#argh this is the stuff that froze on me during my work dinner break
lisatelramor · 5 years
3 sentence ficlets
Ok, so back in January I wrote some 3 sentence fics for a thing on dreamwidth. I have meant to post them since February, but literally every time I remembered to go look at them/edit/search back the prompt something has gone wrong with my computer. So here, have a few ficlets since I haven’t been around with writing much. (a slightly longer Howl’s Moving Castle fic to follow, if by slightly longer I mean more like 2 pages, not 100)
Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts, Riku, regrets
Once, before everything, Riku had thought of himself as the strong one, the oldest and therefor the wisest of his group of friends; the one to lead and plan and bring all of them to great things. It seems so simple and naive now, arrogant, shortsighted and harmful. When it came down to it, Riku's choices had nearly killed them all just because he thought he knew best, and that would always haunt him, that taint of darkness and fear that he'd make the wrong choice again--he hadn't meant to hurt his friends but he knew better now and he'd fight himself every day if he had to to keep from hurting them again.
 Howl's Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie, you're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart
Howl didn't know when he realized it was love. Maybe it was listening to Sophie and Calcifer bicker back and forth and the fond way he always let her win, or maybe it was when she didn't fall for his boyish smile like so many other women had in the past, or the stubborn glint in her eyes that meant trouble and worrisome things for him and his spells and spiders. It wasn't a logical thing, but he supposed hearts weren't logical things at all--she'd somehow managed to charm his heart when he didn't even have it in his chest and it pulsed its phantom echo in his veins all the same, as inescapable as the Witch of the Waste's abominable curse... and he wouldn't change a thing.
 Princess Tutu: Princess Tutu, any, "if you look away, even for an instant, then our hero will surely perish.”
The breath caught in Tutu's throat--she couldn't tear her eyes from the clash of swords. It felt like if she turned away it would all be over, one would be defeated and she wasn't sure what outcome she could even hope for in this moment. Mytho or Fakir; the thought of either of them being struck down by the other was equally upsetting. Blades slid against each other with a shriek. Fakir faltered. Words burst from Tutu's throat but she couldn't hear anything above that final awful clang--she hadn't looked away, but Fakir fell regardless.
Hunter x Hunter: Hunter x Hunter, Killua/Gon, first kiss
"I dare you," Killua said, grinning, "and you give me ten chocorobos if you chicken out." "Killua," Gon complained, his best friend's addiction to chocolate a little ridiculous by this point. "You scared?" Killua teased, poking Gon in the side. Gon narrowed his eyes and dragged Killua in to a kiss. Killua froze, eyes huge. "Killua, if you want me to kiss you, just ask!"
Kingdom hearts: Kingdom Hearts+any, Sora, visiting new worlds
The best part of a new world, Sora thought, besides the breath-taking moment of first seeing it in the gummy ship, was how different each one was. Some had humans, some were full of talking animals, some were creepy or wet or cold or full of aliens--and Sora never knew what he was going to get from that first sight of the world. He'd grown up on an island where seasons barely happened and you knew everyone who lived there from birth; there was nothing more magical than discovering someplace different and meeting someone new.
 Dragon Knights: Dragon Knights, Gil & Bierrez, So I guess we're good guys now? It feels kind of wrong, like we cheated," Gil said looking down at his hands that are, against all probability, his and alive and strong. "We were demons and yet here we are part of the dragon clan and in important positions. We didn't earn it."  Bierrez was perhaps one of the only people who could understand since he'd been in Rath as well; he didn't seem as troubled by the change though. "Didn't we? What was all that suffering for if not to lead us to a point where we can fix what caused it?"
  Detective Pikachu: Detective Pikachu, any, "you're not allowed to SAY words like that!"
Pikachu looked over the edge of the building and groaned, "Oh fu---" Tim slapped a hand over Pikachu's mouth and hissed, "You're not allowed to SAY words like that!" "They can't even understand me!" Pikachu said squirming free. "Sometimes a situation calls for a bit of swearing, just look!" Tim inched closer to the edge. "Oh....fuck."
Avatar the Last Airbender: Avatar: the Last Airbender, any, birthdays
"It's weird...I'm thirteen, but also a hundred and thirteen and I don't remember any of those birthdays," Aang said, looking a bit sad. Katara reached out, ready to pull him into a supportive hug, but Aang suddenly sat upright, grinning.  "Wait," he said excitedly, "since I've missed a hundred years of birthdays that means I can have a hundred catch-up birthday parties!"
Howl's Moving Castle: Howl's Moving Castle/Castle in the Air, disguised!Howl & kitten!Morgan, Sunday father and son
There was a small blond-haired child with the biggest blue eyes Eva had ever seen standing at her counter with a kitten in his arms. He had money on one fist, staring up at the assorted goodies behind the counter like they held the answers to the universe. "I want a really big thweet-roll," he said, "with frothting." 
"Of course, sweetheart," Eva said, pulling out a roll from the display. "Are your parents around?"
"They're shopping. Wanna thee my kitten?" He held up the little bundle of black fur. The kitten purred so hard it was vibrating.
"Aww, it's very cute."
"He'th like my thon," the boy said with all the solemnity a small child could manage.
Eva melted a little; children and baby animals were peak adorable. "I'm sure he's going to grow into a big strong kitty, too. Here's your roll."
"Thankth!" the boy lisped, grinning with gapped teeth. He stretched and set the handful of money on the counter. "Ith that enough?"
It was just short of what the roll cost by a half penny, but Eva wasn't going to tell him that, not with those big blue eyes looking at her so earnestly. "All good! Have a nice day, honey!"
"Thankth, ma'am," he said with perfect little manners, leaving with his kitten in one arm and his sweet roll in the other. 
Eva smiled after him, the encounter buoying her mood on an otherwise dull Sunday afternoon. At least until a few minutes later when a frazzled woman with reddish hair escaping from her hat every which way burst into the shop. 
"Have you seen a child? Blond with a kitten?" the woman asked, sounding a bit desperate.
"Yes, just a bit ago. He bought a sweet roll." Clearly this must be his mother and he had wandered off instead of having permission. "He turned right when he left."
"Thank you!" the woman said before rushing back out. Eva could swear she heard her say something about feeding fancy shoes to someone. Eva had the distinct feeling that she didn't want to know. Hopefully that poor woman found her son. He'd been such a sweet boy after all.
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