ariemfox · 16 hours
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Happy 3rd birthday Brioche!! Here are some Brioche identifying characteristics: Only one eyebrow, 3 tiny white hairs on his forehead, and lil gloves and two-tone beans!
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ariemfox · 18 hours
rory williams is literally the most insane character. in love with the local batshit girl. best friend growing up was crimes georg. got erased from existence and turned into a plastic roman. 2000 years guarding a box. also the most normal man you've ever met. it's like he practices being normal. his hobby is Being Normal. he's a normal nurse who wants a normal life with two and a half kids and a picket fence. he's perfectly happy with the Fucking Insane life he has with amy instead, regardless.
his problem solving skills involve "tactical suicide" and "telling the eldritch entity possessing the tardis it should torture him and amy instead of killing them". these work. he also steals and carries around future and alien first aid stuff, apparently.
he became emperor of rome for a bit. he narrowly dodged becoming king of camelot. he knows how to dual wield a shortsword and a gun.
rory williams is a Perfectly Normal Man, despite all of this.
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ariemfox · 18 hours
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Happy pride month
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ariemfox · 18 hours
Nothing will ever be as funny to me as doctor who from the masters pov. Your best friend wanders into the woods and befriends a group of squirrels. He decides he will protect that specific tree with his life, even at the cost of your own species. You are the last two humans in the world. You once again try to burn down that fucking tree
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ariemfox · 19 hours
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I’ve posted them before, but have some more Picasso bugs because they are so dang cute.
Sphaerocoris annulus, Scutelleridae (Jewel Bugs). Found in sub-Saharan Africa
Photo 1 by alastair61, 2 by nielspouldreyer, 3 by bartwursten, 4 by b_louboutin, 5 by azizhingora007, and 6 by also_sprach_susscrofa
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ariemfox · 19 hours
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so. are they seeing the camera crew behind ruby
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ariemfox · 19 hours
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i wasn’t sold on a doctor in jeans until i saw the boots. the fit is giving like… dark eyes eight or s1 nine. that’s how you know it’s serious when the doctor starts dressing like a punk biker. sorry for the 5 pixel resolution i nabbed this from instagram reels
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ariemfox · 20 hours
It’s not rtd. it’s not rtd. rtd didn’t write rogue this was Kate Herron and Briony Redman’s first ever dr who story and they need all the praise in the world for it. I need at least somebody being vocally enthusiastic about having women writing dr who especially when I can tell you all adore this episode. Don’t let rtd get away with it don’t let him run away with the credit for a character and episode entirely conceived by two women
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ariemfox · 1 day
Doctor to the Master: We can fight amongst the stars
Doctor to the Toymaker: We can play games across the universe
Doctor to Rogue: We can argue across the stars
The Doctor only knows two kinds of long-term relationships: travelling companion and interstellar nemesis. No in-between.
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ariemfox · 1 day
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ariemfox · 2 days
Today I explained why I can't really travel to Florida right now to my dad & watching him get increasingly frustrated with the realization that Transphobia Exists was honestly something else.
him: "well if you're not allowed to use the men's bathroom, just go to the women's! that'll show them."
me: "yeah but I'm just as likely to have the cops called on me for 'using the wrong bathroom' in there. have you seen me lately?"
him: "but if one of the options is wrong and not allowed then the other one has to be the right option. what do they want you to do?"
my grandma, helpfully: "I think they want trans people to not go to Florida"
my dad: spluttering frustratedly
me: "I think the thing is that you are more logical and reasonable than Ron DeSantis."
the face of a semi-reformed(?) conservative when realizing with dawning horror that laws can be unfair on purpose is truly special tbh
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ariemfox · 2 days
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Some doctor who art!
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ariemfox · 2 days
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Her manifestation skills are actually insane
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ariemfox · 2 days
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ariemfox · 2 days
random out of the blue theory-slash-headcanon regarding "Rogue": he's either a Time Agent, Division or CIA. the whirlwind romance was a honeypot for the Doctor, practically textbook spycraft. and it worked.
the Doctor loves to fall for morally grey rascals, right? so they, whoever 'they' are, construct a perfectly designed handsome bounty hunter for the Doctor to become enchanted by, complete with a 'heart of gold' and undue self-sacrificial heroism.
then a monster. there needs to be a monster. since this is all play-acting and showmanship, make them cosplayers. draw the Doctor in. make the puzzle irresistible for him.
break his heart. enthrall his mind. entice him to place the tracker ring onto his finger of his own accord. gather intelligence: confirm that this is The Doctor, the sole living Time Lord in the universe, highly dangerous entity, war criminal of his own admittance, and my oh my, what a prize. what a bounty on his head. but not quite yet. Rogue's recon mission along with his Chuldur fellow travellers was just for information, and they got that aplenty, TARDIS console tour and all.
all six of them were oddly calm as Rogue pressed send on the triform trap: they weren't going to a barren dimension. they were headed back to Headquarters, ready to report a successful task completed.
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ariemfox · 2 days
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ariemfox · 3 days
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I can do whatever the hell I like. You've read the stories. You know who I am. And in all of that time, did you ever hear anything about anyone who stopped me?
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