#arnea's children
siyahgraveheart · 5 months
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Some refs for Arnea's Children from over the summer!
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mawboness · 7 years
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ok but as complicated as it looks, the hardest part was Syl's skeleton legs
my way of doing backgrounds is so weird
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!Important Stuff! Season Island 2 Year Anniversary
    So as soon as I finished Season Island a couple years ago, I adored what I had, characters I had made, plots I created. I knew my potential was there, and when I was older I would rewrite it and publish it. The entire first book was the thing I'm most proud of, but sadly it was all written before my writing style fully developed to its current style.     It's officially been Season Island/ArstiO Eyja's 2nd Anniversary, my art and writing has changed so much and I love to look back on this book that truly started it all. The whole first book started right before I moved to my current home, the first concept of the series started as inspiration from a Bruce Coville book series called Unicorn Chronicles (Fun fact, my mom's dad was best friend's with him, no joke, he signed some books of his for me). There was a dimension they had where literally everything was green, and I thought, "Oh man this is so cool, what if there was a whole island that was split into color sections like this." That idea floated around in my head for maybe a week or two, and it just so happened I got a certain Chicken Smoothie pet around the same time that I had wanted for a long time. I thought of a name for this new beloved pet, which was, Kinamari.     About a week later, I found her again when I was organizing my pet folders. Something in my head changed this Color Island to, "Hey, what if it was seasons, instead?" And as my brain thought that I was staring at this golden dog, everything flashed through my head. The entire first book. I had to write, RIGHT then, and draw. So I drew out this Season Island I thought of, that sparked even more inspiration, I drew Kinamari next, struggled majorly because I didn't know how to draw her on traditional, still kind of don't. I showed it to my mom, who, haha, I sort of blame for Kina ending up depressed.     My mom goes, "Oh she looks cute and happy and fluffy." And whenever she would say that I had this unmovable drive to make that thing dark and angsty.     Later that day or next day, my boyfriend at the time broke up with me the day before I moved, day before I gave away Nim, and h o l y c r a p, you have no clue how depressed, stressed, and anxious I was. Such a horrible time that was for me. And that's what fueled my new drive of, "Hey let's kill off the most cinnamon roll character that we all know and love and make the protagonist extremely depressed."      Writing that book was such a fun experience. I wrote about seasons, and it just so happened as I wrote about them I went through them, meaning it took like a year, lol.     There's a few things I want to change about the first book now that I look back on it. Such as I want to show Kina's true personality (like you see in Dreaming Of Nightmares) instead of accidentally letting her be a Mary Sue. When I wrote it originally, I hadn't gotten all of my current life experience, and so it is seriously, completely, NOT OK anymore that Kina was suicidal. Kina represents me, and I would never do that, especially now. I cannot describe how much it pains me extremely to think that I thought it was ok to let her do that.     So I think, "Hey I could just rewrite that part of the story." But the problem with that would be the fact that you would be able to clearly tell that there was something there that I didn't want anymore and got an experienced writer to fix for me (Yeah I'm proud of my current skills).     I knew I was going to rewrite it in my later life, but this has been itching in the back of my mind a lot lately. I don't want to abandon these characters yet, but Dreaming Of Nightmares is such a pain in the neck, and there's so many things I could've done better.     I knew that it had come to its second anniversary recently and wanted to draw something for it, but as usual was lazy and didn't do it : )))     So here's the big announcement and thing I'm doing for its second anniversary, which you probably already knew as soon as this little journal thing started, is I am going to rewrite Season Island. Heeeck no not Dreaming Of Nightmares, too, just the first book. I am very excited to do this, but also super stressed because I know how long it's going to take. And no, I'm not abandoning Arnea's Children, I'm just waiting for that flash of inspiration for it instead of trying to force it to come and have it be panic attack inducing like Dreaming Of Nightmares.     With rewriting this now, I'm going to make new refs for the characters, maybe do a little design tweaking here and there, stuff like that. So here's to a fresh start.
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siyahgraveheart · 5 months
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Couple covers I did for smth I started over the summer <3
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mawboness · 7 years
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Chicker Aesthetic
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mawboness · 7 years
A Word/Term from the Arnean Language
Bloody Whisker, or Bloody Whiskers
Bloody Whisker is when a creature is stuck in a temporary trance of blood lust. They are still capable of having emotions, but they’re dulled for the most part. Extreme emotions could last if that is what drove them into Bloody Whiskers.
Causes of BW vary. Most causes are being pushed over a breaking point, whether that be emotionally or physically. 
It may last longer for some, or shorter for others. Some cases have been recorded of BW lasting over a week, that time is a terror and saddening time for whoever they are around.
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mawboness · 7 years
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Sylvyr Aesthetic
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mawboness · 7 years
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Edgy AU Syl
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mawboness · 7 years
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Got the map for Arnea’s Children! Can’t wait to see what all things unfold in here, and what emotional bonds I form with my characters as I write it.
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mawboness · 7 years
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she's basically a squirrel in a cat's body
Name: Genesis (Gen)
Gender: Female
Age: 2-5 years
Species: Turkish Angora Cat
Relationship status: ???
Bio: Super hyper, very playful, mischievous, fighting quality changes on her mood, one of the last few of a bloodline of cats that are basically trickster sprites, neutral, tries to help but fails
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mawboness · 7 years
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mawboness · 7 years
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It’s been forever since I actually drew and posted anything drawn traditionally
But here’s Bloody Whiskers Syl
I’ll probably make a blog specifically for Arnea’s Children, DeviantArt isn’t that friendly anymore and I kinda just want to keep moving to Tumblr for art and writing
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mawboness · 7 years
Arnea's Children || Chapter 3
(I am going to just post the whole chapters here instead of the link )
Chapter 3,
Want To Share Tragic Backstories?
As they walked through the pitch black forest, the only light was mildly peeking through the tree tops from the moon. They walked in silence, it was nice for a while but it then made Sylvyr fidgety.
"So, you got a story, Mr. I Make Space Into A TV?"
"One, it's called Space Rendering, two, yes I do," he didn't bother looking at her when he spoke.
"Cool, care to tell it to pass the time?"
"Come ON, it's so b o r i n g right now," she groaned.
"Only if you explain why you sunk so low to live with a Furless."
"Fine," she paused, "Who goes first?"
"You," his giant, long, fluffy tail "accidentally" smacked her in the face.
"Mk, so," she started, "I don't remember all the details, but here goes. I wasn't born in a Furless home, I was born outside, some forest closer to a big city. It was right before the sun was going to raise up, we were all happily suckling on my mom's warm stomach, almost out growing this at this point. In a nice, dry, small cave under a large and sturdy rock, it was right when autumn was creeping out and winter rolling in soon, so all the animals were getting as much food as possible.
And because of that there was a shortage of fresh prey around us, and we weren't allowed to go out of our cave right now because the bigger predators were going anywhere they could to find food. Hawks and owls, foxes, those were the main concern. My siblings and I had slipped into the warm world of sleep for maybe half an hour. Mom had left our den, we groggily woke up and heard her growling and hissing. I looked up and could see her tail swaying back and forth furiously, two figures bigger than her were advancing towards her.
She hissed and swung her paws at them, but they didn't stop. Everything happened so quickly, all I heard was gekkering, paws scratching for tread on the ground, yowling, liquid splats, crunching. One vulske opened its jaws to full extent and clamped around my mom's stomach, crunch, splat. She went limp, then they flew into the den, snatched up my three other siblings, they all died.
At this point I had scrambled out, one prowled fast at me, I ran faster and just in time, because if it hadn't bitten off my tail, it's death clutch would've gone around my whole body.
My eyes stung from the wind, my back legs and what was left of my tail hurt like, y'know, heck. Numbness sunk in, but I kept going, escaping the fox's horrible death wish for me. I'm sure they didn't kill us out of bloodlust, only wishing to survive winter. To eat my family. It sounds so dumb, like 'oh yeah the big monsters are gonna eat us' but seriously, when it's real and happening, it's horrifying.
I couldn't do it anymore, I gave up and stopped running all of a sudden, paws giving out on me, my throat stung. And as I lay on the pavement now, it scraped my ears, and then that stinging throat feeling only continued when I threw up a big milky puddle.
Big metal creatures rolled through the middle of the pavement, luckily I was on the side. My head lied in my puddle of vomit and I closed my eyes, mouth open and panting, darkness closing in. Couldn't feel anything. Didn't care.
That's when I heard screeching, a slam and loud paw steps, 'great, maybe the foxes will finish me off now,' I thought to myself. No, large, furless paws scooped me up, saying inaudible things in a soft, concerned manner.
I was brought into the metal thing, my eyes only slightly open, I still breathed heavily, I didn't care what was happening to me.
Soon I was brought into a bright, white, den with more of these upright, giant, furless cats. I fell asleep on some table they put me on, and when I woke up, there was so much less pain in my tail, hardly at all of that numb feeling, soreness was abounding, but pain was mostly gone.
I stayed in a cold, metal cage for the next couple days, I didn't care. I'm getting used to it, no biggy. Then, what I assumed was the furless that took me off the road, came to see me, then put me in a smaller cage that she, I think, carried me to that metal roller.
A little while later she let me into her house, and I've lived their ever since. I mean, she lets me go outside when I want to during the high light," Syl finally stopped rambling. I mean, 'story telling.'
She stared at Chicker with wide eyes and an awkward smile, "Your turn~." He rolled his eyes.
Chicker's air turned colder, he must be thinking hard. "Look at my shoulder," he said, she did, and he nudged the long fur out of the way with his nose to show long, deep scars.
"Oooohh, tell me why you're emo about it," her eyes were glowing in the low light, the very small amount of light made it seem that way, at least.
"Sometimes I really want to get you lost and then leave," Chicker didn't growl, but just breathed deeply. He sighed, "Anyway, I never knew my parents, but some old couple adopted me, I call them my Wizard Parents, since they were the ones that raised me and taught me how to use Cienera and had history etched into my head. But we always lived in this small community in the ruins of an old furless town. I was always top of the Cienera class, but there was always that one guy, we don't talk about him, though. But one day, I went down into the tree room, and my Wizard Dad had gotten bitten by something, probably by the size of it, it was raccoon or something, but had been over come by rabies.
Mouth foaming, his body was like when you poke a worm and it starts flail writhing hard and fast, if you saw it, it would really make your throat tight. It was horrible, and I knew without hesitation what was needed. I rushed forward, pinning him to the wall of the deep burrow. He flailed and scratched me, hissing and spitting. Quickly, I sunk my fangs into his throat, deeper and deeper, and when I heard that loud crunch, I knew it was done.
After that, I just wander through everywhere, getting into a lot of fights, trying to learn about the past through the present. The scars were from some badger that I pissed off, there's matching ones on the other shoulder, too. But the reason why I cart around these books," he hopped a little to make the backpack make some clunking sounds, "Is that my Wizard Parents, well, really only my mom now, are Arnean Lore Keepers, meaning they're the cats that remember all the history of cats, then pass it down to someone when they get old.
I'm her apprentice, so basically I'm working on learning it all, and what a time to be doing this as Odion's Promise is beginning," he stopped walking all of a sudden.
"Wha-," Syl started, he smacked his paw over her mouth. He softly bit into her scruff and pulled her forwards, the two started running fast. "What're we doing?!" she whisper yelled.
"Look behind you, don't stop running," he said in a rushed tone.
Syl looked behind her, and there was a large smoke cloud, about 20 feet behind them, she couldn't rip her eyes from it. As she kept staring, it got bigger, and bigger, and then it wasn't a cloud, it was mist figures of hundreds of paws running. Bigger, bigger, the sound of loud paw steps was eating its way into her mind, then that's when it started to consume her, the paw steps turned into harsh yowling of cats and foxes.
"Sylvyr!" Chicker yelled.
She snapped out of the trance, it was still behind them and smoke. She looked at him, her eyes were watering, and she started to not be able to see anything, black and white swirls fading into her vision.
"We're almost there, stay strong!" he yelled again, this helped encourage her, but she hadn't run like this in seven years and was severely out of practice. It was like he knew what was happening to her, 'he probably does, and even more than me,' she thought to herself. The cloud started making the paw steps sound, which gave the indication that it was getting uncomfortabley close.
There was a glow in the darkness, a large grove of oaks, big stones, but they couldn't look at them right then, Chicker ran in front of Syl, straight to the glow coming from the foot of the biggest tree there. They reached it, Chicker yelled something at the glow, Syl was panting and panicking, looking from the glow to the now yelling smoke cloud.
"Chicker-!" she was beginning to panic more. Her vision was still fading away, being consumed by the swirling eye aura.
It was three feet away as a door in the trunk swung open, Chicker had no time to be careful with her, so he picked her up by the scruff and flung her in, and jumped in after once she was in. The door shut and a throat tightening thud crashed again and again at the tree. It was the cloud, claws from outside clawed at it with each thump. Finally it left.
Sylvyr lay back against the sloped wall, her vision all the way consumed. Only thing she could see was movement of an outline. She stumbled to stand up, cats she didn't know were trying to talk to her, but she couldn't hear them, she started digging frantically, but tired and weak, at the dirt floor. She stopped when she could feel a dip and then lie down in it, like a meatloaf.
Everyone kinda just stopped doing anything and just stared at her being weird. One of them finally snapped them all back to reality.
"Come on, if no one is going to help her, she'll die," an annoyed cat said, sat next to her, twirled their paws, a glowy hazel aura formed around their paws as they did, then formed a spike, they picked it out of the air in their mouth, and shoved it into Sylvyr's flank.
Sylvyr didn't even notice, she was just nervous purring and nub tail swishing back and forth.
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mawboness · 7 years
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Introducing Chicker! He's a big boy, big and fluffy. His voice sounds like Shiro
Name: Chicker
Gender: Male (Feral)
Species: Long hair Siamese cat
Relationship status: Tries to keep the slight want of being in a relationship hidden away, even from himself
Bio: Stubborn - Hunter - Passive aggressive - Sarcasm King - Tired - Lore Lover - Good fighter - Mr. Swagger - Arnean Lore Keeper in training/apprentice - Good knowledge and use of Cienera (cat magic)
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mawboness · 7 years
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Main four! Here's the first chapter: http://expectocs.deviantart.com/journal/Arnea-s-Children-Chapter-1-669321170
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mawboness · 7 years
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Final main character for my Arnea's Children kiddos
this is cow her brain is other places and she always seems high
Name: Cow
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Let's just say those kittens are probably hers
Species: Mixed breed cat
Bio: Overly friendly - Head in the clouds - Spacey - Spoiled farm cat - Sits on big farm animals' backs - People lover - Declawed, only scares away the mice and such for the dogs to kill - Catnip stoner - Constant messy side of face, the cows giant tongues lick it into that position
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