#arianna hits some milestones sooner than others
imaginesteverogerss · 7 years
It's too early for Steve to be sure, his daughter is only 3 days old, but it looks like she may have inherited a few drops of her daddy's serum.
He wasn’t sure if it’dhappen.  He knew so much about the serumand yet, so little.  Maria assured himthat no matter what, they’d face it shoulder-to-shoulder.  Hometeam,handsome, she’d smiled.   
Their daughter was beautiful.  Steve wasn’t sure he was being biased.  Arianna had beautiful brown hair (a lot, fora baby, to hear the nurses tell it) and big, bright blue eyes.  
By the time they left thehospital, her umbilical cord stump had healed up and fallen off.  And she was eating.  She was eating.  Maria was subbing in formula when shecouldn’t breastfeed, Ari was eating so much.
“You know,” Maria’s voicewas soft and low and creased with exhaustion, “I think you passed along some ofyour serum.”
“You –do you – I mean-“
Her hand against his cheststopped his stuttering.  “It’s ok.  We knew this would be a possibility.  We’ll be ok. She’s just gonna need more food and hit her milestones sooner.  Probably. We’ll have to see.” 
He could hear the smile inher voice when she continued.  “And herparents are kickass.  So she’s gotherself a pretty great support system if things do get difficult.”
Steve pulled Maria closer–carefully, she was still healing and he was nervous about making a wrong moveeven if she insisted he wouldn’t hurt her- and kissed her forehead.  “And we’ve got you to keep us both grounded.” 
“Mmm.  –An’ I’ve got you.” She was already droppingoff to sleep again, snuggled up against him and warm.  “And you’ll get up with her in the night whenI can’t.  Super Serum Sleepless Buddies.”
Steve let out a breath ofa laugh.  “Yeah, sweetheart.  I will.”
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