girlactionfigure · 1 month
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hebrewbyinbal · 1 month
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This comment is real, one of many I receive on a regular basis for being a Jewish voice online, an Israeli, a Hebrew teacher.
My grandparents survived the Holocaust. They lived to share the unspeakable horrors they endured, while many others in my family tragically did not.
Their world was shattered; they arrived in Israel with nothing, my grandmother quite literally swimming to shore after the boat she was on sank.
They built this country from scratch, having so little, enduring struggle and defending it in every war aimed at erasing the Israeli and Jewish presence in our own land.
I was born in this reclaimed ancestral land, granted to us by the UN, yet peace has rarely been part of our existence in Israel, despite our continuous efforts to achieve it.
Since I can remember myself, I've known the sound of sirens, the feel of gas masks, the threat of missile and terror attacks.
The fear of rising anti-Semitism has haunted me from a young age—initially, it was noght terrors about the Nazis, and later, it was radical Islamic groups and Hamas.
I have always feared witnessing a spike in anti-Semitism that will be legitimized and allowed globally, as we are seeing now.
That is why, now is the time to speak out, to challenge and delegitimize anti-Semitism in all its forms.
I nominate @montanatucker and @noatishby to stand with us in this campaign, launched on Yom Hashoah to spotlight the global hatred faced by Jewish people.
Join us! Post a photo with the hashtag #ArtistsAgainstAntisemitism. Tag @jewstalkjustice and @jewishjournal. Hold a sign detailing a hateful message you've encountered, and nominate two friends to keep the message going.
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girlactionfigure · 10 days
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girlactionfigure · 3 days
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Words matter!
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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This is a real comment that I’ve received online, multiple times, for being a proud Jewish voice online.
This is not ok. It can never be normalized. Everyone should stand against it.
We must stand with all Jewish people, especially youth and students, against all forms of antisemitic hate. Anti-Jewish rhetoric has no place in anywhere.
This campaign launched on Yom Hashoah, is meant to raise awareness to the sort of hate Jewish people face around the world.
When the world says Never Again, we must hold them to it.
Hen Mazzig
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girlactionfigure · 9 days
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The pain, suffering, and death of innocents is horrific, no matter what their race, religion, or nationality is.  The war in Gaza does not fit the definition of genocide for many reasons. It is a word that is used incorrectly just like the word Zionist is used as a slur to make fit what ever narrative antisemites wish to push and the word “hostage” is used to describe people who were arrested and are being held in a prison for crimes according to international law.  Words matter.  If there are innocent Palestinians in Israeli prison, OF COURSE they should be released. There are innocent people in prisons around the world. It’s unfortunate and it happens…. EVERYWHERE.  Should ALL prisoners be released from prisons because there MIGHT be a few that are wrongly arrested or convicted? NO! That is absolutely ridiculous.  The agenda being pushed to release ALL prisoners because they are “hostages” and to wipe Israel off the map is absolutely ridiculous.  Anyone with common sense can see the logic isn’t there. Who wants to release a bunch of terrorist murderers from prisons? Not good people that’s for sure.  Who wants to wipe the only Jewish state off the map? Not good people that’s for sure.  Think. Just think.
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girlactionfigure · 10 days
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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Antisemitism only grows stronger when people are silent. So after October 7, I decided to open this account and scream as loud as I could to fight Jew Hate on social media. 
They leave these comments to hurt us. To scare us. To intimidate us and break us until we are too weak and disheartened to keep fighting to spread the truth. But Am Yisrael is not that easily broken. And they have no idea what warrior queen they woke up when they came for my people. 
Let them spew their Jew hate. I’ll keep screaming my truth. 
I stand with Jewish youth against all forms of antisemitism. Antisemitic comments have no place in a healthy and free society.
I nominate @drsheilanazarian@eitanchitayat_words@or_mash and @mihaelaradulescuschwartzenberg to join this campaign and show unity with all those who have been affected by the rise in Antisemitism worldwide, especially on college campuses in recent weeks. 
Post a photo of yourself holding a sign with recent examples of some of the devastating messages of hate you may have faced in the past, and tag two friends to spread the word. 
Never forget. Always remember. And importantly, we must continue to educate and rise above in the face of hate together and through positive initiative. 
@jewstalkjustice @jewishjournal @zushagoldin
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girlactionfigure · 10 days
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Hamas hates humanity.  Its supporters hate it too.
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girlactionfigure · 6 days
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This is the Bibas Family  🎗Shiri and Yarden are parents to two beautiful children 🎗Ariel is 4, he loves Batman 🎗Kfir's first birthday was on January 18 They lived a quiet life at Kibbutz Nir Oz, an agricultural Community in the south of Israel.  But on Oct 7, they were all violently kidnapped by t3rrorists. There were over 40 people m@ssacred by H@mas at Kibbutz Nir Oz on Oct 7, all civillians. Elderly, women and children. This includes Shiri's Family.  There were 253 people violently kidnapped from Israel on Oct 7, 71 of them from Nir Oz. 129 remain in captivity by the t3rrorist group. Released hostage testimony confirmed that there are multiple hostages, male and female, who are being subjected to sexualized violence by their captors. Where are your eyes on the Bibas Family? Where are your eyes on the Hostage crisis? It has been OVER 230 days!  Bring them ALL home now!
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girlactionfigure · 9 days
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This is a partial list, let me know which ones I’m missing in the comments.  The notion that anti-Zionism has absolutely nothing to do with antisemitism is ridiculous when Jews are attacked around the world because of the Hamas-Israel war. The more you attack Jews on the streets in the name of Palestine, the more you destroy our synagogues, the more you deny our history and humanity, the more we will believe Israel must exist.
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