#army days mac and jack 👀
lailuhhh · 2 years
Some thoughts(ideas?) to consider for your army days fics(my beloved)
1) mac and jack forced to work with different people. But like for a longer time. Like they see each other at night and jack can’t do anything about it. He’s maybe tried to call in some favors to get mac back but big man at the top(derogatory) isn’t budging and Jack’s still waiting.
2) Mac meets a bomb he can’t defuse. Do with this as you will 😉
Just some thoughts that I’ve been pondering :))
Okay okay okay like
Man at the top(derogatory) forcing Mac and Jack to work with others all day is just SUCH an idea because like can you imagine them getting news of ‘temporary reassignment’ and Jack’s just like
No way man the only condition of my reuppin was I stick with him
And their CO is like
I know but your options are do this or you’re going stateside and Mac will finish his tour without you
And then they go out their assignments and the guys they’re with are like cool and everything AND THEN something happens but I’m not gonna tell you what I thought about because that’s maybe gonna be the next fic maybe 👀👀
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lailuhhh · 2 years
Hello in response to this ask
Write something based on this exciting prompt: Mac's refusal to do guns 👀
Did you say tragic backstory? I think I heard tragic backstory
It had been a long time since he'd been asked, but the memories were still just as fresh as when he had to answer the first time. And that day hadn't been a good one, so Mac's emotions were already reaching their peak
"Dude why the hell did you join the army if you don't want to use a gun? You fail gun safety or something?"
It was a question Mac had heard dozens of times since he joined; people in training, people in bunks, people in different units, a higher up every once in a while. The first few times didn't bother him, guys were bound to be curious about it, but every time after just made him remember
"| wouldn't have been able to join if I didn't pass basic safety. I just don't like them."
"Okay but why? I can understand a medic not wanting them but you're fucking EOD. You have a target on your back all the time. Why wouldn't you want a side arm at least?"
"I just don't like them."
"Say your watch can't get a clean shot at a guy because he's all up in your face. Don't you want something that just like click boom and then you're safe?"
Normally Jack was there, having known the full story, to chase the relentlessly curious guys, but he was currently laid up in med, sleeping off a concussion. So there was no one to chase curious guys away, no one to protect Mac's mentality from having to think about it.
But there was also no one to stop Mac from having a breakdown, and taking it out on whoever was in front of him.
"No, I don't want something that goes click boom. Do you want to know why I don't want something going click boom? I have things that can go click boom in my face every single day, and they are so much preferable to what l've seen. But you don't know what I've seen, so I'll tell you since you've asked so politely.
"I walked in on my mom just before she shot herself when I was five. I've heard a click boom right before walking in to my grandpa's study when I was fifteen. I had to console my best friend when I was eight because his little brother got something that went click boom, and now he doesn't have a little brother anymore.
"So I'm fucking sorry if my refusal to like or use firearms has offended you. They haven't been a really cheerful part of my life."
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