#arizonarobbins imagine
oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Your works are insanely good wow! Could I please request anoter one where the reader is Amelia’s little sister and Arizona’s gf and the three of them get into a car accident where the reader is off worse (she’s in the backseat and stuck and Amelia keeps holding her hand and stroking her head and Arizona is hysterical) Amelia and Arizona try to keep the person they love the most alive but are scared out of their mind.
An exhausting day was successfully behind you and you have never been as overtired as you were in all the years of your studies and five years of internship as a surgeon.
A bus accident where the bus overturned and injured thirty people, including almost half of them young children, was on your agenda today. A lot of them had only minor wounds and injuries that needed care and their parents had to be informed, but some had harder injuries and had to undergo emergency surgery. One of them was a 14-year old girl who not only had internal bleeding and a ruptured spleen and liver, a collapsed lung due to a fractured rib and a severe cerebral hemorrhage.
She was your patient and you could no longer save this young soul, it was too late.
You usually had no problem to stay away from emotions, but telling her parents that her only daughter passed away, broke your heart and left you in a negative emotional state. If you could, you would swap places with her just so she could still enjoy her young years into her old.
No one so young and innocent deserved to die that cruel way.
You sat in the car with your sister and your girlfriend, looked out the window in the back seat and were so lost in thought that you didn't pay attention to them both.
Only when the car came to a standstill and a hand found it's place on your knee and squeezed, it tore you out of your thoughts. You looked into the blue, also tired eyes, which were colored in a dark purple by the red traffic lights.
A small smile crossed her face. You gently placed your hand on hers, which was still on your knees, and intervened your fingers with hers as you focused on the music that was playing from the radio.
The radio was all trash and some penniless musician screamed his heart out, presumably to get the attention of some teenage girls. Annoyed by his voice and the nonsense you could her in the lyrics he sang, you asked Amelia if she could turn off the radio.
When the music went out, you sighed briefly and went over your curly hair. At the same time, you played with the delicate ring on your finger. An heirloom from your grandma. Heaven, how you missed her.
The red glowing car turned green and started moving. You saw Arizona's gaze turned to you in the rear view mirror before you could drift back into your thoughts until you heard a scream and a loud bang. The car you were in was hit by a Jeep and let you slip several meters on the street before it came to a stop on a tree.
"Y/N!" did you hear a dull voice that sounded like a tunnel as it mixed with the tinnitus in your ears. "Y/N, come on sweetie, wake up!" this time louder, more aggressive.
Slowly opening your eyes, you looked into the face of your brown-haired sister. Almost immediately when you noticed that she had a big laceration above her brow that was bleeding quite a bit, you snatched your eyes completely open and startled.
Pumped full of adrenaline, you weren't aware that you, in fact, were more injured than she was. You weren't even aware of what just had happened. You just knew that she was bleeding. "Amy, you are bleeding!" you stated out loud.
Your body's self-mechanism immediately caused your arms to wander towards her head. In the middle of your movement, you winced and screamed out loud. A bolt of lighting pervaded your shoulder and chest, you could tell with certainty that your collarbone was broken.
"Don't worry about me, I am fine." she said softly and briefly disappeared from your already restricted view by the smoke. "Arizona, she is awake. Calm down, please."
Until recently, you didn't even notice the screaming and crying that was silenced by the ringing in your ears. Only after you could concentrate on the outside world and your ears went back to normal, did you realize who the screaming was coming from.
"Arizona." your voice was barely audible and scratchy through the fumes. Your throat started to feel dry and sandy like scratch paper.
Her face appeared at your completely cracked window. She also had a few scratches on her face, a nosebleed and a split lip, probably from the airbag that came out of her steering wheel. She was visibly shocked and it was almost impossible to find out what she was talking about through all the sobs and incomplete sentences caused by the panic.
"We have to get her out here fast, Arizona so concentrate!" shouted Amelia and reappeared in front of you, this time she was sitting in the passenger seat and tried as slowly as possible and not causing you any pain, to crawl on the free space next to you.
As the car moved as she tried to get to you, shock waves ran from your neck all the way down to your lower back. You closed your eyes in pain and immediately felt a cool wind blowing in your face.
"Try to keep your body still. It was a pretty heavy impact and you were hit the most."
Arizona was still crying hysterical by your side as she put her jacket over her hand and tried to knock out the rest of the glass in the window to get to you better and safer.
Soon enough, you felt cold fingers on your neck that slowly and carefully placed it on the back of the seat and held it while your sister checked you from top to bottom which injuries you had.
Slowly the pain moved further into the distance, the headache was now also filled with dizziness and you felt nauseous. As time passed, you became more tired and you felt too weak to speak. Your throat felt like it was filling with something.
"Arizona, how long until the ambulance and the fire department are coming? She's bleeding internally." Amelia stopped in her movements and looked you in the eyes. A thin line of blood already formed on your lip and it stained your teeth with it. "You are gonna be fine, little one okay? Just stay awake."
You nodded and began to cough, your lungs filling up more with the red liquid and constricting your breath. "I can't feel my legs."
You looked shockingly into the face of the brown-haired one. Meanwhile she had tears in her eyes that she tried to hold back, but failed. You were aware of what it could mean and that you might have been paraplegic from the impact, but you tried to hold on to any hope that you just didn't feel it because the blood supply was cut off by the entrapment.
Amelia took your hand tightly in her and gently stroked your hair. All she could do was be with you while you all waited for help.
You got colder, the goose bumps on your body and the inevitable tremors made you even more pain that you tried not to show. The endless screams and bitter tears from your girlfriend  snaked further into the distance, as in the beginning. She had her hand alternately on your cheek or neck as she wiped away some tears from you.
"I love you Arizona."
"No, take that back immediately! If you say it when something bad happens, you never hear it from that person again." she yelled at you.
But you knew how you felt. Weak, cold, barely breathing in a situation you probably couldn't get out of alive. You had to at least tell her one more time before you couldn't anymore. She had to know that you loved her to your very last breath.
"I love you Arizona."
She laid her head on her arm, which was propped up in the window pane, and buried herself while still caressing your pale skin.
"Amy," with one big, last breath you tried to keep it short, but saying the most important thing. "Best sister in the entire world. I love you too."
"No, you are not leaving us now. You are not leaving me, do you understand? You have so many years to spend here with me at your side. If you do this to me now, I will revive you and then kill you by myself!"
You laughed at her joke one last time before your eyes closed and you endowed into the distance with a smile.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Can we plesse get a second part of Arizona’s daughter getting shot I need her reaction and protectiveness so bad 😭
A/N: It may not be what you wanted. It is really dark and didn’t ended like you probably would have wanted to but I am in a really dark mind set at the moment so I wrote it how I felt. I am sorry.
You snapped your eyes open and didn't knew what was happening or what happened.
In your slightly blurred and tear-filled vision, you looked into the face of your mother and Callie. One of your shaky hands rose up and draped over your neck to show them that you couldn't breathe while you didn't take your eyes off your mothers.
Your whole body burned and felt like you ran into a fire. In a panic you tried to gasp for air but you couldn't. Almost choking, the feeling was overwhelming and oppressive. You could hardly resist the urge to breathe and let the cool air into your lungs, but as if you were paralyzed, every attempt failed.
Panic raised up your chest and you tried to fight it down.
"Baby, it will be alright okay? We will patch you up again, you just can't fall asleep again, do you understand?" said the blonde, her voice muffled by all the tears and sobs.
But you didn't look like you were in a condition to hear anything. Your eyes flittered unfocused and short, desperate pleading for air, wheezing gasps lodging in your throat. Your shoulders shuddered with the effort you tried to breathe.
Your lips moved as you fought to say something but no sound was coming out, only a gush of deep red blood.
The loss of blood and the impossibility of getting air into your lungs affected your consciousness with every second.
Slowly, your eyelids were fluttering shut again.
"Don't you dare close your eyes on me and leave me here without you!" was the only thing you heard before losing the fight to the dark again. -- She stood there rigid, with a cool expression, in her pitch-black, tight-fitting dress. Again and again she relived the last moments of your life, the sound of your last breath and her scream. It literally cut through the oppressive silence that no one dare to break with a word.
The grief hung too heavily in the air and took hold of her gnawed heart and battered body. It slowed every word before it could even leave her dry mouth.
She let her gaze wander from your tombstone over the people standing near her to the trees and fields. She wanted to forget what had happened, suppress the picture of her deceased daughter and at least for a moment forget how she lay there motionless, surrounded by the walls of the hospital that actually saved life but had not managed to save the life of her younger self.
She saw it again and again, saw her daughters face in every passing girl that walked on the sidewalk Nevertheless, this was only for a short time before she saw the closed eyes, the peaceful expression and the run-in-face, as it could only be seen in a dead person, as it was now also her daughter.
She tried to tear herself away from it, but she only felt the infinite sadness that flowed through her and looked into empty eyes and faces of her colleagues and family.
The red and white braided rosary surrounded by green branched adorned the black marbled tombstone and one last time, her daughter should get her favorite flowers. There would never be another time.
This knowledge constricted her throat and seemed to suffocate her and inflict the same agony as her daughter once had to experience.
She swallowed hard and salty tears ran down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and pressed herself firmly to the side of her black-haired girlfriend who didn't leave her side in these difficult times. You too had become like a daughter to her, just like a sister to all of your mothers friends, who unfortunately left them far too early.
She tried to smile but it went out like a flame after a few seconds and disappeared. She knew deep down that it wasn't going to come back anytime soon, if at all.
Again she looked around and looked at all the colorful bouquets of your beloved flowers, her friends bowed their head and stood close by and behind her and mourned your grave with her.
You would never be able to leave it again.
She didn't even hear the words of the pastor when he talked about God and you. Even the song that played at the end didn't drown out her thoughts in the least.
The pastor began to speak again and she struggled inwardly with herself, she couldn't take it any longer. She listened to the cleric and heard his words with suppressing tears until they ran unstoppable down her cheeks.
A low, final prayer was said in honor of you and a huge breeze blew at the moment when she looked up. You were there, came over to see if everything was okay and to show her that you were there.
Even if not in her world anymore.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
I love that you do Greys as well! Could I request one where Arizona’s teenage daughter happens to be there during the shooting and gets injured while saving her mom and Arizona is hysterical but also trying to save her daughters life! You would absolutely make me the happiest 😭
A/N: I completely fucked this oneshot up because I forgot the name of the little girl that had her appendix burst and overall I hate the ending. But I hope you like it anyway. --- You wanted to come and see your mother in the hospital to surprise her with her favorite food, knew too well that she was probably so busy that she forgot to eat.
Shortly after you walked through the pediatric entrance and looked for your mother, examined every single open space and room, you finally found her in the premature ward.
You were not allowed in, you knew that, so you waited patiently in front of the huge glass wall where you could see the babies. You watched her for a while and were touched at how she handled the little newborns. She smiled and spoke to them as if they understood, as if they knew what she was saying.
After she finished the exam, she talked to the parents of the child. Only then did she notice you standing there. You started to smile and lifted the food bags in front of your face. She smiled back, said goodbye to the future parents and walked straight to the door.
The reception from her was loving and almost overwhelming, as if she had not seen you for weeks, although in reality it was only a few hours. With a bone crushing hug and a kiss on your forehead, she greeted you. „Hey mom. I brought lunch and thought we were enjoying it together?“
„Of course, I leave Karev my patients for an hour and then we can go to the common room.“
„Great. I will go ahead and unpack everything.“ You spoke cheerfully and turned in the direction of the location.
Your paths parted for an uncertainly short time. You had already put the various meals on the table in the room and sat down as you waited longingly for your mother. The uncomfortable silence was drowned out by a loud noise. You covered your ears with both hands and stood up to see what had happened outside.
But before you got to the door, it swung open and your mother came to the fore. The expression on her face looked worrying, scared and confused even as she tried to cover it up in front of you.
„Is everything okay?“ you asked immediately and stood beside her to seek some kind of comfort and protection.
„Yes. No, it is not. We have a Code Black, all stations have been cordoned off and I do not know why. I want you to stay here as long as I do not know if there is any danger or risk. Do you understand?"
You just nodded and sat down again. Arizona walked up to you at a quick pace and put her hand on the back of your neck, pushing you forward to kiss your hair before she smiled at you and disappeared out of the door.
You waited patiently for your mother to come back like she said, but after half an hour, she was still not back. Lost in your thoughts, you pondered all the possibilities that such heavy code could produce.
Missing child, someone who was wanted was hiding somewhere in this hospital, kidnappers escaped from custody.. All of this popped into your head until you heard a few shots and were startled by your thoughts.
Panic spread through you and you got up again. You were looking for a way to hide somewhere in case it really was a gunshot, but in this small room there was nothing more than a couch, a cupboard and a sink.
You looked out of the window in panic, meanwhile there were heaps of police cars surrounding the entire hospital.
"Mom," you whispered to yourself and fear spread through you. Your heart began to beat faster and tears gathered in your eyes. "Where are you?"
You gathered your courage and walked to the door that probably separated you from your mother, but also from the shooter that was now in the building.
You walked out slowly, you were pressed close to the wall so as not to walk openly in the hallways. You saw some nurses who took care of the babies, but still not the blonde-haired one.
You kept walking until you came to a room that was open. You briefly listened to the voices and tried to assign them.
"Lanie, your appendix is torn. Dr. Torres will now give you the PDA. Then you will talk and look at her so I can fix everything in your tummy, okay?" said your mother calmly and lovingly.
"Where is my mom? I want to see my mom!" cried that little girl. "Honey, mom can't be here now, but I'll be there and watch Dr. Robbins while I hold your hand and maybe sing with you?" did you hear Callie say and you walked in.
Both were shocked when they saw you, Callie not even knowing that you were here at all. "Y/N, I told you to stay in the common room! It is absolutely not safe here for you and I do not want anything happen to you!" she screamed and scared the little one even more.
You didn't answer, instead you went to Callie's side and started singing something to the little girl. Your voice and the song you chose made her smile and she tried as best she could to sing along, Callie too.
In your line of sight you noticed a dark figure standing in the doorway slowly approaching you and you looked up.
"Why do you stopped singing? Please don't stop. I am scared." said the girl softly but you were in a state of shock. Callie started to look at you before she saw in what direction you were staring at. As soon as she saw the gun, she laid herself on the girls upper body, to give her some kind of protection.
You saw the gun in his hand, but also the blood that was on his shirt. Slowly you straightened yourself and walked around Callie, which tried to stop you with one hand behind her without a chance, circling the table and standing in front of your mother.
"Go, please. We have nothing what you would want, we just have a girl here who needs help. Please leave us alone." you said softly and listened to the restless voice of your mother and the silent cries behind you. "Here, I'll give you bandages and compresses for your wound. Press this against the wound and it should stop bleeding."
With slow steps you approach the man and pressed the bandages with shaky hands in his hand, that also held the gun before you backed away.
He thanked you with a nod and his eyes showed you a little compassion, his lips forming a minimal smile before his gaze went rigid again, his eyes turned a deeper color and he pointed the gun at you.
"Are you a doctor?" he stammered and you put your hands to your head. "No, no. I am not a doctor."
"Then get out of my fucking way!" he screamed coldly and you shook your head. "No, I won't let you hurt them. Shoot me, but don't shoot my mother!"
A loud bang broke through the thick air, loud screams drowned out the echo of the gun and an incredible pain flooded your body. You slumped on the floor and gasped for air.
Everything blurred before your eyes and you could only hear whimpering, screaming and crying from your mother and some footsteps that diminished. You felt an increasing warmth that took you and it was now just a matter of hope for you. Hope someone comes and saves you. 
The air in your lungs got thinner and you could not breathe. You felt like a stone collapsing on your chest and it became harder to keep yourself awake. The corners of your eyes got darker before it completely consumed you.
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