antixabound · 2 years
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ArquiusBot, Notorious DJ/Mechanic/whatever-he-damn-well-pleases. Fun stupid traits I decided to assign to him. 1: his voice is almost always completely deadpan, absolutely monotone, he could say “I will skin you with your own fingernails” and his voice would be completely emotionless. 2: he is weirdly aggressive, he is still Arquius, but like, mean, a bit horrendous, a little fuckin bastard. He says things that make everyone else turn their heads in confusion and caution, he isn’t invited to many things for this reason. 3: he wears pants, he doesn’t need to wear pants, he has nothing to hide, he just likes to wear pants, same with his fuckin boot things. 4: that’s about it I lied there is no four. pretty much just thought it’d be funny if he had a fuckin robot body, and it is to me. him and his banana sword.
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r0semultiverse · 21 minutes
Where in Beyond Canon is Arquisprite?
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Took inspiration from the above post by @pastabaguette and decided to expand upon it due to The Plot Point update as well as some stuff seen even before Vriska’s arc started in The Point.
Let's examine some stuff that may tell us where Arquiusprite is at this time, seeing as we seemingly have only one chapter in The Point left. I think we've got a lead on his whereabouts already.
We've got horses and horse-adjacent creatures.
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We've got a robot that looks like it's literally ripped from Equius' hive with a notable missing horn hole and a dent in the head.
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There's also this twitter response from James Roach which could be interpreted as suggesting Equius' return in some way at some point in the future.
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OP, I'm not saying you're right, but I am saying that if Dirk were to consult anyone on horses, it would probably be a mashup of his AI & Equius. Also Void player behavior apparently! Also Dirk has narrative reality warpy powers & we aren't sure as to the limits of those yet!
Below are some reddit notes about classpects that also lead credence to the idea that Arquisrpite is on Deltritus with Dirk at this time. Outside of the obvious fact that we haven't seen him in The Plot Point or the bonus comics with Jasprosesprite at all as of the Davepetasprite^2 feather chapter release.
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Are the robots in case Terezi goes ultimate? Are they backup bodies for Rosebot? A metal body for Arquisprite? Who knows, maybe all three! 🤷‍♀️ Robots are being made by someone though (for some purpose) and they have troll horn slots on their craniums. The exact style robot that Equius used to make back on Alternia; so, make of that what you will!
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Also maybe they just need a sprite to kick off whatever makeshift sburb/sgrub copycat they're trying to get running and seeing as Arquiusprite is a splinter of Dirk, it's fitting that he would accompany him. Plus the sprites can kind of just seem to be wherever & whenever the story needs them to be? Seeing as how Jasprose kidnapped Jane in the meat timeline, but in the candy timeline the sprites just kind of seemed to not do much or be absent entirely after a certain point.
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There's at least a guaranteed non-zero chance Arquiusprite is on Deltritus.
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pastabaguette · 4 months
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arquius, but he is a robot. (arquiusbot?)
i think he would’ve built himself a robot body upon arriving on earth c. i also just like drawing robots, and wanted an excuse to draw more of them.
i like both the shaded version and the flat version here, so i included both.
i have not read beyond canon at all, so if something like this actually does happen, sorry.
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garysprites · 8 months
arquiusbot would be very silly and make a lot of sense I think
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antixabound · 2 years
Arquiusbot goes to the funny Earth-C brooding caverns, grabs a troll child, says “this is mine now”, flies away at mach-2. An hour later he texts Kanaya “How to care for child” ”Wait this isn’t google shit” “Kanaya how do you care for child” “also how do you make them stop being loud” “time sensitive question please respond” and Kanaya is just like “Arquius If You Wanted To Be Responsible For A Child You Would Just Have To Fill A Few Forms, You Are Not A Lusus And More Importantly Do Not Have To Act Like One In The Slightest” all he has to say in response is “o”. One might be wondering why would he want to be a parent and my answer to that is I dunno I thought it’d be funny, there really isn’t much greater motivation than that. Will probably draw this at some point.
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antixabound · 2 years
makin dumb fluff au for homestuck because my dumb shit idiot brain keeps doing things. all the big life threatening shit is over and now everyone just lives comfy lives, and also Arquius, Fefeta, and Erisol are there and also robots because robots are fun, based loosely off this post because I wanted to draw arquiusbot. Davepeta is also there not a robot, don’t worry about it. will draw things at some point, but it probably won’t be angst because I am not good at that. so a lot of vibin. ::)
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