#art theives
sixstones · 2 years
PSA for Stray fanartists!
I recently made a piece of Stray fanart that had gotten a lot of notes, but I found out 4 different users took my art and are selling it on Redbubble! Along with my own art, they are selling many other popular pieces of stray fanart! If you’ve recently made Stray fanart and it’s gotten a lot of notes please check Redbubble in case your art has been stolen!
and please help report the products with stolen art!
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thatsprettylane · 2 years
I wish people were more proactive when reblogging art. So here’s a quick guide on what to look for/when to look closer:
Did op tag it as ‘my art’ or a variation of that/their username? If not, it’s probably not theirs.
Is it missing a signature? Probably stolen.
Is the signature different from op’s url? Possibly stolen. If all their art has the same signature, it’s most likely theirs.
Is it cropped? Possibly stolen, might be porn.
Does their posted art all look completely different and have multiple distinct styles? Stolen.
Does it say ‘credit to artist’? Absolutely stolen!
Block op and more importantly, DON’T REBLOG the post! We need to wipe out art thieves. They need to know they are NOT welcome.
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bitwein · 5 months
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Tell me where will you go? Only you and the devil know
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xx-akubara-xx · 1 year
My thoughts on Art Thieves
Keep in mind this is a thought process that pre-existed the whole AI art fiasco. And these thoughts don't fit every single mold. Like, say, people who rip art to sell for quick art by slapping it on a T-Shirt or Mug.
This is more towards the people who steal but make no profit. The people who think 'Credit to the Artist' is somehow enough. The people whose social media account is stuffed silly with stolen screenshots of all kinds of art.
The people who hazardously edit out signatures on whatever art program they can get their hands on. The ones that figure out how to change the hair and eye color on the original piece.
The ones that throw an absolute fit when asked to, at the bare minimum, give appropriate credit. Or to just take down the stolen art entirely.
The young ones simply don't know better - and seemingly don't want to know better.
I always felt a sense of sympathy toward those types of people.
The way I see it, these people find it difficult to earn validation and praise in their day-to-day lives. And these people go online and see some artist get so much love and attention. Attention they feel they deserve.
Because they have ideas too, These amazing stories that play like movies in their head. But it never translates well to paper. Their skill doesn't compare to someone who'd put in years of practice.
And that's just not "fair." They'll blame this reason and that reason - and ultimately view that artist as less of a person. Less deserving of their hard earned praise.
And so, the stealing starts. They make their accounts. They upload 'their' art. And finally, get that precious attention.
To a lot of them - this is fine. More than fine! What's the big deal? A nice comment on their profile instead of the artists? It's all the same. "Be glad you have the publicity," they'll think.
When the hate rolls in, the smart ones know exactly what to say. But most of them won't get it. Because they're living in their heads. And to them - "it's just not fair."
And now that we have AI art generators... this problem will only reach new heights.
I don't have a solution to offer. Kindness can be abused. And teaching is exhausting. Just continuing to not give art thieves positive attention and force them to find a healthier outlet- that sounds good.
Oh, and maybe be nice to new artists.
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hueningkoi · 1 year
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One hell of a group. I'm obsessed with them and drawing them took time but it was worth it!
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vesper-the-great · 7 months
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I think it would have been so funny if they knew each other pre persona 5
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
y'all I CANNOT win, some fucking clown AI upscaled my TADC fanart and is selling it on etsy. What the fuck. I hope I have better luck with the takedown on Etsy than I did with fucking aliexpress...
They even erased my cool ass background 😔
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ducktollers · 1 year
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[ID: two sketches of dogs in black ballpoint pen on white paper. the first is the heads of two borzois with their noses nearly touching. the second is a full body sketch of a pointy-eared white dog nosing at the ground. end ID.]
lookit some dogs
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akechisstinkyfoot · 2 years
detective akechi and the great phantom thief!
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starsha-k-luna · 2 months
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Took me about a month to draw, write, outline, & colour, but I finally finished it!
A Fan-Comic based off @baykitthings Dreamworks Trolls Phantom Thieves AU!
So basically about a month ago, I sent an Ask to @baykitthings for their Trolls AU asking about how Floyd adjusted to having to use a wheelchair after an Injury & how his brothers (BroZone) help to accommodate & assist Floyd during this.
When designing their clothes I just used the canon clothes, while giving them t-shirt because I wanted too, except Clay, I gave him a smart casual look along with a sweater vest.
And yes, I gave the BroZone brothers Tails, I’m apart of the Trolls Community who Headcanons they have Tails! I may change my Tail designs in the future.
Anyway, here’s what everyone is saying in the Comic:
Page 1:
💙Branch; “Are you Excited to finally be coming home Floyd?”
❤️Floyd; “I don’t know Branch, now I’m in a wheelchair everything is going to be a struggle now.”
💙Branch; “Floyd you shouldn’t worry, me and our brother’s are here to help you and adjust, you know we all love you and are here for you, right?
💜Bruce; “Look Bro’s, Branch is back with Floyd!
💚John Dory; “Alright Bro’s, Let’s do this!
Page 2:
💛Clay, 💚John Dory & 💜Bruce; “WELCOME HOME FLOYD!
❤️Floyd; “Thanks, It’s really good to see you all brother’s.”
💙Branch; “Actually Floyd, we have a surprise for you Floyd.”
Page 3:
💛Clay; “We’ve actually renovated to accommodate to your needs Floyd, such as an elevator (or a lift) and ramps for you to get around and adding wider doors, a disabled toilet and we’ve even given you a bigger bedroom on the ground floor.”
💚John Dory; “Yeah, Clay went all out with this, he and Bitty B did this!
💛Clay; “Woah, Johnny slow yourself, I’ve not just done this, nor Branch, it was a team effort! Especially Branch setting up the computer.”
💙Branch; “Yeah, I remembered you saying you got into computers, so I got you this set up with the latest software and everything.” (Featuring Chibi Branch)
Page 4:
❤️Floyd; “Sniff, sniff.”
💙Branch; “F…Floyd.”
💜Bruce; “Floyd are you alright? Did we do something wrong? Are you upset? You’re crying!”
💛Clay; “Oh no, did I do or say something to upset you?”
❤️Floyd; “No, I’m OK, I’m just so happy you guys did all this just for me, I’m touched💖.”
💚John Dory, 💙Branch, 💛Clay, 💜Bruce; (They are Crying right now)
❤️Floyd; “Thank you for everything, I love you all so much.”
💛Clay; “We love you too, Floyd.”
💚💜💛❤️💙The End!💚💜💛❤️💙
I’m extremely Proud with how this Fan-Comic turned out!
I hope you like the Fan-Comic @baykitthings
See you all next time👋
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pigeonstab · 1 month
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The power of cuteness
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<Last part || next part>
Killer: uh shoo??
Kodee: *thwump*
Killer: WOAH!
Kodee: up?
Killer: what the fuck happened?
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hareefaree · 1 year
The new DnD movie was good! Went into it with my tabletop group expecting a marvel-sequel quippy mess and was surprised by very cool practical effects and wet puppets. Also it felt like a really good translation of a campaign and watching them translate dnd mechanics into actual moments scratched my brain.
I am not immune to advertising ;-; I guess I kinda understand marvel fans now
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spacehero-23 · 1 month
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the merry thieves + lucie (the honorary thief) doodle <3
i'm still trying to figure out james's nose, but i'm getting there!!
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bitwein · 4 months
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Our love spins a gun around its finger
Our love has found its way into our mouths before
Cut our teeth until we swallow it whole
Reuploading some more of my older art so I can keep track of it better,
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kath-trashh · 1 year
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xedgin shippers come get your food
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hueningkoi · 1 year
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Here wait... I put both my fanarts of them on the same canvas. Just because.. just to see...
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