#arisu kagura
saint-miroir · 1 year
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Love Songs♪ Idol ga Classmate (PS2) advertisement taken from the backside of Monthly Comic Dragon Magazine (05/2001). Illustrated by Aoi Kimizuka. Scanned from my personal collection.
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kaoharu · 6 months
i think out of all the stories shirayukis shocked me to the core the most . . . like Yeah kagura had his moments . thanks mental illness and then there was gretels whole. Thing there :gestures vaguely: but like. oh mannn who would have guessed what was going on in his home its so interesting how he was subconsciously manipulating his mirror world . . . also what he went through just resonated w me more than the other dudes. i think gretel is a close second / third <- its complicated
also i find it cool that to unlock wizards route you have to die like. 7 ? times on shirayukis route . . . also the setup of his route is arguably the funniest. wdym arisu has 5 fiancees and theyre all just living in the same house together and shes being threatened into marrying one of them ?? why ??? i do think his endings are the worst tho 😭😭 im not even a Huge wizard fan but i felt so snubbed by whay happened /silly
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yesterdaylovedme · 2 years
RPers Sought via Discord
I am seeking canon x canon ships for fandoms via discord. This will be a 1x1 situation. I am happy to double! For my ships, please reach out for information as many are crack/unusual. I do tend to stick to MxF romances but if we're doubling up and one pair is MxF, I'm open to adding a same-sex pair. When I double, I use a word counter to make sure posts are equal. I don't require this of my partners as long as they look similar in effort. Should favoritism begin to appear, I'll express concerns but if it happens often, I'm going to end the RP.
My posts tend to be several paragraphs (I guess the term might be novella or advanced literate) in third person, past tense. When on Discord, it's not unusual to take a few messages to complete my post but I do indicate with a (c or cont) if it's continued and end with an (end) to indicate that it's all complete. Due to post sizes being lengthy, I tend to give about 2-3 posts a week. Often more but I would say that's a pace I'm happy with getting from a partner. We all have lives. I'm not going to hound anyone to post unless it's been like, a month. People get busy or bored. It happens. That said, I love a lively OOC where we get to know one another and converse freely even if posts come at a slower pace. I'd rather hear about disinterest and work to fix it, than have resentment or complacency build behind the scenes.
NSFW stuff is bound to happen within moderation and with proper development. My RPs are very gradual, slow burn. I'm in this for the long haul and I expect my partner to be as well. Communication ensures longevity and interest.
My discord: MK Meringue }#0169
When messaging me, please tell me where you found my username and what you're interested in discussing, otherwise odds are I won't reply. Nothing more strange than just getting a 'hi' from a stranger online. Again, my ships are a little off-beat so if we chat and find we're not looking for the same thing, no harm. It never hurts to ask.
Looking for RPers for the following fandoms:
Alice in Borderland
I can write as An, Kuina, Arisu, Usagi. I'm looking for a Chishiya or Arisu. As a note, I am happy to drop other canons (like from Yu Yu Hakusho for example) into this universe if that is of interest.
The Queen's Gambit
I can write as Beth, Jolene, Harry, Townes. I'm looking for a Benny or Harry. A crossover with Godless could be fun.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
I can write as Hilda, Flayn, Yuri, Hapi, Dimitri, Annette, Hubert. I'm looking for a Seteth, Claude, Hubert, Linhardt, Lorenz or Edelgard. Adding Fates characters might be fun here.
Gravity Falls
I can write as Mabel, Stan, Candy, Tambry, Gideon. I'm looking for a Ford, Dipper, Wendy. I DO NOT WRITE DIPCIFICA! Crossover with SVTFOE or Amphibia possible.
I can write as Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Sasuke, Naruto. I'm looking for a Shikamaru, Ino or Temari.
Game of Thrones
I can write as Sansa, Arya, Cat, Theon, Tyrion. I'm looking for a Joffrey, Ned, Theon or Jon.
I can write as Momo, Todoroki, Ochako, Bakugo, Denki, Melissa. I'm looking for a Todoroki, Bakugo, All Might, Eraserhead, Tsuyu, Ochako.
Pokemon SV
I can write as Nemona, Arven, Iono, Larry. I'm looking for an Arven or Nemona.
Death Note
I can write as Light, Misa, Naomi, Sayu. I'm looking for an L.
I can write as Suki, Aang, Toph, Azula, Zuko. I am looking for a Zuko, Aang or Katara.
Harry Potter
I can write as Hermione, Ron, Luna. I am looking for a Harry or Cho.
Yu Yu Hakusho
I can write as Yusuke, Botan, Koenma, Koto, Kuwabara, Genkai. I am looking for a Kurama, Koenma, Keiko or Hiei.
Fruits Basket
I can write as Kagura, Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, Hana, Momiji, Kisa, Shigure. I am looking for a Hatori, Momiji, Haru, Kisa, Ayame, or Tohru.
Phineas and Ferb
I can write as Isabella or Candace. I am looking for a Ferb.
Honorable mentions: Dot Hack, Kaleido Star, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Yokai Watch, The Hunger Games, Final Space, The Orville, Star Trek or Doctor Who.
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animebw · 2 years
If I were to describe Fruits Basket season 2 in a single word, it would be “solidification.” This season takes everything the first season did and delivers on it with more clarity, more focus, and more determination to see its vision through. By the end of season 1, I loved Fruits Basket; by the end of season 2, I understood it. I understand how it views the cruelty of abuse and the many ways it manifests. I understand how it views the weight of trauma and the different ways it binds people in place. I understand how it views the importance of recovery and the complex, imperfect paths people take on the road to escape their demons. It is one hell of a show, unafraid to dive headfirst into challenging topics and let the raw, imperfect emotions they bring up fester. But it’s equally unafraid to pull those dark emotions back into the light, to show how even through the worst suffering a person can endure, hope will always spring again.
This show is good. It’s really good. My only real issue with this season is- surprise, surprise- the Arisu/Kureno subplot. And it sucks that a show I love so much is intrinsically tied to such a shitty, unsalvageable component. This isn’t just a running joke I can overlook or a background subplot that’s easy enough to ignore; this is an increasingly critical part of Froobs’ plot development. And I hate it. I hate that I can’t just put my head down and ignore this one issue like I did with most of season 1′s problematic aspects, even as season 2 also goes a long way in resolving or repairing those problematic aspects in the midst of this ill-considered age-gap plotline. I want nothing more than to say with my full chest: “Fruits Basket is utterly amazing and I love it with all my heart.” But I can’t. And unless something drastic changes with this subplot, I likely never will.
And yet.
The increasingly godlike character banter. The heart-wrenching backstories for everyone in the Sohma clan. The redemption of Kagura with one of the show’s all-time best episodes. Akito’s ascension to the single most genuinely loathsome anime villain I’ve ever seen. Tohru and Kyo’s absolutely perfect budding romance. Yuki’s incredible self-motivated journey of healing and self-actualization. The increasing weight of Tohru’s own repressed grief and exhaustion. Everything- and I mean everything- about Hatsuharu. This season has been so incredible in so many ways, hit so many heights, accomplished so many feats, filled me with so much joy and laughter even as it breaks my heart into a million pieces...
How could I not love it all the more?
So yes, even with how much I despise the Arisu/Kureno stuff (oh, and I guess I’m still not really sold on the student council either, but that’s a far more minor complaint), Fruits Basket season 2 is a triumph. It’s one of the most affecting stories I’ve ever consumed, something that’s touched me so deeply that I doubt it’ll ever let go. It’s beautiful. It’s remarkable. It’s so, so, so much fun. And whatever waits for us in the final season, I know this show has already earned its place in the pantheon of anime’s most enduring works of art. So until next time, I give this season a score of 9.5/10, a score I give out only to the truly deserving. Will the final season achieve a perfect 10? Only one way to find out.
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rpgyc-blog · 7 years
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Quem não conhece KIYOHIME? ELA vive em NI e estuda CANTO. As más línguas dizem que ela se parece com KIM DOYEON, mas os bons olhos dizem que não. Ficou curioso? Siga-a no twitter e tumblr.
Tsukikage Kiyohime.
Nasceu em Gumyoji, Japão.
Hakusan, Ni.
Estudante na Himawari e Kuchiyose Miko no Haku Inari-gu.
Nasceu e cresceu em Gumyoji.
1. Sua avó materna é coreana. 2. É uma “ojou-sama”, uma vez que a família paterna tem uma indústria de bebidas e a materna possui hotéis e termas por todo o país, inclusive em Gumyoji. 3. É a filha caçula, tem dois irmãos mais velhos. 4. Sabe tocar Shamisen e Koto, e a dançar danças tradicionais como Kagura e Bon Odori. 5.  Gosta muito do gênero mahou shoujo, mas é apaixonada pelas lendas e contos de horror que cercam a cidade.  6. Secretamente gosta de garotas, ainda que nunca tenha beijado uma.
– al·tru·ís·ta, (francês altruiste), adjetivo de dois gêneros. 1. Relativo ao altruísmo. 2. Dedicado aos seus semelhantes. O jargão “Não se pode julgar um livro pela capa” se aplicava perfeitamente à Kiyohime. É altruísta com quem lhe toca o coração e um pouco ‘mão aberta’ demais, sempre acaba comprando algo para quem gosta ou para desconhecidos que vivem nas ruas. É extremamente polida, gentil e mesmo se alguém for mal educado, não receberá má educação de volta. Adora colecionar coisas que tem valor emocional a si, tendo uma coleção de conchas, jogos de chá e bonecas.
– in·gê·nu·a (latim ingenuus, -a, -um), adjetivo. Sem malícia; sem afetação. = INOCENTE, NATURAL, SIMPLES. Muitas pessoas podem achar que é uma bobalhona e facilmente passada para trás, porém, faça algo que a machuque que ela pode (e vai) perdoar, mas nunca se esquecerá do que lhe foi feito. Chega a ser infantil com relação aos seus medos e sonhos, e não teme duas vezes, ou sequer titubeia quando tem de admitir seus sentimentos sobre algo. É facilmente impressionável, por mínimo que seja, suas reações quando conhece ou aprende algo novo é digna de um personagem de anime. Vê beleza em todas as coisas, não importa quão “grosseiro, feio, nojento” seja.
– tei·mo·sa (teima + -osa) adjetivo e substantivo feminino 1. Que ou aquele que teima. 2. Que ou quem é persistente numa ideia ou ação. Dona de uma opinião “forte”, se tinha certeza absoluta sobre determinada coisa, iria permanecer com sua idéia até que conseguisse mostrar que seu ponto estava correto, apontavam como uma “síndrome de estar sempre certa”, ou até mesmo “teimosa como uma mula”, porém, não era bem assim… Ao menos não em seus olhos.
– mi·ma·da (particípio de mimar) adjetivo 1. Que se mimou. adjetivo e substantivo masculino 2. Que ou quem tem excesso de mimo ou foi tratado com excesso de condescendência. O fato de ter nascido em um berço de ouro e ser rodeada por amor tornou a garota um tanto mimada. Quando seus quereres são negados, um grande bico se forma em seus lábios e até mesmo bufa e cruza os braços; entretanto, aquela irritação e “brabeza” não demoram a passar.
Kiyohime nasceu numa madrugada chuvosa de novembro, o chorinho desesperado do bebê ecoava pelos corredores da maternidade do Teikyo Hospital, que só foi se acalmar quando aconchegada no colo da mãe. A pele tão clarinha e macia entrava em contraste com as bochechas rosadas, sem dúvida alguma, era o bebê mais lindo daquele lugar. Os Tsukikage eram uma família de posses, seus ancestrais começaram o negócio no ramo das bebidas alcoólicas em séculos passados, se estabeleceram em Gumyoji e por lá seus descendentes ficaram. Seu pai era Kazuo, chefe executivo da empresa da família, já sua mãe Akemi (filha de um importante empresário de uma rede hoteleira e a Miss Korea de 1957) era primadona do Balé Nacional do Japão, carreira que foi deixada de lado para que pudesse cuidar de sua pequena família.
Pelo lado da família de seu pai, suas raízes eram puramente japonesas, no sentido de que, seus avós eram totalmente engajados na sociedade tradicional. A mãe de Kazuo foi, por muito tempo uma das mikos que cuidavam e mantinham o templo de Gumyoji ainda vivos, Tsukikage Ichiko havia até mesmo recebido o treinamento necessário para assumir a posição, antigamente. Sendo assim a tradição morreu com o nascimento dos dois meninos na família, porém talvez o mesmo pudesse ser retomado por Kiyohime, uma vez que nos dias atuais, a profissão de miko já estava bem aberta e um tanto fora da tradição. Por parte da família da mãe, Kiyohime havia recebido também a mistura de sangue com o coreano, os hotéis e termas que poderiam um dia serem dotados em seu nome, e a beleza de sua avó, quem um dia foi coroada Miss Korea. Por mais que fosse hafu, a mulher cresceu no Japão com seu pai, recebendo a educação que lhe era de direito.
Kiyohime era a mais jovem de três filhos, sendo a única menina, portanto a mais mimada por seu pai, era afinal de contas seu tesouro. Seus irmãos eram Akihiko e Takehiko, ocupados em tarefas executivas, sempre tinham algum tempo para conversar com a irmã mais jovem, a verdade era que no meio dos três homens da casa, Hime era banhada em carinho e proteção. Aos doze anos seu treinamento como miko começou, dentre técnicas para controlar seu estado de transe, purificações e estudos sobre tabus comuns como a morte, doença e sangue, bem como performar o Kagura. Não muito tempo depois, fora ensinada como se comunicar com kamis e espíritos daqueles que já se foram e os segredos da adivinhação. O treinamento durou pouco mais de três anos, agora com suas 15 primaveras era uma das kuchiyose miko do Haku Inari-gu.
Estudava pela manhã e durante a tarde permanecia no templo, fosse auxiliando os visitantes, participando de cerimônias ou se comunicando com aqueles que deixaram esse plano. Ainda sofria com a superproteção dos mais velhos, sabia que eles faziam aquilo mais por brincadeira do que seriedade. Ainda que adorasse todo o misticismo que a vida no templo lhe ofertava, sentia que faltava algo para que fosse inteiramente feliz. Em seu tempo livre pode se inteirar mais sobre o mundo moderno, sobre o que as garotas de sua idade faziam, apoiada por sua mãe, decidiu que tentaria uma vaga na academia Himawari Performing Arts em canto, e como o esperado, passou. Sempre curiosa demais, recebeu de seus professores o apelido de “Arisu”, já que era como a personagem criada por Lewis Carroll, sempre descobrindo mais e mais, facilmente impressionável e ainda questionando, observando tudo que tinha direito.
Hoje em dia a menina-moça continuava tendo aulas na academia e trabalhava meio período no templo, não era realmente uma necessidade monetária, mas sim uma curiosidade sobre as peculiaridades dos rituais e uma fascinação para com a função. Desde pequena realmente se interessava pelo passado da família, bem como o passado de sua cidade natal. Ainda que a academia de artes começasse a abrir os olhos da garota para um mundo totalmente novo, não abandonaria suas raízes, uniria o tradicional ao moderno e moldaria-se de acordo com o que o destino lhe oferecesse.
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animebw · 2 years
I had my issues with Kagura when she was first introduced. The trope of the girl abusing the guy she likes being played for laughs is pretty bad, and it was doubly frustrating how all the other characters just accepted it as proof of how much she liked Kyo. And I stand by those complaints; the way she was handled at first was, to put it frankly, not great. But I was willing to give her a chance regardless. If I could turn around on Nanami from Utena after her redemption arc, then there was no reason this show couldn’t do the same with Kagura.
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Episode 36 is everything I could’ve asked for. It forces Kagura to confront her flaws, it treats them with the seriousness they deserve, and it connects the entitlement of her childhood self with the entitlement she shows towards Kyo in the present. Her chasing him and throwing him around like a ragdoll are one and the same with her blithely stealing his rosary in this flashback; evidence of someone who doesn’t understand personal boundaries, pushes too far into other people’s spaces, and leaves them worse off than if she just stayed at a distance.
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What’s especially gutting, though, is how deeply broken her view of this relationship was from the start. It wasn’t just that she was inconsiderate. It’s that she made the exact same mistake his mother did; she tried to ignore how much his beast form scared her and love him without processing that fear. She tried to love him in blindness, because she was too immature to love him in clarity.
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It was, in all ways, a child’s love. It burned hot and bright, too bright for rationality to contain it. And as the blaze grew too large to contain, the flames burned the person she was so desperate to get close to. Only now, after witnessing Tohru’s incredible courage in the face of Kyo’s secret, does she have the perspective to understand where she went wrong, and what damage she left in her wake.
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And like most child’s loves...
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It was never going to survive the cold eye of maturity.
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This is one of Fruits’ Basket’s best episodes yet. Maybe even its outright best, once I factor out my personal bias for Arisu and Saki’s backstories. It takes Kagura, a character who I struggled to appreciate, and makes her one of the most compelling, understated tragedies in the entire show. It’s heartbreaking and uncompromising, but it’s also kind in a way that only makes it hurt more. I still think her introduction should’ve been handled better, but this payoff makes it all worth it.
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I hope she finds a better way forward.
For all our sakes.
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animebw · 2 years
Okay. Now that I’ve... mostly calmed down from the red fog of rage that just descended over me, let me try to give some actually coherent thoughts as to why this development is garbage.
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You see this? This is these characters’ second ever conversation. They literally met once before at the convenience store, then they found each other in the street later by chance, and now they’re getting lunch together. And that first meeting at the convenience store was barely even a conversation. This show is trying to sell us on Arisu being overwhelmed by emotion for this guy after a fun little encounter and a single goddamn lunchtime chat.
And sure, we don’t know what the guy’s deal is. We don’t know why he’s so interested in Arisu; maybe there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for his side of the story. But we know Arisu. We know the kind of person she is. And the kind of person she is, is not someone who would just get swept away over feelings for some random guy just because he did something that reminded her of her best friend. This isn’t just lazy, contrived romantic writing in a show that’s usually so good at developing romance; this is a fucking insult to Arisu’s character. It ignores everything that makes her interesting, everything that makes her unique, and forces her into a crash course with some random guy just because the plot demanded it.
And as if that wasn’t enough of its own...
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Look, fiction isn’t reality. The things we enjoy seeing in stories don’t necessarily reflect what we want the real world to look like. I have more than my fair share of problematic fantasies that I know would be absolutely reprehensible in a real-world context. So a story having an age-gap romance like this isn’t the end of the world, even if I personally can’t stand them most of the time.
But when that age-gap romance comes at the expense of a character who has no business being involved with this kind of situation? When it’s this obviously contrived and unearned from even a basic writing standpoint? When it takes a character I love this fucking much and throws her into the garbage for no good reason?
Yeah, I think I have the right to be fucking pissed off at that.
This sucks. This really, truly sucks. It’s not just problematic like Kagura or dated like Ritsu; it’s just fucking terrible in every conceivable way. And if this subplot ends up swallowing Arisu and ruining what made her special to me, I don’t even want to imagine how furious I’m going to be.
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