#tickletober day 23
amazingmsme · 11 months
Showing the Ropes
AN: Still trying to catch up😭 I’m just like that bitch with his rock fr. Finish one fic post it, start the next one & it’s already the next day. Post THAT fic & you’re still the same amount behind because that’s how the passage of time works. Through gritted teeth: I love being a writer. In all honesty tho, I love tickletober it’s just a very shit time in my life & this is how I cope. This fic came out way better than I expected, just cause I’m not real big on writing for Mike. Idk what it is about him, but I always feel iffy about his characterization. But this is just a really cute & silly moment between him, El & Nancy.
Mike didn't even know how long they'd been going at it, but he knew one thing for sure: he was going to die. They were going to kill him right then and there.
Nancy was walking through the living room while they were watching a movie and she noticed the way El poked and scribbled lazily at his sides and tummy, eliciting the occasional choked off giggle.
"I can give you some pointers if you want," she had offered out of the blue, catching the both of them extremely off guard. Mike was rightfully mortified while El cocked her head like a curious puppy.
"Pointers?" she questioned, unsure what the older teen could mean. Nancy rolled her eyes fondly and made her way to the couch.
"No, go away! Don't you have a paper to write?" he snarked. El elbowed him in the ribs.
"Mike, don't be rude," she softly scolded. Nancy smirked.
"He's just cranky 'cause he knows what's coming," she teased. Mike glared at her, long and hard. They stared at each other, locked in a stalemate. In the end, it was Mike who broke it off, trying to make a run for it. She easily caught him by the back of his shirt, yanking him back, "God, you're so predictable."
"Nancy, let go! I'm serious!"
"That's the problem, isn't it? He's always so serious," she joked, shooting a wink towards El as she wrestled her brother back on the couch. She managed to pin him underneath her, Mike's constant struggling making it a little difficult for her. He wasn't as small as he used to be, now he was all gangly limbs and much taller.
"Wanna help?" Nancy asked, and El's face lit up.
"I'd love to!"
"Nohoho El don't! She's evil!" he protested, a few nervous giggles slipping past his lips.
"She's nice to me," she reasoned as she helped hold Mike's arms above his head. Nancy gave her a thumbs up before turning "serious."
"Any time you need to keep him in check, just do this," she said matter of factly. El nodded, listening intently. Mike shook his head, knowing where she was going with this.
"Nancy, don't! Whatever it is I did I'm sorry!" he cried, sure she was doing this as some kind of revenge for something he must've done. That's how it usually went, anyway. Nancy laughed in amusement.
"See? We haven't even touched him and he's already begging," she teased and El giggled along, making him blush. "But you didn't do anything- this time. Just thought El could use a leg up in your tickle fights." The comment caused a faint dusting of pink to grace El's cheeks as well.
"She does fine! Don't you El?" he asked, hoping for his girlfriend to be on his side. She just smiled at him and shrugged.
"I kinda wanna see where she's going with this. And just like that, his fate was sealed.
Nancy rolled up his shirt, anticipatory giggled building up in his chest. She made a show of drawing in a deep breath before bending down to blow a raspberry on his bare belly. Mike was immediately launched into a bout of hysterics. Unable to protect himself, he chose instead to hide his face behind his outstretched arm.
Nancy blew a few more raspberries, shaking her head and growling playfully. Mike screeched, head tossed back as loud, carefree laughter burst free from his throat. He tried to plead for mercy, but every attempt at speech was lost to an incoherent giggling babble.
Nancy pulled away to give him a breather, though it didn't last nearly as long as Mike had hoped.
"Your turn!" Nancy's chipper voice sent a strong sense of dread through his entire body. El's grin overtook her features as she swapped places with Nancy. Her eyes were alight with mischief, scanning her prey carefully.
"So I take a deep breath and just... blow?" El asked. Nancy nodded in encouragement.
"Yeah, but you need to do it directly on the skin. Like this," Nancy demonstrated again, scooping her little brother in her arms unexpectedly and blew a raspberry on his neck, making him scream much too close to her ears, but that was her own doing.
El giggled, taking the advice to heart and putting it to good use.
Mike wasn't sure how he was still alive, in all honesty.
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 23: Games
~A/N  - Going for a group Avengers fic this time around! A bit of fun with some halloween-themed challenges gone pear-shaped (plus tickly consequences wink wonk).
This is so long omg I'm so sorry it took me ages to write it lmao.
- Enoy! ~
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Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
In the lead up to any major holiday or celebration, nothing was better than a little healthy competition. A set of challenges or games to prove strength, stamina, smarts, or just to laugh at your friends.
And the Avengers were ready to do just that.
When Bruce first pitched the idea of a halloween games night to Tony, he was nervous as to how Tony would react. He didn't want to seem childish, but he genuinely was excited to have a bit of fun with his friends. Especially with the amount of stress in their line of work.
With Tony hooked on the idea, the billionaire immediately began planning out different games all revolving around the spooky season.
Little did he know, it wouldn't turn out quite how anyone expected.
"Alright, let's get started!" Tony exclaimed once everyone was seated in the central meeting room. "I know you're all keen to work on this PR paperwork so without further ado, Bruce?"
Bruce stood up, keeping the cheeky smile off his face. Yes, he and Tony had planned to pretend this would be a boring paperwork meeting for the team before launching into the fun. Reaching behind the screen, he pulled out a box of donuts.
"Well, at least there's snacks for the next ten hours of writing." Clint smirked, reaching out for the box before Bruce pulled it away.
"Actually, there won't be any writing." Bruce grinned. Tony snapped his fingers, and 6 strings fell from the roof. "You will be needing these lines though."
As Bruce tied the donuts to the ceiling, Tony began to explain. "With Halloween coming up, Bruce and I felt it important to take part in a little team building exercise."
"Ah, a tournament!" Thor smiled. "Sounds excellent."
"For our first game, you are tasked with eating one donut hanging on a string." Tony continued. "You have to eat all of it. That string's gotta be cleaner than a priest on Sunday."
"Easy." Clint chimed in.
Tony grinned. "The catch? No hands."
The team of 6 moved in front of their strings. Steve and Nat waiting with their hands behind their backs, Thor with his fingers waiting at either side of the donut as if magically holding it still, Bruce and Tony eyeing for the best angle of attack, and Clint...
"Nobody said go yet!" Nat elbowed the man who was currently a quarter of the way through his donut. "Penalty?"
"Agreed." Steve laughed.
"Clint, wait 30 seconds while we start." Tony said, his eyes moving from his friends to now locked onto his target. "Ready, set, GO!"
Clint waited eagerly, counting to 30 as slowly as his racing heart would allow him. Finally, he was able to begin.
Thor was absolutely wolfing down the baked good, certain that he would be the victor by a landslide. All up until-
"Done." Steve wiped his mouth of the powdered sugar around it.
"Holy shit Rogers how did you finish that quickly?" Tony asked, only just past halfway on his.
Steve shrugged, grinning the whole time. "I guess you just need to get faster, Tony."
"Alright, next up is Apple Bobbing!" Bruce announced, ripping down the strings containing semi-eaten donuts. "Grab your buckets."
Each Avenger knelt on the floor, staring into a wide mouthed bucket full of water and about 5 apples.
"First to grab an apple with your mouth - and only your mouth -" Tony added. "Is the winner."
While the others listened intently, Nat was thinking up a plan of her own. She was perfectly positioned next to Steve, allowing her to ensure he didn't win twice in a row. As each hero plunged their face into the water, Natasha plunged her fingers into Steve's side. It was a long shot, but she didn't have to wait long to see if it worked.
"NGAAAAH!" Steve bubbled, coughing as he surfaced apple-less. "What was that for?"
Nat didn't respond, keeping her face in the water. The moment Steve let his guard down however, her hand was right back at his ribs.
"NAHAHAT!" Steve cackled, jerking his body away from the offending fingers.
"HR HRRRRH!" Thor laughed in victory, a bright green apple glistening in his mouth.
But most of the attention was placed on a red-faced (and mildly embarrassed) Steve Rogers, who's mouth was still stretched in a helpless smile.
"Didn't know you were ticklish, Cap." Clint smirked, winking approvingly at Natasha.
And that would only be the beginning. The next challenge brought whole 18 packs of toilet paper into the room, with Tony grinning menacingly at Natasha and Bruce.
"Seeing as you two are the smallest out of all of us..." Tony gestured to the pair (whether that statement was true or not was irrelevant). "You'll be our models."
"Models?" Thor asked bemusedly. "Models for what?"
"Your team will have to wrap you as tightly and best they can. First team to completely cover their 'mummy' wins."
Nat grumbled something about how unfair it was that she was chosen, while Bruce gave a nervous smile. With all this talk of tickling, he was more than skittish about four hands running around his body.
As Thor and Tony armed themselves with the paper rolls, Steve and Clint took their places beside Natasha. With everyone ready to go, the countdown began. Three out of the Four wrappers prepared themselves for covering their teammate, but Steve had other plans.
Vengeful plans.
Once 'Go' had left Bruce's lips, Steve started at Natasha's arms. Wrapping layer after layer of paper over her elbows. After a whole roll was around her waist, he wormed his fingers into her armpits and began his assault.
"stEHEVE!" Natasha squeaked, writhing in her bounds. Between Cap's arm wrapping and Hawkeye's excellent craftsmanship on her legs she was completely trapped.
Tony, watching the commotion unfold, decided Bruce needed a laugh as well. He let his hands follow the wrap up Bruce's torso and settled his fingers on the man's collarbones. It only took a few gentle taps for Dr Banner to absolutely crack. Thor, thoroughly entertained by the antics, began squeezing Bruce's hips through the wraps.
The poor mummified victims had no option but to either stand their and take it, occasionally hoping to land a headbutt, or collapse to the ground, risking ripping their team's hard work. Natasha decided to opt for the first, and almost caught Clint with the back of her skull. Bruce was left to helplessly dissolve at the knees - thankfully Thor was able to catch him. Unluckily this just rendered Bruce in a more accessible position for Tony's slender digits.
"T-T-T-HAHAHA-TIIHIHIHIME!" Bruce yelled out, relieved he could finally get the words out. Thor let him flop to the ground, perfectly cocooned in toilet paper. Whereas Nat, in her struggling, had half removed the paper around her legs.
"I'd say we win." Tony smirked. "But that's not all."
Both Bruce and Nat gave him a look of pure desperation. Neither could handle much more tickling.
"It's time to race."
Steve chuckled loudly. "Oh this'll be fun to watch."
Thor helped both competitors maneuver to the 'starting line' - two chairs placed on one side of the meeting table.
"First to finish two laps of the table is the winner." Tony smiled, sitting down on a spare chair. "Ready, Set, Go!"
With Natasha's legs almost released, she took off in an instant. Leaving poor Bruce writhing against his mummified bonds. By the time he had released an arm and began ripping at his legs, Natasha was halfway through her second lap. Bruce began to run, but to no avail. Natasha rounded the corner and through the chairs to victory.
"Unlucky Tony!" Nat smiled coyly. "I guess having the best wrapping skills doesn't always pay off!"
"Hmmm, perhaps we deserve a little compensation, hmm?" Clint added, inching closer and closer to the losing team of three.
"And what compensation might that be?" Steve asked innocently, though his intentions were far from it.
"This!" Natasha laughed, leaping at Tony and running her nails up his sides. The hero let out a squeal before crumbling into squeaky laughter. Steve joined the attack, aiming for Thor's armpits. His assault didn't last long, as Thor quickly turned the tables by getting Steve's ribs. Clint, aiming for the most helpless of the group, went for a wide-eyed Bruce. The already jumpy scientist yelped as two hands made contact with his hips and squeezed. Hiccup-filled giggles bubbled out of Bruce's mouth.
"THIHIHIS WAHAHASN'T PAHART OF THEHEHE GAHAHAMES!" Bruce laughed, still struggling to free himself from his paper prison.
"This is the new challenge Banner!" Clint grinned. "Spiders!"
"Yeah-" Steve gasped, only just having freed himself from Thor's clutches. "I'm sensing a theme with these games..."
Tony could only laugh in response, Natasha still ruthlessly tickling him while keeping him pinned against the floor. Thor rushing in to help Bruce escape Clint (the poor guy had been tortured enough in this bout), and Steve enjoying watching the madness.
It was safe to say this would be a regular tradition for the Avengers in many years to come.
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nhasablogg · 2 years
Tickletober Day 23 - Spidering
Fandom: MCU
Characters: Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3
Words: 338
[Tickletober prompts]
You could spot their age difference not only from their appearances, but in the ways the three of them loved.
Peter 3 had an older brother type of fondness. An I have seen the world and there is nothing to do but to love anyway type of love. He showed it in the way he smiled at them, patient, caring, seeing nothing but potential in their younger faces and hoping to god the world wouldn’t hurt them more than it had.
“It’s okay,” he would say, nodding at them when they were frustrated, wishing things were easier, or that they were better. “Breathe,” he would say. “You’ve got so much in you.”
Peter 2 was physically affectionate in his love. All reassuring hands on shoulders, knees knocking together, playful pokes to sides and ribs. He showed his love by wrapping them in his arms and clinging to them in a way that showed he needed this just as much as they do.
“Ah, you’re ticklish,” he would say, delighted even though he’d been spidering his fingers up their spines and arms before and had known what their reactions had meant. “That’s cute,” he would say, worming his hands into sensitive spots and laughing along as they squirmed, pulling them close when he was done to feel their giddy joy vibrate through his bones.
Peter 1 showed his love by seeking their approval, all eagerness as he looked up at them, smiling hopefully in a way that broke their hearts. He showed love by trying to always be helpful, not always realizing that he could ask them for help too.
“Does that make sense?” he would ask, eyes wide as he looked at them, not realizing he was the smartest person they’d ever met. “I mean, we could do it your way if you think this plan sucks,” he would say, and they would wrap him in their approving compliments, feeling flattered that he cared so much about what they thought to pretend as if his plan wasn’t spotless.
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Day 23 - Forest/Plants
C!Quackity/C!Karl ROMANTIC (since it’s a canon couple lolol)
“Oh come on, stop laughing and get me out alreadyyyyyy,” Karl whined, his arms wrapped in vines above his head. Quackity stopped laughing after a few moments, noticing the position he was in. “Alright alright, here,” Quackity poked and prodded at Karl’s stomach and Karl squealed, “Waitwaitwahahahahait! Thahahat tihihickles! Quahahahackihihitehehehe nononohohohoho!” Quackity smirked a bit, “Oh does it really? I hadn’t noticed, lemme just find where the vine starts~” Karl wiggled and squirmed through squeaks and giggles, “Buhuhuhut ihihihit tihihihickles tohohohoo muhuhuhuch!”
“Sorry Karlos, but you’re just gonna have to deal with it until I find out how to get you out~” Quackity teased, skittering his fingers under his exposed underarms, causing another squeal to erupt from Karl’s throat, “NONONOHOHOHO IHIHIHIT’S SOHOHOHO BAHAHAHAD!” Just then they heard a snap and suddenly Karl’s arms were down trying to block the fingers in his underarms. “Oh look, your arms are free, but that doesn’t mean I’m done with you~” Quackity teased, digging into his ribs, causing Karl to shriek and grabbed onto Quackity’s hands, “Okay okahahahahay, Ihihihi’m dohohohone, ehehehenohohohough!” Quackity’s hands instantly stopped and rubbed the ghost tickles away.
Karl collapsed into Quackity’s arms, going limp. Quackity ran his fingers through Karl’s hair, “You did so well, Karlos.” Karl smiled, “Thahahank yohohou….Ihihi’ll gehet yohohou bahahack lahater, buhut yohou’re sahafe for nohohow,” he said through residual giggles as he was helped back home to their shared home with Sapnap.
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 23 - forest/plants
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Diavolo x Lucifer
- So, what did you want to show me? - Lucifer crossed his arms and looked at his boyfriend.
- Ohhh you'll love it. - Diavolo acted like a small child, which will always amuse the Avatar of Pride.
Dia decided to call the dark-haired early in the morning, to take a walking, which the sleepy Luci was not very happy about, but of course he could not refuse his cute boyfriend.
- Why exactly early in the morning you decided to show it to me. - Lucifer tried to suppress a yawn.
- This is the best time! And yet, I really missed you. - Diavolo pursed his lips.
- Me too. - the demon smiled.
They reached their favorite field, where they often spend time together.
- We came. - the prince stopped.
- Okay, now what?
- Look. - Diavolo cast a spell and his fingers began to move slowly. He was very focused on his work. And just a few seconds later, vines began to appear from the ground, which were of various sizes and different ends. Some of them had a soft tip in the form of a brush, others just a wriggling tip. Lucifer gazed bewitchingly at all this.
- Wow, this is very beautiful. - he smiled.
- I'm just learning. - Dia smiled shyly. - I recently learned about this spell and wanted to learn it. But I still need practice.
The dark-haired decided to come closer to get a better look at the vines.
- Luci, maybe you shouldn’t get so close yet? I have not yet learned to control them well.
- I think you won't let them hurt me. - the Avatar of Pride winked.
When the red-eyed was quite close to the vines, he turned to his boyfriend and waved his hand.
- See. They are harmle.. - but then one vine grabbed his hand. - W-what? Whoo
The vines grabbed his other hand and lifted it up.
- Dia! Stop them! - the demon tried to get out, but the vines were stronger.
- I'm trying to! Be patient, I will help you. - Dia says a spell, but nothing happens, Lucifer is still hanging in the air.
A few vines started wrapping around Luci's right leg and slowly making their way under his shirt.
- S-stohop them. - the Avatar of Pride blushed and began to squirm.
Suddenly, they began to gently tickle the pale skin and the dark-haired squealed.
- Dihihihihia hahah whyahahaha are thehehey dohohoing thihihis?
- Oh, I do not know. It is very strange. - in fact, he chuckled softly at the sight.
- Stohohohoop thehehehem, nohOHOHOHO, GOHOHOHO AHAHAWAY! - when the vines with the fluffy tip touched his armpit cavities, he tossed his head and screamed.
Diavolo stared at his boyfriend.
- Wow Luci, they really liked you.
- Nohohoho, takhehehe thehehehem awahahahay!
The prince chuckled and stepped closer. But he did not guess that the vines also wanted to play with him. So when he reached for the dark haired, several vines began to tickle him.
- Ahahahahahaha, hehehehehey nohohohohoo. I cohohohonjured yohohohohou, yohohohou cahahahan't tihihihihckle mehehehehe.
Both demons couldn't stop these vines and just kept on laughing.
- Dihihihihihia if wehehehee dihihihie, I wihihihill rehehehehrsurrect and kihihihihill yohohohohu!
After a while, the vines did stop and lay them both down on the grass.
- Phew, what was that? - Lucifer was breathing heavily.
- Vines, I told you that I haven't finished my practice yet. - Dia looked at his boyfriend and smiled at him. - But I saw that you liked it~
Lucifer didn't answer, only looked at his boyfriend and showed him his tongue.
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
TickleTober Day #23: Baking
ShinDeku (MHA)
“Aww, they’re so cute!”
For a split second, Shinsou felt his cheeks flush, thinking his boyfriend was talking about him. But then his eyes fell on the sugar cookies he’d just pulled out of the oven – the ones with Halloween-themed decorations stamped onto them – and he let out a breath as he pulled off his oven mitts.
“Yeah, they are pretty cute, aren’t they?” he chuckled.
Deku’s mop of green hair popped into his vision then, followed by his wide smile and a teasing wink. “Not as cute as you, though, Toshi~”
This time, Shinsou really did blush. “W-What…?”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice~” Deku teased, poking his side. “I saw your eyes light up when you thought I was talking about you. You’re adorable.”
“What? No, they didn’t!” Shinsou retorted, tossing his mitts onto the counter and crossing his arms defiantly. “You just…caught me off-guard.”
Deku smirked, poking him again. “Come on~” And again. “Admit it.” And again, drawing a muffled squeak out of the taller boy. “You like it when I call you cute.”
“N-Nohoho, I don’t!”
“You don’t?” Deku tapped his chin in mock pondering for a moment, then suddenly dove for his boyfriend, pushing him against the wall and digging into his sides playfully. “Then maybe beautiful? Talented? Brave? Any of those doing it for you, Toshi?”
“Ahahahahahaha nohohohohoho! Izuhuhuhuhuku!”
“No? You’re really making me work for it.” Deku’s eyes then caught on one of the cooling sugar cookies and he grinned triumphantly, turning to look up at his boyfriend. “I got it! Pumpkin~”
Shinsou’s eyes widened as he cackled even harder, squirming uselessly against the wall, a mess of hysterics and blushing. “Shuhuhuhuhuhut up!”
“Ooh, that’s the one, is it?”
“Pumpkin~” Deku cooed, darting down to his boyfriend’s hips. “Won’t you smile for me, my pumpkin?”
Shinsou laughed and tossed his head back so hard he slammed it into the wall, causing Deku to immediately let up on his playful attack with a gasp.
“Oh my gosh, Toshi! Are you okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have tickled you there when you were against the wall, I knew better—”
He was rambling – the perfect opportunity to get him back.
Shinsou wrapped his arms around his waist and hoisted him up with ease, flipping around so the smaller boy was against the wall now, making Deku squeal with surprise and grasp his shoulders, smiling down at him with a pink blush of his own. “Toshi?”
“Zu,” Shinsou cooed up at him, then flashed an evil smile. “You know, I need to make sure to eat healthy before I dig into these cookies…”
Deku shrieked and kicked as his boyfriend assaulted him with raspberry after raspberry to his belly and ribs, filling the kitchen with laughter as sweet as the Halloween cookies waiting to be enjoyed.
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ticklygiggles · 2 months
Taking Tickletober requests! ✨
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Hello everyone~
I like to live perpetually stressed, so I decided I'll be letting you guys choose the pairings for this year's Tickletober list! I'll be only using @/lovelynim's list so,
Send me a pairing (romantic or platonic) from my fandom list + a number to write a drabble!
I will be editing this post as you guys send your requests, if I don't choose the one you send, please don't take it personally! ❤️❤️ I'll be waiting for you guys's requests! 💗
Now the list:
🎃 Day 1: “Ready?”
🎃 Day 2: Accident
🎃 Day 3: Cleaning
🎃 Day 4: Upside down [Sylus x Reader]
🎃 Day 5: (Un)tie [Lyney x Lumine]
🎃 Day 6: Order
🎃 Day 7: Teaching
🎃 Day 8: Exposed body part
🎃 Day 9: Dance [Xavier x Reader]
🎃 Day 10: In secret [Solomon, Barbatos x Reader]
🎃 Day 11: Noise
🎃 Day 12: Wall
🎃 Day 13: Alone
🎃 Day 14: High
🎃 Day 15: Faking it [Zayne x Reader]
🎃 Day 16: Doctor [Zayne x Reader]
🎃 Day 17: Underwater
🎃 Day 18: Clothes
🎃 Day 19: Make up
🎃 Day 20: Posing
🎃 Day 21: Singing
🎃 Day 22: Cheating
🎃 Day 23: Money [Mammon & Reader]
🎃 Day 24: Bully [Rafayel x Reader]
🎃 Day 25: “No.” [Mao x Hisashi]
🎃 Day 26: Timer
🎃 Day 27: Picky
🎃 Day 28: “The number you have dialed…”
🎃 Day 29: Help
🎃 Day 30: Magic
🎃 Day 31: Rest
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jeonginsdiary · 11 months
- tickletober day 23
- incoherent
- lee! seungmin | ler! minho
“NOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHA!!” seungmin squealed, arching his back while minho dug hard into his top ribs.
lee know grinned. “please what?” he teased, watching the incoherent boy flop around on the bed. the vocalist screamed, unable to form proper words through his boisterous laughter.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” seungmin had made the bad decision to poke minho’s armpit when he brought a hand up to fix his hair. of course, the older boy let out an embarrassingly loud shriek, slamming his arm down and wasting no time in pinning seungmin to the bed.
he wanted to tickle the younger to tears. maybe not that far, but enough to have him begging for mercy. but in seungmin’s ticklish predicament, he couldn’t find the voice to beg. laughter being the only sound escaping his lips. he really tried to resonate with the older but, every time he opened his mouth to plead, laughter ultimately replaced whatever he was about to say. “i can’t understand you!” minho smirked. “finish your sentence before you start laughing!”
seungmin clamped his arms to his sides, the fingers jammed into his ribs driving him crazy. “NONONONOHOHOHAHAHA I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!!”
“woah, calm down.” lee know lifted his hands, wanting to give the younger some time to actually breathe.
“pleaseireallycanttakeit!” the vocalist let out in one breath, grabbing onto the older’s wrists and beaming ear to ear. “no, no! please! noHOHOHO!” minho stuffed his fingers into seungmin’s lower belly, watching the younger become incoherent once more as he babbled muddled words.
the dancer stilled his fingers, leaving the boy twitching underneath him at any hint of movement. “if you admit you’re the most ticklish in the group, i’ll let you go.”
“no way!” seungmin retorted with widened eyes, though, another tweak to his tummy made him rethink immediately. “okay, okahay!” he begun. “i’m the most — NOHOHOHOHO!” the dancer jabbed into his stomach, successfully interrupting the boy mid sentence.
“you’re what?” he asked.
seungmin restarted. “i-i’m the most ti — STAHAHAHAHA!” again, fingers dug into his v-line, making the younger scream with laughter.
lee know’s evil method continued for a while before he finally let seungmin finish his sentence. “i’m the most ticklish in stray kids!” he sighed when those torturous hands left his midriff. “you’re so mean.” he groaned, laying on the soft mattress, face and ears red, hair disheveled.
it was kind of fun, though. he thought to himself.
i’m sorry i don’t rlly like this fic, i hope y’all do😭
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
That Lyney fic just earned you a follow JAJSUJDHDD and I see ur still accepting tickletober prompts, so I was hoping to get one in! I'm not really sure how it works but I see day 23 isn't taken, so maybe you could do ler!Lyney and lee!Freminet for that one? Or any other day you'd wanna do that for is fine! I just have a dire need ajsjdjd
Anyway your writing is amazing and I can't wait to see more from you!
Tickletober day #23: Incoherent
I was so happy when I got this, I love the sibs 🥺💖💖💖
And am glad you enjoy my writing, hope you like this too! :D
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Freminet x Lyney (PLATONIC)
Lee: Freminet
Ler: Lyney
Warnings: Tickles!
Anyone would be surprised to see Freminet zooming so swiftly across his home, but when the stakes where this high anything was possible.
“Fremineeeet~ Come out, come out wherever you are~” Lyney spoke in a sing-song voice as he stepped into his brother’s room, searching as to where the blonde could’ve hidden at. Or atleast pretending to, as his big brother, Lyney already knew all of his go-to hiding spots when it came to these sorts of games.
Freminet held in a shaky breath, covering his mouth behind his hands, quietly observing Lyney walk by from under his bed.
“Well I guess he isn’t here…~” Lyney’s voice became fainter and the door closed, signaling that he was gone. Freminet let out a sigh of relief, making his way out, until…
When he looked up, Lyney was seated on top of his bed, looking down at him with a playful grin. Causing Freminet to gulp out of instinct.
“No!” his fight or flight reaction kicked in, trying to scurry away but it was too late. Lyney managed to quickly pull him up, pinning him down on his bed.
“Now where do you think you’re going? You should know better than to hide from the tickle monster~” Lyney’s grin turn into a mischevious smirk, as he started to wiggle his fingers just above Freminet’s tummy, barely ghosting over the sensitive skin.
“W-wahahait! Dohon’t you wanna hear about romaritime flowers and- and hat jellyfiHIHISH?!” Freminet’s words fell deaf as Lyney’s fingers finally reached their destination. Gently wiggling all over the soft flesh of his midsection. “WAHAHA! LYNEY NO! WAIT! PFFTAHAHAHA!”
“Aww! Look at you go, little brother! You can barely even talk when I go tickle tickle tickle~ on your cute tummy~”
“Now y’know what they say, every good magician needs a grand finale~”
Freminet let out a flustered squeal, his pale complexion quickly turning as bright as Lyney’s pyro vision.
"Haha! A tickle under here~ And a tickle under there~!" the magician spoke playfully as he struck under Freminet's armpits with each teasing phrase, sending his little brother further down into hysterics.
"NAHAHAHAO! N-NOHOHO TEASING! LYNEY- PLEHEHEASE!" the freckled boy's eyes were shut tight, as if that somehow would make the ticklish feeling go away. If anything, it just made him more susceptible to it, not knowing what his brother would do next. Then again, he could never tell what Lyney's next move would be.
Freminet let out an audible gulp at that. His eyes widened in fear and yet excitement at what Lyney could have in store for him, but whatever it was, it could only be 'torturous' for him.
The magician cracked his fingers and loosened his muscles, as if this were his greatest trick yet. He then pulled up Freminet’s shirt and sucked in as much air as he could hold, before leaning down and releasing the mother of raspberries on poor Freminet’s tummy.
“WAH! PSHHH! AHAHAHAHA! IHIHIT TICKLES SO BAHAHAD!” the introvert cried out the obvious through bouts of laughter. He couldn’t help but throw his head back, his wide smile open for everyone to see.
Once the torment was done, Lyney pulled back, wearing a satisfied smirk on his face. “Thank you one and all!~” Lyney bowed down to an imaginary audience, as Fremimet was still too busy giggling and gasping for breath to even get up.
“I hope you had fun, little brother. I know I sure did~” Lyney teased, leaning down to playfully boop his brother’s redenned nose.
Fremimet let out a small, flustered grumble. Hiding his nose with his hands. “I-it… yeah, I did…” he eventually admitted shyly, letting out a coy smile.
“Then my job here is done!” Lyney flipped his cape dramatically before exiting out of the room, leaving a giddy Freminet to reminiscence of what just happened.
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giggleeclown · 11 months
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Tickletober Day 23: Candy
It’s been soooo long since I’ve drawn these sillies, I still love them with all my heart 🩷🩷🩷
Want to use my prompt list? It’s right here!
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anzynai · 11 months
Day 23 - Incoherent
Diluc & Venti (Genshin Impact)
a/n: so tbh payton and i haven’t really done many of the tickletober days like we were hoping,, but it’s okay!! this along with another fic might be the only other ones because we just both don’t really have time to write everyday 😭😭
i’ll try to do it next year but i’m not sure!! still, i’ve got diluc and venti here for ya so hope u guys enjoy it :)
Venti leaned against the tree in Windrise, watching the sunset. He smiled, pleasantly, and picked up his bottle of Dandelion Wine, pouring it into a glass.
“Ah, nothing quite like the finest wine there is on a day like this..” He said to himself, content as he took a swig of it. He wasn’t sure if there was anything that could disrupt his peace. All the monsters had already been cleared out by adventurers and he wasn’t supposed to meeting anyone or playing any performances tonight.
“Venti.” Oh, he supposed he spoke too soon. He turned towards the familiar voice.
“Oh! Master Diluc. Care to join me?”
Diluc grumbled. “No, but I would like that bottle of wine that you stole.” Venti let out a mock gasp.
“Stole? I wouldn’t dare.” He put a heart to his chest. “And as your archon, shouldn’t you be letting me get all the wine I want?”
“If I did that, I wouldn’t exactly have a business to run anymore, would I?” Diluc rolled his eyes, unamused.
“Oh, don’t be like that.” Venti groaned, tilting his head back. It was definitely true, though, but Diluc didn’t have to know that.
At this point, Venti half expected to Diluc to leave, grumbling about having to put it on Venti’s tab that would never be paid. Instead, he stood, waiting.
“So..?” Venti asked, holding the bottle a little closer. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to part with it just yet. Not until it was empty, at least.
“So give me that bottle back.” The red haired held out his hand.
“Please? Can I have it?” Venti pouted, pleading. Diluc’s expression didn’t change.
“Venti..” Diluc said, again and Venti stood up quickly, turning away.
“Ah, isn’t it late? I guess I should be going now..!” Venti exclaimed. His palms felt a bit sweaty at the thought of giving up the bottle. He began walking, but Diluc tried grabbing his arm, but missed, grazing his waist instead.
“Ah!” Venti jolted, freezing before Diluc paused. He looked puzzled.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Of course not! You just startled me. Anyways, see you later!” Venti laughed.
“No, that’s not it.” Diluc grabs Venti’s arm, without missing this time, before he can try to run off again.
“What isn’t it…?”
“I didn’t startle you, but you… don’t seem to be in pain either, so… wait— are you ticklish?” Diluc’s eyes widened and he looked Venti straight in the eyes. Venti had to resist the urge to look away, but it was hard to will away the blush rising to his cheeks.
“Don’t be silly. Archons can’t be ticklish.” Venti felt a little bad for using his status to get out of something like tickling, but he was pretty sure that he would die otherwise.
“Really?” Diluc quirked a lip, actually looking amused. It made Venti nervous.
“Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if I did this?” Diluc asked, lightly tracing his finger up Venti’s arm. Venti immediately tensed, feeling the tingly feeling follow the finger. The bard pursed his lips.
“N-nope, not at all..” Venti mumbled, biting his lip.
“What about this then?” This time, he brought a finger up to Venti’s chin. Diluc seemed to enjoy tickling unusual spots. Venti could hardly remember someone even trying to tickle his chin.
“Eheh!” The giggle escaped the bard before he could stop it. Diluc smiled, a certain glint in his eye that Venti couldn’t quite decipher. All he knew was that it could only mean trouble for him. “No..!” He cried, as a last resort.
“Would you give me that bottle back then?”
Venti paused. He looked at the wine bottle. If he looked close enough, he was sure that it was sadly smiling at him, as if it didn’t want to leave him either. And it made sense. That wine bottle had been with him as long as he could remember. They laughed together, cried together, and… okay, maybe Venti wasn’t as sober as he thought. He realized he hadn’t spoken, because Diluc didn’t wait any longer and just began tickling Venti’s neck.
Why couldn’t he have gone for the normal spots? At least, he would have a little bit of protection with his corset if he had tried getting him on his stomach or sides, but his neck?! He scrunched his nose, giggling.
“Nohohoho, Mahahaster D-Dihihihiluc, stohohop ihihit!”
“Not until you give me my wine bottle back.”
“Nohohoho I cahahant!” Venti sputtered, squirming. His face had gone red but Diluc was sure that was because of the tickling.
“And why’s that?” He scribbled lightly at the spots between his neck and ears, though it was a little difficult. This, of course, sparked yet another reaction out of Venti and Venti could see a pleased smile on Diluc’s face. He finds joy in his suffering, doesn’t he?
“Cuhuhuhuz ihihits mihihine.” Diluc hummed, gently and smoothly reaching down and untying Venti’s corset. It would have made Venti raise a brow had he not been too busy laughing. Still, when it was off, he felt a bit exposed. Nothing to protect him other than the thin, soft shirt that was worn underneath his corset. Diluc slowly brought his fingers to Venti’s side as Venti’s giggling slowed down.
He barely grazed his skin, almost teasingly, and Venti wondered it was on purpose. Diluc didn’t seem to be one for teasing. Then, his fingers danced along Venti’s waist, like playing a piano and thus, resumed Venti’s laughter, a bit more panicked this time.
“You know what you have to do.” Was all Diluc said, unrelenting is his attack, tracing around Venti’s belly button.
And that.. that was already very, very ticklish.
“G-gyAHAHA, w-wHAHAHAHAT?!” Venti cried out, embarrassingly.
“Oh, this spot must be bad.” Diluc observed. His face was blank, but the glint in his eyes gave him away.
“dohoOHONT YOHUHUH DAHAHA-“ And then he dared. He scribbled his hands on Venti’s tummy, one finger dipping just a little into his belly-button. It didn’t go very far because of the shirt but it was enough to do the trick.
“NONO-HOHAHAH DIHIHILUC NOHOHO!” Venti could feel himself losing his mind and he didn’t have time to think about how easily Diluc had reduced him to.. this. He had to admit, as shameless as he was, this was a bit embarrassing.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE I-I CANANAGHAHA..!” And so, the famous last words of Venti…
Before he was sent into unintelligible hysterics. His mind felt floaty and he was beginning to wonder if he could tell left from right. Even as an archon, he was reaching his limit.
He couldn’t think as the hands stayed glued to his sensitive stomach and he knew he had to give up the wine. His beloved wine…
“OHOHOHOHOKAY!!! I GIHIHIHIVE, I G-GIHIVIVE!” He screeched, at last and to Diluc’s word, he stopped.
“Does this mean that you’ll give me back the wine?” The red haired sat back, leaning on the tree and next to Venti.
Venti panted a few times before answering. “Yes..”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“What?!” Venti whipped his head around, flabbergasted and nearly rendered speechless. “Then— then what was all that for?!”
Diluc shrugged. “It was initially for that reason, but..” He gestured to the bottle. “It’s already halfway empty. I can’t sell it to customers.”
“Ooookay, but that doesn’t explain why you tickled me.”
“That was..” A blush rose to Diluc’s face. “I just realized I was having fun and.. got carried away.” He tried to say nonchalantly, but it sounded strange.
“Ah I see, Master Diluc! I thought you were emotionless, but even you can’t resist little ol’ me!” Venti gasped, a teasing smile on his face. “I guess I really am so charming.” He sighed, whimsically.
“Careful, now.” Diluc rolled his eyes. “You didn’t mind it so much either..”
“Oh? And how would you know that?” Venti asked, bringing the bottle of wine—the very reason for everything that just went down— and took a long swig of it.
“Well, for one, you hardly resisted. Well, as much as you could being tickled.. and, when I was about to tickle your stomach, there were plenty of chances to put a stop to it, but you didn’t.” Diluc explained, and Venti’s mouth parted, rendered speechless.
So his anticipation was.. him making sure he wasn’t going too far?! Huh, Diluc was nicer than he thought he was.
“Oh..” Was all Venti could muster. Diluc didn’t say anything, and Venti coughed, feeling a little awkward. “Well, then, why don’t you stay and finish off this wine with me?”
Diluc stared for a moment. “I’ll pass on the wine.” But he stayed sitting. “But I don’t mind staying with you, I suppose.”
“More for me!” Venti laughed, as the sun slowly set. Venti couldn’t tell if it was just him but he felt as if the stars and the moon were suddenly shining much brighter than usual. Huh, wonder why.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Laughter as Sweet as a Poem
AN: My life may be falling apart rn but I’m in too deep to give up on tickletober now. It’s how I cope 🙃 Played Doki Doki Literature Club for a class so I thought I’d show these girls some love! They could really use it lol
Natsuki wasn't a fan of the whole "sharing our poems" thing, but she supposed it could be worse. It was only the second day of doing so, but she felt pretty proud of this one. Sayori bounded up to her, swapping the pages on each other's hand as they both read the poems.
"Wow, this is really good. Who knew you had this in you?" she teased. Sayori giggled, grinning from ear to ear.
"Aww, thanks! Yours is sooo good!" Sayori said, hugging it to her chest. The smaller girl beamed with pride, puffing out her chest.
"You bet it is! Took me less than 20 minutes too!" she bragged.
"Is this about how people are mean to you because you read mang-"
"Jeez Sayori, tell it to the world why don't ya!" she snapped, her body going completely stiff. Sayori winced at her harsh tone.
"Ehehe, sorry, I forgot you don't like people mentioning that," she apologized. Natsuki crossed her arms and looked down, blowing a lock of hair away from her eyes.
"It's fine since it's you. Just- watch who you say that around," she mumbled, continuing to advert her gaze.
"So... do you like spiders?" she asked as she handed her back the poem. Natsuki made a face of disgust and shook her head.
"No way! Spiders are not my thing!" Sayori giggled, taking a step closer.
"Well I didn't wanna freak you out, but there's a spider on you." She squealed and immediately started scanning her body, smacking herself to kill the offending bug.
"What? Where? Get it off, get it off!" she demanded, spinning in a circle in her haste to save herself.
"Hold still, it's riiiight here!" she exclaimed, pouncing on Natauki and lightly scribbling over her tummy. She shrieked, smacking Sayori's hands.
"Y-you lihihiar! Thehere was nohoho spider wahahas there?" she claimed, turning around to flee. She didn't get far because Sayori was able to wrap her in a tickle hug before she managed to escape.
I'm sorry Natsuki, this spider is just too fast for me to get!" she teased, fluttering her fingers up and down her sides. Bubbly giggles and shrieks flew from her mouth between thinly veiled threats.
The rest of the club members watched on in amusement, though Yuri was blushing profusely and kept looking away.
Sayori let her go, giggling nervously as Natsuki glared at her.
"What the heck? Why'd you do that for?"
"Sorry, I couldn't help it! I saw the opportunity and I  just took it. You have such a cute laugh Natsuki!"
Her cheeks glowed a bright red and she turned away. "I-I do not!"
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. She was just playing around," Monika intervened, feeling the need to diffuse the situation before it had the chance to escalate.
"Pft, whatever. You better not do that again!" she warned, hands on her hips.
"No promises!" Sayori chirped. Natsuki growled and turned on her heels, storming off to the classroom closet.
It hadn't been the worst thing ever, but she'd take that secret to her grave.
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thebest-medicine · 11 months
Day 23: Incoherent
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 Mighty Nein - lee!Fjord, brief lee!Jester
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: Fjorester my beloved. I need their silly energy in my life. Little snippet of Jester tickling Fjord and then asking him to do the same to her (a lil fluff, a little sexy, whatever ya feel *eyebrow waggle*)
Words: 1,050
“Ah. Oh no. No- no Jessie- ahaHAWAIT!” Fjord squealed before descending into giddy laughter. 
“Wait? What do you want me to wait for?” Jester asked innocently — her fingers, on the other hand, were quite guilty of the quick, nimble scribbling they’d begun inflicting on Fjord’s sides.
His head shook side to side against the pillow beneath it, occasionally bumping into his elbows on either side. His arms twitched and pulled against the silks tethering them to their bed above his head. Jester’s fingers sent electric tingles up his bared torso everywhere they touched. They plucked at his sides and then began spidering wildly over his belly. 
“Well, duh, Fjord! It’s supposed to tickle!” 
The next few minutes were hazy — fuzzy in the best sort of way. Jester was smiling at him, tickling and teasing him to bits. She brought out so much in him that he hadn’t expected, and she had so many silly, wonderful ideas for expressing affection. In the midst of one, she squeezed at his hips a few times, getting a yelp for her efforts.
“I can’t believe how cute you are when you’re getting tickled Fjord! Your face is so cute! I have to draw it for you some time.” 
“NOHOHOHO!” Fjord cried through his cackles.
Jester’s grin widened as she got an idea. A few more quick squeezes to Fjord’s abdomen and she pushed up, hauling herself off of his hips and running over to her sketch book. 
Fjord took a few deep breaths, some broken up with lingering laughter, and stared at the ceiling as he happily accepted the short break. “Wh- what are you planning now?” He asked — sounding a little teasing and giddy, and a lot nervous.
Jester spun around, a smirk on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows at him. In her hand, she held up her sketching pencil. 
Fjord swallowed, watching her. His giggling started back up again. 
Jester perched atop him, eyes hungry. He felt his stomach twist with anticipation, excitement, and nerves. She took the pencil in her hand as though to start a lovely drawing, except that she had the pointy end up. 
Fjord shook his head. Jester nodded encouragingly, the hand not holding her pencil grabbed at the top of his underwear and pulled the waistband down a bit. She lightly drug the back of the pencil back and forth over his hip. Fjord gasped and burst into giggles. His legs kicked out on the bed behind Jester. 
“Ahaha no- nonono!” Fjord whined. 
“Yes yes yes!” Jester chirped in response. She drew figures and circles and whimsical patterns all over the lower section of his tummy, the front of his ribs and chest, his sides, and even up into his armpits and along his neck. 
Tracing the pencil along each rib on one side as she made her way back down to his sides, Jester started wiggling and pinching along the other side of his torso with her free hand. 
Fjord’s laughter grew louder as he wriggled side to side at her two fronted assault. His smile could cause bones to melt, but his laugh was like a cannonball of delight. It was the sort of gut-deep, boisterous sound that ricocheted off the walls of the ship like thunder - and it was impossible for Jester not to grin in the middle of the storm. 
Dropping her pencil, she made a sound of delight and started scribbling up his sides. Fjord wheezed and cackled, his eyes squeezed shut with tears in the corners of them. 
Fjord was already pretty far gone, but he still reacted viscerally to the sound of Jester sucking in a deep breath. “NO- NAHAHAHA NOOO NAHAHOT THAT!” He pleaded.
“Aww, are you too ticklish?” 
“Oh alright… I’ll just give you a couple raspberries. Let me know if it tickles too much, okay Fjord?” 
Her fingers continued to scribble and crawl their way from his hips to his armpits, which would have had him in plenty of hysterics on its own. Her lips, adding poison to the dagger, pressed down softly on the middle of his belly before she let out a loud, ticklish vibration against his abs. 
Fjord pretended to ignore the shriek that fell from his lips when she started, and each additional squealing wail that followed when she continued.
“NAHA- STAH- I CAN’T AHHH HAHA AHAHAA-” His thundering cackles quickly devolved into shouts and gasps between wails of desperate laughter. 
 It wasn’t until her nails began to scratch unbearably under both of his arms and she decided to blow her next raspberry on his side that Fjord cried out “SP-SPRINKLE!” between hoarse booms of laughter. 
Jester withdrew with a grin, sitting upright over him and taking in his exasperated, ravaged state. “Wow, you did really good Fjord! I was pretty mean..” She winked. 
Fjord felt a blush rise to his cheeks in spite of his already warm face. “Heh, thanks.”
“Okay.” Jester leaned in, peppering his cheeks with kisses as she untied the silks from his wrists, leaving the restraints hooked up to the bed. “Okay, okay! Me next!!”
Blissed out smile on his face, Fjord took his jelly arms and wrapped them around Jester’s wiggling form, pulling her in close for a cuddle. “You’re too good at that.” He mumbled as he pulled her in to be the little spoon, both of them still giggling. “I’m so tired now, I need to nap first.” He sighed dramatically, closing his eyes as his legs wrapped around Jester’s. 
He pretended to start snoring, exaggerated and loud, and Jester squealed adorably. Then, “sleep-walking” fingers began to trace ticklish paths around Jester’s ribs and sides, over to her stomach, down near her hips. 
“Ah ehehe Fjord!” Jester squeaked out as she giggled harder. 
A loud snoring sound, and then Fjord mumbled. “Fjord’s sleeping.”
“Nohohoho he’s nohot! Fjord’s tickling!”
Another fake snore. “No he’s not. He’s sleeping.” Jester felt him take a deep breath, chest rising to press further into her back. A long, exaggerated snore. “But when he wakes up. He’s really gonna get you.” 
“Hehe hehehee oh nohoho-” 
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
TickleTober 2023 Masterlist
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Happy Tickletober2023 everyone! :D I've made a masterlist for the event! :D
Full Masterlist
Day 1: Anticipation (SK8: Lee!Langa, Reki, Ler!Joe)
Day 2: Accidental (Collar x Malice: Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kei)
Day 3: Cuddles (Demon Slayer: Switches!Obamitsu)
Day 4: Weak Spot (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Chobe, Ler!Toma)
Day 5: "I'm Not Ticklish" (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Lee!Abbachio, Lers!Mista, Narancia)
Day 6: Chase (Jujutsu Kaisen: Lee!Gojo, Ler!Utahime)
Day 7: Flustered (Tokyo Revengers: Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Baji)
Day 8: Truth (Moriarty The Patriot: Lee!Sherlock, Ler!William)
Day 9: Lie (Buddy Daddies: Lee!Miri, Lers!Kazuki, Rei)
Day 10: Ghost (Demon Slayer: Lers!TenRenMitsu)
Day 11: Squeal (Black Clover: Lee!Leopold, Ler!Yuno)
Day 12: Bites/Nibbles (Bungo Stray Dogs: Lee!Dazai, Ler!Chuuya)
Day 13: Sneak Attack (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Lee!Grusha, Lers!Rika, Iono)
Day 14: Soft (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Yui, Ler!Gabimaru)
Day 15: Tickle Fight (My Hero Academia: Switches!Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki)
Day 16: Unusual Spot (Demon Slayer: Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Day 17: Interrogation (Spy x Family: Lee!Loid, Lers!Anya, Yor)
Day 18: Magic (Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun: Lee!Hanako, Ler!Nene)
Day 19: Arms Up (Blue Lock: Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Nagi)
Day 20: Relentless (Chainsaw Man: Lee!Aki, Lers!Denji, Power)
Day 21: New Discovery (Code Realize: Lee!Lupin, Lers!Cardia, Impey)
Day 22: Ticklish Kiss (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Lee!Brassius, Ler!Hassel)
Day 23: Incoherent (Vinland Saga: Lee!Thorfinn, Ler!Einar)
Day 24: Pinned (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Yuzuriha, Ler!Sagiri)
Day 25: Gang Tickles (Haikyuu!!: Lee!Semi, Lers!Tendou, Shirabu, Goshiki)
Day 26: Counting (Blue Lock: Lee!Isagi, Ler!Bachira)
Day 27: Hysterical (Dr Stone: Lee!Senku, Ler!Gen)
Day 28: Massage (Bungo Stray Dogs: Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Akutagawa)
Day 29: Wake Up! (Blue Lock: Lee!Nagi, Lers!Barou, Chigiri)
Day 30: Caught (Jujutsu Kaisen: Lee!Nobara, Ler!Maki)
Day 31: Aftercare (Fruits Basket: Lee!Tohru, Ler!Kyo)
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silvlee-shepherd · 11 months
Tickletober Day 23: Incoherent
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Such a shame to have such an accessable weakpoint
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blushyeleven · 11 months
Tickletober - DAY 23
characters: switch!sam, switch!tara
warnings: tickled, swearing
a/n: sorry this is a day late😭
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𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍
The two carpenter sisters were driving through New York, in search of a maccdonals to satisfy their cravings. So sam was driving about with pop music blasting in the car as they drove ok the busy roads of New York. “I’m so hungryyyy” Tara said in a whiny voice. “Yeah we’ll be there soon” sam said giggling, her stomach also rumbling slightly.
And it wasn’t long after that until they pulled up through a drive through of maccdonals and waited in the que of cars. That’s when Tara had a random but mischievous idea. On social media Tara had seen this prank going around.. which involve being in a drive through. So the gilt unknowingly smirked to herself and waited for the car to pull up to the speaker.
As the car slowly came up to the speaker and sam rolled her window down, the maccdonalds worker spoke “hello, how can I help?” She asked and as sam replied with “hi can I get a doUBLE CHEESE-“ but sams speach was cut off by a squeal and her voice raising in volume half way through as she felt taras hand scribble into her side for a few seconds. She jumped so high she almost hit her head on the car roof. Sam quickly darted her head around to stare at Tara “Sohorry about that.. can I get a double cheeseburger burger and a six piece chICKEHEN NUHUGGET-“ but taras Hand went straight back into sams side and started skittering her fingers faster and for longer. Sam immediately started batting at taras hand and trying to fight for her life. “I’m sorry, what was that?” The worker asked as sam had to cover her mouth to stop the giggles coming out.
Sam then kept herself facing towards Tara was sams own hands trying to block her sides “I’m so sorry.. a six piece chicken nugget with a medium cola..” sam said, her back was still backed up against her car door. “And can I also get a mcchIKEHEN-“ Tara then reached out her hand to try and poke sam as best she could before sam pushed at her hand “a mcchicken with chips.. and a caramel ice coffee please?” Sam spoke with a slight edge of nervousness in her voice as sams eyes stayed glued on Tara.. and her hands. “Yes Ofcourse, is that all?” The worker asked patiently. “Yes please” sam responsed politely and then the worker said “okay pull up to the window please” so Sam obliged, starting her car and slowly pulling up to the window.
“Your such a little shit” sam said with a sigh, but a noticeable smile on her face as Tara could barely control her own laughter as they got to the window and sam reached to get the food saying “thankyou so much” but as sam reached up her arm out of the window, Tara quickly wiggled her fingers just into sams armpits causing the girl to practically throw her arm down. And Tara had to cover her mouth to try and not burst out with laughter right then and there. But sam grabbed the food with another thankyou and drove off, her face a little flushed.
“Thanks sam” Tara Said giggling and sam just simply shook her head with a small upcurve of her lips. Sam didn’t even bother to ask Tara why she did what she did, she just guessed it was one of taras stupid pranks. Although as if she was going to let her little sister get away with that. She wasn’t about to let that one slide. So sam had her own plan brewing in her head. A plan that involved her revenge.
Then after sam Parker her car in the apartment car park, her and Tara carried the bags into the apartment and ready to eat. They both practically threw themselves on the sofa and sorted out what was theirs before diving into the food with no hesitation.
After the two sisters finished their meal they put everything in the rubbish and continued watching tv, it was just a nice day of de-stressing from a long day. Although, sams plan was still in motion and Tara had absolutely no idea was fate was upon her.
After a few minutes of sitting there in a non awkward silence. Sam finally spoke up “so.. your prank earlier in the car” sam said, with a small smirk noticeable on her face. “Oh my god.. I’m sorry but that was so funny” Tara said giggling to herself as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth. “Yeah.. but you know I’ve still gotta get you back for that.. right?” Sam said with a slight edge of mischief to her voice as she watched taras eyes double in size.
“no- I-.. Sam.. I’m sorry-“ Tara shuffled back in her seat as sam started coming closer. “To late for apologies now” and with that sam pounced ontop of Tara, immediately scribbling her fingers into taras sides, at a rapid pace. “AHAHAHA SAHAHAMM!!” Tara shrieked out as she fell into heavy, forceful laughter. “Nuh uh, you deserve this!” Sam snickered before moving her fingers faster and trying to make sure Tara couldn’t wiggle away. “IHIHIM SOHOHORRYYY!!” “Nope, not gonna work!” Sam teased, clearly having no empathy for her younger sister. “BAHAHAHHAH” Tara tilted her head back as her laughter just freely floweee out of her mouth.
As much as she tried to squirm her way out of there, nothing worked. She couldn’t escape sams iron grip. So she was forever doomed to be trapped being tickled by Sam. Well until sam decided she would let the poor girl up. The older sister then dived her fingers to the girls stomach, her fingers skittering over the sensitive spot as Tara couldn’t help but squeal out in laughter and aggressively kick her legs around. “AHAHAHAH I CAHAHAHNTTT” Tara practically screamed as her face was becoming redder and redder by the second. “Well, you shouldn’t have done your stupid prank then” sam said smugly, before keeping her fingers all over taras stomach. “BUHUHUT IHIT WAHAHAS FUHUNNY!” Tara countered, still trying to get rid of overbearing sensation. “Hm.. yeah well.. was it worth it?” Sam asked, like a mother trying to teach her child a valuable lesson. “YEHEHESS!” Tara was flailing about but sams reaction at the drive-thru was so worth it. Sam just simply rolled her eyes in response and moved her fingers to her little sisters ribs, spidering at them speedily and even wiggling her fingers in the spaces between. Earning a loud, squeaky laugh from the poor girl.
“NAHAHHAAHAH FUHUCKK!! SAHAHAMM!!” Taras face was fading into a piercing red as she couldn’t stop the helpless laughter as she continued to thrash about but her limbs were falling weak under the weight of her older sister pinning her down. “oh stop being so dramatic Tara!!” Sam giggled, seeing the girl starting to become more and more out of breath from her explosive laughter. So sam took the opportunity to target her worst spot, her nails swiftly scratching into her armpits “DOHOHOHONNTT!! NAHAHAHHA” Tara screamed as her arms immediately came crashing down in order to try and protect her death spot. The spot that causes the loudest laughter from her, the spot that causes the most thrashing and flailing. And the spot that just tickled the worst.
Tara was beginning to get more out of breath with every passing second, she didn’t even know how much longer she could take it for. “SAHAHAHHAHAMMM!! PLEHEHHEASEEE!! STAHAHAHHAPPP!!” Only because Sam was feeling.. forgiving she let up. Not wanting push her sister past her limits. So she pulled her hands away and climbed of Tara, who was left in a puddle of her own residue giggles and the fact she was trying to regain any oxygen.
“I don’t even care.. it was still so worth it” Tara tried her best to state through her hyperventilation. Sam just rolled her eyes in reponse, again as tara just layed there, trying her best to catch her breath.
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