#as I didn't actually listen to any of it until this past Sunday lmao
umbreonwolfy · 2 months
The wonderful @mbjw tagged me to share my receiptify last week.
I started to make this post and then forgot about it. So have last week's and this week's XD
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Npt: @ykimchi @distressedplantmom @l3visbby @slippedawayintoamomentintime @khaostache @lesseraphins @p3rih @thedankestone @seal-sleepover @another-shameless-fangirl @terrendactyl @scumbag-ish @starryoong @these-emo-thoughts @dramalets @mooniyuta @awiniverse @xceanlynx @coffeeisaritual @suburbanlegnd @iron-fifty-nine @idratherbe @white-rose-petals @rai-knightshade @tattoosingarishhues @porsweaters @penboundmothmann (if you dont want me to tag you in future things just lmk!)
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 23: Games
~A/N  - Going for a group Avengers fic this time around! A bit of fun with some halloween-themed challenges gone pear-shaped (plus tickly consequences wink wonk).
This is so long omg I'm so sorry it took me ages to write it lmao.
- Enoy! ~
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Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
In the lead up to any major holiday or celebration, nothing was better than a little healthy competition. A set of challenges or games to prove strength, stamina, smarts, or just to laugh at your friends.
And the Avengers were ready to do just that.
When Bruce first pitched the idea of a halloween games night to Tony, he was nervous as to how Tony would react. He didn't want to seem childish, but he genuinely was excited to have a bit of fun with his friends. Especially with the amount of stress in their line of work.
With Tony hooked on the idea, the billionaire immediately began planning out different games all revolving around the spooky season.
Little did he know, it wouldn't turn out quite how anyone expected.
"Alright, let's get started!" Tony exclaimed once everyone was seated in the central meeting room. "I know you're all keen to work on this PR paperwork so without further ado, Bruce?"
Bruce stood up, keeping the cheeky smile off his face. Yes, he and Tony had planned to pretend this would be a boring paperwork meeting for the team before launching into the fun. Reaching behind the screen, he pulled out a box of donuts.
"Well, at least there's snacks for the next ten hours of writing." Clint smirked, reaching out for the box before Bruce pulled it away.
"Actually, there won't be any writing." Bruce grinned. Tony snapped his fingers, and 6 strings fell from the roof. "You will be needing these lines though."
As Bruce tied the donuts to the ceiling, Tony began to explain. "With Halloween coming up, Bruce and I felt it important to take part in a little team building exercise."
"Ah, a tournament!" Thor smiled. "Sounds excellent."
"For our first game, you are tasked with eating one donut hanging on a string." Tony continued. "You have to eat all of it. That string's gotta be cleaner than a priest on Sunday."
"Easy." Clint chimed in.
Tony grinned. "The catch? No hands."
The team of 6 moved in front of their strings. Steve and Nat waiting with their hands behind their backs, Thor with his fingers waiting at either side of the donut as if magically holding it still, Bruce and Tony eyeing for the best angle of attack, and Clint...
"Nobody said go yet!" Nat elbowed the man who was currently a quarter of the way through his donut. "Penalty?"
"Agreed." Steve laughed.
"Clint, wait 30 seconds while we start." Tony said, his eyes moving from his friends to now locked onto his target. "Ready, set, GO!"
Clint waited eagerly, counting to 30 as slowly as his racing heart would allow him. Finally, he was able to begin.
Thor was absolutely wolfing down the baked good, certain that he would be the victor by a landslide. All up until-
"Done." Steve wiped his mouth of the powdered sugar around it.
"Holy shit Rogers how did you finish that quickly?" Tony asked, only just past halfway on his.
Steve shrugged, grinning the whole time. "I guess you just need to get faster, Tony."
"Alright, next up is Apple Bobbing!" Bruce announced, ripping down the strings containing semi-eaten donuts. "Grab your buckets."
Each Avenger knelt on the floor, staring into a wide mouthed bucket full of water and about 5 apples.
"First to grab an apple with your mouth - and only your mouth -" Tony added. "Is the winner."
While the others listened intently, Nat was thinking up a plan of her own. She was perfectly positioned next to Steve, allowing her to ensure he didn't win twice in a row. As each hero plunged their face into the water, Natasha plunged her fingers into Steve's side. It was a long shot, but she didn't have to wait long to see if it worked.
"NGAAAAH!" Steve bubbled, coughing as he surfaced apple-less. "What was that for?"
Nat didn't respond, keeping her face in the water. The moment Steve let his guard down however, her hand was right back at his ribs.
"NAHAHAT!" Steve cackled, jerking his body away from the offending fingers.
"HR HRRRRH!" Thor laughed in victory, a bright green apple glistening in his mouth.
But most of the attention was placed on a red-faced (and mildly embarrassed) Steve Rogers, who's mouth was still stretched in a helpless smile.
"Didn't know you were ticklish, Cap." Clint smirked, winking approvingly at Natasha.
And that would only be the beginning. The next challenge brought whole 18 packs of toilet paper into the room, with Tony grinning menacingly at Natasha and Bruce.
"Seeing as you two are the smallest out of all of us..." Tony gestured to the pair (whether that statement was true or not was irrelevant). "You'll be our models."
"Models?" Thor asked bemusedly. "Models for what?"
"Your team will have to wrap you as tightly and best they can. First team to completely cover their 'mummy' wins."
Nat grumbled something about how unfair it was that she was chosen, while Bruce gave a nervous smile. With all this talk of tickling, he was more than skittish about four hands running around his body.
As Thor and Tony armed themselves with the paper rolls, Steve and Clint took their places beside Natasha. With everyone ready to go, the countdown began. Three out of the Four wrappers prepared themselves for covering their teammate, but Steve had other plans.
Vengeful plans.
Once 'Go' had left Bruce's lips, Steve started at Natasha's arms. Wrapping layer after layer of paper over her elbows. After a whole roll was around her waist, he wormed his fingers into her armpits and began his assault.
"stEHEVE!" Natasha squeaked, writhing in her bounds. Between Cap's arm wrapping and Hawkeye's excellent craftsmanship on her legs she was completely trapped.
Tony, watching the commotion unfold, decided Bruce needed a laugh as well. He let his hands follow the wrap up Bruce's torso and settled his fingers on the man's collarbones. It only took a few gentle taps for Dr Banner to absolutely crack. Thor, thoroughly entertained by the antics, began squeezing Bruce's hips through the wraps.
The poor mummified victims had no option but to either stand their and take it, occasionally hoping to land a headbutt, or collapse to the ground, risking ripping their team's hard work. Natasha decided to opt for the first, and almost caught Clint with the back of her skull. Bruce was left to helplessly dissolve at the knees - thankfully Thor was able to catch him. Unluckily this just rendered Bruce in a more accessible position for Tony's slender digits.
"T-T-T-HAHAHA-TIIHIHIHIME!" Bruce yelled out, relieved he could finally get the words out. Thor let him flop to the ground, perfectly cocooned in toilet paper. Whereas Nat, in her struggling, had half removed the paper around her legs.
"I'd say we win." Tony smirked. "But that's not all."
Both Bruce and Nat gave him a look of pure desperation. Neither could handle much more tickling.
"It's time to race."
Steve chuckled loudly. "Oh this'll be fun to watch."
Thor helped both competitors maneuver to the 'starting line' - two chairs placed on one side of the meeting table.
"First to finish two laps of the table is the winner." Tony smiled, sitting down on a spare chair. "Ready, Set, Go!"
With Natasha's legs almost released, she took off in an instant. Leaving poor Bruce writhing against his mummified bonds. By the time he had released an arm and began ripping at his legs, Natasha was halfway through her second lap. Bruce began to run, but to no avail. Natasha rounded the corner and through the chairs to victory.
"Unlucky Tony!" Nat smiled coyly. "I guess having the best wrapping skills doesn't always pay off!"
"Hmmm, perhaps we deserve a little compensation, hmm?" Clint added, inching closer and closer to the losing team of three.
"And what compensation might that be?" Steve asked innocently, though his intentions were far from it.
"This!" Natasha laughed, leaping at Tony and running her nails up his sides. The hero let out a squeal before crumbling into squeaky laughter. Steve joined the attack, aiming for Thor's armpits. His assault didn't last long, as Thor quickly turned the tables by getting Steve's ribs. Clint, aiming for the most helpless of the group, went for a wide-eyed Bruce. The already jumpy scientist yelped as two hands made contact with his hips and squeezed. Hiccup-filled giggles bubbled out of Bruce's mouth.
"THIHIHIS WAHAHASN'T PAHART OF THEHEHE GAHAHAMES!" Bruce laughed, still struggling to free himself from his paper prison.
"This is the new challenge Banner!" Clint grinned. "Spiders!"
"Yeah-" Steve gasped, only just having freed himself from Thor's clutches. "I'm sensing a theme with these games..."
Tony could only laugh in response, Natasha still ruthlessly tickling him while keeping him pinned against the floor. Thor rushing in to help Bruce escape Clint (the poor guy had been tortured enough in this bout), and Steve enjoying watching the madness.
It was safe to say this would be a regular tradition for the Avengers in many years to come.
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punkbarbarian · 2 years
multiples of 6 for kai and will!!
6. how have they changed in the last year? how about the last five years?
kai: in the last year, i think kai has started to become more open about how they feel and have gotten better (at least a little) at communicating with people. in the past 5 fears they've changed a lot. 5 years ago they emancipated themself from the foster system and has been through a Lot Of Shit. they've definitely grown, i think for the better
will: i think will has been stuck in a routine for a while now, only recently being broken by coming to lost. even like, 6 months ago he was pretty different. he was alone for a pretty long time and didn't let himself open up to people, but now he has started to
12. how have they altered their body? piercings, tattoos, biohacks, or other modifications—anything. why (or why not) did they (or someone else) make those changes?
kai: absolutely covered in tattoos, mostly done themself. they're friends with a few artists so they also have some done "professionally." they have a lot of piercings in their ears and also their eyebrow, nostril, septum, and lip! they did this because it looks tight as fuck
will: will doesn't have any tattoos or piercings! he likes them on other people, but personally doesn't want any
18. what dish brings back the best memories for them?
kai: beef ramen that their grandma would make them when they were sick as a kid <3
will: sunday morning breakfast - scrambled eggs, bacon, & biscuits. he and his family would always eat breakfast together on sundays, even after he got married to his husband! it was their weekly ritual
24. are they close to any family members?
kai: he was very close with his grandma before she passed bc she was the one who raised him. they're an only child and didn't know their parents so they're not close w any biological family. he does think of the party as family though <3
will: he was very close with his parents and siblings until he left his hometown. he hasn't been in contact with them for over a decade
30. how do they handle confrontation?
kai: immediately squares up and tries to out-confront the other person. they also may try to lie their way out of a situation depending on the type of confrontation
will: tries to diffuse the situation and listen to the other person. unless they're wrong, in which case he will roast their ass
36. how do they fidget?
kai: always tapping out a song on their fingers, tapping their toes, picking at their jewlery and clothes
will: taking things apart and putting them back together, playing with his hair and beard
42. can they dance?
kai: absolutely not, unless moshing and intense arm swinging counts
will: enough to get by but not enough to tell someone else what to do
48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least?
kai: i think kai relates the most to nettle, but also sees parts of himself in bo and nox (all autistic party will have some overlaps lol). in general, i think they relate the least to bo bc they are really such different ppl. based on height alone
will: cass because they're both older and are generally tired of everyone's shit, also morel bc of how matter of fact they are. probably relate the least to divine because of. everything about her lmao
54. how important is money in their life? do they save up for ages, or spend quickly?
kai: thinks being anticapitalist is an excuse to be absolutely terrible with money. they are so chaotic with their spending and probably don't have a credit card because it's supporting a predatory system
will: actually knows how to save up money and reasonably spend in order to keep enough in case of emergencies
60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing?
kai: above all has faith in themself. they've made it this far, so there's no reason to not keep going
will: believes in good always conquering evil, even when it doesn't feel that way. hope is a driving force for him
66. which fruit do they like most?
kai: dragonfruit!
will: granny smith apples!
send me character asks!
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