#arturo and david on one side and ace and nico on the other is not where you want to be
accirax · 1 year
On my fetch quest to retrieve Xander's assigned color from the DRDT Demo Video, I noticed something interesting-- where everybody stands in the Class Trial totally changed between the demo video and now???
Here's where everybody stood in the Class Trial during the demo:
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(ignore the colors, they have no meaning) And here's where everybody canonically stands:
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Like I said, almost completely different. Here are a couple of my observations that I thought were most interesting:
Teruko and Eden are the only characters who stayed in the same location. Teruko always stood in front of MonoTV, and Eden was always to her right.
Arei and Hu always stood next to each other.
Veronika and Levi always stood next to each other, although they flipped which order they were standing in.
Originally, Xander was in the position opposite the circle from Teruko. Now, that's where David stands.
I have no idea what any of this might mean, and it might be completely arbitrary. Still, it's interesting what might have been going through the creator's head when they originally chose the demo placements, and then when those placements changed.
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rulanarinrush · 25 days
a few more drdt ch2 thoughts, since i decided to not be lazy for once and rewatch the series for realsies. a follow up to this post.
My thoughts are below the cut. this isn't a definitive theory or anything, just rambling. I'd like to apologize for two things in the original post.
1 I misremembered Levi's family and forgot that he had a father. Sorry for spreading misinfo.
2. My wording in the original post makes it sound like it's completely obvious that a mechanism was used to kill Arei. It could be anything. Sorry if that post sounds brash or conceited.
As always, if there's something completely wrong, you can let me know.
You don't need to read the original post for this post, but I do want to restate some of my thoughts in it in a more concise way.
I think anyone could have taken the grippy tape used for the murder. (this is the part where rose fails the pullups of the recap video). I don't think it disappearing when Ace knocks Eden down is necessarily indicative that Eden or Ace had to take the tape, when it could have simply been knocked to the side, or Eden could have unsuspectingly given the tape to someone. Plus Levi didn't immediately go back to his room as far we can tell from Teruko's perspective, and there's a good chance that anyone in the rooms(but smart enough not to poke their heads out) overheard everything and could have investigated later in the night.
I don't know what's going on with Ace taking the resistance band or Nico (likely) using Hu's wire in their attempted murder of Ace. I imagine that will be elaborated on later.
I think all the motives that I guessed in the original post are still the same. So like Min <--> Xander, Veronika <--> Hu, Levi <--> Arei, David -> Teruko. I think that based on foreshadowing, Veronika and Hu have each other's. (And, assuming either one was telling the truth, they don't have their own based on MonoTV's soft confirmation that he(?) didn't give any of the secrets out correctly. However in the original post I kind of(definitely) messed up by misremembering Levi's family. But I still think that the survivor's guilt secret has to be Xander's because Levi describes his disownment specifically as a good thing, and that he and his family were bad influences on each other. It's not necessarily logically inconsistent for him to both feel immense guilt over their deaths if they died and feel like being disowned was a good thing at the same time, but it feels incongruous with his line at the beginning of the chapter of simply doing "nothing" to grieve. This is also what makes me think that MonoTV intentionally messed up giving out the secrets, because if Xander and Min are dead, why wouldn't you just reveal their secrets as they are? Of course, it could add to the intrigue as it were since the "reveal" technically happens 4 days later, but it still feels strange. (And I think the survivor's guilt secret can't be Min's because she would have no reason to feel pressured to continue being the Ultimate Student if that were the case)
I think the reason Charles specifically refutes the time of death during the cliffhanger is because the note is a fake piece of evidence. Yes, there's only one garbage can on the floor but like... it's paper. You can fold that in your pocket or stick it in your underwear. Or just eat the note. I go into more detail on it in the original post, but basically I don't think it was possible for the killer to have actually known all the information in the note just from eavesdropping. Arei overhears a bit of Arturo's secret, and then intervenes. I think she would have noticed someone eavesdropping or walking past her based on the design of the first floor. The killer could have overheard everything after she intervened, and simply made the conclusion that eden had arturo's secret as he stormed off, and I know that arturo is a character that tunnel visions pretty hard on only the things he cares about, but it feels weird for him to have not noticed someone on his way out. I don't think arei and eden were talking loud enough for someone to have overheard in the cafeteria. and also, the part about a younger sister committing suicide is extremely specific (specifically, "responsible for"). I would not have been able to pull that out of my ass on a whim. I think the murder occurred in a spontaneous confrontation after the david and arei talk, and that's how the killer learned this information. (kind of like dr1 ch2) Supposedly, ASSUMING Ace's account of David and Arei's talk is at least a little accurate, Arei already let it slip that Arturo threatened Eden. I personally don't think it's a super stretch to guess that maybe she let a bit more slip out by accident with someone else. (Also Ace could have saved a bunch of screentime in ep10 if he wasn't so petty lol....). Another thing I want to note is that he says their convo took place at 7:30, the same time as the note. Maybe he's just bullshitting, but I could see this being Charles' "aha" way of leading into all the weird contradictions in this case if the note was actually used. Additionally, the note just feels... off to anyone that knows Eden. It reeks of manipulativeness in the subtext in a way that I think killer Eden would not use. Also, what do you mean "someone else" in the note? (The note is at 58 seconds of ep10) If someone else besides Arturo specifically found out that secret like... who fucking cares? No one really has an incentive to go Eden hunting on Arturo's behalf. This makes me think Arei let it slip that it was a "he" like Eden did, and what the secret is, but not specifically whose secret Eden received. Like an opposite oopsie of her conversation with David.
I still believe some sort of mechanism was used to increase the amount of force used to snap Arei's neck via the gallows, but once again, sorry for making it sound like it's "obvious". I don't know how this mechanism would work, just that it's probably related to the jugs of (likely) fish water.
So now that that's out of the way, here's some of my new thoughts:
The ball of clothes that Charles finds is interesting to me, since the killer used something starch-like to glue that clothes together into a bowling ball like shape, the killer probably didn't have the time to take it apart and just hid it in the dress up room. Anyway, I think the ball of clothes was probably used to get the rope onto the support rafters/beams(?) to elevate either the jugs or Arei(likely the jugs) to a greater height. Either that or it's to extend the rope so that when the rope unravels via the carousel at a very high speed, more force is applied to Arei's neck when she drops. Basically, I think the killer tied the rope to the ball, then threw the ball up towards the ceiling to loop the rope around the beam(? just gonna call it that...) and one time accidentally used too much force while throwing it, damaging the ceiling light. I don't think this is totally unreasonable since while it looks like a bowling ball, clothing is definitely less dense than an actual 13 pounder. Did I pull this outta my ass considering that's a pretty high throw? Yeah. But like, if Levi did it...
I don't remember where I saw something damaged in like this kinda straight line that implies a rope was tied, maybe I hallucinated that so I will not talk about it. (I think i legit just hallucinated an entire clue where paint came off...) But while I don't have any guesses as to what the scuff marks on the ground could be (it could have been a confrontation, but I do think that Arei was probably knocked out in the relaxation room for no other reason than a hunch.) I'm guessing that the reason it looks wonky is bc the killer wanted to cover up a footprint. Hu specifically mentions her heels leave marks, and while hoisting things up, the killer might have dug their heels in to pull the rope. And footprints can tell a lot, especially since everyone supposedly has the same outfit.(beyond just. shoe size.)
wishing myself a very go back in time and tell myself to pay more attention in mechanics class.
anyway. last thing. in episode 2, monotv specifically mentions the ground of the playground is made of the same ground as the turf. So if Arei were pushed to the ground, her body would have bruises but not scratches. This makes sense with Arturo's autopsy. But more importantly, he mentions that the stuff sticks to you, especially when wet. Since the jugs were likely filled with fish water, it's possible the killer stepped in a puddle and got some of the stuff on their shoes. Either that, or the killer took off their shoes because they were well prepared, and it stuck to their socks. or their grippers. don't think too hard about the last one. But anyway, I'm sure the killer learned from Min's jacket hiccup, and if so, that would make Levi extra suspicious since he says he went to do laundry around the time.
I think that's everything I want to say this time. Sorry that this is again so long for something that's just my thoughts and not a good theory. And probably not right. I still think that Levi, Hu, or Ace is the most likely culprit here, with Levi in the lead. Thematically, I don't think it makes sense for Arturo to be the killer since the chapter is about the appearance of being a good person(glitters), since he hasn't really shown an interest in that. Eden doesn't make since(to me) bc of what I said in the original post in that the note is so sloppily discarded. Whit is an absolute wildcard guess pick and while it's possible to create mechanism that breaks a neck while you turn around and aren't a witness to anything, discarding the evidence while walking backwards is a crazy. guess that's just a skill issue for me. Sure there could be an accomplice but I don't think so because I said so. See? No discussion (I'm kidding)
As a joke, I also just want to know. Does anyone know if David ate anything between his talk with Arei and the investigation? I think that realistically he took a sandwich or smth from the kitchen before going to the relaxation room, or ate after talking with Arei, but it would be really funny if Judas showed his "true" colors because he was actually just really hungry without dinner or breakfast. I mean I would also turn into the joker if I went that long without food, so I get it.
Also can someone who knows more about playgrounds explain to me why the fans on the ceiling of the playground spin clockwise instead of counterclockwise. Search engines aren't giving me an answer.
Lastly if dev somehow happens to see this, there isn't a tumblr announcement so I can't really thank you on an account but thanks for working so hard on the rest of chapter 2. I hope your health has improved and your break is restful. And of course, thanks to the staff too.
Here. For making it to the end(sprites belong to drdt dev, and I do not claim the original meme as my own)
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amberinn · 14 days
Guys I have another crazy theory
If Charles dies during chapter 3----
which is something that CAN happen,
(Whit and Charles.....
The chances of them both dying in one chapter are small
The chances of both of dying are good enough
The chances of one of them dying and one surviving are good enough
Personally I've death flagged Whit
I get this feel that Charles has a 50/50 on being a victim, and a survivor.
Whit is chapter 3, 4, and 5 death flag coded to me
additionally he's traitor (red flag) and mastermind (red flag) coded also!
god why am I so certain he will die if I can't imagine his body in front of my eyes?
J has a chapter 4 feel
Arturo chapter 3 feel
Veronika chapter 3 feel
Ace chapter 3 feel
David chapter 5 feel
Teruko survivor feel
Eden survivor feel, chapter 3 feel, chapter 5 feel?
perhaps 6
(Arei had a chapter 2 victim feel, though throughout the chapter I've switched between thinking like 10 people had death flags.
I know nothing)
I can't take a feel on Rose at all
perhaps she's a survivor
I don't have a feel of Nico at all.
they've literally doomed themself though.
might be a survivor.
Levi has always had a chapter 5 death feel to me
Hu Jing chapter 2 (3, 4? early early early... it was SUPPOSED to be early, I think I'll stand with chapter 2.
chapter 3 has too many other feels on it.
chapter 4 has too many other feels on it.
(maybe chapter 4)
fuck goddamnit she's supposed to be dead, to my own understanding, but everyone else fits better)
Whit could like
Like the person Whit could strive to talk to could be David Chiem?
I sound insane to my own ears.
(Nobody sane would want to talk to that man)
Think about it, Charwhit happened like this
Charles is a dickcunt to everyone around him with a stick up his dick
Whit is a chillout guy with a knack for joking around, and getting annoyed with people who think they're horseshit
Charles loves his personal space
Whit ALSO loves Charles personal space and latches himself onto him, to make jokes and make fun of how he seriously thinks he is so superior and all.
Charles is so unbelievable.
He's like.
A guy!
A specific kind of guy.
Whit practically attached himself to Charles hip to have fun, and humble him (is the feel I get)
They both slowly learn about each other via forced proximity
The THING, that turns them both from (man, fuck that guy) to (that is... my closest friend)
is that they're both decent people.
Whit helps out someone who is suffering, gives him alibi, speaks out for him during a high stress situation, makes sure he's decent
Charles APPRECIATES THAT, going as far as to agree to Whit saying they are friends
I don't remember if he did that, but I think he softened his attitude towards him too?
He also CHANGED. for the better.
he understood the importance of relying on someone.
something HAPPENS to them, and the way they deal with that is by helping each other (when no one else would)
Like they're besties rn, literal soulmates (platonic or otherwise)
As a charwhit shipper?
They're my kissing rats, in my headspace I take little figurines of them and have them kiss
I imagine something like lazy mornings, where Whit makes himself some gross type of coffee to wake up and they're in the kitchen and Charles kind of just grabs him like a lover would and spins him around and they're happy
And I imagine Charles laying on the bed with Whit and sort of cuddling one of his thighs to be affectionate while Whit like.
Relaxes? I unno, something something.
Just chillout afternoons
I imagine Charles spooning Whit with his head on top of Whit's hands wrapped around the waist while Whit leans back on him in bed
Watching some kind of movie on a laptop.
Not a horror one!
They would have a feel of a horror one if they weren't.
Charles is not suitable for blood and gore and bodies and etc
Whit is a comedy type of guy (romcom esp)
I've no headcanons what kinda movie it would be, but yeah yeah yeah
I imagine a side hug on a bench in a nice park
God I'm like
Not a Whitvid shipper or a Charuko shipper, but the latter one
latter.. ladder? someone translate the word latter into actual english word.... what do I put to make the sound in my head make sense linguistically?
is canon to me also 🙏
happy day to all those that celebrate, let's have a welcome powercouple solves a trial time while David has an emotional constipation! ~ ✨
Truly the fangan of all time!
Whitvid is not canon to me yet sorry, they just don't have a lovers type of feel (yet, perhaps we still have 4 more chapters to go let's see if they're making out by then /j
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I'm sorry I'm sorry
but like as I was saying
I don't quite believe my thoughts YET, but
Well David is
He has a Charles feel to me
I've already classified him and Charles in the same group!!
The group name is called "people with superiority complex who are behind on life"
David cannot for the life of him think for himself in a way that MAKES SENSE, he yaps and yaps and yaps and yaps and is like
Xander Xander Xander Xander, he stabbed you
you should have known he'd stab you
"Xander stabbed me, he is a bad person.
what kind of divine REASON could he possibly have for hurting me? for wanting to kill me?"
"oh my god shut up 😭" <- David Chiem impression
(nobody would have ever hurt you baby if you didn't bring him up in the first place)
(I know you want to say everything you've never gotten the CHANCE to, but this man is NOT PREPARED for people speaking back!)
like Charles can't cook, or do basic self care shit
David can't get a hold on himself nearby people who irritate him/say things that are TRUE that hurt him deep inside
Neither of them know a couple of things about ~the life basics~
can't keep his mouth shut (girl it's running)
acts like he thinks he's superior enough to just shut everyone who ever wrongs him down
Their lifestyle ensured that
Also David literally speaks down to people like, all the time
Like once again.
again and again and again.
nobody would ever want to search him out.
I'm insane for even theorizing if not suggesting this.
This man....
Needs to be humbled <3
And who better to teach him a lesson than Hu
the guy he hates for existing Let's be real Hu could try, but she would never be able to get through to David
Theorizing potential future dynamic between David and Whit I do not believe in Charwhit seperating early on, or Whit surviving chapter 3 <- princess rat emoji
guys guys guys....
I didn't... like I wasn't crude enough right?
I love ranting and I love like... saying stuff
I didn't come off strong in a bad way right?
you like to read What I'm saying?
what I'm thinking?
I didn't hurt anyone here?
If I did anything to hurt anyone I'm sorry
It GENUINELY escaped my mind
I don't know if I've said anything really bad :(
I don't detect myself having said anything bad, but a heavy rant on a drdt related topic has me having flashbacks
sorry sorry!
it's just I'm the type of person to say my opinion on my own character analysis
I hope I didn't do anything wrong to anyone ... :(
Sigh, okay! okay.
Are we good? Drdt fandom, we alright?
Doing great, no hard feelings?
Okay! Okay!
I can do this
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DRDT Ch 2 Ep 12 First Thoughts
Spoilers under the cut!
I really want to see Teruko beating herself up for how she accidentally derailed the trial, and then someone comforting her about it
“But I’ll fix my mistake” Teruko is really channeling her Min energy here
“It seems like there are still gaps in my knowledge. The range of human stupidity is far greater than I previously thought.” I really like Charles' sense of humor
“You shut your whore mouth!” You know, I’m not really surprised that this was Arturo’s go-to swear here
I assumed that Arturo was some sort of child prodigy who did med school really young, so it’s nice to have that confirmed… though it does make me wonder about the timing of Felicity’s suicide, since she’s supposed to be 3-4 years younger than him
Whit accidentally tripping and making a dent in the wall is giving me very “Mikan tripped and ended up in a fanservice position that was later evidence” vibes. I don’t think that part is just there for a joke, and property damage *is* allowed if it’s for murder purposes
“I don’t have an alibi in the morning. Neither does Charles.” Whit… did you, like, see Charles coming out of his room in the morning or something? How do you know that for sure?
“Am I but a side character to you?” Veronika, I hate to break it to you, but you kind of are at this point in time…
I never really believed that David was lying about having Xander’s secret, and everything he talked about in this episode seems to support that he’s telling the truth
Hu’s response to David is definitely bringing the vibes from her secret quote, so I feel like it’s probably applicable to this chapter somehow. Since her secret quote is “I want to pay for what I’ve done. But even then, I still want to live,” I think this begs the question of “what’s the thing she’s done that she’s referring to?” With that, there’s a few options:
Hu’s secret is either the one about poisoning the competition, or Levi is lying and it’s actually Hu that has the murderer secret. However, I don’t feel like either of these make sense with her “my secret is something that makes me uncomfortable” excuse for why she didn’t reveal it to David
Hu was willingly involved in the murder attempt on Ace, whether by giving Nico her wire to use, or by having made the attempt herself, with Nico actually trying to save Ace and feeling like they have to cover for Hu
Hu was willingly involved in Arei’s murder. If Levi isn’t involved as an accomplice, I could see Hu and Eden working together – we know they’ve been doing the dishes together and so are generally friendly with each other
I really want to know more about Nico and Hu’s breakfast and tea alibi. Hu having interrupted Nico to give it is really sus, and it is in Nico’s best interest to go along with her, since that protects them from being a suspect… but whether or not it really happened, I feel like something’s fishy about it (not that kind of fishy, though)
Levi’s timing for revealing his secret is interesting – why now? If he didn't say anything during the gap in everyone talking, someone else likely would've come up with a topic. Since he’s doing it now, I feel like that means he’s not the killer… unless he is and either isn’t anticipating the reactions he’ll get from everyone or is purposely revealing himself for some reason. If he’s not the killer, maybe he has some insight from his experience that might be helpful. Regardless, I feel like his motivations for revealing this *now* probably have something to with trying to be “a good person”. Of course, he could also be lying and trying to draw suspicion onto himself and away from someone who he might be acting as an accomplice for – but the timing seems odd for that, since they haven’t narrowed down the suspect list very much
J has had a number of “moral high horse” lines throughout this chapter, but it seems like we got a high concentration of them in this episode. Something something “a good person”
This episode also gave a lot of “Charles is the frustrated teacher attempting to get things done while everyone else is the misbehaving class” vibes if we didn't already know what Ellie looked like I would make a joke about him being Teacher
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raspbeyes · 1 year
My reasons for suspecting Levi as killer
So its been some months since ch 2 pt 1 so why not just give some reasons i think levi is my no. 1 suspect atm
(Also know i havent really analyzed the case in detail as well as it being a while since i rewatched so lemme know if there are any glaring flaws in my points.)
Levi has had connections to both murders via one person: Ace/Nico's half murder attempt is pretty obvious, with his beef with Ace as well as being the only one (which tk me is suspect, could be a gundham situation) to react to Ace's yelling in the hallway and come out of his room. As for arei, he does have arei's secret
His connection with eden - the chapter starts off with levi and eden talking in the kitchen. Moroever, he and eden are two of three witnesses to nico's murder attempt. Since eden has a huge role in ch 2, it could be important in relation to eden. (This has no basis, but he could have also overheard eden, arturo, and arei's confrontation, maybe was following eden prior for advice??? He was looking for advice from people regarding ace)
The murder plan for arei may require physical strength -- again not the most well versed into the specifics of ch 2's case but it does seem either the use of the rope or spinny thing may need more physical strength that levi has
One of the few remaining without his secret revealed. There's gotta be some reason levi has held off from expressing which secret is his. Since everyone said their secret and theres so few left, levi should say something if he wants to help but chooses not. This could either be read as deception or defensiveness on Levi's part
Supressed emotions and past. Similar to david but his has come out on two seperate occasions as of now, levi does have a more violent side behind his more patient one. Moreover, his past, while revealed, clearly had a negative impact on him that we may not know the extent of
There could be stuff from the literature girl mv or from the hidden quotes, but for now here are my few reasons. Just wanna say i do love levi (he's literally the reason i got into drdt) but if he's killer, i feel he will at least have a good send off
Also would love to hear any other reasons why or why not levi is killer
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My DRDT Character Ranking
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I’m not going to explain my reasoning for every character but I do want to explain some of them (I’m so nervous to post this but oh well).
-First things first: I don’t dislike any DRDT character. I think they’re all wonderful. However, for characters like Arturo and especially Mai I’m going to need more backstory to like/understand them. I feel like right now I can’t really like Arturo since we don’t know too much about him besides his whole beauty shtick, which I honestly don’t find all that funny most of the time. I really want to know what the deal with his sister is, though. As for Mai…We don’t know much about her at all, so she’s just kinda meh for me right now. I like her design, though.
-I’d be lying if I said Ace wasn’t on a whole tier of his own. The sheer amount of Ace content on this blog probably proves that. He’s definitely morally questionable, but that makes him so much more interesting to me!! I feel like most of the fanbase either loves or despises Ace, and I’m definitely on the love side. Not because he’s hot (He was my favorite even when he had that Jimmy Neutron hair style), but because I think his mentality and personality have so much depth and are so much fun to analyze and think about.
-I’m one of the people who only started really liking David after Ch. 2 Ep. 11. I thought he was interesting and all that before, I still liked him, but Ep. 11 David is so entertaining and I was cackling at most of his lines (Especially the ‘What else do you want, Teruko, my hand in marriage?’ and ‘Who cares about your stupid fish?’ Lines).
-Whit is probably one of my biggest DRDT kins, since I often deflect with humor and really like puns. Honestly I’m surprised he’s not my favorite character. I really hope he gets an arc about how it’s okay to be sad and stuff. I definitely think Whit’s going to be a survivor, but he may lose Charles along the way.
-J definitely has my favorite design of the cast, so she gets extra points for being very pretty. But I think her backstory is pretty cool, too, and I totally relate to hating dresses. In my opinion, they are pure evil and made only to make you suffer. >:(
-I really like how Eden isn’t portrayed to be naive or anything, she knows the world can be evil, but she chooses to see the good anyway. Pure sunshine characters like Eden usually get on my nerves, but she strikes the balance between optimistic but not ridiculously optimistic just right.
-If Min hadn’t died so early on, I probably would’ve put her even higher, but not seeing her character as much as I’ve seen the others definitely works to her detriment for me. Her bonus episode was super interesting, though, and I think she’s super cool overall. I love her design, too, because I’m a sucker for baggy clothing in character designs.
-I feel like I could grow to like Xander more, since it seems like he had some sort of role in the killing game in his bonus episode, but much like Min, limited screen time brings him down a bit. I think that since mirroring chapter 1 of TTH is such a common thing in fangans, I was sort of expecting him to die right away and therefore didn’t let myself get too attached. It was still a really cool spin on the chapter one THH murder, though.
-I have a love-hate relationship with Teruko. I love her because she really stands out among the hopeful, optimistic protags that we usually get. I hate her because thanks to her not trusting anyone, we can’t get close to other characters and learn more about them like we usually would. One time this really bothered me was when Ace was revealing Nico tried to kill him in the cafeteria, but we didn’t get to see most people’s initial reactions because Teruko left the room. But I still really like her despite all that, and I think her arc is going to be very interesting to watch.
-I really like Nico, they’re just not my favorite. Which is kinda weird since Ace and Nico are so similar, yet they’re at opposite ends of the list. I definitely think I’m going to grow to like Nico more, especially now that they tried to kill Ace. I can’t wait for the new character depth we’ll see from them.
-MonoTV is definitely one of my favorite fangan mascots ever. It’s both funny and has a creative design, and they casted the voice actor for it perfectly.
Aaaaaand that’s it. I really love the whole cast of DRDT so honestly the tier list was sort of hard to make. While my opinions will undoubtedly change in the future, I think this is a pretty accurate ranking for me at this point in time.
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Bonus Episodes + Other Questions
Briefly, I will open up the askbox again, because I think there may be some questions.
You can send in questions here. A Tumblr account is not needed to ask questions.
There may be chapter 1 spoilers.
Anonymous asked:
Can we get color palettes for the characters? It's hard to get the right colors from the sprites since there are so many gradients, and not every character has a CG. Sorry to inconvenience you.
I color pick from sprites, because when the gradient is removed it may make certain colors look lighter... But if that isn’t a concern for you, then I will provide flats.
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Anonymous asked:
What each of the cast member’s clothing preferences? I want to do fan art of them in casual clothing, so I’m pretty curious! 
Sorry, I have a bad fashion sense and it may limit my responses, but I’ll try to answer to the best of my ability
Eden: She enjoys cute fashion, but she also enjoys wearing androgynous style clothes.
J: Refuses to wear feminine things. Likes dark colors and hoodies.
Teruko: Her fashion sense diverges from what she’d actually wear. Secretly she wants to wear girly, cute things, but is unable to afford that kind of thing. She likes skirts.
Nico: Like Teruko, wants to wear girly things but doesn’t due to external factors
Hu: Wears modernized casual hanfu. She also likes long skirts
Veronika: Complicated, lolita-like fashion
Min: She cares more about practicality than looks. She wears comfortable clothing
Levi: Fashionable
Arturo: Something that appears expensive... Designer clothes, faux high fashion
Whit: A similar style to the clothes that he is current wearing
Arei: Cute,Girly
Ace: Sporty
Charles: Semi-formal, but he doesn’t care too much about appearance
David: Semi-formal. ‘professional’ and stylish look
Rose: Eccentric and colorful, and not delicate
Anonymous asked:
This question doesn’t relate to the episodes, but rather the comic: would you say that the comic is also canonic and prior to the events of drdt? 
No, it was just a joke.
Anonymous asked: 
Was the Ultimate contest for eminent students part of the Korean Hope’s Peak, and then Min later came to america?
Currently there is no confirmation that Korea has built a Hope’s Peak. I think there may be some assumption that because someone has a foreign name, they can’t be american nor have grown up in america. This isn’t really true.
Stated explicitly, every member of the cast is American, and has spent a significant portion of their childhood growing up in the US.
That being said, Min has always been serviced by america’s Hope’s Peak. Whenever DRDT references Hope’s Peak, it will almost always be in reference to the American ones.
Anonymous asked:
Why Xander has both eyes? What happend to his eyepatch?
Xander presumably received his eye injury shortly before the start of the the events of DRDT, so it’s not like he had it for most of his life.
Anonymous asked:
sorry im so confused... is chariton like, a country that xander is from or something?
Chariton is a fictional town in an unspecified state in the US. North C is a city that is north of Chariton, in the same state. Both receive water from Chariton River (also fictional) that flows from north to south. 
There is a real town and a real river named Chariton but that is an unintended coincidence.
Anonymous asked: 
Is there gonna be more Bonus episodes? 
That is all there is for now. More bonus episodes may come after chapter 2.
Anonymous asked: 
Is there a fully body for Xander's casual outfit in the bonus episode? I think it looks really awesome!
Anonymous asked:
Do you have a rough estimation of the next chapter release? It’s ok if you don’t!
No to both, sorry. Regarding the second thing I am so early on in the production process that I cannot even begin to fathom a release date.
Anonymous asked:
Are both "unnamed students" the same person given that they have the same voice actor? Or is it just a coincidence? Also, why is Nico called "Nico Kasabyan" in the prologue? Was that his original name?
1. Same person
2. That was a mistake
Anonymous asked:
Not exactly an important question, but did Ace’s hair turn more dull?
Yes. He is getting a little sloppy with his hair dye maintenance, and/or he stopped caring.
Anonymous asked:
What year does this take place?
I don’t want to be too specific with dates nor places lest I accidentally invoke some real-life associations. DRDT takes place 70-80 years after the events of Danganronpa, somewhere in the US. That’s about specific as it gets.
Although you’d expect things to be very different after almost a century, much of that time was devoted to rebuilding post-Tragedy, so it is about analogous to our present day.
Anonymous asked:
Will Duke Spurling be mentioned in the main story at all? The story in the side episodes intrigue me a lot, and it makes me wonder if they’ll ever cross over.
I should clarify that the bonus episodes being “not plot important” doesn’t mean that none of the content will show up in the main story, just that if any events in them are plot important, then they will be also discussed as necessary within the story themself. That is to say, you can skip them and still understand the main story.
I do realize now this may be misleading wording on my part, so I apologize. That being said, some of the people and events mentioned, particularly in the second episode, may come up in the story... sometime in the distant future... Please remain patient!
koivoid asked:
How many students were in East Class 27? 
16 students, with (including) one randomly selected Ultimate Lucky Student. This is standard for all Hope’s Peak classes, with very few exceptions. In addition the classes are always “evenly split by gender” (in theory).
Anonymous asked:
are Nico's eye fades red or gray? Cause I noticed some inconsistencies between the videos and cast page. I'm not sure if it's intentional or the cast page is old and needs to be updated.
I changed them to gray after seeing that too many characters already had red eyelashes, but I haven’t updated the cast page. If there are any discrepancies within the cast pages or photos, they’re usually insignificant.
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While much can be said about the seismic shift of music being predominantly available via streaming services nowadays, the lack of packaging for releases has most affected a sub-culture of art—the album cover. Back when vinyl was king, the idea of the album cover went from being an obvious marketing tool to being an outlet for artists that included photographers, early graphic designers and illustrators.
One of the earliest and most iconic album covers was from Elvis Presley’s self-titled 1956 debut that had the King’s name in neon green and pink framing an image of him shot by William V. “Red” Robertson during a Presley gig at the Fort Homer Hesterl Armory in Tampa, FL, on July 31, 1955. The Clash (1979’s London Calling), Big Audio Dynamite (1995’s F-Punk) and k.d. Lang (2006’s Reintarnation) would later pay homage to it via releases of their own.
A&M Records future art director Peter Whorf came up with the concept for Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass’ epic 1965 release Whipped Cream & Other Delights. For the shoot that took place in Whorf’s converted garage/studio, he had pregnant model Dolores Erickson pose in her bikini with the straps pushed down and immersed in shaving cream (whipped cream ran and smelled under the hot lights and was only used on top of the subject’s head and tip of the index finger she touched her lips with).
Andy Warhol jumped into the world of album cover art in the 1950s, when he was hired by labels such as RCA and Prestige to provide imagery for albums by Vladimir Horowitz, Arturo Toscanini, Count Basie and Thelonious Monk. Fast forward to the late 1960s and early 1970s, and the art legend was coming up with his most iconic work. These included the 1967 debut album The Velvet Underground & Nico (which featured a peel-away version of a Warhol print of a banana on the cover) and The Rolling Stones epic 1971 outing Sticky Fingers (complete with a working zipper for the close-up image of a jeans-clad male crotch). Warhol’s later designs included the 1977 Stones concert outing Love You Live, Billy Squier’s 1982 studio effort Emotions in Motion and the posthumous 1986 John Lennon collection Menlove Avenue.
Among pop artists who got into the album cover game early were Peter Blake and Jann Haworth, who created the image for the 1967 Beatles opus Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The photo shoot suggested the band had just played a concert in the park as their alter-egos and featured a group of whatever concert-goers the Fab Four wished. Life-sized cutouts of famous people that were used included Marlon Brando, Tony Curtis, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Oscar Wilde, Marilyn Monroe, Bob Dylan, Sonny Liston and wax figures of Beatlemania era band members borrowed from Madame Tussauds.
English art design group Hipgnosis (Storm Thorgerson, Aubrey Powell and later Peter Christopherson) had a number of significant commissions by numerous groups including T. Rex, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Yes, The Police and AC/DC. They arguably enjoyed their greatest success via their work with Pink Floyd. Aside from Atom Heart Mother, Meddle, Obscured By Clouds, Animals and Wish You Were Here, the Thorgerson/Powell duo’s most impactful design was for 1973’s Dark Side of the Moon, which was a minimalist presentation featuring a prism with a color beam projected through it inspired by a picture Thorgerson found in a photography book.
The late David Bowie’s love of art found him heavily involved with album designs that led to his using shots by photog friend Mick Rock for 1972’s The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars and 1973’s Pin Ups. Photography presented the most direct way of creating album cover art. The simplicity of this discipline yielded 1975’s Born to Run, which centered on an Eric Meolao shot of Bruce Springsteen leaning on saxophonist Clarence Clemons in a pose replicated by Cheap Trick on 1983’s Next Position Please. In the 1980s, Madonna would work with Steven Meisel (1984’s Like a Virgin) and Herb Ritts (1986’s True Blue).
The 1991 Nirvana album Nevermind, which showed a naked baby boy floating alone underwater with a U.S. dollar bill on a fishhook just out of his reach, was as shocking as the music contained within. The inspiration was a program on waterbirths that band members Kurt Cobain and Dave Grohl were watching it proved to be one of the last gasps of album cover innovation before it was rendered moot by streaming music.
Long Island Weekly's Dave Gil de Rubio discusses some of the most iconic album cover art through the ages. While much can be said about the seismic shift of music being predominantly available via streaming services nowadays, the lack of packaging for releases has most affected a sub-culture of art—the album cover.
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accirax · 10 months
DRDT vs. The Scrum Debate
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Greetings party people (<- DRDT fan community). By complete accident, I wound up writing some analysis addressing DRDT's Chapter 1 Scrum Debate and what it might mean for the future of Chapter 2. Although it can no longer be used in the exact context for which I originally wrote it, there were still some interesting things to note, so I thought I'd share.
So, here's the question I'll pose: whenever DRDT's Chapter 2 Scrum Debate eventually appears, can we deduce who the killer is by which side of the Scrum Debate they're on? (DRDT spoilers, obviously, as well as V3 spoilers.)
Let's start out with the facts of DRDT so far. I'll recap the Scrum Debate using this formatting: the person listed first is the one who speaks first, on the team opposite the protagonist. The person listed after the arrow (->) is the person who countered them from the protagonist's team. The team whose opinion is proven correct by the end of the Trial will have their names in green, while the incorrect team will be listed in red. The killer is bolded. The protagonist is underlined. The protagonist's side always wins, so I'm not additionally marking that in any special way. I'll list anyone who doesn't talk at the bottom, and cross their name out (name) if they're dead.
DRDT Chapter 1 Scrum Debate
Question: Is Teruko the culprit? (yes/no) J -> Nico David -> Whit Veronika -> Rose Levi -> Ace Hu -> Eden Arei -> Arturo Min -> Teruko No lines: Xander, Charles
In this case, Xander didn't speak in the Scrum Debate (because he's dead) and neither did Charles (because he was having a mental breakdown). As it stands so far in DRDT, the "pattern" is that the killer, Min, spoke and was on the team opposite from Teruko. She was countered by Teruko herself, even!
Therefore, you could say that "the killer will be someone who argues on the opposite side of the protagonist, and possibly even whoever is countered by Teruko. If your killer pick winds up on Teruko's team, it's bad news for you."
However, it's hard to find a pattern in only one example. Now, we'll see if those assumptions hold true when compared to the OG of Scrum Debates, the canonical Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.
V3 Chapter 1 Scrum Debate
Question: Is Shuichi the culprit? (yes/no) Kiyo -> Gonta Miu -> Kaito Maki -> Kirumi Ryoma -> Kiibo Kokichi -> Kaede No lines: Rantaro, Angie, Tenko, Tsumugi, Himiko, Shuichi (^ Unlike what's been shown in DRDT so far, in V3, characters' death portraits are assigned to a side of the Scrum Debate. That is what these colors note for Rantaro right now, and other dead students below.)
V3 Chapter 2 Scrum Debate
Question: When was the body put in the piranha tank? (in the morning/at night) Tsumugi -> Angie Kiyo -> Himiko Miu -> Kaito Kokichi -> Shuichi Gonta -> Maki Kirumi -> Tenko No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kiibo
V3 Chapter 3 Scrum Debate
Question: [Should we] Vote for Korekiyo [now, or discuss it further]? (vote now/discuss further)* Himiko -> Kiibo Miu -> Shuichi Kaito -> Kiyo Gonta -> Kokichi Maki -> Kiyo Tsumugi -> Shuichi No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko (*Although the team that said vote for Kiyo now would have technically been correct, given that he did kill Tenko and Angie, it's generally good practice to discuss every piece of evidence in a Class Trial in case something strange comes up last minute. Thus, I will call the team that said they should discuss further correct. If you disagree with this verdict, just flip the colors in your mind.)
V3 Chapter 4 Scrum Debate
Question: Could Gonta have committed the crime? (no/yes) Kaito -> Shuichi Tsumugi -> Kokichi Maki -> Kiibo Kaito -> Shuichi Kaito -> Kokichi Himiko -> Kiibo Gonta -> Shuichi No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Kiyo, Miu
V3 Chapter 5 Scrum Debate
Question: Which one is dead? (Kokichi/Kaito) Kiibo -> Shuichi Himiko -> Maki Tsumugi -> Maki Kiibo -> Shuichi Himiko -> Maki Tsumugi -> Shuichi No lines: Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Kiyo, Miu, Gonta, Kokichi, Kaito
Oof, my man Ryoma cannot catch a break. And Miu is only correct once she's dead; that's pretty funny.
Now, let's answer some questions! As established by v3...
Does the blackened have to be on the opposite team from the protagonist? No, Kiyo argued on Shuichi's side in Ch3!
Does the blackened have to be countered by the protagonist in their Class Trial? No, Kirumi, Kiyo, and Kaito were never countered by Shuichi!
Is the blackened always on the incorrect side of the Scrum Debate? No, Kaede, Kiyo*, and Kaito answered correctly!
Does the blackened have to speak in the Class Trial? No, Kaito didn't say anything, as himself or as Kokichi!
(Granted, Kaito not speaking was a very special circumstances that will in all likelihood never apply to DRDT, much less in this Class Trial. And, of course, Kaede wasn't countered by the protagonist either, but given that she was the protagonist at the time, that would have been basically impossible.)
With these answers, I think we can confirm that, in general, you cannot determine who the killer of a given Trial is based on where they're placed in the Scrum Debate. As established by V3, they can talk on the side of the protagonist, talk against the protagonist, or not talk at all, and they can still be the killer. It makes sense that it would be this way, or else you could start calling the killer as early as the first episode of the Trial, depending on the Scrum Debate's placement.
However, that's not to say that you can never infer things from the evidence you're given. In a well written Class Trial (which DRDT has, in my opinion), a killer is always looking to support their end goals in subtle ways. In V3, all of the killers acted in the way that made the most sense to them based on the question asked: Kaede wanted to protect Shuichi and everyone else, Kirumi wanted others to think the truth of the murder was impossible, Kiyo wanted to extend the Trial to evade a guilty verdict, Gonta genuinely believed he was innocent, and Kaito didn't tip the scales by commenting on one side or another. Of course, that begs the question: what will DRDT's Scrum Debate be about?
Personally, I think it will be about whether Arei met with the killer at 7:30 PM or 7:30 AM, and will happen almost immediately once episodes resume. Thus, in that specific scenario, I find it likely that DRDT Chapter 2's killer will once again be on the team opposite Teruko. Presumably, the killer would want to argue that the time was 7:30 PM, because they likely left AM or PM off of the note intentionally because they had an alibi at night. If we assume that Teruko would side with Charles in saying that the time was 7:30 AM, playing into her feeling that something about David being the blackened is wrong, then that would put her on the (likely correct) AM team, opposite the killer.
An interesting side note about this theory for the Scrum Debate's subject is that it's really similar to V3's Chapter 2 Scrum Debate question. V3 Ch2 asked whether Ryoma's body was placed in the Gym in the morning or at night, and DRDT's may ask if Arei's body was put in the Playground in the morning or at night. Similarly, "is Shuichi the culprit" and "is Teruko the culprit" are almost identical questions, down to the person suspected being the innocent eventual protagonist who was only put into this precarious position by their trigger-happy bestie.
If this pattern holds up, we might expect DRDT's subsequent Scrum Debates to ask us whether we should make an impulsive or cautious decision, something about someone's personality as it pertains to the crime, and which of two people is dead/the culprit. Does that information get anyone theorizing? I certainly think it's interesting idea.
Well, whatever happens, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about once Episode 12 does eventually dropped. Thanks for checking this out, and hopefully I can post more properly planned DRDT content soon.
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I saw your theory about David manipulating Nico into killing (or trying to) kill Ace. And I might as well drop my two cents into your inbox. This is in no way to denounce your theory, you raise some very good points, but I do want to play devil's advocate when you said feel free to point out some holes in your theory. Plus, I'll never pass up the chance to be a David apologist or ramble about drdt. So
*cracks knuckles*
I was speaking with someone else about David's plan to 'fight against the motive' and how it did more harm than good when episode 11 came along and everyone (but Hu) connected the dots. While it's flat out confirmed David wanted to start up the killing game again, something about it gives me a gut feeling that there was a small part of him that wanted to help. If we go back to the scene where everyone is fighting and he's sitting, trying to block out fight? sorta? or was just getting stressed over it, you can see the stars fading as the fight intensifies. His secret about family depression feels more blurted out of frustration rather than him thinking straight. I'll give him a free pass on this, since I don't think he could've really known what his true secret was, cause you can even see he was visible shocked when Arei confronted him
So what does this have to do with anything? I speculate David's plan was a half assed, lazy plan but still better than what the others could've done. Not share secrets and wait for them to be revealed. Which would stir up conflict since no one was able to explain the context behind them. Or share the secrets without the person's permission and have another Arturo and J situation upped to the other 12 students. I also think David is playing the role of the 'big bad guy' right now, and just spewing out whatever the cast wants to hear, therefore not necessarily saying his true feelings. There is some room to think that he had good intentions, but his laziness resulted in him not thinking the plan through (like his false secret, it was blurted more out of desperation) and ended up causing more harm than good
What I won't excuse is that David and Hu outted Nico. Granted, David didn't know what Nico's secret was, nor had prior knowledge it was LGBT related, but still was a shitty thing to do. But look at what happened between Nico and Ace seconds before David speaks up
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Nico already said they wanted to kill Ace without anyone interfering. It wasn't until Nico said this that David spoke up about Nico sharing their secret. While this is a double edged sword in my side. Either
David did want to ease tension between these two cause he was also startled when Nico flat out said "I'll kill you" towards Ace
David saw this as a 'window of opportunity' and only fueled the tiny spark with more gasoline
For me, I thought the timing of these events (and Hu even going as far as slapping Ace) makes me believe in the first option. David did go after Nico even after the goal was reach (reveal Nico's secret so Ace wouldn't have more power over them). While Hu had good intentions when she wanted to comfort Nico, I do want to believe there is some legroom for David also wanting the same thing. He might not have anything planned for Arei when her breakdown was spontaneous (how could he know what her secret was and it would lead into an emotional breakdown?) and it might've been the case for Nico as well
I also think David didn't gain much of Nico's trust yet. Nico still holds a grudge against David, and I doubt Nico would've let someone he's mad at talk them into killing someone, even after they cooled down from it
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They know that David is suspicious and they are rightfully mad at him. Even if David tried to cover his act up with a nice guy persona, Nico still is pissed. They squeaked out an "I wasn't ready" and David flat out ignored it. I doubt David gained enough of Nico's trust to try to get him to kill Ace
If anything, I think Nico would try to kill Ace just cause he royally pissed them off. Nico may not seem like the type of murder without an outside assist, but without anyone stepping in, he was already looking at Ace with murderous intent
While the last two people being with Nico was David and Hu, and it does raise a lot of suspicion on both of them, I do want to throw in what I believe in regards to your theory. Anyways, ummm.....yeah. Have a nice day, drink water, and all that jazz <3
OH MY GOD MY FIRST INBOX-MESSAGE-THINGY!!! (I’m very excited right now, I’m case you can’t tell).
But to answer your message, you’re right. David probably wouldn’t have been able to manipulate Nico too much, since it’s pretty clear they didn’t trust him before and especially now.
That…Is quite a big hole in my theory. So while I think David and Hu played some sort of role in what happened, I’m willing to disregard the theory that David was the main catalyst of the event.
But now that I’m thinking about it a bit more…I think no one manipulating Nico is definitely more interesting, anyway.
After all, this chapter is all about people not being what they seem. The chapter title is literally ‘All that glitters’ (as in, ‘not all that glitters is gold’). Something’s immediate appearance does not speak for its true nature.
Whit even makes a point to say in one of the very early episodes of chapter 2:
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No one here is a walking stereotype, or quite how they seem at first glance.
J and David are obvious examples, since J, a tomboy who immediately tells us she hates actors and girly things, is actually the daughter of a famous actress, and David is expected to be upbeat and positive because of his profession, yet actually has a quite sad and depressing outlook on the world.
Charles, as Whit says, isn’t ‘just some asshole all the time’.
I mean, Ace ACTUALLY had helpful evidence this trial! Very unexpected.
Okay I was (kinda) joking about that last one, but still. Nico not being what everyone sees at face value, which is an innocent person who needs to be protected, would fit in with the theme of this chapter.
Maybe Hu or someone else will go down my train of thought and accuse David of manipulating Nico, which, knowing David, he would admit to even though it’s not true, and eventually Nico has to prove that, yes, they are indeed capable of not being shy and innocent all the time. And they tried to kill Ace completely of their own accord.
Anyways, thank you for the inbox-message-thingy! This was very exciting to respond to!
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rulanarinrush · 25 days
d/rdt rewatch ch2 part 2. please do not interact if you find this
i don't talk about j a lot but what arturo does is genuinely creepy, and unfortunately something so many women are familiar with
whit: not a relationship counselor
"why so boyish and rude?" oh misogyny welcome back to 2080
eden, while i do get your sympathy for him after receiving his secret, j is definitely the one you should take the side of here. stalking gets nasty really fast, even if you ignore the misogynistic comments
veronika+nico is kind of cute...
nico, you should know ace is a sensitive boyo..., too self-aware to try to improve
"you're not really fighting with nico because you care about what [they] say(s). After all, it's not like you ever valued [their] opinion in the first place." you're afraid you'll be next.
"when i was in middle school, people would send me boxes with a bunch of rope on my birthdays and tell me to go kilI myself, all the time. You're totally doing the same thing."
"failed hanging attempts are pretty painful"
"sorry im late" EVERY DAY DAVID
charles is learning how to cook
i like how arei makes a face at david's "secret reveal". more foreshadowing i missed
"imagine it as a confession of sorts" OH JUDAS GOT JOKES NOW
"but even though you want to prevent murders just as much as i do" OH JUDAS 2 ALSO GOT JOKES
teruk/o and arturo being reluctant to share
whit: bi, cheated on 10th math and history final, chronic shoplifter. JUDAS 3 GOT JOKES WITH THE "I AINT KNOW WHAT MY SECRET IS"
still a weird motive for murder but whatever
oh i forgot this. as soon as whit leaves david tells them they should tell other people what their secret is
who's vs whose
just noticed with all these conversation of clocks the sun rotates counterclockwise in the corner
arei your voice please spare my eardrums
david and teruko: twiddling their thumbs as arei berates eden
" i can't stand nice people like her unless I can see them suffering"
david: wlw hostility scares me
"my older sisters made my life hell. i repaid them. that's hell."
"...other than for no reason other than it was fun."
"and if i had to go to the hospital once or twice, that was nothing more than an inconvenience to them"
"my sisters taught me that we live in a dog-eat-dog world. if you're sick of having to drag your face through shit and mud, then all you have to do is step on other people until you reach the top."
"Kindness is weakness"
I'm not a cruel person. I'm just trying to survive. I lied, earlier. I didn't really enjoy seeing eden cry, nor did I enjoy making her feel bad. I was only trying to help her.... only strong survive. If Eden doesn't realize that soon,... she's going to suffer for it. "
"It's not fair that she can be kind and trusting, that's not how it was for me!"
David turning up his charisma to 100
She lived most of her life in the same place.
Self-awareness huh arei
blush on david when arei's not looking
painting goes hard. dev is very talented
show me the others rose... i want to see min's execution again
"My dreams... mix into one until i can no longer tell what's real"
"When I paint I ramble a lot"
"I refuse to show weakness"
"I wanted to be a greater painter when I was a kid, but none of my original stuff sold well"
"family runs a hair salon and we were short on funds all the time"
"one particularly careless buyer ended up leading the trail back to me. caught at 15. bailed out by richard spurling, billionare founder of spurling foundation
"anything i make belongs to them now"
"to be honest, I'm not happy with my life now. Working to pay off my mistakes, and never being able to call my art my own, this isn't a life any artist, or anyone would want."
"It's been so long that I don't think I remember how to paint something original anymore. spark of vitality is missing, and I'm missing a part of myself."
"there's no value in the creations of someone who's fallen so far from artistry." "the only thing i can get out of art is catharsis." that line actually kinda hurt me a little as someone who writes fanfic specifically because it has no value and because it brings me and me alone catharsis, and my art, no matter how derivative, saved my life. but i get the intent of the line.
"I thought it would be rude to interrupt" now you care /verylighthearted
"I want to be an artist" AND HERE COMES JUDAS 4(Nico)
"constantly picking on someone weaker than you"
i like how david uses this window of opportunity to reveal their secret rather than immediately give it back to them like it rightfully is as soon as nico said "i don't want to." mai and david sitting in a tree,
"rose what do you think i should do?" about what levi put the subtext in the sentence
"I was worried you would pick up rocks and start throwing them at me"
"usually people call me special in a derogatory way"
"So then revealing your secret was a good thing right?" nico: um no david: ANYWAY
david: i don't want to force you. that would defeat the purpose
nico: man ur a bitch
*hu's westernized name is julia. interesting to me because I've always thought jing was a more common given name
"supposedly, the water was so still that it perfectly reflected the sky and the many butterflies that flew above the lake during those quiet morning hours" no wonder you have mental health issues your parents were fuckign morning people
j drags teruko into the changing rooms and teruko threatens her wit a knife
"who's there! i know you've been following me"
"about the arei thing, we made up! so everything's fine. you aren't going to pry?"
can hear sound from gym to elevator
nico runs away, but doesn't "confirm" guilt until trial
stepstool, broom, wire, blade
sticky tape disappears when eden gets knocked down. could mean eden or ace took it, or it got kicked away
Levi comes out of his room after hearing the commotion. Eden and Teruko arrived first. "I'm not going to kill you now or ever. except arei she's different."
"Why do I even bother?" Levi walks away but does not go back to his room. Teruko leaves for her room first and does not track where Eden goes.
ep 7
Hu: I'm Nico's #1 defender. if there are no nico defenders left, i am dead
gym is still closed by noon of next day. rose wanted to go to the gym
pullup reveals that grippy tape is missing. also reveals that nico used painting excuse to steal turpentine from rose. it is still missing.
crack in the furthest wall from the door of the computer lab
charles and whit ramble about machine-learning algorithms
veronika left her "weapon" for everyone to use (horror collection, in the form of dvds)
min discussion makes teruko wound up
whit: "saying you don't care about the people you lost to move on? Sounds good"
charles: wat
"childhood amnesia" charles:... teruko:.... charles: .... teruko: PLOT CONVIENCE
whit sends david off to the relaxation room, where he will have his confrontation with arei (also, does that mean david hasn't eaten in like. 20 hours? Since they normally don't eat breakfast before the morning announcement?)
veronika sneaks up on teruko while she's eating and watching a movie, and gets punched on reflex
veronika determines teruko has prosopagnosia
"im someone who gets bored very easily. that's why when i find something that gets me excited, i get addicted. i can't help it. but at the end of the day, fiction is only fiction. the idea that i could screw up my life beyond repair... that's exciting to me"
Eden's plan to bore the audience probably won't work cuz the hidden quote implies as much.
"I said I'd like to live here. But it's not like I want the killing game to continue. It makes ppl suffer." veronika :3
"My idea is far too risky... I might a well decide to wait for a murder... they should bear the brunt of the consequences. You'll figure out when another murder occurs."
"I'm worried about the motive reveal, my receiver hasn't reached out to me, and i have too many secrets as opposed to too little." (Wants to hide herself)
"What about u veronika? know ur secret and ok w/ the others knowing?"
veronika used obfuscate!
"I do know which secrets I gave to which person. I just don't know who each secret was originally about."
"Do you really think she'd be hanging out in the playground now?"
"Teruko, wait" is interesting. comes from eden. we don't know what that would be for.
*lights flicker occasionally from the broken light.
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