-Han sighed, going to the dressing room and taking Sareena with him in his coat. He had to put on Ninja Singer's ridiculous outfits that were a bizarre version of Prince's outfits, he hated purple. After going through the makeup and being handed the script for reading, he just leafed through and went straight to the lines, easily decorating the song he would have to sing, practicing it a bit with Sareena before trying in front of the directors.
"You are incredibly good, maybe you have discovered your new vocation!" She praised, playing with her boyfriend's hand while dropping things off the dressing table.
When it was time to record, Bi-Han took a deep breath and went to the initial tests. To everyone's surprise he had the voice of a fallen angel, the singing in the shower had been enough to make him a star. Johnny Cage couldn't help but be excited about his new partner, singing along with him in the stage, the fight scenes were real and he left Johnny with a broken nose but all for the sake of art. The idea of ​​turning Ninja Mime into a musical has never been better! The first act was an epic chant about how Ninja Mime would take revenge on Ninja Singer for making him break his vows of silence with his catchy music.
At the end of the day Bi-Han was exhausted, his throat hurted and he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue his life as a ninja, maybe becoming an actor was in fact his vocation, all he wanted was an easy life and to be paid for singing. However, there was a problem; Sareena was still a bat. Wasn't it just singing that she would be back to normal? He really wanted Havik not to be lying about it, if it was all a prank he would kill the damn cleric who was trying to steal his girlfriend.
“You have to present yourself, remember? On the day of the premiere, there will be a play for the special guests, you will have to sing live. ” Sareena reminded him, for the first time fear appeared on her face.
"Live singing? This is stupid!" Bi-Han took a deep breath, he had to keep calm if he wanted his dear girl back he would have to put up with acting with Johnny Cage for another month.
And so the month went on, the recordings were going well and Bi-Han was stealing the show as an antagonist, Johnny was proud of him and could already imagine the critics considering the sequence the most innovative film of the decade, with clever songs and ultra realistic action scenes. It didn't take long for the debut date to be announced and Bi-Han became increasingly impatient with that, Sareena would have to endure another month like a winged rodent. She was already getting used to that shape, it was good to hide and collect information for the Lin Kuei as well as allowing her to play tricks without being discovered. The day of the presentation came and Johnny Cage was already on stage, talking about his new film and how innovative he was, in the audience were Kuai Liang, Hanzo Hasashi and even Smoke alongside Cyrax, among several other acquaintances of the actors that included Sonya and Cassie in the front rows. The public already expected that the play and film would suck, but they would watch for the sake of their loved ones. Smoke was laughing even before Bi-Han started singing and Kuai Liang couldn't believe it.
The first act of the play began and Ninja Mime was seen in his deep meditation, when suddenly Ninja Singer appeared and cursed him with his infectious music, forcing him to break the vow of silence and start a duet with him. In the second act Ninja Mime felt devastated and swore revenge against Singer, chasing him to hell and having help from Ninja Clown (Played by Terry Crews) and Ninja Loud (played by Adam Sandler) on their journey to defeat him. To everyone's surprise, the performance was good and there were no technical errors in the play, it was a short and theatrical version of the film that would soon open but it was enough to lift the spirits of the guests who were there, even Hugh Jackman was in the audience and considered the musical as good as Les Miserables, Taylor Swift felt attacked by a musical about Ninja Mime being better than Cats.
At the end of the play, the actors were signing autographs for the fans and one of the guests was none other than Havik, asking Bi-Han for an autograph on his forehead, who drew a penis on his face in revenge.
"I sang, acted and now I'm in the fucking cinema, reverse the spell." He spoke, taking the exaggerated Ninja Singer wig from his head.
"Your wish is an order."
The bat fell from Bi-Han's shoulders and an explosion of lights occurred, upon ceasing the figure of Sareena had been reverted to its human form; but without clothes. It was a scandal and Bi-Han handed her his coat to cover herself, swearing that one day he would take revenge on Havik for putting him through all of that.
"Look on the bright side, you are now famous, Ninja Singer." Sareena joked, laughing at everything that had happened.
In the end, that bizarre and unpleasant story had become a laughing matter in the future, Havik stopped sending letters to Sareena and passed to written them to Bi-Han, whom he claimed to be in love with since his performance, demanding a new musical with Ninja Singer as protagonist. For that he might need to turn Kuai Liang into a penguin, but that is for a next prank.
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