tsukkismoonlight · 2 years
Hi If it isn't to much trouble may I have (male) tokyo revengers matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. My height is 5'0. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but I love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 7 years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. Somethings I dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk.I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. My ideal relationship would be with someone who is loyal and supportive. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you:)
As you sit down at your desk you casually pick up the letter, unfolding it until you can see the slightly messy handwriting inside…
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Hello hello!! Don't worry, you're not a bother! I'm glad you were interested in my match up event thingy!! I feel that on the disliking people who bend/ruin my books (i have about an 11ish years grudge on my brother for ruining one of my harry potter books lol)
Anyways! I think I'd match you up with….
Mitsuya Takashi !
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"do you have any idea what you're doing?" The words fly out of your mouth faster than you mean, but the sight of Mitsuya about to dog ear half of the page he was reading of your favorite book, makes you want to smack him upside the head
He jumps in response, then turns to face you, giving a lopsided smile, "saving my spot for later?"
You stare at him for a moment, then look at the book, and then back at him. He in return, looks at you, then the book, and then back to you.
"Is something wrong?" He asks, an innocent air to the way he does so.
"I just…you can't just…" you pause, and look at your own book, and sigh quietly.
You reach for it, and pull out what used to be a woven bracelet up until it had broken. You were able to save it by tying on a cute little animal shaped bead at the end, and thus turned it into a bookmark. It was something you've held onto for quite some time, and it had grown to be something you cherished.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you pull the bookmark from its place, and hand it over to Takashi, "take care of this for me, okay?"
Your hands touch for a second as he takes it from you, knowing just how much you loved the thing. He had hardly ever seen you without it whenever you were reading, and even the times you would just carry it around for good luck.
He swore his heart grew a pair of wings, because why else would he feel like it was about to beat out of his chest?
"I will, i promise,"
And he does. He takes extreme care of the damn thing, to the point where the others poke fun at him for it. But he doesn't care. To him, its not just a book mark. Its quite literally a token of your affection. It's a reminder that, even if you are too shy or bashful to say it, that you love him.
And that's enough for him.
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Song recommendations:
Strawberry Mentos- Leanna Firestone
Sunkissed - Khai Dreams
If We Have Each Other- Alec Benjamin
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Thank you so much for joining the event! I really hope you liked your match up! And I hope that some of the songs are new ones that you'll love !! Have a wonderful rest of your day (or night!!)
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zhvakinnn · 7 months
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
Gojo satori|ciel Phantomhive|killua zoldyck|Naruto izumaki|langa hasekawa|Armin arlert|Violet|jean genshin| etc.
Masterlist | about me | rules
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
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SYNOPSIS: Perfection lies on the eye of the beholder. Or, in this case, in the hands of an alchemist who dabbled in sculpting.
TW/s: yandere behavior, Albedo is a bit of an impulsive bastard, abstract in writing, nsfw tws includes usage of drugs, odd materials, dollification, toxic relationship. Please dni if you are uncomfortable.
NOTE FROM HR: Happy Valentine’s Day! If you asked Albedo, he had nothing to gain to be able to celebrate an occasion such as this, but it seems you guys have been together for months. I wonder what he has in store to celebrate this day with you, hm?
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Albedo is what many would say is never considered to celebrate Valentine’s Day. If you ever told him what that occasion is like, he would simply tell you the meaning and not what he truly thought about it. After all, that is normal for many to expect, right?
Well, that is what the old him would’ve thought, but he had a lover now. One that understood him, and the person that seemed to look at him like he was someone to be cared for.
To be fair, he and Kendall are what people would say that are polar opposites. He was stoic and hard to approach, but to the likes of Kendall, he simply showed sides of him that he wanted her to see past.
Why? It was simply because the two shared the same ideas and bonded well. Thus, for the alchemist, he thought it simply made sense to do that.
One of those was when they picked up a book that he had seen and he told Kendall if she was aware. Although she wasn’t, the time they spent together deciphering and discussing the contents of the book when they read it together was nice. He had never been interested in reading anything but scholar-approved journals, so picking up something light with her had been an interesting perspective.
There was one thing that he remembered so clearly—in the passage of the book, ‘Challenger Deep’, he remembered asking her how she felt with the narrative being shifted so often. He recalled how many were speaking of how difficult it was to follow them, like they couldn’t figure out what was happening.
Her words caught him by surprise, though.
“It’s not that bad when you think about it. After all, the story is focused on the boy, so if they can’t follow what’s going on, that’s their problem.”
It was then that he realized just how different they were. And Gods, he was absolutely not letting this opportunity go.
So, he began to speak to Kendall more. He began to look into what she thought of certain topics, books, and even past those with art forms as well. But in the midst of it, he found himself feeling more and more attached to her.
It was a strange conundrum. He didn’t understand the feeling at all. It felt… Foreign.
He didn’t like that.
What was stranger yet was that he saw her profile in the MixMatch app. He had been on it for months since he needed more funds for his projects, and it was the easiest way for him as he had been scouted by the bigwigs of Celestia Inc, so to see her in there and the profile she has set up was a curious coincidence.
Now, any sane person would’ve simply ignored her profile and scroll past to the next one, but Albedo is no foolish man. Nay, he wanted to see just how far he can go when he managed to match with Kendall and see how deeper their relationship could become.
With one swipe, they were both matched up by the app. Just like how history led them to be tied together since day one.
After that time, the memories became a tad bit fuzzy for Albedo to remember. It had gone through so many changes: from the time they were finally together, then the small celebrations they hosted, and even their first kiss. It was almost sweet with how Albedo tried to be accommodating and loving to Kendall, but there were times that it was difficult.
Love is difficult for him. But he has his ways to show that to you.
Such a shame that one of them led you to the situation he’s facing right in front of him.
Standing in front of the somewhat finished sculpture he made, he found himself… Strangely at ease. His expression remained unchanged, though, but the sight of it made him internally smile. It was something that he himself can live on proudly.
In a weird way, it made him feel a bit human. It was perfect for him.
Granted, the materials he made was not something he can get right away. It had to be curated, picked by hand, and he needed to make sure it fit his vision. One slight and it would’ve been thrown away, discarded like a child’s toy when they’ve grown old to even touch it anymore.
He was a picky man. He wanted what’s best for him and his lover, and he had dedicated himself for far too long to be able to back down now.
Raising a hand, he gently swiped it across the cheek of his muse, his eyes softening. The feeling of smoothness meeting his bare fingers sent tingles in his spine, tracing it ever so closer to their eyes and lips, and even drifting to their neck. There were a few blemishes, sure, but it was fine—it looked close enough that he was able to modify it to make it look authentic from the naked eye.
He spent 6 months working on the statue before him. His life’s work, he coined as such. He had always wanted to express his feelings to his lover if they’ve stayed for this long, and even then, he wanted to give it to her as his memento for the occasion.
Looking down, he hummed in satisfaction at the placement of the props he curated. He made sure that the statue had the finest of jewelry hung on their body, its hair and clothing pristine as he first found it, and he gave extra care to spots he saw that weren't perfect.
The dust that was left from his smashed previous attempts and frustrations are all but swept away, hidden from anyone that dares to enter his workshop.
Grabbing the cloth next to him, he lifted it up and tossed it on top of the statue’s head, gently letting it flutter down to the ground. He didn’t want anyone to see it, and he made sure that every spot of that statue he made was covered to a T.
“... It’s perfect,” he whispered, looking down at the time and the pendant. “Now, I need to give this to her tomorrow morning. I must get some rest.”
He has a busy day tomorrow, after all.
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Heading up to Kendall’s apartment, Albedo caught sight of his lover. Although there were bandages wrapped around her head and other parts of her body, he gently tapped on the door; a small greeting for her to hear, not one that may be too disruptive for someone who’s in recovery.
As her head turned and the two saw each other, the sculptor smiled.
“Greetings. Still trying to decipher the book, are you, Kendall?”
The latter blinked, the cogs obviously turning before he saw her nod with a gentle smile. “Yes, I wanted to know why I’m drawn to this book,” she answered him, making him hum and walk closer to her. Pulling up a seat, he glanced at the cover and the contents to see what she was reading.
“Challenger Deep… I see. This book can be quite tricky to understand,” he comments, his hand reaching to the cover. “However, you can try and read it later. I have something to show you at my house, Kendall.”
Closing the book, the blonde looked at his partner, smiling ever so gently with how she lit up.
It was different. So different from the reaction she’d give him, and it sometimes made him feel like he was dreaming. Alas, he isn’t, and he knew that to be the case for him and Kendall. After all, he made sure it wouldn’t come to light.
“Let’s go. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
Grabbing her hand, he grabbed the book and placed it on the table, keeping it closed. Leading his lover out of the living room, he helped her get her shoes and make some bits of conversation between them. He didn’t wish to make the mood tense, but it seems that she’s beaten him to it.
Albedo is never this talkative to anyone. To him, speaking takes a lot of his energy, and he is never fond of the idea. Though, with the one he’s with, he never found the idea revolting nor exhausting; she reminded him of Sucrose, minus that she’s a lot more outspoken with her thoughts to the alchemist.
It was an amusing sight: a man who refused to speak more than he had to, paired with a woman who loved to speak to those she found close with.
Their journey down to his apartment was as quick as he remembered. He kept a tight grip of Kendall as they went out and about, telling her that she must stay close, lest someone would see her and bring either of them trouble.
He knew why it must be done. People may still be out to look for her, and he didn’t want to risk anything to happen to his beloved.
Still, the real surprise came when he managed to reach his home. Pulling out the keys, he pushed one in and turned it, unlocking the door and letting her enter right inside his abode. Though, he found himself looking back for a moment.
It was strange. He swore he felt eyes pierce through him, but…
It must be nothing, he thought. No one would ever dare to follow me.
Turning back around, he entered the house, the floorboards creaking under his feet as he closed the door shut. He could already hear noises from inside his house, but he paid it no heed as he simply walked through to find where she ended up.
The soft thudding of boot meeting the floor echoed, and even the soft creaks didn’t deter him as much as it had used to.
He was used to it. It was his only home, after all.
“Albedo?” he heard a voice faintly call out. “Albedo, what is this?”
Ah, she’s found it.
“I’m right here,” he answered, entering his studio and watching as she stood in front of the now uncovered statue. The light began to shine and give the features more clarity, laying bare to what the two can see without a moment to lose.
The statue before the two had parts of themselves that had been sculpted by hand and blade, the skin color being the same as the one Kendall had with a few stitches and blemishes that Albedo wasn’t bothering himself too much to clean up. The attire had been commissioned by someone he knew, as it accentuated the statue’s body from head to toe.
The eyes remained closed as the hair was cut to her hairstyle, but there were some obvious patches and discoloration that shows its original color, which was something different entirely.
The face is what caught her by surprise, however. She had expected it to look like it was the same as hers, or even a human being’s face, but it was just patched with makeup and rough cuts. It was far too eerie to even put it to words, but Kendall can only look at it and then turn her gaze to Albedo.
He made this, did he? So why did this happen? Why is it made to look like an abhorrent abomination?
“I assume you like it, do you?” he asked her, his face still holding that same smile as he went closer to her. “You must be. After all, I’ve wasted blood, sweat, and tears over making this for you.”
It seems that’s all the answers they need from him.
“Don’t you think it’s perfect, too?”
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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idyllcy · 7 months
Happy Valentine's day!!!
I feel like Damian Wayne would go out for Valentine's days, like flowers and chocolates. No he's getting pure silver and gold jewelry lmao.
I feel Jason would just order take in and watch rom coms.
Richard Grayson is a mess on Valentine's day (babs, Kori and who knows who else probably has It out for him.)
Damian Wayne would go all out real and true I think he'd be the type to get you a nice necklace or ring that you had been eyeing for some time
Jason brings flowers on his way home and takeout, and the two of you watch romcoms on TV together
I disagree with Dick! He's not on bad terms with either of his exes to that point, so I think he would have a nice dinner with you— whether that be a fancy place or just a normal chain, but he would bring you out (maybe even to the rooftop to stargaze and have a picnic)
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tsukimirecs · 11 days
104th cadet corps // fic recommendations
note: remember to read the tags! + i do not own any of these works
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jean kirstein
the roommate
dutch courage
washing machine heart
bottled up
i stayed there, dust collecting
santa daddy
wish, wish, wish
armin arlert
for one night
nine years
secret love affair
ripe fruit.
bright morning
reminder: thank reiner later
definition of a good boy
ocean eyes
mikasa ackerman
arm wrestling
dust, moon, and silver
the unbearable weight of staying
eren yeager
the way you are
say a little prayer
ocean's breath
midnight snacks
sweet dreams
emotional baggage
all over again
peppermint flavored kisses
connie springer
honey oat latte
the unwritten law of college parties
anything but sex
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f0ofishies · 1 month
ᯓ★ Tutoring With Armin ⭑.ᐟ
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nerd!armin realizing you need some help in that biology class you both decided to attend. He'll look at you, those ocean eyes gazing as you struggled on a test.
nerd!armin hearing you complaining to your friends how you flunk out that test. Your whining being heard throughout the hallways, a bit melodramatic in his opinion.
nerd!armin, who looked into your eyes when they sparkled right after he gave his contact number to you. Offering a two tutoring session with you for the next chapter for your biology class.
nerd!armin, who agreed to meet you up in the library. The way you thanked him multiple times on being free on a damn saturday night.. yeah.. he was atleast understanding with you.
nerd!armin, who you end unfortunately getting lucky. The library was closed at the weekends. Small curses from your end, as you told him, to cancel this whole tutoring session for today.
nerd!armin being kind enough to let you study in his dormitory, knowing full well the consequences if he got caught having someone in his dorms past late hours, which could cause a whole rumor.
nerd!armin giving you his notes from his leathered notebook, you could tell he used a hefty amount of money– making it even more funnier how he would take his class seriously.
nerd!armin's hand brushing against yours, not noticing the way his heart skips a beat. He never had anyone in his personal sanctuary before, let alone someone who'd he tutor.. he was a nice guy, definetly being nice.
nerd!armin, who's getting his living soul sucked off so badly on the bed. His pale palm, gripping at your hair, tugging on the loose strands. The way your tongue immediately flattened on his pink dick.
nerd!armin looking down as you pulled your cum stained mouth away to jerk put his orgasm again. "Told you, 'min a hands-on activity was a good idea?" You cooed as he let out another loud groan.
nerd!armin, who cums a massive load staining your loose shirt and even on your face! "Sorry– sorry..!" He huffed out long apologies, hearing your laughter under him. You gave a small peck to his puckering tip oozing out a bit more load. "wanna know what the other lips can do?"
nerd!armin , who is also a virgin, and that was his real experience of someone sucking him off. You were beamed that you were his first ever. As some of his load trailed down your throat, he unexpectedly reached out to wipe away but squeezed it a bit. It earned a stifled moan in you.
nerd!armin, that's trying his best to keep up with your thrusts.. your ass hitting back onto his pelvis. Hips rolling and everything as he moans out your name– he's really going to cum inside if you don't stop..! He ended up gripping your hips to try and slow you down, it failed miserably.
nerd!armin crying at you, screaming out apologies as he accidentally unpack his load all over inside you. It's oozing out lewdly, he liked it– of course he did, but he didn't want you uncomfortable at all.
nerd!armin, who now takes the lead in this fucked up situation you both made. He thrusts into you once again, not caring if the librarians or passerbys can listen. One hand on your throat, the other at the your hips.
"Keep your legs up f'me.. shiitt.. mm just like that bunny.. keep bouncing on–uh it.. yesyesyes.. so close.."
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cherry-romper · 4 months
Realising they like you
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
Warning; alcohol consumption
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Eren; It was while you played in the ocean. You were messing around with Sasha when a piece of  seaweed touched your foot. Having never seen seaweed before, you panicked and threw yourself at the nearest person for safety - that person was Eren Jeager. Taken aback by the sudden weight, he fell into the ocean, you along with him. You apologised profusely while helping him out of the water, but he just stood there. You watched him carefully as he moved the hair out his face. You worried that you might have hurt him during the fall, so you asked if he were alright. Again, you were met with silence. You looked back at the others for support, but were cut off by Eren laughing. He let out the most genuine belly-laugh you had ever heard. He was smiling like an idiot, keeling over as he clutched his stomach. Your heart squeezed, as did the others. Eren hadn't laughed, nor smiled, in months. You soon giggled along with him. You even held onto his arm for support. Once he'd calmed down, he looked at you, from your eyes to your lips. He uttered a small "thank you," before pulling you into a deep hug.
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Mikasa; It was just a normal day. You had been doing your chores around the garrison and were now eating your fill, along side Connie and Sasha, in the mess hall. The two you were sat with were, once again, arguing over food. They bickered like children, throwing food and hurling insults at one another. You laughed at them, dodging the occasional piece of bread that came flying your way. Mikasa was stood at the door, staring at you in awe. The way the sun fell over your hair and framed you face was like something out of a renaissance paining. She admired your every crevice. From the way your nose curved to the shape of your lips as you smiled. She saw how your uniform draped over your shoulders as they bounced while you laughed. She was stood far away but could still see your eyes as the shone in the light. As far as she could tell, you were glowing. You were radiating serenity - the kind she'd been looking for her whole life. She'd never seen you in this light before, it caught her off guard. The more she watched on the darker her blush got.
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Armin; He'd liked you since you were kids but fell head over heals for you when you saved him from a titan. He had been assigned a separate group from you during a mission beyond the walls and you were leading a rescue squad to his distress signal. You found him being cornered into a tree by two small titans. He was waving his swords at them helplessly, begging for them to not eat him. You made quick work of the two titans, cutting them both down in the same motion. He watched you wipe off your blades as you asked if he was alright. He was so thankful you'd saved him, he started babbling on about him repaying you. You shushed him and told him that if he were to make it out alive, that would be payment enough.  He knew then he'd marry you.
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Marco; When you were injured while on a mission beyond the walls. He'd never felt so strongly for someone before. He sat with you on the ride back into the walls, the whole time he was gawking at your injuries. He held onto your hand tightly while he cried into his sleeve. Jean, who was riding a horse next to the cart the two of you were in, asked why he was so upset, you'd survived hadn't you? Marco just shrugged, unsure how to answer, but the aching in his heart answered for him. He stared at Jean, a broken expression on his face. Jean knew, just from that look, that Marco loved you.
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Jean; On a day off you'd gone to the market place. There was a band playing in the square. Some people were drinking and laughing, others were just passing through. There was a group of people dancing to the music. You and Jean watched on in awe. You were mesmerised by the way the women's dresses flowed as they danced and Jean watch as the men moved freely as they sways their partners around. While you watched on, someone pulled you in. You were a little shocked, but took to it straight away and started dancing with the others. Jean eyes gazed over your dancing figure. You were beautiful. Truly beautiful. He was so entranced by you he hadn't notice you nearing him. You stood in front of him and gave him a mischievous smile. He cocked a brow at your expression, but before he could ask you pulled him into the circle. His hand naturally glided to your waist and yours to his shoulder, your bodies held close. The two of you swayed together in rhythm with the music. His chest tightened as he stared at your smile. There was no doubt in his mind, he loved you.
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Connie; You'd both been drinking. While it wasn't illegal to drink at your age, but it wasn't smart. You both knew you had training in the morning but you drank anyways. Connie had convinced you, or vice versa, at this point you couldn't remember. Neither of you were light-weights but between you, you'd had gone through nearly a barrel of ale. You didn't feel as drunk as you were but still you ended up throwing up really badly. Maybe it was the fact that this was your first time drinking in months or the fact you and the ale tasted like shit, either way, you were hacking up as much as your body would let you. Connie panicked a little, you were both in no fit state and it was hard too see in the dark, but you were his first priority.  He comforted you, moving any hair out of the way as you threw up. After a while, you'd appeared to have finished, or at least calmed down. The two of you slumped down against a tree. You tried to say sorry but the soreness of your throat wouldn't let you. He shushed you, pulling your head against his shoulder. He told you to rest, he explained that he'd take responsibility for the two of you being late in the morning. While you rested, he could hear you softly snoring to yourself, a sting of dribble hanging from your mouth. He thought you were so cute. And even though you were in a vulnerable position, you trusted him to take care of you and that meant the whole world to him.
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Sasha; You'd gone hunting with her and finally managed to kill the boar you'd wanted to for weeks. In celebration, you flung your arms around her nuzzling your face into her neck as you squealed with joy. She felt so warm and fuzzy, she hadn't felt that way before. It was new, refreshing even; like a breath of fresh air. She held you there, close to her chest, for a few moments more before she began jumping for joy with you. On the way back to camp, you both gushed over what dish you were going to cook with all the meat you now had.
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Levi; You left him a note one day when you were sent on a mission. It read: while I am gone, remember to stay healthy. Asshole. Notes were your thing, but for some reason this one made Levi's heart skip a beat, a rare smile found it way across his cheeks.He replied to the note in his head: as long as you promise to come back to me, dumbass. He wouldn't admit it aloud but he was giddy with excitement waiting for you to return.
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Hange; You brought them a Titan back from one of your missions. It was one that they'd had a hard time capturing, an abnormal beyond the walls that Hange desperately wanted to study; they'd already named it Alexander. When they realised you'd risked your life to help their studies and free humanity, they knew you meant more to them than they could fathom.
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Erwin; You'd been gone for nearly a month. Your convoy had been spilt up from the main unit and everything had gone horrible wrong. You were outside the walls for 3 and a half weeks before you found your way back. You and one other in your unit had survived, out of the 28 that been split. When he saw your face he nearly fainted. Your whole unit had been presumed dead, the probability of your survival was less than 0.067%.  You and your other comrade were malnourished and dehydrated, they had lost an arm in the carnage. You only survived because of the sacrifices made by the other members of your unit, who'd unknowing donated their gas and gear through their deaths. No one could believe it, you both became legends, both being awarded medals for your bravery. It wasn't like Erwin to loose his composer but you seemed like an angel in that moment, as you were brought to the safety of the walls. He stared through you, like you weren't real, his legs moving on their own as he stumbled to you, slumping his arms around you, pulling you in for an embrace he swore he'd never release.
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Reiner; You followed him. After he betrayed everyone and left with Bertholdt and Ymir. You followed him on your own volition. He was at a loss for words, he betrayed you, as if he'd murdered your friends and family with his own hands. Still you were soft with him, asking if he was okay, telling him you'd be fine no matter what happened, you'd stay with him. You knew he didn't want to do the things he was forced to do, and you were willing to hear him out. He just listen to you talk, slack-jawed, that someone as kind as you had come into his life to guide him down the right path. He was in awe of you and he knew he'd do whatever it takes to keep you safe in Marley. 
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Bertholdt; You knew his secret and confronted him about it. You told him after everything you still loved him and that if he needed saving you'd be right there to do it. They were the words he'd wanted to hear his whole life and he was so happy they'd come from you. He sought comfort in you from then on and invited you to talk with Reiner about going back with them. 
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It was while she was in her crystal, you had visited her any chance you got, explaining the situation to her. You'd known she was the female titan before her reveal, and you confessed that too her crystal. You cried as you explained that you wish you could have stopped her, or at least found a way to help her. You been talking to Reiner about it all, as you figured out their secret to. He'd agreed to take you to Liberio with them, as long as you pledged allegiance to Marley. They were empty words, but you did so anyways, and conjured up a plan to rescue her.
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He'd known for a while that he liked you but being the stubborn ass he is, he denied and denied his feelings until it was you who confessed to him. He had convinced himself that relations like that were pointless, given his limited lifespan. During your confession, you mentioned that even though he didn't have long to live you were happy with any amount of time with him because your forever could be even better than nothing at all. He was at a loss for words, in disbelief that you'd be willing to go through that for him.
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She'd liked you for years, but never really found the time to talk about it with you because she'd been deployed to Paradis. The most casual confession known to man. You were sure she hadn't realised what she'd said. She'd finished reading a book she'd recommended a millennium ago and were talking to her over how the characters had fallen for one another. She simply replied with "yeah, I think he fell for her the same way I fell for you, Y/N". You eyed her cautiously, she wasn't even looking at you, she was just sorting through her papers. A gargled string of flustered sounds made it way out of you mouth in response, unable to form a real sentence. Finally she looked up from her work, smiling at you knowing, she had no doubts that you liked her back so she felt no need to tip-toe around the subject. 
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He knew when you were walking along the docs with him. He was having a smoke, basking in the sunset, it was the calmest he'd felt in months. Looking to you, he saw that you were messing around with a piece of seaweed that had found its way to the waters surface. He saw how you absentmindedly played with it, it brought him peace that you could still find joy in the little things, despite what you had witnessed. Seeing you lit by the setting sun, finding solace in his company was enough to solidify the rising emotions in his heart.
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i-mean-y-not · 18 days
The Boy Next Door
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Armin is the quintessential boy next door. No, quite literally, his family moved in when he was thirteen and you were twelve.
He was always reserved.
You watched each other grow up. From a distance, of course, seeing as you never spoke to each other outside of neighborly dinners.
While you ran in different social circles, you swear he was always in your peripheral. You tended to stick with the crowd that tolerated school but was prepared to skip a class at a moments notice.
His group of friends, however didn’t really… suit him. Onyankopon was this calm yet smoldering guy, but remained casual in his social settings. You’d never seen him utter a word but his eyes spoke volumes. Connie was the definition of hyper. With his expressive and colorful wardrobe and the almost manic way he approached everything. Eren was one of the most nonchalant people you’ve ever seen. His hair was always in a half up – half down style, and his eyes pierced through even the thinnest of gazes.
Then, there was Armin.
The one that wore a collared shirt and a pullover with the name of a prestigious university on it almost daily. Armin screamed teenage dream. With his signature floppy blonde hair, and quiet laugh that he never showcased more than twice in your presence.
Armin had lofty dreams. Claiming since he was all the fourteen that he was going to Yale. And despite his friend group, he was determined to do just that. While he’s getting acceptance letters, no doubt and planning to move halfway across the world, you were stuck. Confused, without a clue, aspiration, or goal that you truly wanted to pursue.
You’ve been accepted to your local college and plan on taking your general studies there, but after that? It’s all up in the air. Graduation comes and goes and the finality sinks in.
You toss and turn in your bed the week after and find yourself sneaking out of the house to sit on the beach adjacent to your home. The ocean waves lull you into a peaceful slumber and before you know it, you’re being gently shaken awake. Groggily, you pop an eye open and you’re immediately met with blue.
The ocean has nothing on this blue, though. This blue is a mixture between the sky on its clearest day and hues that streak the sky on the darkest night. This blue stares at you in worry as you hurriedly sit up despite your obvious fatigue.
“The hell is wrong with you?” you murmur, slapping at Armin’s hands. He responds by throwing them up in quiet surrender. He sits on the sand next to you and this is the closest you’ve been in about a year.
“Been a minute.”
And yeah that voice is still the same.
It’s the perfect blend of soothing and gruff and you’re tempted to fall right back asleep again after a three measly words.
“It has,” you respond.
“You okay?” he counters. Just then the breeze flies between the two of you and you inhale the eucalyptus scent that flows off him.
“Fine.” you reply.
That’s all you have and with an awkward yet self assured stumble, you get up, shake the sand off, and start the trek back to your house.
It’s not that you dislike Armin.
No, that was the farthest from the truth. You liked him, a little too much. A crush would be an understatement. You yearned for him. Looked out for him at school, at parties, even through your second story window.
You don’t really know when it started. Somewhere between the mandatory dinners and being semi-friends in middle school.
But he’s never seen you that way and that’s okay.
So, you steer clear. You always have and you fear that you always will. But he has other plans, it seems. Because as the summer approaches its end he’s everywhere.
He’s at the beach when you can’t sleep. He’s at the convenience store when you run in for a ginger ale. He’s even at the pool that you barely frequent because you can’t swim.
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And now he’s at your local diner sitting right next to you at the dine-in counter.
You don’t notice that it’s him at first. Content to enjoy your greasy cheeseburger and cookies and cream milkshake, you feel someone take the seat next to you while you munch happily on a fry.
The twenty something waitress bats her eyes and asks for the order of the patron. They pause and respond, “Can I have a vanilla milkshake with a large fry, heavy on the seasoning?”
Your head snaps to the right at that oddly specific order. And there he was. You don’t greet him, too flummoxed by the intense way he’s already staring at you.
You’re content to swivel back around in your seat and sip at your milkshake once more. He doesn’t stay silent for long, however.
“Hi,” he greets.
And the sigh you give is more like a seventy mile an hour gust of wind in a hurricane. “Can I help you?”
His eyes don’t waver for even a millisecond. He hums to himself, a quiet, raspy sound that tapers off before he replies. “You can actually.”
Your eyes blink owlishly at him as the waitress sits his order down in front of him. Instead of answering, your eyebrows almost meet in the middle of your forehead. “Go out with me.”
And you almost fall backwards onto the unsterile floor. The fry that was meant for your mouth now hangs limply in your hand.
What is going on?
“Check please!” You exclaim.
Now his head slams back as if he’s been physically assaulted. The waitress scurries over, check in hand. You take it from her, and almost instantly, a gentle hand covers yours.
“I got it,” Armin murmurs with a smile that graces just the corner of his lips.
“No,” you adamantly refuse. You already felt hot at the mere thought of going a date with him and if you stay any longer, you’ll cry from the need to shout an affirmative for everyone to hear. So, instead of reading the amount due, you slam down two twenty dollar bills and book it.
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It’s two weeks later when there’s a small gathering at Armin’s home. A going away dinner, as one would put it, and you pretend to be sick in order to stay home.
There’s no need to rub elbows with a guy that just acknowledged your existence two Wednesdays ago. So, you sit this one out. You’re more than happy to pass the time under your blanket and streaming a show you’ve seen a thousand times.
You’re fading into an almost slumber when there’s a quiet knock at your door. Your eyes blink open blearily and you hum an almost silent, “Come in.”
A blonde head peeps in and cerulean eyes peer at you from your doorway. You fold your lips in and sit up slightly as an invitation and he’s opening the door so he’ll fit. The slight tilt of your head must give away your confusion so he holds up a paper bag and your head dips even further.
“I heard you were sick,” he offers by way of explanation. The way you have to physically restrain yourself from jumping on him is ridiculous, because what?
Why is he making it so hard for you?
You just wanted him to go off to school and let you have your sad girl hours in peace.
“You can leave it, thanks.” You offer with a small nod.
“You don’t even know what it is, though?” Biting the inside of your cheek you decide to swallow this ridiculous pill of faux friendliness. “Ramen,” he answers before you get a syllable out of your mouth.
And you’re surprised that you don’t have a raging headache because of all the odd movements you’ve forces your cranium into. Ramen is your favorite food, especially on days when you were feeling sick. Ramen was your favorite food when you were feeling…anything. So, the fact that it’s here, steaming in his hand confuses you.
“I went to that place you like,” he says. Which makes you think that this is making less and less sense.
Upon looking at the logo on the bag, you realize that it is in fact from your favorite shop which is perplexing. Thirty minutes each way for one bowl of ramen for a neighbor that you barely speak to just doesn’t add up.
You sit up abruptly. So fast that he flinches back slightly at the unanticipated movement. Your mouth opens slightly in quiet awe and your eyes have to be as wide as they can possibly get. By the blush on his cheeks that you can barely see, you’re informed of something you’d never suspected.
“Shit,” he mumbles, “This isn’t how I wanted it to go.”
And it’s all clicking now.
Slowly, the past seven years are seen through a different lens. He was always in your peripheral because he was looking for you too. But no matter how much you wish it, you don’t want to assume.
So in the most quiet voice you’ve ever spoken you whisper, “Armin do you…like me?”
He laughs; like full on laughs. He laughs so hard you suck your teeth in annoyance and shake your head in slight disappointment. He finally calms down and offers the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen grace a human being.
“Is that not obvious?”
Your jaw gapes in surprise. All this time the person you’ve been pining after wanted you too? Shock is the first emotion, then comes confusion and finally there’s anger.
You sigh. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He rubs his lips together in quiet consternation. “Why didn’t you?”
The small smile that tugs at your lips is proof that this is already having a toe curling, stomach lurching effect on you.
With a smile that touches your very marrow, you whisper, “All this time?”
He simply nods, grin stretching his face and echoes your sentiment. “Yeah, all this time.”
And because you wanna put up a fight and for your own curiosity you ask, “What did you order me?”
At the same time he inquires, “Can I kiss you?” Your nod is almost immediate. His movements are the same and your eyes flutter closed with the first press of his lips onto yours. His mouth works seamlessly against your own and his hands begin to roam. His lips claim yours so fervently that you have no room to even breathe.
You grab his hair roughly as a way to ground the both of you and he groans desperately. Your toes curl from the sound alone and with a small whimper he’s murmuring against your lips. “Please.”
“Yes,” you answer the question that wasn’t even spoken.
His mouth slowly detaches from yours and his eyes flutter open and the blue is long gone. His eyes are now an almost iridescent shade of indigo. And you have to gulp to control what might come tumbling out of your mouth.
Before you utter a word, his mouth is back on you. This time it’s on your throat, then your neck, and he’s traveling further and oh…
“Wait, Arm-”
He doesn’t really give you much of an option. Your body is dragged down until your legs have no choice but to butterfly open for you to be comfortable.
“ I just wanna see you.”
And you slowly realize, that is the problem. That whole quiet and mysterious illusion he gave off was a cover that you’re beginning to see right through. But his voice is as slow and sweet as molasses when he reassures softly, “Just a peek, gorgeous.”
You can’t really refuse that, can you? So you gulp and your inexperience shows when your hands hover in the air awkwardly.
“Here,” he declares, and places your hand atop the mop of curls that is his hair. The ramen he brought is cast aside as he settles on the floor so he’s in a sort of crouch. Like a leopard waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting gazelle. The analogy, you realize, is fitting for the situation you come to understand when he slides your panties down and peeks up at you. Your eyes widen and snap shut almost violently and with a small chuckle he hums.
“That won’t do.” Your eyes blow right back open as soon as you feel his tongue lick its way inside you. A breath whooshes out of you in guilty pleasure and his eyes haven’t left yours yet.
He licks long and thick stripes everywhere and you almost cry in fascination.
You’re not a shy person.
Not at all, but you’re afraid that the sounds you’ll make will be less than sexy. So you stay quiet and that’s the only mistake you’ll make tonight.
He grabs your legs and throws them over his shoulders and that’s when the sounds force their way out of you. Every noise you make is either a gasp, cry, or whimper and the encouragement he gives makes you gush. The way he slurps at you should be embarrassing but you can’t find a breath to take let alone a care to give.
His name is on your lips and as your stomach starts to knot and your abdominal muscles cave in, you can’t help but smile.
Then it comes. Your toes curl so hard they crack and your mouth opens on a silent scream. Who knew? The boy next door was now a man who gave you the best—the first—orgasm of your life.
Your eyes blink slowly down at him and the moistness around his mouth should bother you, but you chuckle to yourself in delight.
Ever the gentlemen, he slides your panties back and places a kiss square on your clit and you twitch without giving your body permission to. He gets up and brushes off his khakis and you pretend not to see the very obvious stain that resides there. You fade out slowly after that, body becoming disconnected from the world and slowly fading into unconsciousness.
“Thank you,” you almost slur.
You see the whites of his teeth in response. “It was my pleasure.”
You nod, trying your best to hold onto this moment and right before you slip off into dreamland you murmur, “I love you.”
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kzlove · 7 months
handle you
syn -> eren proves that he can handle you.
warnings : smut, squirting, creampie, thick black reader, weed and alcohol usage, unprotected sex, spit, not proofread; just nasty
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you were laying in bed with your led lights on, tv playing music softly from its speakers.
frank ocean, flo mili, sza, steve lacy, kali uchis, and whoever fit their way into the mood.
it was definitely past twelve o clock now, but you didn't feel even a bit of tired.
you take a couple pictures and post it on instagram, labeling it as 'bored' before posting.
you see a lot of your homegirls like it immediately, but of course they all was doing something.
sasha had a class to go to in the morning, annie was exhausted from work, pieck was with her boyfriend.
the only person that didn't heart it was mikasa, and that was probably because she was with her boyfriend too.
you drop your phone down and roll your eyes, deciding to begin working on your assignment due next week.
but you don't have to mess with it for long.
your phone buzzes next to you, gaining your attention from the laptop. an instagram notification.
onyandrift replied to your story : smoke sesh? wtw
you roll your eyes, recognizing the username as your boy best friend.
the two of you use to kick it with each other all the time, and even spent a few nights at his house over the summer in high school.
but you fell off, cause eventually he got a girlfriend and started to stream games and a bunch of other nonsense.
around that same time, you started focusing more on yourself.
loveyn : lame booooo loveyn : ion got weed to share w u
onyandrift : girl you nvr do onyandrift : i'm providing onyandrift : come kick it w me n a few of my hbs
loveyn : uhm loveyn : you think i wanna be around bare niggas tn??
onyandrift : stop yappin and get dressed im omw
you roll your eyes at the text and sigh, checking the weather.
it wasn't gonna be too cold, so you settled for this and grabbed your phone charger and lip gloss.
onyankopon doesn't live far, so it doesn't surprise you when you hear his audi a6 make that annoying popping noise outside your house.
you groan in annoyance and grab a water bottle before stepping outside, immediately walking to the car.
"why the fuck you still got that shit bruh?" you complain, climbing into the front seat.
he had on his essentials hoodie and black sweatshorts, grey yeezy slides on and a velvet durag.
he shoots you a grin before he takes takes your things and puts it in the backseat like he always did.
during your senior year, he had you sit outside with him in the hot ass sun while he put something on his car to make it noisy as hell.
he did explain what it was, but it wasn't like you really cared so you ignored him.
you didn't expect him to still have it though.
"who all gon be up in there ony?" you ask once he makes it to the stop light.
onyankopon sits back in his seat and things, rubbing the stubble on his face in fake thought.
"don't know." he fakes, before driving off when the light turns green.
you groan in annoyance, fixing your hair and at least making sure you looked good.
when you make it, he grabs your things and tells you to head to the backyard where everyone else is.
you follow his instructions, grumbling about how he had better sprayed all the mosquitos.
everyone was back there like he said they were.
it was armin, jean, mikasa, onyan's girlfriend zara, and some guy you don't recall ever seeing.
"hey girl! come sit!" mikasa grins, swinging her legs off jean and patting the seat beside her.
it happened to be between her and the random guy.
he didn't pick his head up to greet you or even look at you, tapping away at his phone.
'rude ass' you thought to yourself, sitting next to mikasa with a bit of a stank face.
she follows your view, and sighs, leaning back. "don't mind him. he just don't wanna be outside." mikasa reassures.
you roll your eyes and fix yourself, saying hi to everyone else.
onyankopon joins you all in the back with all the spliffs he had rolled after hitting everyone up.
sooner or later, lost by frank ocean was playing lowly on the speaker and you were all on your third spliff.
"this would be so much better if we had drinks." mikasa complained, leaning back onto jean.
he ignores her, because everyone knows how nasty she gets when she's drunk and high.
"fuck that. some fucking food would be amazing." armin huffed out smoke, handing the spliff over to zara.
everyone groaned in agreement, and you were the only one to get up with a hum.
you don't miss the way a pair of eyes trace your body as you stretch and fix your pants.
"finna go find sum in the kitchen for us to eat." you grumble, venturing into the house.
you close the screen door behind you and look through his cabinets with a frown, fixing your hair out of your face.
the sliding door to the backyard slides open and closed, making you turn to the sound.
it was the silent guy, eren, you learned his name was.
and now you could see him in proper light.
he wore a grey hoodie and a pair of baggy sweats, long hair pulled into a up and down.
you had to admit that he was fine, his wife beater seeming tight around his chest.
and green eyes staring you the fuck down.
"can i help you?" you question rudely, turning back to the fruit snacks in the pantry.
"maybe you can." he responds, and you hear him approach you.
now you know your position could be taken as anything but innocent, bent over inside a pantry.
you stand up straight and face him, looking him up and down. you weren't know easy bitch, and you won't be treated as such.
"you can't handle me." you complain, pulling your phone out and grab the whole box of fruit snacks.
he takes the box from you and puts it on the counter, smirking just a little bit at you.
"you don't think so?" eren questions, tilting his head teasingly.
you scoff, jabbing your nail into his chest harshly until he backed up.
"trust me, baby. i know." you grab the fruit snacks up and join everyone else.
"nah don't run now. thought i couldn't handle you?" eren grinned down at you cockily.
you were bent over onyankopon's guest bed, back arched and face smushed into the sheets.
one thing is for certain, you shouldn't have picked up that fucking cup.
mikasa brought out the liquor and poured everyone a cup.
which led to everyone spending the night at ony's house and crashing in every room.
mikasa and jean took the game room in the basement, ony and zara obviously took his room, while armin crashed on the long L shaped couch with eren.
or well, he should've.
you couldn't stop teasing him in that stupid fucking graphic tee ony lent you for the night.
which led you here, under eren's strong hold and getting your pussy pounded something serious.
"ooouu why you fucking me like this?" you whine out a bit too loud, reaching back to press on his stomach.
but eren shut that down immediately, slapping your hand away and stuffing all eight inches in your gut.
"all fucking talk." eren grumbles to himself, angling his hips upwards and fucking you even harder.
at this angle, his fat tip was slamming right into your g-spot.
your jaw goes slack in a silent scream as you push your ass back onto him, holding onto the pillow.
eren grins over you, slapping the flesh connecting your waist to your thighs.
"good girl.. take this fucking dick." eren grunts out, obsessed with the way your ass ricocheted off his abs.
"wait wait wait! m'gonna make a mess!" you pleaded with him, grabbing his strong arms.
hearing that only made him speed up, staring directly at your pussy as it clenched around him.
you screamed into the pillow, squirting harshly onto the sheets beneath you.
eren pulls out to watch, catching his breath and clapping your ass cheeks together.
when you catch your breath, you turn your head to figure out why he was so quiet behind you.
he stared back at you, before chuckling lightly. "onyankopon is gonna fuck us up." he joked, flipping you onto your back.
you rolled your eyes and get comfortable, staring at him from behind your lashes.
"not us. you. i told you i'd make a mess." you shoot back, letting him lift your legs up.
"uh huh. sure." eren says, not even listening to you as he pushes right back inside of you.
in this position, he reaches deeper inside of you and it makes you whine again.
you can't even think of a remark to say back, because his pace picks up once more.
eren wraps his hand around your throat and leans in, spitting in your mouth.
you accept it gratefully, swallowing and pulling him down to kiss him.
eren groans into the kiss, rutting into harder and rubbing your clit in rough circles.
you moan out, arching your back and grabbing his hand.
"fuck.. gonna make me nut in this pussy." eren groans out, moving his hand off your throat and kissing just below your ear.
you squeeze your eyes shut at the pleasure, bucking your hips weakly into him.
what he says doesn't register in your brain, your head going foggy as all you could focus on was how good he was fucking you.
eren starts to mumble something you don't hear clearly, bucking into you wildly.
you cum around him again, locking your knees behind him and digging your nails into his back.
eren groans in your ear, hips stuttering as he shoots thick, hot ropes into your sensitive pussy.
you flinch and whine lightly at the feeling, playing with his hair.
the two of you lay in your combined juices, still coming down from your highs.
eventually, eren turns his head to face you and grins.
"i gotta buy you a plan b?" he questions, rubbing your thigh in slow circles to get your full attention.
you shake your head and close your eyes. "i'm on birth control." you inform, taking a look at your nails.
"you gotta pay for my lashes and nails tho. got me fucked up." you grumble, looking at your broken index nail and missing pinky.
eren laughs at that, pulling out and climbing off the bed to pull his boxers back on.
"can't handle you my ass. don't ever let me hear you say that shit again girl." eren teases, helping you off the bed.
loud knocks make the two of you freeze, grabbing the sheets to cover your still naked.
a loud voice rings out from behind, making you remember exactly where you two were.
"aye make sure yall niggas clean up and take that fucking sheet home! got me fucked up, fucking in my house like that!" onyankopon complains, before walking off.
eren looks back at you with a grin, before slapping the fat of your thigh playfully.
he's never letting you stay over again.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Can you do what you did for Eren for Armin🫡🫡
i couldn’t…
wait to post this😩
“why you running from me? we ‘talking’ remember?” the sinister smirk on armin’s face only grew as he listened to the loud whine you let out. he was fucking you so deep you felt him in your stomach as you tried to inch yourself up from him. of course he dragged you right back, fucking you even harder as he held both of your shoulders to keep you from running again.
when you went over to this man’s house, you forgot to put your phone on do not disturb, and this just had to be the day your ex called you asking about your whereabouts and why your location said you were at someone’s house. “m’with armin” you mumbled, lightly pushing at his chest as the blonde man left sloppy kisses all over your neck, his hand deep in your shorts as he rubbed at your pussy through your lace panties. “why you over there? you fucking him?” armin listened on to your conversation, acting as if he was too focused on your body as he slowly pulled your panties to the side. “n-no….we just talkin” you said, completely missing the way armin’s jaw tightened at your words. the two of you weren’t dating or anything, but he wasn’t someone that liked to be hidden, and that showed through his next actions.
before you knew it, your phone was snatched from your ear. he hung up on your ex before making his way to the edge of the bed, his sweats hung low on his hips as he began to take of his black t shirt. “cmere mama, lemme ‘talk’ t’you” before you could answer, his inked hand was wrapped around your ankle and you were being yanked to the edge of the bed. armin made quick work of taking off your shorts and ripping removing your panties before he flipped you over on your stomach.
without another word he was deep in your pussy, giving you, much deeper strokes that you were used to as he listened to you moan and whine for him to “slow down” and “be gentle”. of course he ignored you, causing you to run from him which led you right here. getting your soul taken from behind as his two strong hands gripped your shoulders to keep you from moving away. “take this fucking dick” his voice only added to your arousal as your wetness began to spread all over your messy pussy.
armin groaned at the sight, strings of your essence connecting the two of you as he fucked you with all of his inches. he quickly let go of your shoulders, gripping the back of your neck with one of his hands before pushing your face down into the sheets. “uhh huh, know you like that mama. your ex don’t fuck you like i do and you know that” he mumbled, ocean eyes glued on the way your pussy sucked him back in each time he stroked you. “so why you hidin me, huh? you embarrassed or sum?” his hips moved quicker, his dick kissing that spongy spot inside of you that made you instantly moan into the air. little squirts of liquid being freed from your pussy each time he reentered you. “n-no da….never” armin quickly leaned up to grab your phone, purposely thrusting into you deeper as he moved to tease you. he lifted you up by your neck, using your fucked out face to unlock your phone before going back to your ex’s contact and throwing the phone back in front of you.
“then call em back and tell em we not doing no ‘talkin’.”
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jeannineee · 8 months
how they love you: attack on titan edition
(ft. Levi Ackerman, Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert)
warnings: none
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Levi Ackerman is an observant lover. Subtle glances from across the room. Having entire conversations without speaking. Fixing your hair and straightening out your clothing as if he wasn’t the person who left you disheveled in the first place. Worry disguised as annoyance. Silent understanding. Knowing your soul infinitely better than his own.
“You need to start taking care of yourself. Drink more water.”
“We don’t need to talk if you don’t want to. I can just be here.”
“I never understood what I was missing until you came along.”
Eren Jaeger is a dedicated lover. Unwavering, steadfast loyalty. Passionate debates and deep conversations. Hugs so tight you can’t catch your breath. Craves eye contact. Listening intently and holding on to every word you say. Defending you when you aren’t around. Would serve you the moon on a silver platter if you only asked.
“I would do anything for you. I hope you know that.”
“You are the most important person in my life. You come first.”
“Their opinions mean nothing to me. They aren’t you.”
Armin Arlert is a gentle lover. A calm, grounding presence. An ocean breeze, made human. Unfaltering certainty. Reassuring words and soft touches. A kiss on your palm. Flushed cheeks and butterflies in your tummy. Slow dancing in the low lighting of the kitchen at three in the morning.
“I love you so, so much.”
“You can tell me anything. I’ll always listen.”
“It’s not silly if it’s meaningful to you.”
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
MATCHUP FOUND FOR [ @armin-ocean-eyes ].
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[ YES ]
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Quite the irony, no? An alchemist such as ALBEDO wouldn't be the type you can approach so easily. However, two introverts can find comfort in one another, especially when it comes to reading and researching.
As a chemist, ALBEDO is fascinated with how your mind works. He can relate a lot to not wanting to approach people, but it was due to different reasons: for him, he found it too much of a hassle to speak to someone that doesn't spark his attention. But to you, he thinks you're worth spending time with.
ALBEDO has Klee that enjoys sweets like you, so being able to make one with Jean's help was worth the experience. And seeing your face made him rethink if he should change his course years ago and pursued psychology.
Although he doesn't share the same interests in cottagecore, he could see the appeal. ALBEDO would inform you of things he thinks you might like about it as a result, sometimes even telling you people that can help you with them like Tighnari, who's a ranger in a different country and excels in forests.
If you two have any books you'd like to share, he will be the first to talk to you about what caught his eye. Just... Be prepared for him to start rambling if the topic interests him.
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idyllcy · 9 months
Jason's baby/toddler being obsessed with the joker because idk kids are weird and their whole room is themed after it💀 Jason is getting PTSD by walking into his child's room.
Dick sneaks in one night and hangs a crowbar on the wall of Jason's child's room.
THE FUCKING CROWBAR IS JUST FOUL. I like to think that Dick doesn't go that far... but he def goes like "so how's the baby's obsession with the joker" when they meet up
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confusedmothboy · 2 months
i feel like theres definitely something there about how armin's eyes are sky blue and eren's eyes are ocean green bear with me here
eren's recurring perceptions of freedom include blue skies, birds, and white clouds, while armin's is him finally seeing the sea. also how eren's eyes start out ocean blue and turn more and more green as the series progresses, its like armin can't see the freedom behind his eyes because eren's just a slave to it by that point. i think platonic or not theres a lot to be said about the fact that they view the other as freedom, eyes are the windows to the soul, aot loves showing eyes to convey deeper meanings, they should have kissed in the finale, blahblahblah yall get my point i dont think i worded this well
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i love these pictures cause they look like bugs but this is for visual demonstration YALL SEE IT RIGHT
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bunnisari · 1 year
thinking abt loser!nerd!armin who is so toxic and manipulative
all of middle school, high school, and even college he was bullied for being a “wimp” and a “loser”
he was the “unfuckable weird virgin” of school all his life.
loser!nerd!armin who surprises the whole school and even his parents when he shows off his pretty girlfriend
she’s the most popular girl in school, drowned in pink, and a cheerleader. she was the baddest bitch on campus and everyone knew
you are so deeply in love with him, often showing him off and praising him infront of everyone.
loser!nerd!armin who slowly becomes controlling but in an innocent way
he often uses his sob story from middle school, he’s just so insecure n scared you’re gonna leave him :(( he’ll flash you his watery ocean eyes, begging you to not leave him
you quickly reassure him that you’ll never leave him, telling him how he’s so special and perfect just for you
you think he’s wrapped around your finger but he’s got you whipped
he’ll get so jealous seeing guys flirt with you at parties, “Baby I don’t really like you talking to Jean, he was the one of the people who use to make fun of me” :((
loser!nerd!armin who will guilt trip you into feeling more sorry for him , “I’m so glad I met you Y/N, you give me a reason to live every day” He takes his hand in yours, taking your breath away
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jjkeremika · 9 months
AoT men favorite places with you
description: AoT men’s favorite place to be intimate with you
pairing: Eren, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Porco, Levi, Erwin, Armin, Zeke, Bertolt // x reader
• prefers public places, not well hidden, like fingering you under the table or having you suck him off behind the racks at restaurants and shops
• risky, likes the thrill of potentially being caught, swears the adrenaline makes you look and sound sexier
• loves sucking on your neck and leaving hickeys, bites your shoulders enough to leave a visible mark for days
• shushes you while he strokes your hair, tells you that you need to be more quiet when you swallow him whole, that you need to bite your lip when he rocks his hips
• at home, in the kitchen, while prepping for dinner or while baking desserts
• likes lifting you onto the countertop, kissing and fondling you until his preset timers are going off
• always takes his shirt off before putting the apron on, just in case he spills something on it anyway
• smacks you with a spatula or wooden spoon when you walk by, threatens to do it again when you squeal
• watches you lick the batter off your finger with dilated pupils and starts palming his erection through the apron, staring at your lips the whole time
• well if it wasn’t the arcade, it wasn’t anywhere but home
• hes winning prizes and tickets at every game, smiling and handing you the gifts to keep, smacking your ass and kissing your cheek intermittently
• sometimes asks you to blow on his hands before ski-ball or air-hockey for good luck
• reminds you of that when he asks you to blow on his cock later, behind the pac-man operator, when he’s unzipping his jeans and you’re dropping to your knees
• sometimes will push up against you from behind, pushing your hips into the game as you play, as he teaches you
• rents cabins so you two can be conpletely alone because he loves to hear you scream, and doesn’t want a soul to hear or see you (only him)
• likes you on your hands and knees, his hand roughly pulling your hair
• situates you so both of you are facing the wide window, overlooking the natural scenery as his hips slap against yours
• smirks at you in the reflection in the window, blows kisses when you both make eye contact in it
• could always find him hanging out under the bleachers, and he greets you with open arms and a big kiss each time
• wraps his jacket around you when he takes your shirt off; puts your shirt over his backpack so it doesn’t touch the ground
• holds you so close and so tight, protects your head with his hand if you two get too close to the metal benches
• loves the rattle of the bleachers when you grab onto the metal bars or benches as he fucks into you from behind
• hates doing it in bathrooms and kitchens
• prefers taking you to expensive hotels with clean sheets and fluffy towels, usually rents a room with two large beds so you can rest and relax on spotless sheets
• cleaning up is his favorite part, lapping up your streams of fluid from your thighs like a parched dog
• loves shoving his cock down your throat when he’s about to orgasm, loves feeling and watching you swallow his cum, enjoying everything more thoroughly with the knowledge that he doesn’t have to dirty a towel
• back of the car, like you’re both hormone-crazed teenagers who can’t keep their hands off each other
• has a huge car, so sprawling you out into any position isn’t an obstacle
• always wraps his tie around his wrist, dangling it slightly, and sometimes sharply slaps it against your ass
• plays music through the speakers every time, always drives to the ocean or the lake
• likes the visual of you beneath him, his cock pushed between your breasts
• likes to be in private, at home BUT the back room at the public library comes quite close
• works there part time, so acquiring the room was easy, and there was something about seeing you amongst unbound books that evoked something inexplicable within him
• loves when you bend over him like an open book, especially when you’re asking him to lick you out while you suck him off
• always reminds you to be quiet when he’s louder than you are
• likes to take you to plays and musicals and theaters and operas, “to enjoy the sounds and symphonies of art,” he’d say
• his hand is crawling up your thigh before intermission, tracing the tights pattern up your skirt
• hides the playwright over your lap so those in neighboring seats can’t gawk (but he also kind of likes it when they do)
• rushes you to the bathroom during intermission, hiking up your skirt and ripping a hole in the crotch of your tights
��� plays basketball, so meeting him in the locker room after practice is the routine
• explores different positions on the benches and in the showers with you, bending you over it or holding you up
• loves holding your butt cheeks like two globes, moaning every time he compares his hand and dick sizes to the size of your ass
• blushes when he sees you at his games because he knows what will happen later in the locker room, what you’ve both practiced for
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