#arr aizen
daeva-agas · 10 months
Hi there!😊 Hope you have a nice day!!❤ I just wanted to ask if you have time, can you tell me what was the plot in the new Aizen birthday card??🙏🏻🙏🏻😭❤ I just have really bad luck with the gacha right now...
Thank youu so much!!
Heyyy sorry late reply. Was farming like hell for the event, so I only just now read the story.
Aizen and Fu were in a cafe one day, and since his birthday is coming up, she mentioned celebrating. But he said he had to attend an engagement party hosted by a baron that day, so they decide to plan for something else another day.
Aizen offers to take Fu home at least part way (since he has something else to do), but she refused him because she wanted to buy a gift. You can totally feel that Aizen was kind of :( but doesn't show it, LOL.
Then when Aizen left, Toto and Shizu popped up. Toto of course has been spying. And he doesn't even hide. He was just like "Yes, I even purposely sat somewhere close so I can hear :)".
Shizuki: "I tried to stop him :/"
Toto offers to take her to the baron's party so she can wish him Happy Birthday on the day. Fu hesitates but in the end says she wants to go.
In the party, Fu sees Aizen and from behind she saw that he had a female companion. She saw the companion holding on Aizen's arm and she feels jealous and goes out to the balcony.
Except that the "companion" is just Mrs Ooyama :'D Aizen saw Fu, but wasn't sure it's her. Mrs Ooyama confirmed that it was Fu and told Aizen, so he goes to chase after Fu.
Outside he teased her a bit going "Oh what a coincidence, you're here too."
Fu then confessed that she came there with Toto to wish him happy birthday, and ha laughed. He knew, he already asked Toto inside. And he invites her to just leave the party together. Before heading back in, he noticed her dress button (on the back) had come loose and fixed it.
He asked if Toto gave it with jealous voice but Fu doesn't notice and think he was just being awkward about the button. She says no, it was a gift from her dad's customer. Aizen: Oh :)
When they leave, Fu asks what about the companion. And Aizen says "Madam just told us to go ahead and leave". Fu: Oh :o
The one who needed to go was Mrs Ooyama anyway, because the baron's wife was her friend. Aizen just thought he needed to escort her and greet the baron, who he's acquainted with, for formality.
Now that the misunderstandings (TM) has been resolved Aizen mentioned it would've been nice to have one dance. Fu says she thought so too, so Aizen told the coach to go to the Ooyama house. He brought her to his childhood study room and brought out a gramophone.
Remembering what she knew about his past she felt melancholy, but Aizen said it's not a bad memory so she shouldn't be sad for his sake. She wished him happy birthday and he says he's glad to have met her. They kiss, and then they have a private dance together.
*) Random but her birthday greeting was "Thank you for being born", and apparently this is a common thing in Japan, but it just feels weird to see haha.
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annicaax · 2 years
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The upcoming JP draw... Kyonosuke❤️ and Kuro💫❤️
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viatagrinner · 2 years
I've been laughing at this crap for about 30 minutes now. I'm hysterical.
F. U. C. K. 🤡🤡🤯🤪
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I guess I shouldn't wait for Kagemaru's card.
(UPD.: I'm blind.... Or I laughed so hard that my eyes went black and I didn't notice. Kagemaru's card will be released. Well, at least one piece of good news.)
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👆 And I've been waiting for this shit for a year.
By the way, the Japanese version of Aizen's route came out on September 26th... and a Koga' sequel:
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First IkeRev, now this game.
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I'm just like Joaquin Phoenix from The Joker... I'm laughing and I can't stop.
Ahahahaha.... Looks like I'll have to switch to the Japanese version of the game and start all over again. Oh fuck, I fuck that shit😂🤣🤣🤣🤡🤯🤪🤪
I have to get up in a few hours for work and I'm laughing...
I wouldn't be surprised if my roommates call someone from the mental hospital, and they put a long-sleeved shirt on me, and I'm laughing and yelling, "All over again!" in the meantime.
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Kyonosuke Aizen (25th November)
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
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lxvescramble · 11 months
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Ayakoi - Ayakashi Romance Reborn - 5th Birthday
I needed to come back here to say that I loved Ayakoi's 5th birthday celebration video.❤️❤️❤️
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voltageapps · 9 months
ARR Birthday Cards Compilation: Kyonosuke 🎐
Last Updated: 2019-2023
Bookmark this link for future birthdays!
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ARR Raw Cards Tags ➼ All Raw Cards | All Birthday Raw Cards
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Here's some cool pictures 😎 @shonenkun309
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shonenkun309 · 2 years
Me : *trying to forget abt Ayakashi by playing Genshin impact*
Also me : *looking at the Japanese voice actors list*
Meanwhile Paimon's VA 's name :
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It's been almost a week since I didn't log in Arr and now that I left the game they'll start to appear everywhere outside the game to torture me 🙂
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friday1221 · 2 years
So... Does anyone do/know of someone who does translations for Ayakoi? At this point I'm used to my comfort games getting shut down but at least A3 JP still has a big fandom that does translations, not sure about ARR though 😭
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kanghasu01 · 2 years
no but for real i really want to cry 😭😭😭 been playing ARR since pandemic starts and until today i still play this game. i really love ARR storyline and characters. it is very differents from other otome game. basically, what i want to say is ARR have been my therapy session since pandemic starts and also help me went through my college life. damn...what should i do right now...really curious about aizen route. OMG PLS BRB NEED TO CRY
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daeva-agas · 2 years
Aizen Birthday tower story (JP 2022)
Sorry this took a while Anon. I wrote up this whole thing, and the browser unexpectedly crashed and I had to redo it all over again :/ 
The story opens with Tatsu and MC in Yokohama having a hard time picking local snacks to give Aizen. They’ve been on an errand for MC’s dad. Dunno if this needs explanation but if you go out of town, it’s kind of the expected thing to bring back some “gift” to your friends/family, even if it’s just a day trip or a work trip (not for fun).
Anyway, since Aizen doesn’t usually say no to anything, they’re having a hard time picking one. Tatsu says Aizen would probably be happy with anything MC gives him, but MC doesn’t want to “whatever” the gift.  
Tatsu can’t think of anything in particular, and then comments that boys don’t usually really pay much attention to details like likes and dislikes like that, even with their brothers. MC said that she’s still getting used to Tatsu having his own big bro, because Tatsu has been her brother figure.
Tatsu: Speaking of which, I’m sure you’ll like it better if Major is here with you :v He’s also off today, you know :v
But MC says he needs his rest. 
(Tatsu never calls Aizen with anything other than “Major”, even when off duty)
They get things done and when Tatsu returns to his dorms, he sees Aizen outside. As it turns out, Mrs Ooyama had been to Yokohama too, and brought back gifts. Since Tatsu’s not home, she’d gave them to Aizen to drop it off.
Tatsu thought that “Mum could’ve just done so herself”, but then realised that she probably did that to get Aizen to hang out with Tatsu. Though, it would probably suck if Tatsu came home at a different time and Aizen had left already.
They then go out for dinner together. Tatsu picked this beef hotpot place near the academy. Says that he goes there pretty often because at home dad (the general) usually prefers Western style fare like steak, so there’s rarely hotpot on the menu at home. 
Tatsu asked Aizen if he usually cooks at home since he has no maids or housekeepers, and Aizen says he’s been eating out more often lately because eating alone is just sad.
*) Literal term he uses is “tasteless”. There’s a Japanese concept that says if you’re eating alone it makes the food tasteless/don’t taste good, i.e. not enjoyable. 
Tatsu: You know if you tell MC that she will definitely invite you over for dinner :v Eating with a crowd is more fun.
And Aizen froze for a second :’D
He then asked if MC often comes to visit the house before, saying that he’s surprised Tatsu and MC knew each other. Tatsu responds that it was before he started the junior academy, so Aizen’s been long gone since. 
It then occurs to Tatsu that Aizen doesn’t really come home that often, even during holidays back then. He used to think it was because he was busy, but now that he knows Aizen is adopted, he thinks it’s maybe in some ways Azien still feels like the Ooyama house is “not his home” and felt like he’d be imposing if he comes back too often.
Aizen: That’s reasonable, I never had the chance to know
Tatsu then responds that he also didn’t know about the whole onmyouji business either, so even after knowing someone for so long there’s still things that they might don’t know about the other person.
He also adds that no matter how this all came about, MC now has her trusted team and she’s protecting the city out of her own determination. At first he feels bad about not being able to help, but he’s certain that she doesn’t regret it one bit.
Aizen: If you say so, I believe you
(I don’t know how much I should narrate the implied interactions here. There’s a few “...” dialogue bits, and there’s a lot of unspoken words in those silent moments. Tatsu is either trying to make Aizen feel less bad, or he’s just diffusing the obvious awkward angst moment)
After dinner, Tatsu makes a comment about how cold it’s getting and Aizen responds with it being almost the end of the year. Tatsu wanders off for a bit, and then returns with a pile of roast sweet potatoes.
*) In Japan there are people selling roast sweet potatoes in carts on the streets around autumn and winter.
Aizen says that it’s a lot. Way too much, even if shared between both of them, especially because they just ate. Tatsu then says they should share some with MC, since her house is not that far from there. 
Aizen: Right now? Tatsu: Right now.
Tatsu also thinks that it would give the opportunity for MC to give Aizen the gift from Yokohama. He asked Aizen if he likes monaka and he says yes.
When they got to MC’s house to give the potatoes, she invites them in for tea. Aizen tried to refuse because it’s getting late, but she says it’s fine. Plus she has something to give him anyway.
Nachi is excited about the potatoes, but kind of burned himself with it because it’s still too hot. Aizen says “must be because because you’re a nekomata” and Nachi get huffy because it sounds like he’s being made fun of. 
*) “Having a cat tongue” is a Japanese term for someone who is very sensitive with hot food and gets burned easily. 
MC also brings a brazier to warm themselves with. Tatsu was looking around at the stuff in the room and he starts talking with her about some stuff that seemed new. Aizen tells Tatsu to not poke around in people’s house, and Nachi says that’s such a big bro thing to do.
At that Tatsu thinks that maybe he was able to be a good “big bro” to MC because of Aizen’s influence, and in a way Aizen and MC had a “connection” (through Tatsu) even before they met.
Tatsu and Nachi started playing igo, and Nachi is very bad at it. 
MC then gives Aizen the gift, and it was monaka. Aizen realised that this was why Tatsu randomly asked him about it earlier. MC mentioned that Tatsu had said it’s fine to bring whatever, and Aizen asked her if she went to Yokohama with Tatsu.
She says yes, for an errand for her dad. Aizen then with a teasing expression says “You could’ve asked me”. 
MC says that she had thought he would want to rest on his day off, but if he doesn’t mind she’ll definitely ask him next time. She gets a little flustered so she goes to get more tea. When she poured out the tea, there’s a stalk “standing” in the cup.
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^ Like this. It was thought that if you get this in your teacup, it will bring good luck.
She gives it to Aizen, so good things will happen to him. He responds that he already has it. He doesn’t elaborate, but says “This place is warm. I like warm places.”
He then reaches over and touched her cheek, saying that it’s also warm. She stutters out “It must be because of the brazier”.
Aizen: I think this place is warm because you’re here. MC: Then I’ll be always by your side and keep you warm. Aizen: I’ll gladly take you up for it
And that made her blush even harder and she thinks this time it’s all hot because it’s his fault.
I wish I can share the whole thing, like if they had allowed sharing of recordings I would subtitle it or something. It’s just not the same if not seen for yourself. As I mentioned there’s a few “...” dialogue bits that is just obviously conveying a lot of things without words.
Tatsu is such a hardcore in game shipper it’s kind of ridiculous to see LMAO... It’s so hard to tell whether the whole potato thing was on purpose or not because he has that :v “ho ho ho” face the whole time.
Also Aizen being jealous, pft. I just get the vibes that him telling off Tatsu about poking around the decoration is him saying “stop hogging her attention”, and it’s not actually about being rude at someone else’s house hahaha. 
The word “warm” 温かい is repeated multiple times in that last bit, it kind of felt awkward to narrate haha... In English writing we get warned to not repeat the same word too many times in close proximity.
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annicaax · 1 year
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Sei... awww I was so fixated on Chiharu ofc, as always. when I first read this story, I was swooning at Chiharu, but also falling for Sei. I felt so bad for him in the end. Really sad he never had a route. But M really glad Chiharu had a route,...💖 and ASA exists. Man i dunno it just climbed to... like my top fave titles in the app now (especially amongst older ones) I dunno why they abandoned ASA. It was such a great title with so much potential. They made Sei so much into the perfect LI, even OTP like, with him being her childhood friend and all that. It's like his route is canon... like he's the trump card, the special character they were saving for the last... and then they abandoned it all. maybe they decided they'd abandon all titles that existed prior to love 365 launch in 2017. but then thats not correct... anyway, I just love this man n the title. I hope one day they randomly pick this title like they picked scandal in spotlight and update the rest of the Seasons... idk just hoping
This is similar to how they ended ARR without bringing us aizen.. and all those liar routes that existed in the Japanese app. I didn't confirm but I always had the feeling that this was not the case with asa. They wrote off the endings the same way in the Japanese app as well
That said ASA ended at a point where they could pick up and continue at any time and also bring new routes n seasons... so let's see... ( low chance but I am keeping my fingers crossed for this one and all the other titles that lie abandoned)
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Let me say at once that, I understand people who subscribe to this blog for to read IkePri translations and may think, "Hey, what is ARR, where are the translations?"
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They will be, but I'll figure it out first:
1. With work.
2. With the flu. Instead of a brain in my head, it's cotton 🤧😅
3. With the shock that the app I had killed about 3 years, spent money and nerves on (although the last two months have cooled off a bit, but the romantic vampire like prince from fairy tales, with a touch of yandere, has rekindled interest) just closed. I didn't cry or feel sad. I laughed. Of course, I went a little crazy.
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It's going to be a long way, there's a lot of reading to get to the exit on Aizen's route (To be more precise, you should read the general route of the Twilight Team). I don't want to collect cards anymore. Besides, it's a little unpleasant. The English version was cheaper, it was easier to get a card.
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Rewards for Beginners. You can also choose SSR and 3 SR cards.
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Well, they only wrote a sequel for Koga in a few months.
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Well, I guess it's okay. But starting all over again... It's such a bore. 😅
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lost-khione · 1 year
I finally finished reading Yakumo's stories in the "others" category.
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Took me a while to come back to ARR since Yakumo is really not my cup of tea and it's hard for me to read his stories. But as a completiknist I can't just let it go.
Now all that's left for me to read is the final event story, the card stories from the last event and Aizen's card stories. My usual practice is to binge card stories (unrelated to events)/others stories after I finosh the character's route but for Aizen, that will never happen so I'll be reading his card stories before the final event story,,,,
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whimsycottt · 3 years
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Rukia theorizing about Aizen
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voltageapps · 1 year
Ayakashi Otogizoshi Special Project is Completed!
To commemorate the completion of the project, they are releasing a picture book and postcards featuring the fairy tale characters.
If you are interested in buying, you can go to this link. They only accept orders from September 26 to October 1 so don't miss it!
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Ayakashi Otogizoshi Raw Cards Compilation
*) These cards don't have a special evolved art.
Red Riding Hood (Tatsuomi Oyama, Gaku, Aoi, Yura)
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Cinderella (Kuro, Koga Kitamikado, Shizuki, Oji)
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Snow White (Kuya, Nachi, Yakumo Koizumi, Akiyasu Kurahashi)
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Kaguyahime (Toichiro Yuri, Ginnojo, Kagemaru, Kyonosuke Aizen)
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The limited Ginnojo SSR card
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