#artist: 兵衛
animepopheart · 7 months
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★ 【兵衛】 「 ギュッとするフェルン 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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ppillowcase · 1 year
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IG: ppillowcase
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cruelangel94 · 18 days
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Artist By 兵衛
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odakuram · 6 months
I’ll Teach You How To Pull Off The Perfect Crime Part 2 ~The Inugami Chapter~ (English Translation)
完全犯罪伝授します弐〜犬神篇〜 Music/Lyrics: Joruzin Video: unrefle Vocals: GUMI, Kagamine Len
"The continuation to “I’ll Teach You How To Pull Off The Perfect Crime”.
His outer face is that of the eccentric who runs the used bookshop, his inner face is that of a master missionary of perfect crimes, a one Sano Shougai. Until now, all the perfect crimes he’s told people have been executed flawlessly, each and every time. His high intelligence could leave the police far outmatched. But in this case, for the first time, he learns of the existence of someone whose IQ could match, no, surpass his own.
“The Man Who Will Help Execute The Perfect Crime” VS “The Man Who Will Stop The Perfect Crime”
How will this case end?!"
-- original description
(extra translator's note: i stole parts of the translation from the vlyrics wiki translation of the first song in this series for continuity reasons, and linked where relevant. i hope op doesn't mind)
えぇ そうですか  つまり相続権の独占ですね 
Yes, I see. So you want to claim the inheritance to yourself.
遺産の全てをご子息に それが為なら殺しも辞さない 
You want the inheritance to all be for your son, and you’re willing to go as far as to murder.
Then I’ll confirm the facts about the will and the family tree.
財界巨頭の犬神家の創始者左兵衛が身罷った  彼の遺した遺言書に一族狼狽その内容は 
The founder of the Inugami Clan, renowned in the business world, Sahei Inugami, has kicked the bucket. The will he left behind has caused massive dismay in the family
一族以外の本筋の血の繋がりない生娘に遺産を全て譲渡する  ただし娘の配偶者には  
In it, it says that the inheritance is to all go to a virgin girl who isn’t even directly related to the family That is to say, to the spouse of that girl, Tamayo
犬神左兵衛の孫にあたる「佐清」「佐武」「佐智」の三名中から選ぶこと  つまり珠世の愛を勝ちとったものが遺産を手に入れる  しかしご子息佐清は戦時に負った顔の傷 醜い姿に成りさがった 
Sahei Inugami has three grandchildren, Sukekiyo, Suketake and Suketomo that she will choose from In short, to win Tamayo’s love is to get the inheritance But your son Sukekiyo has become hideous as a result of injuries on his face from the war
愛されるはずもない  ならば「佐武」「佐智」2名を葬りその罪珠世に被せることで  佐清に遺産転がり込ませる 
She certainly won’t love him. If that’s the case, you will bury “Suketake” and “Suketomo” and pin the crime on Tamayo so that the inheritance will come into Sukekiyo’s hands.
つまりそういうことですね  一族身内の殺害計画 
So that’s what this is about, hm? A plan to murder members of your family…
思考 黙考 熟考 整いました  After much thought, meditation, and deliberation, I have it all arranged for you.
完全犯罪伝授します お代は貴女の死因の決定権を小生が頂戴いたす  それでよろしいですね? 完全犯罪伝授します 手段は電話でお伝えします  一族集まる月夜の晩に人の目ない部屋でおかけください  なになに私立探偵が雇われているですと?まあ捨て置いて問題はないでしょう 
I'll teach you how to pull off the perfect crime. The price is to let this humble one decide your cause of death Will that be okay with you? I'll teach you how to pull off the perfect crime. I’ll tell you everything over the phone. On the moonlit night when the whole family gathers, dial me in a room where no one can see you What’s that, a private investigator has been hired? Well, put that thought aside for now, it won’t be a problem.
“A Guide to Murder”
計画ポイント2つあり 「猟奇性」と「芸術性」  殺害現場に珠世の犯行を示唆する私物を残すことです 
This plan has two points: it will be “grotesque” and “artistic” You will leave personal items on the murder scenes to suggest that Tamayo is the culprit.
「犬神家に強い恨みを持った珠世が遺産目当てに犯行に及んだ」  そうです美しく殺してあげましょう
“Bearing a grudge against the Inugami family, aiming to get the inheritance, Tamayo resorted to crime.” That’s how it will be, let us murder them beautifully
 第一殺害タイトルは「菊人形頭衣替え」美しいですね あぁあぁ美しいです  第二殺害タイトルは「琴線天幕吊し上げ」美しいですね あぁあぁ美しいです 
The first murder case will be called, “A Change of Head for the Chrysanthemum Doll”, beautiful, ah, ah, so beautiful! The second murder case will be called, “A Decorative Curtain Hung by the Strings of the Koto”, beautiful, ah, ah, so beautiful!
計画に狂いが生じた? 佐清だと信じた人物 全く別人  本物佐清 潜伏していたところを 
Has this plan sparked madness in you yet? It turns out the person you believed to be Sukekiyo is a completely different person The real Sukekiyo is hiding in wait 
例の私立探偵が発見  偽物佐清正体 犬神左兵衛の愛人の息子  全てをたちどころに見破った!? 
That private detective has discovered where he is and the true identity of the fake Sukekiyo—he is the son of Inugami Sahei’s lover Has he seen through us?!
大丈夫です落ち着きなさい 若干計画変更します 偽物佐清この計画を知るもの生かしてはおけませんから   第三殺害タイトルは「偽装すましの逆さ人」薬で眠らせ湖畔の浅瀬に頭から突き落とすのです  素晴らしいですね 全てが完璧です あぁ美しい  それでは最後の仕上げに掛かりましょう  
It’s alright, please calm down, we’ll just change the plan a little. The fake Sukekiyo knows your plans, so he cannot be left alive. So the third murder case will be called, “A Disguised Upside-Down Person”. You will drug him to sleep and push him head first into the shoals of the lake. So wonderful, it’s all so perfect, ah, it’s beautiful! Now let’s add the finishing touches
珠世の自室に青酸カリを忍ばせなさい  それではお渡していた死因書を開封なさい 
Do hide some cyanide in Tamayo’s room Then, please open the document I’ve given you with your cause of death
アリバイ工作で全ての犯行が可能だったのは珠世と貴女です  今から珠世にお茶を入れさせなさい その中にもうひとつ用意した青酸カリを 入れて飲みなさい  つまり「今」から「自室」で「服毒自殺」をするのです  全て珠世の犯行と見做され財産佐清転がり込むでしょう 
With the alibis you’ve made, the suspects will be Tamayo and you. Now let Tamayo pour you some tea that you laced with the same cyanide from before, and drink it. In other words, “now”, you must “kill yourself with poison” in “your room”. When Tamayo is considered the culprit, the estate will come into Sukekiyo’s hands, isn’t that right?
さあ受話器そのままで やるのです 
Now, you will leave the phone aside and do it.
おやめなさい 全て貴女の犯行だと 解りました お話を伺います  貴女をそそのかした人の 
Please stop this. I’ve figured out that this is all your doing. Could I ask to talk to the person who’s tempted you?
I will definitely find you.
The likes of that detective…!
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basarafanworks · 1 year
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後藤又兵衛Forever by No_rule
Written permission personally granted by the Artist Don’t repost without permission or remove credits. ◆ Please, rate this artwork on the Artist’s Gallery~
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lvdbbooks · 2 years
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325mm × 262mm. 208 pages. Hardcover.
石川 竜一 
1984年沖縄県生まれ。2010年、写真家 勇崎哲史に師事。2011年、東松照明デジタル写真ワークショップに参加。2012年「okinawan portraits」で第35回写真新世紀佳作受賞。2015年、第40回木村伊兵衛写真賞、日本写真協会賞新人賞受賞。 主な個展に2014年「RYUICHI ISHIKAWA」gallery ラファイエット(沖縄)、「zkop」アツコバルー(東京)、「okinawan portraits」Place M(東京)、2015年「okinawan portraits」The Third Gallery Aya(大阪)、「A Grand Polyphony」Galerie Nord(パリ)、2016年、「okinawan portraits 2012-2016」Art Gallery Artium(福岡)、「考えたときには、もう目の前にはない」横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野、2017年「OUTREMER/群青」アツコバルー(東京)2018年「zkop: a blessing in disguise」Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix(ロンドン)、2019年「home work」The Third Gallery Aya(大阪)、2021年「いのちのうちがわ」SAI(東京)、2022年「RECORDry」BD Gallry(名古屋)など。 主なグループ展に2016年「六本木クロッシング2016展:僕の身体、あなたの声」森美術館(東京)、「Body/Play/Politics」横浜美術館(神奈川)、2017年「日産アートアワード2017:ファイナリスト5名による新作展」BankART Studio NYK(神奈川)、2019年 「Oh!マツリ★ゴト 昭和・平成のヒーロー&ピーポー」兵庫県立美術館(兵庫)「作家と現在 ARTISTS TODAY」沖縄県立博物館・美術館(沖縄)、「Reborn-Art Festival」石巻(宮城)、2022年「国際芸術祭 あいち2022」常滑(愛知)など。 主な写真集に『okinawan portraits 2010-2012』『絶景のポリフォニー』『adrenamix』、『okinawan portraits 2012-2016』、『いのちのうちがわ』(いずれも赤々舎)、『CAMP』(SLANT)。 
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beccaillustrations · 4 years
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🌸 i just think they’re neat 🌸
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paradiseyuri · 5 years
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✿.。.:* ♀ *.:。✿。:.* ♀ *.。.✿ Created By:||☆仙兵衛☆ respective credits to the creator ✿.。.:* ♀ *.:。✿。:.* ♀ *.。.✿ ⓟⒶⓇⒶⒹⒾⓈⒺ♡ⓎⓊⓇⒾ
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kpd-zero · 6 years
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pls tell me i’m not the only one who liked this guy
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暗闇の先にあるもの/What lies beyond the darkness
Name: 黒田官兵衛 (Kuroda Kanbee)
Artist: 花邑まい
Normal Form
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Skill: 涙で零れた気持ち/Overflowing tears filled with emotions
効果 (kouka)/Effect: Within 5 turns, double attack rate increases by 25%
Awakened Form
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Skill: 涙で零れた気持ち/Overflowing tears filled with emotions
効果 (kouka)/Effect: Within 5 turns, double attack rate increases by 50%
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animepopheart · 7 months
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★ 【兵衛】 「 Wポコポコフェルン 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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jadedinjapanworld · 4 years
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"The Octopus - a Japanese Fisherman Struggles for his Life"
A highly detailed sculpture by an anonymous Japanese artist, as photographed by pioneering Japanese photographer Kusakabe Kimbei (日下部 金兵衛; 1841–1934), ca 1880s-1890s.
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cruelangel94 · 2 months
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Artist By 兵衛
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basarafanworks · 1 year
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後藤又兵衛Forever by No_rule
Written permission personally granted by the Artist Don’t repost without permission or remove credits. ◆ Please, rate this artwork on the Artist’s Gallery~
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qtaroburgerberg · 5 years
i decided to write down the casts kanji! there’s some other name-based trivia in here too, but the main focus is just informing yall of what the kanji mean. i havent written down the WHOLE cast because that would take a while and i doubt they have many fans, but ive added the entire main cast + one or two characters below the cut.
there are some spoilers for 1-2, 2-1 and 2-2 beneath the cut!
Sara Chidouin: 千堂院 紗良 (Chidouin Sara) 千: Thousand 堂: Public chamber, hall 院: Institution, temple, mansion, school
紗: Gauze, gossamer 良: Good, pleasing, skilled
Jou “Joe” Tazuna:  田綱 丈 (Tazuna Jou) 田: Rice field, rice paddy 綱: Hawser, rope, cord, cable
丈: Length, measure, all (one has), merely
Joe’s name is kind of inconsistent in romanization because the kanji in his first name is pronounced “Jou,” but all of the in-game files refer to him as “Joe.” VGperson addressed this by having everyone call him Joe but having Miley call him Jou, since that’s technically his actual name.
Keiji Shinogi: 篠木 敬二 (Shinogi Keiji) 篠: Bamboo grass 木: Tree, wood
敬: Awe, respect, honor, revere 二: Two
A fun bit of trivia is that “Keiji” is also the Japanese word for “Detective,” albeit with different kanji (刑事 as opposed to 敬二).
Kanna Kizuchi: 木津池 神奈 (Kizuchi Kanna) 木: Tree, wood 津: Haven, port, harbor, ferry 池: Pond, cistern, pool, reservoir
神: Gods, mind, soul 奈: Nara, what? 
These are also the first two characters in “Kanagawa” which is a prefecture in Japan. Might be relevant, might be nothing?
Q-Taro Burgerberg: バーガーバーグ Q太郎 (Burgerberg Q-Taro) バーガーバーグ: This is just Burgerberg written out phonetically. Bāgābāgu. It’s written in katakana, which signifies it’s foreign.
Q: It's a Q. What do you want from me. 太: Plump, thick, big around 郎: Son
It should also be noted that 太郎 (Tarou / Taro) is considered a super boring name in Japan. 
There’s also a chance that “Q-taro” is a reference to Jotaro Kujo from JJBA. Apparently there’s an arc where he uses “Qtaro” as an alias? I got this bit from TVtropes so it might not be totally accurate.
There’s ALSO the added pun of it being a reference to barbeque. In the notes that have all the percentages, Q-taro is listed as “B.B Q太郎” in the Japanese version.
I think the takeaway you should be getting from this is that Q-taro’s name is fucking ridiculous.
Sou Hiyori: 日和 颯 (Hiyori Sou) 日和: Perfect weather. Individually, 日 (hi) means “Day,” or “Sun” and 和 (yori) means “Harmony” or “Peace.”
颯: Quick, suddenly. Sou is a pun on "Uso" which means "Lie" though.
Reko Yabusame: 八分雨 澪子 (Yabusame Reko) 八: Eight 分: Part, minute of time 雨: Rain
澪: Water route, shipping channel 子: Child. Also a common feminine ending for Japanese names. Think "Ette"
Reko’s name is romanized pretty inconsistently between “Reko” and “Reco”, but this kanji is pretty clearly “Reko.”
Nao Egokoro: 絵心 菜緒 (Egokoro Nao) 絵心: Artistic taste, desire to paint. Individually, 絵 (e) means “Picture, drawing, painting, sketch” and 心 (gokoro) means “Heart” or “Spirit”
菜: Vegetable, greens 緒: Beginning, inception, cord, strap
Kai Satou: 佐藤 戒 (Satou Kai) 佐: Assistant, help 藤: Wisteria
戒: Commandment
A worthwhile note is the fact that Satou is the most common surname in Japan.
Gin Ibushi: 飯伏 銀 (Ibushi Gin) 飯: Meal, boiled rice 伏: Bend down, bow, cover
銀: Silver
Kazumi Mishima: 三島 和己 (Mishima Kazumi) 三: Three 島: Island
和: Harmony, peace 己: Self
Shin Tsukimi: 月見 真 (Tsukimi Shin) 月見: Viewing the moon. Individually, 月 (tsuki) means “Moon”, and 見 (mi) means “See, hope, chances, idea, opinion, look at,” or “Visible.
真: True, reality
This name is fun because it’s basically the opposite of the real Sou Hiyori’s name. 
“Hiyori” can also be translated as “Sunny Weather” as opposed to “Perfect Weather,” which goes against “Moon Viewing”.  “Sou” is also a pun on “Uso” which means “Lie,” and “Shin” directly translates to “True” or “Truth. 
Basically Shin took the identity of a dude who’s name is the exact opposite of his.
Gashu Satou: 佐藤 我執 (Satou Gashuu) 佐: Assistant, help 藤: Wisteria
我執: Egotism, obstinacy. Individually, 我 (ga) translates to “Ego, I, selfish, our” or “Oneself,” while 執 (shuu) can mean “Tenacious, take hold, grasp,” or “Take to heart.”
I don’t really have a reason for putting Gashu in this list aside from showing yall that his first name literally means “Egotism.” 
However, the fact that Satou is the most common surname in Japan is the reason that people didn’t guess he was Kai’s dad sooner.
Alice Yabusame: 八分雨 ありす (Yabusame Arisu) 八: Eight 分: Part, minute of time 雨: Rain
ありす: No meaning. It’s just “Arisu.” I’m putting it here just so y’all know that it doesn’t mean anything.
Gonbee Yamada: 山田 権兵衛 (Yamada Gonbee) 山: Mountain 田: Rice paddy
権兵衛: John Doe, person of an unknown name. Individually, 権 means “authority”,  兵 means “soldier” or “warfare,” and 衛 means “defense” or “protection.”
Considering this was a fake name it was absolutely so fucking ballsy of Alice to name himself the equivalent of “John Doe.” Yamada is a super common surname too, so it’d kind of be like the equivalent of, uhhh, “Jeandeaux Jones” or something.
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paradiseyuri · 5 years
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✿.。.:* ♀ *.:。✿。:.* ♀ *.。.✿ Created By:||☆仙兵衛☆ respective credits to the creator ✿.。.:* ♀ *.:。✿。:.* ♀ *.。.✿ ⓟⒶⓇⒶⒹⒾⓈⒺ♡ⓎⓊⓇⒾ
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