#arielle’s headcanons 💭🎀
miuszn · 1 year
Ellie casual dominance hcs?
hi anon !! omg im definitely a sucker for casual dominance hcs and i just know ellie is the QUEEN of casual dominance .. like wow im crazy for her . anyway here’s some hcs !! hope u like them <3 ( note : i’ve looked for casual dominance hcs myself on here before so i might accidentally repeat any that have been posted before .. if that’s the case lmk so i can credit whoever wrote it first !! it’s never my intention to copy anyone </3 )
ellie casual dominance hcs
slight nsfw ( implied ) warning for the last one !!
♡ of course she’s super super protective of u in literally every aspect .. anyone looks at u the wrong way and she doesn’t keep quiet , she stands up for you whenever someone says or does something to insult u because she knows u don’t have the courage to do it urself
♡ whenever ur out in public she always has her hand on u in some way . on ur waist or back while walking around , or on your thigh when sitting down , u name it . she needs to have her hand SOMEWHERE
♡ gets pissy when anyone orders u around in any way bc .. hello .. that’s HER job !! i can’t rlly think of specific scenarios for this one atm but i think it’s pretty self explanatory anyway .. like i can just imagine her glaring at anyone trying to tell u what to do especially if it’s something that contradicts what she told you to do yk .. hope this part made sense hehe
♡ never lets u do heavy lifting . like ever !! no matter how much u protest or how much u insist that you’re strong too ( you are , but not more than her ) she won’t listen and always does it for u . even if all u have to carry is a chair or a simple box , if she’s around ? no way that’s happening . she has to do it for u
♡ as much as she complains to u about u stealing her t shirts so much , she secretly loves it especially when u wear them outside of the house
♡ unsure if this is casual or not .. but i’m adding it anyway .. she loves leaving marks . especially hickeys . she loves showing people you’re hers , and as embarrassing as you find it when the marks she leaves are very noticeable , she never plans on stopping !!
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miuszn · 1 year
skater!ellie and rollerblader gf hcs?? i’ve been obsessed with this idea ever since i thought of it 😭
hi anon !! omg i’ve never thought of this idea but i love it so much the more i think abt it .. here’s some hcs !! hope u like them <3
skater!ellie x rollerblader!reader hcs
♡ you learned to rollerblade a little after u started to date , so u weren’t super good at it at the start so she always brought bandaids n whenever u fell and scraped ur knee she’d take care of u and insist to put the bandaids on for u ( even after u told her multiple times ur not that hurt and can do it urself )
♡ u guys go on little skating dates at the park aaa !! after a while when u guys get tired u sit down near an ice cream stand and get ice cream together , she always says she doesn’t want ice cream even after u try and convince her to get one but she ends up eating most of yours every . single . time . without fail !!!
♡ the park u guys go to has one of those big ramps n she practices tricks and stuff and u loooove watching her .. u watch her mesmerized wondering how she does all of that ?!?! u think it’s sososo attractive
♡ there’s also a group of annoying guys that like to hang out at the ramp and they think they’re so superior because they skate and don’t rollerblade , they like 2 tease u for it and this makes ellie SUPER angry , she always stands up for u and argues with them ( my personal hc is that she’s super tall .. idc abt canon .. she’s like 5’9 in my heart .. n she’s taller than them so she intimidates them and scares them off easily hehe )
♡ she has ur name written on the bottom of her skateboard along w a cute little picture of u guys and it looks soooo out of place w the rest of the pictures on it , but she says it’s her favorite picture on it and never plans on taking it off despite the fact it doesn’t match
♡ you know how people put little beads with words and other stuff in the strings of their shoes ? u have ellie’s name along w a little heart on the strings of your rollerblades and she thinks it’s the cutest thing ever <33
♡ one time u tripped and fell and hit ur knee reaaaally hard n u couldn’t walk properly for about a week , ellie wouldn’t leave ur side the entire time to make sure u were okay , she’d bring u food or whatever u needed n would help you if you needed to stand up for whatever reason
♡ when u guys aren’t skating at the park , ur skating in the city late at night racing each other down empty streets ( she always wins somehow )
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