#aruther tv
randomsillyfangirl · 1 year
" what's your type? " good question...
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
My Master lists!
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This GIF is the true meaning of fanfiction in Misha's own words, just as a side note.
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Castiel x reader 🪽
Dean x reader So American one-shot 🇺🇸
Dean x reader espresso one-shot ☕️
Dean x reader Congrats you're a Dad!🍼🌶️
Dean x reader Behind the roadhouse🍻🌶️
R/N Con 🎤
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Sober Buddies CJ Braxton x reader🍻📝🌶️
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Five Hargreevs x reader Coffee and Sarcasm Oneshot! ☕️
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Klaus x reader 🩸🐺
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Tommy x reader /🚬
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Frenchie x reader The smoke between our words one-shot 🚬
Solider Boy x reader 🇺🇸
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clouded-dreams2 · 2 years
The Kids | Arthur Harrow x Reader
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a/n: I have no idea what this is, I had the idea from a tv show, and I wanted to get something out today. There will probably be another Arthur fic in the near future if not today. It’s not too closely proofread. 
Warnings: Fluff, Mention of wanting to children, 
Characters: Arthur Harrow, Reader, Some kids. 
You had promised the kids of the community that you would get Arthur’s permission to play guitar for them. A few of them had seen you play in the corner of the main building while eating lunch and told their friends it was a popular song you had learned that had the kids' attention, and not to mention how you sang. When you had intimate moments in the house with Arthur you didn’t mind singing, humming some song that got stuck in your head then being lucky enough to remember the lyrics. You would sing all the time bringing musical life to the community, but if anyone outside of the community were to hear you sing you would get embarrassed. The bravest kid asked you to ask Arthur only to make sure you were okay with it first, even though most of them were aware that you and Arthur worked in cahoots. Your relationship wasn’t something you hid on purpose, Arthur preferred kisses on the lips for behind the closed doors of your shared home and you didn’t mind. You were typically right by his side when you could be. 
“My Love?” You whispered to Arthur you two were sitting down to eat breakfast in the main hall. The projector was still playing some clips of animals while people sat in the comfortable chairs to start their day off. Arthur hummed in response to you, as he took another bite of oatmeal and noticed that the same kids who were asking you some question the other day had come up to you once again. 
“Uhm.. Sorry to bother you both, but uhm.. We were wondering if (y/n) had the okay yet?” One of the shyer ones spoke up, as you looked to Arthur, your hand moving from his knee. 
“Okay, for?” Arthur asked the kid who spoke up, his tone of voice comforting, encouraging the kid to use his voice. 
“To play guitar for us, sometime… Maybe after lunch?” He asked Arthur directly. 
“If that’s okay with (y/n) I don’t see why not.” Arthur spoke, returning to his oatmeal, as he looked at you. He wanted you to feel comfortable after all your equipment, and to be honest he wouldn’t mind hearing you perform. 
“Yeah! I’d love to do it during lunch, maybe something the whole community could enjoy?” You looked to Arthur who nodded, he would ask around during the day. Slipping the question into a casual conversation. 
“What if you did it just for us though?” One of the other kids asked, he was a bit older than the rest.  
“That works too, you’ll have to find a corner for us though.” You said with a smile plastered on your face, you just now realized something. You loved children, the creativity, the livelihood, children being children. You turned to Arthur with one thing to say, he looked like he had something to say too.
“Would you mind if I joined?” He smiled his toothy smile. He was great with the children, one of them shrugged while the others conversed and came to the agreement that Arthur could join. Then they were off to find a place for you to perform. You leaned into Aruther to whisper, a smile plastered on your face. “I want to have children.” He smiled, nodding yes. Knowing that he wanted the same thing, after the mini concert you both would have to truly discuss.
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growingingreenwood · 5 years
🎥 Your universe in general 😊
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
So many things that I probably could never actually remember them all. I’ve loved fantasy since I can remember and so I’ve consumed ……. So much fantasy material (books, movies, TV shows, videos games, board games, research, lore, etc) so I’m sure a bunch the ideas were influenced by all of those. But here are a few of the major ones that I can think of: 
The rest of Tolkien universe, obviously. I took inspo from mentionings of other towns, or alterations other races had made to middle earth and thought about how the same concept could be applied to other races too. Or found snippets and hints of ideas and magic that could be cool if with stretched it and filled in a bunch of the holes that are there from lack of information. (Like my theories on some of the Silvan Magic on wooden objects, or their Tattoos) 
I really enouy the Witcher universe, especially the hhuuggee array of people, places, creatures, storylines, and environments that are described and explored. I take a lot of inspiration from the ‘side character’ aspect of the Witcher. I really enjoy how every person mentioned, even if they only have one line, has a clear and unique personality. Whether that be the way they talk, how they present themselves, the way they dress, whatever. I love how everything was created to be unique. 
Quest for Camelot -  And old cartoon movie, a favorite from my childhood. There’s a magical forest they explore in the movie that I have always been sooooooo in love with, and the idea of finding some new mystical creature of plant or something around every tree just tickled me absolutely pink. They also show in the movie that these same magics can also be dangers if you do not know how to treat them, or they do not know you. I tried to instil this same sort of feeling when I write Greenwood. 
The Raven Boys -- One of my all time favorite series’. Words cannot describe how deeply and emotionally I am connected to this series. I think its mostly because of how in love I am with the characters, their complex relationships with each other, their distinct personality, and how every page seems physically heavy with the weight of their emotions. Like if I sniffed the pages of something I might be able to feel them too. The unique friendships and manners of showing platonic affection and support for one another just blows me away, and I try to adopt more of this style of writing personal connections.  
And then finally, I get some ideas from old Norse and European myths. Lately I’ve been finding myself especially drawn to the island of Avalon from the King Aruther myths. But I also have draw some inspo from some of the natural spirits from Scandinavian folk tales.  
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jallenhix-blog · 7 years
Chapter One: Hail to the King part 1
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     Jacob sat down to finish listening to his new book. He had discovered the joys of audiobooks a few years ago when his eyesight started to take a turn for the worst. Keratoconus they called it, a word that no one he told every seemed to be able to pronounce, let alone remember. Basically, his corneas had decided to turn from nice smooth curves to wriggly cone shapes. Made everything look blurry, haloed and doubled. He stopped explaining it to others after, in one day, he had to explain that yes, he had heard of glasses and no they didn’t fix what he had, to at least four different people. Now he just tells people who ask “Why don’t you just wear glasses.” that they are magnificent geniuses, and then proceed to prostrate himself before them shouting “I’m not worthy!” until they go away. It was a real blow tho, being a movie buff and a bookworm for as long as he could remember, the news that his eyesight would slowly degrade and worsen until completely blind or be able to pay for extremely expensive cornea transplant surgery, twice, left him in a funk that lasted for several years. How do you try to make sense of the world as in slowly goes out of focus? As a kid, his mother and father had exposed him to all the classics. The first book he ever read was Stuart Little. The day he had finished the book for the first time on his own was a story his mother liked to retell to every mildly attractive girl that was within earshot of him.  Through his father, he developed a love for cheesy Kung-fu, westerns  (Whoa, take er easy there pilgrim!) and buddy cop movies. His older brother turned him on to the fantasy and Sci-Fi genre, Tolkien, Rowling, Asimov, Wells, Douglas Adams, Geoffry of Monmouth, Chaucer. He had especially enjoyed the tales of King Aruther and his Knights of the Round Table. Many a time, his older brother had tattled on him when Jacob had decided that he was the dragon that needed to be slain with his own version of Excalibur, usually pulled off of a tree. Being born in 1985, he was a true child of the nineties and was well versed in all the great cinema and literature of the decade. Jurassic Park, The Star Wars Prequels (The pod racing was badass, fuck Jar-Jar), Independence Day, Men in Black, Terminator 2. Army of Darkness. The Dark Tower, American Gods, all things Magic the Gathering, and on and on and on. In his 32 years of life, he had consumed thousands of hours of video games, tv, movies, and books. He was a walking pop culture fountain of useless knowledge. Once his eyesight started to go, audiobooks replaced reading as reading became so difficult that he had begun to get migraines from reading for more than an hour at a time.
The book he was now finishing was called Otherlife: Awakings. The third book in the Selfless Hero trilogy by William D. Aarand. The narrator was a favorite of his named Jeff Hays. This guy could read the phone book in a way that could get you hot under the collar, if you were into numbers. It was a really interesting series in the sub-genre called LitRPG, a genre characterized by story settings placed inside massive multiple player online games. Think Read Player One or Sword Art Online. The Selfless Hero Trilogy basically involved a soldier in a futuristic military spaceship saving his shipmates from death when their ship is damaged by putting everyone in stasis and uploading their minds into a video game fantasy realm in the style of World of Warcraft. Jacob drank up the 40 plus hour audio series in only 3 days.  Listening now he glanced down at his wedding ring.
My awesome space ring. He thought. 2 years earlier after having proposed, A friend of his had mentioned rings made of dinosaur fossil and that would make a kick-ass wedding band. Seeing the thousand dollar price tag had knocked that idea away but it had led him to look for other unique wedding band ideas. He stumbled across a store that took gold from meteorite deposits and inlaid them into bands made of tungsten carbide steel. He had taken one look at the band and threw money at his laptop screen. The ring arrived a week later, and then he had to wait impatiently for a few months before he could wear it full time.
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