#art style constantly switching 😭😭
mossizi · 2 months
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Gauhh I forgot to put this here
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tangledbea · 9 months
Okay for some reason this won't leave my mind, and if anyone could help me on this quest, it would be Bex!
If I am correct, Rapunzel is 5'1 and Eugene is 6'1, canonically. He's a whole foot taller, right? So with this knowledge, seeing them stand next to each other you can roughly gage what a foot height difference would look like between characters.
Now I want to turn the attention to gold ol' Lance. Anytime he is next to Eugene the difference in their height seems very similar, or perhaps JUST smaller, than Eugene and Rapunzel's. Does this mean this dude is around 7 foot 😭
I know it can be hard as there's not many shots where they are simply standing completely up right next to each other, (this goes for all the characters.) I also appreciate that it's animation, and for many reasons sometimes the height differences are going to look less, or more drastic than in other shots. (I guess it's similar to live action where sometimes it has to fluctuate in order to fit a certain shot etc? Like when smaller actors have to stand on ramps of boards!)
Just something that I found interesting! I'm guessing whatever his height is, it would be extremely similar to King Frederick's, now that I think about it 🤔 Oh, God, wait, the Stabbingtons!? Hang on, they must be even taller than Lance. Surely? Now I'm even more intrigued!
Okay, so I think you're working yourself into a tizzy here. XD
Firstly, yes, you're correct about Rapunzel and Eugene's canonical heights. However, the movie's height comparisons are visually more accurate than the series'. Remember that the series art style is stylized to be Rapunzel's journal, and she exaggerates things to a large extent. And even then, as you mentioned, they're both animated, and proportions are exaggerated. Also, there's framing. Height differences are often fudged in order to make a shot look better.
That being said, in the movie, Eugene and Frederic are about the same height, and we only get to see that for a moment.
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Frederic is still a little taller, because his head is bowed here while Eugene is standing tall. But that would put him at, what, 6'3" at the tallest?
That's a huge difference to their comparative heights in the series.
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Rapunzel tends to paint people's height based on more than just their literal height. She also puts how they make her feel into it. I mean...
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Eugene looks so short compared to the other men because he's her biggest comfort. He's cozy. Her dad's imposing. He's the king! He makes the rules! He keeps her inside the kingdom! Lance has a huge personality and is just full of life! The Stabbingtons, Wreck Marauder, and The Baron are all large and intimidating in the worst way.
However, when you look at the movie, the camera is constantly switching between a low angle to look up at the Stabbingtons, and a high angle to look down at Eugene when they're all standing together.
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In most shots, it looks like the top of Eugene's head hits about the bottom of their lower lip. However, in that last shot, we can see that the top of Eugene's head doesn't even reach their shoulders. It's that whole fudging thing. I think it's safe to say that the Stabbingtons are meant to be about 7' tall, give or take. Lance is probably about the same height as Frederic, and The Baron is probably about the same height as the Stabbingtons.
Anyway, that's my two cents.
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
oh my god i love isabeau
the correct reaction to an incredibly mediocre pun:
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when i talked to odile i said i was gonna make isabeau sleep on the floor but that is NOT true
i was about to say i love all the sparkly stars aesthetic but... the game is literally named after them.... i shoulda known
omg isabeau what were you about to confess 😳👉👈
rock paper scissors is being explained to me in such painstaking depth... but the dialogue is cute, so it's ok
wtf i looped back to the town specifically in order to ask the cook about the openphrase for the one door but there's no option to ask!!
it was the shopkeeper 🤦🏼
so curious about siffrin's touch thing... it makes sense other people might be more conscious of a subconscious reaction to touch than he is, but he's so avoidant of the train of thought, i feel like it must be something a bit less.. subtle...?
damn... tryna give mirabelle the fan mail for the second time.... yikes :( so sorry mira........ is that what happened to the island to the north...? something about it got so retconned that it makes people sick to focus on the exact change?
oh.. siffrin's major memory problems.....
this game is sooo good
siffrin seems upset in the observatory.. at first i thought they were just getting tired/grouchy, but the game sure is named after stars... maybe stars had to do with their past trauma..??
i'm starting to wonder if this isn't their first set of loops and the bone-deep burden of all that (along with the practicalities of your memories constantly not matching reality) is why they forget words and shit....
went and looked at the castle again this loop bc i felt bad that sif never gets to sit down...
king asked if sif remembers REMEMBERS WHAT??? i just knowww after i terribly lose this fight im gonna have to go back through the whole game unlocking new rooms that like unlock my memories or smth
"not when i still can't say it" ofc the king is from the northern island... sif is obviously from there too, and that's why he can't remember most of his past... so that's the thing they both don't remember?
defeated him but like. there's still so many locked doors. i bet like sif is gonna go to sleep and they wake up from the nap like WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M STILL IN THE LOOP?? WE WON?? but they didn't win correctly yet, they didn't actually solve everything that needs solved...
head handmaiden ma'am 😳
is odile's research genealogy??
i thought the reference to "colors" being an esoteric/irrelevant topic was a one-off gag about the art style, but it's plot relevant?? fuck yeah
what if odile is trying to figure out the northern island..??
BWAHHH the bonnie quest 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
first time redoing the mira quest.... siffrin!!! be brave!!!!! not only is your new idea good, even if it was bad you could just say oops oh well and switch the script back next loop!!!!!
is siffrin gonna have to learn how to be brave and normal in order to break the loop jdhshdjf (normal here meaning "not a loop-brained convomaxxer")
i hope siffrin can just ask the baker's daughter directly for the book this time hdhdjfj i don't really think the whole goose chase is necessary for the emotional convo.....
oh thank god
ugh i can't wait till sif tells his friends about the loop. is that gonna be sif's quest
hm.. is loop the deity of the northern island..? if stars and astronomy are like their whole thing....
INTERRUPTED AGAIN!!!!!!! AGHHGH!!!!! i know isa can't actually confess till the very end bc it would suck having to go through more loops knowing he likes you but he hasn't actually told you / if you go through a loop post-confession surely that would change quite a bit of dialogue
but AHHHHHH!!!!
oh my god siffrin is going beast mode on the tutorial sadness?? i had to choose "attack" bc it seemed the most different and thus interesting but also omg... there goes the warm friendship glow 😭😭
but ofc that glow would die a horrible sudden death anyway the moment siffrin is confronted with the fact that he is back on that damn loop grind :(
poor thing 😭😭😭😭😭😭
the loop power is getting stronger.. u~u;;
I KNEW IT WOULD EVENTUALLY GET WEIRD THAT SIF'S SUCH A HIGH LEVEL... just a couple loops ago i was like damn when is everyone else gonna notice that sif has like multiple crafts that they didn't yesterday
also i noticed a loop or so ago that their battle portrait is frowning and.. i don't think it always was.....?
oh my god the memory of sadness is kinda fucked up but. so useful jdhshfj im tired of avoiding them in the hallway,,
ok but also how do my teammates not notice that they have new equipment, and sometimes a new craft..... in the case of like a hair bow that's easy to gloss over but how does isabeau not go "wtf i'm dealing paper damage?" ??
the problem w telling your friends you're in a time loop is it must be such a fucking relief. and then you loop again
aw, sif.. tell them about the universe...
lol how funny would it be if i died to the rock this time
oops... i'm doing a big check-everything run, but i absolutely didn't do all the village stuff bc i was too excited to help isa... oh well,
i did idly connect that the "weird sadnesses" smell like sugar same as the king's time magic which makes, but i finally just actually thought about it and realized they're also star shaped....
siffrin having this time loop power... is it anything at all like mirabelle's time-resistance power, blessed upon her by the high priestess? did siffrin escape from their fucked up time island, sent out with the power to eventually save it?
odile is sooo close to figuring it out... she just said "verRrRy interesting"
BWAHH new post-level-2 convos!! so cute!!!!! love bonnie's new siffrin-patting routine..... and odile has it SO figured out, when is she gonna say something!!!
siffrin was afraid that he smells like timecraft? bc of looping or bc of repressed reasons.... probably bc of looping,
time for siffy's daily bathroom stall breakdown!!
they even went in happy this time and still managed to psych themself all the way out hdgshsjf
"in this moment, you are loved" god it is going to be so hard waking up next loop 😭
i'm worried that the king's "isn't this the best moment of your lives" rhetoric is going to slowly gain appeal as sif goes through more and more loops... like. they crafted the perfect loop with their found family. they *can't* change it any more, make it any better. ...
EHAT DO U MEAN "NVM" ISA!!!!!! oh my god i can't believe you won't confess until siffrin is like more emotionally centered and open and ready to handle that kind of thing... why r u sooo considerate -_- ur killin them isa
oh my god why is it even worse why is the end of the loop even worse this time oh my GOD sif is gonna be inconsolable I'M inconsolable not isabeau reaching out im sobbing on da couch
ngl i kinda hope this time siffrin is just defeated and doesn't banter about shit and everyone is worried as fuck. sorry sif i just think it would be interesting. that flash of him slaughtering the tutorial sadness was so sick. esp the unique auto-rewind. more of that shit
they did the first convo w mira fine.. nvm i guess.... if that never happens that's gonna be my first fanfiction
another ghost siffrin... after i looped to unlocked floor one to look for articles....... :o
not beau saying "normally i'd be worried about this, but sif doesn't seem worried at all!" when i'm about to touch the tear specifically in order to die...
did the king used to hang out in the observatory... did he write that word (the country's name?) on the papers, and wear out the spot on the globe....... he did find a new home here in vougarde such that he's decided that he can't lose this one too, at all, ever...
i got to loop 30 and i was surprised bc i figured i was at like 25 tops. and now im at 37? i don't think it's been 7 loops since then...???
i've started dreaming about the tick of a clock.. i'm kinda worried i've started wracking up too many loops... i did just zip back and forth across the house a half dozen times checking various items and dead ends....
AHH AUTO REWIND FROM KING ASKING WHERE SIF IS FROM???? followed by "you do not answer" which. implies that wasn't the case before the rewind.?? maybe more like "you do not think about it" l o l oh sif 😭😭😭
i was about to complain that it won't let me zone out of the dying-and-bonnie-running scene but um. different this time. thank you for not letting me zone out,
YEAH IT'S LOOP 40 NOW!! this is right after loop 37 (with a small auto-rewind between)
😭😭😭😭😭😭 isabeau pleeeeease:
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hanging out with loop and - we saw the kings first attack?? but how would the rest of the party even get that far without sif?? they'd die to the first rock trap????
oh good sif noticed too. "who was the king attacking".... did a siffrin remnant help the party, has he looped so many times that he can be in multiple places at once???
was the king kmsing??? who tf would he be attackinggg
does the loop end when siffrin loses hope?? but no, then the very first time they defeat the boss they wouldn't have looped... but no, if the handmaiden is just talking shit unrelated to the looping then that coulda still made sif think the loop was fucked, which fucked the loop?
it's kinda heavy how many times you have to k your s in this game... esp when you don't actually have to but it's, like, more convenient than 5-30 extra minutes of running around
siffrin tripping so they don't seem so creepily overpowered is SO sad 😭
fsr it's sadder than going through the motions of a conversation, or tripping bc you tripped last time... it's a whole new lie to offset a whole new problem...
oh yeah my other loop theory was that it ends when siffrin gets too reminded of the northern island..? the memory of the future or whatever the fuck from the big attack idk
siffrin rewinded after his friends saw the ghost.... kinda matches my "when he loses hope" theory. when he feels alone? when he's utterly lost with no clue what to do next..? (lol sif restarting every loop just bc he doesn't have plans for what to do after winning)
i can use a memory to equip it for the boss fight but idc as much about that.... i just wanted to be able to check out the dead end rooms more often instead of having to use the crest to get the knifekey every time....
memory of ghosts, no effect??
oh, the vision of the future happens on the first attack always.. not when the king kills you always...
having the knifekey for the fight kinda isn't worth it.. siffrin only has one measly paper attack anyway, so i usually have them on potions and items duty.... gotta keep mira brothed up so she can cast the super duper shield every single turn
"it's fine. she isn't real to you right now either" god siffrin is gonna be so fucked up when they get out. siffrin is gonna have "everyone else is an NPC" brain
finished doing all four quests together for the second time, and sif's commentary at the end is reeally hitting my "eventually sif will understand the king's pov of wanting to freeze one perfect moment forever instead of going forward to inevitably worse shit" theory :(
"you've noticed you're starting to forget whole loops" AHA...... i'm so curious tho what was sif doing in those skipped loops. ig presumably it'd be whatever they did in the next loop that they actually remember? sticking to the plan several times in a row till it sticks,
does loop remember the skipped loops??
hm. whenever the loop ends early Not due to death (the little auto-reverses) maybe sif just.. forgot everything after that moment? till the normal king attack moment ....? or whatever death they find?
i wonder if the headache of not being able to say/read/think about the northern island is caused by many tiny loops, sending you back to the moment before you said/read/thought it, happening however many times it takes for the rapid time travel to make you so sick you just don't
i teach kid's music classes, and sometimes i'll practice one or two dozen verse variations, then i get to actual class and when i actually do that song i can't remember which variations i've already done? and it gets worse with each class i teach from that lesson plan. so dw siffrin i get it,
ok but wtf is up with the head handmaiden. what's she got to do with this. she's obviously more involved than she seems, she knows Something about the end. and imo it's sus that she was able to bless mirabelle to be impervious to the curse, how's she able to do that.
assuming that the king used to live in the house (spending lots of time in the observatory), euphrasie would've gotten to know him... perhaps seen the beginnings of him getting fucked up powerful...? thought she could handle it on her own but she couldn't?
are the mini auto-loops a meta "reload from last save"? i think it's the same quick rewind sound as actually reloading... i don't do it super often bc why not just loop back and keep my silly little mistake in, but i've done it 2 or maybe 3 times....
this game does such a good job starting in medias res. level 45!! i'm past 70 now. i feel like there's a definite chance i'll hit 90 which means siffrin will have done as much fighting in these loops as they did with their friends through months of travel and adventure.
choosing all the emo answers to the loop convo about how using your dagger would be faster than finding a tear to kill you. sorry frin not my fault you are depressed as fuck
LOOP GOT POSSESSED IN ORDER TO ALLOW ME TO K MY S MANUALLY??????? ??????? damn i had something actually important to talk about this loop too
AHHHH FRIN FIGURED OUT THAT IT's THEIR COJNTRY! THEY TALKED ABt JT! THEY TRIED TO SAY IT!! BWAHHHHHHHH that was so fucking sadddd oh my godddddddd sif's poor clueless friends trying to stop whatever the fuck was happenin 😭😭
is the king's 9999 attack just saying the country's name, lol
wish craft . . .
oh my god oh my god he's gonna torture my friends to death in front of me oh my god holy shit oh my god oh no oh no oh no oh no
say the name siffrin!!! think the name!!!!!!! it'll fuck you up bad enough that you loop!
oh... sif is repeating their wish over and over..... like when they carve
well. finally a loop where sif wakes up freaking out so bad that their script with mirabelle gets way way off track. lol. just like i wanted. haha. shit
I CAN READ THE ISLAND BOOKS NOW???????? damn worth it fr sorry bonbon
i forget if i mentioned that i was thinking about how siffrin doesn't rly have much to look forward to, like his friends are about to disband...?
i was chatting w ari about it lol when she helped me defeat the king earlier, she was very concerned about how sif didn't have a home to return to, all his friends were talking about going back to their homes but where would sif go, isn't that sad
speaking of ari. very four year old raised by lesbians quote: "i like isabeau's name but i don't like his gender..."
siffrin dont get emo about how they don't hug you that first evening you literally already know why, they think you don't like it
damn. forgot about the rock
i had been thinking that the way the island was erased must be similar to the way the loops work, but couldn't fathom how time manip could erase a whole island. the magic being more general makes more sense. did someone wish away color as well....
i love magic systems where belief in a thing makes it more real but jeez this is scary
i was pretty on track with guessing that non-death loops happen when siffrin loses hope. it's whenever he goes oh fuck oh god i wish that hadn't happened
gotta say. i'm getting soo sick of running around unlocking doors so that i can go down a tear dead end for the nth time. plssss let me loop to "some doors unlocked; tear crest not used" 😭
i'm also starting to get low on loop-forward sparkles...
oh wow. siffrin had a really bad dream this tear-touch loop-back. i really can't ever use the dagger he would get plagued by the horrors. not that he isn't already, but,
i love to draw characters with horrifiedly blank expressions and very very tired eyes i can't wait to draw siffrin. lol
this game was made in a lab for me
every time i accidentally get into a fight with a sadness i'm like "siffrin is so fucked up at this point he should be able to just glare at them and scare them the fuck off" and then i remember that i literally currently have that mode equipped, me and the sadness just dodged in the same direction
can i at least get a memory that lets me one-hit KO the sadness crests- wait holy shit i just opened my craft menu and i literally have a new scissor craft called (just attack) when tf did i get that
.... was siffron's island erased specifically because they got gud at wish craft, and that's a power that the world shouldn't be able to harness...?
nooo.. no one even reacted to being poked in the gardening room squeeze? right when sif needs it the most? let's make this set of the loops the worst set ever 🤗
what the Fuck is up with croissants though
i can't believe loop got siffrin to admit to themself that beau was planning to confess and siffrin is just using it to beat themself up. "poor isabeau, he probably can't help having a crush on shitty ol me".
i wish i could give siff a good loop but doing the missions makes them sad now 😭
wow. earlier i was like "what if the king is actually siffrin, weird-magic-shenanigans style". bc sif does have some similar thought patterns. but i was like no that's silly. but now this sad diary is talking abt making another self to talk to????
i also wondered if loop is some kinda shade of siffy??
i am writing this tweet while i let siffrin look through the big window in the observatory for a while. as a treat :(
OH THANK GOD.. ISABEAU IS TELLING SIF A NEW JOKE...: that's a much better treat 😭😭😭😭
oh no nvm their second thought was "i'll need to remember to laugh next time"
why don't siff's friends react anymore when he pokes them in the gardening room. it doesn't make sense.....
finally.. my "sif is quiet and moody and everyone notices" loop.......
sif has been super hungry in the commentary lately... more than normal i think... all those wish loops taking a lot of fuel?
have ppl not been reacting to sif's pokes bc they don't want to bother him when he's already obviously having a rough day...
i liked when they sat on the floor after bumping into the table. so real
finally got that death talk with bonnie.... i wonder when i'll get talk #2 with the other characters... odile has been quite sus of me for ages when's she gonna come out with ittt
ISABEAU PUSHING SIFFRIN AWAY.... probably bc siffrin was being very... sudden and depressed and desperate about it...?
did the daydreaming one's sister move to the northern island or something...
THE LIST IN EUPHRASIE's OFFICE!! it's who wished to save vougarde, and who wished for something else!!
bwuh. thinking about the strength behind the wish "i wish i hadn't fucking done that" when you reach out to someone and they push you away
loop confirmed/unified my theories about why siffrin loops back without death sometimes heheh... the specific wording of "something that feels like the world is ending" or whatever also seems in line with my theory that siffrin is scared of leaving their friends tomorrow
they've got croissant trauma. they've got banana trauma. a cheap continental breakfast is siffrin's worst nightmare
poetic that euphrasie finally heard and replied to me on loop 99. waking up on the big double O more hopeless than ever! ☺️
gotta say it so funny that siffrin is forcing themself to try to get everyone's skills in order to beat the king faster when i beat him easily in probably less than half a dozen rounds last time. forgot to even equip the keyknife! these half-assed quests are taking longer than that...
fucked up house??????
i keep accidentally walking right back out of the door i walked into, lol. this is fun though!
also. ghost ✨???
oh.. the ghost ✨ figure i saw was siffrin, with a black hat..?
maybe.. this is the universe's way of granting both wishes...... vougarde is saved, but stuck in time forever. looping the same day of salvation.
i had wondered what would happen if (once?) siffrin totally lost hope, sure that there was no chance of ever, ever getting out. bc when they lose hope they restart. so they'd just. restart immediately. constant loop. with no chance to do anything to regain that hope.
ghost sif time :3c
mal du pays means homesickness...
i've been playing at work but i have to stop and actually do some work now.... ty for taking good naps today baby :')
i can't believe mirabelle and siffrin are canonically moirails now
also i saw something on a map i was using about a starry hat?? i never got a new hat...
i also never managed to find the book with the tree on the cover again, now that i could read it...
i'm gonna have to find a full 100%ed playthrough to watch on youtube 🫡
reading through ISAT socmed... the first time i saw one of the in-world swears in the game i was like "lol stormlight archive vibes" so it's very funny that one of the first posts i see is "my world building advice is to learn from brandon sanderson" i was sooo right. so true
makes no sense to me that mirabelle asked siffrin to not spoil her on their convo topics... not spoil on where the convos *went* sure, but how does she not want to know the basic facts that siffrin now knows about her 😭 so wild
if one of my friends was in a time loop i would be like. please sit down and summarize everything we ever talked about so i can be caught up. but thats just me
found some youtube video compilations of missable dialogue/events we are so back
AGHH why does this person not show the full cutscenes 😭😭😭 pls i don't want to have to do a whole ass entire top to bottom loop w like 20 object interactions...... maybe i'll just do it at work tomorrow while the baby naps 😩
at least it was pretty easy getting the initial croissant scene ☺️ but i am NOT redoing the entire last two acts to get the related final loop scene or whatever it is -_-
yayy that one's big enough that i found a video of it ☺️ i do wish i'd been able to do it in game myself instead, but. not redoing half the blinding game rn
i Am doing a full loop to get the odile thing though... and in doing so i realized apparently i didn't go through the friend quests manually enough times, sif just had a bit of a mental breakdown abt odile's. which does lead up to the last-loop breakdown better!
NOOO I WAS 3/4 OF THE WAY THRU THIS LOOP TO GET A CERTAIN SCENE AND i was on autopilot and meant to use a crest on the tears but i didn't have the crest yet so selecting "yes" meant touching them and dying fuck meee
i hadn't saved at each floor bc i didn't want to touch my save files w this new offshoot canon...
i'm not actually quite sure what info gets carried over from the previous loop when you loop back to the same floor instead of the beginning or forwards? i'm just gonna try and do floor 3 again and see if it works....
either relooping level 3 messed it up or i wasn't able to get enough suspicion points bc the plantain chips didn't make me sick. gonna go slip on the banana five times and try again
... i just used the dagger for the second time and now i'm stuck on a plain black screen and i legitimately can't tell if the game is broken or if the game is making me sit and wait for sif to bleed out
ok it's definitely a bug. wow this is so poignant it really does feel like i fucked around and found out
this is so funny i can open my pockets but i can't use the dagger or call loop.
I DID IT I GOT THE SCENE!! it was good i'm glad i saw it. wish i hadn't fucked up and had to do it all twice but i DID IT
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kaijukat-art · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could a small tutorial on how you render your pieces?? They’re all super pretty btw!! I love your art :D!!
Ahh thank you sm!! <3 0: i’m not very good at explaining my process, and it changes depending on what I’m drawing as well, but I’ll try my best to explain it!
imma use the choso panel redraw since it’s a pretty simple portrait (done in Procreate, but most of this can be applied to CSP too)
once i’ve got a decently refined sketch, i fill in a basic starting skin colour for the character. i start some shading once i have a basic idea of where i want lighting. colour-wise, i usually go a bit darker & warmer for the first pass. (i use a brush that’s a basic airbrush settings but i replace the shape source with a reuleaux triangle) besides where shadows will fall, ill also focus on making the colour more dense on the ears, fingers, around the eyes, and sometimes the blush area. (also let it be known i use Liquify a lot, and constantly flip my canvas. as you render you’ll often start noticing lil adjustments that need to be done)
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ill build up passes of colour, going darker & more saturated as i do. as the colours darken, they’ll be in the more receded/hidden areas of the face (like under brows, under chin, inner ear, unless the lighting calls for otherwise) in this case though, he’s also kinda beat up, so i added more colour under the eyes/on the cheekbones to add to the bruise vibes
for the nose/brow/shoulder highlights, i made a new layer & set it to Add. it’s a handy way to get a highlight colour and brighten your hot spots for lighting. this is usually when ill mess with the sketch/linework, sometimes i switch the layer mode to Multiply if i know i want to fully paint over it. in this case i think i just Alpha Locked the layer and painted in the hair/eyeliner since i wanted them darker. once the linework is thoroughly fukt with, i make a new layer and start painting over. usually involves a lot of colour picking & making some adjustments, playing around with levels of colour. I also swap between the reuleaux and a funky dense rectangle thing for rendering, sometimes little sketch pens for smaller details too.
(technically the blue-tinge reflective lighting wasn’t very accurate for the bg/scene colour i chose, but i got carried away and didn’t wanna change it lol)
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hair rendering is fun sometimesssss. i make a new layer, choose a slightly brighter colour, and messily block in where i want the highlights. idk how else to explain it besides like, think about using H-adjacent shapes when you’re erasing/refining the highlights. for the last step, i make a new layer, set it to Add, and paint inside the highlights for the sharper look.
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When it’s getting to a place i kinda like, (added some blood/cuts on this one before moving on) ill usually start messing with some overlay effects. this usually involves picking a random colour, filling in a new layer, and seeing how it lays over the piece. depending on the vibe im going for it can change a lot, but i find myself usually liking Exclusion & Subtract a lot. (sometimes ill throw a Noise + Overlay layer on top as well, but didn’t for this piece)
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i hope that makes some sense??😭 im sorry if anything isn’t clear, i can try my best to answer specifics if needed.
it’s not my most thoroughly rendered portrait but it’s one i got a decent amount of wip screenshots for.. my style in general is still a wip, and i change it up a bit every time. i encourage experimentation always!!! it’s helped me a lot. i’ll see about making a more thorough tutorial for a properly rendered piece soon too!
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airinn · 1 year
Me 🤝 You
Having OCs named Kaz
Anyway GAHHH OMG I am eating your art it’s so yummy. I’m living for your character designs, I absolutely adore your style 🥺 Do you have any tips for choosing colors? Your colors always look so unified!!
everyone with an oc named Kaz is SOOOO sexy and cool and gets sooo many bitches (source: dude just trust me)
BUT AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 😭 It's so funny I'm actually a little insecure about my colour choices, I worry A LOT about unification so it's very flattering to hear I'm pulling SOMETHING off...!
I'm afraid most of my advice boils down to studying though, I'm basically constantly picking apart the art of people I admire trying to figure out how they do what they do. I also try mostly to focus on my values over my colours (constantly switching from colour to b/w REALLY helps train your eye on this i highly recommend it!)
also gradient maps and overlay/multiply layers are your friend
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fluffy-lee-boa · 3 years
Btw, on a different note, while I'm. Utterly thankful for having a chance to actually share my thoughts and ideas with someone else, especially with someone as kind and amazing as yourself, do you know what's the real tragedy here?
I am, unfortunately allegedly, what kids call... an artist. Like, all of the stuff I wrote here? I've been straight up pulling it out of my super-secret-very-much-self-indulgent wip folder. Every single one of them. Especially the Spammito djsbbdj
And, as much as I'd like to finalize all these sketches and share them even on my secondary and relatively secluded blog, at the same time I have 1. quite the recognizable art style and 2. I'm also a hopeless self-shipper thus I had the absolutely brilliant idea to make my tickle related Spammy shenanigans with my most widely known sona, so I can't post any of this shit (affectionate) or I'm gonna get called out on the spot by mutuals and my heart can't take that jdjsbd 🤦💀😭
So uhhh... Got any advice for a fellow desperate artist stuck in the tickle closet bestie? ~ ☣️
(also ty admfnjdsm you’re so nice)
But like fr??? I myself am a Moderately Popular Blogger. I’ve been rbd by YouTubers on here and do memes and writing and stuff. I lich-erally made an entirely new blog for my t-word stuff with a different email, so I have to keep switching accounts and I constantly live in fear of getting them confused. Also I’m so sure that someone is gonna recognize my writing style and fandom list one of these days… like I’m sure if some of my moots were aware of this blog they’d figure out it was me 😬
Also it v much pains me that I cannot see your art because I KNOW it must be an absolute BANGER of a style and also your headcanons are so cute already. I’ll be honest, I know of a few t-word blogs on here that I recognize the art style from other blogs, but I have kept those secrets close to my heart lol.
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