#artek is a bit of a himbo
imperial-topaz2003 · 10 months
Some OT3 ramblings
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Artek and Theron's relationship was a 'first time' for both of them. Theron, it was his first time with another man, which ties into my "Theron is bi, leaning towards women" sexuality headcanon. Haven't decided if he's had casual sex with men before or not, but in my headcanon, Artek was the first man that Theron got serious with. For Artek, it was his first time being genuinely in love with someone (he'd been with Ranna and Kira before, but that was more him thinking with the other head lol).
Artek actually did have a brief fling with Kira in Chapter 1 of the Knight storyline. They were pretty playful and flirtatious with each other, but Artek did promise to Orgus he wouldn't be romantically involved with anyone anymore, after he revealed his relationship with Ranna. It really ate him up inside, especially after Orgus died. That caused him to break off their relationship and keep it platonic. It wasn't until KOTXX where they realized just how much they missed each other and eventually got back together.
Haven't fleshed it out yet, but Kira and Theron did start working together a bit during KOTFE's timeskip. Both of them were able to bond over shared experiences and how much they missed Artek. While they might've thought about getting together, nothing came of it until Artek came back into the picture.
Artek is the tallest of the three (tho with Theron, it's only by like an inch or two), and the most muscular (he's more just ripped or 'average' rather than full on beefy). He's capable of carrying both Kira and Theron, sometimes both at the same time, and they absolutely love it. There's also quite a bit of muscle play involved when they get frisky.
Each of them has a favorite PDA type. Artek really loves giving Kira and Theron hugs from behind or massaging their shoulders. Theron just really loves hand holding both his partners at the same time. Kira most commonly gives her boyfriends kisses on the cheek.
Their sleeping situation is...a bit of a pain. It does not matter what position Artek falls asleep in. Eventually, he's gonna end up completely sprawled out over someone and waking him up is borderline impossible. Theron is a big blanket hog himself, so you better hope it's not too cold. And Kira stays up way too late. You're lucky if she hits the sack by 3 AM.
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