stupidanimal · 2 years
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your thoughts and actions are not your own
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arvandlaw · 2 years
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CALL TO ACTION! ✊✊✊✊✊ Please join us at Women's March in NYC on October 8th to fight for Women's Rights as we support the Women of Iran! I am beyond humbled with gratitude to these following organization for their support! Ximena Francella-Hispanic Democrats of Westchester- THANK YOU Leslie Chervokas- Women Democrats of Westchester THANK YOU Maritza Diaz-WOMEN UNITED OF WESTCHESTER -THANK YOU Indivisible New Rochelle- THANK YOU Indivisible New Rochelle Women's Rights- THANK YOU More organizations are welcomed and please reach out! PLEASE SHARE AND LET'S SHOW UP IN LARGE NUMBERS! SEE YOU ON OCT 8TH! #mahsaamini #mahsaaminiviol_lugo #iranianwomen #persian #womensrights #humanrights #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #iran #supportwomenofiran (at Law Office of M. Ray Arvand, PC • An Immigration & Personal Injury Law Firm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjT3uo1pMFf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soccerdailyuk · 11 months
Mehdi Taremi’s agent sends Man United fans into a frenzy with cheeky transfer hint
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Mehdi Taremi’s agent sends Man United fans into a frenzy with cheeky transfer hint The social media post from the representative of Mehdi Taremi, the Porto striker, caused great excitement among Manchester United fans as it hinted at a possible meeting between Taremi and the club. According to a report by The Peoples Person, it is believed that Taremi is being considered as a target by Erik ten Hag, who is currently looking for a dependable goalscorer in the transfer market. Efforts to secure players like Harry Kane and Victor Osimhen have proven to be too challenging and complicated. The Manchester United manager is also interested in acquiring Rasmus Hojlund from Atalanta, but the Italian club has set a high price for their prized player. Discussions are currently underway with Gian Piero Gasperini's team to reach a resolution in the negotiations. Even if Rasmus Hojlund joins Manchester United, he would require some time to adapt and would not be immediately burdened with the responsibility of being the main goal scorer. Due to these considerations, the idea of pursuing a transfer for Mehdi Taremi was proposed. Last season, Taremi was the leading scorer in the Liga NOS, impressively netting 22 goals. He scored a total of 31 goals across all competitions. With only one year left on his contract at Estádio do Dragão, the 31-year-old striker is a viable option for acquisition. Taremi's agent, Borna Khoramdel, shared a picture on Instagram stories suggesting that he was at Manchester United's renowned stadium. Khoramdel included his agency, Arvand Sport, in the caption of the picture. 🚨 Mehdi Taremi’s agent on Instagram pic.twitter.com/5DMSNyOcKP— mufcmpb (@mufcMPB) July 12, 2023 This caused speculation among Manchester United's online fans that Taremi might be a viable alternative for Ten Hag. However, The Manchester Evening News reports that Khoramdel did not actually visit the Theatre of Dreams as suggested. “MEN Sport have been told that the agent was not at Old Trafford today. A strange one.” Mehdi Taremi’s agent sends Man United fans into a frenzy with cheeky transfer hint Read the full article
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apano-investments · 2 years
Tadschikistan ist eine Republik in Zentralasien, umgeben von Kirgistan, China, Afghanistan und Usbekistan mit ca.
Tadschikistan ist eine Republik in Zentralasien, umgeben von Kirgistan, China, Afghanistan und Usbekistan mit ca. 9,1 Millionen Einwohnern. Die aktuelle politische Lage Tadschikistans ist von Unruhen und Konflikten geprägt. Seit über 30 Jahren herrscht Uneinigkeit über den Grenzverlauf zwischen den ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken Tadschikistan und Kirgistan. Wirtschaftlich gesehen zählt Tadschikistan zu den ärmsten Ländern der Welt. Tadschikistans Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf betrug im Jahr 2020 484 US-Dollar. Offiziell leben 26 Prozent der Bevölkerung unterhalb der Armutsgrenze. 2020 lag der durchschnittliche Monatsverdienst bei 130 US-Dollar. Die Landwirtschaft stellt zwar einen der wirtschaftlichen Hauptträger des Landes dar, trotzdem können nur auf 7 Prozent der Landesfläche Landwirtschaft betrieben werden. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Volkswirtschaften konnte Tadschikistan in der Corona Pandemie im Jahr 2020 ein Wirtschaftswachstum von 4,5 Prozent erzielen. Erfolgreich lief es in den letzten Jahren unter anderem für die 63-jährige Muborak Pirnazarova, eine Mikrokreditnehmerin der Arvand Bank. Die Arvand Bank bietet qualitativ hochwertige Finanzdienstleistungen für Unternehmer: innen mit dem Ziel, das wirtschaftliche und soziale Wachstum Tadschikistans zu fördern. Heute verfügt Arvand über etwa 70 Servicestellen und beschäftigt rund 900 Mitarbeiter. Seit ein paar Jahren betreibt Muborak Pirnazarova ihr eigenes Geschäft und importiert Lebensmittel, wie Erdnüsse, Kristallzucker oder Samen aus Usbekistan, damit diese dann in den Grenzgebieten Tadschikistans zum Verkauf angeboten werden können. Mit Hilfe des ersten Darlehens von der Arvand Bank konnte sie ihr eigenes Mikrounternehmen gründen und durch drei weitere Darlehen ihr Geschäft sogar erweitern. Somit konnte sie nicht nur ihrer Familie eine stabile Existenz bieten, sondern ihre eigene finanzielle Unabhängigkeit erreichen. Anhören Monatsbericht herunterladen http://dlvr.it/SZx6Kg
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444names · 2 years
quenya names BUT including "an"
Admostanwë Airrónani Airyatanor Alaiands Alanderul Alanil Alanor Alcanaxë Alcand Alcandë Aldaneno Aldangamin Aldanyata Aliornanyë Allanca Allangwa Almandises Almangs Almanto Alphannaxë Amandlem Amantura Ambarant Ambindian Anandayel Anatandi Ancando Andilin Andilling Andoressë Andoron Anelya Anictuamor Annamandë Annands Annórind Antauromen Anturcamo Apandë Arandari Arandel Aranden Arandil Arandin Arando Arandor Aranna Arantay Aranwincar Arcardan Arfanitern Artani Arvand Astanyároc Ataman Atandórë Atanon Atatandil Atatany Aulanyar Aulendanë Avandana Avanya Avyhantië Awarannar Axandë Axango Basano Bastand Beatan Beavang Bindilmand Birnando Blanden Blontan Brianya Calahani Calana Calandúna Calanna Callan Calman Calmang Calmanin Candon Cangar Cannanweld Canwar Canáravars Carmanya Casanóred Cassarman Chander Chradfans Cilmands Ciryand Ciryanyaf Ciryondang Clownfang Coplandil Cordiévan Cormano Cánange Damandinwë Darónan Datalands Demmacant Devanamitë Devandacar Elarantë Elcanónar Eldamando Eldamanil Eldanyar Eldavand Elenyanda Elflan Elflyanna Elmand Elmandil Elmani Elmanár Elvehtan Elvestandë Endando Endanel Ennaxany Enquanifin Erucandë Eruirrana Essandë Essëang Estalangs Etyarman Eäranë Eärwhanong Faiantë Falaithan Falantë Falanyë Falman Fandalmë Fandandi Fandil Fandon Fangeman Fangwed Fannat Fastan Fatafancë Fattana Feavan Finangs Findiantir Flanwë Foanyar Foldandë Foreanyar Forianatta Foruhang Foryanys Frannon Frianwë Frimman Fëanyárage Galmandórë Garandis Glorgeman Gnolanna Golliandú Grandëa Grianótë Hallan Hanastrem Hangassin Hantiming Hanárë Heavan Hilmanwë Hoottang Hoplan Horeavand Hranord Hraxan Hyanata Hyandinë Hyands Hyandúnë Hyanwë Hyanyata Hyarantir Hávantál Ilinandil Ilmindandi Ilwanwits Ilúvandë Inalani Indolanwë Irincandi Isiman Isinyang Islandë Istwan Itander Jewearmang Kembarcan Kintanta Ladfancava Lainguanya Laityanory Lalanyar Lamanária Lamitande Lampands Landin Landiénels Landon Landondern Landur Langolion Lanissë Lantarcar Lantárien Lanámo Lanárassë Lanórigher Lanótë Lastafanië Latano Lauran Leavanto Liandorigh Linanië Linquandë Litane Liévan Lofanyar Lonant Lownfany Lámangot Lámantar Macirdan Mahant Manairëa Manalimer Mandanië Mandil Mandistays Mandië Mandon Manduruong Mandúna Manelwer Mangth Manielpin Manistur Mantirin Mantorya Manárë Maranil Mareanë Mariandë Marmantalm Meldannat Mentant Mettan Mightarman Mindanossë Mingalan Mingoland Mornanórëa Mortaran Moryafand Mottóland Máhando Máhants Mámandië Márilman Míriana Nahandel Nanalmans Nandëa Nangolday Nannaráto Nanson Nanyar Nanysh Naraurani Narmant Naxandil Nimanta Noblanwë Noldands Nollandmo Norröan Nyanollon Nárianwë Nóriantar Núnaned Ohtandë Ohtaniel Oiondanna Ollianorde Ontandë Ormantron Orröandē Ostandë Outsimant Outyans Paland Pantule Parand Parantast Pellanoron Pitaman Plandandë Polanarë Poonang Poungwantë Praityand Quenanilmë Quendanita Raitanë Randil Rannata Reando Repvancë Rinaranyë Roangazed Roardaney Rocana Roossana Royannië Russantult Rómendëan Sanacil Sandern Sanduressë Santum Savano Searnan Shandi Shandil Shanwen Shanyelpë Shanárinyë Sicans Sinyshanwë Sornanlan Southand Spandë Stands Stanition Stannórë Stantar Stanwë Stanávaró Stlandil Swandë Taliman Tanaity Tanatars Tandilda Taneles Tanerion Tangwë Tantamar Tanyaráma Tanáva Tarant Tarmancar Tastantion Tatalance Tatantely Tataranda Telyantië Telónani Terland Theantirë Thlananto Thlannar Tilman Timantar Tinyastan Towvanwë Treanien Turanwë Tyando Tyanglië Tyarávan Tyatyant Táriando Ulmand Ulmantano Umbaran Umbarian Undanyávë Unmanwë Uruanni Uruliandë Valacande Valandar Valanders Valanwë Valanórë Valiandi Valiman Valman Valmantar Valmanya Vandambë Vandowme Vanduir Vanduron Vaniel Vanilmo Vanily Vanimo Vanárë Vastlandel Vindandur Vormannary Vëandider Waltanen Wanyar Warklyand Wavanna Weltanna Wervanta Westalan Westantë Wetanya Wilmanta Wrangolair Áranalia Árissantin Ëannar Íringaian Ñgoliévan Úmandust Úmanto Úmanyárëa
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greentechnologytips · 2 years
What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing A Drilling Fluids Supplier?
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Some of the things to think about are cost of the drilling process, environmental impacts, and loss of circulation of drilling fluids. When selecting drilling fluids, there are important environmental issues to be aware of such as cutting down on emissions. To find out more read on. Then you'll be on your way to drilling efficiently and safely.
Different drilling fluids
There are many variables which influence the selection of drilling fluids, such as the design of the rig and the hydraulic horsepower within the circulator system. It also depends upon the desired depth of drilling. The layout of the rig and drilling depth planning are dependent on many variables, including the geometry of the horizons, as well as the isolation of troublesome regions. An optimized drilling fluids program will allow companies to drill more sections, while reducing the cost of drilling all-around.
It is essential to choose an organization with a good reputation so that you can make an informed decision about the quality of the drilling fluids. Companies like Manek Minerals, which has more than ten million RMB in registered capital, are engaged in professional exports. They are responsible for all exports of goods from Iran. The company specializes in the supply of complete line equipment. Daryan Arvand Drilling Fluids Company is known for its complete drilling fluids line. It has also earned a reputation for being an environmentally friendly supplier.
Loss of circulation in drilling fluids
While you may be comfortable using the natural gas-based drilling solution, you should take into consideration the potential loss of circulation while selecting drilling chemicals suppliers. The base fluid will transport the material that has been lost to the fractured zone, and it should have the right properties to do this. Select a company with a proven track record. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of the various LCM types. To learn more details on drilling chemicals suppliers, you've to visit IRO oildrilling website.
The loss of circulation is a problem that can cause you to lose millions of dollars and consume many hours. If you've lost circulation the drilling process may be difficult. This can cause problems in the drilling process. It also increases non-productive time. Industry professionals strive to find drilling fluids that exhibit the least loss of circulation. The weight of the fluid, the pressure of the pump and the formation pore pressure all influence the loss of circulation. The lack of circulation in drilling fluids is a significant issue for the industry of oil and gas.
Cost of drilling fluids
It's a huge decision to choose a supplier of drilling fluids. How do you find the most affordable prices? The market report by Irooildrilling will provide you with insight into the prices of drilling fluids, as well as the buyer's strategies and negotiation options. It also provides an overview of the market and highlights the most important drivers and trends. This report will assist you to select the best supplier for your needs and will give you an advantage in the market.
Take into consideration all possible options when choosing Choose from a variety of options before you choose oilfield chemical suppliers. For drilling oil and natural gas, water-based muds can be employed. Non-aqueous oil-based oils are more commonly called water-based. Air-water-gas mixtures are used to improve viscosity and reduce dust. Gaseous drilling fluids blend a variety of gases. Non-aqueous drilling fluids contain clay additives.
Environmental impact of drilling fluids
There are various rules and standards that are that govern drilling fluids. The toxicity of drilling fluids and the cuttings they leave behind can be assessed through various methods of testing. In 2002, the EPA amended the General Permit so that oil companies had to test their shale-based fluids , but not discharge the entire fluid. The same is not true for unblended, linear paraffin-base fluids or linear alphaolefins bases fluids. These fluids tend to be more likely to cause environmental problems such as biodegradation.
A growing number of offshore oil and gas companies have HSE experts to analyze the impact on the environment of drilling fluids. They also monitor the environmental regulations in every region. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued guidelines for the most efficient technology limits and new source performance standards in oil and gas exploration. These guidelines covered synthetic-based drilling fluids, as well as non-aqueous drilling fluids. Recent adoption of more advanced boringmud systems has accelerated the industry's efforts in reducing harmful environmental impacts.
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sshayan · 2 years
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Sunsit office chair
Sana design and construction company (Sunsite store) has started its activity since 2019, and our approach in opening this complex is to meet the needs of customers in all aspects, including designing and equipping office, commercial, residential, restaurant and other spaces. . It has also facilitated the purchase of office supplies such as office furniture. In order to provide and furnish all kinds of office furniture, including sofas, office chairs and tables with a group of administrative, professional, conference and other products. . Also, all kinds of filing and office partitions of Sunsite store cooperate with top brands of office furniture such as Nilper, Goldsit, Liv, Jalis, Arvand and others. . which is one of the advantages of this store.
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mehdizareiran · 5 years
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#abadan port #arvandrud #arvandkenar #arvand 6 May 2019 #آبادان #بندر #اروندرود #اروندكنار #اروند ١٦-٢-٩٨ (at Abadan, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxHMwcSDM7A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18136ghgweyl
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itsnirmal888 · 3 years
Aust Day Parade 2016 _PCASA_Kurdish Dance
Aust Day Parade 2016 _PCASA_Kurdish Dance
قطعاتی از تمرینات رقص کردی توسط تیم ایران برای شرکت در روز ملی استرالیا. انجمن فرهنگی ایرانیان استرالیای جنوبی ژانویه ۲۰۱۶. source
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
 (They’re slowly becoming oc’s, thank you, Dot, for the continuational growth of my OC bowl)
CW: Medieval whump, slavery, noncon nudity (nonsexual) whipping implied, branding implied, manhandling, forceful caretaking/bathing
The carriage rattled to a stop as the guards opened the doors for the king. He then extended a hand to his new slave, who sat quivering in their seat. They held the torn shirt against their chest, the only thing they had left for cover as their freshly whipped back was exposed. 
“Come now, we have much to get done.” He waved his fingers, coaxing the slave to take it. Whumpee knew better than to disobey, their arm extending before hesitating. Their hand was covered in mud as they instantly flinched back, not daring to get a speck of filth on the king's garbs.
“I- I can’t.” Whumpee stuttered, tightening their grasp on their shredded shirt. “Yes you can. I don’t mind a little dirt, now take my hand.” Their tone was authoritative, but lulling as Whumpee couldn’t resist resting their hand within the king’s soft glove. Their hand was squeezed as they were pulled from the carriage, stumbling as they were caught within the king's arms, who only chuckled at their clumsiness. 
“Your majesty, the servants are ready.” A guard said. “Wonderful! Take this dear to the wash and get them cleaned up. I want them groomed before the celebratory bouquet tonight.” 
“Yes sir.” Almost immediately, two metallic hands grabbed Whumpee from each side, pulling them up the castle’s stairs. The cold touch shot shivers up their spine, feeling the stress build in their chest the further they were taken. 
This can’t be happening... Is this... A dream? A twisted hallucination? A slave of all things to be taken in by the king himself was like a child’s fantasy. 
The corridor was made from grey stone, the floors clothed in blood red carpets with matching curtains framing each window. Whumpee could hardly keep up with the guards almost dragging them deeper into the castle. The shirt slipped through their grasp as Whumpee gasped, digging their heels into the ground. “Wait! I l-lost my-” ”-Don’t worry, you won’t be needing it.” The guard laughed, coming to a halt as Whumpee crumple to the floor. 
They were gone as soon as they came, leaving Whumpee surrounded by a group of servants forming a line with curious prying eyes. 
“Oh dear, what a mess...”
“Look at all those scars! Are you sure this is what the king brought home?”
“Quiet! We don’t question his majesty...” 
“Just look at them, a battered slave! Must have been nothing but trouble.”
Whumpee slowly curled in on themselves with each word, hiding their chest within their arms. “Now sisters, that’s enough. Let's get to work.” Their arms were taken as they were practically lifted off their feet right into a large warm bath. It smelled of rich potent oils as they held back a choking breath. 
“It’s myrrh, costume for those who approach the king to soak in it.” A woman kneeling by their side. Whumpee gasped a whimper when they were covered in hands trying to wash them, touching them here and there, oil being poured down their shoulders. They winced when a cloth brushed against their back. 
“Gentle! They're wounded.” She barked. 
“What? The king is expecting them to look lavishing” She argued back. 
“Well make them look lavishing with ease! They belong to the king himself, we must treat them as such.”  The hands covering them hesitated in unison, before continuing with gentleness. 
Whumpee’s pupils were noticeably dilated with fear as they tried not to look at the faces of the hands that handled them. Their arm was taken, coaxing them to lean up. “Come on, I need to wash your chest.” 
Whumpee instantly sank further into the waters, ‘P-please don’t...” They rasped. “Don’t be shy now, this will only take a minute.” Their wrists were taken as they were pulled up until the water was at their waist. Whumpee choked back a sob before breaking into hyperventilation, turning their head away with blushing pink cheeks.
“Oh sweet mother of King Arvand the lll....” She gasped, her eyes glued to the branded sign on their chest. “Pl-please! It wasn’t my f-fault!” Whumpee cried, twisting their body away without any avail. They were slowly lowered back into the water, instantly curling within their arms. 
The branded Sigle, a mark put on a slave by their owner to signifying a pending trade to a rivalry kingdom. Not only looked down upon, but an act of treason to those who dare seek illegal goods from the enemy. 
“When did this happen?” She asks, Whumpee’s arm flinching at the most gentle of touches. “La-last week..." Whumpee hid their head under their arms. "Master put a sword in the forge one day until it was red and-I-.. I wasn’t to-told what I did wrong...!” They looked up at her with a broken voice and tear filled eyes. 
“But I didn’t deserve it.... I swear I didn’t! ....” They shook their head in denial.
“Did I?” 
Their voice was full of uncertainty. “No, you didn’t.” A sad smile painted her face.
“This needs to be brought to the king's attention, immediately!” A servant yelled. “No! Not yet... This week is the anniversary, remember? The king has just returned home. We speak nothing of this until the event has ended.” Her gaze turned back down to the slave. “Listen to me, this cannot be mentioned until the week is over, do you understand?” She asked. 
“I don’t even understand why I’m here!” Whumpee finally broke, ceasing all hopes that maybe this was just a vivid dream. 
“You’re here because you found favor with the king, little one, his majesty is gracious.” She smiled. “Speaking of which, he wants you at the celebration tonight, that’s an incredible honor.” She tried to get them hopeful, pinching their cheek that sent shutters down their shoulders.
But Whumpee knew full well they were probably going to mess that up as well. 
Tag list: @grizzlie70  @alien-octopus @lave-whump @amethysts-sideblog  @whump-it-like-its-hot  @thingsthatgowhumpinthenight @yet-another-heathen @princessofonward @whatwhumpcomments  @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @mascmasochist @hamiltonwhumpdump  @shokuhoemisaki @as-a-matter-of-whump @whumpasaurus101 @tears-and-lilies 
o(^∀^*)o Thank you for reading!
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stupidanimal · 3 years
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ok so this guy has too much shit
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arvandlaw · 1 year
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Merry Christmas from our family to yours. #christmas #elfontheshelf #Family #snow #santa (at Law Office of M. Ray Arvand, PC • An Immigration & Personal Injury Law Firm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmmekuwJZsy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soccerdailyuk · 11 months
Mehdi Taremi’s agent sends Man United fans into a frenzy with cheeky transfer hint
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Mehdi Taremi’s agent sends Man United fans into a frenzy with cheeky transfer hint The social media post from the representative of Mehdi Taremi, the Porto striker, caused great excitement among Manchester United fans as it hinted at a possible meeting between Taremi and the club. According to a report by The Peoples Person, it is believed that Taremi is being considered as a target by Erik ten Hag, who is currently looking for a dependable goalscorer in the transfer market. Efforts to secure players like Harry Kane and Victor Osimhen have proven to be too challenging and complicated. The Manchester United manager is also interested in acquiring Rasmus Hojlund from Atalanta, but the Italian club has set a high price for their prized player. Discussions are currently underway with Gian Piero Gasperini's team to reach a resolution in the negotiations. Even if Rasmus Hojlund joins Manchester United, he would require some time to adapt and would not be immediately burdened with the responsibility of being the main goal scorer. Due to these considerations, the idea of pursuing a transfer for Mehdi Taremi was proposed. Last season, Taremi was the leading scorer in the Liga NOS, impressively netting 22 goals. He scored a total of 31 goals across all competitions. With only one year left on his contract at Estádio do Dragão, the 31-year-old striker is a viable option for acquisition. Taremi's agent, Borna Khoramdel, shared a picture on Instagram stories suggesting that he was at Manchester United's renowned stadium. Khoramdel included his agency, Arvand Sport, in the caption of the picture. 🚨 Mehdi Taremi’s agent on Instagram pic.twitter.com/5DMSNyOcKP— mufcmpb (@mufcMPB) July 12, 2023 This caused speculation among Manchester United's online fans that Taremi might be a viable alternative for Ten Hag. However, The Manchester Evening News reports that Khoramdel did not actually visit the Theatre of Dreams as suggested. “MEN Sport have been told that the agent was not at Old Trafford today. A strange one.” Mehdi Taremi’s agent sends Man United fans into a frenzy with cheeky transfer hint Read the full article
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januarystarstorm · 2 years
I get the sense that these two may soon be an item...i.e Janicza and P. Her 'hunk', the 'my lover', and the other post of he's 'my lover, sorry squirts' just sends me feelings. I support if it's something or just friends but her comments makes me think she may have the hots for him...time will tell obviously. Any one else feel the same way? He's private so we may never know but I feel like if it blossoms...we will. Or else she's just playing to her audience because she knows his fans...
I’m a huge fan of Pedro and Janicza, definitely rooting for these two. This type of show of love is pretty common within their friend group though:
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The “boyfriend” Arvand is referring to is Jeremy O. Harris.
But I’m like you, every time Pedro and Janicza show each other love/support I get the little flutters too. They’re so cute!
(Note for readers: This post is not saying Pedro and Janicza is together as a couple. Me and anon are just talking about how we love the idea of them. No one knows who Pedro is with romantically… if anyone at all.)
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arvanddesign · 4 years
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هدف ما تحقق روُیاهای شماست _______________________________________________________ ___________________ @arvand.design ___________________ _______________________________________________________ پروژه: طراحی داخلی و اجرا کارفرما: آقای ستارزاده طراحی توسط: شرکت معماری و دکوراسیون باشکوه آروند دیزاین ( ARVAND DESIGN ) موقعیت مکانی: هروی سبک طراحی : کلاسیک متراژ: ۲۰ متر ملک: آپارتمان مسکونی ورژن دوم طراحی طراحی، نظارت و اجرای اتاق خواب مستر عکس های اجرا هنوز کامل نشده اند انشالله کامل شده رو هم قرار میدیم. به سایت هم می توانید سر بزنید داره تکمیل میشه. https://ift.tt/2xHKQKo _______________________________________________________ ___________________ @arvand.design ___________________ _______________________________________________________ #آرونددیزاین #دیزاین_باشکوه #دکوراسیون_باشکوه #arvanddesign _______________________________________________________ ___________________ @arvand.design ___________________ _______________________________________________________ #memari #architecture #design #designer #decor #archdaily #archlovers #vray #homedecor #architecturephotography #interiordesign #homedesign #room #masterbedroom _______________________________________________________ ___________________ @arvand.design ___________________ _______________________________________________________ #معماری #معماری_داخلی #طراحی_داخلی #دیزاین_داخلی #معماری_کلاسیک #معماران #ارشیتکت #دیزاین_منزل #دکوراسیون #اتاق_خواب #اتاقخواب #اتاق_مستر — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2x2j1fB
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arvandweb · 4 years
change ssh port number
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