#edgy au
ashciz · 11 months
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(HD In Fullview • Cleaner Version Under Cut)
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abignonne · 1 year
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dear followers
today i offer you mafia boss eli ayase
tomorrow? who knows.....
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myspace-dot-com · 1 year
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battle for ow the edge (some edgy bfdi au i tried making a few years ago)
should i continue making this au lmao
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thepotatochipgirl · 10 months
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Doodles for Ninjago edgy au cause I cringe but free
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soudlenoop · 8 months
“What even happens in this AU of yours, Mr. Big Time Gambler?” Part 3
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Theme: https://youtu.be/dTxYadZmbfs?feature=shared (Diamond Eyes - Shinedown)
Ok, ok, here we go. SO, it’s me again, I got Hyperchrome AU Chapter 3 here! Hey, have you noticed these things are getting longer and longer? Shit actually gets kinda dark for this one, Sonic gets basically twitter-cancelled for committing war crimes. It’s almost like this is supposed to have angst. BLAH BLAH BLAH, I DON’T SELL MEDICAL PRODUCT, and HERE WE GOOOOO!!
Also: yeah, I should make this clear. For those unaware, this IS meant to be an edgy, angst AU, so my deepest apologies if that’s not your thing… at least it’s SUPPOSED to be… Seriously, though, last warning, because this chapter kind of gets crazy.
So Chapter 3 picks up where the end of the Chapter 2 summary. In a real blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fashion, I smoothly fast-forwarded to where a few months had passed ever since Shadow didn’t die on the ARK. I just kinda threw the part in to add a cliffhanger. However, I’ll go into a few more details.
Sonic had his 17th birthday not too long ago, always nice. He’s got himself a red neckerchief, THAT’S in style! …Ok, I can’t ignore it anymore. Listen, I get that the “too cool for school” attitude is, like, his thing, but I can’t help but feel like he takes it a step too far. There’s a point where it stops being “free-spirited and like the wind” and starts becoming “arrogant and egotistical”.
Sure, he helps stop crime and stuff like that, but recently, he’s been more short-tempered and violent than he normally is, and that freakish green glow that he’s occasionally got in his eyes doesn’t help at all. I first noticed it all the way back in Chapter 2, but I hope it’s just a weird thing with hedgehogs and puberty… and poor Tails has went from Sonic’s lovable “little buddy” kinda sidekick, to his quiet and introverted roommate who usually just keeps to himself and his mechanical creations that he made with his smart mind and stuff. Not to point fingers, but there’s no way Sonic doesn’t have anything to do with it.
Alright, that’s enough details, now let’s get on with it. So, Sonic is with Tails, and they’re… existing, as one does. But then suddenly, there’s a large crashing sound from the sky! Sonic and Tails look up, and notice an airplane in the sky, whose wing just exploded out of nowhere! Not just some dinky-ass biplane, I’m talking about, like, an entire commercial airline flight here. At this point, everybody already looked up, and naturally, everybody is ffffffFFFREAKING out.
So, Sonic and Tails both follow the descending aircraft as far as they can, albeit for different reasons. The airplane lands in the nearby ocean, thankfully, and rescue crews are immediately sent out.
Miraculously, despite major injuries, everyone aboard survived. That didn’t keep news of the incident from spreading like wildfire, however. Soon enough, everybody and their mom knew… everybody, their mom, and GUN.
How has GUN been doing, eh? Well, they’ve settled in nicely on South Island, and they’re still sharp as ever! But it appears GUN has a plan to finally take down Dr. Eggman, and it all has to do with Little Planet.
Little Planet used to be a small, yet beautiful planetoid that appeared only one month out of every year, right over a tiny island, called “Allway Island”, surrounded by nothing but the ocean. About 5 years earlier, when Sonic and Eggman’s… “rivalry” had only recently started, Eggman secretly took over the entirety of Little Planet, turning it into his base of operations. He also lovingly renamed the planet to “Little Egg Planet”.
Unfortunately, when Sonic had found out, it was too late, and his attempts to stop Eggman were unsuccessful. Today, Little Planet is a dead husk of what it once was, permanently chained to the island, unable to disappear as it once could.
The doctor had been radio-silent ever since Shadow didn’t die on the ARK. But all GUN needed was one good reason to stage a coup on “Little Egg Planet”. Hearing of the recent airplane crash, the commander of GUN, who I am not yet giving the identity of, decides to blame the airplane’s wing explosion on Eggman, which may or may not be a lie…
But, whatever, it’s a necessary sacrifice, WE HAVE A REASON TO INVADE “LITTLE EGG PLANET”! Besides, Sonic is more than happy to help… Take Back Little Planet. And so, GUN prepares for war. Eggman isn’t going down without a fight, that’s for sure!
Accompanying Sonic, is most of the team that assisted him during the ARK incident. Private Duo the Cat, Private Tangle Gillette the Lemur, and the guy I said was on a solo mission in Chapter 2, Private Mimic Nisemono the Octopus, all under the command of Captain Whisper Watanabe the Wolf!
Also, it’s not just Sonic and those other guys I mentioned, almost everybody who’s a GUN soldier shows up! The commander’s serious about this!
So, Sonic and GUN make it to Little Planet, meeting serious defense, in the form of ROBOTS. Fortunately, GUN outsmarts them, setting up base.
The rest of the chapter consists of The War to Take Back Little Planet, where GUN and Dr. Eggman compete for control of Little Planet. Usually, in stuff like this, Eggman would have the upper hand quite often… but something’s not right.
No matter what Eggman does, he can’t seem to push back the forces of GUN! They only seem to continue taking control of the planet, a large group heading towards the Metallic Madness, Eggman’s main base of operations, repeatedly humiliating the waves of Badniks he sends out!
Granted, GUN’s soldiers weren’t as invincible as they seemed. During one squabble, Tangle’s long af tail got chopped off, which forced her to create whole new strategies, and there WERE casualties, but, y’know, war, it’s sad and everything.
MEANWHILE, Sonic was out on his own… BEING AN ABSOLUTE MENACE. I’m serious, it’s a VERY good thing those were all robots, because Sonic is out there causing the highest degree of absolute carnage, using GUN’s large assortment of weapons. He picked a sawed-off shotgun, and a machete, for the record… What, too edgy? No? Ok.
At some point, GUN makes it to the Metallic Madness, and storms it, giving orders to all soldiers to prioritize the safety and rescue of any and all prisoners. By now, Eggman is EXTREMELY desperate. He’s using stuff he calls “last resorts”, left and right, up until he confronts Sonic in an open area, because the sky is cool.
Of course, Eggman decides to be Eggman, and brings up the fact that this is probably their “final battle”, and that, yes, the sky IS cool. So, as a last-ditch effort, Dr. Eggman sends out his finest creation, his magnum opus…
The Mechanical Hellraiser. What is it? So take Metal Sonic (who I haven’t ever mentioned up until now, but yes, he’s here), and make him better. You’d get Mecha Sonic, right? Still familiar territory. Now, take Mecha Sonic, and add the coolness of the Paleto Score from GTA V.
Yeah. You know what, I’ll just add a picture right here if I can. Don’t worry about the one on the right, those guys are literal fodder.
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Anyways, the Mechanical Hellraiser gives Sonic a genuine run for his money, but ultimately, Sonic defeats it. Walking away from the remains of the Mechanical Hellraiser, and towards Eggman, Sonic aims the sawed-off shotgun that he has at the head of Eggman. However, Metal Sonic, who IS there, narrowly saves Eggman, by shoving the shotgun’s aim in a direction away from the head, causing Eggman a nasty, but non-fatal, shot in the hip.
In retaliation, Sonic slashes Metal Sonic with that machete he also has, temporarily disabling him… Man, now that I’m reading this in words and not in my head, this shit is edgy as hell.
By then, the gunfire had noticeably died down, and Captain Whisper and her team show up, noticing they were a little late. After a little bit of regrouping, Tangle notices a wounded Eggman limping away.
Promptly, Tangle calls him out, but Mimic tells her to ignore it, explaining that the base is swarming with GUN soldiers, who will very likely shoot him on sight, and even if he evades them, he’ll eventually succumb to his gunshot wound anyways.
And Mimic was right. Only a few minutes later, Major Lanolin Forbes the Sheep reported Ivo Robotnik dead, explaining that she and her team ambushed him behind an automatic door, immediately opening fire.
Just like that, Little Planet was free.
About 2 weeks later, Sonic is awoken by a distressed Tails, who asks him to look out his apartment window. When he does, he sees the entire street occupied by an angry mob, all seemingly directed towards… him?! Looking online, Sonic finds numerous news articles questioning his morality, and calling him evil!
But why? Upon further inspection, this uproar was all caused by a pages-long document detailing an anonymous person’s experience with Sonic. The document called out Sonic as arrogant, egotistical, cocky, violent, narcissistic, and much more. To top it all off, it contained a video of Sonic during the Little Planet raid 2 weeks ago, where he…
Oh. Oh my. You know what, I think I’ll leave it up to interpretation, for… uh, artistic reasons! Just know, Sonic used the machete that he had.
Needless to say, people were OUTRAGED. Sonic was outraged too! Although, it’s more of an “I want revenge” sort of outrage for Sonic. Eventually, after a day of meandering with the police, and other angry people, he finds out who made the document!
Klaus Richter the Falcon.
He was known as Rookie during the Eggman War, and still kept in touch with Sonic afterwards, until recently. This must have been why. Filled with unrelenting rage, Sonic sprints throughout the city, at blistering speeds, as a storm begins to settle in Starlight City.
Finding Klaus on a rooftop, Sonic prepares to hand out the fiercest beating he’s ever given, his eyes somehow glowing even more green than ever, but Klaus simply gives him some choice words, before boarding a police chopper, and leaving for who-knows-where.
Sonic is left in the rain, staring at his reflection in the forming rainpuddles, as his anger subsided. His reputation is ruined.
Sonic’s reputation is ruined.
WOAH MAMA that got dark! Yeah, this is supposed to be the chapter that cements Sonic’s place as a villain in the AU. Sorry friends, I’m very sorry. I mean, there was some dark tones in the other stuff, but this one’s a ton more overt with it. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure Chapter 3.5 isn’t as bad. Also, I’m not too in love with how long this is, tbh. It just drives home the fact I should make comics of these. Ah well, TOODLES!
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westgreenzeke · 1 year
good morning (it's 10 pm) has anybody made an edgelord underfell esque au yet because
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scribz-ag24 · 4 months
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What if the Time Gears had actually threatening guardians.
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colorful-horses · 1 year
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hheisa · 1 year
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3cosmicfrogs · 6 months
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POV: you're Sokka and you're desperately trying to get to know the cute emo linecook from the restaurant next door but whenever he's on smokebreak his greasy stoner boyfriend is also there.
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sleighhethereal · 7 months
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abignonne · 2 years
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so um au where they are stepsisters just because
happy belated birthday chu
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edgy-senju · 2 months
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I'm afraid I have no excuses for this one gang, enjoy the meal
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
(slowly cleaning out all the art i drafted but never posted)
sometimes the only way to recharge after a long day
is drawing your current blue trauma boi* in the outfit of your previous blue trauma boi**
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*Moon, from my hairdresser AU "New 'Do, Same You" AU
**Red Clad Dewey from Another Eden
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soudlenoop · 6 months
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Hey hey hey, I know it’s been a while, but I’ve had a second Sonic AU in the works for some time now. Unlike Hyperchrome, my main AU, this AU is an alternate timeline for the IDW series.
(It’s ironic, because I’ve never actually read the IDW comics before, but SHHHH…!)
Specifically, it takes place right after IDW #64, when Whisper’s a bit down in the dumps after Silver’s been kicked off the Diamond Cutters.
You may want to know what it’s called, right? You do? Well it’s called…
Oh, I see, well you did say this AU starts after the issue involving Mimic being a prick in disguise, so maybe he gets up to his shenanigans and Tangle and Whisper have to stop him?
Oh, my sweet summer child…
Uhh, I mean, Whisper IS still trying to stop Mimic, but she unexpectedly runs into a familiar face in the meantime. It’s… SLINGER THE OCELOT FROM THE OLD DIAMOND CUTTERS?! But I thought he died in Tangle and Whisper #3?! Hmmm… He doesn’t have Mimic’s trademark suction cups on his hand and his eyes aren’t brown either… Well, Whisper’s not one to argue with a good thing. C’mere, you old bastard!
Huh, what? You’re saying he looks too different? Give it a rest, you’re starting to sound like Whisper.
As always, let me know in the reblogs what you think! Should I do more with this AU?
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I love that we got a full angsty continuation of the “Finn the Human” Ice King!Finn storyline, one of the most popular plots for edgy fan content, and instead of engaging with any of that AT ALL, everyone is just going “lol selfcest sexyman Simon canon”
Amazing. We all truly have grown up.
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