haganezukawaifu · 30 days
Chapter 33 is out on A03 and with a little ending note. If you haven't read my note on my A03 and only read my book on Tumblr. I just want to say I'm taking a small hiatus due to me returning back to school to get my degree. I just need the time to focus as all of my classes are on online and I would be also be dealing with tutoring so I really need to focus.
I love your support that you all have been giving me to this book and I hope that when I come back, I hope to continue to write it to the end.
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haganezukawaifu · 1 month
Leave me alone 😭😭 I can’t help it. Plus I crochet too. Poor ADHD me
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haganezukawaifu · 1 month
Oh how I love being sick. I hope my student didn’t get me sick 😭
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haganezukawaifu · 1 month
𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓪 𝓓𝓸𝓵𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8
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~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 ~ 𝓜.𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽~ 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽 ~
As Alice analyzed every flower, I walked beside her. It was challenging to start a conversation after not seeing her for a few days. She hummed and I watched her every moment. How do I start this conversation? What do I say? "These are Snapdragons, correct?" Alice asked before I could speak. "What is the meaning of them?" she asked. "They mean deception and generosity." "What about Zinnias?" What is the meaning of them?" she pondered. "People usually get them when they think of a friend but they can be lasting affection." Alice continued to wander around the showroom.
"I'm surprised you haven't asked me any questions," Alice said. "I have many questions to ask but I'm sure you can only answer a few." Alice giggled. "Try me. I will answer as many questions as I can." I tried to think of a question to ask, but I didn't know where to start. All I could say was:
"You're a vampire, aren't you?" I questioned. Not the first question I wanted to ask. Alice laughed as she walked. She replied, "So that was your first question." I follow behind her and ask, "W-Well. Are you?" She looks at me, nods, and says "Yes I am. Though you already know that. "Any other questions?" I can only respond with the obvious question that has been on my mind. "You asked me about my dreams. Why? How did you know about my dream? I never told anyone about them," I said. "It was just a simple matter. Your eyes made it seem like you'd seen it all before," she replied. As Alice touched the rose petal, she said, "You weren't the only one who saw the crash. I stared at Alice as she responded. Not the only one. Does that mean?
"You dreamt of that crash too?" I asked. Alice shook her head and turned toward me and stated, "More like I saw it." Saw it, I thought to myself. Alice explained it to me as subjective precognition or visions. "To sum it up for you, I'm able to perceive my visions based on decisions made by people," she explained. Therefore, she can see the future if the person follows through on their intentions. "In the same way that mine predicts the future, so do your dreams," she said. So... I have a gift. Huh. I also thought that my dreams would be something I dreamed up and never thought they would be visions. To be real events. "Anything you want to ask me," Alice said as she walked.
"What was your life like?" I asked.
She stopped walking and turned to look at me.
"As a human. I mean. Do you remember anything before becoming a vampire? Your family. Where did you live before?" I continued with my question. Alice turned and sat down on the stone bench and said "I don't remember much from my human life when I got turned." I guess when you're turned into a vampire, you don't recall your past life. "I however have one question for you," Alice replied. "What is that?" I said. "When did you experience your first vision?" she asked. I sighed as I sat next to her on the bench.
"My first drea vision was when I was 5 years old. I was in foster care. I envision a woman with black hair and half-burgundy bangs. I remember wearing a band tee with a black jacket and skirt. The next two days, I didn't realize that the woman was Cordelia. After that, I had a new vision of these figures. So far, I have only dreamed of different events," I replied. I chuckle. "It's funny. When I was 14, I dreamt someone was leaving. I didn't expect it to be my brother," I said as I looked down. I felt Alice touch my shoulder. She smiled at me as I focus on her. Alice said, "I will take some tulips and lavender for a centerpiece. Let me know if you can arrange it." I replied, "Yes, of course. I'll arrange that for you now. Umm. Any color tulip would do." Alice nods her head and smiles as I gather up some tulips and lavender.
I arranged her flowers and put them in a box. As I chose a ribbon, I grabbed a pink ribbon and pulled it to the right length. And right when I was cutting the ribbon, I heard Alice say "Would you like to come over?" I stopped what I was doing and said "What?" "Would you like to come over to my home?" Alice said with a smile. I resumed my task and cut the ribbon. "Umm...What day?" I asked as I wrapped the ribbon around the box. "You can come Sunday morning," Alice suggested. I paused. "Do you think it would be safe to come to a house full of vampires?" I asked. Alice chuckled. "I mean sure. We can also have you for dinner," Alice said. I gulp as she laughs at my reaction. "I'm kidding," Alice said. As I finish tying the ribbon and giving her the box, I chuckle. "I can come, but I must leave at 3. I'll close the shop with Cordelia." Alice nodded as she took a card and wrote something down. "Here is the address," Alice said as she pushed the card toward me. As I grabbed the card, I held it tightly. "I'll see you there," Alice said as she grabbed the box and walked out.
I hold the card and look at the address. I'm heading to the Cullen house on Sunday. I can't believe it. The day continued as expected and school started the next morning. Bella rode with Edward this morning, which surprised me. I was unable to ask her everything so after English class, "So he saved you from the thugs, took you out for dinner, took you home, and today you rode with him to school," I responded. Bella nodded her head. "I say you made progress," I said as we walked to my locker. "More than less," Bella replied, following me. "I'm sure Jessica had a question. What did she say?" I asked as I opened my locker. "She wanted to know if we were a couple," Bella replied. I waited for her to continue until I added "And." "I told her we were," Bella responded. I stood there in shock as I held my locker door open. "I see. But do you like him?" I asked as I grabbed my books.
A sigh escapes her lips as she presses her head on the locker. "It's difficult to know whether he likes me or not because he's always so-" Bella said. "Cryptic," I replied, concluding her sentence. Bella nodded her head and said, "There's more to him than just his gorgeous looks." I liked him more than he liked me. It's like I can't avoid him." Hmmm... I figured she was interested in him but didn't know it was serious. I softly chuckle and Bella asks "What?" I lean in and say "It seems like Edward has drawn you in." Soon the bell rings, signaling the next class will start. "We'll talk at lunch," I replied. "Yeah. See you at lunch," Bella said as we both parted ways.
The class continued as usual. We watched a movie in Government class. An old schoolhouse rock song about a bill. Eventually, government class ended and it was time to leave for the cafeteria. I started packing up my belongings and putting them in my backpack. As I walked out of class, I saw Edward and Bella awaiting me at the locker. I slowly walked toward them. "Hey," Edward muttered. "Hey," I said. "Would you like to sit with us during lunch?" Edward inquired. I asked Bella for confirmation and she nodded her head. "Umm. Sure. I'd love that." Edward turns to walk to the cafeteria and Bella walks alongside me. I was never asked to sit by anyone, even the Cullen. This is new.
After reaching the cafeteria, I saw Edward grab a tray and I grabbed a tray and picked anything that looked good. What I noticed was that Edward had piled his tray with food. "What are you doing?" Bella asked. Edward turned his attention to Bella. "You're not getting all that for me," Bella said. He shook his head before buying food on his tray. "Half is for me," he replied. I brought mine soon after him. "I didn't know vampires could eat food like we do," I said. As we sat down, Edward offered, "We don't. Take whatever you want," he offered as he pushed the tray towards us. There was a lot of food on the tray. I only got fruit and pizza. Bella grabbed an apple and asked, "What would you do if someone dared you to eat food?" That's a good question. I was curious. "You're always curious, Bella. I'm sure you are too Christine," Edward said. "Well, I mean. It doesn't hurt to know." Edward shook his head as he grabbed a slice of pizza and bit into it.
He began to chew quickly and swallow. I stare at Bella as her eyes widen and return to Edward. "So...," I said. Edward shook his head as he put down the slice of pizza and said, "It tastes like dirt." I tilted my head in confusion at his response. "It can't be that terrible." "If someone dared you to eat dirt, you could," Edward said. I shook my head indicating that I wouldn't but soon Bella replied "I did once... On a dare." I turn to her as I wrinkle my nose at her response. I would never expect Bella to eat dirt and for her to state it wasn't terrible made it more outrageous. I wouldn't dare do that. "Christine," Edward said, grabbing my attention. I look at him as he says "Alice told me she came to your flower shop," Edward said. "Yes. She did. She came for centerpieces and answered my questions," I replied. Edward nodded his head. I also mentioned that she told me she was a vampire, and that our dreams are just visions. "So Alice isn't the only one with a gift. Edward can read minds," Bella said.
I stared at Bella in shock as my curiosity led me to ask Edward, "You can read minds." "All except Bella," he replied as he turned to her. I asked him how, and he could not give me a reason. Bella doesn't know why either. "If that's true, what am I thinking about?" I replied. Edward chuckled and replied to me that I was thinking of the paper I would receive tomorrow in English, which was correct. Good reading, I guess. "Plus the day of the crash, you were so wrapped up in the crash in your vision. Alice told me that she saw it but you couldn't get it out of your mind including your dreams," Edward said. So because of my thoughts, he has listened all this time. "That's insane," I said. Edward snickered as he asked if we had any more questions. "I have one question. Goat Rock. Why did you go there?" Bella asked. "We were hunting. Emment's favorite is Grizzly," he replied. Did he just say Grizzly? As a grizzly bear. Rather than hunting humans, they hunt animals. I asked Emment why he loved grizzly bears and animals and in response, he explained "It's to resist the urge to feed on humans. In a way, I would say we are vegetarians. They eat animals but not humans," Edward said. So you do not need human blood to survive. "What is your favorite?" Bella asked. Edward leaned in toward us and said "Mountain lions are my favorite."
Soon the bell rang and we stood up and said our goodbyes leaving to walk to Spanish class and Bella and Edward to Biology. Class went as it should and so the day continues. Edward took Bella home. Today and the day after were the same. The day after that, he left to hunt with Alice. Upon returning home from school, I completed my homework before participating in other activities. Cordelia suggested we order pizza tonight, so I ordered it. It was soon nightfall, so I put on my oversized tee and joggers and drifted off to sleep. My dream took me to a place as I slept. Or should I say vision?
I was in a forest. The sky was cloudy but thunder was heard but no rain fell. I heard a motion from the forest and saw three figures approaching. Two men and a woman. The first man was dark-skinned with dreadlocks. He was of medium build, thick muscle with red eyes. The woman had long curly hair like mine but it was bright orange. She was pale and dressed in a coat. The last man was pale, tall, averagely built, and average looking. He wore blue jeans and a soft blue shirt. The thing they all had in common is that they were all barefoot.
I walked into the forest and soon the air became foggy and dark. The further I traveled, the darker it became. As I was surrounded by darkness, I stopped walking. It was quiet, awfully quiet. In that darkness, a door lit up. When I opened that door, I found myself in a mirror room with a wooden floor. There was a gold stripe across the mirror. As I stood there in that mirror room, I heard a splat that scared me. I looked and it was red and dripping. It was blood. Then another behind me and to my left. Once I heard the next, I turned around and there stood the pale man in blue jeans.
He turned toward me with his mouth covered in blood. His eyes were black and he growled. I panted as he examined me. I couldn't stop my heart from beating out of my chest. In an instant, I ran for it, but he stopped me and grabbed me by the throat. I tried to get rid of his hands, but couldn't. As he leaned close to me, he whispered:
"Time for the main course."
He could feel his breath on my neck. He leaned back and gave me a wicked smile and without hesitation, he lunged straight into my throat and...
I gasp as I touch my neck in fear. I gulp as I pant. Who was that and what was that? This is quite different from the crash dream. This was more violent. I checked the clock and it was 7 am. I should get out of bed and shower. I'm sure Alice is waiting for me. Besides, who knows what else I might see?
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
I’m almost done with Chapter 33 before I go on vacation and I’m this close finishing a smut on my other tumblr which is taking so long because I haven’t done smut in like forever. 😭
Chapter 8 is coming soon as well. Probably the 17th. Don’t quote on it
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓪 𝓓𝓸𝓵𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7
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~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 ~ 𝓜.𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽~ 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽 ~
"It all started when I was 5."
I stood in front of Bella as she sat on the couch, listening." The first moment I had this dream, I appeared in this 15th-century palace. Standing in this hallway, looking at the same wall. The same picture. And I would always be in front of this door not knowing what lies beyond it but they would call for me. I never saw their faces, but their voices always spoke." I explained everything to Bella. To every dream and thought.
"Then at school, the day of the basketball incident, I was back there again but strange things happened when I opened that door. I found these words on the wall written in Latin that were difficult to translate. There were also three thrones-like chairs and a necklace. The moment I touched the necklace, I saw a flash of eyes. Three red eyes. Staring at me and a voice calling out for me. I first saw these eyes when I touched Dr. Cullen's hand, but now they are three. Every night, I dream of them, longing for them. Wondering if they long for me or know I exist. After doing some research, I found out that these figures were supposed to be my soulmates. But if that is the case, where are they?"
"Maybe that explains the drawn part," Bella said.
"There's more. At school. On the day of the car accident. When Edward saved you," I say.
Bella nodded her head. "When you asked people if they saw Edward by you, they said no, you assumed you were the only person. It wasn't just you who noticed him. I saw him there too. I didn't notice him standing beside you when we parted ways. He was four cars away but before the car hit you, he stopped it. The night before, I had a nightmare of a car crash and everything fit the description. You asked if I was okay and I lied about a project when it was a dream. I was so disturbed that I couldn't sleep. I couldn't figure out who it was but I didn't expect it to be you." Bella stared at me as I explained:
"I wasn't aware it could come true, it just happened. My first thought was that it was just a nightmare that couldn't be real. I didn't know...I'm sorry," I said as I sat beside her and looked down. A moment of silence elapsed between us. I felt guilty for lying to her but I didn't know what she'd expect. Maybe she'll think I'm crazy. Maybe she'll never talk to me again.
As my mind wandered, Bella replied, "It's not your fault." I turned my head and looked at her.
"So you're not upset?" Bella shook her head. "If anything, I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time," she said as she lightly bumped my shoulder to cheer me up.
"So you're not expecting to say 'Christine. She became mad and planned to kill me." Bella laughed as she shook her head. "No. Besides, you're my friend and who else will I hang with?" Bella replied.
I smiled softly. I was glad Bella was still my friend. "In this case, if your nightmare was true, could these figures be vampires? " Bella asked. I shrugged my shoulder. "They could be but whatever they are, they can't be humans." Silence filled the room until Bella giggled.
"What?" I questioned. "You know when I talked to him, I started to think he was a superhero or something," Bella said.
I chuckle at Bella's comment. "Superhero. What are we in? Metropolis. What's next? Bitten by a spider?" Bella chuckles softly beside me.
"Or more terrible. We could be in Gotham," Bella said. We laughed together until I heard the front door open and it was Chief Swan. He walked in and noticed Bella and I sitting on the couch.
"Oh, Christine. Didn't expect you to be here," Chief Swan said. I noticed he carried something in his cooler. He must have been fishing. "Actually Mr. Swan. Bella and I were working on an assignment. We're doing Shakespeare in class. Have to learn our lines and all. But I think it's wiser to practice later," I said as I looked at Bella.
Nodding his head, Chief Swan offered breakfast. I shook my head as I said "That would be nice but I need to get home. I'm sure Cordelia is waiting for me. She's probably back from her business trip to Seattle. I'll see you tomorrow Bella."
"Y-Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow at school," Bella replied. I nodded my head as I said "Yeah." Bye, Mr. Swan." He bid me farewell as I left the Swan residence.
During my drive home, I listened to my music. Thankful Bella doesn't live far from me which is a plus. Her home is 15 minutes away. As I returned home, I noticed Cordelia's car in the driveway. She came home early. Thankfully, Cordelia is back in town and I'm grateful for her return. She told me about the meeting in Seattle and the amazing restaurant she ate at. She said next time she would have to take me there to try it. She also mentioned that she had dinner with someone named Axel.
This person was whom she met during the meeting and I can't tell if Cordelia liked them or not. But if so, I'm happy for her. The next day arrived and Cullen wasn't at school. Bella has questions for Edward, while I have questions for Alice. The day after came and I wore my cream blouse, plaid vest, and brown pants but they did not show up at school again.
While leaning on the cafeteria table, I said, "I feel they won't arrive anytime soon."
"I'm sure they're still camping," Bella exclaimed.
"Must be a pleasant trip," I muttered.
At this point, I will never talk to Alice and question her.
"So I'm heading to Port Angeles today with Jessica and Angela," Bella said. My interest was piqued by Bella's response.
"Really? What's the reason?" I asked. "Just helping them find their dresses for the dance. Lauren will be there. I was thinking about inviting you but you're busy after school," Bella said.
I nodded my head. I have to work after school. If I didn't work today, I would help Bella avoid boredom though I would take away dress shopping. Soon the bell rang and we parted our separate ways. School continued and it was the end of the day and I drove straight to Aphrodite Garden.
After getting to work, I walked inside. Cordelia greeted me as soon as I walked in and I greeted her back. The moment I put on my lavender apron and put my curly long hair up, I got to work. As it turns out, we received a wedding request. The first thing I did is come up with the design in my sketchbook according to the customer's preferences. Roses and any flower to go with it. Sounds challenging. After I finished the design, I emailed the customer to see if they liked the bouquet design or not. They did, which I was glad to hear. So I worked immediately. I started arranging flowers into the bouquet, starting with red roses. It was coming together and looked so beautiful. As I was working on the bouquet, I heard my name and it was Cordelia who held the phone in her hand. 
"Christine. I have to take this phone call. Take care of the front for me," Cordelia said.
I nodded my head. I saw Cordelia walk back to her office and I returned to designing the bouquet. I added some lilies to the arrangement to enhance the overall design of the bouquet. Suddenly I heard the front door chime meaning a customer had walked in. "Hello. Welcome to Aphrodite." Before I finished my welcome speech, I stood there and froze as the person who came in wasn't who I expected. It was Alice.
"Hello Christine," she said with a bubbly smile.
I didn't know what to say. I haven't seen her since she asked about my dreams. "Umm... Welcome to Aphrodite Garden. How can I help you?" I questioned. "I'm looking to change up the flower arrangement in my home. But I'm looking for meaning in flowers. Would you guide me?" Alice asked with a smile.
I nodded my head in response.
"And I'm sure you have questions. Don't you?" she asked.
"I do."
Alice smiled as she walked toward the showroom. "Then let's talk," Alice said as she stood at the door waiting for me to follow her.
I took off my gardening gloves and set them on the counter.
"Yes. Let's."
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
It's my birthday. Yayyy
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
𝑅𝑜𝓈𝒶 𝒟𝑜𝓁𝒸𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨
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~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 ~ 𝓜.𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽~ 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽 ~
My sleep was interrupted by a smell that woke me up. I sniffed again and it didn't smell like smoke. I jump out of bed, leave my room and walk downstairs. The moment I got downstairs, I saw Cordelia in the kitchen, cooking. I checked the time and it was 5 am. So early. I walk into the kitchen and the sound of my feet patting on the floor alerts Cordelia to my presence.
Seeing me, Cordelia said, "I knew you will awaken." I cross my arms and look at the pan. "How can I not when you're making my favorites?" Cordelia chuckles softly. "I know I will not be back until Sunday evening. But I had to start on your dinner so you don't have to worry about cooking when you get home and breakfast as well," she said as she set a pancake on a plate. I nodded my head as she cooked. From what I could see, she made homemade pancakes for me and croque madame for her. Her favorite meal. Seeing that she had finished cooking, I asked Cordelia.
"Hey. Cordelia. Do you know Latin by chance?" Cordelia hesitates before responding "Not really. I'm not skilled at it. Why. Are you studying Latin at school?" she asked. I shook my head and lied "There is an essay for English. And some words are in Latin. I just need to translate them for my paper." Cordelia nods her head in response before putting food in the fridge. "Well, I have a Latin-English dictionary in my office. You can use it for your essay," she says. "That's very helpful. I'll use it for my homework before bed," I said.
I had to know what those words meant. I couldn't talk to Alice. I haven't seen her for two days at school. Speaking of school, Bella was taken home during biology. I didn't expect her to be weak from the blood smell. However, Edward took her home, which shocked me. The next day, he didn't show up. Something about camping in the Goat Rock Wilderness. Which was weird. I wouldn't expect Edward to be the camping type. Looks more like an indoor person to me. I saw Cordelia take off her apron and hang it up and double-check everything in her daily routine before leaving. A habit she does that I now do occasionally. Once she did that, she stopped in front of the door and asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" "I can reschedule this meeting and work with you." As I shook my head, I could tell she was worried about me. "I'll be fine. Now go to your meeting and enjoy Seattle," I said as I grabbed her hands and held them. Cordelia smiles and nods. I let go of her hands before grabbing her luggage.
"Okay. I'm off. I'll let you know when I get to the hotel. Call me when you need anything," Cordelia said before pecking my head. I nodded my head in response. As she exited the front door, she walked to her black BMW. I wave goodbye as she waves back and gets into her car. I watch as she pulls out of the driveway. I sighed. It was 6:20 when I checked the wall clock. There was no point in getting back to sleep so I ate breakfast. I don't have to be at the shop until 8 and open up, so why not eat breakfast before getting dressed for work. I wore a simple beige jacket with a graphic tee, jeans, and boots. Nothing special. I grab my keys and my backpack. I double-check everything before leaving home. As soon as I exit the door, I lock the door and walk to my car and get inside. I drive straight to Aphrodite Garden.
The shop wasn't far from home. It was close to Newton's Olympic Outfitters and bookstores. It was 20 minutes away. While driving, I listened to my music. Once I arrive at the shop, I park my car and sigh.
'Okay, Christine. You can do it. You can handle a shift alone. Nothing but floral arrangements and phone calls.'
I exhale, open the car door, and get out of the car. I grab the shop key out of my bag and unlock the shop. The moment I open the door, the bell rings. Time to work. I turn on the light and walk into the back and set my things down in Cordelia's small office. I grab my lavender apron with my name and the shop emblem on it.
"Welcome to Aphrodite-." I stood there and saw Bella. "Hey," Bella greeted. "I thought you were heading to First Beach." "Your lights were on so I assumed you were open," Bella replied. I nodded my head. "I have to put things up before flipping the open sign. I thought you were already off to First Beach," I exclaimed as I picked up a box of plant pots and walked off. "No. We're waiting for Lee and Samantha," Bella replied as she shook her head and followed behind. "Didn't you invite anybody?" I asked. "Well I asked you but you're working and I asked Edward but he declined and he said he doesn't think Mike will like him over," Bella responded. I set the pot down by the delphinium. "I see. Maybe he wants to have you all to himself. I mean he did take you home on Wednesday," I say as I look at her. She looks away as she blushes. I chuckle at her bashfulness.
Before I could say anything, I heard the bell ring at the entrance door. "Welcome to Aphrodite-." I saw Mike standing at the entrance. "Hey. Bella. We're ready to go," Mike replied. In response, Bella nodded and said, "Okay." Mike noticed me. "You know Christine? Since you're Bella's friend. You can come along whenever you get off," Mike suggested. "You know that would be quite inviting Mike but I have to work a full shift here. Maybe next time." I smiled gently. "Okay then. Let's go, Bella. You can sit up front in the passenger seat," Mike said. "See you later," Bella said. I wave goodbye as Bella and Mike walk out. I checked the time and it was 8. Well, I'm officially open. Time to work.
After waiting, I didn't get a customer until 30 minutes later. She waited for a florist arrangement for her table, and I was happy to help. After I helped the lovely customer, the day proceeded as it should. I packed up some orders for funerals, weddings, newly born, birthdays, etc., and kept the flowers watered and fresh. Hydrangeas need attention today. I also advise clients on flower combinations. I also had to get updated orders from suppliers. Cordelia calls periodically to check on me, of course. But I was glad to hear her voice. Hours had passed and it was time to close the shop for the day. I sighed. I made it through the day. I began to sweep the floor, wipe the counter, etc. Once I did, I reviewed Cordelia's checklist and completed every task. After hanging up my apron, turning off the lights, and locking up the store, I left the shop. I saw Bella's truck but not Mike's car. Maybe they aren't back yet. After shrugging my shoulders, I drove home in my car.
After a 20-minute drive, I finally arrived home. I got out of my vehicle, stepped inside, and hung my keys on the key hook. I walk into the kitchen and get out the dish Cordelia made this morning and put it in the oven. The good news is she prepared it for me and I only have to put it in the oven. While that was cooking, I walked upstairs to Cordelia's office. It was time to find out what those words meant. I ventured into Cordelia and grabbed her Latin-English dictionary, and began my research. During my search, I came up with a few translations of my own.
'Thus it has always been, and thus it will always be.'
'Life is short, art is long.'
'No one is above the law; it is right and always will be.'
'No one is above the law; it has always been this way and always will be.'
'Life Short Artis.'
So many translations and none make sense. After a while, I put things into perspective, and an answer came to light.
"Life is short, Art is long. Death yours; life mine. No one is above the law. Thus it has always been and thus it will always be."
What does that mean? Life is short. Death yours. No one is above the law. It has always been and will always be. I have so many questions yet I don't know the answers to any. I open my laptop and search once more, this time for my longing question. As I sought to answer the question of my longing, I searched online. Something about those red eyes? Why do I dream of them? What does it mean? I typed on my computer.
'What does it mean to dream of someone you have never met?'
As soon as I clicked on the enter button, multiple results appeared. The top answer was destiny and longing to be with them. Soul Mates it said.
A soulmate. Those red eyes. They are my soulmates. But if that is true, where are they? Do they see me? Do they know I exist? I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the timer downstairs in the kitchen go off. I walk out of the office and reach downstairs to the kitchen to take my food out of the oven. Cordelia's dish looks delicious and tastes good. After dinner, I read "The Great Gatsby". I remember reading this book 2 years ago. It was quite enlightening. After finishing a couple of chapters, I fell asleep. I tried to fight it as much as I could but resisting sleep became a failure. Soon I drifted off to sleep the next day.
I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar location, back in the room. Only this time I was different. I stood at the door. What would this door lead me to at this time? I open the door and walk inside. I was in a library. Full of books that reach the sky. I couldn't recall so many classics. Some I had never heard of. I reached out to touch the book's hardcover until I heard the door open and hide. All I heard were footsteps and nothing more. While I waited for them to leave, I remained silent. I couldn't stop my heart from beating so loudly.
"Tesaro. Why do you hide?" I heard. "Your heart beats quickly. Don't be afraid. Come. Show yourself," said another voice. A different voice. But this voice had a gentle tone to it.
Standing there, I pondered my thoughts. Should I show myself or stay hidden? I had to know who these figures were. Taking a step, I turned the library shelf corner and saw three figures looking at me. As I stood in front of them, I analyzed their features. The three of them were quite different from one another. One had long jet-black hair and translucent skin. The other had snow-white shoulder-length hair as his skin was pale and translucent. Lastly, the last man had black hair that was shoulder length. His skin, on the other hand, was pale. Both were tall and average-built. However, their eyes conveyed a sense of comfort and kindness in addition to their beauty. I was stunned. I sat on the floor looking up at them.
"Come, Cara Mia," the jet-black-haired man said as he extended his hand toward me. I hesitated to grab it until I extended my hand to touch his. The moment our hands touched, he held it with care as I slowly walked toward him. He never let go of my hand as we left the library. The moment we walk down the hall, we stop at the window. He turns to face me, as I did, and the two men beside him turn as well. There was silence as the man that held my hand pecked on my hand palm. I let out a gasp as I stared at him. He looks at me with adoration as he reaches forward to touch me. But before he could.
I awaken from my sleep and lay there for a moment. I lifted my hand into view, the same hand he pecked. His touch was delicate and his lips were soft. The way they looked at me, their beauty alone was all I could think about. Suddenly the phone rang, causing me to snap out of my train of thought. Must be Cordelia. I ran downstairs to answer the phone. "Hello," I answered. "Hey, Christine. It's Bella," I heard on the phone. Bella. I checked the clock and it was 5 a.m. So early. What is she doing calling me this early? "I didn't wake you, did I?" Bella said. As I shook my head, I replied, "No, you didn't. I just woke up anyway." 'Oh' is all I heard on the other line of the phone. "What is it? You're calling pretty early?" I said. "Well, I have been doing a bit of research lately," Bella told me.
"What research have you been doing?" I asked curiously. "Well you know I went to First Beach today," Bella mentioned. In response, I hmm. In addition, Bella mentions that she met someone named Jacob Black. "Jacob?" I asked. "Charles bought the truck from his dad," she said. 'Ah' is the only sound I make. "Was that it? That you met someone named Jacob, whose truck your dad brought?" I inquired. "That's not it. Jacob told me some old stories that shook me," Bella added. Stories. I asked her what kind of old stories and she answered "It was about the Cullens." My eyes widened as I heard Cullen's name through the phone. What about the Cullens? "I'm sorry. Did you just say the Cullens? What about them?" I asked. There are stories about the Quileutes, she told me. Some claim to date back to the Flood where they tied their canoes to the top of the tallest tree in the mountains to survive like Noah did. Other claims that they descended from wolves. "Then there were the cold ones," Bella said.
'The cold one.'
"Jacob told me that the cold one's stories were old as legend. His great-grandfather knew some of them. He made a treaty with them to keep them off their land," Bella said. "A treaty. So was he like a chief or something?" Bella replied, "He was a tribal elder and the cold ones were enemies of the wolves. But not just any wolf, but werewolves as he called them. Despite his great-grandfather's truce with them, the cold ones claim they do not hunt humans. That they somehow feed on animals instead." Werewolves. Cold ones. This story has so much. But I only have one question.
"How does the cold one have anything to do with the Cullens? They can't be the same as the legends he told you about. Could they?" I wonder. "He said they were the same." I sat there quietly. As per legend, the Cullen could not be the cold one. "If the Cullen are the same as those in the legend, they are what?" I asked. Through the phone, Bella replied "Blood drinkers Jacob told me. Or in other words,"
I stood there in shock. There's no way. It can't be. Werewolves. Vampire. They can't be real. Only books and movies depict them. Vampires sleep in coffins. They don't walk out in daylight. During the night, they feed on humans. It just didn't sound like the Cullens. "Christine. Are you still there?" Bella called out to me. "Umm. Yeah. Just a bit overwhelmed. I just don't think the Cullens are vampires," I replied. "I researched, and there are different vampire myths held throughout the world, such as Danag, Varacolaci, and Stregoni benefici. I also compared it to each myth. Speed, strength, pale skin, eyes that shift color," Bella said.
My mind wanders back to that school day. Before the accident. The day Edward stopped the van from hitting Bella. As well as the pale skin, the eyes. Not only were there comparisons to them but also to the figure in my dream. Could Edward be a vampire? "And there was more. Some say some vampires can be drawn to you and appear in your life," Bella said. "That would explain my dreams." "Your dream?" Bella inquired. Before realizing what I had said, I was silent. Did I just mention my dreams? I heard Bella call my name as I sighed. I couldn't hide it anymore. If I need to tell anyone, I can tell Bella. I can trust her.
"Bella. I think it's better if I come over. There is something I need to tell you.”
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
𝑅𝑜𝓈𝒶 𝒟𝑜𝓁𝒸𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟧
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~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼~ 𝓜.𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ~ 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽~
“I’m sorry. What.”
“Des rêves ces derniers temps?" she asked with her bubbly smile.
My dreams. What dream does she mean? How does she know about them? I haven't told anyone about them. I looked around before saying "Non. Je ne peux pas dire que j'ai." I lied. 
She smiled as she said, "How sad." She began to lean in close to me and whisper "Maybe if you walk through the door, you will be a step closer to your answer."
I gasp as I look at her. "I enjoyed working with you on this practice test," Alice responded with a smile. Wait. Huh. I jumped at the sound of the timer as it rang. This meant 10 minutes were up and Mrs. Goff informed everyone to get to their seats.
As Mrs. Goff taught, I couldn't help but fiddle with my sleeves. How would she know about my dreams? How would she know about the door? What is through that door? The class continued and it was time for the gym. I went to gym class and the girls' locker room. When I walked into my gym locker room, I grabbed my uniform and got undressed, and changed into my gym clothes. As I put my clothes in my gym locker, I stood there and held my clothes. I was still thinking about Alice's question. Suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder and I turned and it was Bella.
"Hey." "Hey. How was Spanish?" Bella replied. I shrugged my shoulder and replied "It was fine. Spanish took a lot out of me today."
She nodded in response. With Bella, I walked out of the girl's locker dressed in my gym uniform. We had to play basketball. Ugh, I'm not fond of it, and neither is Bella. Of course, I had to play. It was Mike, Bella, Eric, and I on the team. Bella would fall repeatedly and players would take the ball from her and I prayed no one ever passed the ball to me. I just ran up and down the gym floor. My mind still thought about Alice and what she said. I mean how could I not? Alice. It was something about her. Something strange. When she spoke to me, she had that smile. That smile.
'That bubbly cheerful smile.'
"Huh." As I snapped out of my thoughts, I got hit in the face by the ball. The impact caused me to fall back and lay on the ground. The world was spinning, and I was dizzy. I can hear my name fading as my eyes close.
I woke up staring at the ceiling. But the ceiling is different. It’s not full of light. It’s dim. I set up and I’m in the same hallway. I looked around and there was that door. I stood up and stared at the knob. I hesitated. I want to open it. I want to know. But I know that when I try, I will wake up. But Alice's words begin to echo in my head.
‘Maybe if you walk through the door, you will be a step closer to your answer.’
She is right. I want to know why. I have to understand why.
I stepped inside and it was bright. The more I walked in, the more I analyzed the place. There were words on the walls. Sic. Semper. Erat. Et. Sic. Semper. Erit. Sounds Latin. Three thrones-like chairs were present. They must be royalty. A thing I noticed was that there was an ornate necklace sitting on the throne in the middle. It was a letter V and had a ruby jewel crest. Reaching out for the necklace, I held it and I felt a flash. Not only did I see one red eye, but two more, as well as a whispered voice. I looked around for the voice and saw no sight of the man. Soon I felt hands wrap around my waist, and they were pale. My heart beat hard and my breath quickened. I can feel them leaning close to me as they whisper.
I gasped as I sat up. I pant as I look around. I was the nurse. Office. How did I? I heard someone come in and it was Bella.
Bella said, “Hey.” She sat down in the chair by the nurse's bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked. In a thousand words, I asked, "How did I get here? What happened?".
"You got hit during gym class. You were out for 45 minutes," she said. 45 minutes. I was knocked unconscious the whole time I was in the gym. I slowly sit up to look at Bella.
"So...everyone saw me, huh?" Bella nodded as she said, "Yeah, you got hit pretty hard. People thought you were dead or something."
I'm surprised that I'm not. With enough force, that would have sent me into concussion. I saw that she held my clothes in my gym locker and my bag and set them down. "I'll let you get dressed. And I'll wait for you behind the curtain," she said. I nodded my head as Bella left and stood behind the curtain.
I grab my top and undress. The room was quiet and I had to start the conversation. "So how was Bio? Did you talk to Edward?" "It was fine. He talked to me and apologized which is crazy," Bella responded. "Ah. What did he apologize for?" I asked curiously as I started to change out of my gym pant to my jean pant. "For not speaking to me and for being rude but he confused me. He said it would be better if we were not friends," Bella said. I said hmm as I put on my shoes and tied the laces. That isn't very clear. He doesn't think Bella and Edward should be friends, but what was the reason? After tying my shoes, I grab my bag and stand up for the nurse's bed. I step out and I see Bella sitting in the nurse's chair.
"You think you can make it home? I can take you home," Bella offered. "I'll be fine. I can drive myself. I don't want Cordelia to worry too much," I said. I noticed Bella looking away, biting her lip and I knew that look "Please don't tell me they called Cordelia." Bella rubs the back of her neck as she nods her head. I sigh.
'Just great.'
I know I'll never hear it end. She'll be waiting to baby me once I get home. "Let's go. I'm ready to go home and hide in my room."
Bella agreed and we both left the nurse's office and walk down the hall. Suddenly I noticed that Eric was standing at the entrance. What is he waiting for?
"Oh Bella," he called.
"Eric. Hey," Bella said.
Eric also greeted me and asked if I was alright. "I'm fine," I replied to Eric's question.
"Good," he nodded.
I noticed that he was anxious. I wonder why. "So Bella, you haven't asked anyone to go to the girl's choice dance. Have you?" Eric asked. Of course. "Umm... Sorry, Eric. "I'll be in Seattle that day," Bella lied.
From the sound of it, he appeared upset but understood as he walks away. A chuckle crossed my face as I said, "Two heartbreaks in one day. Wow, Bella."
"Shut up," Bella said as I laughed.
I giggled at her. It wasn't long before I felt a bump on my shoulder, and it turned out to be Edward. Speak of the devil, huh?
Edward apologized. "I'm sorry for that Christine."
"Oh no, you're fine," I said.
There was a moment of silence until I noticed Bella was staring at Edward and Edward was staring at Bella.
"I heard what happened. I hope you're doing alright Christine," Edward replied. "Oh um... Thanks," I said confused.
Words must travel faster than I thought. As he left, he laughed softly as he looked at Bella before he walked past her. "So. I'll see you tomorrow," I said. She nodded as she replied, "Yeah. See you tomorrow."
We proceeded our separate ways to our car. We pull out at the same time. After driving behind Bella's truck, Edward stopped his car right in front of her. Waiting for Edward, a line begins to form behind me. I suddenly noticed that Tyler ran up to Bella's truck with confidence. I sighed as I waited for the line to move. Then I saw Tyler walking back to his car with a sad expression on his face. The line moves as Edward drives off with his family.
I drove out of school and home. I can imagine Cordelia waiting at that door for me. She'll ask me a thousand questions about if I'm okay, where it hurt, who did it, and try to take me to the hospital. And I mentally prepared myself for it. The next day arrived and Cordelia felt like I shouldn't be at school after getting hit in the head with a basketball. However, I reassured her that I was fine. The dream I had was definitely on my mind. Those words. Despite not understanding what the words meant, I was determined to find out. But Alice was right. I had to walk through that door to get closer to my answer. However, one thing is for sure, I want to know how did she know about my dream? Hopefully, I'll see her in class. In other news, the girl's choice dance was still talked about. Bella told me Tyler asked her if she was going to the girl's choice and if she had asked anyone else to accompany her. She gave the same answer, traveling to Seattle for the day.
"I just find it crazy that not only did Mike and Eric ask you to the dance but Tyler as well," I say as I carry my tray.
"Yeah, it was crazy. He seemed confident that I was going with him to the dance," Bella said as we sat down at our table.
Well, he looked confident when he ran up to Bella's truck, then he looked sorrowful yesterday. I mean after the delay yesterday, maybe he felt guilty for almost squishing Bella with his van so he took the opportunity. The only thing Bella hopes for today is that no one asks about this dance anymore. I mean she is quite popular. Imagine if people asked me to the dance. I wouldn't know how to react in that moment. I shook off my thoughts to see that Edward was looking at Bella.
"Um. Don't look now but Edward is staring at you again," I lean in to whisper to Bella. Looking behind her, Bella saw Edward sitting at an empty table. Edward was sitting there alone without his family, smiling crookedly. I chuckle as I see him raise one hand and motion his index finger over. He also winked, which shocked me. "Is he talking about you?" I asked. Bella shrugged her shoulder.
'I wonder what he wants.'
"Maybe he wants to talk about biology homework," Bella replies as she turns around to face me.
I know she would like to walk over there and speak to him. It must be imperative if he wants Bella to come to his empty table. So I had to come up with a plan and developed one. "Umm... You know what Bells? I just realized I have to head to the library and return this book and help Mrs. Goff print out worksheets," I said as I stood up.
She looks at me with a look of betrayal on her face. "You're leaving me so I would go over to Edward," she said.
I gasp in shock. "I would never. Okay maybe. I honestly have to return a book but I know you want to go over there to Edward so go over there." In a wink, I said, "Tell me everything during gym time or over the phone."
I grab my things and walk out of the cafeteria. As I walk down the hall to my locker, I grab my book. It was odd seeing Edward by himself. Normally his family is there sitting with him but not today. Even Alice wasn't there. That was odd. Edward felt lonely today. Maybe he needs to talk to Bella. But I wonder what he has to discuss with her.
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haganezukawaifu · 3 months
I take this back. Chapter 32 is one of the most longest, hardest chapters I have ever written and it’s still not finish. 😑
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I have been procrastinating a lot because of my life and in the process of going back to school too. So it’s taking a toll on me but I promise to finish it. It’s at 2k words
I swear Chapter 31 of Rosa Dolce is one of my most hardest, longest chapter I ever written and it’s not even finish. 😑
A03 fans, it’s coming. I swear. 😭😭
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haganezukawaifu · 3 months
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124 notes · View notes
haganezukawaifu · 3 months
The accuracy. Eventually me writing my fanfic will end up being me writing actual book. A girl can dream
Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)
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haganezukawaifu · 3 months
Rosa Dolce Chapter 4
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~Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next~
I sat in the waiting room as I waited for news about Bella. When they arrived at the hospital, she was in the emergency room right away. My leg wouldn't stop jumping and I gripped the chair side in the waiting room. This only happens when I'm anxious. What if Bella has a concussion? What if it's more than that? What if she sustains an injury and has to get surgery? Oh my gosh. I couldn't stop thinking about the multiple possibilities that ran through my head.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Chief Swan, Bella's father in front of me. My leg stops bouncing, my grip loosens, and my hand rests on my lap. "Hey," I mumble quietly. Chief Swan sat down beside me. I feel like I'm on the first day of school. However, I'm sitting there with Bella's dad and don't know how to start this conversation. "So.." He said. I looked at him, waiting. "Bella is okay. She's a tough kid," Chief Swan said. I stare at him momentarily before answering "I hope so."
'Please be okay.'
My mind can't help but question Edward. Why is he here when he has no marks or bruises? My mind races with many theories, but I can only choose one. Soon I saw the nurse walking toward Chief Swan and me.
"Are you family to Miss Isabella Swan?" the nurse said. "I'm her father," Chief Swan said. "I'm her friend. Is she okay?" "She is fine. Nothing too serious," the nurse responded. I let out a sigh of relief. I'm so glad. Having the car crash just happen in my dream was strange. I was sure someone would die, but I'm so happy no one did. "Is it possible to see her?" I asked. As she motioned me to follow her, the nurse nodded her head. I was nervous to see her. The nurse pointed to the room as I entered the room. There she was. She looks okay. Tyler was there as well and more beat up.
I stood beside her as she acknowledged me.
"Hey," Bella said.
"How are you feeling?" I asked. "I'm fine. Still surviving," Bella answered. I nodded my head. "So I guess that's a negative for the bookstore," I said, trying to brighten the mood. She chuckled as she shook her head. "Yeah. Let's raincheck that one." I smiled at her response and said "We always got tomorrow or whenever a car doesn't kill you." We both laughed. As I looked at Tyler, I noticed that he was more beat up than Bella. He kept apologizing and apologizing, even to Edward who told him it was alright.
Soon a doctor walks in. Not any doctor, but Edward's father, Doctor Cullen. He looks young, pale, and blonde. You could mistake him for a movie star. I remember my first interaction with him was with Cordelia when she thought I had injured my ankle during ballet practice. That was when I was 9 years old. I haven't returned to the hospital since then.
"Miss Swan? How are you doing?" he asked. "I'm fine," Bella answered. "Seems like you have a friend with you," he remarks as he glances at me. Bella looks at me before back at him, "Um... Yeah. This is Christine Anderson." As he walked to the lightboard on the wall, he says "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Anderson." I nod my head in response. He turn on the lightboard and examine the X-ray photo on board "Your X-rays look okay. Does your head hurt by chance?" he asked. "It's fine," Bella said. He probed lightly over her skull as she winced. Guess she's tender but she denies it.
"Well, Bella. I'm sure your dad and most of the students from school would like to see you so I'll let you go," Dr. Cullen replied with a nod. "Okay. Umm... Can I speak with you for a moment?" Bella said as she stood up speaking to Edward. I can tell from Edward's expression as he steps back. "Your father is waiting for you," he said. As soon as Bella asks again, they step outside leaving me with Tyler and Dr. Cullen. I should probably leave too. I exited the room and noticed Edward walking away from Bella.
'That's strange.'
I walked toward her to see if she was okay. "Hey. You okay? By the look of it, Edward looks annoyed." She shook her head as she ran her hand through her hair. "Yeah. It's fine." I can tell something is up. Bella sighed as she said. "It's just weird that everyone said they didn't see Edward there. However, Edward just showed up when it happened when he was 4 cars away from me." Yeah, that is weird. I wonder how he got there. "I have to leave before Charles freaks out. I'll see you tomorrow," Bella said. "Yeah, see you tomorrow," I said. She smiled sadly as she walked away. I watched her until she disappeared. I sighed as I noticed I was alone. That was until I noticed Dr. Cullen passed me and he noticed me.
"Ah. Miss Anderson. You're still here I see," Dr. Cullen said while writing on his clipboard. "Oh just checking on Miss Swan. I'll be out in a minute," I said with a soft smile. He nodded his head smiling. Wait."Um..Dr. Cullen," I said. Upon hearing his name, Dr.Cullen turns around and looks at me. "Yes Miss Anderson," he said. "Thanks for taking care of my friend Bella." Dr. Cullen smiled softly. God, why is he so handsome? "It's my job to help the community. She's lucky to have a friend like you," he said. I nodded my head at his response. "Well, I must attend to other patients. Miss Anderson, it was a pleasure seeing you," Dr. Cullen said as he stuck his hand out for me to shake it.
When I reach for Dr. Cullen's hand, I shake his. I got an instant flash. I saw nothing but a pair of red eyes staring at me. I pulled my hand away from touching my head, which hurt. "Are you okay Miss Anderson?" Dr. Carlisle was concerned. "I'm fine," I nodded. Before I could take a step back, I got dizzy and Dr. Carlisle caught me. "I'm afraid Miss Christine. You should lay down and let me examine you just to be sure," he said as he held me. I nodded my head as he took me to a room and I hopped on the examination bed. In the first couple of minutes, he examined just my eyesight, flashing his flashlight into my eyes.
'Getting examined feels odd'
"Have you slept lately?" Dr. Cullen asked. Instantly I thought about my dreams. I would lose sleep trying to find the meaning of it but nothing. So. "Yes," I lied. He hmm as a response as he clicks his flashlight and put it back in my jacket pocket. "I recommend rest. Once you are well enough, you can go home," Dr. Cullen said. I nodded my head and said, "Thank you." Dr. Cullen responded with a smile. Once I was well, I left. Bella and Chief Swan left for their home of course. I exit the hospital and sigh. I'm sure Cordelia is home and will question me. The instant flash I experienced when I touched Dr. Cullen's hand, however, was strange but I felt connected to them. And those eyes. Those red eyes. What could that mean?
A month has passed since the accident. Tyler sold his van for parts and switched to a smaller car. But speaking of accidents, Edward has avoided Bella. She even tried to make a conversation and yet he turns her away.
"So...," Bella said to change the subject. I looked at her as she started a new conversation. "Jess asked me if she could invite Mike to the girls' choice," Bella said. A girls' choice dance. People still do that. "Did she? What did Mike say?" I asked. "He said he would think about it," she replied.
'Of course, he would.'
As if it wasn't obvious, Jessica likes Mike and Mike is interested in Bella. But I know Bella isn't interested in Mike. I commented, "Let's wait and see what he thinks." "Are you planning on going?" Bella asks. "What?" "Are you going to the dance? Are you planning to invite someone?" Bella asked. I thought about it. I wasn't asked to dance, I never asked anyone to dance. School events never interest me, not even sports.
"No, I'm not planning on making it to the girl's choice dance. Not my thing. How about you?" I asked. Bella shook her head. "I lied and said I was heading to Seattle," Bella said. "I'm sure Mike would be devastated," I said with a smirk. Bella giggled right along with me. "Speaking of Mike, he's planning to go to First Beach at La Push Saturday. I want to see if you want to come," Bella asked. First Beach. "That sounds inviting Bella. The only problem is that I will work all day at Aphrodite. Cordelia will be in Seattle till Sunday," I mentioned. "She must be dealing with some major business," Bella replied. She has been attending meetings lately. I guess that's the life of a business owner.
Soon the bell rang. I said, "Well, off you go to Biology, maybe you might get an answer from Mr. Cullen himself and me to Spanish. See you at Gym." "Yeah see you there," she said. We both stood up and left our separate ways. I went to Spanish and found my seat in the middle. I was worried about Bella. I hope Bella can get an answer from Edward when she sees him again or continue to avoid her like the plague. As soon as the final bell rang, the classroom began to calm down.
"Hola class," Mrs. Goff said. "Hola," everyone said.
When she turned to us, she set her things down including the pack of papers she set down on her desk. "We will be having a test soon, both written and spoken, so for practice I will set all of you in pairs to practice your conversation. So let's begin," she said. She began calling out names and placing students in pairs. Alice Cullen and I were paired up. She set a timer for 10 minutes to discuss anything about the test. So that's starting now.
"¿De dónde eres?" Alice asked. "Nací en California, pero ahora vivo en Forks. ¿Cuáles son tus aficiones?," I answered. Alice thought about it before she answered "Me gusta pasar el tiempo de compras y de fiesta. ¿Cuáles son los suyos?" with a bubbly smile. It is also time to think about my answer until I finally answer. "Me gusta la jardinería, bailar y leer." I flip the book page and start the next topic.
"¿Cómo te gusta el tiempo?" I asked. "El clima es agradable. No es demasiado soleado. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?" Alice asked while holding the textbook. Favorite food? How do I say that again? I hesitated until I answered. "Ummm... Diría que la pasta es mi favorita. Aunque me gusta mi soufflé y crepes de Cordelia," I asnwer. Alice nodded her head and I sighed.
'And we have to do this for the next 8 minutes and then continue with the class.'
"Your Spanish is well," Alice commented. "Thanks, it's not that good but I tried," I said. She smiled brightly. She always smiles so brightly. "Do you speak another language?" she asked. "I can speak a bit of French. Cordelia is French so as a young child, I would listen to her speak and learn a few words here and there," I said as I fidget with my sleeves. In response, she nods. I flip the book page to pick out the next topic to discuss. There are so many decisions to make, such as sports and location. When I selected the topic, I heard.
"Avez-vous eu d'autres rêves ces derniers temps?"
I glanced at Alice as I saw her cheerful look. I couldn't speak. I froze at her question, all I could say is
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haganezukawaifu · 3 months
I can't wait to go back to school in October. AAAHHH. Chapter 4 is coming soon.
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haganezukawaifu · 4 months
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it’s giving sexy villain couture 🩶🖤
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haganezukawaifu · 4 months
Rosa Dolce Chapter 3
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~ Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next ~
The dream starts the same. It put me here in the same hallway. But somehow, it was different. The picture wasn't the same as before. They were filled with classics. Among them were Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Vincent van Gosh, and the door was very different. And I felt it pulling me in, telling me to open it. But every time I do, I wake up and never know why. Who's calling me? Why can't I open that door? Why can't I see them? Why. Am. I. So. Afraid?
"Hmm." I snap out of my thoughts. I saw Bella concerned about me. "Are you okay? You just drifted into a daze while I was talking to you," Bella asked, concerned. I nodded my head. "Yeah. I have just been having weird dreams lately, and I can't get them out of my head, and I don't know what they mean." "Like what?" she asked curiously. I froze. I didn't know what to say. I mean, what do you expect me to say?
'Oh well, throughout the night, I dreamed of a 15th-century palace. I have been walking down the same halls, looking at the same pictures, and standing in front of doors I'm afraid to open. I can't seem to understand why I'm here or what's there. Oh, and some voices call out to me every night in my dream.' 
She will probably think I'm crazy or freaked out. So... "It's nothing." I lied. She nodded her head. "But continue. You were talking about Edward." "Yeah. He's-," she continued. I can't believe that she has been here for a week and sitting with me at the same table. I can say Cordelia was ecstatic to see her. She couldn't ever let her go. If I remember correctly, she said, "Oh my gosh. It's little bells. All grown up. Look at you. Isn't she just precious, Christine?" Yeah, those were the words. Her first week was weird, especially in biology. Edward was acting odd, to say the least, and she wanted to know why. She thought she smelled terrible, but that wasn't it. Or maybe she did something wrong, but that wasn't the problem either. So why was he acting odd? He almost missed a week of school. Must have been sick if it was serious.
"It was just weird," Bella said as she tapped her tray. "Maybe he was unwell," I speculated. "I don't know," Bella muttered as she shook her head. Then the bell rang, but before I stood up from my seat, I leaned in and said, "Well, try asking him when you see him. I'll see you later." I stood up and walked to my next class, Spanish. Soon, the day carried on as it should as school ended. Now it was time to go to the garden and work. I had to work on a few batch orders while Cordelia attended a conference call. The order consisted of nothing but simple table décor for newly constructed homes as well as centerpieces and wedding bouquets for winter. Why must people get married in January? After finishing orders and handling customers, it was time to close the shop for the day. Cordelia offered to cook chicken pesto pasta, which was my favorite. After dinner, I took my shower and dressed in an oversized band t-shirt belonging to Anthony that he left behind and sweatpants. I figured I would check over my assignment before bed. As soon as I did that, I slipped under my comforter and fell asleep, expecting the same dream. But as I slept, I noticed something different about this dream.
The darkness enveloped me. The air was cold. It doesn't seem like there is a single speck of snow emanating from the sky. The ground was slick with ice. This is not the same dream. This is a novelty. I could hear a sound. The sound of a car, but where was it coming from? Despite turning in every direction, I could not locate the sound. Until I froze, the sound came from behind. I turned around and stood there. The engine was loud and came closer and closer. I couldn't see the car until I saw the headlights. It was a gray van, and from the look of it, it wasn't stopping. It was heading straight toward me at high speed and coming out of control. I couldn't move as I stood there in shock. I raised my arm to defend myself, but
I jumped up in fear as I panted. Just when I expected to feel the impact, I awakened from my sleep. I check the clock on my dresser by my bed. 2 am. I sigh as I flop back on my bed. It was a nightmare. I haven't had those since I was 9 years old, but the question I ask myself is: why did that happen? Why did I dream of a crash? Am I in danger of getting hurt—or someone else? After that nightmare, I was unable to sleep, so I got dressed for school instead. Today's weather was different. The temperature had dropped, and the ground was slick. Talk about coincidence. Time passed, and the day proceeded as it normally did. I had trouble focusing on class due to the nightmare. Even during my conversation with Bella, I barely focused. I never expected a nightmare to make me lose focus like this before. 
"You look tired," Bella mentioned. Resting my head on my knuckles, I said, "I didn't have a good sleep last night. " How come?" she asked.
'Don't tell her about the car crash.'
"I um.. forgot to start my project. It's due Friday, and I'm worried about it." I lied, and she nodded her head. "Oh. I'm sure it will be okay. You'll finish it," she said. "Yeah, me too." Soon, the bell rang. "I have to get to class. I'll see you after school in the parking lot," I said as I gathered my belongings. "Hey. I was thinking, Do you want to hang out today? I'm heading to the bookstore after school," Bella replied. I stood there and thought about it. I didn't have to work today at Aphrodite, so technically, I am free. I nodded my head in response.
"Sure, I'll come with."
I began to walk down the hall to Spanish class. Maybe I overreacted to this nightmare; maybe it's just nothing but my imagination. As soon as Spanish ended, gym class began. We had to play volleyball. Hate volleyball with a passion. If I hit the ball, I always end up hitting someone in the back of the head. I would stand there and apologize in response. I got changed out of my gym uniform and left the gym. I saw Bella waiting for me as we walked towards the parking lot, talking about the bookstore in Port Angeles.
"You mind if we use your car? I don't think my truck would make it," Bella suggested. "Sure. That would be fine with me. I'll meet you at your place." "Sounds like a plan," she replies. I nodded my head. I told her I had to return home and change before heading over, which she responded to with a nod. We parted ways as I headed to my car, which was 3 cars away from her truck. Grabbing my key to press the unlock button, I heard an odd sound. A familiar sound.
I turn toward the sound, and my eyes widen in shock. There it was. A dark blue van skidded out of control on the ice road in the parking lot. You could hear the brakes squealing loudly. But the thing I noticed about the van was its direction toward Bella. What do I do? Am I just willing to stand here and do nothing while my friend gets hurt? I dropped my bag and keys instantly and ran straight toward her. Please. Not my friend. Anyone but her. However, as I heard the shattered crunch of the van hitting the truck, I thought I was too late. I continued my pace as I went around her truck.
'God, please be okay. Please be alright.'
As I reached the passenger side, I worried about her being squished between the van and the truck. I was also worried about her bleeding out an arm or leg or being unconscious. She was lying on the pavement as she slowly sat up, but Edward was sitting there.... by Bella. His hands were on each side of the truck and the van. How did he get there so fast? He was four cars away, and yet he was there to prevent it as the accident occurred. A hundred, maybe a thousand questions were running through my head, but all I could think about was Bella as I kneeled beside her.
"Bella. Bella. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked, worried. "I'm fine," she said, nodding her head as she tried to sit up. I noticed that Edward held her against him by her side. Edward warned Bella, "I think you hit your head pretty hard. Be careful." I examined her as she questioned him, and she didn't look injured, but as I touched her head, she hissed in pain. She has a bump on her head. There was something that caught my attention from the corner of my eye...
The dent on her truck. Strange; that wasn't there before.
but the van was in worse condition. Finally, Bella could sit up as Edward let go of her waist. I could hear the siren in the distance. It took six EMTs and two teachers to move the van far away from us to get the stretcher in. Of course, Chief Swan arrived before they could get her away safely, but she reassured him that she was fine. Edward insists that he didn't need a stretcher and that Bella needed one because she might have a concussion. As soon as she was loaded into the ambulance and Edward rode in the front, I saw them drive off. I sped off to my car, got in, started up, and followed them. All I could think about was how Edward got there so fast. I just couldn't shake the feeling that there was really something off about him.
I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about him—something not quite human. As I weaved through traffic, my mind raced with questions. How did he manage to reach Bella so quickly? And why did he seem so protective of her? The pieces of the puzzle didn't quite fit together, and I was determined to find out the truth. As I followed the ambulance to the hospital, my curiosity only grew stronger. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a series of events that would change everything I thought I knew.
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