#arigatou gozaimashita!
moon-soo-ah · 2 years
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comicbookfandom · 7 months
People in Buenos Aires, Argentina gather to pay tribute to Akira Toriyama by performing a Genki-dama.
Reports say around 20,000 people gathered.
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loserfictionalgirl · 5 months
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Fictional characters ike gintoki and hasegawa sometimes give you the validation that your family never did. Everyone always keeps telling you to not do this or that, don't be lazy! Or, you must work hard! But sometimes you just want to relax and live your life, cuz you only live once and you don't want to spend it on running after money and being a serious and responsible citizen. And gintoki and hasegawa make me feel like its okay to be a "loser", and there's no need to feel guilty for not living the best life possible. Not being properly rich is not a sin, it doesn't make you a bad person. Not trying your best is okay. You should live your life however you want, you can be a Madao if you want, its not a crime.
Because personally, I'd rather live a very slow and relaxed life with not too much money instead of being very serious and "living upto my potential" as father says, and becoming something Big!! As he wants me to and having a lot of money.
In conclusion, no one ever told me that its okay if I don't have big goals and don't work as much as others, but madao did.. because despite everything, madao lives.
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pixels-not-dreams · 2 months
wingtip || dom!light yagami x reader
He swings his leg back, and forward again, making swift, bruising contact with the flesh of your abdomen. It's a pain unlike others you've experienced. You can tell immediately that you'll have a lovely bruise there. It will be shades of purple and blue and black, and as it fades to green and yellow you'll know that Light's love is being absorbed into your body. Redistributed from the injury to your guts and heart. But now, as the blood rushes to the point of impact, it hurts, and you feel happy.
Light has burned you with cigarettes before, and that is a bright, scalding agony all its own. He smokes Seven Stars. You know this because he trusts you to get them for him. He trusts you because, although he has many loyal servants, he loves you best of all. You go to Lawson, or 7-11, or Family Mart (he prefers Lawson—the white of the milk bottle logo reminds him of his own mastery of death). You buy him two packs of Seven Stars, and you kneel in front of him, holding up the cartons like shinsen at a kamidama. Sometimes, when he feels very, very grateful, he smiles at you. It's the most beautiful thing you see all day.
This is why you trust him to hurt you. He would only do this if he trusted you to bear the brunt bravely, like the good soldier you are. If he didn't think this, he would give you a curt nod and a restrained, too-formal arigatou gozaimashita. This left you bereft and unsatisfied. You used to feel this hungry dissatisfaction when he fucked you hard and rough finished too quickly. Now, you have something better than his cock. His fists and shoes are more than enough.
You knew Light was going to beat you. The second the door had shut behind him, a glint had shone in his eye. This only happened when you'd been very, very good, and he had to hurt you to show his gratitude.
“Y/N,” he says quietly. “You understand why I have to do this, don't you?”
You swallow hard and lick your lips. It's so hard not to squirm when Light looks at you. He's sitting so regally in his office chair. It's a Hermann Miller. He had it imported from Germany. You had helped get it out of customs at Narita.
His suit is navy blue. He's taken a shine to western menswear, and he allows you to take his dry cleaning, sometimes.
“Did you lose your head, Y/N?” he asks. “I asked you a question. I want an answer—I don't speak to you for my health, you know.”
“Yes, Kira-sama,” you say. “I lost my head. I understand why you have to hit me.”
“I have to hit you because…” he prompts. The corner of his mouth is twitching. Is he going to smile? You hope he is. You push yourself up off the ground to kneel. You're so wet you're afraid you might leave a spot on the backs of your calves. Last time that happened, Light berated you for being sloppy and kicked you in the rear. You'd had a sole-shaped bruise for a week and a half.
“Because,” you say. You feel breathless. “You love me best of all.”
“Well done, Y/N,” Light says. He doesn't smile—not yet. But you can see it building inside him. “You've learned well. You were so stupid when you first came to me, weren't you?”
“Yes, Kira-sama. I was very stupid. I am still very stupid.”
His eyes narrow.
“Excuse me, Y/N,” he says. “I don't remember inviting you to contradict me.” His voice has a steely edge to it now. You've annoyed him, and your cheeks burn.
“What do I do when you undermine me, Y/N?” He looks up to the ceiling, a mocking mimicry of being deep in thought.
You sit back further on your heels. Your cunt pulses. If you get up, he'll see how wet you are, and he'll laugh and laugh.
“You punish me, Kira-sama.” A tear wobbles in the corner of your eye. You try to stop it from falling, but you're leaking everywhere.
“That's right. Very good.” Light clasps his hands together and leans back in his chair. He spins idly from side to side, considering his options. He could slap you, or pinch you, or force you to spend the rest of the day working with your tits out. He'd done that, once, when he sent you out for a six-pack of Kirin and you'd returned with Asahi.
He leans forward and grabs your face, squeezing it hard enough to force your lips to pucker. A bubble of saliva pops between them. You try hard to meet his eyes, but it burns to do so.
“Stand,” he commands, letting go of you. “Go on.”
You obey him. You're careful to stay facing him the whole time so he doesn't see the slick of your stupid, needy cunt. It's so hard to be still when you're like this; you wobble from foot to foot, as if he's already fucked you.
“Turn around.”
Your heart leaps into your throat. You think, for a second, that you might be sick, and you clutch your stomach where he’d kicked you. Slowly, as if you're stuck in molasses, you spin so that your back is to him.
Light inhales slowly. You can tell from the smell filling your nostrils that he's lit one of his Seven Stars. He can't see your face, but you beam with pride. You can hear him rise from the chair and walk towards you. He hovers behind you, close enough for you to feel the heat of him, and blows a cloud of smoke over your shoulder, burning your eyes and nose.
Suddenly, his hand is on your behind, groping for the cleft between your legs. He pulls his hand away as quickly as he'd laid it on you and shakes it as if he's touched garbage—which, you suppose, he has.
He leans close to your ear. His breath is smoky and too-warm. It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand and your knees weak.
“Disgusting,” he says, and you know he's smiling at last. “You lost your head because you're ruled by your cunt.”
You nod, too mortified to speak. He places his hand between your shoulder blades and shoves you lightly so that you stumble forward. You want to look over your shoulder, search his face for reassurance—but you're very brave, so you stay facing the wall.
Light is shuffling around out of your sight. You assume he's putting out his cigarette. Maybe loosening his tie, taking off his jacket. If you're lucky, he's stroking himself, getting his cock ready to slap you with it. He hasn't done that in a while. You haven't earned it.
The smell of shoe polish betrays that, after all his pomp and circumstance, he's going to kick you again with one of his beautiful wingtips. They're Celine. You ordered them for him from a shopping service in Paris.
His silence frightens you. You know the impact of his shoe; it's as comforting as a visit from an old friend. But that doesn't make it easier to anticipate the blow before it glances.
You stand in agonized silence for who knows how long, your cunt dripping all the while. As soon as your guard drops, he rears back and kicks you with all his might in the small of your back. He must truly hate you, you think in your head. To care so little for your kidneys is criminal. But your heart and your cunt know he loves you.
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fallensnowfan · 4 days
OP Academy's second half of chapter 49 is here!
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Akainu talks about the cafe's menu. Koby wonders about the two sides of Akainu, the teacher and the waiter. Seems he's unsure if they are the same person.
Akainu recognizes Koby as Garp's prodigy, and Luffy as Dragon's son.
Conis and Perona and Akainu greet Luffy and Koby and ask them what they'd like to order. Koby returns their greeting and Luffy says he wants meat.
Koby orders pumpkin coffee and meat for them.
Akainu tells them other menu options that are available. Some of those said last time, and other menu options, and brings up an app students can use for the cafe.
Perona is surprised at how well "Akasaka" is doing on his first day.
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She and Conis praise him for a job well done.
Perona and Akasaka talk about how this is a part time job for her, she says he is her kohai and that she's a middle school student. He tells Perona she should focus on studying not working.
The cafe's pumpkin parfait is shown off.
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Perona and Akasaka argue about what Perona should be allowed to do and about hairstyles I believe, and Conis asks Perona to refrain from arguing in front of their customers. She then asks Luffy and Koby to be patient while waiting for their orders to be prepared.
Conis explains to Akasaka that she gets the pumpkins for the cafe from Ganfall, and that she will show him how to make the pumpkin parfait that the cafe serves.
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The customers are happy with the parfait Akasaka made, Perona talks with another customer and they compliment each other's outfits and both are happy. Conis talks about how Perona is great with customers.
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Doffy's fans return from chapter 24 too!
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Outside the cafe, thugs from Oni Middle show up and start causing trouble, Perona, Luffy, and Koby head out to deal with them while Conis guides the customers to safety, and Luffy mentions Kaido. One of the Oni Middle students hits the parfait to the ground, so rude! Akasaka sees it and goes to confront the thugs.
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Everyone recognizes "Akasaka" as one of the teachers at New World Middle, Akainu sensei, and he scares off the Oni Middle thugs with harsh words while activating his magma powers.
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Akainu sends a magma punch at the Oni Middle thugs and they run off. He exchanges some words with Luffy, then with Conis and Perona, and they part ways with "Akasaka" on good terms.
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Before leaving, Akainu turns around and says one of the cafe's mottos with gusto! "Arigatou Gozaimashita!!! Cure Cure Thank you♡!!!!" and everyone cheers and a dramatic narration occurs. Excellent, I love this chapter of Akainu's life.
"Sometime later," Akainu returns to the cafe, with Aokiji sensei and Kizaru sensei, and orders a complex order with ease, being familiar with the menu from his time working there. His familiarity with the menu confuses the other two teachers, though Conis and Perona happily greet him.
Next chapter is on the 3rd/4th of October!
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101010mayumi · 1 year
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Thank you so much 😆♥️♥️♥️
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Anime adaptation damn you for not including all that. Taking out Sakura’s Uchiha symbol and the SSS family moment are the things I won’t ever forgive. But at least it was good on it’s on way ngl.
Anyways arigatou gozaimashita to everyone who worked on the manga!
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ellayuki · 2 years
Yuzu was out to emotionally WRECK US ALL THAT DAY.
I barely breathed throughout, and everything, from the music to the visuals to Yuzu's monologues, was so damn heartwrenchingly wonderful that I am at a loss for words.
I cried at Rondo, I cried at how damn happy he was that he skated it clean. (And really, Pooh-san there was a gut-punch for some reason.)
And after Phantom, that whole monologue about his dream disappearing had me in tears again (after they'd dried on LMEY, because that was pure serotonin tbh), and I literally did not stop crying (sobbing even, at some points, esp during Itsuka Owaru Yume) until after it ended.
And ending it on Seimei? The absolute best choice, really, because it ended on the highest note (good god, the absolutely beaming smile on his face throughout it was 10 steps above even Pyeongchang, and, I think, it gave him the strength he needed for that one last Arigatou Gozaimashita that is so, so Yuzu).
So, yeah.
I will need five to eight business days to even begin recovering from this.
Yuzu, really, truly, thank you for this gift.
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strykingback · 9 months
@ama-tcra-su liked for an End Of The Year Message!
"Verification Unlock Confirmed, One New Message For Sun Goddess Amaterasu." The Com System would say showing a holographic screen with Louvel sitting down in his room with a soft smile on his face.
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"Ah! Amaterasu-Sama. Akemashite Omedetou gozaimashita! (Happy New Year!) I know that this uear was rough for the both of us, but when I was drinking sake with you I feel as if we kind of became kindred spirits. Not in the way that you are thinking, but.... more like a mother and son. Just knowing that when I was around you there was this strange warmth that I felt from you..... and I couldn't help but think of you more as a mother than just a friend......." Louvel said with his eyes watering up.....
"Arigatou..... Ameterasu-okaa-sama......and please... have a good year not just for yourself. but for me too."
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Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone conversations are an integral part of daily communication in Japan. Whether you're making business calls or talking to friends and family, understanding the etiquette and using the right phrases can greatly enhance your conversation skills. In this blog post, we will explore essential phrases and etiquette for phone conversations in Japanese, helping you navigate these interactions with confidence and cultural sensitivity.
Greetings and Introductions:
"Moshi moshi" (もしもし): This is the most common way to answer the phone in Japan. It's equivalent to saying "hello" or "hi."
"Sumimasen ga, (your name) desu" (すみませんが、〇〇です): If someone asks for you, you can introduce yourself by saying, "Excuse me, this is (your name)."
Polite Expressions:
"O-namae wa nan desu ka?" (お名前は何ですか): This phrase means "What is your name?" and can be used when asking for someone's name during a phone conversation.
"Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu" (どうぞよろしくお願いします): This expression is used to convey a sense of politeness and respect. It can be translated as "Nice to meet you" or "Please treat me kindly."
Making Requests:
"____ o kikasete itadakemasu ka?" (〇〇を聞かせていただけますか): This phrase means "May I ask you about ____?" and is commonly used when making inquiries or requesting information over the phone.
"____ o onegai shimasu" (〇〇をお願いします): This is a polite way to make a request. Fill in the blank with what you're asking for, such as "Could you please send me the information?"
Confirming Information:
"Chotto matte kudasai" (ちょっと待ってください): If you need a moment to check or confirm something, you can say "Please wait a moment."
"Mou ichido itte kudasai" (もう一度言ってください): If you didn't catch what the other person said, you can ask them to repeat it by saying "Please say it again."
Closing the Conversation:
"Doumo arigatou gozaimashita" (どうもありがとうございました): This phrase means "Thank you very much." It's a polite way to express gratitude at the end of a phone conversation.
"O-tsukaresama deshita" (お疲れ様でした): This expression can be translated as "Thank you for your hard work" and is often used to acknowledge the effort made by the person you spoke with.
Mastering phone conversations in Japanese involves understanding the essential phrases and following proper etiquette. Remember to use polite expressions, introduce yourself clearly, and express gratitude at the end of the conversation. By incorporating these tips, you'll be able to navigate phone conversations in Japanese with confidence and respect for the culture. Practice these phrases and watch your communication skills flourish in the realm of phone conversations in Japan.
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hohohi1999 · 2 years
Các Cách Nói Cảm Ơn Tiếng Nhật
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Trong tiếng Nhật ngoài nói “Arigatou”để cảm ơn thì còn có cách nói nào khác? Bạn đã biết cách nói cảm ơn tiếng Nhật phù hợp với từng đối tượng, ngữ cảnh riêng? Để giao tiếp tốt với người bản xứ thì bạn nên biết những cách nói cảm ơn sau đây. Cách nói cảm ơn thông dụng nhất Chắc hẳn khi nghe người Nhật giao tiếp hoặc xem phim ảnh thì bạn đã nghe qua câu nói “Arigatou” (ありがとう). Đây là một cách nói “Cảm ơn” nhanh chóng và dễ dàng của người Nhật. Tuy nhiên bạn chỉ nên sử dụng từ này để nói với bạn bè, người thân trong gia đình. Từ này cũng thích hợp để nói với người ngang hàng, cùng tuổi. Nhưng đối với người có địa vị cao thì bạn nên dùng những từ mang ý nghĩa kính trọng hơn. Domo arigatou” (どうも有難う). Đây là cách nói “chuẩn mực” để cảm ơn ai đó của người Nhật. Bạn nên sử dụng câu này để nói với bạn bè hoặc đối tác làm ăn. Tuy nhiên với những người có địa vị, quyền hành cao hơn bạn thì không nên sử dụng. Domo (どうも) là cách nói lịch sự hơn arigatou. Nhưng từ này nằm ở giữa cách cảm ơn thông thường với cách cảm ơn trang trọng. Domo nghĩa là “rất nhiều” nhưng lại được hiểu với nghĩa là “cảm ơn”. Tùy thuộc vào ngữ cảnh của cuộc hội thoại thì bạn có thể sử dụng từ này với ý nghĩa cảm ơn lịch sự. Cách nói cảm ơn tiếng Nhật thể hiện phép lịch sự - “Domo arigatou gozaimasu” câu này có nghĩa là cảm ơn rất nhiều. Đây là cụm từ mang hàm ý mức độ lịch sự, trang trọng. Từ ご ざ い ま す (Gozaimasu) ở cuối câu thể hiện kính ngữ, tôn trọng, lịch sự, bao gồm cả Arigatou, Doumo và Gozaimasu. Từ này cũng giúp nhấn mạnh sự khó khăn bạn đã trải qua. Đồng thời thể hiện lòng biết ơn vô cùng với người đã giúp đỡ mình. - Doumo arigatou gozaimashita được xem là thì quá khứ của Doumo arigatou gozaimasu. Câu này có ý nghĩa là cảm ơn ai đó đã làm gì đó giúp bạn gần đây, thể hiện sự lịch sự hơn. - “Arigatou gozaimasu” câu này có ý nghĩa là “cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều”. Bạn có thể sử dụng câu này để nói với người có địa vị cao hơn bạn. Có thể là giám sát viên, người lớn tuổi trong gia đình, giáo viên, người lạ hoặc người quen lớn tuổi. Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng cụm từ này để bày tỏ, nhấn mạnh lòng biết ơn đối với người thân. Cách nói biểu thị sự biết ơn trong tiếng Nhật Osoreirimasu (恐れ入ります) - Cảm ơn rất nhiều Câu cảm ơn này đọc là Osoreirimasu. Câu này vừa có nghĩa là cảm ơn nhiều, vừa có nghĩa “cảm phiền” hoặc “xin lỗi”. Được sử dụng khi ai đó ở địa vị cao hơn, đáng tôn trọng đã làm gì đó giùm bạn. お疲れ様です (Otsukaresamadesu) – Cảm ơn tiếng Nhật vì đã làm việc chăm chỉ Đây là cụm từ được sử dụng để đối đáp với đồng nghiệp. Câu này giống như lời cảm ơn đã làm việc siêng năng, mang hàm ý tốt đẹp. Trong một số tình huống, nó cũng được sử dụng như một lời chào. 誠にありがとうございます (Makotoni arigatōgozaimasu) – Chân thành cảm ơn Đây là cách cách tôn trọng để nói “thực sự cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều” trong tiếng Nhật. Cách này thường sử dụng khi viết mail gửi đến khách hàng, đối tác. Bạn không nên sử dụng câu này với bạn bè vì sẽ rất gượng gạo. Các câu cảm ơn dùng trong những trường hợp đặc biệt “O-tsukaresama desu” Cụm từ này có ý nghĩa như là “cảm ơn bạn vì một ngày làm việc vất vả”. Cụm từ này là muốn thể hiện cho người nghe biết rằng mình đã làm việc rất chăm chỉ và xứng đáng được nghỉ ngơi. Đây cũng là cách nói cảm ơn tiếng Nhật lịch sự để thể hiện lòng biết ơn đối với những người lao động. “Gochisou sama deshita” Câu này thường được dùng sau bữa ăn. Khi bạn được ai đó mời ăn tối thì nên nói câu này để thể hiện lòng biết ơn. Nếu cảm ơn trước khi ăn thì hãy nói “itadakimasu”. “Ookini” Ookini có thể được hiểu là “Cảm ơn” hoặc “Làm ơn”. Từ này được sử dụng trong các mối quan hệ thân thiết, hoặc được sử dụng để chỉ sự “đánh giá cao” ai đó (có mối quan hệ gần gũi). Câu cảm ơn tiếng Nhật dành cho dành cho người thân thiết どうも (doumo). Dùng để cảm ơn và chào hỏi bạn bè, người thân thiết, trong gia đình của mình. Doumo Arigatou (ど う も あ り が と う). Đây là một cách nói cảm ơn tiếng Nhật mang hàm ý tôn trọng, nhưng không nặng nề. Cum từ này không phù hợp cho các tình huống cần lịch sự, xã giao. Trong quá trình giao tiếp với người Nhật thì bạn nên sử dụng lời cảm ơn phù hợp với từng hoàn cảnh khác nhau. Hy vọng với chia sẻ trên đây, bạn sẽ nắm được những cách nói cảm ơn phổ biến nhất. Read the full article
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maddiesup · 5 years
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"Yuzuru, we love you, please"💕
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Personal] A happy happy Birthday
バースデービデオ(by mandilo)、メッセージ、コメント本当にありがとうございました‼︎ お陰様で素敵な一日過ごすことができました‼︎ キャストさんにも夢の国を案内して貰って、大好きな友人と朝から晩まで時間を過ごすことができて本当に嬉しかった‼︎
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lemonykleonella · 5 years
you = KAWAII
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doodleniella · 4 years
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Don’t wanna jinx losing another follower again lol—
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✨ magic on ice ✨
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Pure grace, elegance, art, magic, poetry….. truly it is so mesmerizing seeing Yuzu perform and you can se how he loses himself to music, his love for skating and ice, his gratitude to be there. He does so much more than just skating you know?
When he says “arigatou gozaimashita” at the end I just want say back to him because the emotions he gives me as a person and as a skater hold immeasurable value
Thousands arigatou Yuzu, our forever beloved and legendary Ice Prince
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