[[my sister put cap 1 and 2 on today and can I just say that I!!! am extra mad at the way cap 3 went now. cap 1 you have peggy on the radio listening to steve go down on a plane (calling him steve), cap 2 you have maria calling him steve and watching him go down in a plane after it blows up, and then in age of ultron you have steve giving maria his jacket at a party and sitting next to her and
then in cap 3 you ignore alllllll of that and start over.]]
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lovelyirony · 5 years
hi!!! would you mind doing: “you are the one, you are the only one I was born to know/beyond the crush of any summer lust and we dared to go” Night Like This prompt for maria hill/steve rogers? if you don't want to thats totally fine! thank u
Maria didn’t often like any sort of party. She was a solitary person who preferred to drink wine by herself or with two people max. 
This meant nothing to Tony. 
“You have to come!” Tony said. “This is the end of the school year celebration for friends, and you’re a friend.” 
“You know I don’t like parties,” Maria says. “Too loud.” 
“This one won’t be. Closest friends, a house party. I’m making a cheese platter, Maria. This is serious business.” 
Maria pauses. 
A cheese platter means a small, intimate event. There is a lower chance of beer pong being played or music blaring. 
“...okay. But if it gets too overwhelming, I reserve the right to leave.” 
Tony cheers. “Dress code is casual, bye Maria!” He flounces away, humming to himself. 
(Stage One of Convincing Complete.) 
Maria hangs out with people. She’s not particularly social, but she likes going to the band’s concerts and being in small groups. She considers Tony and Natasha to be her best friends alongside Sharon. 
So she was expecting that they would tell her who would be there. 
No one told her about Steve Rogers. 
Steve holds out a hand to her immediately. 
“Hi, I’m Steve Rogers,” he says. “I’m transferring in the fall semester to your guys’ university!” 
“Maria Hill,” she answers immediately. “Do you know if Tony has the cheese plate out yet?” 
That’s the first thing she says to him. She had forgotten all basic manners in regards to thinking about a cheese plate. She was mortified. 
Steve takes it in stride and says he’s just finished laying it out. 
Maria takes refuge in the kitchen for ten minutes until Natasha drags her out. 
“You are not staying in the kitchen the whole time you nerd.” 
“Kitchens are good!” Maria protests, trying to dig in her heels. 
“I made you a glass of wine outside, so you’re eating your cheese outside and socializing,” Natasha says. “Bruce wants to ask you what you thought about the last symphony.” 
Maria goes outside. It feels nice, a slight summer breeze swaying the paper lantern lights and wafting the smell of smoke from the grill over. 
She sits by Steve. She does not really know what to ask him first. 
So she asks him a question. Not a particularly relevant one, but a question all the same. 
“What celebrity would you fight if you had the chance?” Maria asks. 
Steve looks surprised. 
“Um...probably Piers Morgan? I think I could put him through a wall.” 
It’s a nice start to conversation. 
From there, they talk about fighting techniques, which appetizer that Tony made is the best, and Maria learns that they actually don’t live that far away from each other at home. 
Steve’s studying art and art history, and he wants to be a high school teacher. Maria tells him all about her goal to work as a personal bodyguard and maybe get into a certain company. 
“I would trust you as a bodyguard,” Steve says, grinning. 
Maria drinks more wine. 
She gets a bit giggly, and enjoys dancing with Steve on the grass. Her shoes have already come off, as they are pointless at this moment and she likes feeling grass. 
“I’m glad you’re coming to our school,” Maria says, smiling softly. “I hope you hang out with us a lot.” 
“I will,” Steve says, grinning. “Why not when I have so much incentive to now?” 
Maria blushes. 
For the record, no one knew she could do that. Tony is currently picking his jaw up off the floor and Bruce is wondering if he can turn Maria blushing into a psychology study. 
Over the summer, they get closer. Maria will come to most events if Steve is there because if she falls asleep (and she does. Frequently), she usually can count on Steve to wake her up gently. 
(And if, sometimes, she got to stare into those baby blues? Well...that was the advantage.) 
Steve fixes her a plate of food if she comes late due to training for an internship starting in the semester. She smiles at him and pats his hand. 
Maria similarly likes going for runs with Steve, who is the only one in the group who likes going on them as much as she does. They go off the park tracks and try to make a game out of seeing who can escape the other. 
They laugh together on a rainy, muggy day as Steve slips into a creek, and Maria joins him. They’re covered in mud, laughing. 
“You’re crazy,” she tells Steve, getting up out of the creek. 
“I’m glad you like crazy,” Steve teases, reaching out a hand. “Can’t believe a pretty girl like you likes to run this early in the morning with me.” 
“Well I do,” Maria responds. 
They’re still holding hands. 
She doesn’t mind it. 
It’s in July 2nd when she realizes that Steve’s birthday is in two days and she’s gotten him nothing yet. 
This involves dragging Natasha and Sharon to the store with her. 
“You could get him a freaky watch thing,” Sharon says, pointing to the step tracker. 
“He broke one last year and says they’re inefficient for his requirements,” Maria answers. “His favorite candy is Twizzlers.” 
“Ugh, old man vibes,” Natasha groans. “Twizzlers? Seriously?” 
“They’re good,” Maria defends. “And this is for Steve, not you who likes luxury items from Europe.” 
“Maybe you could get him a serious gift,” Sharon says. “What about a key to an apartment for next year?” 
“He’s already picked where he’s living and it’s not like that,” Maria denies. 
“You go running together. Make each other that weird, healthy breakfast,” Sharon reminds her. 
“So what?” 
“You like him,” Nat teases. “I think your gift should be telling him.” 
“Birthday gifts are supposed to be good, not sad as fuck,” Maria tells her. “Maybe I’ll get him a new set of spatulas. He mentioned he needed them for his apartment.” 
“Nerds,” Natasha says. “Think about it.” 
Maria thinks about it. 
A lot. 
On one side, she can kind of guess that Steve likes her back. They make breakfast together and sometimes she thinks they stare at each other a bit too long to be “just friends.” 
On another side, she has a pretty hard time believing that they’re anything but friends. They do friend stuff. She’s made breakfast with Tony once or twice. 
(But they don’t stare at each other like that.) 
She decides to remedy her problem and tell him on the Fourth of July. 
Steve is grinning at everyone making a big deal about his birthday. The fireworks show starts, and they all flinch with the first two or three booms. 
They’ve already given their presents, and Steve kisses her on the forehead when she gives him the spatulas. 
“For breakfast on campus,” Maria said with a grin. 
Now she’s lying on Steve’s lap, watching the fireworks and them pointing out their favorite ones. 
She looks up at him, smiling impossibly wide. 
“I think I’m in love with you,” she says. 
Steve’s face gets a look of surprise. 
“You don’t have to do anything about it,” Maria backtracks. “Just thought you should know.” 
Maria gets the best damned kiss of her life right then and there. 
(Thor wins forty dollars.) 
They still run in the mornings on campus. Sure it’s a little earlier, but that doesn’t bother either of them. 
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fcknfairytale · 5 years
“Tony’s legendary party” or “Maria Hill and the brown leather jacket”
Her head hurt, when she climbed up the small ladder in front of her. It was definitely to much alcohol that evening. But not even she can stand the drinking contest with Natasha. She opend the hatch above her and stepped out of the roof. Immediately she feels how the fresh air make her had feel better. The view from the Avanger-Tower is amazing, but from the top of the roof it’s indescribable. Since Maria started to work for Tony it’s her favourite place to go, whenever she needs a break. No one ever comes up here. So at this evening on one of Starks legendary party’s she just needed to escape and be alone. She never liked social events that much, but now in her job she needs to go to some of them. Mostly just to be the eye candy, when Pepper is not around.
Maria breathed deep in and out, when she hears something behind her. As she turned around, the hatch was opened and the face of Steve Rogers came up. “Oh, I'm sorry”, he said, “I thought I was alone up here.” When he tried to get back down, Maria said: “It’s okay, stay.” Steve took the last steps and climbed on the roof. “Didn’t know my secret spot was discovered by someone else”, Maria said. “YOUR secret spot? That’s my secret spot.”, Steve said playful. Maria smiled. “What are you doing here?”, he asked. “Needed air.” “You could get some air on the balcony too.” “Too much people.” “Okay, that’s a reason.”, Steve laughed. “And you?”, Maria nodded in Steves direction. “Trying to avoid Natasha’s try’s to find me a date for the next party.” “She is still doing this?”, Maria asked and turned so she can face Steve. “Still?” “Yeah, she tried to set me up too. But I think after a few times she checked, that this isn’t a thing she can do with me.” “What did you do?” “Just showed her, that I am capable of doing this by my own.”, Maria felt her face blushing, after she said that. Oh god, she was really drunk. Under normal circumstances, she never would say something. Especially not in front of Steve. Steve smiled at her, what made her face even more blush. She turned herself away from him, and faces the city again. In the next moment her body shivers. It was colder outside then she thought it would be. She should have bing a jacket up here, but now it’s too late. Then Maria realised, that Steve already took his jacket of and wrapped it carefully around her shoulders. The brown leather jacket, she couldn’t take her gaze of the whole evening, because it fitted him so damn good. Her arms slipped automatically in the sleeves and she still felt the warmth of his body. “Thank you.” Steve just smiled.
They stand just there, when Steve hiccuped. Maria faced him and laughed. “Too much of Thor’s mead?”, she asked. But Steve didn’t laughed back. Instead he looked at her with that serious gaze of him and said: “Did anyone ever told you how beautiful you are, when you laugh?” Marias smile escaped her face. She stared at him and in the moment she tried to say something, cupped Steve her face and pulled her close. When their lips met, she feels her whole body heating up immediately. She realised, she was just staying there and doing nothing, when Steve pulled back slowly. She wrapped her hand around his neck and clawed the other in his button down, to stop him from ending the kiss.
She couldn’t tell, how long they stand there, but it felt like an eternity when they broke the kiss. “That was...”, Steve started, but Maria pressed her finger on his lips. “Don’t ruin it Rogers.”, she said with a smile. At this moment the firework started. Another thing, that Tony’s partys are legendary for. They turned around and Maria said: “Could it get more cheesy? A offered jacket, a kiss on the rooftop and a firework? What is this? A fucking movie?” “If this were a movie, you would not have said ‘fucking’ and kissed me instead again.”, Steve said amused. When Maria faced him again, they didn’t need another word. The second kiss was more passionated then the first one. When they broke it, they didn’t stepped away. They just stood there like this. Steve’s lips rested on Maria’s forehead and her hands were wrapped around his neck. Maria’s phone rang and both got frightened. After she checked the display, she looked at Steve. “Natasha asks where I am, and if I know where you are. I think we should go back.” Steve just nodded.
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When they climbed down the ladder, Maria said: “I think it’s the best, if I wait a few minutes, before going back to the Party.”, Steve nodded again, but now there was a bit of sadness in his gaze. He turned around and grabbed for the door. “Steve”, Maria said. He turned around again. “Maybe we could continue this later?” A smile came up to Steve’s face, then he pressed Maria’s back to the wall and kissed her. When he left the room, Maria’s knees where still weak and her heart beat fast. This wasnt definitely something, what she expected from one of Tony’s party’s. And then she realised, that she still wore the brown leather jacket.
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chastainromanova · 5 years
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Cobie Smulders x Chris Evans
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daenyara · 5 years
@polaroid-idiocity replied to your post “day #10 - (almost) deadly pollen”
a rare pair? that i love? HELL YEAH RO!!!
I had no idea you liked SteveMaria so much afsdgasdj <3
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thesokovianaccords · 7 years
pepperony and steve/maria for the ship thing
answered here!
Who said “I love you” first: Steve - Maria’s always been one to hedge her bets
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: definitely Steve
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: hmmmm I think Maria...she’s not one to leave record of things like love notes, but she likes to remind Steve that he’s important to her in her own way
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: they both buy each other ridiculous trinkets when they travel to different places - it’s become a competition
Who initiated the first kiss: okay i think their first kiss took place on a mission, so Maria
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Maria - he’s too irresistible early in the morning, the first rays of the sun across his face
Who starts tickle fights: ehhh maria isn’t ticklish or the tickling type (and steve is thankful for that every day)
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Maria - she will take every second she can get in Steve’s presence since both of them travel so much
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Steve - he has to eat so much during the day, he’d rather do so with someone he loves
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: she did a good job hiding it, but Maria
Who kills/takes out the spiders: MARIA - steve is terrified of spiders honestly
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: STEVE, whenever Thor is in town he supplies Steve with an Asgardian sampler pack and he has lots to say about Maria
[send me a ship]
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imaginesteverogerss · 7 years
It's too early for Steve to be sure, his daughter is only 3 days old, but it looks like she may have inherited a few drops of her daddy's serum.
He wasn’t sure if it’dhappen.  He knew so much about the serumand yet, so little.  Maria assured himthat no matter what, they’d face it shoulder-to-shoulder.  Hometeam,handsome, she’d smiled.   
Their daughter was beautiful.  Steve wasn’t sure he was being biased.  Arianna had beautiful brown hair (a lot, fora baby, to hear the nurses tell it) and big, bright blue eyes.  
By the time they left thehospital, her umbilical cord stump had healed up and fallen off.  And she was eating.  She was eating.  Maria was subbing in formula when shecouldn’t breastfeed, Ari was eating so much.
“You know,” Maria’s voicewas soft and low and creased with exhaustion, “I think you passed along some ofyour serum.”
“You –do you – I mean-“
Her hand against his cheststopped his stuttering.  “It’s ok.  We knew this would be a possibility.  We’ll be ok. She’s just gonna need more food and hit her milestones sooner.  Probably. We’ll have to see.” 
He could hear the smile inher voice when she continued.  “And herparents are kickass.  So she’s gotherself a pretty great support system if things do get difficult.”
Steve pulled Maria closer–carefully, she was still healing and he was nervous about making a wrong moveeven if she insisted he wouldn’t hurt her- and kissed her forehead.  “And we’ve got you to keep us both grounded.” 
“Mmm.  –An’ I’ve got you.” She was already droppingoff to sleep again, snuggled up against him and warm.  “And you’ll get up with her in the night whenI can’t.  Super Serum Sleepless Buddies.”
Steve let out a breath ofa laugh.  “Yeah, sweetheart.  I will.”
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Avengers: Infinity War
there are... so... many.... characters... in this.......
favorite male character: steve
favorite female character: okoye
least favorite character: the logical choice is thanos but rly its dr strange
prettiest character: okoye
funniest character: okoye
favorite season: ... okoye?
favorite episode: ....... okoye?
favorite romantic ship: it’s literally been so hard to remember what ships were in this movie fklsjfskldj. i DON’T KNOW.
favorite family ship: i don’t have one
favorite friend ship: i love all the avengers getting along
worst ship: wanda/microwave oven
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khaleesigh · 3 years
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@fearthedirewolves-blog @potato-enthusiast-blog @stevemarias @fangirly97 @leah97lev-in-wonderland @mimkyu13 @tizozo6567 @anisa-purpledreams @fandomnesss @tonelligloriab18d3 @ilprofumodellestellee @dracomalfuoy @nochesenelcielo @dreeams--are-real @missvaluable @dianamedgar @wesara3blr @sofiahazzou-blog @jennlawwesss @failedprojects @one-day-i-will-leave @divergentdhampir @ebediebedi-blog @ulxraviolence 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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@soulstcne asked: M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
oh boy okay this is a fun one and maybe also kind of — lame? but pretty spot on for maria’s life soooooo here we go.
dinner. doesn’t matter the kind of restaurant, although please not one of those super fancy places that thinks a half a teaspoon is a full serving! she really enjoys getting to know people (duh) and dinner is still the best way to do that. she’s also more than happy to eat dinner out of a cardboard box on the couch with her date, if going out is just not in the cards for the day. movies are also a big draw, but there’s not as much opportunity to chat.
as for the person, I’m going to go a little sappy and just say her partner because whoever she chooses to date is her ideal partner, there’s no way they can go wrong and they should be secure in the knowledge that maria only chooses people she is sincerely, deeply interested in. i guess if i have to choose it would be steve since stevemaria fic was what got me into writing maria in the first place? but that’s just me.
it helps if they are also forgiving of the fact that maria’s life is sometimes literally insane and she might have to cancel with literally no notice, and that she might not also be able to tell them everything about her day. dating maria is more complicated than it seems on the surface, but the actual dates are easy enough to plan.
alphabet meme || accepting
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lovelyirony · 5 years
woah woah wait stevemaria is such a good concept why isn’t this a more common thing you’re blowing my mind I want that
isn’t it good? i love writing about it and reading it! i think there are some fics on ao3 or even if u can find some here it’s good 
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fcknfairytale · 5 years
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After Endgame put a stone on my favourite ship, I needed to draw this. 😅
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emily-charlton · 8 years
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thesokovianaccords · 8 years
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I wanted to start off the year by celebrating each and every one of my followers, who have made this blog a joy to run. You all are amazing, and I want to show my appreciation for you!
mbf this superhero nerd (y’know, since this is a gift for my followers)
the last day to enter is January 31st
reblog this post to enter (likes count only as bookmarks)
There are two parts to this follower appreciation extravaganza:
Part One: Birthday Giveaways
i will create a birthday list (it’ll be private, I’m the only one who will see it)
send me an ask with your name/nickname, url, and birthday 
a week or two before your birthday, I will send you a message, and you can request a gift that will be posted on your birthday (or around, if i’m being realistic lol)
it can be a short fic, an OTP au aesthetic, character moodboard, social media edit, url graphic, personal aesthetic…the possibilities are endless!
(ships available for request will be under the cut)
Part Two: OTP AU Aesthetics
previous examples can be found here
send me the ship + au of your choice (i.e. steggy + noir au, darcybucky + star wars au, etc.)
If you have any questions or concerns, my ask box is open!
Ships available for request:
[MCU] stevepeggy // peppertony // clintnatasha // buckynatasha // stevemaria // thorjane // darcybucky // tripskye (daisytrip) // fitzsimmons // hunterbobbi // mattelektra // lukejessica // daisylincoln // philmelinda // mackelena
[Non-MCU] oliverfelicity // percyannabeth // jameskara // clarklois // stevediana // barryiris
as a reminder, you are always welcome to request a ship/otp not listed here, but i do reserve the right to refuse a request!
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khaleesigh · 3 years
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@fearthedirewolves-blog @potato-enthusiast-blog @stevemarias @fangirly97 @leah97lev-in-wonderland @mimkyu13 @tizozo6567 @anisa-purpledreams @fandomnesss @tonelligloriab18d3 @ilprofumodellestellee @dracomalfuoy @nochesenelcielo @dreeams--are-real @missvaluable @dianamedgar @wesara3blr @sofiahazzou-blog @jennlawwesss @failedprojects @one-day-i-will-leave @divergentdhampir @ebediebedi-blog @ulxraviolence 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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send me a ship and i’ll reply with
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
(sneaky tagging @lostsouldier as they got me on this ship lmao)
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