#i love these three dorks
imperial-topaz2003 · 10 months
Some OT3 ramblings
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Artek and Theron's relationship was a 'first time' for both of them. Theron, it was his first time with another man, which ties into my "Theron is bi, leaning towards women" sexuality headcanon. Haven't decided if he's had casual sex with men before or not, but in my headcanon, Artek was the first man that Theron got serious with. For Artek, it was his first time being genuinely in love with someone (he'd been with Ranna and Kira before, but that was more him thinking with the other head lol).
Artek actually did have a brief fling with Kira in Chapter 1 of the Knight storyline. They were pretty playful and flirtatious with each other, but Artek did promise to Orgus he wouldn't be romantically involved with anyone anymore, after he revealed his relationship with Ranna. It really ate him up inside, especially after Orgus died. That caused him to break off their relationship and keep it platonic. It wasn't until KOTXX where they realized just how much they missed each other and eventually got back together.
Haven't fleshed it out yet, but Kira and Theron did start working together a bit during KOTFE's timeskip. Both of them were able to bond over shared experiences and how much they missed Artek. While they might've thought about getting together, nothing came of it until Artek came back into the picture.
Artek is the tallest of the three (tho with Theron, it's only by like an inch or two), and the most muscular (he's more just ripped or 'average' rather than full on beefy). He's capable of carrying both Kira and Theron, sometimes both at the same time, and they absolutely love it. There's also quite a bit of muscle play involved when they get frisky.
Each of them has a favorite PDA type. Artek really loves giving Kira and Theron hugs from behind or massaging their shoulders. Theron just really loves hand holding both his partners at the same time. Kira most commonly gives her boyfriends kisses on the cheek.
Their sleeping situation is...a bit of a pain. It does not matter what position Artek falls asleep in. Eventually, he's gonna end up completely sprawled out over someone and waking him up is borderline impossible. Theron is a big blanket hog himself, so you better hope it's not too cold. And Kira stays up way too late. You're lucky if she hits the sack by 3 AM.
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emberfaye · 8 months
kimchay or kimchaymacau
lost and found
(for the ship & fake title thing)
tags: alternate universe--canon divergent, incest, poly, threesomes, slice of life, non linear storytelling, rimming, first date, kim is so lonely, macau and chay love being enemies, kim fucks them about it
Summary: When Kim left the family business, he didn't just move across town. He moved out of the country, the continent, and the hemisphere.
In the wake of his father's death, he comes back to find there's a very cute stranger in his house, and he's not just talking about the cousin he hasn't seen in years.
Send me a ship and fake title and I'll tell you the story I'd write!
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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Zelink Week Day 4 - Enchantment
Zelda II: A game about focus, commitment, sheer will... and love!
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imaredshirt · 15 days
Give me a Stan who thinks Fiddleford doesn't know how to throw a punch, much less defend himself in a fight with your average goon, so one morning he takes it upon himself to show the nerd a few basic jabs and hooks and maybe an uppercut or two behind the cabin, because let's face it, there's gonna be a time when Stan can't be there to take a hit for the guy or defend his nerd butt. So he's gonna teach him some stuff for his own peace of mind.
Fiddleford just kind of genially goes along with it, following Stan around the back of the cabin and watching with hands on his hips and a smile as Stan gets into position.
"This is one of the most basic punches in the world, so pay attention, 'cause I'm not gonna show you again," Stan says, knees slightly bent and fists up.
Fidds nods. "You've got my full attention, Stanley."
Stan isn't sure if he's imagining the way Fidds is eyeing him up and down, but he automatically flexes his arms a little more than he needs to. Up ahead, Ford is sitting on a tree stump and taking samples of the air or something (Stan had stopped listening to Ford's explanation once his words went from interesting to Big Science Shit that Stanley Does NOT Care About) and he's watching them with this amused grin, rolling his eyes skyward when Stan won't stop flexing and showing his arms off.
Stan ignores him and rolls his shoulders before jabbing his fists forward in a quick one-two. "There - you catch that?"
Fidds has got his arms crossed now and gives Stan a thumbs up. "Sure did!"
"See, just like this," Stan says, and shows him again despite saying earlier that he wouldn't.
He shows him a few more punches, going over each one a couple times before telling the engineer to mirror him, even getting in close to adjust the guy's scrawny arms and balled fists. He's being real professional about it and everything and doesn't understand why Ford keeps grinning and shaking his head at them, which is making him a little incensed but he stamps it down because Fidds is watching him with this nerdy, dopey smile while letting himself be maneuvered around and he's gotta learn to defend himself 'cause Stan can't stand the thought of some jerkwad wiping that smile off the nerd's face.
"See," he says near the end of the lesson, tapping his fist right against Fidds’s chin. "Do it right and your fist'll hit right here."
Fidds tilts his head a fraction at the touch. "Well alright then, seems easy enough."
"Yeah, like I said, if you do it right. Gimme your hand-" he takes Fidds’s wrist and taps the guy's balled fist against his own stubbly jaw. "Right here. You got that?"
Fidds nods. "Sure do!"
"Good." Stan drops Fidds’s wrist and gets into position again. "Then come on - lay one on me."
Fidds pulls back and blinks at him. "Come again?"
"Hit me!" Stan taps his jaw. "Right here!"
The guy suddenly looks nervous and galnces over at Ford for help. "Hit you? Stanley, I don't think-"
This is what Stan means. Fidds isn't always gonna be able to look to him or Ford to save him. He gets this weird, uncomfortable feeling in his chest at the thought of Fidds facing off against some asshat on his own, and that alone is enough to keep him from letting the guys off easy, if only to get rid of the weird feeling. Maybe a bit selfish but he doesn't care.
"Ah, come on, one little punch ain't gonna hurt ya, Fidds."
"I'm not worried about me," Fidds says, and then frowns when Stan barks a laugh.
"You think you're gonna hurt ME?"
Fidds is still frowning when Ford calls over in an amused, warning tone, "This is not a good idea, Stanely!"
"Just worry about your air test or whatever and leave us alone," Stan calls back. Ford shrugs and scribbles something in his journal, and when Stan turns back to Fidds, Fidds is finally getting into position.
He looks unsure, watching Stan nervously as Stan stands before him with his arms crossed.
"Hey, not bad form - you ready?"
"Well, I suppose so," Fidds says, accent coming in a little thicker than before. "Stan, if you're sure, I should probably warn ya-"
"Don't tell me nothing, just punch me!"
Fidds presses his lips into a line and throws his fist - and jabs Stan on the chin just hard enough to tilt Stan's head half an inch to the side.
"That's it?" Stan guffaws and shakes his head. "That was barely a tap!"
"I don't wanna hurt ya!" Fidds says, sounding so conflicted that Stan gets this urge to pull him into a headlock and ruffle his hair and drive the worry away.
Instead he riles him up.
"Please," he says. "Fidds, look - one of these days I'm not gonna be there to take a hit for you, and then what're you gonna do? Just let some jerk punch ya around?"
Fidds looks slightly perplexed. "Where is this all comin from? No, Stanley, I am NOT gonna just let some jerk punch me around."
"Good! So you gotta learn to defend yourself!" Fidds still looks unsure, so Stan tries a different angle. "Okay, how 'bout this - what if some jerks are beating up on me and Ford, huh? You're just gonna let em?"
Fidds looks up. "What? No, I am not!"
"You're gonna defend us?"
"Dangnabbit, Stan - of course I am!"
"Not gonna let us get our teeth kicked out?"
"What!? No!"
"Then show me!" Stan slaps a hand against his own chin. "Right here, come on! I'm some jerk who just threw your friend Stan to the ground and I'm about to kick him in the gut, what're ya gonna-"
The blow lands hard. Stan's head jerks to the side and he's thrown off balance, and he sees actual stars before his vision clears again and he realizes he's crumpled on the ground. His head swims as hands pull him around onto his back.
"Mother o pearl!" Fidds gasps. He's got his hands on Stan's face, careful touch at complete odds with the punch he'd just landed in the same place. "Are you alright? I am so sorry! I hit ya and you weren't even ready and - you just got me so riled up and I tried to tell ya and I shoulda said earlier instead o just lettin ya show me all those moves, but I just wanted to, well - goddangit, Ford, this ain't funny."
Ford's laughing as he comes up behind them, looking down at where Stan is staring kinda dazedly up at Fidds, who's kneeling by his side in the cool grass. "We did try to tell him, Fiddleford."
"Tell me what?" Stan demands. His jaw is already aching but Fidds’s hands feel kinda good so he doesn't tell him to move.
"Fiddleford was a boxing champion back back in his hometown," Ford says.
Stan blinks. "Bwuh-?"
"Not much of a champion," Fidds says with a wince, but he's blushing a bit as he goes on, "It was never anythin official, but - well, I did win more than a few matches at some backyard parties, see, and - well, people usually don't think I got any hittin power or can defend myself, but my Ma's been all too happy to teach me since I was little, and-"
The guy's rambling, and Stan quits being able to understand what he's saying half way through cause the accent is coming in thick and Ford’s chuckling and standing there looking proud of his best friend and Stan’s a little worried that he's still jarred from the hit, cause when he looks at Fidds kneeling there, one hand one Stan's chest and the other bashfully rubbing his neck while he rambles on - he's still seeing stars.
Later, while Stan sits in the living room with an bag of ice in his jaw and Fiddleford sitting next to him, still rambling about all the times he'd knocked a few guys into the mud in some backcountry hoedown get-together or whatever, Stan can lean back and relax and grin, knowing Fidds is gonna be just fine.
He can't wait to teach him wrestling.
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glorious-spoon · 2 months
i love eddie diaz with all my heart, but it's the kind of love you have for a wet cat who's trying desperately to pretend that they Did That On Purpose, and that's why i simply cannot get on board with the idea that he is in any way smooth
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holly-natnicole · 2 months
I love these 3
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absolute dorks!!
(Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, & Uchiha Sasuke; the last kid is sitting.)
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justamedicalbat · 8 months
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I think I might have fallen in love🎵
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quirinah · 4 months
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to the ones that encouraged me
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I imagine K (pet story alien) sorry I can't spell his name I love him tho! So he is now K but I feel like he'd get so excited if we did something "human" like gave him a smooch he'd cry BC he knows it's how humans show affection - does he have the ability to cry omg?
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He doesn't cry, but he gets misty, the way humans get right before they cry, that's the most Kirtch's species can get out. But yes, lol
At first he does seem very stiff and stoic, unfeeling, but he's actually very emotional, and when his pet recognizes this they'll be able to notice him "crying" a lot. Whenever his pet does anything adorable he gets a little misty, as long as it isn't in front of his employees.
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genderless-npc · 2 years
sometimes i forget that in canon, the three caballeros aren't a poly couple and it always gives me whiplash. wdym those 3 silly birds who have such a strong bond and are so extremely caring with eachother aren't madly in love. wdym panchito and josé do not come up with the most cheesiest petnames just to see how flustered donald can get. how are you gonna tell me those lovebirds don't snuggle everynight while sleeping in a bed that hardly fits the 3 of them. that panchito does not wake up first and kisses josé and donald's foreheads before leaving their warm ( yet uncomfortable ) bed. that donald does not carry a picture of panchito and josé with him on his wallet and whenever he misses them too much, he pulls out the picture to kiss it. you're gonna look at me and say josé would not sometimes purposely let himself fall behind chito and donald while the 3 of them walk around together just to take a better looks at his lovers. you CAN'T do that. they're call the three GAY caballeros for a reason,y'know.
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arkytiorwrites · 2 years
Never Again
Sherlock Holmes x Reader x John Watson
My first BBC Sherlock post, and of course it’s a poly. Because who wouldn’t want them both?
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I crept up the stairs to the flat of my boyfriends as silently as I could; not wanting to summon their landlady, Mrs. Hudson. I liked the older woman a lot, but I wasn't in the mood for her now. Right now I needed John's tea and Sherlock's hugs if they were home.
Unlocking the door to the flat , it was quickly obvious that they were out. Their coats were gone and the flat was silent. I left my backpack, coat, and shoes in a pile under the coat rack and curled up in John's chair, pulling on the jumper discarded on the armrest.
God I was so tired.
I sleepily nuzzled the shoulder for the jumper and inhaled as much of John’s scent that I could. He smelled like maple wood, hot sand, and a dash of whiskey. It always reminded me of his silent strength somehow. That John would always be there.
I was unable to continue waxing poetic because I was asleep after a few minutes.
. . .
Sherlock followed John up the stairs home in what John liked to call a 'strop’. Lestrade had called them both away from Baker Street for a case that hadn’t even been a four! Sherlock was even stroppier than normal because their wonderful partner, Y/N, would be coming home from their visit to America today and they both had wanted to be there to welcome them back. Instead, they were probably already back and had come home to a cold, empty flat. Sherlock nearly crashed into John where he had frozen in the doorway.
"John, what are you -"
" Sh!" the doctor scolded, reaching back and swatting vaguely at the lanky detective.
Looking over John, he finally saw what had caused his lover to try and shush him. Y/N had curled up and fallen asleep in John's armchair, but if that wasn't adorable enough, they had put on the dark blue jumper John had discarded earlier that afternoon.
The two men tiptoed toward their love, John crouching down in front and Sherlock kneeling at their feet.
" Baby? Wake up sweetheart," John softly urged.
Shifting a bit and letting out a soft kitten mewl, Y/N’s eyes fluttered and lit up the moment they saw the doctor.
"John?” they asked softly.
"Hi, love," he smiled reaching out and gently brushing their cheek.
They gave the ash-blond man a sleepy smile before looking around the room until they spotted the detective.
"Hello, darling," he murmured, reaching out and gently rubbing their calf in a rare show of affection.
They yawned cutely before asking, "How was the case?"
"It wasn't even a four," Sherlock sniffed, standing and taking off his coat and scarf, hanging them on the coat rack.
"Which never a good thing for Greg,” John sighed standing as well.
"Tea?" he offered as the tempemental detective aggressively flopped onto the couch.
"If you don't mind," Y/N mumbled sleepily sitting up and rubbing their eyes.
John leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his partner's forchread before going to the kitchen.
Y/N stood from the doctors chair and shuffled over to the couch, where Sherlock sat in one of his many thinking poses. At Y/N’s approach, however, he held out an arm in clear invitation and the young American happily snuggled into his side. Sherlock tugged them closer and rested his cheek on their head.
"How was Oregon?" he asked quietly.
“Wet, windy, cold. The usual," they quipped.
"You know what I meant,” the brunet scolded.
"Not any different then when I left three years ago. Hannah’s got herself a contract. Rosemary and the other's are still at home. Mom and Dad haven’t changed theyre just a bit grayer now,” Y/N shrugged. "But I'd forgotten how beautiful it is in spring over there."
Sherlock hummed noncommittally before the two lapsed into a comfortable silence.
A few minutes later, John emerged from the kitchen with two mugs of tea. He doled them out accordingly, giving the loves of his life a kiss each before going back for his own own. He came back and sat on Y/N’s unoccupied side, the three of them happy together.
"You are not allowed to leave us for that long ever again,” Sherlock announced just as Y/N was beginning to drift off again.
“I was only gone for two weeks,” they mumbled, confused.
"Exactly. Far too long," John agreed, nodding seriously.
Y/N playfully groaned as they said, "Of course, I would somehow and up with the most clingy boyfriends in all of the UK."
“You love us, " Sherlock snorted.
“Yeah," they agreed, happily snuggling into the self proclaimed sociopath’s shoulder. "I do."
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mumblelard · 1 year
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biscuits and cheese planes and crow calls and cummings
the swallows at the lake are still going ham on something too small to see in numbers too large to believe
the first neighbor i met after moving into this place, he left for an inpatient rehab yesterday. he started crying when he told me what was happening. i knew i should hug him but i didn't want to get burned by the cigarette in his shaking hands. i wish i had hugged him anyway
boba learned how to open one of the treat jars that i keep handy by the couch and i think she gave herself a stomach ache. she has only done it once and maybe i didn't put the lid on right, but trying to do it again has been keeping her busy the last few days
the twins across the courtyard are away shooting a movie and their mom is with them. from the window in front of my desk, i can see their dad and two sisters go a little bit more feral every day
i am in a drone-metal-in-the-woods phase that is as close to a satisfying drug experience as i have come in years
the family that threw the four day wake that i thought was a birthday party are getting evicted, not because of the noise, but because their drunken attempt to release several crates of doves in the middle of a playground resulted in significant property damage. apparently, at one point the minister they hired to speak at the wake called the police on them himself
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alex-albon23 · 1 year
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ALEX ALBON » Goggle Games
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azoosepted · 9 months
oh to be an ex-syndicate member running from her past who runs into a person who’s on fire, talk with her for 2 minutes, then watch her turn into a completely different person Phoenix-style, part ways, meet again with said person at a bar, become roommates with her, get mindlinking tattoos with her, get asked if we’re together by her friends, nearly die of gay panic, and wind up getting together five minutes later
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alwayscaskett810 · 9 months
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geekynightowl1997 · 9 months
Eliot's floofy hair! 🥰😍
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