iamfruitie · 2 months
Okay how about a spicy moment between Night and Host in the Demon Hunter AU with Mad accidentally interrupting by opening the door 😆
Mad does tend to have bad timing XD
"Night, we should-we should w-wait~" Host's last word came out as a shaky breath. He sat on his desk with Night standing between his legs. Host's pants were undone and shifted down just enough for Night to wrap his hand around his cock and start slowly stroking him.
"Are you sure you want to wait?" Night asked with a playful hum, Host's hands gripping his upper arms. "I just want a little taste~" He pressed his nose to Host's neck, scraping his teeth against the Claim Mark. Night had the biggest grin when that got Host to gasp, hand moving to the back of his head and fingers going through his hair.
"That's not playing fair." Host huffed but pulled Night closer to himself. He didn't have a meeting for another hour. He could spare a little bit of time for some self-indulgence.
"That's what makes it more fun." Night chuckled, working his hand faster and dragging his tongue across the mark this time.
"Sh-Shit." Host knew a mark was sensitive with how Mad had described it to him, but he never thought he'd love having it played with this much.
"We might end up with more than a taste with how you're reacting." Night teased. "How long do we-"
"Hey, Host. Could you check-" The questions turned into a squeak, and Host immediately knew that Mad had walked in.
"Good morning, Madrick." Night casually greeted while Host dropped his forehead to his shoulder, wishing he had the ability to disappear.
"I was-I just-my-um-I have some-something for-uh-" Mad sputtered as his brain struggled to figure out what to do, awkwardly waving some papers.
"Place those on the table there, and Host will read them when we're finished." Night flashed a smile, and Mad's red face just got even brighter as he quickly did as he was told and ran out of the room, closing the door behind him.
"He's going to tell Mare, who's going to tell Phantom, who's going to tell everyone." Host groaned.
"Just means we'll definitely be left alone." Night said.
"I should get back to work." Host didn't even get to move before Night began stroking his cock again.
"I still need my taste~" Night purred after getting a light moan from Host.
"Five minutes." Host said, and another moan came out at Night nipping his Claim Mark. "Make that twenty." He tilted his head at the touch on his jaw and leaned into a kiss.
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iamvegorott · 1 month
Let's see if you want. You can write a blurb about some of the gifts Marvin gets at the party!🥳 🎁
Don’t Worry About It
Let’s pretend I wrote this yesterday XD This is a sequel to A Rare Calm Morning;  link
Don’t Worry About It
Marvin was left to his own devices for the rest of the morning and was only interrupted for refills on his tea and lunch delivery. Eventually, JJ, Henrik, and Robbie returned and Marvin got a show of watching Jackie trying to carry everything in one trip. The weight wasn’t the problem, he just didn’t have enough body to hold it all, but he still tried. JJ hid a few items to make the trip a little easier on Jackie and caught Marvin watching. He smiled and waved before scrambling to stop Jackie from walking into a tree, redirecting him toward the front door. 
After that experience was finished, Marvin returned to his reading and was soon joined by Henrik, the two lounging together and talking about everything and nothing. Marvin would be lying if he said he didn’t like a bit of gossip and it was the same for Henrik. JJ often joined the talks but he was busy with cooking and supervising the way too excited Jackie. 
They knew it was time to head in when Wilford quite literally appeared in front of them and practically dragged Marvin back into the House. 
Looks like the calm was finished for the day
As soon as Marvin was in the building, Robbie and Blank were both in front of him and begging for them to do gifts before dinner. Marvin couldn’t say no to those pleading eyes and agreed, getting an earful of happy shouts from the two before they ran off. 
“Told you they’d get him to do it,” Anti said with a chuckle to Mad. 
“Did you tell them to ask me?” Marvin said.
“Nah. They mentioned it and I told them to ask. The worst thing you’d do is say to wait until after dinner. We’re doing the stuff anyway, the only thing that can change is timing.” Anti shrugged, using his thumbnail to clean out under his other nails on the same hand. 
“Happy birthday, Marvin,” Mad said with a smile. 
“Thank you. Are the others-” Marvin didn’t get to finish as Robbie and Blank returned, grabbed his hands, and tugged him to the living room where the other Egos were waiting. 
“Gifts! Gifts! Gifts!” The young Egos chanted, letting Marvin go and running over to the little pile of presents. 
“I think they’ll explode if we don’t let them share first.” Chase chuckled. “Go on, boys.” 
“Gift!” Robbie and Blank finished their chant with their loudest one and pulled out a thin gift. 
“Here you go!” Blank said as Robbie handed Marvin the gift. 
“Thank you.” Marvin made his way to his spot and sat down. He couldn’t tell what it was by feel so he was careful with unwrapping, remembering when Jackie accidentally ripped their drawing and almost cried with the kids since he felt so bad about it. Marvin had a feeling it was a drawing again since they made those often and was proven right when he finished getting the wrapping paper off and was greeted with a framed drawing of himself surrounded by green lightning bolts. 
“I helped them put it into a frame,” Jackie explained with a weak laugh. 
“It’s very lovely, thank you.” Marvin sat the drawing on the end table beside him and smiled when Blank and Robbie giggled happily and took off to sit with Mare and Chase. 
“The Ipliers all chipped in for this collection.” Wilford scooped up an armful of the boxes and dropped them all on top of Marvin. 
“Thank God none of this is heavy.” Marvin laughed, picking the first gift he could reach and unwrapping it. “Oh! I’ve been needing this flower.” He unwrapped several other gifts and discovered that they all had various flowers and plants that were often difficult for him to collect. 
“Took a while to get that one,” Illinois said with a prideful grin. 
“Thank you all.” Marvin laid the boxes on the ground, already having them somewhat organized for his collection back in his room. 
“Our turn.” Anti bumped Illinois away and Mad handed Marvin a gift. Marvin could tell right away with the feel of it that it was a book. He tried to think of what kind of book Mad and Anti would get for him. It would be easy to guess if it was only one of them but the two of them together was hard to predict.
“Holy shit!” Marvin blurted out when he saw the book. “How the fuck did you two get this?”
“There’s apparently a lot of lore to that book.” Jackie laughed.
“This book has only one copy and is kept within a magically secured location that no one knows where it is aside from the author and the author is dead.” Marvin started flipping through the pages. “There is no way this is real.”
“It is.” Anti grinned.
“What did you two do?” Chase asked.
“Don’t worry about it.” Mad and Anti said together. 
“That makes all of us worry more.” Dark sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Happy birthday!” Anti laughed as the others tried to figure out what the book was and why Marvin was so excited about it. But the only response they could get at the moment was;
Don’t worry about it.
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
I was thinking of Night experiencing Host going through a vision for the first time. With a lot of blood going through the bandages and Night is freaking out over what to do until Dark intervenes 😱
Sorry this took me forever to write!!
Also I couldn't resist slipping a little bit of the chaos twins in there! XD
It was a peaceful evening, for the most part. Night had cooked a lovely dinner for Host, feeding him a rich chocolate cake for dessert with a smile, then curling up in the couch to just enjoy the other’s company.
He was just beginning to doze off, fingers threading through Host’s hair to keep the longer strands out of the bandages, when he felt the narrator tense up against him. Turning to look at Host, Night’s eyes widened as he watched blood seeping through the bandages around his own eyes, leaking out from underneath to run down his cheeks.
“What’s happening? What’s going on?” Night asked, losing his composure as fear trickled in his veins. Tugging a handkerchief from his pocket, he pressed it to Host’s cheek, feeling his hands start shaking when the blood seeped through the fabric instantaneously.
He’d never seen so much blood coming from beneath Host’s bandages before; helping to change them had made him believe his sockets were mostly healed. This seemed… different somehow. Despite his tense pose, Host seemed unbothered by the affliction, simply facing forward with his mouth forming unintelligible words.
“I’m going to get some bandages… warm water… cold water to drink…” Night trailed off as he left the room, heading first for the bathroom to get the first aid kit, then going to the kitchen to douse a dishcloth in warm water and fill a glass with cold water. He paused as the thought of calling for help entered his mind, then shook it off in favour of getting back to his partner.
Stepping into the room, Night stopped as he spotted Dark kneeling in front of Host, hands on his shoulders with his eyes trained on his mouth, carefully reading Host’s lips and muttering comments about the words. After some time, Dark leaned away from Host and noticed Night standing in the doorway. Clearing his throat, he stood up and motioned for the god to return to Host’s side.
“He’s fine now,” Dark said, seeming to sense Night’s concern. “When he’s had time to rest, ask him about his visions. I have a feeling they’ll be regular occurrences for you. Also please inform him I received his message and will act on the vision as soon as I am able.” With that, Dark left in a cloud of black smoke, leaving Night blinking at empty space before turning back to change Host’s bandages.
“Sorry about that,” Host said quietly as he leaned toward Night, tilting his face to let him clean the blood. “Sometimes I can control when I have a vision, but today it couldn’t wait. I’m alright, though,” he finished, reaching for Night’s free hand.
“Did it hurt?” Night asked, carefully wrapping fresh gauze around Host’s head. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Having the visions don’t hurt,” Host replied, curling back into Night’s side once he heard the click of the first aid kit closing. “Mostly, it’s just annoying. I was going to tell you tomorrow, because Dark needed me to experience a vision for his next job, but I guess the vision couldn’t wait.”
“Do you need me to help you in any way when this happens?”
“What you’ve done is more than enough,” Host said with a smile, shifting slightly to rest his head on Night’s chest, humming when Night draped his arm around his shoulders. “The visions don’t last long, but afterward I will need a bandage change and a lot of water. In rare cases a shower would also help.”
Night nodded, humming in acknowledgement before holding Host closer, pressing a kiss to the top of his head and relaxing more against the couch cushions. As he listened to Host’s breathing even out, signalling he had fallen asleep, Night couldn’t stop the swarm of thoughts and questions he had about Host’s visions.
With a sigh, he decided to ask them on their next date, opting instead to do some research into the illusion magic that was probably involved with Host’s visions. And what better way to research than to ask the illusionists born from chaos magic themselves?
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Night sent a quick text out to a specific group chat, turning off the phone and closing his eyes after hitting send. Need to ask you two about illusion magic. Can it happen in the psychic threshold? Meet me at the cherry blossom tree tomorrow, noon.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch
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iamvegorott · 2 months
Meeting Chaos
Thank you @ariesshower824 for the commission!
Summary: The creator of Demons, Night, has used everyone's favorite Researcher, Mad to request a meeting with the leader of the Hunters. Host agrees to this meeting and goes alone but is not expecting the outcome that occurs.
Meeting Chaos
While the Demon Hunter’s Headquarters wasn’t known for silence nor complete peace, it also wasn’t known for endless calls and Hunters rushing about. 
Something was wrong.
Call after call about Demon activity had everyone trying to put their heads on straight and figure out how to handle everything. Demons have never gone about like this. Sometimes groups would cause chaos together but several groups causing chaos in several locations? That was unheard of. 
The only place that wasn’t filled with noise was Host’s office, but the tension was still thick in the air. Host sat in his chair, elbows on his desk with his hands together and held up to his face. Dark sat on the corner of the desk while Mad stood in front of it. Mare was in the office as well, refusing to leave Mad’s side. He glared and nearly hissed at anyone who got anywhere close to the Human. 
“So, what happened?” Dark asked Mad.
“Before all of…this happened. I was making my way to the library. I heard that a new series of books came in and I wanted-”
“Main points, please. We can discuss little details later.” 
“Sorry,” Mad said softly, hugging himself a bit. He gave Mare a quick smile when he felt his hand on his back. Mare stepped a little closer to Mad and that helped him continue his story. “I got separated from Mare when other Demons started trashing the streets and that was when I ran into a different Demon. He was very…different.”  
“Different how?” Host asked. 
“I don’t know. He felt like a Demon beyond the rankings like his entire being was-it-I-I can’t think of any other word but different.” Mad was hugging himself again, clearly not liking that he couldn’t explain anything beyond that. 
“It’s okay, Madrick. What happened after you ran into this Demon?” Host spoke calmly. 
“He stared at me for a bit, almost like he was reading me. Mare showed up not too long after that and…” Mad’s voice trailed off. “He told me to send the leader of the Hunters to The Twins’ spot.” Host could tell that Mad was leaving parts of the story out. Likely, as Dark had put it ‘little details’. 
It wasn’t hard to get those details from Mad and he could ask about them later if anything seemed wrong. Host didn’t have too many worries about Mad’s safety with Mare being his partner but he still had some. He had his worries for everyone who worked for him, regardless of their rank. 
“Why would he want that? What would he gain from that?” Dark asked.
“He’s Night,” Mare answered. 
“The creator of Demons.” 
“What!?” Mad’s anxiety was gone and he looked at Mare. “Why didn’t you tell me!? I have so many questions.”
“That is exactly why I didn’t tell you. Our creator is unpredictable. We don’t even know what he wants. He’s been gone for so long and none of us know why he’s back. Chaos literally follows him wherever he goes.”
“Why is that?” 
“We don’t know.”
“I can find out.”
“No, you are not.”
“I’ll meet with him.” Host cut the argument short. 
“I think myself and the other high-ranking Hunters should handle this,” Dark said. “It sounds dangerous to see him alone. If chaos follows him, then he should be dealt with.” 
“I will meet him.” Host repeated and stood up. “I will take care of this. If this ‘creator’ wishes to call me out. Then he will not make me look like a coward and I will face him.” 
Dark parked the car under a streetlight a block away from the spot. He chewed on his lip as he listened to Host unbuckle his seat belt. 
“I still think I should go with you. Facing the creator of Demons on your own does not sound safe.” Dark said. 
“I know what I’m doing.” Host opened the car door before pulling out a bat from under his seat. His bat. “Wait here. That is an order.”
“Yes, sir.” Dark gritted his teeth and had a firm grip on the steering wheel, hating all of this but knowing it was best to do as Host said. 
“I will come back. Don’t worry.” Host patted Dark’s shoulder, feeling him relax slightly but was still fairly tense. “I will come back.” He repeated and after a quick reassuring squeeze, he got out of the car. 
Host took a moment to take in a deep breath of fresh air, he wasn’t outside as much as he wanted, always busy with answering questions, organizing patrols, and ensuring the safety of others that the most time he gets outdoors is walking across the street from his office to his home. If only his time outside wasn’t for a meeting with the most powerful Demon of them all. 
Using his bat as a cane of sorts, Host walked. He knew there wouldn’t be other Humans or Demons around, something telling him it would just be only himself and Night. Soon there was the echoing thud of metal against his bat. The park bench Mad described. Metal structure with wooden seating. 
Host stood behind the bench, waiting for company to arrive, trying to see if he could hear or feel Night or if he was going to be different with that as well. 
“Hello.” A voice spoke next to Host, showing that his thought of Night being different was true. But now that he knew where he was, he could work with that. 
“Night.” Host greeted flatly. 
“I have to admit, you’re not what I was expecting for the mythic leader of the Hunters.”
“And I was expecting the creator of Demons to have a more intimidating aura.” 
“Oh? I retract my previous statement. I now really understand how you’re the leader.” Night softly chuckled. 
“What do you want?” Host got to the point. The longer he was here, the more Dark would worry and when he worried, he got impatient and when he got impatient, he made rash decisions. Dark’s rash decisions always ended with blood. 
“I just have some questions is all.” Night’s voice was laced with fake innocence. “For starters, what’s your name?” 
“You don’t need to know my name.” Host stated.
“I mean, you have a fair point that it’s not a ‘need’ but it is a want and I always get what I want. If you’re unwilling to share your name with me, I’m sure that curious one of yours would be willing to share. Mad, correct? I bet it would be so easy to get answers from him. Plenty of methods would work on such a small fellow.” Night’s grin could be heard. Host stepped aside and aimed the tip of his bat toward the Demon.
“Leave. Mad. Alone.” Host spoke harshly, his threat filled with a promise of violence. 
“Understood.” Night said. “It’s good to see a leader that cares about his people. I can tell it’s not just Mad you worry about. You left your other Hunter behind, insisted he stayed, and came to meet me alone despite there being no requirement for that. Care like that is a rarity amongst the other Humans I’ve met, especially from other leaders.” 
“If you’re waiting for a thank you to the praise, you’ll be waiting for the rest of eternity.” Host said.
“I’m simply just studying you, making sure to get a good look.” Night had a playful hum this time. 
“Don’t get comfortable doing that.” Host said, lowering his bat. There wasn’t any dangerous energy coming from him. No anger, no malice, nothing that would set off alarms. The more he tried to read into it, the more the energy reminded him of when Mad would rattle off question after question when he was excited about something new. When his curiosity was peaked. 
“May I know your name now?” 
“Host?” Night echoed and he walked around him, staying close, fingers just barely brushing past Host’s shirt as he went to the front of the bench and sat himself down. “Unique name, I like it.” 
“You say that as if your opinion on my name matters.” Host scoffed, remaining where he was. He wasn’t expecting the kind of laugh Night made, soft and…joyful?
“So, Mr. Host, how long have you been in the Hunting business?” Night got comfortable on the bench, crossing his legs and lounging. 
“I don’t know.” Host shrugged.
“You don’t know or you don’t want to tell me?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never kept track, after the first year, I just did my job. Who cares how long you’re doing something if you’re not focused on it.” 
“Poetic.” Night commented. “What got you started into this? You don’t just become the leader of the Demon Hunters without some story.” 
“Doesn’t matter. I am who I am now and the past affects nothing.” Host heard Night sigh. 
“Give me something to work with here. I’m trying to get to know you. Come, come, sit with me, and gossip a bit. Complain about ex-partners or a current one.” 
“There is no current partner.” 
“Oh? That’s interesting. Why’s that?” Night patted at the spot on the bench beside him, making sure to do it hard enough that the sound could be heard clearly but still holding back to make it not sound aggressive. 
Host decided to let Night have some control and he sat on the bench as well, trying to keep as much distance between them as possible. Apparently, Night had the opposite in mind as Host felt the bench shift and soon something was pressing against his leg. He assumed that it was Night’s own leg, it made the most sense and it told him that they were now sitting next to each other with no space between them. 
“Just don’t have one.” Host stated.
“Such a shame. You are a fairly attractive man.” Night nearly purred his compliment. 
“Well, for a reason that should be obvious, physical appearance isn’t really a factor I worry about.” Host gestured toward his blindfold. There was a pause for a breath before Night started laughing.
“That is more than a fair point in that regard.” Night said between his laughs. He had an oddly kinder laugh than Host expected. Not that Host was planning for a cartoon-witch laugh, but not something he’d hear from someone at the Hunter’s Headquarters. A laugh one could even mistake for Jackie’s or Wilford’s, strong and boisterous. 
“Is this all you wanted? To ask me questions about myself?” Host pulled himself out of that thought, getting back to business. 
“To be honest with you, my original plan was to kill the Hunter’s leader. Make a point, show everyone what I can do, but it would be a shame to let someone as fun as you go.” That hint of a purr in Night’s voice came back and Host could tell that he was closer to him than before. Host stood back up and pressed the head of his bat on the ground between them, creating a wall of sorts with it. 
“What do you want now? Since you no longer wish to kill me, what are your plans?”
“I’ll figure it out with time.” Night shrugged, not moving from his own spot yet. “My main goal with the chaos was to let everyone know that I have returned and now I just don’t want to be bored. Boredom causes messes, I’m sure you understand that. Although, I’m sure I can find something or someone to keep me entertained to prevent more of that previously mentioned chaos.” 
“Will you stop the chaos that’s happening now? The abundance of attacks that are causing endless stress for my people?” Host asked. 
“I can and I will if you agree to see me again. See me again without that bat of yours. I don’t feel safe with it in your hands.” Night exaggerated a ‘fearful tone’ with his last part. 
Host chewed the inside of his lower lip as he thought. The idea of having to be around the creator of Demons even more didn’t sound the most pleasant, but at the same time, he could use it to his advantage to get information about Demons from him. He seemed to not mind speaking openly with Host, maybe after some time, he’ll become more open and give away hints and clues about how to beat him if the need arises. Madrick had been sent on a similar task when it came to The Twins and it worked out very well for himself and others with their quest of learning anything and everything about Demons. But with The Twins, they’ve had years worth of research into their psychology, more sure than anything no harm would come to Mad. With Night, they knew nothing. If anyone was going to work with him, Host would rather it be himself than risk one of his people doing it. 
“I’ll meet you again, but I want my bat. I don’t feel safe without it in my hands.” Host used that same ‘fearful tone’ as Night and that got some more laughs from the Demon. 
“Alright, I’ll agree to your terms. I’ll use our good pal Mad to let you know when it’s time to meet again.”
“Don’t-” Host didn’t bother finishing when he felt the shift in the air and a light swing of his bat proved that Night was gone. 
“Shit.” Host cursed to the empty air. “Well…it seems like I have a ‘date’ and Mare is going to be beyond pissed at me.”
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iamvegorott · 2 months
Idk how this came to me but I feel like Host becoming a demon would make him a force to be reckoned with. 😈
However I feel like if he did ever go feral, the worst he'll do is a raid a bakery or a donut shop and when someone finds him they think he's soaked in blood when in actuality he ate a bunch of jelly filled donuts 😂
I love this idea so much more than I should XD
Everyone panicking because Host went feral and ran off. Night just asks where the nearest bakery is
He shows up and watches a Human run away screaming that "There's blood everywhere!" and Night is still casually strolling.
Night finds Host in the bakery covered in red jelly and thinks he looks adorable
Host hisses when Night first approaches before relaxing at realizing it's his mate and Night is just so weak when Host starts purring
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iamvegorott · 2 months
I, for one, want to see some fluff between Night and Host during the autumn season in any au.
I was thinking of them taking a stroll through the park, seeing the leaves change a shade of orange and red.
Listening to the song Autumn Leaves by Nat King Cole always gets me in the feels and reminds me that even I will reach my autumn someday 🍂
Oooo~! This gives me a really fun idea!
For the list I'm just gonna write it down as 'Leaves - Noist' but I have the other stuff noted down in my notebook
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iamvegorott · 3 months
I have a feeling the Egos had worked with Mare to give Mad a simple birthday. Mad never usually was the type to celebrate, just treating like any other day.
The party was nothing too crazy just a simple cake slicing and an exchange of gifts (although Marvin probably gave him a more interesting present ~)
Soon afterward, everyone cleaned up and started to hit the hay after such a long day of celebrating.
Mare actually has one more thing to give to Mad 😉
Mare and Mad end off the night with some cuddles with Al sleeping close by and Mad telling Mare thank you for such a wonderful birthday 😍
Oh, I love all of this!
Mad ends up with so many books and nerdy things, and Marvin's gift is 100% something not the most family-friendly XD
I am so weak for the thought of Mad and Mare just curled up on the bed together, cuddling with big smiles and Al just flopping himself down with them and purring loudly
Mad being spoiled and happy gives me life
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iamvegorott · 3 months
I'm surprised that neither Iplier nor Henrik are assassins themselves. You would think with their vast knowledge of the body they know which parts to take cut to take out their enemies 🔪
They would make the best assassins if they weren't always so busy patching up the others XD
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iamvegorott · 4 months
How about for Mermay, a meeting with a human Host and a siren Night meeting for the first time? If that's already been done, do a little blurb about them on a date 💗
I can’t recall if Night in the Siren!AU yet, so here’s his intro XD  Host is in the universe as a fortune teller with a daughter named Annalise 
“I’m running down to the shops, Dad!” Annalise called into the tent.  
“See if you can get me some oranges and be safe.” Host called back. 
“Duh.” Annalise giggled before taking off.  
“Trouble always follows the calm.” Host hummed to himself as he roamed around, tidying up and looking forward to an orange's sweetness. “Can I help you?” He asked when he felt a presence at the tent’s opening.  
“Are you the fortune teller?” The stranger asked.  
“That’s what most call me.” Host replied. The voice was a new one, somewhat deep, with a hint of roughness, sounding like it was used often and loudly. Most likely from giving orders with how serious and formal he spoke. He knew a simple test to see what type of leader he was. “Could you guide me to my seat?” Host held his arm out. He didn’t need help with that at all, his tent was memorized inch by inch. 
“Yes.” The stranger’s steps neared him, and Host felt him give his arm a light tap, a heads up that he was there before taking a gentle hold of it and walking him over to his table and chair. The stranger being close to him allowed Host to learn a lot about him and he already had a good idea of what this...man would need. 
“Thank you.” Host sat himself down. “Have a seat and tell me your name.” 
“Okay.” The stranger sat down and cleared his throat. “My name is Night.”  
“Night.” Host echoed. “My name is Host.” Having a name helped him a lot, and made him read the person’s energy a little easier. Now that he could tap into Night’s energy, it proved his earlier assumption correct. “What is your question?” He placed his hands on the crystal ball, knowing the inside of the glass showed a swirling fog.  
“It’s...about my family.” Night’s energy changed; his nervousness was not common for him. He had a confident, somewhat cocky energy, so his hesitation stood out like a sore thumb.  
“You mean your pod." Host corrected, grinning at the flush of shock in Night’s energy.  
“How did you-” 
“You smell of the sea. Many of us do, considering how close we live to the water, but no one notices when someone smells of the sea by birth and not by association.” Host explained. “And you have the energy of a Siren.”  
“The energy?" Night started fidgeting with the edge of the tablecloth. 
“Yes, your energy. Your energy also shows me your appearance. I could describe you in more detail than someone with sight.” Host hummed and noticed the flush of Night’s energy going in a different direction. Interesting. “What did you want to know about your pod?” Now that energy flush turned to one of sorrow and there was a pause before Night did speak again. 
“Will I ever have one again? I don’t miss where I used to be, but being alone for so long has one wanting company again.” Night seemed to be telling the truth, nothing in his energy showed any regret of the past but did show fear of the future.  
“Allow me a moment.” Host let out a deep breath and focused, hand stilling on the ball and the silence hung in the air as it took a few minutes to search for answers.
He took a fast breath when he returned. As he settled, he expected to feel Night’s discomfort, everyone he’d worked with didn’t like that extended moment of nothing, but Night seemed fine. He was calm, and patient, something he’d yet to see.
“You will have a pod again.” Host spoke through a new voice, sounding the same yet different at the same time. “A small pod, one you will not expect. Through your small pod’s connection, you will meet others. Human and Siren alike. Do not hesitate on your thoughts, follow your heart and your pod will follow you.” 
“Oh...” Night said softly. Host rolled his shoulders as he fully regained himself.  
“It seems you’re having thoughts you’re second-guessing. You shouldn’t assume you’re wrong and go for it.” Host translated the best he could. It was a fairly easy one to translate, that was also a rarity.  
“Go for it?” Night hummed. “Have you had dinner yet?”  
“I have not.” Host didn’t get the connection to those two questions.  
“Would you like to? With me? And I’m referring to Human food, not my own diet.” Night chuckled at his clarification.  
“Wait. Am I those thoughts you were second-guessing?” Host, for once in his life, did not see that coming.  
“You are. So, dinner?” Night asked again, a smirk heard in his voice.  
“I’ll need to tell my daughter I’m leaving.” 
“I got oranges!” Annalise cheered as she came into the tent. “Oh! I thought we were closed for the...oh~” She giggled at the end of her comment. “Please tell me you’re going out on a date with him.”  
“Perhaps.” Host chuckled, feeling the confusion coming from Night’s energy.  
“Good! Have some fun.” Annalise set down the items she bought. “Dad likes oranges, chocolate, and marigolds.” She listed off with her fingers. “And I will stab you in the heart if you hurt him.” Annalise gave an evil smile.  
“Note taken.” Night weakly laughed. 
“We’ll be back by nightfall.” Host said as he stood.  
“Take your time,” Annalise said. “He so has the hots for you. Bye~” She sang as Host walked out of the tent, Night looking between the two before going after him.  
“Does your daughter also have your abilities?” Night asked, looking at his arm when Host looped his own through it. 
“To a degree.” Host shrugged. “Now, I’m thinking fish for dinner. Would you mind allowing me to watch you hunt?” Night perked up at that question. 
“Not at all!”  
@bookwormscififan @rattyboyisemo
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iamvegorott · 5 months
How about Dark and Anti sharing a fluffy moment on a cold winter's night by the fire? 🔥
Anti and Dark shared a habit of always needing to do something, be it work or some form of activity so when they finally went on a vacation away from the chaos of the Egos, they were still always doing something. 
They went skiing and visited an interactive art museum and endless other things during their little trip to a cabin. 
“You are freezing,” Anti said as he and Dark stepped into the living room, they were planning on heading out for the evening but Anti’s mind changed the moment he felt Dark’s hands.
“I’m always cold.” Dark shrugged.
“Not like this.” Anti rolled his eyes and guided Dark to sit on the fluffy rug in front of the gated fireplace. “I think we need to stay in tonight. You’re going to become a popsicle at this rate.” 
“A popsicle?” Dark echoed with a chuckle as Anti grabbed the thick blanket that was draped across the back of the couch. 
“And I know plenty of Egos that would fight me if I let you go full ice cube on this trip.” Anti giggled, wrapping the blanket around Dark’s shoulders before glitching away. 
“Are you worried about them or are you just using this as an excuse to cuddle in front of the fire?” Dark asked as Anti returned with another blanket, an ebook reader, and a handheld gaming console. 
“I’m worried about you, duh.” Anti had a smile to add to his playful tone as he handed Dark the reader. “But, you know, a cuddle next to the fire is a nice bonus.” He added with a wink, sitting on the rug as well and resting his back against Dark’s chest. 
“I’ll let you get away with that.” Dark wrapped an arm around Anti’s waist while Anti placed the other blanket across his lap. 
“I’m not getting away with anything.” Anti continued the bit, moving Dark’s legs so he could rest his elbows on them, and turned his console on. 
“Whatever you say.” Dark kissed Anti’s cheek and rested his chin on his shoulder, looking at the reader and seeing that Anti already had the current book he was reading pulled up. Anti softly purred as he nuzzled back more against Dark and started up a game.
He should have thought of doing this forever ago. 
@bookwormscififan @rattyboyisemo
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iamvegorott · 5 months
But as Night is bickering about his situation he takes a glance at Host passing by and he suddenly stops talking to stare at him 👀
Night: This is beyond outrageous! I am not an 'Iplier', I am a God and I demand you take me- *sees Host* Okay...maybe I can stay for a little bit
Unseen is Yancy handing Illinois a 5 dollar bill from a bet they made while Night was ranting XD
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iamfruitie · 6 months
Actor can't help but try to better than Dark
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Listen, listen, hear me out, just-just hear me out
✨ AH ✨
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iamvegorott · 6 months
A Sweet Bribe
Here's a (Only a little late this time XD) birthday gift for @ariesshower824
A quick note that this takes place in the DemonHunter!AU
A Sweet Bribe
Host had a complicated relationship with his birthday. The complication was caused by parents using that day as an excuse to see if his skills have improved and how. They turned a day of celebration into a day of overworking a child to the point of passing out and missing the rest of it. It was now a yearly reminder that he needed to be better, faster, stronger, and he wasn’t good enough. After losing his sight that feeling of resentment returned every time it was his birthday. 
Everyone knew Host’s sensitivity to his birthday, but Dark was the only one who knew the story since his own past was similar, and he also struggled with his birthday. Most just assumed Host didn’t like knowing he was getting older, and it definitely added to it since his partner is an immortal Demon.
There was a silent rule to not verbally wish Host a happy birthday, but they could still give gifts to him. Host would never get angry or snap at anyone for wanting to give him something. He always politely smiled and thanked them, taking the gifts to his office and having them piled on the small table. The gifts would get a proper look at the next day when the sourness of his birthday was gone, and he could appreciate them more. 
Even some of the Demons got him something. Anti had run into him on his own that morning and given him a cupcake, stating that he had made extras and heard Host had a sweet tooth. Host knew that was a lie and thanked Anti with a smile, and the cupcake was the only gift used the same day. Anti was right about Host having a sweet tooth, and he couldn’t resist. 
“Host?” Night’s voice came from his office door. “May I steal some of your time?” 
“You say that as if you wouldn’t do it regardless.” Host chuckled with a loving smile.  
“What can I say? I enjoy being with you.” Night playfully hummed and went to the desk, seeing Host turn his head slightly at the sound of him placing something on the wooden surface. 
“Do I even want to know what you’ve brought?” Host asked.
“I know you’ll like it. You do have a famous sweet tooth. I already saw Anti with his cupcake, but something tells me you can’t deny a slice of homemade cake.” Night had gone behind Host as he spoke, placing his hands on Host’s shoulders and gently massaging. He hated how he could feel knots already forming despite having just taken care of those the previous day. Host really did stress himself too much with worries for everyone. Night adored Host’s courage, passion, and willingness to do what it takes, but he wished his mate would take better care of himself. 
“You made cake?” Host asked as he slowly melted into Night’s touch. For a being stronger than most of mankind combined, he sure knew how to work his hands in a firm yet delicate manner. 
“I know I don’t bake often, but when I do, it will satisfy even the most sugar-addicted person.” Night teased with a kiss to the top of Host’s head. 
“I’m not sugar-addicted.” Host protested. 
“Sure you’re not, my dear owl.” Night smiled when he worked his hands a touch deeper against Host’s shoulders and watched as Host groaned with relief and leaned more against him. “Let’s call it early. It is a special day, after all.” 
“It’s not special.” Host tried to tense up, but it was nearly impossible with Night’s hands on him. 
“I know your birthday is hard for you, and I don’t blame your sourness toward it.” Night paused his massage when Host placed his hand on top of his. 
“Dark told you?”
“He did after a lot of threats. Your past is safe with him. I just have plenty of extra cards to pull with him than the average Human or Demon.” 
“Can we just treat today like any other?” Host asked with a sigh. 
“I understand your desire to drop the birthday aspect of it.” Night gently squeezed Host’s shoulders before moving his hands and then going over to where the cake was, picking up the knife he had brought with it. “How about we change this day into an anniversary.” 
“An anniversary? For what?” Host asked. Night softly chuckled as he cut into the cake and placed a slice onto one of the two plates. 
“For the first time you tried my devil’s food cake.” Night grabbed the plate and a fork. He stood beside Host and leaned back against the desk. 
“I don’t think your cake is going to be that good.” Host teased, tilting his head and opening his mouth after Night tapped his chin. 
“Just you wait.” Night sang as he fed Host a bite. 
“Holy shit.” Host blurted out as he chewed. 
“I told you.” Night was beaming with pride as he loaded his fork with another bite. 
“How did you do that?” Host asked. “That should not be so good.” He opened his mouth again at another chin tap and happily sighed at eating more of the cake. 
“Looks like I found your weakness.” Night chuckled. “Could I use this as a bribe to get you to head home? Get you to sit by the fire and read a book? Enjoy some peace?” 
“I think you could.” Host opened his mouth once more and Night was more than willing to continue feeding Host the cake until the slice was finished. 
“I think that’ll last you until we get home.” Night sat the empty plate down and leaned over, kissing Host and then chuckling when he could taste the chocolate on his lips. “And I thought your kisses were sweet before.” 
“That one was bad, even for you.” Host softly laughed.
“I could be so much worse.”  
“I’ll hold you to it when we get home.”
“Yes, sir.” Night kissed Host’s cheek, a light purr in his throat as Host turned his head into another kiss. 
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iamfruitie · 6 months
Welp now we have Anti biting back 🖤
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Credit: @chaseisglitched
He slays 💅✨
And he slays 🔪🩸
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iamvegorott · 9 months
All I have to say is, if Wil came to the New Year's Eve ego party in that dress. The reactions will vary from shock to very blushed faces and Dark straight up keeping a straight deadpan face thinking in his head Why?
Anti, Phantom and Marvin: Whistles loudly
Mad, Mare, and Chase: jaws on the floor
Dark: You look nice but why?
JJ: blue screens, cannot function for the next two minutes
Dark asks Wilford why he's dressed up like that and Wilford just gestures to the reactions of others and then directly to blue-screened JJ and goes 'This, this is why.'
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iamvegorott · 6 days
As a gift to Henrik, I would like to give him a day of total peace and quiet until the Septics throw him a surprise party! 🥳 🎉
Let the man have some peace and then the chaos shall commence XD
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