corpse-dancer · 4 months
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swiftcast-selene · 7 months
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Day 3: Free day
now that he doesn't have to survive off scraps, Negi'll be the first to admit he's gotten a little... spoiled. turns out having someone to help out makes traveling a lot easier... who would've thought?
(featuring @duisarcusxiv's Sagra!)
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duisarcusxiv · 2 months
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Day 11: Duality~
You cannot control how people view you, only how you present yourself to the world. Sagra does his best, but there are times where violence is necessary.
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lightparty-fullparty · 6 months
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Cover Art for the first arc of Light Party - Full Party.
I'm allowed to be self indulegent with my own fanfic. Edda deserves all of the cool art and goddammit I will make it myself if I have to.
Textless version below cut!
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barnaby-wyznfarr · 2 years
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An illustration of my Barnaby Wyznfarr and a friend's character, Alani Arulaq! Characters are from Final Fantasy XIV.
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bunnipuff · 1 year
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some assorted little guys for my own viewing pleasure :)
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paintedscales · 10 months
006. Arulaq
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The day of the Naadam has come, and during her time there, Nomin's attention is brought to a tribe she had never seen nor heard of before thanks to Yul's excited observations. Though not much is learned from the Oroqi individuals who have traded with the Arulaq in the past, there is hope that Nomin might one day travel to see the valley they come from.
Word Count: 3,088
Steppe by Steppe Chapter List
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The day of the Naadam had come all too quickly for Nomin. That was how it felt to her at any rate when she woke up to the excited chatter and commotion of both Sagahl and Oroq. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes and removing herself from the cover of her blankets, Nomin squinted about the ger, catching sight of Bayarmaa organizing a good portion of belongings into a crate, meanwhile, Esenaij was nowhere to be seen in the abode.
No matter… What really made Nomin pause to consider the day was the fact that on this morning, she would have undergone her naming ceremony with the other previously unnamed Tumet children. Part of her wondered amongst those fleeting thoughts of what she would have been named had she gone back. Yet she had her name, she chose it, and she was more than fine with that.
She was…no…she is Nomin.
Still, as Nomin sleepily removed herself from her bed and stretched, she thought back to previous Naadams that she could remember. She remembered going to higher ground to witness the Tumeti warriors partake in combat with the other warriors of the Steppe. When she thought of the Sagahl, on the other hand…
“... Are the warriors preparing for today?” Nomin asked, yawning at the tail end of her question.
Bayarmaa gave a slight start, looking up at Nomin from where she was cleaning up part of the ger. Placing a hand over her chest as a means to collect herself, Bayarmaa offered a small, embarrassed smile in response. “I didn't realize you were awake, Nomin. As for our…warriors, no. We don't partake in the Naadam on the last day of the Tsagaan Sar. It doesn't benefit the Sagahl to fight for leadership over the Steppe.”
“Mm…” Nomin hummed, processing Bayarmaa’s words as she stretched her arms over her head and then trodden over to where her clothes were normally kept. Nomin’s gaze fell to her old gutal for a moment before she opened a dresser drawer and rummaged around. She lifted some neatly folded garments till she found the copper shard that had been used in her trial.
Picking it up, Nomin turned it over in her hands, candlelight glinting off of it as it caught onto the metal. She then looked over at Bayarmaa, who kept her own gaze mostly pointed in Nomin’s direction.
“What do you have there?” Bayarmaa asked, leaning to the side slightly as if that would give her a better look at the copper shard.
Holding the shard up, Nomin showed it off to Bayarmaa.
“I was wondering if you could do something with this?” Nomin inquired, closing the drawer halfway and then walking in Bayarmaa’s direction. Her movements were a little lagged, indicative of the tiredness still present within. “Since…well, since you made the baras. I bet you could make it into a necklace or something!”
Bayarmaa held out her hand, and Nomin placed the shard on her palm. A soft sigh fell from Bayarmaa’s nose as she looked the shard over a couple times. Its shine was dull -- as if a discarded piece used for throwaway clothing. However, the edges were sharp, an interesting detail when metal fittings and decorations upon their clothes were often filed or dulled so they caused no harm. “I can see what I can do. This is that piece of copper from the story you told Esenaij, isn’t it?”
“Mhm.” Nomin had already been walking back toward the dresser so that she could get herself dressed more appropriately.
Bayarmaa hummed softly in thought and then reached down to a pouch on her belt. Tucking the copper shard away safely, she continued getting the area cleaned up and packed away. Occasionally, she stole curious glances in Nomin’s direction, watching her and studying her.
“Are you…disappointed? That the Sagahl have no warriors who fight in the Naadam, I mean…” Bayarmaa asked, turning her gaze back to the chores she took on. She was in the process of closing the crate as Nomin pulled on some thick robes to combat the chill of the Steppe.
“... Not really…” Nomin replied after a moment's thought. She tightened her belt and got her dagger secured to herself. “I know I haven't been here long, but I guess it makes sense. I like that about the Sagahl. I like that you don't really want to fight in the Naadam. I don't think I'd want to fight in it, either. Even when I'm an adult like you or Esenaij.”
A small smile grew on Bayarmaa’s lips as she went about the ger. Pulling down a tapestry that hung on the eastern wall, she folded it. “That is well. We like not conflict with other tribes if we can avoid it… But…it does stand to reason that life on the Steppe necessitates such measures. After we get to our next location, I'd like to teach you what I know if Esenaij can't show you how to shoot a bow.”
Nomin paused. She was already sitting at the edge of her bed, getting socks on her feet. A look of contemplation grew on her face as she slowly pulled the thin fabric over her feet. With a few more moments of thought, she finally gave her response: “okay. Esenaij won’t be able to just travel to Reunion every day, will he? He can definitely teach me how to use a bow!”
Bringing a hand to her mouth, Bayarmaa chuckled softly. “Indeed. I’ll make sure that he actually sees to it.”
The gathering of other tribes to watch the Naadam was astounding. As it ever was. It was also awe inspiring to see many different standards to indicate the tribes stood up on long, wooden poles proudly billowing in the breeze over many different groups of people. This was the first year that Nomin really took more involved notice of these standards, noting the different colors, symbols, and even different standard shapes that some of the tribes adopted as their own to represent their people.
By virtue of the Naadam itself, Nomin and many of the more passive tribes that attended the Naadam as an audience had little to worry about. Those that were more wanting of the thrill of battle found themselves already upon their hard-earned yol companions from the trials of Bardam's Mettle. Restless warriors rode their yol all across the presumed site of the Naadam, as everyone was still waiting for the Gharl soilbearers to make their appearance and spread the earth. To mark the start of the Naadam.
The Gharl Iloh was visible from where Nomin stood, their many ger erected and devoid of color -- pure white, waiting to have been stained by the new year's travel over the land. Nomin recalled how the Tumet sometimes traveled early enough to watch the Gharl arrive and set their ger up. She had overheard at the time that their ger only looked clean and spotless, but it was because they set fire to their old clothes and ger canvas to meet the new year in wholly new garments that will show their stories as the year progresses.
Looking around as the Sagahl traveled alongside the Oroq to a high enough outcrop, she looked for colors and tribal standards that she could pick out. The Oronir had been easy enough, with their bright colors that represented the bright sun of Azim. She saw the Dotharl as well -- ever the warriors that would charge into battle. In addition, there were the Adarkim, Qestir, Dataq, Goro, Olkund, Buduga, and many more of which she could not yet identify.
“Do you need some water, Nomin?” Bayarmaa’s voice broke Nomin’s concentration. Looking up at her, Nomin nodded and accepted the waterskin. She went back to looking out at all the standards, only occasionally looking up at the warriors that excitedly flew overhead on their yol.
“Whoa! The Arulaq are here, too!” Yul exclaimed, jabbing a finger out toward the standard that flew alongside the Khatayin's. When the Sagahl and Oroq traveled to their location together, he followed along after Chotan, who had not been that far away from Nomin, Esenaij, and Bayarmaa herself. He had since worn the wreath of flowers Chotan made for him around his neck.
“Arulaq?” Nomin walked over closer to Chotan and Yul, tilting her head in confusion. She had never heard of the tribe before. When she looked at their standard, she kept the symbol upon it in mind.
“Y-yea!” Yul started in response, glancing over at Nomin. He grinned, an opportunity to show off knowledge he had pleasing him. “We Oroq met them once when we were traveling down close to the base of the Tail Mountains one year! When they come down from the mountains, they're always with the Khatayin! They don't speak a lot of the same Steppe dialect we do, so the Khatayin often translate for us and them so they can trade and attend any tribal meetings!”
“They don't speak the same dialect as us? Why not?” Chotan lifted her hand to her chin, cupping it in thought.
“Dunno, truth be told…” Yul's expression fell to contemplation. “I think when I overheard some conversations with the Khatayin and Oroq elders, it was because the Arulaq had been sequestered away in a hidden valley! Apparently they never really needed anything from the rest of the Steppe and just stayed there until the Khatayin stumbled across them one winter! So they've been seen with one another more oft than not. For the best, probably. The Arulaq don't really have warriors than they do hunters since they've lived away from all the Steppe conflict for so long.”
“Yul has the right of most of it,” a gentle voice spoke. Nomin recognized it, and the three children looked in the direction of the voice. Yul’s mother was approaching them, a soft smile upon her lips as she looked out toward the Arulaq standard. “We’ve traded with them at some point with some minor difficulty. They have valuable ore and herbs found in their little valley that can be found nowhere else.”
Nomin’s eyes shimmered at the idea of a valley that had things she had never seen before. Biting her tongue momentarily, she pointed a determined gaze up in Esenaij’s direction. He looked back, and his brow quirked with immediate suspicion and annoyance. He was not necessarily listening in on the conversation, though Nomin’s expression only filled him with some level of dread.
“No.” Esenaij folded his arms over his chest, staring down Nomin, his gaze unwavering.
“I didn't ask you anything yet!” Nomin’s mouth fell open as she now started gawking at Esenaij in disbelief.
“You’re thinking of asking something, and the answer is no.”
“What was it that you were going to ask, Nomin?” Bayarmaa asked, peeking around Esenaij with a pleasant look on her face that spoke more to mischief than genuine curiosity. In response, Esenaij’s expression fell and an irritated sigh was soon expelled. His hand came up to pinch the bridge of his nose in slight frustration.
“Since Esenaij travels out from the site of Sagahl often, I wanted to see if we could go to where the Arulaq live! I want to see the valley where all that rare stuff comes from!” Nomin eagerly said in response to Bayarmaa, her hands balling into excited fists that came up to emphasize her desire. The shimmer in Nomin’s eyes returned as her little tail flicked skyward with Bayarmaa entertaining her clearly curious nature.
“Did you really have to ask her about what was on her mind?” Esenaij grumbled, pointing his annoyed look of slight exasperation down at Bayarmaa.
“Whatever are you talking about,  my one and only dearest brother?” Bayarmaa asked sweetly, happily hopping away with a slight twirl to her step as she stuck her tongue out at Esenaij before looking back out at the expanse of land. Raising a hand, she shielded her eyes from the sunlight and looked around. A low ‘ooh’ left her lips as she waved her hand to beckon Nomin and the other children over.
Sweeping her free hand forward, Bayarmaa eagerly pointed a finger in the direction of the four distant Xaela, robed in pure white, and riding atop horses just as pristine. They were majestic, in a sense, as their horses strode calmly and elegantly across the grasslands. The one that led the van held a clay urn that had no lid to it. When more of the audience and warriors caught sight of them, cheers erupted, starting low before rising into a raucous series of whoops, whistles, and elated cheering.
“The Gharl soil bearers come!” Yul exclaimed once he saw them, his eyes lit up as he gazed upon the Gharl. His tail wiggled to and fro with his delight as he stuck close to both Nomin and Chotan
One of the Gharl soil bearers dismounted, followed by the three others soon thereafter. Nomin watched as they walked out onto the land, the leader holding her urn with practiced care. Tilting the pot, the soil bearer spread the soil of their last location onto the land. Once the last of the dirt was poured upon the land, battle cries from the warriors erupted as they charged for their prize -- the ovoo.
“My next harvest is on the Oronir again. With Sadu of Dotharl still a child in their current incarnation, the Dotharli warriors have hardly the support needed to claim the ovoo from the Oronir. Especially with the Buduga having recently allied themselves with them,” Esenaij said, folding his arms over his chest. “The Dotharli people may be known as the ‘undying ones’ with their reincarnation, though that will do little to avail them this Naadam.”
“Sadu?  Who is that?” Nomin asked, looking up at Esenaij.
Bringing a hand to his chin, Esenaij squinted before looking around where the Dotharl standard was raised. He pointed toward them and said, “the young girl with the white hair.”
When Nomin finally saw who Esenaij was talking about, there was a moment's consideration. This Sadu looked to have been the same age as Nomin herself.
“That is the future khatun of the Dotharl. Some would even argue that she was khatun the moment she had been born and determined the fallen soul of their previous khagan,” Esenaij explained. “But look how she carries herself. Tall, proud…and already in possession of the staff of the previous khagan. The Steppe is lucky she is too young to fight.”
“... Is she powerful?” Nomin questioned.
“We are yet to know fully. If she is indeed the true reincarnation of their previous khagan, then she will be a mighty force to contend with in several years’ time…. It is only fortunate that we Sagahl have no desire to reign over the Steppe. We know our strengths in knowing the land and its creatures. Fighting the Oronir, Dotharl, and the Three Giants would do little for us…” Esenaij said, frowning. “Though I cannot deny the Dotharli girl already emits such a powerful aura. Even at this distance…”
In that moment, the events of the Naadam became just background noise, slowly muffling as Nomin’s attention kept itself on Sadu of Dotharl. She was not quite sure why she was drawn to the other girl, but something about Sadu drew Nomin’s attention far more than any combat or competitive show on the grasslands below for the ovoo.
When the clamor and dust settled, there was one who had captured the ovoo and was now dubbed ‘khagan’ for the year. A Dotharl man stood the victor for he and his tribe. There were cheers and whoops to celebrate the victory, though there were also groans and murmurs of concern from those that thought the Dotharl too battle hungry and bloodlust driven.
However, Bayarmaa was beside herself with laughter.
“So your next harvest shall be going to the Dotharl instead?” Bayarmaa asked, her hands on her hips and a wide smile upon her lips. “And you were so positive that the Oronir were guaranteed to win this Naadam!”
A frown was set heavily upon Esenaij’s face as he made no attempt to retort or respond to Bayarmaa. Nomin, however, only giggled alongside Bayarmaa at the turn of events. Though another thought entered her head when she realized what that also meant. With a small gasp, Nomin’s tail flicked up and she looked up at Esenaij.
“Esenaij! Can I go with you to visit the Dotharl Iloh?” Nomin asked, her eyes sparkling with the thought of being able to travel the Steppe and see other tribes and peoples. Not only that, but learn more of what other edible or beneficial plants there were that the Steppe offered. Granted, as not a true daughter of the Sagahl, she was missing meat, but perhaps she could hunt if Esenaij allowed it.
“So that I might suffer more of your questions and inquiries? No,” Esenaij replied, folding his arms over his chest.
“Bring Nomin with you, Esenaij…” Bayarmaa said, chuckling softly still. She then echoed Nomin’s thoughts: “it will be good for her to travel the Steppe! She needs to learn more about what we can find, how we prepare it while traveling, and if you’re headed out toward the Dotharl Khaa, you might as well also show her what grows on the fringes of Nhaama’s Retreat. Teach her as you taught me of the Steppe.”
A small growl of indignation came from Esenaij, though Nomin had been happy that Bayarmaa was at least on her side when it came to doing more fun stuff. Plus, Nomin was unable to learn much about what was in season at this time and would have to wait till spring had arrived properly. Skipping up to Esenaij, Nomin raised her hands to him with a grin.
“I’m not picking you up,” Esenaij sighed. He had declined such silent requests since Bayarmaa told Nomin how he carried her from his wain to their ger. A pain, now that he had to deal with Nomin’s random ‘requests’ for being carried. Though he was met with a pout from Nomin, Esenaij started making his way back with the other Sagahl and Oroq to their site.
Bayarmaa, on the other hand, was finally coming down from her amusement. She shook her head at Nomin and gave her a mischievous look. “Don’t you worry about Esenaij and him leaving you behind. I’ll see to it that you’re ready to travel with him in the coming days.”
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shadowmoses · 1 year
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mayapplin · 1 year
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this week’s sketchbook wols
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ofscorchedearth · 1 year
The Hero's Aspect
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(( BOLD always or almost always applies  | |   italics are situational or occasional ))
accepting | adventurous | altruistic | amiable | benevolent | bold | brave | caring | charitable | cheerful | chivalrous | compassionate | courageous | courteous | courtly | daring | decent | disciplined | doughty | dutiful | dynamic | empathetic | energetic | enthusiastic | erudite | fair-minded | faithful |fearless | forthright | gallant | generous | genuine | gritty | graceful | gracious | gutsy | happy | honest | honourable | incorruptible | innocent | intelligent | intrepid | jovial | judicious | just | kind | knowledgeable | likable | lionhearted | loyal | loving | magnanimous | merciful | mighty | mild | moral | nice | noble | non-judgemental | obliging | open-minded | orderly | philanthropic | polite | principled | proper | quick-thinking | quick-witted | quixotic | rational | realistic | refined | reasonable | reconciliatory | reliable | sagacious | saintly | seemly | shrewd | self-reliant | self-sacrificing | sensitive | smart | sophisticated | spirited | stalwart | steadfast | stoic | strong | suave | sympathetic | teetotal | tenacious | thoughtful | tireless | tolerant | tough | trustworthy | unassuming | uncomplaining | understanding | unflappable | unyielding | useful | valiant | virtuous | vigilant | warm-hearted | whimsical | wise | witty | worthy | xenacious | xenophilic | yielding | zealful
Tagged by: @winternightjewels, thank you!
Tagging: @uurder-on-the-dancefloor @meandering-mind @gallingsiren @fennexin @femboty2k @gutterghosts @aeron-volkova @iron-sparrow @captainkurosolaire @zhauric @chidorifarcloud @verdugo-arulaq @ashenbun and anyone else interested!
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katsuyoarulaq-ffxiv · 11 months
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Some pictures that I took of my OC, Katsuyo of the Arulaq.
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corpse-dancer · 4 months
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swiftcast-selene · 9 months
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it's SAGRA'S year. he can do whatever he wants forever!
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duisarcusxiv · 7 months
2,28,37 for sagra :3
oooooh thank u :3
2 - How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Fairly easy! He's not a super vocal person, but he's very lighthearted, so if you do or say something funny you WILL get a chuckle or a laugh out of him ❤️
28 - Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
absolutely not. he would much rather have the unpleasant truth so he can start working on dealing with it, or fixing it, or whatever other option he may have, than to be lied to until it's too late.
37 - Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
Yes! he sings a little song to remember :D It's a tune he and Sarangerel used to sing to each other when they were little and out practising hunting or fighting (and later, flying).
He also has a good head for memorizing things because he can't read - in lore, Xaela only recently created a written language, and Sagra's tribe (the Arulaq) were "lost" for a hundred years (which is about how old the written language is), so I headcanon that the Arulaq tribe doesn't have that written language. Sagra was never taught to read because his tribe simply doesn't have a written language. He was willing to learn when he came to Eorzea originally, but a few too many incredulous, snarky comments about him not knowing how to read put him off of the whole deal so badly that he refuses to learn out of spite. He hasn't needed it for the past thirty years, why should he start now?
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lightparty-fullparty · 10 months
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My WOL Ibakhaa in her ARR fit for LIGHT PARTY. She takes the healer role of the group since it gives her space to observe the battle and direct the others via the echo. Scholar my beloved. Pose taken from Hao0047 who has really awesome and dynamic references.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
A Lonely Star
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So finally making a little Mizuki post. Stuff is subject to change. It may not be canon accurate.
And a reminder likes/follows come from my main: hanajimasama
Master list is now here: MasterlistKupo
Name: Mizuki Motte (now de Borel)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Main job: BLM
Other canon jobs: RPR/BLU/ AST (in the later part of Heavensward)
Crafting/gathering: BTN/ALC/WVR
Age: 32 (as of Heavensward. Keeping track of time is hard.)
Chocobo: Iskander
Long post
The past: in summary.
The Steppe:
Mizuki was born on the Azim Steppe to the Arulaq tribe. She's the oldest of four. As per their tribes traditions, the eldest of the family would become a reaper to protect their tribe and guide their spirits when they died. Mizuki didn't want this. She skipped her training to explore the Steppe. Which got her into a lot of trouble.
She has a chance meeting with a dragon that spurs her desire to learn magick.
Eventually she is forced to partner with a great spirit (voidsent) and that year on her thirteenth summer. She takes part in the Nadaam and the influx of loud shouts/screams, fighting, sent Mizuki into a melt down and she unleashes a powerful spell that silences the Steppe and claims victory for her tribe: the only time they would.
An argument occurred with her father and he told her to get out. She is picked up by chance by Camélia a great sage who took her under her wing.
She meets Y'shtola during her 13-14th year (need to figure out how old she was during the Calamity) She is then taken to Sharlayan during the panic of the summoning of Bahamut.
The Sharlayan Years: 14/15? - 20/21? <due to change
Mizuki spends all of her years studying. She's very quiet and withdrawn during this time. Mizuki takes an interest in botany during a trip to Labyrinthos. Which links to her learning alchemy. If she couldn't learn the healing craft of her master, perhaps this would be just as good! She could help people this way. (it didn't help)
She joined the Studium choir, in hopes it would make Camélia proud.
Mizuki works herself into the ground: a lot. She is at the top of her classes and publishes several theses. One Camélia hates the most is: about how Mandragora can help keep the land healthy (will think of a good title)
another was: the origin of magick.
The early years of adventuring/ARR
Mizuki teams up with Cyneweard and Ghyslain two wildwood Elezen. They sought treasure and status. Mizuki was fresh out of Sharlayan and they thought having a renowned scholar of Sharlayan would help them. It did not. A few months in Cyneweard dies in a dungeon.
Mizuki gives up adventuring for now. Goes to Ul'dah and further studies at the thaumaturge guild and picks up Blue Magick which helps earn her some extra gil. She makes a name for herself within the guilds and a few years past she finds herself being swept up into the Scion business. Y'shtola is overjoyed to see her again.
I will add more!
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