carbone14 · 7 months
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Des soldats italiens inspectent un chasseur d'entraînement soviétique Yak-7 capturé à la base aérienne de Hoktamberyan (aujourd'hui Armavir en Arménie) – Bataille du Caucase – Opération Fall Blau – Union soviétique – Août 1942
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asanov · 1 year
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🌸Юлии🌸 выполнено 🫶🏻цветное 🤝шелковое покрытие по 💕египецкой💕 молекулярной технологии 💕🫵🏾. Всё сделано 🤪адвокатом волос 🤪Асановым Александром😂😻🤪#armavirnews #lebel #armavir #moskow #krasnodar #bali #армавир #армавирстилист #армавирпарикмахер #москва #lebelmateria #londaprofessional #wella #schwarzkopfprofessional (at Армавир-Ростовский) https://www.instagram.com/p/CngUDPmuKGy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeintalu · 27 days
"Venemaa on alandatud – Armaviris asuvaid eelhoiatusradareid ründasid droonid"
Jätke endale idioodi nimi meelde.
Muide, Medvedjevil ei ole võimu pääseda ligi tuumarelvadele, mille kasutamist pealegi reguleerib Venemaa Tuumadoktriin.
Teet Kalmus:
"Tuumarelvad on malakas, millega Venemaa üritab läänemaailma hirmutada ning sõja jooksul on tehtud seda korduvalt. Peamiselt küll Dmitri 'Dimon' Medvedevi poolt ning tavaliselt muutub teema aktuaalseks siis, kui Venemaal sõjas ülemäära hästi ei kipu minema. Nüüd korraldas Venemaa lausa tuumaõppused riigi lõunaosas..."
Teet Kalmus, kellel on juurdepääs Eesti Päevalehele ega ka mitte keegi teine pole mitte kunagi tõendanud oma väidet, et Venemaa on kedagi tuumarelvaga ähvardanud.
Näiteks Putini vastavat tsitaati pole lihtsalt olemas.
Ja kui oleks olemas, siis oleksid nad seda tsitaati juba sadu kordi trükkinud.
Taktikaliste tuumarelvade õppused korraldas Venemaa aga teatavasti mitte sel põhjusel, et tal sõjas hästi ei lähe, vaid sel puhul, et Ühendkuningriik ähvardas anda Ukrainale loa kasutada Ühendkuningriigi kaugmaarakette Venemaa legaalse territooriumi vastu.
Venemaa esitas seepeale Ühendkuningriigile ametliku sõjalise ultimaatumi ja lisaks korraldas ka õppused.
Kui Ukraina aga ründab selliseid Venemaa strateegilisi objekte, siis võib Venemaal tekkida juriidiline alus käivitada oma Tuumadoktriin.
Niisiis jätke endale idioodi nimi meelde.
Tulevikus võib seda vaja minna näiteks ajalooõpikute kirjutamisel.
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dmitryhiker · 2 years
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Я встал на гвозди, рассказываю как это было. Ровно 50 дней назад я первый раз встал на гвозди. Моим проводником в этот удивительный мир стала волшебница @katerina_sea_inside, которой я очень благодарен. Первые ощущения - это сильная боль, которая нарастала с каждой секундой. В голове постоянно возникала мысль - "сойти с гвоздей и закончить это всё". Мое тело бросало, то в жар, то в холод, трудно объяснить состояние в котором я находился. Благодаря наставлениям @katerina_sea_inside, которая заботливым голосом направляла меня, я продолжал стоять. Самым трудным было расслабить тело, но я не смог. Боль все нарастала и нарастала, не было больше сил терпеть и я попросил помочь сойти на землю. Не знаю сколько я простоял, меня тогда это не интересовало, да и время на гвоздях движется иначе. После практики, разминая стопы я ощутил как они горят огнем, а в голове крутилась мысль - "нужно ли мне это?" Самое интересное началось спустя несколько часов. В голове появилось много интересных мыслей, забытых целей и новых желаний, меня захлестнули эмоции. В теле я почувствовал прилив энергии. Мне понравилось это состояние и я решил продолжать практику... #гвоздестояние #гвозди #доскисадху #стоюнагвоздях #гвоздестояниеармавир #гвоздиармавир #стояниенагвоздях #гвоздетерапия #доскасадху #армавир #armavir (at Armavir, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuUYb4oxhN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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creart23-blog · 23 days
Bathing the Horses
By Arkady Plastov, 1893/1972 in 25 PHOTOS to discover!
“Bathing the Horses” two works from 1937 and 1938 are the most important that he accomplished.
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That of 1937 being the painted test of his successful project created for the Exhibition in May 1938 of the 20th anniversary of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants".
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At the exhibition, the painting caused a sensation due to the way the artist treated it, his observational skills, the impressionistic manner of his touch.
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and the way of approaching his subject as a motif, a word he uses to describe his painting “this motif, naked bodies, water, sunlight and horses, is the dream of my life”
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“Bathing the Horses” from 1937, a small format 66.5 x 99.5 cm, in the Plastov family collection; the man standing on the horse being his self-portrait.
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Self 1935s.
Based on outdoor sketches, with a variety of model poses.
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It is also a clear allusion to the sculptural compositions of Pyotr Klodt which decorate the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg, 1849/50.
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More successful and larger, 200 × 300 cm. "Bathing the Horses" from 1938, is also the opportunity to appear standing on the left, Plastov's favorite models, the young Pyotr Tonshin who will be dressed in shorts in the illustration of a children's book, replacing his self-portrait .
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This large painting of Red Army soldiers bathing their horses in the water of a river is judged as one of the best paintings in the exhibition, "masterfully executed." a timeless work contrasting sharply with most of the other paintings of the exhibition.
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Sketche 1936
Plastov began working on the painting in the winter of 1936. On February 13, he wrote to his wife, who was in Prislonikha: “The theme that I suggested - “Red Army riders bathing their horses” has been approved. »
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The sketches and preliminary studies were carried out in Prislonikha, Plastov's native village, with young peasants who used to make a game of it in the summer.
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As well as during a visit he made to the unit of the Caucasus military division of the Red Army in Armavir, in particular to see the horses used by the army.
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On his return to Prislonikha in 1936/37, his goal took shape with Bathing Children Horses
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sketches of children and young boys having fun with horses,
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which allow him to study the naked form with the reflections of water, green trees and the sun on wet skin.
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"Bathing the Horses" belongs to a series of works by Plastov in which the horse plays a central role in an "official" subject while stripping it of the social or political context of its time which does not correspond to the tradition of painting Russian realist and barely compatible with the ambitions of Soviet art of the time.
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Damaged Russian Voronezh-DM early-warning radar after Ukrainian drone attack at Armavir Radar Station, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, May 25, 2024. Source: NEWSADER
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A precise hit by Ukrainian drones on a Russian strategic object are very good news. In reality, this means that copy/paste empire Russia is unable to protect its strategic objects...but looking at it from the other side, the success of the Ukrainian military industry clearly shows how hypocritical and unfounded the obstacles created by the Western countries to the supply of modern long-range weapons and modern war planes to Ukraine are.
In fact, the West has everything it needs to enable Ukraine to completely defeat the army of Russian war criminals. The only thing missing is coherent political decisions...
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grayghostofthenorth · 5 months
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Artist G.K. von Meier - This painting formerly hung on the wall of the Pershino Palace. Size 137 x 170 cm (1907)
The pack borzois of His Imperial Highness, KURA, daughter of Aragonka, TASKAI, son of Armavir, BLISTAI, son of Almaz.
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pwlanier · 6 months
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Grositsky Sergey Nikolaevich (1876-1933). View from the veranda of 1917.
Oil on canvas. 15 x 22 cm.
Canvas without a stretcher.
The signature and date are at the bottom right.
Artist, painter. Born in Moscow on September 24, 1876.
Graduated from the Imperial Moscow Technical School (now the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman), like his brother Nikolai, b.
Since 1905 he lived in Armavir. At the beginning of the century, he was one of the first radio amateurs in Russia. In 1910, he depicted the flight of Halley's comet.
Wife - Grositskaya Alexandra Alekseevna. There were no children. He died on June 26, 1933 in Moscow and was buried in the Vagankovsky cemetery.
Artistic Auctions
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mariacallous · 2 years
The FSB has identified 12 people suspected of coordinating and carrying out the October 8 explosion on the Crimean Bridge. It named the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, its director Kyrylo Budanov, and its “employees and agents” as organizers of the explosion. The agency also released its official account of the explosion, including a description of how an explosive device reached the Crimean Bridge on a truck. The Ukrainian intelligence agency declined to comment, calling the FSB’s activities “nonsense.”
The FSB announced that it has identified “the organizers and participants in the terrorist act on the Crimean Bridge.” Eight suspects in the case have been arrested. The FSB and Russia’s Investigative Committee identified the organizers of the October 8 explosion as the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, its director Kyrylo Budanov, and “its employees and agents.”
The agency identified a total of 12 people suspected of participating in the explosion. The FSB report made only seven suspects’ names known: Ukrainian citizens Mikhail Tsyurkalo, Denis Kovach, Roman Solomko, Vladimir Zloba; Georgian citizens Sandro Inosaridze and “a broker by the name of Levan;” as well as Armenian citizen Artur Terchanian. The participation of five Russian citizens, whose names were not disclosed, was also reported. They were arrested, along with three citizens of Ukraine and Armenia.
According to investigators, the bomb was brought from Odesa through Bulgaria, Georgia, and Armenia, disguised under construction film. According to the FSB, the explosive device was “camouflaged” in 22 pallets of film rolls, weighing 22.8 tons.
In the beginning of August, the FSB reports, the bomb left the Port of Odesa for the Bulgarian city of Ruse. From Bulgaria the cargo was transported to the Georgian port of Poti, and from there to Armenia. It was at customs at the Yerevan Trans Alliance facility from September 29 to October 3, and then crossed the Russia-Georgia border at the Verkhny Lars crossing. After two days, the explosive device was delivered to a wholesale depot in Armavir, in the Krasnodar region, where on September 7 the pallets were loaded onto Makhir Yusubov’s truck, which then left for Simferopol. At around 6:00am Moscow time on October 8, the truck was blown up while crossing the Crimean Bridge.
On October 9, Alexander Bastrykin, head of Russia’s Investigative Committee, spoke about a similar route during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
The FSB claims that documents relating to the transport of the explosive device were changed twice during preparations for the explosion. Photographs of these documents have appeared in Russian media. A non-existent firm in Crimea is indicated in the documents as the final recipient of the cargo. According to the agency, a GUR employee who called himself “Ivan Ivanovich” controlled the explosive device’s movements and maintained contact with participants in the transportation scheme. He allegedly used both an anonymous virtual telephone number and a number registered to Kremenchuk resident Sergey Andreychenko.
Russian media, including RIA Novosti, have published an FSB video showing an inspection of the truck and a picture of an x-ray of its contents. However, the Telegram channel Mash had already published a longer version of the inspection on the day of the explosion, and there are inconsistencies between their video and the x-ray picture.
As OSINT analyst Oliver Alexander notes, the video footage shows one truck, while the x-ray image shows another. He called attention, among other things, to a different number of wheels on each truck: the first has five on each side under the trailer, the second has four. The analyst says the video footage shows an International ProStar truck. Baza reported earlier that Yusubov had this type of vehicle.
Presumably, the truck in the x-ray is not the one which exploded, but a DAF truck with Georgian license plates on which, according to the FSB, the explosive device crossed the border between Georgia and Russia. Photos of this truck were published earlier on Telegram. Georgia has said it had no involvement in the incident.
The GUR of the Ukrainian defense ministry refused to comment on the FSB’s announcement, calling the agency’s activities “nonsense.” “All the activities of the FSB and the Investigative Committee are nonsense. They are fake structures, serving the Putin regime, therefore we will not comment on their routine announcements. It’s surprising that they haven’t yet found any business cards in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge,” GUR spokesman Andriy Yusov told Ukrainian publication Suspilne.
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ferrolano-blog · 25 days
Putin se abre a las negociaciones, la OTAN a la escalada: la UE amenaza con dar luz verde a Ucrania para atacar territorio ruso con armas de la OTAN... Occidente está preso de una histeria colectiva que lleva al mundo un paso más hacia el abismo del conflicto termonuclear, esgrimido ahora explícitamente por el partido de la guerra, como demuestra el ataque a las bases Voronezh-M de Armavir, en territorio de Krasnodar, y de Orsk, cerca de Orenburg, que forman parte del sistema ruso de alerta temprana en caso de ataque atómico... Una vez más, Occidente ha cortado de raíz la posibilidad de negociación
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head-post · 26 days
Washington concerned about Ukrainian strikes on Russian nuclear sites
Washington fears that recent Ukrainian drone strikes against Russian nuclear early warning systems could provoke a serious escalation of the Ukrainian conflict, while the Biden administration is discussing lifting restrictions on Ukraine’s use of US-supplied weapons for cross-border attacks, The Washington Post reports.
The US official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said:
The United States is concerned about Ukraine’s recent strikes against Russian ballistic missile early-warning sites.
Washington expressed its concern to Kyiv over two attempts to attack radar stations that provide conventional air defence as well as warning of Western nuclear launches. At least one strike in Armavir, in the southeastern Krasnodar region, appears to have caused some damage. The US official also added:
These sites have not been involved in supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. But they are sensitive locations because Russia could perceive that its strategic deterrent capabilities are being targeted, which could undermine Russia’s ability to maintain nuclear deterrence against the United States.
However, a Ukrainian official with knowledge of the matter said that Russia used radar stations to monitor the Ukrainian military’s activities, particularly Kyiv’s use of aerial weapons such as drones and missiles. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Directorate, known by the initials HUR, was responsible for the strikes.
The Ukrainian official also said the strikes were aimed at reducing Russia’s ability to track Ukrainian military activity in southern Ukraine. The drone targeting a radar station near Orsk in the Orenburg region along Kazakhstan’s northern border travelled more than 1,100 miles, making it one of the deepest strikes on Russian territory.
Read more HERE
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asanov · 1 year
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🌸Юлии🌸 выполнено 🫶🏻цветное 🤝шелковое покрытие по 💕египецкой💕 молекулярной технологии 💕🫵🏾. Всё сделано 🤪адвокатом волос 🤪Асановым Александром😂😻🤪#armavirnews #lebel #armavir #moskow #krasnodar #bali #армавир #армавирстилист #армавирпарикмахер #москва #lebelmateria #londaprofessional #wella #schwarzkopfprofessional (at г.Армавир) https://www.instagram.com/p/CngT7NHOCuv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeintalu · 30 days
Senator Dmitry Rogozin said that the Ukrainian attack targeted a nuclear early warning system in the southern Krasnodar Region. 
According to Rogozin, the US should be seen as directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella.
Voronezh radar station in the city of Armavir.
The system can detect incoming cruise and ballistic missiles at a range of 6 000 km and can track up to 500 targets.
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andrewtheprophet · 27 days
Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West: Daniel 7
A satellite image taken on May 23 showing damage to the radar station – 2024 Planet Labs Inc. Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West Sun, May 26, 2024 at 10:38 AM MDT A Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian radar station that can track nuclear missiles has sparked alarm in the West. Kyiv hit the Armavir radar station in the Krasnodar border region on May 23,…
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dertaglichedan · 28 days
A Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian radar station that can track nuclear missiles has sparked alarm in the West.
Kyiv hit the Armavir radar station in the Krasnodar border region on May 23, damaging the state-of-the-art facility, which provides conventional air-defence as well as forming part of Moscow’s nuclear warning system.
Ukrainian officials confirmed on Saturday that their forces had carried out the strike, saying the facility monitors airspace over the country and occupied Crimea.
The radar station has reportedly been able to track long-range Atacms missiles, delivered by the US to Ukraine earlier this year.
Mauro Gilli, a senior researcher at the Centre for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, said the drone strike had been a tactical success because it will force Russia to redeploy air defence systems and it also put down a marker that no Russian military site was untouchable.
“We can debate the effectiveness and merit but strategically there is logic,” he said.
Other Western analysts, though, were more hesitant and said that Ukraine should avoid striking Russia’s nuclear infrastructure.
“Not a wise decision on the part of Ukraine,” said Hans Kristensen, a nuclear arsenal expert at the Federation of American Scientists. “Bombers and military sites in general are different because they’re used to attack Ukraine.”
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christinamac1 · 28 days
US-NATO attack 3 Russian space early warning facilities
South Front 27 May 24 On May 24, the Ukrainian military launched drone strikes on the Voronezh-DM strategic over-the-horizon long-range radar in Armavir in the Krasnodar region. The radar antennas were reportedly damaged. This facility has nothing to do with the ongoing military operations in Ukraine. Over-the-horizon long-range radar stations of the Voronezh-type are part of the Missile Attack…
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